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My father was a great man until Mom passed away. My mother died of cancer when I was six, my mother’s death was hard on my father, he always felt that her death was some how his fault.

My bedroom is quite small, the wallpaper is peeling down the walls leaving behind a lightly sticky yellow-orange residue. My older sister and I share a queen bed with superman sheets. Sitting on my bed I see my sister, writing away at her journal at the rickety desk that dad had made for us three years ago. My sister is fourteen, six years older then I am. When our mom died Lynn, my sister, took over the position, Lynn cooks and cleans for us now, and has a little time to do school work. After two years she has gotten very good at being our mom. If she ever complains she never complains to me. Dad likes to remark on how she looks more and more like our mother every day. Lynn really does look like her. Long red hair and light blue eyes, her nose is small and wrinkles up when she smiles the same way our mom’s did.

Laying on our night stand is an alarm clock and my sling shot. I pick the sling shot up and put a small wad of paper in it. I shoot it at the back of her head.

‘Sammy, stop it.’ Lynn looks back at me. ‘I told you not shoot that in the house. What will dad do if you break something.’ I fold my arms and let my feet hit the metal frame of our bed. ‘Did you get your homework done?’ referring to the multiple tables that I had to do.

‘Yes.’ A lie.

‘I haven’t seen you do it.’ After two years her maternal instincts are now sharp. ‘How about we go outside for a bit, then I’ll make dinner and you can work on your home work?’ I agree. She grabs her light jean jacket and hands me a windbreaker.

The small neighborhood is completely fenced in. Everyone stakes claim to what is theirs, creating small box like yards that are to cramped to do anything. We walk on a side walk down our street and around the block.

‘This isn’t much fun.’ I say to her.

‘I know but we need to be outside.’ She holds my hand and we keep walking.

‘Why?’ I ask.

‘Because Mom would want us to.’ Anything that Mom would have wanted us to do we do. A car full of high school boys notice her and shout out of their car at her, Lynn keeps walking pretending not to notice.

‘Do they like you?’

‘They don’t know me. They just like how I look.’

‘You are pretty, like Mom.’ Lynn does not reply, she pulls my hand and we walk home at a faster pace.

We hear a bird screaming from off in the grass. Lynn runs off the sidewalk, I chase after her but struggle to keep up. When I catch up I look down to see a robin flopping around in the grass, the bird jump, tries to fly, only falling helplessly.

‘Oh it broke its wing.’ My sister remarks. ‘Let me see your jacket Sammy.’ I give her my jacket and she puts the windbreaker over the bird. The bird rustles under the jacket and hopes around. Lynn scoops the jacket up around the bird and carries the package like a newborn. ‘Lets get back home and put it in the old cage we have.’ We run back home careful not to jostle the bird, whom is in a great rage for being caught. We set the brass cage up in our room on the night stand. The robin slams itself against the cage tossing and turning, trying to press the limits of the brass. I hold the cage in place with all my strength and body weight until the bird calms down. ‘We’ll take it to the doctor tomorrow.’ My sister looks at me. ‘First you do your homework, I’ll cook.’

I sit silently at the kitchen table drawing small circles on the worksheet while my sister puts spaghetti noodles in a large pot. Our table is a waxy yellow wood, permanently sticky from the abuse it has taken over the past few years. Four chairs match the table each one a little more off balance every year. One chair sits at the end of the table, it hasn’t been moved sense we got here, no one sits in Mom’s place. The door opens behind us. My father, a huge man comparatively to my stature, stomps through. He kicks off his shoes and lets his heavy jean jacket fall to the floor. Rolling up his flannel shirt he walks into the kitchen.

‘Sam’ he looks at me and goes directly toward my sister. He places his hands on her shoulders and rubs them gently. She shutters. ‘Your doing such good work honey. Thank you for cooking.’ My father’s hands are very rough. I remember arm wrestling with him and feeling like my own hands were going to get cut just by his skin. He walks over the fridge and takes out his first beer, walks past me again and into the living room. Sitting on our couch he puts his dirty socks on the coffee table in front of him. ‘What Sam?’ he says noticing me watching him.

‘Nothing Sir.’ I look back down at my math.

Dinner amounts to nothing more then a handful of noodles and a light sauce with spongy meat. I can not complain, there is always enough to keep me full. My sister says the Lords prayer before we begin to eat. She closes her eyes, my father and I sit silently looking at each other. After the prayer we begin. I twist the noodles around the fork and slurp them into my mouth.

‘Sammy don’t do that.’ Lynn says.

‘Lynnette let your brother do what he wants.’ My dad looks at her. I smile and continue to slurp.

‘Mother would not like it Sammy.’ I stop mid noodle. The rest of dinner goes by silently. At completion my father gets up and puts his dish into the sink. He walks over to my sister and again places his hands on her shoulders. He is very gentle with her. ‘Sammy are you finished?’ Lynn asks. I nod. ‘You are excused then Sammy. Go to your room and finish what work you have.’

After taking my plate to sink I walk off down the narrow hallway into our room. I sit on the superman bed and look over at the bird. The Robin blinks at me and we sit looking at each other. The bird then dives at the cage walls and thrashes around for a bit. The sound makes me jump.

‘Shut up you stupid bird.’ I rap on the cage. After awhile the bird stops thrashing. I can hear my father’s voice through our thin walls, muffled as his voice is I always know when he is upset, the air around the house stands still and everything shrinks into itself. I sit in the corner between the wall and my desk. Lynn and I got a boombox for Christmas. I turn it on and play one of my mother’s old CD’s as loud as the box will go. Picking up my sling shot I fire a few rounds off across the room, aiming at the trash can I try to make a few in. After the sling shot becomes boring I sit at the desk. I start to doodle some more on a scrap piece of paper. My drawings have improved over two years, nothing great but still improvement. We never have any colors anymore so all I can draw is separate shades of grey. After finishing I go to the bed and curl up in the sheets. Turning my face to the wall I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. After a while my sister comes into the room. I keep my eyes shut, I hear her change into pajamas and then climb into bed next to me.

‘Sammy?’ she asks to see if I’m awake. I say nothing in return. She lays flat on her back. She says the Lord’s Prayer to herself then I hear her begin to cry. She always cries at night for some reason. She asks God for forgiveness, and to bless our family, he never answers, she always continues to cry.

Morning is the best part of the day. Lucky Charms is like the desert skipped at dinner. Who ever came up with the idea for putting marshmallows into a morning meal is brilliant. I eat all the hard bits first, as terrible as they are, then work on the marshmallows. Lucky just introduced a star into the red balloon, very exciting, so I eat those last. My sister sets a glass of orange juice out after I finish. Orange juice is absolutely revolting after the hard sugary marshmallows that come from Ireland. My sister sets out a meal for my father to eat when he gets up. She packs me a small sandwich and puts it in my school bag. She takes care of herself and we get ready to leave. Lynn an
d I always walk to school, everything in Texas takes awhile to get to, I chalk that up to everything being bigger, walking makes everything longer. She tries to hold my hand as we walk today.

‘Don’t.’ I say to her.

‘Why not, we always hold hands?’

‘I don’t want to.’ She lets go. Lynn’s face loses its smile and we walk silently to school. I know the morning is over when I get to school, their is nothing fun about arriving at school. All the kids get out of vans, and mothers wave to them as they trot into the building. Sometimes a father pulls up in his convertible with his child. We just walk. We always walk. Lynn gives me a hug, which I try to refuse but she forces upon me. She walks off to the school, I’ve never seen the middle school but I know Lynn always heads in the same direction. School is the same everyday, math and crafts. Lynn is always around to pick me up at the end of the day and walk me home. At this point the sun is setting by the time we get home and get ready for supper.

Lynn has supper ready before father gets home. When dad is late the rest of the night never goes over well. When he finally barges through the door we are both sitting waiting for him. He doesn’t bother to take off his shoes or his coat, he simply sits at the table and begins. Lynn starts her usual prayer but dad shoots her a look, so she stops. Half way through dinner our father looks up at me.

‘Go to your room.’ He says.

‘I’m not finished yet.’

Lynn looks over at me and says nothing. I get my plate and take it to my room with me. I role a few peas around on the plate, I look over at the robin and try to hand him a pea. He looks curious at it but does nothing. I guess Robin’s hate peas too, a general consensus to all species. I can hear my dad’s rage again over the walls but the difference is I can hear Lynn too, screaming. I poke my head out the door and into the hall. They must still be in the kitchen. I crawl low to the ground like a soldier and poke my head out around the corner and into the kitchen. Lynn’s chair is tipped over and one of her socks is lying on the floor. I crawl out farther and see them in the living room. My is father on top of my sister with his head on her neck.

‘Sarah.’ My father says.

‘Daddy don’t. Please stop. I’m not mom.’ She pushes against him.

My sister’s jeans are on the carpet beside them, my father’s hands are pushed up under her t-shirt. He frees one hand from under shirt and slaps her across the face. I stand up from my hiding spot and rush over to them. I jump on my dad’s back and pound my fists into his head. He knocks me off, sending my head into the coffee table, cutting my right eye just above the eye brow.

‘Sammy.’ My sister slips off the sofa and scoops me up. My father fallows her as Lynn moves me to the bathroom. She sets me down on the toilet and pulls out a few butterfly bandages and a small rag. She washes my cut out and pours peroxide over the cut, I close my eyes in fear of having the bubbling liquid drip into my eyes. After putting the butterfly bandages over my cut she takes me to my room and sets me onto the bed. She leaves the dish rag to soak up any more blood.

‘Lynn, come.’ My father in the doorway commands her. She kisses my face and disappears through the door. I try hard not to fall asleep, to wait for her. I stand up in the room feeling the pain on my forehead. Putting my hand on the door I want to crack it open. I return to my bed, beaten by fear, and pull the covers up to my neck. I can hear my sister’s voice through the walls, echoing off my room. After awhile the house is silent, I wait for my sister to come back through the door and fall asleep with me. Time passes by, the door never opens.

Not much for breakfast. My sister isn’t up before me. I sit at the table and wait.

‘Your sister is sick, she will not be going to school. Do you know how to get to your school?’ I nod and do not look up. ‘Good. Get going then.’ I pick up my bag in the corner and look down the hall. My sister is lying on my dad’s bed naked twisted among the covers.

School goes by slow, all of the teachers stop to ask about the cut on my eye. I get sent to the principal’s office for her to inspect the cut, like she is some sort of professional medical examiner, something along the lines of Quincy. Everyone accepts the fact that I cut my eye climbing on the counters, partly due to the fact that I had never shown any signs of abuse before, and the cut was taken care of. I walk through the door after trudging home from school, my father is sitting at the table the same way as when I left.

‘Sit.’ I pull out mother’s chair for the first time sense she died and sit. ‘I got you something.’ He sits an action figure on the table. ‘I want to say sorry for last night, it will not happen again.’ I reach out for the boxed figure and my father holds my hand in place. ‘If you take this you can not discuss with anyone what happened. You understand?’ I nod. ‘Good. Their is a bite to eat in your room. Stay there, do not come out. Do you understand me?’ I nod again and take the figure into my arms. My father gets up with me and we go into the hallway. He opens his door before I head in. I see my sister sitting topless on the end of his bed with her head bent down, Lynn’s hair covering her face. My Father shuts the door and I enter my room. Setting the figure onto the desk I reach for the boombox and turn on the radio. I turn it up as loud as possible again and look down at the figure. He is some sort of superhero. His arms bulging out of his shirt, with a cape behind him and a sword taped down beside his arm, this is the type of guy who could fight people. He wouldn’t hide in his room or sit silently, he would fight until everything was right again. The robin in the cage squawks at me, it nibbles on the cage making a rattling noise.

‘Shut up.’ The bird bangs louder and louder. ‘Be quite and stay in your cage.’ The robin continues to make noise defying my commands. I pick up my sling shot and place one of my Lynn’s small fake gemstones into the sling shot. Firing at the bird I hit it in the head and the robin falls down. I look back at the boxed hero whose face is smiling. He wouldn’t harm the innocent, I am no superhero. I set my slingshot down on the desk and look for my food. My father placed a couple pieces of bread and some turkey on a plate on the dresser. After munching I go back and lay in my bed looking at the dead bird and listening to music.

My sister is up before I am, making a nice breakfast for me.

‘Good morning Sammy.’ She smiles at me and sets a plate of scrambled eggs down in front of me. ‘What no smile for me?’ I look down and eat the eggs. ‘Sorry I couldn’t be here yesterday I was sick.’ She sits in the chair next to me. ‘How was school yesterday?’ I munch on some more eggs. ‘Dad says we can stay home today if you’d like. Would you like to?’ I nod. What boy doesn’t want to stay home from school? After finishing breakfast we both go back to my room. ‘My word, this place is a mess. I should clean up more.’ She starts picking things up and putting them away when she spots the bird. ‘No.’ she opens the cage and holds the stiff robin up. ‘No. No.’ She looks it over then rushes out the door with tears in her eyes. I follow her outside. Out on our driveway I see her knelt over the bird praying. I sit beside her.

‘God heal this bird, send me a miracle and let it live.’ She tosses the bid into the air. The robin hits the ground its neck twisted. ‘God heal this bird, send me a miracle and let it live.’ She tosses it into the air and again the robin hits the cement. ‘God heal this bird, send me a miracle and let it live.’ A third time the bird is lofted into the air. Lifeless the bird flutters to the ground. My sister covers her face with her hands. I sit next to her and we look at the bird. I wish that I could scoop her up and hold her like she did for bird. Her head collapses into her lap, she continues to cry. I put my arm around her, she shu
tters so I remove it. I silently start to say a prayer, the same prayer my sister did. I watch the bird, mistaking the wind blowing its feathers for life. No miracle arrives. We go back into the house and into our room. She gets into bed and turns to the wall, I lay on top of the covers next to her. We drift off into a nap together, she stays curled up not facing me. This is the last time we will ever share a room together. My sister stays in bed and I get up to play with my action figure. I sit on the floor watching her holding the hero in one hand.

‘You can’t tell anyone about Dad, Sammy.’ She says still facing the wall.


‘Dad loves us, it is hard for him because mom is gone, he still takes care of us. And we do not want him gone.’ Her voice still wavering from crying. ‘We want to stay a family as long as possible. That is what mother would want me… would want us to do.’

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Somewhere nearby an alarm went off, or maybe some lights blinked, it didn't matter. I'd gotten barely three meters through the door when a large black man with a dragon tattoo flying around his massive bald skull stopped us. "Excuse me, miss ... Would you like to check your purse?" He was polite about it anyway and I had little choice in the matter. "Whatever," I shrugged, slipping my purse off my shoulder. Ransom and Viv exchanged looks, but didn't say anything. I seriously doubted...

4 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 1 The Broken Angel

Friday: Twenty-five miles due west of Venice, California, a naked woman sunned herself. Dana Featherstone lounged on the deck of her custom built forty-foot cabin cruiser. The fact was it had been custom built for someone else was immaterial to her. All she cared about was it had been custom built and it belonged to her. She lay on her back, baking her well-oiled body in the hot sun. The radio was set to an oldies station and she hummed along to the music as she slowly rolled over and over...

2 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 8 Evade And Retreat

I posted tomorrow's chapter this evening. Tomorrow I shall probably be gone. Not many people have responded. However the ones who have were all supportive, unless I missed something. Another FBI agent came up and yelled over the noise of the people. "You can't do that. I have a federal warrant here. She is coming with me." Two big outlaw bikers in full colors knocked people out of the way. One yelled in a hoarse voice, "She goes where she wants to, pig." He weighed over three hundred...

1 year ago
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Camilla Spreads Her Wings

University was finally over after three long years of near-constant study with holidays devoted to internships. It was hard coming from a high-achieving family; targets were high, expectations even higher and failure unheard of. It was even harder when you’re the youngest and just not as academically gifted as your older siblings.I have a brother and a sister. Eric is an ophthalmic surgeon, a real high flyer. Daisy, the next in age, is a barrister at a highly prestigious chamber in London and...

3 years ago
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Green Wings

This is a story i sent to a very close friend some time ago. We're still close.I asked her to meet me thinking she wouldn't show up. Looking out to the river Tyne on the final warm night of the summer I think to the last time we met. No chemistry, lingering looks or thoughts. No longing to be close, intimate. I look up from my thoughts and there she is next to me. I turn to her resisting the urge to kiss her and just hold her close instead. The hug lasts longer than usual. She's wearing an...

2 years ago
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Red Wings

"Please, baby. Please," asked Guy as he ran his tongue down Patty's torso stopping just below her navel as he waited for a response.Patty was lying on her side when he made his request. Her mouth was filled with his cock, and his left leg was d****d over her shoulder and across her head. She pulled his dick out of her mouth then rested her head down on the mattress as she sighed in exasperation. She had no idea why he let her talk her into this again. "Really?" she asked as he tucked his chin...

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Angel wings

"Please," Angel begged, "let me go." "Let you go? Why would I do that, when I prefer you at my mercy." "I don't know what you want, I just want–" Damian snapped his hand up to her throat, cutting her sentence off. He enjoyed the feeling of her choking against his palm. It gave him a strong feeling of power, and he could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger. As he released his grip, Angel gasped for breath. Damian tightened the chains around Angel's wrist, hoisting her...

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In the Shadow of Her Wings

Dravid expected Kali border security to be much tighter than it was. All he got was a body search that was routinely thorough, and a few old-fashioned tests and checks. It reminded him of a visit he had made as a young rightwing Hindu activist to an Indian nuclear weapon testing facility back in 1998, after the Pokhran atomic tests. His briefings had been correct in this respect: Kali did not seem to have much use for 21st century safe-care. The Border guards finished with him in a few minutes...

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First Time On Butterfly Wings

YES it was going to happen. Tonight I would lose my cherry to the most desirable guy in school. I had longed for this moment for ages and in the end things had progressed almost too fast to apprehend. For years I had this dream to have Charles McPherson do the honors to bust my hymen. Charlie was captain of the football team. He was a natural leader and everybody always listened to him and did what he ordered and he was just a sophomore like me. We had been in the same classes from kindergarten...

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Three Square MealsChapter 65 When a butterfly flaps its wings

John awoke this morning with a lovely exotic beauty in his arms. He was lying on his side, wrapped possessively around Irillith, and her warm blue flesh felt wonderful against his skin. She sensed him stirring, and tucked her long white hair back behind a pointed ear, so that she could turn to look at him over her shoulder. “Good morning, my love,” he said, smiling at her as he gazed into her alluring violet eyes. Irillith seemed to melt in his arms, her expression softening, as she turned...

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Two DiariesChapter 12 Open Wings

From Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...

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Broken Angels Two Moons Sonata3

Chapter 1 - Awakening A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore. When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best...

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Broken by her Dog

Abby was having a dream that she was having sex with a man. He fucked her for what felt like hours, until he stopped and went down to her pussy. She watched as his incredible long tongue pushed itself impossibly deep inside of her. Pleasure overtaking her, she quickly woke up, continuing to feel the same exact feeling. Abby's head jerked up and she saw Buster licking her pussy. "Buster what are yo-" Abby's disgust at the situation changed almost immediately after Busters tongue licked...

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Broken Shadows

Chapter one His pain was excruciating yet he would not allow these blood suckers to see it on his mangled face, he would be dropped not very gently to the cold marble ground in the extravagant hall. A pair of pure bloods watching him set his calm resolve to a burning rage, if only he had his weapon. "Oh look yet another human at our feet." came a voice, he would trace the source to a silver haired woman setting on a step of the grand staircase. She lazily stirred her finger in a...

1 year ago
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Broken Birds Part 19 Kat Reborn

Kat Reborn Alice and Kat spent many hours together after her meltdown. The women understood. Kat had finally broken through the scars of denial, pain and humiliation and now had to learn to deal with the hideous reality of what had been done to her. Michael could not swim with his stitches, so he spent time in his gym, practicing old skills. He was working on the heavy bag when Lynne came in. He was dressed in workout pants, and athletic shoes. He was naked above his waist and...

2 years ago
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Broken Birds Part 14 Harem Night

Harem Night Beth’s announcement shocked them. Michael had always exuded strength, confidence and control. They now knew he was as broken as them. Rafaela looked at Rachael. “I think we have been very selfish,” she said sadly. Rachael nodded in shame. All looked to Alice. “It’s a form of PTSD though he’s in control,” she turned to Beth, “Tell me about his nightmares.” Beth told them the little she knew. Her father had killed many times, his call sign, “Terminator”. On his...

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Broken Glass

On the way back, she noticed something wasn't right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the door's window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to bed, now it was unlocked. Someone had been in her house. Someone had not only been in her house, someone could still be in her house. Maci ran for the phone to call the police but when she picked up the phone, there was no dialtone. As she was on her way to her room to get her...

3 years ago
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Broken Bliss Ch1

Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...

2 years ago
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Broken Ch 00

Prologue She is nineteen years old, with the body of a fifteen year old girl, and the eyes of a ninety year old holocaust victim. Her lips are a thin line of pink and crimson, and when they are not, they are parted in unspoken protests, revealing to everyone what happens when those protests are made audible. Her hair is a mess of knotted brown and dirty blonde strands, and her skin is a surprising contrast with its tan almost olive color, and amazingly the bruises are a purple contrast to the...

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Broken Glass

Introduction: A woman finds herself not alone during a stormy night. There was a flash of lightning and a loud burst of thunder shortly after. Maci turned on the news, it was nothing to be worried about, just a small thunderstorm. She got up and turned off the tv and headed back to bed. On the way back, she noticed something wasnt right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the doors window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to...

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Broken Strap by loyalsock

Stella Bordon sat at her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. "Geesh," she thought to herself, "this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!" For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie's husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her...

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Broken Bliss Ch 01

I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me.* * *An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I?"Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad...

1 year ago
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Broken By The Smoldering Fire In His Soul

Homeless she thought, what do I do? Staying in an apartment with people she didn't know, she felt uncomfortable when they had to feed her. Where do I go from here? In her short years she had lived a lifetime. One of the girls in the house invited her to a party across the way. It was some place to be so they went. The summer night was warm when they walked to the front door.The house was full but what she saw was men, big men in jeans and biker cut-offs sitting and standing around the front...

3 years ago
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"The Penalty is death."  My English speaking lawyer told me.I froze, "But it was for personal use!" I explained.He shook his head "One hundred per cent pure, I think not, and since 1st April there is zero tolerance, I am sorry but you admitted possession, there is nothing to be done." "There was a girl who got pregnant and they gave her life imprisonment instead of death." I pointed out."Not in this country," he said, " plead guilty, save yourself the anguish, that is my advice."The Lady from...

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Broken Little Thing

DarksX for "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

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Broken Little Thing Chapter 1

DarksX for "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

4 years ago
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Broken Promises

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are on mine. She broke a promise, a date, and my heart. It was the Saturday after Easter it was also our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party. I am Richard, Rich, Jacobson, 49 and am a very successful inventor, writer, and OTC stock trader. My wife was Susan (Sue) Williams-Jacobson, 46 and was the owner of the most successful real estate company in the West Michigan area. We have two living children, Richard (not junior) 22, and a...

3 years ago
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Broken UpChapter 3

"I keep telling you," Liz said. "You should call him. You should say you're sorry and ask him if you guys can talk." "Can we, like, not talk about this anymore?" Danielle said. "Danielle, school starts tomorrow. We're going to be juniors. You'll have to see him, whether you want to or not." Danielle had been trying not to think about that either. The remaining weeks of summer had been different than she'd predicted when her sophomore year ended. She'd thought she'd get a job,...

3 years ago
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Broken UpChapter 11

"Wait," Jodie said. "You had his phone, and you didn't do anything with it? Like, keep it? Or throw it in a puddle of water?" "It's ... His phone," Elle said. "I'm not gonna do something like that." Jodie gave her a sidelong glance. "Aren't you supposed to be some sort of major bitch or something?" "What's that got to do with anything?" "Oh, nothing, nothing," said Jodie. "It's just that, you were awful kind to him. For a major bitch. Dude, if I'd had his phone, I...

3 years ago
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Broken UpChapter 14

Danielle had the dream again. She was in her apartment, but everything seemed weirdly skewed—the colors were all wrong, tending to the browns and greens of decay, and everything seemed to be in slightly the wrong place. Everyone she saw, she thought she recognized—Nicole, her mom, Liz, Scott O'Connor, even people she hadn't seen in a while: Tom, Shelly Baumgarter, Emma Stanton—but everyone she saw looked slightly wrong—eyes too far apart, nose in the wrong place, skin the wrong color. As...

2 years ago
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Broken WindowChapter 3

"You got it?" I kicked myself off the wall when I saw Ransom coming out of the pharmacy. "Two of them, yeah," he smiled. "Maybe you do love me," I smiled back, hooking my arm through his. "Maybe." "Where do we live, boyfriend?" We were walking left and Ransom stopped, pulling me around in a gentle loop. "The other way." "Okay." We hopped a magger, one of the automated trolleys gliding over the big magnetic rails embedded under the streets. They weren't the fastest way to...

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