Faerie Tales From Hell Pt. 02 free porn video

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Hey all, I resubmitted Part 1 as I realized I uploaded an older version. The part where Avinn exclaims that she just buried her family, I fixed the discrepancy there. Her family was cremated and she was heading to go spread their ashes in Scotland. So that has been fixed, plus some grammatical errors as well. Thanks so much for reading FTFH and I welcome all constructive feedback.


Chapter Six


Dagda and Morrigan sat on their terrace. As Dagda sipped his mead, he contemplated this latest development. Turning to his wife, he sighed.

‘What do we do about the girl?’

Morrigan looked to her mate, snapping her fingers so that a glass of wine appeared in her hand. ‘We can’t kill her, she is one of ours. While she lives, she gives us an edge over the others.’ she pointed out. Morrigan was the Goddess of War, so she was always about strategy.

‘There is that, but you know the ones above,’ he said, motioning upwards with his eyes, ‘they will not allow her to remain for long. They will step in.’ He stared out across the countryside. ‘She needs to ascend and fast. Dallying will not help her cause.’

‘I know.’ Morrigan answered. ‘But how do we get her to die, she seems rather determined not to do that? She’s stubborn like her grandfather.’

‘Well, those pesky Fates stepped in once, perhaps they will step in again.’ Dagda muttered. ‘In the meantime, we will just have to persuade her that dying is not the end but the beginning.’

Avinn woke up with an odd feeling. With her eyes still shut, she stretched and then yawned. She blinked looking at the unfamiliar room, confused momentarily. Then she remembered. She was in the mythical Avalon. She stumbled out of bed, wrapping the duvet cover around her as she went to her bag thrown haphazardly on the table. Digging for her cellphone, she needed to call her best friend Tally.

Tally had planned to go with her to Scotland to spread the ashes and then would fly back to New Orleans with her.

Avinn turned on her phone and wrinkled her nose. ‘Great no signal. So much for the ‘world’s best coverage.” she muttered, walking around the room trying to get a signal.

She stepped through the huge floor to ceiling glass doors that opened on to her own private terrace. The terrace had several seating areas and an overabundance of flowers and plants. She had her very own private garden right there. She held her phone up, trying to get a signal.

She wandered to the stone railing that overlooked the sea and blinked. ‘One bar!’

Leaning over the railing a bit more, she outstretched her arm. She only needed two bars to make a call.

‘Damn it. Come on.’ She complained as the coveted second bar blinked in and out.

Aware that she could fall off, she determined there was just a teeny bit more of space for her to lean further out. Finally, she had two solid bars. Perched on the railing on her belly, she reached out with her other hand to dial the number. The second bar disappeared. Frustrated, she reached out again and the second bar returned. Elated, she forcefully hit the call button and suddenly lost her balance. She dropped the phone and instinctually lurched for her falling phone. It was too late. Before she could correct her balance, she found herself falling after her phone, the duvet cover fluttering behind her.

I’m not ready to die and not naked in the ocean, was her last thought as she fell to her death, her body breaking on the rocks below.

As with all ascending deaths and rebirths, her soul lifted from the lifeless form that lay on the jagged rocks and lifted upwards before settling back where it had started it’s descent into death. A copy of her former shell appeared and formed to become the vessel of her soul and life was breathed back into her. While she appeared as she had been, Avinn was now an immortal, a demi-goddess.

‘Ouch.’ She muttered, as her entire body glowed and ached from the power surge running through her. Then she wailed. It felt like her bones were breaking and stretching. Her skin felt like a million needles were pricking her. No one ever said dying bloody well hurt. She fell to the floor as her balance and legs gave way. She ended up in a heap on the cold stone terrace. As soon as she hit the terrace floor, she remembered she was still naked.

Brighid appeared with a huge smile on her face. ‘Oh my dear, congratulations!’

Avinn glared at her mother. ‘Was that all necessary?’ She asked, wincing as she attempted to stand up straight. She found it highly suspicious that all of a sudden she had fallen to her death right after being told she had to die. She narrowed her eyes at Brighid. ‘Who was responsible for this?’

‘My love, no one was responsible for it. It was your destiny. The Thrones had a special plan for you. They normally don’t interfere, but there are certain times they need a particular event to occur so they make it happen.’ She explained, smoothing back her daughter’s luxurious thick hair. Avinn had been beautiful as a mortal, but as a goddess, she was positively stunning! ‘You definitely have your father’s coloring, my love.’

Avinn didn’t believe it for a minute, it was too convenient. ‘I was fine as I was. I didn’t need to ascend to anything.’

Brighid waved a hand and the mess cleared and food appeared on the table. She took a seat, spreading a napkin in her lap. After dying, one was always famished. She made sure to have Avinn’s favorites on the table such as pancakes with maple syrup, hot white chocolate, fresh orange juice and hazelnut yogurt. Her daughter stalked back out after grabbing a robe. ‘Feeling better? That tingling will subside in a bit. Here, have some breakfast, we have a lot to do now.’

‘I’m not hungry.’ Avinn stated petulantly. Her traitorous stomach snitched on her by growling loudly. The food proved too tempting and Avinn took a sip of juice. ‘My god that is good.’ Reluctantly taking a seat, Avinn continued to glower. ‘Again, dying was completely unnecessary. I wanted to go back to my normal life as a normal person.’

Her mother chatted happily about powers and responsibility’s while Avinn ate silently. She had to admit, food had never tasted this good before. She had three helpings of pancakes and two cups of hot white chocolate. She finally put her fork down and leaned back, feeling like she just gained fifty pounds.

‘So, what’s next?’

During breakfast, she’d come to the conclusion there was not getting out of this. Being somewhat pragmatic, she would just tackle it like she did everything else: with grace and intelligence.

‘Well, you have to learn to control your abilities and protect yourself.’ Brighid said happily as she made lists in her head of what they needed to do. ‘I’m not sure what abilities you will have, since you’re not specifically a Goddess of anything.’

Avinn gave her mother a look. ‘Listen, not that I’m not grateful not to have died on those rocks, but I have a job and responsibilities of my own. I need to be there for them. I also have people waiting for me.’ Her mother needed to understand that she had her own life and needed to get back to it. All this destiny crap was starting to wear on her nerves. She believed that one created one’s own destiny.

‘My dear, that is not a problem. Time moves differently here. You can actually return to the moment you left if you choose to.’ She explained carefully. ‘My love, I can practically hear that brilliant mind of yours working. You have a lot to think about right now so I would suggest you take it easy.’

‘Too late.’ Avinn laughed.

If time were not a problem, then that was one less thing to worry about. Her father would have adored it here. He was one of the world’s foremost experts on the Celtic world. He would have been beyond thrilled to visit Avalon.

Brighid saw the look and knew what she was thinking of o
r better yet whom. ‘He did know, Avinn. Your father that is. In exchange for his taking care of you, he became the world’s most knowledgeable human on the Celts. He was a great human, Avinn.’

Avinn gave a melancholy smile. ‘I’m glad he knew about this place. He so loved all this.’ She said waving her hand around indicating their surroundings. ‘I miss him. Is there a way I could see-‘

‘No, my dear. That is not possible. John Sinclair is at peace. He has returned to the universe.’ She said softly. ‘There are things that even we do not dare to do. I’m sorry, my love, but it is for the best.’ She patted her daughter’s hand. ‘Now, about those abilities. It’s not every day that we welcome a new goddess to our fold.’

‘By all means, let’s get to the good stuff.’

Her heart lightened for the briefest of moments. At first she was weighed down by such loneliness, but now she knew she wasn’t as alone.

Chapter Seven

Aos Si

Siofra stalked to her private quarters. All could tell she was fuming. Astute, the guard quickly stepped aside. She leveled a seething look at him. Right now, everyone would suffer her rage.

‘Make sure no one disturbs me.’

The second and third assassins had both failed. Currently, they were being tortured out on display in the city square. There were already whisperings going on as to what she was looking for. She did not need more Fae getting ideas on overthrowing her.

She entered an inner sanctum opened only with her personal magic. She waved a hand and a black mirror appeared. Schooling her perfect features, she straightened and spoke the words to activate the portal.

‘Oberon, I know you can hear me.’

The obsidian mirror was the only form of communication her beloved husband had to the outside of the Unseelie world. She had kept it to taunt him and remind him of where he was. At the moment, that ass crept in the darkness just out of her sight. But she could feel him.

Oberon finally made his appearance. The once glorious leader looked haggard, his frame smaller than she remembered. That gave her little comfort. She knew it was his powers that kept the Unseelie in a protective barrier from the rest of Hell. Her plan had been to send Oberon and his loyal subjects to Hell to be torn apart by the never-ending waves of demons. However, her husband proved to be every inch the mighty Fae King seeing as he still had enough magic to bubble the Unseelie even after she siphoned so much of his power. She knew if his heart weren’t so big he easily could have left his Fae to be slaughtered and used that stored up energy to destroy her.

‘The all-powerful and rightful ruler of the Seelie. To what do I owe this pleasure, my dear Fae Queen?’ Even though he had literally been through Hell, he never lost that sarcasm. It was one of the few things that kept him going.

‘I want you to know your plan will not work. I will find your bastard and kill her.’ She spat out acidly.

Oberon laughed. ‘My bastard? Has your suspicions and paranoia finally gotten the better of you?’

‘No, you lying ass. I know about you and your goddess. I know about the daughter that was born. Trust me, I will find her and I will send her to Hell. Then I will have her brought to the Divide so that you may watch her tortured and raped while you stand helpless to do anything. And you will know once again why you don’t fuck with me.’

Oberon stopped laughing, it seemed Siofra was serious. A small glimmer of hope did manage to spark in his heart. He’d given up hope long ago of ever getting out of here. He knew vaguely what Siofra talked about, but did not let it show.

‘Don’t pretend you don’t know. You never could keep your dick in your pants. You think to unseat me with your bastard? Well it will not work. You will never escape that prison, Oberon. You will rot in there, never feeling the warmth of sunlight again.’

With a smile, Oberon answered. ‘Well, apparently we will have to see about that. As for a child, I have no knowledge of one, but thank you for telling me about her. In fact, this is the nicest thing you have done for me. I suppose we should all start packing for a move.’

Her enraged scream was the last he heard before the mirror went dark and silent. On her end, Siofra called for her guards to assemble her generals. There were loyalists in the mortal world that needed to be dealt with before they got to Avinn Sinclair.

In the Unseelie, Oberon sat in amusement. His soul felt as light as a feather. No doubt his trusted followers would find his daughter and enlist her help. When he met Brighid all those years ago, he formed a half-baked plan. He had once loved Siofra dearly and had been devastated that they could not conceive. So he bartered with an Aztec goddess for a fertility potion. Said potion had been used on Brighid and it appeared to have worked.

This meant he and his followers would be returned to the Aos Si and he to his rightful place. His magic made the Aos Si. Perhaps his dear wife did not know that his powers would eventually build back up. All he needed was sunlight.

Chapter Eight

New York

Vladimir Petrokoff, Demon Lord to Lucifer sat at his desk, perched high in a Manhattan Highrise. He drummed his fingers on the desk, pissed off at the meeting he was currently having. One, he only answered to Lucifer and two, he hated the individual sitting across from him.

Narrowing his eyes, Vladimir motioned at the filthy shoes on his koa wood desk. ‘Remove your feet from my desk. Now finish up what you were saying so you can get the fuck out.’

Tabbris, a Seraph, laughed but did pull his motorcycle boots down. ‘Now, now, no need to get testy. You’re one of the few demons allowed to leave hell freely. If anything, I should be the one pissed off with this piddly detail.’

Vladimir wasn’t the average demon and actually held a close relationship with Lucifer. A Demon Lord by all description, he could come and go between Hell and the mortal world as he pleased. Vladmir was a reincarnated demon, meaning he had been born a demon in a human body back in the reign of Peter the Great. Vladimir had been a Russian Prince and lived the good life, much as he did now. In his current incarnation he was a Wall Street genius, owning silent partnerships in almost every major computer firm in the world. If there was a glitch or a virus…it came from this office.

With his hands up in mock defeat, Tabbris got to business. ‘I’m sure you have heard a new demi-goddess was discovered. That damned Celtic Pantheon birthed her and hid her away. Now we have a pissed off Fae Queen after her. You can imagine the influx of complaints from the other Pantheons about balance.’

‘Yeah, I’ve heard. What has that got to do with me?’ Vladimir asked, bored with this conversation. ‘Sounds like you have a problem. Keeping balance among your bastards has nothing to do with me.’

‘Oh,’ Tabbris gave a shit-eating grin, ‘that is where you are mistaken. It isn’t my problem. Extra gods and goddesses are Hell’s responsibility. Don’t worry, my brother already talked with Lucifer. Your boss assured us that you will be taking care of it.’ He paused. ‘There is a caveat. She has a destiny to fulfill. Then you can cart her ass off.’

Vladimir felt the edges of his mouth pull into a scowl. ‘I don’t do escort duty. I’ll assign a demon to collect her and deposit her. Are we done here?’

Blowing out the smoke from the cigarette he just lit and took a drag on, Tabbris shook his head. ‘She’s a bit of a high profile soul. Lucifer stated you would personally deal with this.’

Vladimir gritted his teeth. ‘Fine, I will lock her in a cell myself. I will put the wards up personally. Happy?’

He hated fucking angels with a passion. They were a bunch of sanctimonious bastards. This one looked like a blonde haired and blue-eyed biker. Vlad silently scoffed at the thought of someone loo
king so angelic bordered on the line of a soul barely redeemable. And to think this angel’s twin was the infamous head Seraph Thummin.

Tabbris barked a laugh and stood up. ‘Always good to do business with you.’ He added before shifting out of the office, intent on finding some pussy and some booze.

Vlad growled after the angel left. This was all he needed, babysitting a damned goddess. He had planned on taking a tour of his offices across the world, now he would be stuck in here until this was cleared up.

Chapter Nine

Three months later


‘Damn it.’ Avinn cursed as the lamp she materialized faded from view. She sighed and looked at her aunt Rosemerta, the Goddess of Wealth. ‘What am I doing wrong?’

‘Avinn, you’re not concentrating.’ Rosemerta laughed. ‘Envision the item, feel it with your mind and then project it.’ She instructed. ‘Go ahead and try it again, my dear.’

Her niece was one of the brightest women she had met in a very long time. Her niece was, however, a klutz and her magic reflected that. When Avinn tried again, the bowl materialized fully and stayed.

Rosemerta reached and picked it up. ‘Congratulations, you did it!’

Avinn clapped her hands as she laughingly danced with her aunt. ‘Thank God, I was starting to worry.’ She admitted sheepishly as they settled down. She took her bowl, tossed it up, snapped her fingers and it disappeared. ‘I seem to be able to make things disappear much easier than make them appear.’

Rosemerta laughed. ‘Yes, that is always the easy part.’

A loud gong sounded and her aunt dismissed herself. It was time for Avinn’s next lesson. The next class she had a love-hate for. She appreciated that her uncle Arawan trained her on how to protect herself, but she also could do without the bruised muscles and broken bones. Luckily her godhood made healing broken bones a speedy recovery.

‘Uncle Arawan,’ she greeted him when she entered the training room.

Nary a training pad in sight, Avinn became close and personal with the solid stone floors on many occasions. Not that she expected for her uncle to go easy on her, but neither did she expect to end every lesson with a bone broken or a joint popped out of place.

‘About time, Avinn,’ he growled before he threw a sword at her.

He nodded approvingly as she managed to catch it. As hard a time as he gave her, he admired his new niece. She was a stubborn female, but determined to master what ever she set her mind to.

‘Better. Much better.’ Her defensive stance improved drastically.

Training Avinn had been a challenge, the girl tripped on thin air. That proved helpful many times when he otherwise would have made contact. But it also proved deadly as she tumbled into nearly impaling herself on the practice sword. Luckily he had quick enough reflexes to avoid that disaster. He did not need Brighid breathing down his neck.

The two of them went at it until they were both drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. He saw an opening and went for it, realizing when it was too late how she tricked him. She purposefully left herself open and took the opportunity to catch him in the back with the broadside of her sword.

‘When did you start faking that habit?’ He asked, impressed.

Avinn beamed a smile. ‘Three months ago. I figured if I let you think my left side was my dominant side, I could one day use that to my advantage.’

‘Well no need to look so pleased with yourself.’

Fighting a god of war ended up with more than her fair share of hurts, but Avinn persevered. She knew her mother would never let her return to her life until she learned to defend herself. At first, Avinn believed she could learn well enough how to shift and materialize to keep dodging danger. However, the more time she spent in Avalon, the better she knew that she needed to learn to be offensive rather than just defensive.

‘I am pleased. Now, remember your promise.’ Avinn reminded him after she caught her breath.

He’d promised her that once she bested him, he would tell her mother she was ready to go home. He never understood why Avinn didn’t want to stay in Avalon.

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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

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Samantha The Tales

This is the an experimental set of tales written in the style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It relates the story of several youths on a Pilgrimage to some far-off land. If this experiment is a success I shall continue this endeavour. Samantha: The Tales by Samantha THE FIRST TALE as told by AMY I tell you a tale, as time of old When I was not brave or gallant or bold But rather a lonely boy of school For not one friend could recognise the jewel Of promise my unfortunate male...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales Rapunzel

Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...

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Jock TalesSenior YearConclusion

Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

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Ragnarok Shorts Tales From the Spellbinder Universe

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 4 Balancing Act

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales Of An Ancient Vampire

We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...

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TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2

TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2 - It'll scare your pants off! (Two more twisted tales of poetic justice) by Jennifer TALE ONE - "They Always Go In Pairs" "Hey guys!" Stephanie shouted over the sounds of the boisterous crowd. "Linda and I will be right back . . . we've got to use the Ladies Room." "Oh come on Stephanie . . . not now!" Mark pleaded with a slight tone of frustration in his voice. "It'll take forever! The concert's about to start any minute now." "Well...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 14

THE CHESTERBURY TALES. It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host began with a tale about a birthday orgy involving a current top film star. The Theatre Company Manager’s tale was of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Marketing Director’s tale of how the ‘Wife...

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Tales From A Hard Drive

Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

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Grim Tales

Fairy tales were originally not made for children, or if they were they certainly weren't what we would call child-friendly. They were gruesome tales meant to serve as warnings of danger, or sometimes just to scare the audience with no apparent moral or any other good reason to exist. In this world all the people and creatures of the classical fairy tales have lived on after their stories were told, to meet and mingle with each other and with readers who can't forget them. However, there is a...

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Jock TalesSenior YearWeek OnePt 3

Jock Tales—Senior Year—Week One—Pt 3“May I have your attention please—all members of the football teams please report to the filed house immediately after the last bell. This includes varsity and freshman. Also, any football player that wishes to get a mohawk before Friday's game, report to cosmetology during any period today or tomorrow”.The mohawk had become quite popular among football players since my run in with the school board back in my freshman year. They had decided to not change the...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
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Master Tales of Bondage DIscipline

?MICHELE, IS IS MASTER TALESOF BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE                       VISIT TO THE HEADMASTER?S OFFICE   ?Marpessa, is it???Yes, sir.??Do you know who I am???Yes, Headmaster.??Right. My assistant tells me you were warned before about hanging around with certain of the girls here at the academy. Were you not???Yes, Sir. But?.??Silence! There is not a single explanation you can come up with that will allow for you disregarding the council of my assistant. You were advised to avoid...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 6 Alana

"No! Don't touch those scrolls, imbecile!" The old servant stopped in mid-movement at the sharp command. How often did she have to remind this annoying person to keep her hands off that desk? "Dekra, haven't I told you time and again to leave my desk be? Those are brittle parchments, hundreds of years old. If I ever catch you again messing with my desk, it'll be the laundry room for you!" The stupid person was not even contrite! "I served your grandfather, may he rest in peace,...

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

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Taffy Tales

TaffyTales! Don’t you nerds wish you could just turn off your anxiety, shyness, and all of that embarrassing shit at will and become an ultra-Chad who plows pussy like it's nothing? Yeah, I bet you do. Sadly, I’m not some genie who can grant you three wishes and give you all of that and a big cock to go along with it. You’ll have to work on being less of a pathetic incel on your own time. What I do have for you horny fappers is a welcome escape where you play as a hung nerd who unearths a...

Free Sex Games
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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 1 Caught By Mum

Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 12

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of a birthday orgy involving a current top film star, the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Marketing Director of how the ‘Wife of Bath’, with her daughter, had seduced a whole...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

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Tabloid Tales Blessed be the Meek

Tabloid Tales: Blessed Be The Meek by Paul1954 The Wheatsheaf Pub, Wapping London - July '99 Phil Rippin was returning from the bar of the Wheatsheaf pub, the local for the journalists of the British press industry, with another round of drinks for his peers. Tom Walters and Mike Langston picked up their respective pints and took a large mouthful, as Phil leaned forward to make himself heard above the ever increasing din. "Here - you see that barmaid over there" he said,...

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ChemTechs Legacy Chapter 8 Tales from the Facility

Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 8 - Tales From The Facility Jenny "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Sophie yelled. "WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" she yelled again, pointing at the newly formed rabbit girl who up until a few minutes ago was a man called Bryan. "He was going to change me," I sobbed. "He tried to turn me into a rabbit." "What?" She looked from Brian to me and back again. "Brian?" "How could this have happened?" Brian squeaked. "I'm not infected!" Sophie turned to...

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Tales From the Netherworlds

The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...

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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

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The Chauffeur 35 Oh the Tales We Weave

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke up Monday morning following the Thanksgiving weekend, it dawned on me that we needed to get Maddie back home to Toronto. Dakota called to get the plane ready and to have a car sent to take me, Maddie, Dakota, and Mom to Toronto. I think to myself that I really haven’t seen but three of the fab five office towers that we purchased. I let Dakota know that we would stop in at the Eagle (Washington D.C.) and maybe a stopover at the Flamingo...

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Bawdy Tales Pt 01 The Monk Story

Introduction In the late Middle Ages the Black Death, the greatest and most deadly outbreak of infectious disease in history, ravaged Europe, eventually killing between one third and a half of the population. The disease, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, was carried by fleas living on the rats that were found in ports and on board ships, and humans were infected by the bite of a flea. Transmission may also occur via the respiratory route in droplets containing bacteria...

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Jock TalesSenior YearOpening DayPT 1

Jock Tales—Senior Year—Opening DayWell, the fanfare was like it had never been. Each year since my Freshman year, it had gotten bigger and bigger. But today, it was like twice as big as last year. The excitement was simple—it was my Senior year, and therefore the beginning of my last year here at East Tyler High. And the top question on everyone's mind--'can he do it a forth year straight'? It had never been done !I had already been interviewed three times this week by every news station in...

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Tabloid Tales Hey Presto

Tabloid Tales: Hey Presto! by Paul1954 The Wheatsheaf Pub, Wapping London - November '99 It was a cold and wet winter's night in London's Docklands, and Mike Langston and Tom Walters were grateful for the warmth that the 'real flame effect' gas fire gave them, as the flames leapt around the fake logs. "Christ Tom - are you going to get me another pint or what!" Mike said, as he rattled his empty glass on the beer stained table that they were sharing. Picking up on the...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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