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Chapter 23 Two days past and the phone rang. It was a Thursday afternoon and Brenda was trying to find a way to go into Melissa's office to see what she could find that might help the investigation. "Universal modeling, how may I help you?" Brenda asked. "Brenda, its Bill Cline. I have some bad news for you. Your father has been in an accident and your mother has asked that you call her. She had no way of getting a hold of you so she called the bureau and they forwarded her message to me. She's asked that you come home because he is in a coma." "Oh my God, what should I do?" "I can give you a couple of days off, go home tomorrow and come back Monday, nothing will change as far as the investigation is concerned and it's important that you visit your family." "What about my disguise?" "There's nothing you can do about that, and it's up to you whether you go home or not. I'm not forcing you to go but at least call you mother and see what she has to say." "Thanks Bill." Brenda hung up the phone and took her cell phone out to call her mother. She was a nervous wreck after hearing the news of her father. She couldn't use the company phone or the address for her parents home might be traced by the call. Brenda punched in the number and the phone rang twice before her mother answered the call. "Hello," her mother said. "Mom, it's Bren, I mean, its Matt." "Who is this? Matt? It doesn't sound like you, young lady, we're going through a very difficult time right now and this isn't funny." "Mom, it is me, I'm undercover remember?" Matt had told his mother that he was going to be a girl as his disguise and she laughed about it saying that it would be a good lesson for him to learn about women. He was also supposed to tell her about the hormones but didn't when he changed doctors and moved to New York. "My goodness, I forgot, you sound just like a girl. I would have never known it was you. Matt, you have to come home, your father was in an accident and they don't know if he's going to live or die and I want all of you boys here, I need for you to come home." "I don't know if I can mom, I'm undercover and I have this disguise." "I talked to your superiors and they said you could come home for a few days, so please baby, come home." "But mom, what about my disguise?" "Take it off and put it back on when you return to work." "It's not that easy mom, you can hear my voice, well I look like a girl too." "Just change your clothes, how hard can that be?" "Mom, its more than just clothes, I'm supposed to be a girl, I look like one." "What do you mean you look like one?" "Do you remember my mousy brown hair?" "Yes." "It's not mousy brown anymore, it's auburn with blond highlights and its been permed. My brows have been plucked, my nails are long, my ears have three earrings on each side and I have a figure. If I put on my old clothes I'll look like a girl wearing boys clothes, I can't mom." "You have to come home, you owe it to your father to be here. If it makes you feel any better come home dressed like a girl, but I want you here." "Everyone will laugh at me." "No they won't, I'll explain that your disguise is part of what you are doing and your brothers will be fine with it. I think it will be fun seeing you as a girl, now get on a plane and come home." "Yes mom." Melissa returned from lunch so Brenda gave up the idea of searching her office. That would have to wait for another day. "Melissa, my mom just called and asked that I come home over the weekend. My father was in a serious accident and is in a coma and, and," Brenda couldn't finish as she dissolved in tears. Melissa came to her and held her and said, "You go home sweetheart, we'll be alright until you get back." Brenda composed herself and hugged Melissa. "Thank you Melissa, you're so nice, would you mind if I go home now, I have to pack?" "Run along sweetheart and I hope your dad gets well." "Thank you." Brenda left the office and wondered how people could say that Melissa was a bitch when she had just been so nice to her. She was feeling guilty about what she was doing until she thought of Connie and the hell Melissa was putting her through. She was becoming aware of what a chameleon Melissa really was. Brenda arrived at home and opened the front door to the apartment building. When the door shut Annie opened her door to see who was coming into the building this time of day. "Brenda, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I have to go back home for a few day's my father is in a coma," she replied as her eyes filled with tears. "Come in here dear and close the door." Brenda was shattered by the news of her father and the high amount of hormones she was taking wasn't helping her cope with the news, she was becoming a wreck. "Sit down dear, let me get you a cup of tea." Annie returned with the tea and asked, "Tell me what happened?" "My father was in an accident and is in a coma and they don't know if he's going to live or die," Brenda sobbed. "There, there, sweetheart, everything will be okay, drink your tea, it will make you feel better." Brenda sipped her tea and was able to stop the tears. "My mom called me and asked that I come home. I'll fly home tomorrow and come back Monday, would you watch my place for me?" "Of course dear, would you like me to help you pack?' "No, that's okay, I can do it myself, I love you Annie, you're like another mother to me." "Oh Brenda, to be honest you've become like a daughter to me, the one I never had. You're such a sweet girl that any woman would be proud to have a girl like you for a daughter." "Thank you Annie, I feel a bit better now, I'm going to pack and see if I can get a flight out in the morning." "You be careful and hurry home, I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too, Annie," Brenda said as the two women embraced. Brenda went to pack, wondering what she should wear. In the suitcase went panties, her new bras, and as much else that would fit. She thanked God that it was a large suitcase or she would be in trouble, after all what woman doesn't have enough changes for two weeks including shoes for a three day stay? Brenda called for an airline ticket. She would have to fly out of Newark and made her reservations for the next morning. Brenda called for a ride the next morning and was able to get to the airport for a flat fee of thirty dollars. She passed through ticketing and security with a minimal amount of problems using her FBI identification. She boarded her flight and found her seat. A woman sat next to her and soon the flight was in the air. Brenda didn't want to talk to anyone and apparently the woman next to her didn't either. Brenda let her mind wander. She began to worry what her family was going to say when they saw her. She had decided to wear her business clothing, there was no reason to dress down because no mater what she was to do she would look like a girl, the FBI had seen to that and her own choices had finished the project. She chose to wear three-inch heels a skirt and coat with a blouse that allowed a small amount of cleavage to show. It was no more than she would have shown if she still had her breast forms so she wasn't worried her mother would find out about her breasts. The movie started and it was a girl's movie. Brenda tried to watch but it didn't interest her, she had other things on her mind. The movie ended and she removed the in flight magazine from the seat back and opened the cover only to discover Tiffany in a seductive dress from Margaret Voss. "What a beautiful dress," said the woman next to her. "Yes, isn't it nice?" "I'd love to have one like that, if only I could afford it." "I know what you mean. The model is my best friend, and even she can't get me a discount," Brenda giggled. "We both work for the same modeling agency." "You know Tiffany Rollins? God I'd love to meet her. I'm Christine Blanko by the way." "Hi, I'm Brenda Watson, I thought I would be the only person in the world going to Santa Maria today." "I have a story to cover there, I'm a reporter for Time magazine. I'd love to be able to interview Tiffany someday. She's, if you'll pardon the expression, knocking the fashion world on its rear. I've never seen a girl rise so fast. She has this look that haunts you once you've seen her, she so beautiful." "She's sweet too, give me your card and I'll ask her if she'll see you." "You'd do that?" "Why not, you seem like a nice person." "I hope to see you again Brenda, you're very nice too." Christine handed Brenda her card and the two made small talk until the plane landed. Brenda rented a car and soon was driving to her mom's home. She drove down the 101 and turned off onto Main Street. She headed west until she reached Santa Inez Drive and turned left. There was something comforting about being home. Tall maples lined both sides of the street and the leaves had just began to fall covering the well kept lawns in front of the Spanish style homes. Brenda drove two blocks stopped in front of a newly painted Spanish style stucco home. The arch over the front porch hadn't change nor did the plants hanging from hooks in pottery containers. The vines reached nearly to the ground. Brenda felt serene as she turned off the motor in the car. She removed the key from the ignition and opened the car door, she was home. Well here goes nothing she thought as the fear started to return. Her heels clicked on the cement walkway as she walked to the four stairs she used to jump off of as a child. She stepped gingerly up onto the porch and rang the doorbell. The door opened and her mother smiled. It was a smile that made her remember how much she had missed her mother. "Yes, may I help you," her mother asked. "Mom, it's me, Matt." Her mother's face turned ashen in color, she was going to faint. Brenda grabbed her mother before she could fall and brought her to the old fashioned seat with the mirror back and coat hangers at the top of each post and lowered her before she fell. Several minutes past until her mother could speak. "My God Matt, what happened to you?" "I warned you mom, I told you I couldn't change out of my disguise, please don't be angry." "But, you look so, God, so pretty, couldn't you do something about that?" "What am I supposed to do mom, this is the way I look now. I tried warning you." Brenda's eyes were beginning to fill with tears, if she were to cry, that would put her mother over the top, she had to hold strong. "I know you did, but I thought you would look like a boy in a dress and we'd have a good laugh. But you're pretty and sexy besides, you look like a real girl." "If I didn't I'd be killed mom, this is really serious stuff." "This is how you live now?" "Until the assignment is over." "But you're so pretty, don't you worry about boys?" "No, why would I?" "Because I remember when you and your brothers were home and all you talked about was how hot some girl was and now you're that girl." "I can handle myself mom, remember I went through the academy and they did teach us self defense." "I'm sure guys must whistle at you." "Not yet, and beside what harm can come from a whistle?" "It's just not right, maybe I shouldn't have asked you to come here." "Don't say that mom, please?" The hurtful words pushed Brenda past her will and the tears ran down her cheeks and dropped to the floor. Mrs. Watson saw what she had done to her son with her words. It wasn't Matt's fault that he was pretty and he was just doing this because of his job. It was unnerving that he could look so much like a pretty girl and what was worse he acted like one too, he had indeed become the girl he portrayed. Natalie Watson stood and hesitated, she wanted to take her son in her arms to comfort him, she truly did, but couldn't find herself to do so. This was going to take some time to resolve. "I'm sorry Matt, I shouldn't have said what I did, I'm glad you're here, really I am." "Mom, who's here?" a voice from the back of the house shouted. "It's Matt," she replied. "Matt, is it true, does he look like a girl?" asked the voice. Steps could be heard on the hardwood floor as Mel Watson walked to see his brother. He rounded the corner and saw Brenda for the first time. "Holy shit Matt, you look like a chick." "Watch your mouth young man, don't you dare use that language around your sister," Natalie said. "But he's not my sister, he's Matt," Mel whimpered. "As long as he looks like this he's your sister, do I make myself clear?" "Yes mom." Brenda couldn't believe her ears, her mother had called her his sister, maybe things would be alright after all. "Hey Mark, come here, we've got a sister and she's hot." Mark came from the family room in the rear of the house and the results were the same as when Mel saw Brenda except his mouth opened and nothing came out. "Holy smoke Matt, you're pretty, what happened?" he asked when he was able to talk. "I'm undercover for the FBI. I'm investigating a drug ring in New York City. I have to look and act real or I'll be killed. A girl was killed by the ring ten months ago because she was going to go to the police." "Why do you have to be a girl?" "Because the agency couldn't find any girls to take the job so my best friend and I went for it and here I am." "You have a friend like this too?" "Only he's much prettier than me, he's a model." "You're shitting me, a model?" "Yes, a model, she's becoming very famous too." "Who is she?" "I can't tell you that because if word got out she was an FBI agent she'd be killed. I'll tell you after this is all over but I can't until then." "I know this sounds stupid but I can't call you Matt while you look like this, do you have a girls name?" "It's Brenda." "You mean we can't be the three M's anymore?" Mel asked. "I almost made that same mistake when I first went undercover. I was talking to a friend about our family and mentioned that we were the three M's and he wondered how we could be called that if my name was Brenda, so I thought fast and now I have a middle name of Mary." "You were out with a guy?" Mark asked. "No, I was just talking to a guy I know, you know a friend, like you and Madison were years ago, you were best friends but never dated, it's kind of like that only he's not my best friend." "Do you always dress like this?" "Of course not, I wanted to look nice when I got here. This is what I wear to work, I have to look nice for the clients. Can we go sit down, my heels are killing me." "Welcome to my world Matt, oops I'm sorry, Brenda, let's go into the family room. Mark, go get your sisters suitcase out of the car, she shouldn't have to carry it, it's too heavy for a girl," Natalie said. Mark went to retrieve the suitcase while the others moved to the family room. The afternoon sun was just beginning to shine through the glass wall, which looked out to the small but usable swimming pool. Brenda remembered the fun times she and her brothers had when they were younger swimming and dunking each other when it was too hot to do anything else but be in the water. Being the youngest she pretty much got the worse of the fun but she had loved every minute of it. Even when they grew older she still couldn't beat the two older boys because she had the unfortunate genes that had made her the shortest brother. Both of the older boys had grown to over six feet tall, much like her father and she took after her mother and ended up at five-foot five. The only time it benefited her was when they went surfing, she was the best surfer in the family but that was a while ago. She wondered now how her new body would be on a board and what it would be like to balance, maybe next year she would try to find out. Brenda walked to the sofa and lowered herself to the soft cushion. Her mother watched to see if her son was still living inside the girl. She must have been disappointed or thrilled, it was hard to read Natalie's thoughts as she watched her daughter lower herself with legs together, down to sit. Brenda never lost any of her femininity as she did. Matt would have plopped down, legs apart and kick his feet onto the table in front of the sofa. It was almost a ritual to him. Brenda sat with her legs together after smoothing her skirt and pulling it down to mid thigh. She leaned over and removed her heels and curled her feet onto the sofa next to her hips. Natalie was conflicted, Brenda was a pretty girl and she had class. She wasn't sure what to think about this girl, after all she had stolen her son away and replaced him with this, this thing. She wanted to give Matt love but this wasn't Matt anymore, Matt was gone and the way she sat proved that. How, she wondered, was she going to be able to love the girl that had killed her son? Natalie was startled from her thoughts when Mark asked, "Mom, where should I put Brenda's things?" "In the small bedroom, you and Mel will have to share the larger room." "Mom, when can we go to see dad?" Brenda asked. "After four, he's in ICU and so only two of us can be in the room at one time. Were not allowed to stay for too long. Why don't you get changed into something more comfortable before we leave." "Okay mom." "It's only a little after two, I want to hear more about how this happened to Matt," Mel said. "Yeah me too," Mark said. "It all started as a stupid prank when we graduated from training back in Virginia. There's this guy who thought it would be funny to have us made up like girls because we wanted to go undercover for this assignment in New York City. We didn't know it was for a girl because all the notice asked for was volunteers. My friend Dirk and I asked if we could go on the assignment and of course he said yes and sent us to this woman who made us up. The big joke was that we would walk into this room and the guys would laugh and take some pictures and that would be the end of it. What they hadn't counted on was the director walking in just before us. When we did he thought it was a great idea. He thought we had volunteered to be girls for the assignment and told us how great we were for doing this. One guy even got a commendation for his part. If we decided not to do this we would have been kicked out of the program and that's why I'm like this now." "What about your friend, how does he feel about this thing?" "He hates it, he's still angry that we had to do this thing." "I thought you said she's a famous model?" "She is, but she still doesn't like it." "Are you pissed off too?" "Of course not, I decided a long time ago to go with the flow. I would have to do this whether I was angry or not so why be mad all the time? It was hard at first, trying to be like a girl, learning how to act was the hardest. When you're a guy and have to act feminine it's like being gay or something, but the more you behave like a girl the more you become like one, you become a different person. You learn to bury your male self and become a woman. It's hard to describe, one day your acting and then the next you're not, you've become that person." "How did you get so pretty?" Mark asked. "I took after mom." "Really Brenda, you looked like a surfer dude before, how do you do it?" "It took a lot of time and some hormone treatment. The hormones made me look more like a woman and I learned a lot about makeup from an expert. Being a woman is more than looking like one, it's how you carry yourself that says man or woman. I could remove my makeup and dress in boys clothes and walk into a room and people would want to know why I was dressed in boys clothing, it's not how you look, its more than that, its an attitude." "You're tripping me out, if I didn't know better I would have thought you were born like this," Mel said. "Thank you I guess, my life depends on it." "What happens when this is all over, can you be Matt again?" Mark asked. "I don't know, they said it should be reversible but if it's not we have a job for life, its all in writing." "You mean you might be stuck like this?" "Maybe, no one knows yet and we won't know until it's over." "Do you like being like this?" Mel asked. "Yes, I do, its fun." "Is it better than being a guy?" "One's not better than the other, they're just different. When you're a guy, you're a guy, but when you're a girl things are different. When you're a guy people expect things from you, you're supposed to be manly and tough, you know protective and you can't show any weakness. But as a girl you don't have to be that way, you're free to be yourself. If you want to cry you can, people understand because that's what a girl does or if you want to look pretty that's okay too. If I don't want to wear makeup I don't because no one will care. I can wear what I want without someone saying I look like a fruit. The only thing I have to worry about is some man bothering me and that hasn't happened yet either. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now because I know what it's like to be on the other side, to be a man." "Why do you say it's fun, I think it would be embarrassing?" "It's only embarrassing if you don't look or act like a girl. When you look at me do you see a guy?" "No, if we didn't know it was you I would have thought you were some girl visiting," Mark replied. "Part of the fun is fooling people and you know me I love an adventure and being a girl is an adventure, adventures are fun." "Well, I don't like any part of this adventure. When you told me you were going to be a girl for some stupid assignment I thought it was funny, maybe you would learn something, be a man in women's clothing, but not this, you've actually become a woman," Natalie said. "I had to mom. If I didn't the bad guys have guns and I would be killed if they thought I was a man." "What about your boobs, do they have to be so big and how did you get them?" she asked. "That was the size of breast forms they had and we decided that they would make me look more feminine, they make my shoulders look narrower." "They're forms, let me see?" "NO, I'm not going to show you that. Would you show us your boobs?" "Of course not, I'm your mother." "And I'm your daughter, at least grant me my privacy." "I'm sorry Brenda, I shouldn't have asked you that, I'm just not used to having a daughter. It's almost time to go to the hospital, why don't we get ready." Natalie felt bad for what she had asked Brenda to do. She was her daughter now and asking her to show her tits was disgusting to say the least. If she had been her daughter since birth she would have struck someone that would have asked such a thing and yet she had done the same thing to her own flesh and blood, her daughter. She would have to change her way of thinking and try to enjoy her new family member, her daughter. Brenda had been insulted by what her mother had asked her to do, maybe I should leave, they all think I'm a freak anyway. I'll go see my father and then get a room somewhere and wait until my flight departs, I don't have to put up with this embarrassment. Brenda opened her suitcase and found some jeans and a top to wear. She removed her panty hose and found a pair of white cotton socks to wear with her running shoes. The hell with them she thought, I'm going to be comfortable. She pulled on her jeans and noted that they seemed a little tighter than usual, her hips seemed to be larger. Her waist was smaller too, her curves were coming in with a vengeance, they might not like the new me, but I sure do and that's the most important thing she thought. She pulled her blouse down over her head and tucked it in, it was sleeveless and had a scooped neck and fit her perfectly, she looked good. Brenda brushed her hair and touched up her lipstick, they might not like me but I do. "Brenda, are you ready?" Natalie asked. "I'll be right there." Brenda put her things in a more casual purse and joined the others for the ride to the hospital. "You look nice Brenda," Natalie said. "Thanks mom." "I like what you did with your nails, did it take long to do?" Natalie asked. "Not too long, why do you ask?" "Girls ask that sort of thing, you'll learn," she said. The hospital was only five minutes away from their home and they pulled into the parking lot. Natalie walked with Mel and Brenda walked with Mark. "You know sis, you're really pretty, how do you handle guys hitting on you?" Mark asked. "I just ignore them, that way they think I'm a bitch and leave me alone." "I have to admire you. What you've done takes more guts than I have, you're a real man for doing this." "Don't you mean I'm a real girl for doing this?" Brenda giggled. "I guess you are." The foursome entered the elevator and were soon on the third floor. The nurse recognized Natalie and the boys but Brenda was a new face for her. "Hi Natalie, Herman is doing a little better, who's this?" she asked. "Hannah, this is my daughter Brenda, she just flew in from the east coast." "Hi Brenda, it's a pleasure to meet you," Hannah said as she extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you too Hannah," Brenda replied as she took Hannah's hand in hers. Brenda followed Natalie to her father's room. They entered and Brenda looked at the man in the bed. There were tubes going everywhere and several monitors above the bed. "Herm, it's me Natalie, I'm here with Brenda, please wake up," Natalie said as tears filled her eyes. "Daddy, it's me Brenda, I've missed you," Brenda said. Brenda wanted to say more but took his hand instead and held it. She looked at his hand in hers, his was so large and hers was so small and feminine looking by comparison. Her red nails looked nice against his tan skin, she wondered what he would say if he was awake, would he love her or reject her, she could only wonder.

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“Fuck! Aah, wow! Ooh, yeah! Aah, yes, yes, yes, that’s so good, so good! So fucking good! So, aah, yeah!” Any minute now she’ll start blaspheming, I thought to myself as I lay alone on top of my bed sheets. “Oh, Christ! Jesus fucking Christ, that’s, ha ha! Right there, yeah, right there! Oh fuck, keep it right thereaahh!” It had been my first night alone in my own room for three months. I’d given Daddy some ‘welcome home’ oral in the kitchen, but then, when Mommy had taken my hand to lead me...

2 years ago
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Milflife Crisis

Peggy smiled to herself as she wiped her brow. She picked up the box of cleaning supplies, having just finished cleaning. Her youngest son had just moved off to college, and she wanted to finaly clean his room. She put everything away and went to her large bathroom. Closed the door and stripped off. Just as she was about to take a shower, she stopped. She looked her naked body over in the mirror, running her hands over her smooth skin. Even being nearly 50, she looked amazing. Her hands roamed...

1 year ago
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My African Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

It is a true-life event that happened 2 months ago while working and enjoying my life on a ship. I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS since many years but I think I should share one. So, let’s move on to the story. I am basically from Mumbai and working overseas. I come to Mumbai once in 8 or 9 months for a 2-3 months vacation. This is an incident that changed my perspective of working overseas. I used to miss home and used to think of passing my time ASAP. It was like I wasn’t ready to...

2 years ago
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Military School Adventures 1

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be constructive as I will ignore all flames. In case you didn't pay attention to the categories, this is a...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 17

Monday, August 26th, 1991 139 Meadow Ln Novato, CA 94947 Kate frowned at the numbers on the sheet she had spread out on the table and laboriously worked to fill the cells on. Dan came in the kitchen from the garage/shed, and fetched a glass of water, dropping the work gloves on the counter. Seeing his wife, her hair pulled back in a sweatband, blue workshirt with sleeves rolled up, calculator in hand, concentrating on the sheet, he grinned. "After harvest, we'll get a computer with a...

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The Video

“Ned, get the camera where we can get Sam at the game.” It seems that most of time seeing my 15 year old daughter’s involvement in cheerleading has been viewed through the lens of out camcorder. She had been a middle school cheerleader and now has become a varsity high school cheerleader on a very prestigious competition cheer squad. The 12 girls are all very attractive and in exceptionally great physical condition. It seems like they work out more than the football players do that they cheer...

3 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 14 Coach Bullrsquos Bull

All three students were academically and mostly otherwise qualified. Melba had graduated Salutatorian of her class, Bob had carried a 3.97 (one ‘B’ his freshman year) GPA through his sophomore year, and Susan completed her freshman year with a 4.0 - never letting her brother forget. As they walked up the stairs to the main door of their high school, Bob placed his cell phone on voice record and told Susan that she should do the same, “That way we won’t need to take any notes and won’t forget...

4 years ago
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Summer Can KillChapter 14

Saturday 11.00am She knew this road so well; when she was little every village had been a landmark, proof that they really were on holiday. He hadn't called, and she didn't think he would, and she'd promised herself that she wouldn't either, but she checked her phone just in case. If you tried to push him he diverted, and if you went on trying he disappeared and there was nothing left to push, only the friction-free shell that he'd built, as opaque and resistant as granite. The...

2 years ago
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A true story of how I met my wife and our first hookup

A true story of how I met my wife and our first hookup.Julia and I have been married for three years and together for seven years. Julia is twenty-six and I’m thirty. We met when I was in college and she was in high school. Being a former all star basketball player I continued volunteering with the school after my graduation as an assistant coach. One of my athletes Paul who was the team's captain and school's golden boy and an athlete of mine from the year before told Julia that she “had” to...

Straight Sex
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A Fabulous FuckFilled Weekend

NastyxNate and I had an amazing weekend. Friday night I went out belly dancing at a local club by myself. The opening DJs were loud and heavy with the bass—which was fine with me! I stood at the railing of the balcony, looking down on the bouncing crowd below, my crotch pressed against the metal rail as it thrummed with the rhythm. I was wet before I even hit the dance floor… I put on a great show for the people around me, making figure eights with my hips, isolated chest pops, and...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 3

This is part 3 of the series. Here I will tell you my tale of getting more and more enslaved by “her”. The only thought left in my head was to please her. A few days passed by after our last session. We went through the motions of normal life in that juncture. We watched movies, went to the office, cooked when we could and so on. But I had instructions from my girlfriend not to masturbate. We didn’t have sex either. The pressure building inside me was intense. A few more days passed and I was...

1 year ago
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ImNotYourMommy Jennifer White Leana Lovings Perversion Therapy

Joshua Lewis is watching TV when his stepsister Leana Lovings crawls into his lap and asks for his help with a big problem. Leana’s mom walks in on them right as things are about to get juicy. She sends them to Jennifer White for some perversion therapy. Jennifer has the stepsiblings talk it out. When they mutually decide that they should fuck and that Joshua is willing to even fuck in front of his dad, Jennifer nods and encourages them. They decide to fuck first in front of Jennifer....

2 years ago
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Dominant Teen encounter

A week ago while browsing and swiping on Tinder, I came across a girl named Brenda, a single mother. A regular good looking girl, with a bit of a naughty look on her face. I liked her picture, read her little profile text, and it seems she's into kinky stuff and is looking for a submissive boyfriend. Although I've experimented with a bit of bondage, I don't consider myself that submissive, though with a little hesitation I clicked “like". That evening I get a Tinder message saying that...

3 years ago
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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

4 years ago
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Life Goes On Me and My Sister Part Three

      After our second sexual encounter, my sister and I decided we could go on being involved in this kind of intimate relationship. We thought exploring our sexual desires could help us prepare for our future life, like when had a serious relationship or we got married. We established some rules though, like having sex just a week.This usually meant starting fucking on Friday evening and staying in bed until Saturday afternoon. At that moment, both of us were in college and lived in a big...

3 years ago
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Loving Mom and Sis

Here I am, 16 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 14, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...

2 years ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 9 Sweaty Aunt Selena

Read previous chapters to get into the fun with my sweaty Aunt Selena. Narrated by David. I opened aunt Selena’s WhatsApp message. Selena: Where are you? I was happy to see her message. The photo she sent me came back to my mind. God! I can’t believe I had a sexy aunt like her. I replied to her message. Me: home. What’s up? There wasn’t any reply. So I went to brush my teeth. While brushing, I heard the notification on my phone. I went and opened the notification. It was her...

3 years ago
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This story is harder to write than "When January Cums", as I have not heard from Roger in days. Our only method of communication is email and it has been almost two weeks. I have a feeling that something bad has happened, as I know that he would not just up and leave me hanging, as I would never do that to him. I am worried to pieces, and can do nothing but imagine our last rendezvous. We met up in February, as planned. We met at the same hotel - we have decided this is "our place" now. I was...

3 years ago
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Banged From MNC Guy To A Bottom Massage Guy

Hey Guys, today I am gonna share my real life experience which I had on 2nd of September 2014 which changed my life fully. I am well placed guy of high profile and working in Kolkata but I am not Bengali and I originally belong from Haryana and I am Jatt! Your reply on my email ahujashyam8 @ will be highly appreciated. My name is Shyam, I am 25 years of age. This real life story is of me and my lady boss who seduced me for my promotion during my official trip and later on she made me...

4 years ago
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Friend Sexy Wife 8211 Part II

Hi everybody, I have recently started visiting this site and love the stories to bits. I live in London but I am basically from Hyderabad, AP. I am up for any relationships or casual sex in and around the London area. I know there are a lot of Indians in London and any names will be kept secret. I am a tall, medium built and average looking guy and I am sure I’ll satisfy the most of the lusty women. Please email me with your comments to Well this story is about the wife of my friend. I had...

2 years ago
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Alices FarewellChapter 3

Mona gripped Richard’s shoulder. “All that anguish she kept bottled up inside,” she said. “I knew she had difficulty her freshman year. I had no idea how much.” “So she dreamed up some utopia,” Richard replied, “where all is peace and light and people sleep under the stars and live off fruits picked in the wild.” “Why are we doing this?” Lyman asked. “We haven’t learned anything except that Alice is more delusional than we imagined. None of this explains where she might have gone.” “Maybe...

1 year ago
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Shannon Kelly Welcome Biography

Shannon Kelly - Welcome BiographyHi, my name is Shannon Liza Kelly, red hair, amber eyes and I am 5 feet tall. 90 pounds of pure dynamite! 32-DD-19-29. I am a volatile combination of one half-Irish and one half-Italian. I have been modeling for about 5 years and loving every minute of it! I have appeared in various calendars, posters, and magazines, including Playboy Playmates 2000 Search! I was recently at the Ujena Bikini Jam 15 in beautiful Cancun, where I was a World Finalist, winning the...

3 years ago
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My mother the famous author part 1

The first years of my life my mother started to write children’s stories, simply as a hobby. When I was three she half-jokingly sent a few to a publisher, who, to her own surprise, immediately wanted to publish the stories. Her first book, Goppy the green giraffe, became a massive success and before I went to elementary school it had already been translated into some thirty languages. By then my mother had also made so much money from her books that we had moved from the small apartment where I...

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The Lustful unwind Goa adventures 8211 Part 5

Feedback and suggestions can be sent to as usual. Without delay, let’s jump onto the story : December 24, 2021 Ani’s flight was due to land around 3 pm. Rimi updated her with the hotel address and details. Ani reached the hotel by 5 pm. The day was silent, but the night was just young. With the arrival of Ani, Rimi decided to head for a Christmas Eve outing to taste some local delicacies. Ani hopped along with her. They went to a nearby restaurant and had dinner. They heard of a nearby...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Colleague

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I am a school teacher in a high school in Chennai. My name is Vikram. I am black but muscular. I was working in the school for the last 2 years. It is a nice co-ed school. I have a good name in the school. Students like me because I am cool with their activities. Even if they do not do the homework, I won’t yell at them but make them understand the problem. Also, I don’t care about boys’ love affairs or any other smoking or...

2 years ago
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Baby Jenny

Baby Jenny My name is Baby Jenny, well at least that is what it is now, and it used to be James. I'll bet you are intrigued. This is my story. I am 24 years old, I am quite short only 5 foot exactly. I had married a lady Bernice who was 15 years my senior, she proposed to me on leap year day, Bernice was tall 6 foot 1, and she had a daughter, Karen who was 20 years old, and as tall as her mother. Bernice's husband had passed away in an airplane crash. Bernice and I were in a car...

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Sex with a crack whore PART 2

Now I stood behind her, and slammed my cock into her wet, slippery pussy as deep as I could go. My cock was rock hard now, and I started pushing into her with a fast rhythm, my balls slapping against her with every thrust. It was not that long since I had come before, so I was able to keep this up for many minutes. I slipped out of her because I wanted to take another hit of crack. I gave her a hard slap on her round, perfect ass as my dick sprang free. After loading a big rock onto the end...

2 years ago
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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 4

The doorbell rang the next day around 2pm. Joe was supposed to come by around 7pm, like last night, and I wasn't expecting anyone else. I opened the door and found Gary Weil standing on my doorstep. Gary was a seventeen year old kid from the neighborhood who I hired to shovel my sidewalk in the winter, mow my lawn in the summer and rake my yard in fall. Gary was a skinny kid with slicked back red hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He smiled at me and his freckles amplified."Good afternoon Mr....

Straight Sex
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My Fathers a Warlock

Hi, my name is John and I want to tell you something about my family! See, my father's real name is Djinn Solsazar and he's a warlock from another dimension who broke into our dimension by accident. Popping into our world during the first day of Woodstock 94. That's where he met mom, Lynn Wheaton a fresh face cheerleader from Upper New York,who according to her was standing alone listening to the band on stage when she looked around and locked eyes with her soulmate. Six month later they're...

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The time I accidentally fucked my mate

So as I said before I was like an unofficial member of my mates family had meals there had a key the works, and ended up getting with my mates sister while they were on holiday which was amazing and our little secret, except it wasn't quite a secret, unknown to hayley her mum knew because we were caught by the security camera.. Anna there mum came and had a talk not long after there return whilst everyone had gone to pick up some stuff in Liverpool so we were gonna be alone for a while getting...

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After Midnight Chapter 7

Marsha was in the kitchen when Andy walked through the back door, the chain from her collar snaked across the floor and out into the garden.“It was getting chilly.”Andy nodded, picked up the chain and pulled her back outside. He looped the chain around the anchor again the re-fixed the padlock to shorten it.“I’m going to shower.”He closed the door behind him, leaving Marsha naked in the evening breeze. As he closed the door, she could feel her nipples harden. Spreading her legs a little she...

1 year ago
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Dream Tranny

Dreams can be strange, sexy things. Your wife may be a stunning knock-out, way the fuck out of your league, but I bet she ain’t your dream girl. No, your perfect fantasy angel has the big tits and pretty face you love so much, but she’s also got something extra: a big ol’ dick between her legs. Sorry, wifey, but tonight may be a good evening to spend with is a site with history. They’ve been around since 2000, making them one of the older shemale porn operations on...

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ProeliatorChapter 9

Iulius sent back word of what we had done and said we would be a few days yet. Publia was very happy with this news too. I helped in the fields to harvest the grapes which Fausta did not think proper. Publia worked with me but this was not as bad. I suggested a few ways to make the operation more efficient which let us get an extra five percent in. This was a hit with the slaves and freemen since this was in labour. My pruners were mentioned but they could not see the tool in their minds. I...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Friend

I will tell this story in telugu Na peru sai 21years studying btech final year in vijayawada height 5:11 slim avg in color 6 inch dick This is a true story happened twoyears back Please mail your comments to Naku oka friend unnadu vadi peru rajesh. 5:09 height with some fat dark color 4 inch dick vadiki oka lover undi Nenu and rajesh tanani kalavataniki vellamu oka roju evening Rajesh lover peru swati 5:05 height white color 36 30 36 nice structure long gair Swati tana friend meghana(5:08...

1 year ago
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MilfBody Veronica Avluv Cytherea Drink Pussy Juice Perv

There is always that one guy at the gym. The pervy dude that stares at all the women while they are just trying to get fit. But this time, he is the trainer in charge of the yoga class, and he is on a pervtastic prowl. This guy watches as Veronica Avluv and Cytheria stretch out and cannot resist. He has them do some squats and then moves in to grab their asses, but they are not having it. These girls are MILFs after all, and they do not put up with any shit. Our stud is forced to eat ass by...

2 years ago
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Chain Gang WomenChapter 6

Mr Hargreaves, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Bastanian Republic, sadist and big time embezzler, was in a foul temper as he spoke over the telephone to the Prisons Minister. "I agree, Minister. It was right to bring the girl back. She is a good fighter and we need her. But she mustn't get it easy! Keep her under constant watch and make her life a misery. We can't have her punished to the extent that she can't fight, but make her life very hard. I hate that cow. No one...

3 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 17

It was 8:30 the next morning. Mom had called the druggist about getting something to replace the antibiotic cream I was finishing up. He told her he had a plant growing in his backyard that would do a better job than any of the stuff at the store. She'd gone over to his house after he closed the store and picked up a bottle of juice he'd squeezed from the leaves of his Aloe Vera plant. It was the first time I heard of it. Les was in heaven from the first time I put some on her butt. First,...

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My Sugar DaddyChapter 2

Natasha woke abruptly, trembling from head to toe with a delightfully sexual feeling. At first it puzzled her, because she usually slept alone. As her mind became more alert, it slowly recalled the events that unfolded last night. Her whole face beamed with excitement. Natasha glanced down, and there was Jack between her legs with his face buried in her pussy. She licked her lips and purred, "Oooooh Jack, you have such a great way of waking me up. Did you sleep well, love?" Jack glanced...

4 years ago
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 14

In September, 2007, Colonel Gordon Mannheim, acting Regimental Commander of the Protector’s Own, the Shields, has the full regiment on the Carmel bluffs exercising. In company groups they’re rappelling down the three hundred metre cliffs to the sea drenched rocks and climbing back up. They’re using the half kilometre long central section of the bluffs. This area is restricted access because it has a thirty degree downward slope for half of its length which is followed by a sheer drop making...

1 year ago
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Bat shit crazy Jennifer

I met Jennifer online, and initially she appeared to be a hot demure American girl with a few extravagances shall we say.After we started corresponding, she very quickly wanted me to call her, so because of the time difference we made a time to call, she wanted me to call her at 10 am UK time as she was an early riser.She told me that she lived in New York, but when I spoke to her her voice had a southern drawl to it, I mentioned this during our conversation, and she snapped at me "I ddn't say...

1 year ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 2 Suharas Test

Something was tickling Jaux's face as he slept. No matter what direction he turned his face, the feeling was still there. Eventually, Jaux was annoyed to the point of reaching towards his face to pull off the disturbance. "Ouch!" Jaux woke from his slumber in pain and confusion. He had definitely just pulled his hair, but his hair was never long enough to fall over his face. Groaning, he sat up on his bed, and pitch black hair that stretched down past his waist tugged back on his...

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Eros Guide

Eros escorts! When’s the last time you got laid? A month ago? A year ago? Five years ago? Well, based on the fact that you’re reading this review about an escort index site, I’m going to go ahead and assume that it’s closer to the latter. Maybe more, you fucking degenerate. Or maybe you got some pussy just last week and you’re just that much of a fucking fiend. Who knows? Honestly, I could give a fuck less. As long as I’m getting my dick wet, that’s all that matters.Paying for sex is something...

Escort Sites
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Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Lauren broke our kiss, her hands on my upper arms and gently pushed me away. Her eyes wandered over me. ‘Perfect. I love the blouse – just right. Well done.’ She pulled me back for a deeper, hungrier kiss and once again her hands roamed over my arse but not once did she seem to want to check the jewel was in place as she had instructed. ‘Now you must come to our table. We have two friends joining us. You will recognise them both. I need your absolute promise that you will never reveal any of...

3 years ago
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Maa Ki Chut Ki Pyaas

Hello friends, mera nam rahul he, maen jamsedpur men raheta hun, aj jo story men ap ko sunane ja rahaun bo ek sachi kahani he, kuch sal pahela ki bat he ham log jamsdpur me rahete the, hamare paribar me tin log the, men pitaji aur maa, pitaji ek bahat bade mnc men job karte the, aur jada tar ghar se bahar rahate the. Pitaji ko daibitise tha to bo maa kabhi time nahen de pate the.Now come to my mom.Meri ma ek aam house wife then, men to kbhi soch bhi nahen sakta tha ki bo bhi kbhi esa kar...

4 years ago
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Joey the Next Door Neighbor

When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. Joey noticed me as a changed, but he did not stay far behind. I noticed his voice getting deeper; I could see the hairs that were growing on his arms and legs become thicker. We both noticed each other changing; however, we never said anything about it. When we were both thirteen, things were changing from what they used to be. We...

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