Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 12 free porn video

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In fact, unlike New Eden, Deimos wasn’t really round at all. It had been made to look like an asteroid, like their long abandoned, failed, first attempt to create a base station – the now defunct Phobos Project. Construction had almost been completed when an actual asteroid had struck the project, caving in one entire side of the station and causing the loss of over a hundred lives as its internal atmosphere vented into empty space.

‘We’re on our way to Earth!’ Béla thought excitedly to Beth.

She watched the spiraling entrance slowly, slowly open, displaying a confusion of spinning stars beyond. Then she realized that the great ship had matched its ‘at rest’ motion with the spinning motion of the tiny artificial moon that surrounded them. Otherwise, the ship would appear to be spinning haphazardly as the inner surfaces of the little moon spun around it, making it dangerous for anyone trying to board or load supplies.

Béla and Beth felt the ‘secure to quarters’ call and both held on to the support bars that surrounded each personnel station on the bridge. A moment later, the great ship surged forward through the round gap in the surface of Deimos and into the spinning universe beyond.

Béla lost her balance for a moment while the great ship corrected its spin so that it was once again oriented to the rest of the solar system. She grasped the support railing tightly, as did her sister, as the huge pink and brown planet beyond finally stopped traveling from one view screen to the next and stopped in the upper right view screen.

After two more course corrections, the great ship was orbiting the sun independently of Mars, spiraling gradually inward to meet the earth, currently about a third of the way around the sun behind them. In slightly more than three months, the earth would catch up to the great ship as it dropped through Earth's orbit on its way to the sun.

Béla and Beth kept radiating their excitement to each other, overjoyed to FINALLY be on the last leg of their journey. They both knew their excitement would soon fade; three months in space with nothing to do was still a long time.

‘Who says we don’t have anything to do?’ Beth whispered into her sister’s mind.

‘What? Are you horny already?’ Béla chastised her sister. ‘Or should I say, ‘Again’?’

‘Still! Not already, not again, but still! And always!’ Beth insisted, informing her older sister that she hadn’t stopped being horny since their wonderful session yesterday when she let Béla use her for target practice while getting used to handling firearms, again. She, like Béla a hundred years earlier, let herself be ‘shot full of holes’ by her sister – for real this time and not just dreamwalking. She loved it. Of course, she knew she would. And there were still several guns and lots of ammunition to use up before they got to earth.

‘And if we do run out of ammo,’ Béla chirped in, ‘we still have a couple boxes of ‘poppers’.’

‘Poppers’ were what Béla had begun calling those delightful little dynamite caps her sister used for blowing up her insides.

Now, Béla was horny, too. The princesses excused themselves from the bridge. As soon as they were out the door, they both teleported to the arborium, where they kept their lethal goodies.

‘My turn this time,’ Beth claimed.

Although she was incredibly horny, herself, and loved to be perforated by the deadly little toys, she wanted to repay her sister for the fun she’d had the day before.

‘Okay,’ Béla chimed.

Her clothing vanished and reappeared over a box, dropping down in an unfolded pile. She stood, naked, waiting for her sister to decide what weapon to use on her and where she was going to use it. The guns were pretty much all the same, so it didn’t matter much what Beth picked up.

Beth choose a large caliber automatic pistol. Béla didn’t know what caliber it was, but the barrel was really huge. Her belly tightened in anticipation of being violated by that monster. She stood, unable to hold still, her hips slowly moving from side to side as she tried to control the itching between her legs. As her nipples began to harden, Béla touched them with her hands, pressing the hard nubs in with her fingers to make them relax a little.

Beth walked toward her sister, loaded gun in hand. She could feel Béla’s arousal and grinned evilly, knowing that her sister wasn’t going to be disappointed in her selection. She walked up to Béla, noticing how her sister was playing with her hard nipples.

“Would you like me to take care of those for you?” Beth asked politely, indicating her sister’s hardened little nips. Béla was breathing heavily.

“What did you have in mind, Darling?” Béla asked, nervous excitement causing her voice to shake slightly.

Beth held the gun up against her sister’s left breast, completely covering her areola with the barrel of the gun.

‘Hey! That’ll take out more than just a nipple – it’ll take out my heart, one of my lungs and a shoulder blade, too!’

Beth smiled at her sister’s sudden unease. They were both powerful enough to survive a single gunshot wound, even one that caused that much internal damage. She also knew that Béla wasn’t afraid of being hurt that much.

“You know I’m going to take you out, Darling,” Beth cooed, radiating her sexual need. “Why can’t I just do it all at once?”

She felt her sister’s reluctant agreement. Béla had wanted to play a little longer; not end the game all at once. But…

‘Well, if that’s what you want to do, I’m game!’ Béla informed her sister.

She turned her head away from the blast the gun was going to make and pressed her breast harder into the hollow end of the huge barrel and braced for the expected carnage.

Beth laughed. If she wanted, she could always have her way with her sister. As Béla pressed forward, sacrificing her body to her sister’s lust, Beth changed the angle of the gun so that it was pointed more upward, though Béla’s nipple was still covered by the end of the barrel.

The gun went off, deafening both sisters and splattering Béla’s blood and shredded breast meat over them both. Béla screamed in agony, at the same time wondering why her heart was still beating wildly and her left arm was still attached.

She bent forward a little, gasping and in agony with tears streaming down her face, covering her destroyed breast with both hands, unable to even breathe because of the incredible pain. Her nervous system was starting to kick in, spreading the sensation throughout her body, gradually making it more sensual and less agonizing. Now that her body was prepared, her next mutilation would be much more pleasurable.

‘Holy fuck! Even the poppers don’t hurt that much!’ Béla cried in her sister’s mind.

She couldn’t trust her ability to speak while the burning agony of her chest kept her unable to catch her breath. In the meantime, Beth was rubbing the hot barrel between her legs while she watched Béla stagger unsteadily as she tried to remain standing.

“Ready for the next one, dear sister?” Beth asked, her voice ragged with her own desire.

Béla didn’t respond, not sure where the next one was going to be. She waited, gasping for air, blood flowing freely through her fingers as she held her hands against her ruined breast.

“Pay attention, slave!” Beth snarled, playing the role of the unappeasable master.

She pressed the hot barrel of the gun right into Béla’s belly button and pulled the trigger. The gun bucked in her hand, and then the front end of the gun disappeared into the hole it had just made in Béla’s gut, suddenly moving forward. Beth automatically pulled back on the gun and it went off again.

With the first shot, Beth had made sure the gun was off center when she pulled the trigger. The bullet went completely through Béla’s stomach and central core, exiting out beneath her rib cage and tearing out a nice chunk of her back along with it.

The second shot, when Beth tried to pull the gun back, was perfectly centered. It traveled right through Béla’s denser central core and out through the center of her lower back, shattering her spine.

Suddenly gutted and unable to stand, Béla gasped and toppled awkwardly over, surprised that she was unable to move her legs to catch herself. Despite the fact that she couldn’t feel her legs, her pussy radiated her need, full to overflowing with her girl-cum. She struck the ground hard, trying to catch herself with one hand while holding her stomach with the other.

Beth stooped down and mercilessly pulled her sister out of her curled up position and onto her blown-out back. Béla gasped as she radiated her pain and agony outward through her sister. Béla was also having the most incredible orgasm! She radiated that sensation, as well, letting her sister know she truly loved her torture.

Sinking one knee into Béla’s wounded belly, Beth pressed the gun against her sister’s right tit, covering her nipple. Béla’s right side wasn’t as full of needed organs as her left. Béla gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, dreading, yet yearning for the punishment she knew was coming.

Holding the gun tightly, Beth pulled the heavy trigger again. Her wrists were starting to ache from the recoil and it almost leaped out of hand this time as the bullet vaporized her sister’s nipple and exploded through her right breast, covering them both in bloody, fleshy breast tissue. The bullet traveled on through Béla’s chest, shattered a rib and exited her back, shattering her right shoulder blade. It dug a hole several inches into the ground and stopped, only to be covered by blood chasing it into the hole from the carnage it had left behind.

The vacuum it created during its passage through Béla’s slender body collapsed her right lung. Béla choked as her lung quickly filled with blood. She couldn’t breath and started to drown in her own body fluids. Also, she was still coming so hard she couldn’t concentrate on breathing.

“Where do you want the next one, Darling?” Beth cooed, luxuriating in the constant orgasmic sensations her sister was radiating. Béla coughed up more blood, trying to turn on her side to keep her left lung from filling, as well.

Beth backed off her sister’s belly and helped her turn over, taking the opportunity to shove the gun into Béla’s rear and fire a round up her ass. Béla gasped as the bullet passed through her central core and lodged in the backside of her breastbone, creating a white-hot path of agony all the way from her ass up through the middle of her body.

Each time her central core was ruptured, her acidic digestive fluids combined with her blood to speed its coagulation. This was actually part of her designed healing process, making it hard for any of her kind to bleed to death.

Earth weapons function mainly by causing a victim to bleed to death from the damage incurred. Béla’s father (or someone, back then) had designed her and her sisters so that they were almost impossible to kill using Earth-type weapons (at least the projectile throwing types – they could still be crushed with a mace or fried with an energy gun).

Béla was able to breathe more easily as the free-flowing blood in her chest wounds coagulated and stopped flooding her lungs. As Béla began to breathe easier, she began to orgasm harder. Her increased orgasmic flow indicated to Beth that she was healing and ready for more action.

Beth took the gun and shoved it into her sister’s pussy, fucking her with it like that fellow Jake liked to do. As Béla came again, Beth pulled the trigger, creating another furrow of white-hot agony up through Béla’s belly. This time the bullet exited near the huge hole blown out where her right shoulder blade had been.

Béla thought it was odd feeling her sister’s radiated orgasms as she lay gasping in the heat of her own agony and orgasms without being able to move her legs. With her spine broken, all Béla could do was lie on the ground and have one orgasm after another. Beth sat down on the ground next to her sister and watched her sister’s belly twitch and tremble with the agonies and orgasms her sister was experiencing.

Beth mentally counted the three shells left in the clip in the heavy gun’s handle. She looked at her sister, wondering where to put them. Béla’s body was already pretty much destroyed. Both breasts were gone, her cunt and her ass were destroyed, there were two holes coming out of her back where she’d been gutted and two holes through her shattered shoulder blade. She wasn’t going to be flying for awhile.

‘There’s not much damage in the front,’ Beth noticed, ‘that is, if you don’t count your ruptured tits and the hole in your belly… there’s a lot of tissue there I can still tear up!’

Béla lay on the ground, gasping. Her lungs were about half healed, now. She still couldn’t move her legs; it was taking longer for her backbone to heal. If it wasn’t for her broken back and the numbness she felt in her legs, she knew she would enjoy her sister’s torture more. As it was, Béla realized she was actually tired of coming. She radiated the thought to her sister.

‘Would you like me to use the last three on you, instead?’ Béla offered.

Although surprised by the offer, Beth couldn’t hand her sister the gun fast enough. She scooted back on the ground and spread her legs wide, sending Béla the image of where she so desperately needed those three lovely shells to go.

Still unable to get up, Béla lay on her side and carefully aimed the gun between her sister’s legs where Beth was masturbating furiously.

“Move the hands…” Béla gasped, and squeezed the trigger.

The gun nearly bucked out of her hands as it went off. The bullet shattered Beth’s pelvic bone and split, carving two white-hot tunnels of agony up inside Beth’s soft, tender belly. Beth arched her back high in the air, coming hard, just incidentally presenting herself so very nicely for her sister’s next shot.

Béla fired again. This time, the bullet went deep between her legs, creating a new hole in the tender tissue right between her pussy and her ass, destroying the thin membrane that separated those two passages up inside her. It traveled up her torso and exited just beneath her breastbone, taking a large chunk of belly flesh with it and covering Beth’s face and tits with blood and guts.

Beth’s ruined stomach muscles could no longer hold her up. She collapsed back down to the ground, trembling, crying in agony, and coming hard, over and over. Béla only had one bullet left. She knew how much her sister loved having her gut ripped up, but the first two shells had done plenty of damage down there. Beth would be coming for several more minutes, just from what they’d already done.

Then Béla got an idea. Her legs were tingling, indicating that her spine was almost healed. Testing her ability to move her legs, she decided that she was strong enough now to crawl up to the top half of her sister’s body. Right now, all she could see was Beth’s legs and her bleeding cunt.

It took Béla a minute or so to crawl around to her sister’s other end. Dragging herself halfway up onto Beth’s chest, she wrapped her arm around Beth’s tits, squishing them together. Béla pressed the cold muzzle of the gun up against the side of one of her breasts. Squeezing them together with her other arm, Béla lined everything up so she could get them both with one shot. The bullet would also go through her own arm, but it was worth it to give her sister the gift of this last shot.

Beth lay on the ground, her shredded pussy wildly pulsating from her powerful orgasms. She opened her eyes when she felt her sister crawl up on her, then radiated her approval when she realized what Béla was attempting. She lay back and arched up against her sister’s weight, trying to make it easier for Béla to handle her tits. Her heart was pounding in anticipation.

“I sacrifice… my perfect tits…” Beth gasped, already starting to orgasm again.

The roar of the gun was deafening. The bullet tore through both her breasts and through Béla’s forearm, shattering a bone and falling to the ground some distance away. Beth’s tits literally exploded, spattering both sisters with blood and squishy breast tissue.

Beth shook, gasping in new agony as another orgasm radiated up through Béla, whose ready cunt responded with its own orgasm, radiating it back down through her sister. They lay together, one sister halfway on top of the other, recovering from their mutual loving mutilation of each other. Béla tossed the empty gun on the ground beside them. It could still be used for a dildo, or for throwing at each other, but other than that, it was now empty and useless.

‘Only three months to go,’ Beth thought to her sister lying halfway on top of her.

‘Minus one hour…’ Béla thought back at her.

‘I don’t think we have enough ammo…’

The sisters slept where they passed out, their bodies slowly regenerating only so they could be destroyed again the next day.


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I flirt with the ladies. It is just something that I did. I did it without even thinking about it; it just came natural. None of them were ever going to take me up on anything I said and I knew it. Christ, I was fifty-two years old and the girls I flirted with were all in their twenties and were married or had boyfriends. Besides, they all knew my wife and thought that we were happily married. We weren't. Weren't happily married I mean, and hadn't been since the day two years ago when I...

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The RescuedChapter 53 SM03Eta Day 8

Steve kissed Mary, Danielle, Yoshi, and Li goodbye, and left their quarters. He entered the transport chamber, and asked to be transported to SM03-Tau, as instructed by his invitation. There was no detectable difference from his previous transports, but he was much more nervous this time. The prospect of meeting 'himself' was quite unsettling, but he knew he needed to go. The possibility of getting more information about their situation was enough to make the trip worthwhile, no matter how...

2 years ago
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A Safe Place

A Safe Place Tina looked at herself in her wedding gown, and tried to hide her nervousness. She could hear the voices from her past, calling her the names she heard so often as a child. A strange woman entered the room, and somehow, neither her bridesmaid nor her mother-in-law seemed to think that was odd. The woman came over to Tina, and said to her, "You are afraid" Somehow, Tina could not lie to this stranger, and said "Terrified. What if I cant make him happy in bed? What if...

3 years ago
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A Haunting LoveChapter 12

Ramona had entered the house with a lot on her mind. She'd been thinking about what she and her children had talked about the night before. She'd been thinking about what Renee had said. And, most lately on her mind, she'd been thinking about what she and Robert had just done, right next door. Robert had a singular way of trying to convince her that grasping women should be the least of her worries. His soothing voice had come with soothing hands and, like she always did when she was...

1 year ago
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Caitlins Humiliation

It was time for a yearly tornado drill early in the morning as Caitlin drunk more monster just to wake up a little more. The rules for this practice tornado was to get in the hallway,find a spot to kneel down with your hands on your head and stay quiet. Everyone else was ahead of Caitlin as she chugged the rest of her monster drink and threw it away. By the time she got in the hall it was already full. She looked around clueless, looking for an empty spot. Then an administrator pointed her to a...

2 years ago
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Angel in Disguise Chapter 4

The Press Conference had finished by the time Amanda returned to room. Dale was stood waiting for Amanda. "Where have you been?" asked Dale. "I have been sorting out your future," replied Amanda. "But I am not going to be a mid-wife," replied Dale. "Who said anything about being a mid-wife, I have just arranged a photo- shoot with a top London Model Agency for tomorrow afternoon" smiled Amanda. "You have got to be kidding, there is absolutely no chance of me fooling a model...

2 years ago
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Quick Flash I may need to get another job Part 3

Katie, I’m going crazy! I’ve had to wait all day and it is making me an unproductive lunatic! Jamal wasn’t in the office when I arrived this morning so I kept my eye on his new assistant. I have no idea what her name is, because I honestly don’t care. She is just a temp who is working with him until his assistant returns from maternity leave. I suppose I should learn her name as she could be useful. Anyway, as soon she went to the lunchroom for coffee, I followed her. After I poured my coffee...

2 years ago
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For Your Masturbation LOL

Hay friends!I wrote some stories for you to do masturbate LOLI need comments please if i get more comments daily i update lots of stories in your own language too..... thanksLet me start from hereMy first Story Here1This is a story about a married lady who explored the kinky virtual world to get out of the day to day boredom.Rekha, 23, was what one could call a perfect marriage partner. She could pass for a model any given day. She used to be slightly slim then what she was now but the extra...

2 years ago
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Oh No Oh Yes part 1

I was away on business for 3 days a while back and when this happens, my wife and I will occasionally send each other some naughty pics of each other. On this one night, I was in my hotel room lying naked on my bed, with my hard cock in my hand when I snapped a picture of cock and prepared to send it to my wife. I attached the picture to my email and lazily began to type in her address. The auto-fill function on my email completed her address for me after typing in the first few letters and I...

2 years ago
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Ballin The family

I confronCaleb Jackie after she got off the phone with her mother. "Why did you fill her in on all the stuff going on around here? Your mother is really prim and proper and I don't want any trouble from her or your Dad"Jackie's Dad has his own energy firm which is quite successful. However to keep it running smoothly he is constantly on the road, mostly overseas. We seldom see him even for holidays and I can count on one hand the number of birthdays he's attended for the boys. Our interaction...

3 years ago
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Lois Griffin in Trouble

Lois Griffin sat on the edge of the bed. Her wrists had been tied very tightly together behind her back, her ankles lashed together and she was gagged securely with a red ball gag that forced her mouth open. Apart from snug little string bikini panties, she was naked. Her husband, Peter, was in the en-suite bathroom gargling after brushing his teeth.Their children, Meg, Chris and baby Stewie, had been sent to Lois’s parents for the weekend. Brian was on a writers’ retreat. It was just Peter and...

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Miriam More Give me your morning wood

Adorable brunette Miriam More comes into the bedroom and grabs her boyfriend’s morning wood while he is still resting, because she decides to start the day with a good fuck. He is surprised but very pleased when she puts his cock in her mouth and sucks it like she has never sucked before. Then she gives him even more pleasure allowing to fuck her in his favorite position from behind until he cums all over her round ass. The boyfriend definitely loves how Miriam chose to wake him up this morning!

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 20

Chapter Twenty Glade was by far the villager least visibly upset by the discovery that the winter route was blocked. While the chief and his most experienced hunters spent the rest of the day and all the next exploring and evaluating the few limited options available to them, she was preoccupied in checking the health and well-being of the woman and children. While Ivory anxiously gnawed on the last morsel of aurochs meat when the village gathered around the fire at the end of the day, Glade...

1 year ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 3

Note: Thanks to everyone for your encouragement! I have plenty of ideas to develop this story and I'll keep writing as long as there's interest from readers. I also appreciate suggestions from readers and will incorporate your ideas where possible. I'll continue to post fictitious photos that could depict my characters here (no new photos for Part 3, but more coming for Part 4): College Changes a Boy - Part 3 Taylor Jordan "Do you like my room, Nikki?...

2 years ago
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A flick from the past

Robert and I were together in college. From the very first day we had clicked. I was bad in Accountancy so he used to always lend me a helping hand. This brought us together in many one-on-one Accountancy sessions. Once when we were in one of those sessions, we started chatting more casually and all balancing and reporting was forgotten. As I was feeling a bit low that day, he hugged me and was consoling me that all will be well soon.Then out of sudden he just kissed me full on lips. I was...

Love Stories
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Starlight 300Chapter 8

"So how many ships?" I asked the Base commander. "Three big battle stars," he said. "The Enterprise, Valley Forge and the Yorktown and the Brits are sending along the Ark Royal for fighter support." "And what else?" I asked. "Lots of Battle Cruisers and support ships," he said off hand. "How many fighting ships all told?" I asked. "15," he said. "15," is that all," I sighed. "Shit they've got that many in their outpost defence base." I had been making forays into...

2 years ago
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BUS HOME part two

OMG i can't believe what i've just done i have just brought myself off on a bus with a complete stranger sat beside me watching my every move.I felt so embarrassed that i forgot my hand was still underneath my skirt when john text looking for an update,well i quickly informed him that not only did i touch myself as he requested but i got a little carried away in the process lol.I was worried about john's reply as i mentioned earlier he can be quite conservative about sex.I was certainly shocked...

1 year ago
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Taboo confessions 3

Thanks for all that messages me or commentedOk ill admit that I came so hard into my wife after I watched that secret video of my mother in law admitting to being such a super slut. Which to be honest it seems like everyone hates on people that love sex and yet everyone on this website would love to get down and dirty with another person when there horny instead of seeking out a porn website like this. I knew my wife was always down to fuck but everyone has there secrets there box of porn or...

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My Moms Friend

It was a hot summer day my mom’s best friend shanthi had called me. She wanted me to go help her clean her fish tank.So I went over and we got straight to cleaning the tank. She was wearing an old white shirt with some tight jeans.while we were cleaning the tank some water got onto her shirt near her boob and nipple area. I looked over at it when she wasnt looking and I could tell she had no bra on and her right nipple was hard due to the water.After we finsished cleaning the tank she said she...

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The Hun is a classic! When I first stumbled upon The Huns Yellow Pages, I didn’t think much of it. Actually, I was too busy thinking about what the name was all about. Did they mean hun as in a hot woman, or did they mean Hun as in those nomadic tribes that pillaged and raped their way through the middle of the first millennia AD? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter one in the end with all the illustrations on the site, which look quite good by the way. Only after I answered that question did I...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Donkey Kaa Lund Liya Mene

Hy friends. My name is sunita ,live in sikar from rajastan.Age 40 Years Hai, Aaj Main Pehli Baar apni real story aap sabhi ko sunane jaa rahi hoon, Its my true and real story,aap mujh se contact bhi kar sakte ho, Meri ID hai , Ab pehle main apna parichay karati hu main ek acche ghar ki housewife hu, mere boobs bhi 38 size ke hai , meri kamar 30 aur meri gand 36 ki hai,; Ab mein apni first sex ke kahani batane jaa rahi hu, yeh baat kuch din pehle ki hai ,mujse lund lene ka bhut shok ho gaya tha...

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Will you teach me how to please a woman

Will you teach me how to please a woman?Let me tell you about myself, first. At the time this went down, I was 19 yrs old, 5-7, 135#, 5 1/2" and wore very thick glasses. This took place around 1968 or so, and contact lenses were not developed for my eyes yet. So I looked like the stereotype of the Japanese man with coke bottle glasses. However, without glasses I could function socially, but forget about reading, driving, or working. I was skinny, but not weak, as my job of repairing and...

3 years ago
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I Raped Little Red Down by the River

This story is about how a raped a little red haired girl named Lucy. Before I raped Lucy, I had never even thought about doing anything that might get me into serious trouble. A series of unlikely events lead to my actions, maybe it was destiny. I still can't figure it out. I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't stop myself. It was the most exciting sex filled night of my life, let me tell you about it. It all started over a year ago. It was early spring, my wife and I had spring...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 34 New in Town

Inspired by “We don’t currently have any openings but if you’d like to enter your information.” The elderly lady pointed to the two computers set up on a small table in the corner, both currently in use. “Thank you”, Liz sighed as she turned away. The woman ignored her, “Next!” Moving over to a vacant chair, Liz took her wallet form her purse. There wasn’t much left. She looked to her son waiting outside. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, “My God! Is...

1 year ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 25 Barbecue and a Skinnydip

I walked through the front door after paying off the taxi, I had Madeleine's left hand in my right as I walked into the lounge. It was almost half past six. Mum and dad were sitting there, dad was dressed in black slacks and a plain white polo neck jumper while mum was dressed in a hot pink half thigh length mini-skirt and a black crop-top short enough to expose her belly-button and tight enough to emphasise the lack of a bra. I quickly made the introductions. "Hello Madeleine love,"...

2 years ago
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Welcoming my Neighbor

The weather was so hot as I got out of the house for the first time for the day. Looking across the street, I saw him standing there, washing his car. Muscular. Tanned. Shoulder length hair and just fucking sexy. I knew I would see him sooner or later but I hoped for sooner. He was the grandson of Mrs. Hawthorne, the nosy neighbor. He had relocated here to stay with her for the next few years. I know I am going to enjoy my new neighbor!Everyone knows me, am Nikki, twenty-two years old, brown...

Straight Sex
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SandcastlesChapter 5

" ... But I get to make one condition to be specified only after you agree. Take it or leave it," I said in a last ditch effort to keep my position of superiority, even if it was imaginary. I was praying she would leave it. There was no fucking way I could last that long in that moist steaming cauldron of her sexy mouth, so hot and moist, tight ... Stop it, you idiot! You'll lose before you start! "OK. When do you want to lose?" she asked simply Oh, shit I'm a goner. Maybe if I go...

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Sissys first BBC

This happened awhile ago, i was 19, and i figure some people have asked me to write more so here goes =]I was lookin around on craigslist... so i was horny and wanting it! Scrolling around and found a black guy who wanted some ass. No real specific requests, so i figured i may as well reply. In my town it is a bit rare to find black men who are down to fuck a sissy! I had sucked one BBC before while visiting North Carolina, sucked him off in a park which was great =] But that is another story...

3 years ago
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Milk And Honey Day Three

Ever since the Phelps returned home from their short getaway there had been a lack of communication between Jin and Vicki. The young man paid a visit more than once but Vicki's folks kept telling him she wasn't available. He tried calling her and texting her all day long and still no response of any kind. Jin started to worry. He wondered if maybe her parents found out about their little affair and that it led into a big argument. The last thing Jin wanted to do was break up a wonderful family....

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Reece and his mum

June had a day of work and had decided to spend the day tidying the house. She started with the lounge and then headed to her son Reece's room. Normally she wouldn't venture inside there but as it had been ages since she had given it a good clean she thought it was about time. She started stripping the bed and as she grabbed the pillow she saw something coloured there. She reached for it and was totally shocked as she quickly realised it was a pair of her panties that she had put into the...

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PenthouseGold Trippie Bri Pet of the Month May 2022

If you’re not already one of the million social media fans of blonde beauty Trippie Bri, then you certainly will be after seeing our newly appointed May Penthouse Pet of the Month looking sexy AF in our exclusive Hollywood Hills photoshoot. The Miami-based flexy babe’s super hot show and tell will surely have you drooling and stiff from the get-go. Listen in to what turns this former ballerina on – the sex kitten gets frisky when its risky, and likes to be toyed and teased....


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