A Change Of Worlds free porn video

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A World of Change by Aleisha James The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and willing to read mature subject matter. A noteof caution: nothing in this should be taken as espousing 'brainwashing' of any kind: a recent (probably a hoax) posting on the hyperboard drew this obvious warning. This is a long story, but I hope that you enjoy it. Feedback is, as always, cherished... thank you to those who have reviewed my earlier works.. and one day I will finish the Making of Lisa Stevens and maybe add to some of the others ***************** "I don't give a fuck what you say! I won't go!" The boy's voice was tinged with desperation, revealing weakness at odds with the vehemence of the words. His shoulders visibly trembled as he watched his father loom closer, hand raised as if to strike. His mother quickly interceded. "Leave him be" she said to her husband. Turning back to her son, she continued. "You don't have a choice, son. Neither do we! You've just gone too far this time. It's do this or you'll be charged, and you know what that means" "And I'll be damned if I'll pay one penny for any lawyer to help you out, or to pay any fine! It'll be jail for you!" his father bellowed, anger straining every sinew of his body. "But it was a mistake!" the boy wailed. "It was just supposed to be a smoke bomb, it wasn't meant to start a fire." The smoke bomb which he and his long time co-conspirator had planted in the ventilation duct above the girl's changing room in the school gym had initially done exactly what they had hoped; igniting only a few minutes before the room had filled with Grade Ten girls changing for the first scheduled PE class. Thick white smoke had billowed through the vents, scaring the occupants and triggering the alarms. Sprinklers should have gone off as well, to add to the confusion. But then things went wrong. The smoke bomb must have generated more heat than they had expected, or else some low-ignition temperature material rested close to the duct where the bomb lay, because all too soon the smoke was accompanied by actual flames. Matters were compounded when the sprinkler system proved defective. Several of the sprinklers never went off, so the fire spread rapidly. All in all, the two young men were lucky that no-one suffered any injury worse than mild smoke inhalation. The school itself suffered several hundred thousand dollars of damage. Such an event had prompted a thorough investigation, which soon led inescapably to the culprits. They had been foolish enough to drop hints of their plans to several acquaintances who, intimidated by the results and by the veiled threats of their inquisitors, soon yielded up the names of the guilty. Searches of their lockers produced evidence of their bomb-making efforts and both sets of parents were notified. The school was a private facility, and the administration wanted to avoid as much public inquiry as possible. The families were told that since there had been no injuries and the damage was covered by insurance, the boys could avoid criminal charges but only if they underwent a comprehensive course of therapy. They had to surrender to whatever the therapist designed, which in turn would depend upon recommendations to be made after an initial assessment. Now Steven was facing the prospect of going to the psychologist for the second session. He had been reluctant to go the first time. "I've already gone there! She hates me: we can't get a fair hearing from her!" His father snarled. "You will go there and you will do whatever she asks! If I hear any more garbage from you, so help me, I'll thrash you within an inch of your life and then I'll turn you over to the police" He turned and stalked out of the room, leaving his mother to deal with him, as he had so often in earlier years. "It can't be that bad, Steve" she said, trying to soothe him. The futility of his protests hit him, and he sagged, energy leaving him like air leaving a deflating balloon. "Okay, mom" he said. "I'll give it another try" His mother brightened. "That's great, honey. Look, I'll phone Jim's mother and see if they're ready to go. You go get your jacket" Jim had been his co-conspirator. They had known each other since First Grade and had been inseparable almost as long. They were much alike, both physically and emotionally. If one expressed doubt about a planned act of insubordination or misconduct, the other invariably talked him into doing it anyway. It had got to the point that neither of them could often say who had thought up which stunt. Steven climbed into the front seat of his mother's car as they drove away. His car sat to one side of the driveway, an ever-present reminder that his licence had been taken away by his father, together with his keys. He would get them back only if the therapy was declared a success. It was a five minute drive to Jim's house, where Jim waited at the end of the driveway. "Hi, Mrs. Hobbs" he said as he got into the back. "Good morning, Jim" she replied cheerfully, casting a quick look back at him in the rear view mirror. She was struck as she always was by how much alike this young man and her son looked. She had thought some years ago that puberty might accentuate the minor differences in build, although the similarities in coloring would probably be unchanged. Both had had red hair when younger, and while Jim's had changed to a more pedestrian brown, both had retained the pale complexion and tendency to freckles which betrayed the presence of Irish genes somewhere in their ancestry. However, the growth spurts which usually cause dramatic metamorphic changes had been mild. Neither boy shot up or gained much muscle bulk. They were now about five foot seven, and slender in build, with delicate features. She often thought that her son was a beautiful young man, but she knew that her husband resented that his son did not more closely resemble his husky build. She also feared that perhaps Steven got into as much trouble as he did in an effort to prove his masculinity in the face of his slightly (did she dare think it?) effeminate stature. The trip to the clinic was silent, Steven sunk in his own thoughts and Jim soon picking up on the mood. Mrs. Hobbs escorted them into the office and waited with them in the well- appointed waiting room until their names were called. "I'll be back in an hour and a half" she said as she left. The preliminary sessions were scheduled for ninety minutes. The two youths walked into Dr. Reid's office. Dr. Reid stood as they enters, gesturing with one well-manicured hand for them to sit in the two chairs in front of her desk. She watched them as they sat, appraising their attitudes. She had found out a great deal about these two patients from reading their files, interviewing their parents and teachers, and even more from the first session. She had noted with interest that much of their acting out was targeted at females, whether they be fellow students or adults. Male teachers, for example, had almost no complaints to make about insubordination or classroom misbehavior, while female teachers inevitably found them to be troublemakers. Reports from vice-principal's office told a similar story, with many complaints arising from pranks or arguments involving female students. The smoke bomb incident was merely the latest and most serious such episode. These thoughts and her assessment of the long-standing family dynamics which underlay these characteristics, had given rise to a plan, a plan which she knew was unorthodox, to say the least. It was probably illegal as well, but its contemplation excited her. If it worked, all would be well, and she was sure that it would work. To some degree the idea was based on well-accepted theories of behaviour modification, but it would take conventional ideas far beyond conventional limits. Dr. Reid was not afraid of flouting convention. Outwardly she seemed the model of compliance to societal norms. She was an attractive woman in her mid thirties. Of average height, she possessed a slim, athletic build. She worked out regularly and watched her diet. She dressed elegantly, preferring expensive but muted business suits for work and pants rather than skirts for informal occasions. She kept her hair short, but was proud of its thickness and its auburn color. She rarely wore more than a trace of makeup, usually confined to a soft shade of lipstick on her generous, expressive lips. Her large eyes, which lent her an air of openness and trustworthiness needed no eyeshadow to dominate her face. Her appearance, as much as her trained demeanor, was her greatest asset in establishing rapport with her patients. It had disconcerted her to find that these two young men were so negative in their approach to women. She had often encountered males resistant to therapy from a female, but none of those patients had been so young. She had always found children to be the most flexible and trusting, except in those tragic cases involving repeated abuse. These two, from apparently non-abusive backgrounds, had given her pause for thought. That in turn had led to the idea for the unconventional treatment she had in mind. It had appealed to her hidden, unconventional, side; the side which had led her into wild sexual encounters in her earlier life. She had started her sexual experimentation in the most trite of ways, in the back seat of her boyfriend's car. She had been hesitant at first, but by the time she was an undergraduate, she had become an eager participant in all manner of sexual activities. It was in residence that she had her first lesbian affair, and by the time she entered graduate school, she had decided that gay sex was more enjoyable than straight sex. Even so, she had several affairs with men, usually older than she. It was her thesis advisor who introduced her to dominance games. Her first time as the dominant had opened a new and enthralling world to her enjoyment. She found that the experience had answered a need of which she had been utterly unaware, but which, once it had awakened, seemed bottomless. All things fade in intensity as time goes by, and so too did her need to dominate, to find sexual release in the act of dominating another. She still played games of that nature with her lovers, but the intense, exhilarating passion was no longer all-consuming. Any regret she might have felt over this loss was more than offset by the realization that the flame of the need would by now have burnt her to a cinder had it not lessened. She had striven, successfully so far, to keep her sexual appetite from affecting her work. Perhaps the barrier was not as solid as she imagined, since the thought of what she planned for these two delinquents made her feel warm and moist. She mentally shook her head to dispel the nervous thought. The two boys, who were looking at her apprehensively, saw nothing to reflect her internal thought processes. Instead they saw her refocus her eyes and smile at them. "Welcome back, boys. We have a lot of work ahead of us today" "What kind of work?" It was Steven who spoke. That was consistent with her assessment which indicated that Steven, although the younger by three months, usually took the lead in unfamiliar situations. "Well, even though we are still in the initial assessment phase, and any treatment plan will need approval by the school and your parents, I believe that I have an idea that will work." She paused, looking directly at each boy in turn, as if inviting a question. 'What plan?" Steven asked. "What do you know about hypnosis?" she countered. The boys looked at each other, and then back towards her. It was Jim who spoke. "I've seen it on television. Some people say it can help you quit smoking" Steve interrupted. "You can make people do silly things as well. like make an idiot out of somebody" "There's some truth to what you've said, but there's a lot more to it" Dr. Reid continued, aware that she had their full attention. "The first thing to know is that nobody can be made to do anything through hypnosis unless in some inner way they want to do it" This was lie, but it was essential that they accept it as truth. "But what about those people who are made to act like a chicken, or bark like a dog or something?" "Those people are doing it for show. They all expect to do something silly when they get called up to the stage, and they know that there's nothing threatening about acting silly. You'd never see someone like that doing something repugnant to their inner image of themselves, except as a joke" Steven asked. "So what are you going to hypnotize us for?" "Maybe nothing at all. Not everyone is a good candidate for hypnosis. But if either of you are, then I'd like to put each of you in a light trance so that we can talk about why you act the way you do. Sometimes the subconscious is driven by factors inaccessible to the conscious brain. Hypnosis.. a light trance. may enable me to find out what makes you two have so much trouble adjusting" She stopped as she saw the expressions of her patients. "We don't have trouble adjusting!" Jim scowled, as Steven nodded his support. "I wouldn't call burning down half a school, even by mistake, as evidence of being well- adjusted, would you?" She nodded quietly as the two boys looked chagrined. "Look, my guess is that two strong personalities like you won't hypnotize anyway. I just thought it worth a try. What about it?" Steven agreed readily enough, plainly armored in his conviction that he could not be put in a trance. Jim protested feebly but was soon persuaded by Steven. He was not going to admit to any doubt when Steven seemed so confident. She asked Jim to accompany her into a back office, which she had already prepared. Telling Steven that she would be back in a few minutes, she led Jim into the small, quiet room. The blinds were down and the ceiling lighting was off. Even though it was a bright day outside, inside the room was gloomy, lit only by a heavily shaded table lamp. She made Jim sit in a comfortable chair and lean back. She dangled a pendant in front of his eyes, just far enough away that he had to focus his eyes closely yet not too close so that he could not see it properly. Light filtered and warmed by the lampshade reflected and refracted in the slowly spinning pendant. Soft music played in the background, almost below the threshold of audibility. She swung the pendant like a pendulum while talking softly to him. It took several minutes but eventually his eyes closed. She continued murmuring to him until she was satisfied that he was in a deep trance. She instructed him to remain asleep until she gave him further commands. She walked softly out of the room, moving carefully so as not to disturb the entranced boy. She held her finger to her lips to indicate to Steven the need for quiet as she led him into the room and gestured for him to sit in a chair besides Jim. "How did you do that?" Steven whispered, glancing at Jim. "It wasn't easy; he's a difficult subject. It may not work with you at all" she lied, easily. "Now, lie back, relax and try to focus on my pendant" Steven obeyed, wondering how long she would try before conceding failure. He felt smug in the knowledge that he was stronger-willed than Jim. He was still feeling smug when his eyes closed and he lapsed into deep trance. He awoke with a start. Light streamed into the office through the window. He sat up, noticing out of the corner of his eye than Jim was also stirring. "What happened?" "Nothing much" she said. "I managed to get both of you under, but you two are very strong. You were able to resist every suggestion I gave you." She shook her head, an expression of doubt on her face, her lips pursed as she looked down at her hands which were folded in front of her on the top of her desk. "I don't know whether I can help either of you. Maybe we should cancel future visits" Steven felt a momentary rush of excitement at the prospect of these visits being canceled, but the rush was immediately replaced by a sense of fear. It seemed to come from some other place, but there was nothing he could do to prevent the words from spilling from his lips. "Oh no, Dr. Reid! Please help us!" Jim echoed his plea. Dr. Reid looked up, smiling at the two patients. Only she knew that her earlier response had been a complete fabrication. These two boys were perhaps the best subjects for hypnotic conditioning she had ever seen. Their desire to continue, the fear that she knew they had experienced when she suggested an end to the therapy, had been implanted by her just before she woke them. They had been under for more than an hour, during which she had laid the groundwork for the training to come. The boys seemed momentarily surprised that their session was almost over. Where had the time gone? But the question hardly formed in their minds before they dismissed it. Dr. Reid escorted them to the waiting room where an anxious Mrs. Hobbs was pacing up and down. She looked up as the three of them entered. "How are they doing, doctor?" she enquired. "They're doing fine, Mrs. Hobbs." Relief was evident on the mother's face. Now was the time for the next stage. "I would like a brief word with you, Mrs. Hobbs" Telling the boys to wait, Mrs. Hobbs followed the psychologist into the very room where, unknown to her, her son and his friend had endured their first session of hypnotic conditioning. "This sun is too bright" Dr. Reid said, drawing the blinds. Immediately the room plunged into the half-light in which she had treated the boys. "Please sit down, Mrs. Hobbs" Dr. Reid came over to sit beside the older woman, casually taking the pendant into her hand. "Would you do me a favor?" she asked. Mrs. Hobbs was anxious to please so readily agreed to 'look for a moment' at the sparkling, twisting pendant. She found the doctor's voice so soothing, so calming. "Well, it's time to take the boys home" Mrs. Hobbs looked up, startled. She had the feeling that she had missed something, but she was embarrassed to admit that she had not been paying attention to the doctor, who was so clearly trying her best to help all of them. She smiled ingratiatingly as she left, thanking Dr. Reid for all her work so far. "Oh, think nothing of it!" "I truly enjoy this part of my work, you know" Mrs. Hobbs was deep in thought as she drove home, although most of the thinking was going on beneath her conscious awareness. She barely acknowledged Jim's goodbye as she dropped him off, and the relative silence from the two normally talkative boys made no impression on her at all. Neither she nor Steven were any more communicative during the rest of the day. Each felt unusually tired early in the evening and soon retired to bed. Each experienced strong, turbulent and disquieting dreams, but neither could recall any traces of those dreams once they awoke. A short five minute drive away, another young man was experiencing an equally disturbed night's rest. It was over breakfast next morning that Mrs. Hobbs broached with her husband a thought which had popped into her head when she woke. "Dear, I really think that you should come with me to see Dr. Reid. We can do it this afternoon, if you can get time away from the office" Her husband put down his newspaper, displeasure marring his features. "It's bad enough that that kid has been kicked out of school, and that we have to pay for his therapy. A good kick in the butt is what he needs, not some mollycoddling by a shrink. Now you want me to take time out of my workday to sit in some lousy reception area for half an hour while the good doctor keeps us waiting?" Mrs. Hobbs persisted and finally, reluctantly her husband agreed, so long as it could be done that day, and late in the day. He wasn't going to waste any more time than he had too. Steven spent most of the day mowing the lawn and working in the yard. His father had forced him to find work in the neighborhood, cutting grass, washing windows and doing odd jobs. Steven protested and grumbled, but in truth was glad to be doing something. The glamour of not having to go to school had soon palled, as he found himself with little to do and lots of time on his hands. His mother had half-heartedly tried to get him onto a correspondence program, but that only took a couple of hours a day. Steven knew that his parents were going to see Dr. Reid that afternoon. His next appointment was not for two more days, on the Friday. He found himself looking forward to seeing the psychologist again, and was surprised to learn, when chatting with Jim on the phone, that his friend felt the same way. Dinner that evening was a pleasant surprise. Steven's relationship with his father, always strained since Steven hit puberty, had been really bad since his expulsion from school. Mealtimes were stretches of forced cordiality at best, and outright hostility at worst. But his father seemed quieter, more subdued and less angry that evening. Maybe, Steven thought, it had something to do with Dr. Reid. If so, he should try to thank her when he next saw her, provided that the improvement persisted. It did persist. His father actually complimented him on the way the yard looked when the two met the next day on Mr. Hobbs' return form work. Steven was feeling much better about life in general when he went to see Dr. Reid on Friday. This time his mother and he drove to the office alone. He was only mildly surprised when he saw Jim, both Jim's parents, and his father already sitting in the waiting room. All six of them were led by Dr. Reid into a larger room than she normally used. She indicated that it was the room she used for group work. "In a way, what you're doing here is a form of group therapy" she said. Music played softly in the background. It was hauntingly familiar but pitched low enough that none of them could quite grasp the melody. The blinds were drawn and the lights seemed dim, but none of them said anything as they found their ways to the comfortable chairs which stood in a loose semi-circle, focused on the metal-frame chair where Dr. Reid sat. A spotlight shone from the ceiling, illuminating an area just barely in front of her. The effect was to make it seem as if she were hidden in the gloom, while their eyes were drawn to the sparkling, spinning pendant which she held so casually in her hand. Her soft voice filled their ears as they slid unresisting into trance. They awoke feeling refreshed and cheerful. Smiles filled their faces as they turned towards each other, expressing their pleasure at how well the session had gone. Mr. Hobbs stood and extended his hand to Dr. Reid. "Thank you so much, doctor" he beamed. "You're working miracles with my s..my child" Dr. Reid was the only one who noticed the change. Mr. Hobbs had begun to refer to Steven as his son, only to substitute a gender-neutral term. Jim's father, Pete Robson, was next to express his profuse thanks to Dr. Reid. Each of them, including the two boys, shook her hand in thanks before filing out of the room. None of them had any memory of what had happened. They were filled with the knowledge that it had been a very useful session, but felt no need to discuss it or to even think about what had made it so useful. A disinterested observer would have seen little outer change in the families over the next couple of weeks. The parents seemed more relaxed, more tolerant than they had been for a long time, while the boys seemed less stressed, but overall there was little change in how they lived their lives. The greatest change was in the boy's appetites. Somehow, they seemed never to get hungry. They frequently pushed their plates away half-full, even after their mothers began cutting back on the size of their servings. Weight began to melt away, but neither their parents nor the boys themselves seemed to notice. As for therapy, both sets of parents had another session with Dr. Reid while the boys began going every second day. It was on the Saturday after these two weeks had passed that the first hint of the impending changes surfaced. Steven and Jim had gone to the mall to drop a few dollars at the virtual reality arcade. They had talked to a couple of former classmates, but had found the conversation uncomfortable. They realized that a gap was developing between their former friends and themselves. Somehow, the topics which used to interest them now left them feeling bored and distracted. They bought soft drinks from a vending machine, choosing diet colas for some reason, and began to wander the mall. It was Steven who stopped first, his attention drawn irresistibly to a shop window display. Jim was three steps past when he noticed that his friend had paused. He backtracked and looked into the window to see what had caught his friend's attention. They both stared, eyes widening as vague, hidden thoughts and wishes percolated through the inner recesses of their minds. The object of their attention was a mannequin or, more accurately, what the mannequin was displaying. The store was advertising graduation clothing, perhaps a little early, but the boys were not complaining. The gown which had grabbed their attention, like the sight of a glistening glass of ice cold water to a wanderer lost in the desert, was made of black silk. The tight- fitting bodice was cut low to reveal the hard, plastic swell of the mannequin's small breasts, while the back was cut to the waist. Sheer chiffon sleeves were gathered at the waist and secured by tiny white pearls. The skirt, overlaid by more translucent black chiffon, ended at mid thigh, the chiffon hanging perhaps an inch lower. The mannequin was wearing glossy black heels, adding several inches to its height, while its plastic legs were encased in smoky nylons. The two boys stared fixedly at the mannequin until their concentration was abruptly broken by a voice from behind. "Well, boys.. doing some window shopping?" They turned, their thoughts in turmoil as they tried to deny to themselves what they knew in their hearts had been their one desire. "Hello, Dr. Reid" Jim spoke first. "We're just c-cruising the mall" Steven stammered. Dr. Reid stepped past them, to look more closely into the store window. The boys felt their faces begin to burn with embarrassment as she turned on her heel and smiled at them. "That's a very pretty dress. You two have good taste in clothes. A girl would be very lucky to wear something like that on her graduation night, wouldn't she?" Steven looked down at his feet in confusion. Jim put his hands in his pockets and turned to look away. But neither could move, no matter how they longed to flee. "I asked you boys a question" An edge crept into her voice. "Yes, Dr. Reid. A girl would be very lucky to be able to wear that dress" "Thank you, Jim. And what do you think, Steven?" "I agree, doctor" "Agree with what?" "I agree that a girl would be very lucky to be able to wear that dress" "Good boys. Well, come with me. Let's take a closer look" She strode into the store without deigning to check whether they were following. They looked at each other and shrugged. They walked in after her, as if they had no choice. "May I help you?" The petite, neatly dressed young sales assistant greeted Dr. Reid as soon as she entered the store, a credit due in part to the tasteful but quietly expensive way in which the psychologist dressed. Good sales people learned to recognize customers who were prepared to spend real money on clothing. "We'd like to have a better look at that gown you have in the window" The two boys stood apprehensively as the women moved closer to the display window so that Dr. Reid could better identify the garment in question. "It's that divine creation in black silk, and chiffon, isn't it boys? That's the one you like?" Given a choice, each of them would happily have had the floor open up beneath them and swallow them whole. Dr. Reid's cheerful voice had been raised sufficiently that they felt as if everyone in the store could hear. Neither was brave enough to look around to see whether anyone was watching, which meant that they were sure that everyone was. "Well. was it this gown you liked or some other pretty dress?" "It was that one" they said together. Dr. Reid motioned the sales assistant closer and whispered in her ear. The girl looked startled and then, casting a hurried glance at the two boys, she chuckled, before stifling her reaction and nodding to her customer. "Of course, ma'am" The girl walked towards the back of the store, Dr. Reid following her. "Come along, boys" They followed helplessly. Making their way past carousels of blouses and skirts, racks of dresses, displays of women's suits and jackets, the small group found their way to the relatively open area toward the back. The walls were lined with rods from which hung a bewildering variety of dresses, in all sizes, fashions and colors. "Over here, we have our new shipment of graduation wear, including that beautiful dress you saw in the window. Have a seat, boys, and I'll pull out a few for you to look at." "I think we have to be going.." Steven began. Jim looked at him, hope rising on his face. "Nonsense, child" Dr. Reid said. "I saw the way you looked at that gown. This while be a pleasure for you, if you just relax" Jim saw a light die in his friend's eyes just as he felt something inside of him sag. The boys sat without further protest as the sales girl selected half-a-dozen dresses to show to them. At their therapist's command each boy stood in turn to feel the fabric of the dresses, the material feeling cool and silky against their bare skin. "That feels nice, doesn't it?" "Yes, Dr. Reid" "It feels so much better when you're actually wearing it" This was the sales assistant's offering. She smiled wickedly as she said it, obviously taunting the youths. She seemed to have caught onto the spirit of the exercise and she paraded the dresses and talked about the fabrics and cuts of gowns as if she were talking to two young girls out with their mother to select their grad dresses. Steven and Jim felt humiliated, yet something within them would not let them leave. Something within them felt a guilty pleasure at the experience, found the touch of the fabric intoxicating, and wondered secretly what it would be like to actually wear these dresses. Neither would look at the other as they were led out of the store at the end of their ordeal. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Dr. Reid asked, looking carefully at her patients. "No. not too bad" Steven found himself saying. "I'll see you on Monday" Dr. Reid strode away, a smile on her face as she contemplated how well her project was going. She had always expected the first stage to be the toughest. Once any crack in the boy's elf-image had been established, progress would be quick. And the way the parents had reacted had been better, far better, than she had expected. There were factors at play in those families which she had not suspected. Perhaps the fathers were not truly the macho alpha males that they presented as to the outer world. The possibilities intrigued her, but she knew that they could wait. The important point with the parents was to ensure acceptance of the changes planned for the boys. If the parents accepted, and even better if they actively approved, then the changes could be accomplished without the risk of any review of her therapy. Best of all, the changes could be presented as arising completely independent of her involvement. She had kept very close track of the boy's reaction to the dresses which had been displayed. Monday morning found her back at the store, this time carrying several bags bearing the names and logos of other stores within the mall, where she had done some careful shopping as soon as they had opened . Fortunately the same sales assistant was present and she had no trouble remembering the odd episode from the weekend. She had been delighted by the opportunity to have some fun with the two boys, even when she had expected no sale to come about as a result. She was even more delighted after Dr. Reid informed her of her plan, although of course she was ignorant of the true situation. "I'm a therapist, and these two young men are my patients. You have to promise to keep this confidential." The girl nodded, her curiosity piqued. "These two boys are what are known as crossdressers.. transvestites." "Are they gay?" "Not as far as I know. Most transvestites are heterosexual, but some are gay and some are bisexual. In any event, you can understand that their parents are very worried. They have asked me to see whether I can help them" "Help them, how? Isn't sexual orientation something you're born with? I took psych in school and that's what we were told" "That's a very good point. It may be that I cannot change them, if this is truly something inherent in their personalities. But I can make their lives more comfortable; save them from the agony of growing up thinking that they are perverted. That may be my main contribution" "So why are you here?" Dr. Reid explained her plan, leaving out any mention of hypnosis or compulsion. The girl looked doubtful, but then smiled and agreed. "I'll have to get permission from the manager. It might help if you were to explain" Dr. Reid willingly explained her request to the manager, who was a older woman with many years in the business. "We get them once in a while" she said. "Sometimes they come in, looking around as if they're searching for someone. Other times they just try to avoid our attention. You get to where you can tell. It's the way they look at the clothes, or sneak a feel of the material when they think no-one's looking. Some of them will buy something.. always for a girlfriend or their wife, but you know it's for them. I feel sorry for them sometimes. Sure, I'll help" The afternoon session went smoothly, and the two boys left happily. It was Jim's mother who had driven them to this appointment and she was waiting as they came out of the office. 'Thank you for seeing them so late" she said. It was after six already. They were halfway to Steven's place when he piped up from the rear seat. "Say, could you drop me at the mall, Mrs. Robson?" Jim turned towards his mother. "Me too, mom!" Mrs. Robson protested, but the boys were insistent. "The stores will all be closed!" "Not all of them, mom! Maybe we'll take in a movie. Don't worry, we'll grab a bite" Reluctantly assenting, she dropped them off with an admonition to Steven to phone his mom. The two boys hurried into the mall. The main entrance was still unlocked to allow access to the restaurants and the movie theaters which had inside entrances. Wordlessly they hurried down the empty hallway, past the stores on either side, already barricaded behind their security meshes. Their feet led them back to the dress shop where Dr. Reid had found them last week. Hearts pounding, blood rushing through their veins, they opened the door and walked in. The lights were still on and the sales assistant they had met on Friday was waiting, a smile on her face. "Are you still open?" Steven asked. "Oh yes, we stayed open especially for you two" Neither thought that there was anything strange about that. Neither thought to ask how she knew they were coming. Excitement bubbled inside the two boys as they followed the girl into the back area, after she carefully locked the door. She held out two pink house coats and ginned. "Why don't you go into the fitting rooms and take off those clothes. Put these on and come on out. You'll find slippers in the rooms; just make sure you use the first two on the left. Oh, and you should call me Heather" "Okay, Heather" "Thanks, Heather" They took the proffered house coats and found their way into the small fitting room, each equipped with a softly padded stool, several hooks on one wall and mirrors on the other three. Steven felt a momentary doubt as he undressed. What was he doing here? What if his friends saw him getting undressed in a dress shop? But the doubt vanished as soon as it surfaced, and he was smiling as he stepped out in the pink house coat and fluffy slippers. He laughed out loud when he saw Jim, who was dressed identically. Jim looked so funny, almost as if he was half boy and half girl. His delicate features and slim body were accentuated by the femininity of his attire. Jim chuckled in return, neither boy realizing that the image they each portrayed was very similar to the one at which they laughed. Heather was surprised at the change that merely wearing a girl's house coat had on their appearance. She was also surprised at the casual manner in which the boys acted, as if they did this all the time. She thought of her brother, Brad. There was no way that he would act like this. She smiled to herself at the thought of that tall, husky young man mincing around in a pink house coat! Not likely! The boys stood before her, expectant looks on their faces. She came back to reality. Now for the truly weird part. If Dr. Reid were correct, these two would appear reluctant, but would soon become willing participants. "I have some really pretty things for you to try on tonight" They looked startled. "Try on?" "Of course, silly! What else are you here for, and why did you get out of those ugly boy- clothes if you didn't want to try on some pretty girl-clothes?" "I.I don't know" Steven stammered. "We just needed to come here. I don't know why" Jim contributed. "Okay, if that's your story, I'll go along with it" she giggled. Any puzzlement the boys experienced at Heather's words made no more than a blip on the surface of their minds as she instructed them to pick out the 'prettiest' gown from those she had hanging from a portable rack she had pulled into the center of the area where they were standing. Steven felt his mouth go dry with excitement while his palms grew moist. Licking his lips nervously, his heart pounding against his ribs, he walked slowly towards the beckoning display, Jim following closely behind. A gown identical to the one from the window drew him like a magnet. He barely noticed the others, as his hand rose, as if of its own volition, to stroke the fabric. A shiver ran up and down his spine as he lifted the hangar from the rack and turned to face Heather, a question in his eyes. 'That's a very pretty dress, Steven. I think you'll love it!" Steven hugged the dress to his body as he watched Jim sort through the remaining garments. Steven felt a warmth in his groin as his hands pressed against the dress he had selected. His mind was spinning, thoughts scattering like drops of water bouncing on an over-heated skillet. Fragments of words spun through his head, glimpses of fear and doubt mingled with desire, yearning and need. He saw Jim's face, his friend's eyes wide open while his entire body reflected intense concentration, which suddenly blossomed into delight as he pulled out his selection. Jim had also selected a number in black silk, this one a sleeveless gown with a low-cut back, and a long ankle-length sheath skirt, slit from the mid-thigh. "A wonderful choice, Jim" Heather cooed. "Now, before you try on your dresses, you will need these.." Heather gestured towards the nearby sales desk which was covered with the bags dropped off by Dr. Reid that morning. The two boys, holding their dresses gingerly so as not to wrinkle the delicate fabric, edged close to watch as Heather opened the bags and began to extract their contents. The boys felt as if they were on the verge of passing out. Heather sorted the contents of the bags into two piles, one for each boy. They watched enthralled as she sorted the panties, bras, garterbelts, nylons, slips and, finally, shoes. "You look pale, boys. Haven't you ever tried on your mother's lingerie, or your sister's?" "We don't have sisters" Jim mumbled, as the two boys shook their heads. "Well, now you do. You are each other's sister now" They blushed furiously, yet despite their external confusion each boy felt an inner thrill. "I'll help you with these clothes, but you'll have to get dressed by yourselves" Heather took the lingerie and clothes into the fitting rooms while the boys carried their precious dresses. She did pause in the rooms to show each of them that they were also being given breast forms to fill in their bras. the forms were of a soft, flesh tone plastic and appeared amazingly realistic. They came in a plastic bag containing a small tube which she told them contained an adhesive. "Don't use too much of this, especially around the edges, otherwise you'll have to wear your breasts home! I suggest you try on your bra first and then place the forms into the bra and figure out exactly where they should be on your chests. Then take the bra off and glue the forms on. Hold them in place for sixty seconds and then gently put your bra back on. That should allow the forms to stay in place, and give you the figures you need to wear your gowns. Have fun, girls!" Both Steven and Jim felt momentary stabs of doubt when they heard Heather address them as girls, but those feelings were swept away by the intoxicating prospect of wearing such wonderful clothes. Steven hung his dress on one of the hooks and sorted through the small pile of underwear. Trembling with excitement, he removed his house coat and stepped into the panties. They were made of a black, silky material, very plain yet utterly feminine. He had never experienced anything like the sensation as the smooth fabric caressed his skin while he pulled them up his legs. 'I should shave my legs' he thought, without understanding where the idea had come from. It just seemed like the right thing to do and he silently resolved that next time (next time?) he would be better prepared. The panties were cut high on the thighs, but were much fuller than the thongs he had seen illustrated in a few of the magazines which he had peeked into on occasion. They fit well enough until he noticed with a mixture of alarm and pleasure that his penis was rising. He did not know what to do, so he focused on trying the breast forms. He remembered and followed the instructions Heather had given them. It took him several anxious, clumsy moments before he felt ready to use the adhesive. The glue seemed to set almost instantaneously, and he worried about whether the forms would come off without a lot of pain, and maybe some lost skin. He mentally shrugged the worry away as he put on his bra. He looked down at his chest and the two orbs which hung there, partially hidden and supported by the black lace, underwired bra. It had been surprisingly easy to put on; he seemed to know instinctively that he should fasten the hooks with the bra turned around his chest rather than try to do them up in the middle of his back. He turned sideways to look at his reflection in one of the mirrors. He was amazed to see that he looked like he had the body of a girl. His waist was thinner than he could remember and the false breasts seemed quite real, if you didn't look too closely at the seam where the plastic met his own skin. Of course, that bulge in his panties gave the lie to the illusion. Looking at his image caused that bulge to become even more pronounced and he wondered whether he could fit into his dress without doing something about it. He strove to calm down, but it was a losing effort, especially since his next task was to put on the garterbelt and nylons. Now he really wished he had shaved his legs. Fortunately, the hair on his legs was a lighter shade than the hair on his scalp, and was nowhere near as thick as he had seen on many of his classmates during gym classes. Once again, it was as if he had donned a garterbelt many times before. His fingers seemed to know what they were doing without any conscious thought on his part. Soon he was sitting on the padded stool drawing one gossamer stocking carefully up his leg, luxuriating in the coolness against his skin. He pulled it taut as he fastened the two clips to the stocking before repeating the process with his other leg. Standing, he again examined his reflection in the mirror. He looked hot! And his erection throbbed and bobbed in his panties, the tip of his small but thick penis pressing against the waistband. He reacted with a jerk of his body as the door to the fitting room opened. "How are you doing, honey?" Heather asked. "F..fine" was all he could muster as he saw her eyes survey him from head to toe. He could have sworn that her smile broadened and her gaze paused as it met his groin. Heather had been amused at the boys' reactions to her performance. Everything had gone just as Dr. Reid had predicted. Amusement had turned to intrigue as the moments had passed. The two boys were almost her age, perhaps a year her juniors at most. Dr. Reid had said that they were in Grade 12, and she had just finished her first year in College. She was a year younger than her classmates due to having transferred in from Canada, where she had been in an accelerated academic program. She had always had a soft spot for smaller men, rather than the hunks many of her friends lusted after. She preferred a man who could express emotions rather than spend all of his time talking sports instead. Seeing Steven clad in his lingerie was a revelation. He looked so feminine, and so excited. His eyes were huge, adding to his appearance of vulnerability. He looked gawky, uncertain of his own body yet at the same time he looked as if he were very happy in his new clothes. His erection was the bonus that filled her with joy and longing. Dr. Reid had told her that the boys would experience erections when they dressed and she had explained that they would need guidance on dealing with these reactions before putting on their dresses. "We don't want them soiling their new clothes!" the therapist had laughed. Heather had been embarrassed but Dr. Reid had a way about her, a way of persuading people to help and soon Heather had found herself agreeing to the doctor's suggestions. So she had a condom held in her hand, behind her back, as she entered the fitting room. Her plan had been to hand it to Steven and tell him to put it on and jerk off before proceeding further. Then she would give Jim the same instructions. Seeing Steven standing there, looking like a fawn caught in a set of headlights, caused her to change her mind. Without further ado, and without any warning to the boy who stood before her, she knelt on the carpeted floor and reached out to pull down his panties. He tried to move back, but there was no room in the tiny enclosure. 'Hush, honey. I'm here to help" Steven was terrified. He looked straight ahead as if to pretend he was somewhere else, but his eyes met his reflection. Not his alone, since in the silvered glass he saw Heather's back as the girl leaned towards him. He arched his back and a groan was torn from his throat as the girl's longer fingernails traced the head of his penis. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations coursing his body as he felt her hands place something on and around his penis. Opening his eyes for a second, he looked down to see that she was rolling a condom up the shaft of his quivering member. He gasped again as she bowed her head and took him into her mouth. He had heard of blowjobs but he had never had one. In fact he was a virgin and so, he was sure, was Jim. He looked up at the ceiling, his eyes brushing over but not taking in the sight of the acoustic panels which hung three feet above his head. His whole body was alive, as never before. He was acutely aware of, felt immersed in, the feel of his breasts, the tug of the garters, the coolness of his nyloned legs and, above all, the intense pleasure surging from his penis as Heather licked and sucked on him. So it was no surprise, although it was a disappointment to Heather, when he came almost right away. She felt him shudder as he came, the tip of the condom suddenly filling with the creamy whiteness of his cum. She was determined not to let her feelings show, so she rose to her feet, a smile on her face. "That'll help you fit into your dress, honey" was all she said as she left the white-faced, trembling youth to remove the condom and resume dressing. Steven half sat and half collapsed onto the stool, wondering whether this was all some fantastic dream. It was only when he raised his head and saw his dress still on its hanger, suspended from a hook on the wall, that he revived himself. He stood, feeling an inner bliss fill him. Earlier, before he had had orgasm, his excitement had been vibrant, frantic. Now he felt more peaceful, but still as happy as ever before in his life. This felt so right for him, he thought, as he reached for the slip. While this was going on in Steven's fitting room, Heather had visited Jim. She had been almost as tempted to go down on Jim as she had been on Steven. Jim looked just as cute, just as girlish and uncertain. The same jittery radiance had glowed from him as he stood in his panties, bra and nylons. Jim was just drawing his slip over his head when she opened the door. She noted that his penis was longer than Steven's but somewhat less thick. She wrestled briefly with the question of how to deal with it, but quickly resolved that for Jim she would follow Dr. Reid's suggestion. Jim had accepted the condom and her advice to jerk off with perfect equanimity, as if it were the usual was he got dressed. She left him to take care of the problem, and returned to the sales area to await their appearance. Jim wondered why he was feeling so nonchalant about accepting a condom from Heather in the circumstances, but as all such thoughts which strayed into the minds of the two boys, it soon vanished. Dr. Reid's post-hypnotic commands were playing their role to perfection. Another fifteen minutes went by before the doors to the fitting rooms opened; the two boys coincidentally finishing within seconds of each other. Steven was the first to emerge. Heather felt as if she were watching the emergence of a butterfly from its cocoon. A young male, a boy who looked as if he were somehow out of place, had entered that room, albeit in a girl's house coat rather than his usual male attire. Now the person who exited bore little resemblance to the male of the species. Yes, the red hair was cut in a boy's style although it was unfashionably long for a boy, and yes, she wore no sign of makeup. She was clearly unused to her heels, and her uncertainty emphasized her fragility. But these factors served to accentuate her femininity rather than to detract from it. To Heather it seemed as if she were witnessing the rebirth of a delicate, feminine being who had hitherto been forced to pretend to be a boy. Steven wobbled towards her, his anxiety as he awaited her response almost a tangible object. Jim came into view slightly behind his friend, looking like a twin sister. She felt her heart fill with emotion as she took a deep breath. The two boys stood still, their hands reaching for each other. The sight of them holding hands while waiting for her to speak brought her to the edge. "Oh, my darlings! You are so pretty!" Tears came from her eyes, to be matched immediately by tears from theirs. Yet the tears merely served to enhance the joy which filled each of them as they surged together, embracing, kissing and hugging. Heather found a sense of release within her as she accepted these strange boys as fellow girls, as members of the same gender. Dr. Reid had perhaps sensed some of this potential, but in truth it was no more than pure happenstance that the sales assistant in the dress shop which she had programmed the boys to find was so receptive. Happenstance it was. Had Dr. Reid known in advance, she would have moved forward her expected completion date by several months, since now her conditioning was receiving invaluable assistance from another source, a source which would reinforce the boys' new self-image and present them with positive feedback for their new personalities. As for the boys, they were reveling in a sense of freedom, a letting go of constraints and attitudes of which they had been unaware. The threesome was interrupted by the appearance of Dr. Reid, who had been given a key by the manager. "My god, children! Is that really you, Steven? And you, Jim?" She sounded shocked, horrified by the vision before her. The boys recoiled from each other and from Heather, who was the only one expecting Dr. Reid's appearance. The psychologist told her patients to stand still and hold their tongues as she slowly circled them, taking in every detail of their appearance. Steven was acutely self-conscious beneath her close inspection. Dr. Reid was impressed, although she knew better than to reveal how she thought. Steven seemed taller than previously, which was due to his heels. Black velvet formal shoes with thin soles and three inch heels caused his lower body to tilt forward, and his buttocks to protrude in a distinctly unmasculine fashion. Thin black straps wrapped seductively around his ankles and he had put on the anklet which she had included in the bag containing his shoes. She had not been certain that he would feel sufficiently submissive to wear what she had described to him in his trance as a slave bracelet. She felt a thrill of excitement as she realized how thoroughly he had fallen under her spell. She had been worried that his legs might be too well defined, with unsightly muscle lines. She need not have worried; beneath the smoky nylons his calves were smooth and shapely. Only a close look revealed the as yet unshaved hair, which her plans called to be removed very shortly. The dress fit the boy remarkably well. Perhaps the waist would have to be lengthened, since his torso was longer than it should be for a girl of his height. He needed practice with his posture, since his shoulders were slumped. He had to learn to hold them back, to emphasize his bosom. That thought drew her attention to his breasts. The low-cut dress revealed a very attractive cleavage, the mounds of his breast forms swelling smoothly beneath the silk of his gown. She was fascinated by the rapid rise and fall of his breasts as he breathed in and out. 'I wonder what he is feeling as that happens?' she thought. Moving on with her inspection, she saw that a trace of lace was showing at the rear of his dress; he had failed to properly adjust his slip. She would have to speak to him about that; to impress upon his subconscious mind how embarrassing it was for a girl to allow that to happen. His arms, she was pleased to note, were no more masculine than his legs. True, he would have to learn to keep his arms smooth and hairless, but they looked slender and feminine beneath the chiffon sleeves of his dress. She nodded to herself, out of sight of the young man. From the neck down no-one would take him for a male. Work on makeup and hair style would come later. She turned her attention to Jim, without having spoken a word of praise or criticism to Steven, who was still standing as if at attention. Jim too looked convincingly feminine from neck down. His gown fell to his ankles, covering the straps which held his shoes to his feet. The shoes themselves were identical to Steven's, as were his nylons. Dr. Reid told him to walk forward a few steps and then to turn and walk back to his original place. She saw that he instinctively swayed his hips, although she planned on getting both boys to learn to do more of that in their walk. The fabric of his gown parted along the slit on the left side, allowing a glimpse of his stocking leg. It was precisely the effect she had been hoping for when she had chosen his gown. Jim's arms were bare, which made the straggly hair more visible than Steven's had been. She frowned as she saw that, but she was generally satisfied with his appearance. Another month or so and all that too-heavy musculature would disappear, leaving him with perfectly smooth, slender arms. The bodice of Jim's dress was covered by a translucent film of black chiffon, collected around the throat by a delicate band of black silk. Beneath the chiffon his breasts rose and fell just as Steven's had, and he was even prettier than his friend since the chiffon completely obscured the seam between is flesh and the breast forms, which seam had been visible when looking closely at Steven. "Boys. or should I say girls? What's going on?" The two boys had no answer. It was of course an unfair question. Dr. Reid knew better than anyone what was going on, although even she did not yet know of the full extent of her success and the fortuitous recruitment of Heather as a willing accomplice in the feminization of her two charges. "Cat got your tongue, Hmmm?" she said, her smile flickering across her face. Moving close to Steven she looked him in the eye. They stood almost the same height, Steven's heels adding sufficiently to his stature so that he need not look up at her as he usually did when they were both standing. "Isn't that the gown from the window?" "Yes, Doctor" he murmured. 'I could tell that you liked it, dear. And it is an excellent choice! It looks very good on you!"" "Thank you" he blushed as he accepted the compliment. "And Jim, you look radiant in that gown! You belong in a dress!" As Jim sheepishly mumbled his thanks, she spoke to both of them. "In fact I think you both look so much happier, so much better in dresses than you ever did pretending to be boys. I think that you must really be girls after all!" "What do you think, Heather?' Heather knew that she was supposed to join in with Dr. Reid to tell the boys how beautiful they were and what pretty girls they made. When the therapist had first described this scene, she had had reservations. She had expected the boys to look like guys in drag, to be ugly and to be objects either of ridicule or pity. Confronted with the reality, she found herself subject to emotions which stormed through her, distorting her judgment and rendering her dizzy. Steven, in particular, looked incredibly desirable. She remembered the feel of his cock in her mouth. Sure, it had been encased in a condom, depriving her of the pleasure of the feel and taste of the organ against her lips and tongue. But she had felt so good, so in control, as she had sucked him to orgasm. And looking at him now, so fragile and vulnerable, so delectably feminine, she felt an intense desire to take control of him, to caress and reassure him of his position in life. She had expected to have to struggle to keep either disgust or amusement out of her voice, but now she responded sincerely, and without reservation. "I think that these are two of the sweetest, prettiest girls I've met! I hope they never have to go back to being boys!" She saw Steven look at her, his face turned suddenly white as a sheet. Then he caught her eye upon him and something in her expression, or some attitude conveyed by her body, struck home and he averted his eyes, color flushing back into his face so rapidly that she knew that his cheeks were burning. She glanced at Jim, who seemed almost as deeply affected as Steven. His hands toyed with his skirt, lightly pinching the fabric and then nervously smoothing it. "I don't think we can avoid these girls having to pretend to be boys for a while longer, my dear. I doubt that their parents are quite ready to learn that their sons are really their daughters!" "Oh god!" cried Steven. "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll have you changed before you go home. Besides, your parents may soon be more flexible than you might expect" The boys looked at her, hoping for her to expand upon that cryptic remark but she continued as if oblivious to their curiosity. "But we have at least an hour before you have to get out of those pretty clothes. Let's see how you walk, and sit, and generally handle yourselves" "Dr. Reid?" Heather interrupted. "Yes, Heather?" "I can't think of them as boys the way they look. Don't they need proper names, girl's names?" "An excellent idea. If nothing else, the knowledge that they have pretty names will make them feel more natural. What do you think? Shall we ask them to choose?" "Yes, let's do! Steven, what's your real name, you know.. the name you want others to call you to remind you of how pretty and feminine you are?" Steven stood rooted to the floor. Everything that had happened to him that evening, from the moment they had left Dr. Reid's office seemed dreamlike, no matter how real individual moments had been. That dreamlike quality changed, intensifying and yet diminishing at the same time. It was as if the air had become clearer, as if everything he saw and felt had snapped into the tightest focus he had ever known. He saw and felt things with a clarity which was so intense that it felt as if he were dreaming, but he knew that in some way he had never been wider awake. This was a moment of truth, a moment at which he might cross over a divide, a divide invisible and, in truth, absent from the lives of most people. He knew that if he volunteered a name, that he would be forever changed. The memory of a young Aubrey Hepburn flashed into his mind from a movie which he had somehow found himself watching with his mother last week. "Sabrina" he heard himself say. "My name is Sabrina" Sabrina felt a wave of giddiness sweep through her, causing her to sway on her heels. Her vision blurred with tears as she saw the delighted look on Heather's face, which expanded to fill her vision. She barely heard Dr. Reid's "Good choice, dear" Instead she felt Heather's arms around her and Heather's lips on her cheek as the young sales assistant kissed her new girlfriend. "And now it's your turn" Dr. Reid addressed Jim, who was staring at Steven as if he had just seen something impossible. Jim turned slowly to face his inquisitor. "My turn?" he said quietly. "Yes, come on. Tell us who you really are" Jim's face contorted. His hands clenched into fists, causing Heather to worry that he might be damaging the silk of his dress. Suddenly Jim's face calmed, and his hands unclenched. 'My name is Joanne" she announced, a tentative smile forming. She repeated the name to herself softly, as if marveling at so wondrous a realization. "My name is Joanne, my name is. Joanne" "And mine is Sabrina!" her old friend chimed in. The two boy-girls looked at each other and then rushed together, still unsteady on their heels. They embraced, holding each other close as they began to come to terms with the change which had overtaken them. "Congratulations, girls" Dr. Reid's voice drew them back to reality. "You realized that this is only temporary: it is Jim and Steven who will be going home tonight, not Joanne and Sabrina" The boy-girls looked downcast, but cheered up at her next words. "But I promise you: if you are good, obedient girls, I will work out a way for you to live at home with your parents as girls. They will come to love you for who you want to be" The next hour went by in a whirl, as Heather and Dr. Reid began the task of teaching their pupils how to move in a more naturally feminine manner. They learned to walk with small steps, placing one foot ahead of the other, in contrast tot he male swagger which they had evinced previously. They learned how to sit, with knees close together. They learned how to smooth their skirts as they sat. Even the way in which they held their arms by their bodies changed under the tutelage of the two women; they learned to hold them turned outwards, with a slight break in the wrist. Their efforts to speak in a higher tone drew giggles from Heather. Dr. Reid assured the disappointed yout

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Between Two Worlds

So I live two lives, both in Georgia. One in the twenty-first century, where I’m Mr. Politically Correct, rubbing shoulders with all races, colours, creeds and sexual persuasions; and one in the nineteenth century, where I am - like almost all moneyed white gentlemen - a slave owner.I discovered the ability to step between the worlds when I was but a teen. The first time was an instinctive flight response to a threat (a mugger). It took me some time to figure out what had happened, and even...

2 years ago
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Two Worlds

Travis Michael Dillon had seen enough. He had seen enough bloodshed. He had seen enough suffering. He had seen enough of the war. So in the spring of 1866, he decided to do something about it. The War Between the States had just ended and while President Lincoln had worked to heal the country and reunite it once again prior to his assassination, Travis wanted to get as far away from it as he possibly could. The war had ravaged his small town, his state and his country. It had divided the...

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Horny Worlds

In the Horny Worlds, everyone is horny and sexually open, but not in a free-use society. Natural and real-life laws and taboos are still in place but they are often bended and/or broken in secret for the pleasure of whatever naughty act the deviant in question wants. Incest is common but not spoken about, married men and women often cheat and swing on each other, and "rape" is not really rape. This is just the general setting though, the way people act in the world depends on what world they...

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Hentai Worlds

Hentai World: Alternative Dimension where the rules of Porn and Hentai apply above all others. Whether it means that people are simply sexually open, shameless about breaking every sexual taboo out there (within reason), or have a special set of rules that revolve around sex. Either way these worlds are all about sex and the exploits that come with it. Which world would you like to start with? (Adders, feel free to make fanfictions using this idea)

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The Best of Both Worlds

Daniel had known from the start, what he was risking when he entered into a relationship with Arya.  There was a reason the woman had never settled down with any one person.  Always open and honest about her sexuality, Arya was bi with an equal level of attraction to both sexes.  She was also very sexually active, always telling her friends that she would never settle down with anyone, as the loyalty required for a serious relationship would mean giving up physical intimacy with at least one...

2 years ago
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The Tide RisesChapter 2 War of Worlds

Humorous, sexy, depraved, and tongue in cheek philosophy. I Hope Entertaining! Is the secret of happiness, audible, visual, sensual, cerebral? Or purely an emotional state? The Tide Rises: Chapter TWO “War Between Worlds” ( Inside my head ) “I will make it worth your while to listen, an offer you can’t refuse!” I’ll throw in some sex pots, my succubi daughters, Aphrodite and Venus!” Lou smugly declares. Now THAT sounds like a real hell of a father speaking. “Accept the deal, my nasty...

2 years ago
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The best of both worlds

My husband Jim had always fantasised about a threesome, it was just a fantasy, we had never really discussed it, I had never contemplated a third in our bed. When he mentioned it he always seemed to be joking, anytime we talked about sex he wouldn’t bring it up. Having another woman was not something I had ever dreamed of, any “lesbian” tendencies were not in my portfolio, hey I was probably the only girl in school that had never kissed another girl never mind anything else. I had always...

4 years ago
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Best of Both Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds have various definitions. For me it means a person whom is balanced, have a understanding of how men and women think and feel. Believe it or not they exist! Transgendered people, doesn't matter if they are living 2407 as a woman or a TV and part-time discrete crossdresser. As there are hetrosexuals, gays, bi-sexuals and lesbians. There is also the transgendered. They are rare, extremely discreet and even very shy...but they exist!I remember seeing documentaries about...

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Ranma Between 2 Worlds

Ranma Between 2 Worlds By Paul G Jutras Ranma's stepbrother Mamoru showed up at the Saotome house; which he'd be staying at for the school semester. After knocking on the door got no answer, he went around back to find Ranma watering his mother's flower garden. Ever since Ranma's mother found out their secret, the three had become a happy family once again. With a smile on his face, Mamoru stepped on the house and interfered with the flow of water. When Ranma tried to shake the...

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Best of Both Worlds

“Surprise!” Ginny yelled. Sally startled awake from her nap in the sunshine, outside the pool house of her multimillion dollar mansion. She looked up, but her gaze drifted downward. I must be having a wet-dream, she thought. “I brought two friends,” Ginny said. “I thought you might need cheering up.” The cheering up referred to Sally’s husband dying. It wasn’t a tragedy—the man had been in his nineties, but he had been good to Sally, taking her in and becoming a bit of the father she never had...

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Best of Both Worlds

A New Service Patty Duke sat in the elegant restaurant waiting for her guests. She was a lady in her early 40's, elegant, confident and successful. As always, Patty was elegantly dressed and made-up. Her dark blonde hair was arranged in a bob-cut style around her face exposing the diamond earring strands hanging from her ears. The beige jacket over a caramel silk blouse was artfully cut to display a very generous bust line. The copper eyeshadow, heavy mascara and rather bright lipstick...

4 years ago
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Hannah Montana gets the worst of both worlds

Hannah Montana gets the worst of both worlds        I have to admit, I was obsessed.  I had seen videos of Hannah Montana all over the place.  I had even taken to following her and discovered that she was around this cute chick named Miley a lot.  Both were average sized 14 year olds, one blonde, one brunette.  I made the mistake, though, of being around too much, when one of the Roadies noticed me.  He finally approached me, but I was surprised at his response.  He said, yeah, I’ve been...

4 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 85 Different Worlds

Kathy felt the mirror glass. It was cool and smooth, and quite solid. The girl who looked like her was still sobbing bitterly, totally unaware she had a visitor. She turned and looked at the girl. They really could be twins Kathy thought, at least from what she could tell through the excess layers of clothing. She swallowed hard and tried to smile. "Hi! Do you remember me?" The girl looked up, gasped and tried to hide behind her Teddy Bear. "Oh, oh my, oh," was all she could say, and...

2 years ago
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Changeling takeover

You are the ruler of a changeling hive and want to rule the world. However you will have the risk of your hive being banished from the lands you have hid yourselves in or killed off if you piss off the other races too much. Changeling race: they are similar to the pony race with a insect like apparence mixed in. They have a black fur-less carapace, webbed manes and tails, bent horns, and insect-like wings. They feed on the emotions of other races with love the best and can change their...

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It happened in an instant. You, a young man about 6 foot-two-inches in height and who is about 23 years of age, had fallen asleep after playing video games and doing coursework on a Tuesday night. You were studying for the chapter finals of a course covering theories and concepts on the existence of multiple universes. And you thought you were ready, when you awoke the next morning not to the familiar sights of your room, but to a confusing sight of dunes and endless sands. Your first question...

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Tales From the Netherworlds

The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...

2 years ago
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World Sex! When you know that a site has been here since 1996, it is hard to expect anything than good things to come your way, right? Worldsex.com is a free tube site that has managed to survive years and years, in fact, decades of challenges and has stayed on the top of the pops for so many years. With that being said, you might expect something that's going to blow your mind. Well, I browsed around the site, saw some good things and saw some bad, but like I like to think, the test of time is...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Domino City Saga Tale Of Two Worlds

Andrew Turner was your average guy. He held down a job he hated so he could pay for an apartment that he of course thought was too small. His girlfriend had dumped him nay barely a week ago. and every time he tried to jump back into the dating scene he ended up in a flop. The world had a way of knocking him on his ass, something he wished would change. It was a late monday night and the knob leading to Andy's' apartment was turning ever so slowly before it crept open in near...

3 years ago
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Three Worlds

The two consecutive thuds at my one-o’clock position grabbed my attention. The shockwaves and sudden strong gusts of wind were felt through the steering wheel, pushing the car into the empty oncoming lane. A strange, perfectly vertical dust devil formed in the wheat field. The car was allowed to decay its speed. From the phenomenon, I noticed two people scrambling for the road as if to catch a bus.The two strange-looking women reached the bus stop just in time to request a ride with me. I...

2 years ago
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Crossing Worlds

"All set?" "Yeah, I've got the essentials in here." Andrea showed off the locked metal suitcase. "I've got Strider, a lot of women and men, the dick suit, the vibrator and the strap on suit. Everything suitable for a vacation." The loving couple shared a chuckled. For the first time in a long time they were going on a "normal" vacation. The two of them to an all inclusive hotel in Iceland. They had done the whole "beach vacation" for a while, and it was time to do something...

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CMNF Worlds

You get to write about a world where women are required to be naked at all times but men are allowed to remain clothed. You can approach this story in almost any way you want. Perhaps you want women to be nothing more than slaves to men. Maybe women are at a nearly equal standing with them, but still have to be nude. As for the setting, feel free to get creative there as well. Maybe your story will take place in the “real world.” Maybe it’ll be in a fictional country of your own making. Perhaps...

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Erotic Virtual Worlds

There was a flash of light and in an instant you found yourself standing in a white feild of nothingness. In all directions you could only see the pale white landscape which stretched on forever. Your bare feet felt chilled against the cool smooth floor of ivory you stood upon. When you looked down you realized you were naked. Standing in the nude, your body was not your own but instead an unfamiliar form of a young male. It was common for simulations to place users in a premade form which...

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Changeling it up

Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...

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Introduction For all you History buffs, I have made loose with the Karankawas and made them more evil than they probably were. This is due partly to the need of and antagonist and stories I was told by my ancestors. What I am trying to say is don't nit pick...just read the story. Also if you are only looking for sex look elsewhere. I said Non Erotic and I meant it. Part 1 Chapter 0ne: Running Wolf Running Wolf, a Comanche brave of average size of 5'9'' 163 lbs, was sitting in the...

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Femborg the Best of Both Worlds

It was a cool Saturday afternoon and Jeff had nothing better to do, so he got in his car and headed down to Try-N-Save to buy a few things he needed for the house. He could stand to replace that moldy old shower curtain, and some of his towels had become so threadbare that they hardly served their purpose any more. Parking his car, he headed toward the Cluck N'Bell to get a bit of lunch before going shopping. But as he passed the Shinra store, a woman standing in the window display winked...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 64 Two Very Different Worlds

November 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei,” Miyu said when Kara, the girls, and I walked into the dojo on Saturday morning. “Good morning, Miyu.” “Do you have a moment, please?” I nodded and we went to the small practice room for privacy, as Sensei Jim had a family in his office. “What can I do for you?” “I need you to meet a young man,” she said. “I think you might be taking this ‘not do anything without permission’ a bit too far!” Miyu shook her head, “No, I’m not....

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 18 Best of Both Worlds

Lynette Robertson’s House, Komoka 8:16pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 I was once more utterly amazed when I saw Lynette strip down to a lovely bra and panty set. She was absolutely gorgeous as she stood upright beside her parents’ king sized bed after she slightly struggled to get her tight blue jeans off her long, lean legs. Her full, firm breasts were covered by a white, underwire bra, which had black flowers decorating the cup material. Along the top edge of her bra, black lace enticed...

1 year ago
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The best of both worlds

Cassandra Sprocket climbed out of the large multi person whirl pool tub and began drying herself off. Eyeing herself in the full length mirror on the bathroom wall, she couldn't help but admire her near perfect figure. A shade over five feet ten inches tall, with a full voluptuous body, and a long mane of shiny auburn hair, Cassie turned heads where ever she went, attracting both men and women with her simmering sexual appeal! She continued to dry off as she walked into the bedroom which was...

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James bi beginingsThe best of both worlds

My name is James. This story began when I was 16. I have two younger brothers and one older brother. My older brother with whom I shared my bedroom in the basement moved to the college campus where he studies. My parents thought it would be a good idea to invite my cousin Peter to live with us for a while. We would have to share my room with a bathroom and my king size bed. I thought it would be fun. By the way, I was 5’4” blonde, into sports. Some girls at school considered me cute and with a...

2 years ago
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Best of Both Worlds

“Surprise!” Ginny yelled. Sally startled awake from her nap in the sunshine, outside the pool house of her multimillion dollar mansion. She looked up, but her gaze drifted downward. I must be having a wet-dream, she thought. “I brought two friends,” Ginny said. “I thought you might need cheering up.” The cheering up referred to Sally’s husband dying. It wasn’t a tragedy—the man had been in his nineties, but he had been good to Sally, taking her in and becoming a bit of the father she never...

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Winning the Worlds

A field of golden grass. A tree at least a hundred times the size of anything you've seen before. A woman's voice. "You are chosen." This is everything our hero sees, hears, feels. "Take this gift." The woman appears. Her glows with an earthy green. Her eyes as dark as the forest but full of life and love. Her golden, sun-kissed skin shines with radiance. Her name resonates through your head. Gaia. Mother Nature. The goddess who created the earth and all life on it.

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Infinite Worlds

John awoke with a start, with bright light surrounding him. A voice spoke. "Hello Master. I am a Genie, and you have released me. You may have as many wishes as you want. So, what is your first wish? Or would you like to be taken back to earth and think it over?"

Mind Control
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The Decay of Worlds

Morning in a small village near Thallwin, a quite large town that you visited a lot a couple of years ago, when your father lived. Here in Misttoe village, you and your mother gets by with helping out at the inn. Your mothers name is Sawwon, or Sorrow as she is named by some of the meaner children. She aged twenty years the day your father died, and her hair is white and her back is bent, even though she is not older than thirty-five winters. She has sold all her old jewelry and dresses to...

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Two Of Both Worlds

It’s weird how two unsuspecting people could meet and suddenly end up together in unexpected ways. It all started in high school with my long time and now ex boyfriend, Bill, and my long time and now ex girlfriend, Charlene, we called Charley for short. Charley and I have been best friends ever since middle school. We would talk about everything. The clothes we wear, the girls we thought was unpopular, the guys we screwed. We were like sisters. Well, sort of. I remember when I was having a...

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James bi beginingsThe best of both worlds

My name is James. This story began when I was 16. I have two younger brothers and one older brother. My older brother with whom I shared my bedroom in the basement moved to the college campus where he studies. My parents thought it would be a good idea to invite my cousin Peter to live with us for a while. We would have to share my room with a bathroom and my king size bed. I thought it would be fun. By the way, I was 5’4” blonde, into sports. Some girls at school considered me cute and...

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Best of Both Worlds

Author's note: A short story for Halloween, I do hope that you enjoy it, and all feedback and all votes would be very much appreciated. The vampire towered over the old witch and looked down on her haggard old face with distaste. "I wouldn't want to drink your blood old woman so don't fuss," he declared coldly. "I never said that you would want to, I just said keep your long fangs away from me." She scowled up at him irritably as she tugged her grey shawl tighter against her. Her...

4 years ago
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The Best of Both Worlds

Billy Ray stared at his daughter in disbelief. It was the most perverse example of debauchery he'd ever seen. Even for Miley. They had just wrapped up shooting the season of Hannah Montana last week and next week she'd start her 50-city concert tour. This was the perfect time for them to get away for a three day weekend to San Jose del Cabo. He watched as Miley grasped the boy's cock at the base and lowered herself onto it, sliding it deep into her ass. Billy Ray smiled remembering his...

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DianneChapter 9 Best of Both Worlds

This is a work of fanfiction. The author, Antidarius, does not claim ownership of any characters or titles mentioned that are the existing property of other entities. D.I.A.N.N.E. P: 49 - M: 51 - S: 39 --Thursday, 4th June, 1999-- “So here we are,” I said awkwardly, stirring the foam on my cappuccino with one of those little wooden sticks they give you instead of a spoon at some cafes. Why did they do that anyway? What was wrong with a spoon? Melinda sat across from me, stirring her...

1 year ago
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The Best of Both Worlds

Michael had left to go shoot some hoops with his brother for a few hours. When he got back, he found his wife in front of the computer. He kissed her and looked at the screen to see what interesting things she had been surfing for. He was more than a little shocked when he noticed she was looking at pictures of she-males. "What are you looking at pics of that kind of stuff for?" Michael asked, more than a little curious. Barbie laughed. "Sorry, I guessed I should have warned you. I just was...

She Males
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

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Changeday Five Years

CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...

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ChangeDay Advent Part One

======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: The following story is based on the ChangeDay universe, created by BobH. However, below I use exact dates that are NOT conducive with the universe canon and should not be confused as such. As part of my creative process, it helps if I have exact dates, but, again, these dates are NOT universe canon. If you feel the inspiration to write in this universe, I would suggest contacting BobH first. He's a...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 1

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland in Deutschland Teil 1 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________- Es war der erste Juni als es das erste Mal passierte. Ich Mirko 18 Jahre war grade zu Besuch bei Paul (19) und seiner Freundin Heike (grade 18). Wir waren kurz vor unserem Abi. Ich bin ein stabilere Junge kurzen...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul, und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und i...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und ich i...

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