Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants
- 2 years ago
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Is everything up to date in Kansas City? No, of course not. But progress is being made.
Although the voters recently took a sort-of step backwards. But this created the possibility of an ironic, and symbolic, positive statement.
The City Council voted, unanimously I think, to rename a historically significant boulevard — The Paseo. It’s around ten miles long, running north and south between two other major thoroughfares — Troost and Prospect.
The city’s decision to change ‘The Paseo’ to ‘Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard’ was an earnest attempt to celebrate the man and to reinforce the city’s commitment to diverse neighborhoods.
The Council neglected to ask the residents what they wanted. The Paseo has a long and storied relationship with the black community. A community that didn’t want to see part of its heritage erased. So, in a hastily-called citywide referendum, KC voted overwhelmingly ‘no’. No, do not change the name of the street.
Of course the national media glommed on to the “Kansas City is racist’ meme, but that was mostly a one-day story. The city would find another street to honor Dr. King.
The positive, and amusing, follow-up was a proposal to rename the JC Nichols Parkway after Doctor King. See, good ole Jesse Clyde — a real estate developer who, back in 1922, created the County Club Plaza out of pig farms — was an avowed racist. The name change would be poignant. And belatedly appropriate.
The Paseo aside...
The new streetcar line — vehemently opposed by some — was a smashing success. Beating all ridership projections. And, you didn’t need a ticket to ride; it was free.
Then, the City Council voted unanimously to end all fares on the entire citywide bus line. Especially vital to residents of the Forgotten Northeast and other poorer neighborhoods. Would save many commuters three bucks a day. Overall it was an eight million dollar hit, one that the city believed was well worth it.
(In a fuck-you-to-Oregon, the free-bus vote came on the same day that Portland beefed up the number of transit employees devoted to catching fare jumpers from three agents to twelve.)
And, a few weeks earlier, the KC Public Library eliminated all fines and fees for returning books late. They believed their mission was to encourage people to read.
Probably most people hadn’t heard about it, but the Kansas City Chiefs (football) won the Big Kahuna Bowl. Back when I was purifying baseball for King and Country, I had been to their baseball cousins’ headquarters — Kauffman Stadium — a few times. And the K was in the same sports complex so I had seen Arrowpoint Stadium up close and personal.
Pilar actually streamed some of the game. She told us, “It’s not futbol, but winning was still pretty cool for the fans here.”
Arrowpoint? Arrowhead? One or the other, probably.
Some things were up to date in Kansas City.
The weather was turning colder; backyard gatherings at the Hardmore home might be coming to an end.
Which would mean that the one pipeline to the Kansas City contingent of The Restoration would be cut off. And, KC was the only one of the nine regional headquarters where the FBI believed they knew every single member of the local cell.
Taking the national organization from the top down, the FBI assumed Sarah Meriwether was the honcho. Percival Highbottom was a high-level floater — reporting to Sarah on The Restoration, but also charged with a variety of ambassadorial duties to the legitimate companies in the billionaires’ empire. For the regular businesses — which comprised the bulk of the Meriwether enterprises — he worked for Charles and David.
Martin Folsom was believed to be The Restoration’s national operations director. He was in charge of each of the nine groups represented by those regional managers who had attended that meeting in the Georgetown Four Seasons.
But as tightly as each of the nine sub-bosses was tailed, the FBI had been unable to identify who some of the underlings were in eight of the cities. Even though warrants for phone taps and office bugs had been easily obtained.
So, a few of the members of those eight teams remained a mystery.
One positive ... we at least knew all nine host cities.
The first six — Chicago, Minneapolis, Boise, Atlanta, Columbus and Kansas City — were also home to Vantage Security, LLC offices. Not that we were dance partners in the official FBI minuet.
Three more cities — Jackson, Mississippi and Birmingham, Alabama and Jacksonville, Florida — were in the South.
The two known assassinations had occurred in Houston and Albuquerque. No American Nazi cabals were in either town. And that was especially worrying. The open season on prominent black and brown leaders was ... apparently, the entire country.
Maybe not Hawaii and Alaska; they were so isolated. Small comfort.
Walker refreshed the Tanqueray. Pilar said, “Gertie, you’re retired; why do you keep working? All that consulting you do?”
She smiled at the ever-curious little girl, “I’m old, Pilar. But not ready to die, not yet. Have you read John McPhee?”
“No.” I knew that she would be checking him out as soon as Gertie left.
“Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Been at the “New Yorker” for over fifty years.”
“He’s 88 and taking on new writing projects with some vigor. Following the footsteps of Mark Twain, Thornton Wilder, and many other people who stayed busy late in life. Like George H. W. Bush parachuting out of airplanes into his octo years.”
Pilar nodded, thinking about it.
Gertie stirred her drink with her index finger, “McPhee said old-people projects keep old people old. You’re no longer old when you’re dead.”
Old-people projects. Hmm.
Since Duke Chancellor had stepped up his pursuit, vis-à-vis Winter Jennings, I began texting him my out-of-town schedules. Just a courtesy, nothing more.
One of the first things I did when I moved back to Kansas City was to hook up with José López again. I had stayed in touch with the former handyman at Holy Pentecostal until I had to flee to Columbia. He and Sister Mary Packer were the only two I had kept up with through all those years.
It was so good to see him again. He was older, of course, but still strong and healthy looking. We went out for pho every couple of weeks and caught up with each other’s life. I slipped him twenty or thirty or forty or fifty every time. Least I could do.
For some reason I kept thinking back to that political discussion with Gertie. The one that had upset Pilar so much. Where she had looked for a moment like she might cry.
But I knew she wouldn’t. Not after all that she and her mother had been through in their arduous trek from Hondo, Colombia to this country.
Neither one talked about it much, but then late one night when the kids were asleep, Lina shared some details with Vanessa and me.
“La Bestia was our salvation and our nightmare. You can feel the energy of the train from so far away. The rails hum, the noise — all us migrants snuck to the places where it slows down for a curve. We spread out giving everyone enough room to run, to try to grab onto a car, to scramble up on the roof. And you have to keep watch for la migra, they know the gathering places.”
That soft accent, shared by Lina and Pilar. And Sabbath.
“Pilar was magnificent, didn’t show a hint of fear. You have to match your speed to the train, pick out something to grab hold of, a protrusion, a ladder, something. But the main thing we learned was you have to commit yourself one hundred percent. No hesitation, no changing your mind. We saw more than one poor soul slip, lose his grip, fall under the wheels.”
Lina shuddered. Vanessa and I could barely breathe.
“You have to watch for trees, limbs, and anything on the ground that might trip you. Pilar went first. Every time we boarded, she went first. La Bestia gets louder and louder. I can’t describe the noise, the up-close noise, the booming clatter and echo of those monster wheels.”
Vanessa reached for my hand.
“She ran along beside the train, reached up and grabbed the second rung with her left hand. And the train started pulling her along — she had to start skipping, to stretch out her steps and then finally commit. She swung up and caught the third rung with her right hand. I ran along and pushed her butt up. She pulled herself up, hand by hand, and then two migrants grabbed her wrists and yanked her up onto the roof.”
I said, “And you followed.”
Lina nodded, “The train almost got away once, I had a burst of panic and ran faster than I ever had in my life. The thought of losing Pilar ... well, I barely caught a rung, it felt like La Bestia was pulling my arm off.”
Vanessa shook her head.
“But even when you’re on the train, on the roof, the danger isn’t over. You have to strap yourself down, keep constant watch for tree branches, tunnels, the police, railroad police, narcos, other migrants.”
I said, “Other migrants?”
“Most of them were just like Pilar and me. No, most of them were poorer, had even less than we did. We all helped each other, prayed for each other. But there were a few, younger men, who would rob, rape...”
Then she smiled, “But my strongest memories, stronger even that the constant worry, was kindness. Kindness of other migrants who shared, looked out for me and Pilar. Taught us which train tracks to stand beside, which routes to avoid because of la migra and the cartels. And the regular people in towns all across Mexico. They hid us, fed us. And the church — those migrant centers where we could shower, sleep safely, eat their food, stock up on water.”
She shook her head and spoke softly, “Kindness.”
Then Lina got a faraway look and her voice trailed off, “El Norte meant everything to us. It was more than just safety. The United States was a beacon. Is a beacon. It represents everything hopeful and good in our lives. Our future lives.”
We were having a lazy Sunday morning brunch — Walker in charge.
Vanessa said, “I had an interesting experience yesterday. Retail experience.”
We all turned to her; as usual, Pilar was paying particularly close attention.
“I stopped by the Nike store on the Plaza, needed a pair of shoelaces.”
Walker carefully sliced a giant veggie omelet into four servings. Hobo monitored the operation carefully.
“It was interesting. The laces cost $2.65 and I handed the guy a five. He tried to ring it up twice, then moved from the cash register to a handheld device. Still couldn’t do it. He called a supervisor and she went back to the register, showed him how.”
Pilar, “What did that tell you?”
“That he couldn’t remember how to ring up cash sales. It’s all plastic or Apple Pay these days.”
Which led us into a robust discussion on how far Europe is ahead of us in the cashless movement. And what effect all-plastic and all-digital could have on the poor.
Joe-Harlan called me, “Still searching for your poster, Miss Winter.”
“It’s been so long. Think you’ll ever find it?”
“You can count on me.”
As sincere as a siding salesman.
I left Matt’s trig little condo around five in the morning. Monday morning, still dark. It was just a few brisk blocks to Martin Folsom’s house and I was on my way to slip under his Land Rover and re-magnet a tracker to the underside. It might be another fruitless quest, but I was growing impatient.
The Sister Mary Packer lawsuit was grinding along. Phillip Montgomery’s team was in the process of determining if filing a countersuit would be to their advantage. It seemed like eons ago when he first told me the shelter was being sued.
I was now completely off the art poster caper. Red Lonnigan had finally identified the thief, an apparently adept young African-American woman. And before that, he’d figured out who was selling the stolen art to the galleries was as well. But the final cease-and-desist part of the project was currently on hold because of the more pressing Homeland Security concerns.
The FBI was stymied on The Restoration. They were proceeding, understandably so, with caution. Not wanting to hurry, not wanting to jeopardize any potential court cases. My only involvement these days was the periodic delivery — to Clint — of each one of the new Hardmore tapes. Which were mostly unhelpful these days. Apparently after the successful Houston assassination they were taking a breather.
But I needed movement, needed action. Starting with Martin Folsom. The loner, the angry tennis player, the Four Seasons host of nine assassination team leaders. The point man, so far as I could determine, in charge of at least some of Sarah Meriwether’s clandestine activities. Including that shelter lawsuit — which allowed me to rationalize, if not totally justify, my ongoing scrutiny of him.
The Federal-style homes on his block didn’t have garages. During my previous three days of tailing him, I’d learned that he had to circle his neighborhood at night, looking for, hoping for, a parking spot near his house. And since he usually worked late, that circle often grew larger and larger.
At least I knew where his ride was this time. I’d gotten into town around six the previous evening. And waited until after eleven to walk the area. He’d lucked out — the black Land Rover was in sight of, in the same block actually, as his handsome residence.
A small part of me resented that he had such a stylish abode. Shouldn’t there be some sort of cosmic stipulation that baddies had to dwell in Ugly?
I put aside my mental grumbling and looked around. Still dark. Intermittent swoosh of traffic over on Wisconsin. I did a slow 360 and didn’t see any foot traffic. A few house lights were blinking on; Folsom’s car was under a streetlight, but the scene looked clear to me.
I bent down, then lay on my back, scooted headfirst under the rear of the Land Rover. In retrospect, my subconscious mind must have registered a light slap-slap-slap of sneakers — of Folsom returning from an early morning run — but the message hadn’t been telegraphed insistently enough.
Suddenly Folsom was on me, grabbing my ankles, jerking me back to toward him. Ouch! My elbow clanged against something, then my forehead. I wasn’t knocked out, but my mind was spinning in a confused panic. Things were moving too fast.
Folsom, tall, athletic, rangy, strong, cut my breath off with his left arm crushing my neck. He dragged me, kicking and writhing, twenty or so yards to his house. Fumbled with his keys, pulled me in the front door.
I was clawing at his arm with both hands and stomping down on his instep. He threw me against the entrance-hall wall, slamming the back of my head. I screamed weakly, mostly out of breath.
He slammed his large fist into my solar plexus. The pain was so intense that I almost fainted, gasping for air. My body was almost convulsing; every passageway was blocked.
My vision was bleary, but I saw him raise his fist again and I couldn’t move my head away in time.
I woke up, came to really, naked, wrists and ankles duct-taped to the iron rails of a narrow bed. My vision was still blurry, my upper body throbbed where he’d slugged me. My headache was off the charts. My left elbow throbbed, was something broken? A ball gag was stuffed inside my mouth.
My head was the worst, the most worrisome. His fist had crashed into my skull just above my left ear. A little lower and my jaw would have been shattered. But I was almost certainly concussed.
The body blow, just below my chest, was still causing me excruciating pain. I knew from my self-defense classes that Folsom had struck me in the epigastric region, a ganglion, a cluster of nerve cells that radiated out instant and intense pain.
Then my elbow reminded me of what another layer of hurt felt like.
Fuck that.
A bare bulb hung over the bed, casting a sickly pale-yellow light. I looked around. I was obviously in his basement. Blackout curtains, no sounds coming from upstairs. I could see his workout equipment — an elliptical, a rowing machine, a Bowflex Max Trainer.
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My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...
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School of Deceit Part 5 -The Match and Clare gets it Right Next morning, I found myself driving into town to a football field just a mile or so from the school. I had only light make-up on a tracksuit top a little tight as it was Clare's and tight black jeans with some trainers also from Clare that were a little tight as she was a size below me. I waved and went over to Emma. "Thanks for coming," she said. "Look you just do what you normally do with the girls I will just...
School of Deceit Part 6 That winning feeling and a night out with Linda Back home I checked with Clare about Linda's plan for a night out but found out that as she knew I would be tied up with the game on Saturday she had arranged a shift at the Charity Shop. "There moving premises so everything has to be boxed up and moved over to the new shop and there is new stock coming in as well so maybe some goodies for you. If Linda is picking you up can I use the car then to help with the...
School of Deceit Part 7 Theatre Night and Christmas Concerns Next morning, I mentioned to Clare about the traditional Theatre invite by the Head Teacher to new teachers. That seemed to really perk her up to the extent that as I was getting ready to leave, she called out for me to wait. "What is it?" "A trip to the Theatre we can't miss that When was the last time we went to a play. I mean we used to go all the time before......" She stopped. "Anyway, give me five minutes to get...
School of Deceit Part 8 - New Year Surprise Next morning things were a little tense I could feel Clare a little annoyed that I had sacrificed the rest of the Holiday including New Year. I had attempted a little cuddle and maybe instigate a little passion but she was not that interested and in truth I was not really "up," for it either if you get the meaning. I spent the morning packing away some jeans and a few blouses, a couple of skirts, the new leather boots Clare had brought...
School if Deceit Part 9 - Winter Chills for Christine Everyone I think feels the same you have that big expectancy in the run up to Christmas and the New Year and then you have the deep chasm that is January. The term had started off well I had seen little of Graham, maybe he was avoiding me maybe he just felt awkward whatever it was it at least sparred any tension between us. At home Clare was now on her Induction period of her new job and was back to her old self. Five months I...
School of Deceit Part 11 - The Conference and confession Carol you will be pleased to hear will be ok it was just inflammation and severe bruising. Me on the other hand I was a nervous wreck still confined to the couch at home and imagining every look from a pupil at school as if they knew or had been told about my kiss with Graham. Maybe I imagined it all but it was still in my head. Thing's at home had not changed an awful lot. There had been a lowering of the tension though...
School of Deceit Part 9(B) - The Final and the aftermath Both me and Emma were up early I'm not sure who was more excited or nervous us or the girls. We gathered them together in a room and had a quick pre-match chat then had a light breakfast and sat around waiting for the time to head over to the dressing rooms. An hour or so later as we walked over Graham appeared wished the girls luck and then walked over to the small seated area and sat down, I could see another couple of...
Part 11 - Homecoming The drive home was excruciating endless tune played on the radio intertwined by short news updates each hour that all seemed to be the same. The morning had been just as bad the final couple of sessions I went to might as well have been in Russian for all that I listened or understood. Finally, we turned into the school courtyard, as agreed when I left, I could see our car parked and waiting for me to drive back home. I got out and went to collect my bag. Graham...
"It's easy. The first one who gets found first has to take off a piece of clothing." They were all there. Eager to listen and crowded in the basement as the rules of hide and seek were being told, though a new rule was added. STRIP. Enough said, someone is the seeker and the hiders run off in their attempt to not get caught. Except if you're found first then suck it up and take that shirt off. It was your typical afternoon with the parents off to Hawaii for some wedding while the kids are left...
IncestWe only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...
Hello guys, you can call me Ani. I am 18 and I am a tall and a bit buff guy my height is about 6ft 2 inches. The girl Shraddha is also 18 has a slender body with unimaginable curves and the hottest ass and was 5ft5. Her boobs were c cups. She usually wears revealing cloth which makes me drool. It was almost mid October with just the perfect with just the perfect weather. I and my friends decided to play hide and seek as it seemed like a good idea as we would be playing after a long time. We...
Mike, Billy, and Derek were fooling around one day at college. Since this was a particularly boring day, the three of them decided to do something stupid like play the game 'Hide and Seek'. Derek thought of it. Mike and Billy looked at him as if he had gone mad. "Hey, what else are we gonna do? All the chicks went on a fieldtrip. Cmon let's play." said Derek. The other two gave in and agreed to play. Derek decided that he would be the seeker and that Mike and Billy should hide some place good....
Group SexSanjida is living with her joint family with few servants in Dhaka. She is a 5 feet and fat girl which is why there was drastic change of her body after her puberty. Because of her bigger boobs she became envy of girls and started getting guys attention. One of them were her family servant Rashu, he is 5feet 6 inches and thin guy who is just few years older than her. Sanjida, her cousins and some servants including Rashu always used play in the yard inside their house boundary. Their favourite...
Now lets get this straight “hehe” no pun intended I’m about 6’2 and a well muscled 200 pounds. I have chocolate brown skin and hazel eyes. It was a high school reunion grade and one of my friends’ brothers and me were outside playing. A carload of Guys pulled up and we decided to play hide and seek for old times sake. I went to hide in the bathtub and wait. As I sat there contemplating how long it would take for me to be found I decided to jack off, I was 25 and well aware that I was gay. That...
GayTempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...
Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...
With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...
Every year, a group of my husband's university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it's raining out. We've taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between.I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we've been given time to...
Quickie SexThe warmth of day bleeds its last sunny residue into the night as he silently slips through the dark. Summer is ending but there are still things to do, tables to turn and amusements to have. A late game of hide and seek with the neighbours girl and her visiting friends are turning out more interesting that he first suspected. One of the girls is hiding in the old tool shed and he enters it stealthily, like a hunting predator, led there by muffled giggles. He was already adjusted to the gloom;...
Every year, a group of my husband’s university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it’s raining out. We’ve taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between. I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we’ve been given time to...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...
There were fourteen of us on a Girl Scout outing. We were all from a small town near Seattle, so it wasn’t a long trip to the campsite, which was deep in the woods near a nice mountain stream. It was just a day trip, so we wouldn’t be spending the night. I was fifteen at the time and my younger sister, Mandy was fourteen. We were very close, and did everything together. We did the usual stuff; playing soccer, throwing a Frisbee around and frolicking in the stream. The troop leaders...
Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....
Hello, I am a thirteen year old boy. This is a FICTITIOUS STORYabout a boy named Nathaniel and he is an only c***d & he is going on a camping trip with his mom.To describe her a bit I would say that she is healthy looking and in good shape. She is 35 years old, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette and has blue-green eyes.Mom and I have always been very close. And she wakes me up every morning. She is attractive but I have never focused on her in a sexual way. She had a very nice figure with firm,...
Hey everyone ! Ye meri pehli story hai. This is a real incident I am sharing with you all. Baat aj se 5-6 saal pehle ki hai . Maine 12th class k exam diye the . Exams dene k baad sab 2 months k liye free hojate hai .Toh mere society k zyadatar bache 10th mein hi the . Hum sab roz shyam ko khelte the. Ek shyam hum log hide and seek khel rahe the .Tabhi mai ek andheri jagah p jakar chup gaya and itne mein anjali wahan ayi . Woh bhi mere agae ake chup gayi thi. Jagah choti thi isliye hum saath...