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Stereotypes By Morpheus There was rumbling noise all around, not surprising since it was a nice day and it seemed as though everyone had the same idea of coming to the park. There were people talking, vendors selling their things and children running around playing. And at the same time, there was a steady murmur just under it all from the nearby fountain. At the moment, I was taking advantage of the weather myself to goof around in the park with my best friend James and his girlfriend Carol. We had just finished eating a couple quick dogs and were joking around as we walked off lunch. James and I had been good friends since we'd been in junior high, and we still tended to hang out together. He was a couple inches taller than me at 6 foot 1, had a fairly fit build and dark hair. He was a bit of a joker, but I think that was what might have drawn Carol to him. Carol was a very cute brunette, standing 5 foot 5. She was something of an artist, or at least thought of herself as such, though I had seen better paintings by 6 year olds with finger paint. Not that I'd tell her that though. Then again, I had told her that... and had even lived to tell the tale. As for me, I was Tyler Grange, a normal 22 year old who assembled computers for a living. I was about average height, though a little thinner than normal. And for the most part, I was a fairly quiet guy, though James did tend to draw me out of my shell. That was one of the reasons I liked hanging out with him. I glanced over at the fountain while laughing at a joke that James had just finished telling. I wasn't completely sure how we had gotten into the string of jokes, but we were all laughing and taking turns. "How can you tell that a blonde has been using a computer?" James went on with his next joke. "It has white out on the screen..." We laughed at that, then deciding to get in on the fun, I asked, "And do you know how to tell if a redhead has been using a computer? It has a hammer through the screen..." I didn't get nearly as hard a laugh from that one, but I don't really know as many jokes as James. "Well how many men does it take to do the dishes?" Carol asked with a grin. Then she told us, "No one knows. It's never happened yet." "What do you call it when a blonde dyes her hair brunette?" James asked while trying to keep a straight face. "Artificial intelligence," Carol finished his punch line with a grin. I think that she got a kick out of all the blonde jokes James was telling. James just gave a mock look of hurt feelings. "Well then," he quickly went on to the next joke, "Do you know what the mating call of the blonde is? Next..." Then just as we were all laughing, a voice from behind us snarled, "Enough!" I snapped around, startled to see a fairly attractive looking blonde woman, wearing odd clothes and jewelry. Sort of like a cross between new age stuff and Goth. And she was looking pretty pissed. "What?" James blinked, seeing that she was glaring at all three of us. "What's your problem?" "I am sick and tired of these jokes," the blonde snapped back with an even stronger glare, "And I hate that stupid stereotype..." "Jeez," James exclaimed, "There's no need to get so excited." "It was just a joke," Carol continued. However, that didn't seem to pacify the strange woman. "People like you disgust me. You spread those horrid stereotypes..." "They're JUST a jokes," Carol snapped back, obviously beginning to get annoyed. It was obvious that she was losing patience with the blonde. I was slightly nervous, not sure if she might be a complete psycho or something. James on the other hand almost seemed amused by the situation. Then, being himself, James decided to escalate the situation. "I don't think she understands the concept. I mean, she is a blonde..." If the blonde was pissed before... Her eyes flashed, almost seeming to actually glow. She scowled deeply, then snarled, "Let's see how you like to be stereotyped... how you like to be the target of these tasteless jokes..." She spat out something in some language that I'd never heard before. In fact, I couldn't even make out a single syllable of what she babbling. And the instant that she finished, she turned around and hurried away. For a moment, the three of just stood there in confusion. "Weird," Carol muttered. "Definitely," I added. James just laughed, "Definitely a grade A loon..." We all burst out laughing at that, then slowly continued on our way. The crazy woman had gotten what she wanted in that we had stopped telling jokes, at least for the moment. However, I didn't think that she would much prefer the fact that we were making fun of her instead. The next several hours passed pretty quickly, and just after I had finished eating dinner with James and Carol, we were about to go our separate ways. I suspected that James and Carol might have a little romantic something planned, and I certainly wasn't invited. "I'll see ya later," I told them as we said our quick good-byes. "Later man," James waved absently, obviously more interested in Carol, not that I blamed him. But just before I started to walk away, something caught my attention and I had to do a double take. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, but I could almost have sworn that his hair was a little different. That it was a little longer than normal... and maybe even just a little lighter. However, it certainly wasn't worth thinking about, so I shook it off and continued on my way home. Home was a pretty nice little houseboat that had been sitting in the marina for probably about 20 years. Though it was a little old, and a bit smaller than I could have found in an apartment, I rather liked it. It gave me a feeling of privacy. Once I was safely inside, I kicked off my shoes and slipped into my favorite pair of sweat pants. They were a lot more comfortable for just lounging around the house in. Then I hopped online to check my e-mail before finally settling down in front of my TV for a little entertainment. After some time, I absently began scratching at my arms and head. Though I didn't notice it immediately, I was beginning to feel a little itchy. And then a little strange. I couldn't quite place what it was, though I started to wonder if perhaps I might be having an allergic reaction to something. "Damn," I complained as I scratched at my head, wondering what the hell had brought this on. Was it the shampoo? It hadn't ever made me itchy before so I rather doubted it. Then letting out a sigh, I pushed my hair out of my eyes where it was beginning to get in the way, then paused. My hair NEVER got in my eyes. It wasn't long enough for that and hadn't been since a few years back when I tried going through a long haired phase in high school. "What the hell?" I gasped, tugging at my hair, surprised to realize that it definitely felt longer in my hands. With that, I hurried to the bathroom, stopping in front of the mirror to stare in disbelief at my reflection. My hair was definitely longer than normal, and not quite the right color. It had a slightly more reddish tinge than normal. I tugged at it again, verifying that it was indeed real, though that didn't explain what was going on. For a long moment, I just stood there, thinking that maybe I was asleep... or someone had slipped me a mickey. I was certainly feeling a little groggy, though that was nothing unusual for that time of night. Then I slowly turned away from the mirror and returned to my seat in front of the TV. If I didn't have any answers to what was going on, I still had denial. As I sat there, the strange sensations continued, though I did my best to ignore them. It wasn't easy, especially with the feeling that my skin was crawling. The hair on my head continued to grow a little longer as well, making me have to brush it out of my eyes a number of more times, while simultaneously, the hair on my arms seemed to be getting thinner. But, I steadfastly refused to look at this any more then absolutely necessary, pretending that everything was perfectly normal. "Someone must have slipped me some acid," I muttered, suddenly wondering if this was a joke, courtesy of James. It wouldn't have been too surprising, though he'd never done anything quite that extreme before. When it was time for bed, I undressed and stood there, taking a quick glance down at my body but still refusing to give it too careful a look. At least at first. I couldn't resist a second, more careful look. It was immediately obvious that all of my body hair... except my pubic hair, seemed to be... gone. And my skin all felt smooth. "Oh man," I muttered, staggering slightly under a wave of weariness, which just washed over me. "Must have been some acid..." I caught my balance and then set down on the bed, aware that there was more wrong with me than just my hair. However, I couldn't quite put my finger on just what it was. Perhaps it was just because I was feeling so tired at the moment. "Feel..." I let out a loud yawn, "weird..." After several more yawns, I climbed under the covers, fully aware that I would be asleep before long. And I proved to be right as I was out almost before my head even touched the pillow. --- I awoke to the bright sunlight pouring through the window, seeming as if it purposely intended to assault my eyes. With a groan, I yanked the covers over my head for protection, but the damage had already been done. Like it or not, I was awake. Though I tried to go back to sleep for several minutes, I wasn't having any success so decided that I might as well get up. As I sat up in bed, I smiled faintly at the strange dream that I'd had about being drugged the night before. At least until I realized that I felt wrong. Very wrong. "What..." I started as I swung out of bed, then froze in shock as I saw myself. "What the hell?" For a long moment, my eyes remained locked on my body... or at least on a body. A body where mine SHOULD have been. But it sure as hell didn't look like mine. Not in the least. With a single glance, it was immediately obvious that it was a woman's body, and a pretty shapely one at that. I had what seemed to be a pretty nice pair of tits, or at least they would have been nice if they'd been on a real girl instead of me. But they weren't the only thing, and were in fact only the most noticeable part, and then only because they stuck out so much and I could feel their weight. The rest of my body looked like a woman's too, with long sexy legs, a slender waist and some nice smooth skin. "No fucking way," I exclaimed in shock as I glanced down between my legs and saw a woman's equipment instead of my own, surrounded by a tiny bit of well-trimmed red hair. Tearing my eyes away from that, as hard as it was, I held my hands up in front of my face. Even they didn't look like mine. They were... a woman's hands. They were slender, slightly delicate looking, with long, almost sharp fingernails. Thoughts about the hair thing from the night before suddenly filled my head, along with the realization that it hadn't been a dream... or drugs. At least no drug that I'd ever heard of. With that, I immediately jumped to my feet and ran to the bathroom where I stopped in front of the mirror and nearly filled my pants... if I'd been wearing anything at all that was. The reflection was obviously that of a woman, as I'd already expected after having seen my body. Even the face belonged to a woman, a rather beautiful woman at that. A woman with full lips, brilliant green eyes and long red hair. I had no idea how long I remained frozen there before I tore myself away, too stunned for words. Too stunned to even think clearly. There was absolutely no way in hell that I could have somehow turned into a woman over night. None. So then, I had to remind myself, what the hell were the tits doing on my chest? Once again, I resorted to an old method of dealing with my problem. Denial. I ate breakfast, pretending for all I was worth that everything was perfectly normal. I refused to look at my body, to give it any more attention than absolutely normal, as if that would somehow make the whole thing go away. Of course I knew that it wouldn't, but it certainly didn't hurt to at least try. Finally though, I had to admit that what was happening to me was indeed real, whatever it was. I couldn't deny that any more than I could deny the fact that my outie had become an innie. The only questions were how and why. But even those were answered as I finally remembered the crazy blonde woman from the day before and her weird ramblings. "The bitch," I snarled furiously as I stood up, kicking at my coffee table and sending it flying over. "AAAAGH!!!" I howled in pain, suddenly reminded that I was completely bare foot, "SHIT! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!" After this, I spent the next several minutes sitting on the couch and clutching my foot as the pain slowly faded away. That did nothing to help the foul mood that I was already in, though it did give me a little time to calm down. If it really was that crazy blonde who had done this to me, I suddenly realized that I might not be alone. James and Carol had been there as well, and she'd seemed pretty pissed at all of us, not just me. I gulped at that, knowing that I had to check on them too. Though I was tempted to just give James a call, I wasn't sure how things would go if nothing had happened to him. What was I going to do, say, "Hi... I know that I sound like a chick, but I'm really Tyler. Honest..." Or better yet, "You wouldn't happened to have turned into a chick overnight would you?" Yeah, that would go over real well. Deciding to put that problem off for the moment, I thought that it might be better to look for something I could wear instead. It was pretty obvious that my own clothes wouldn't exactly fit me at the moment. At least not comfortably. Fortunately though, I did have a small stash of girl's clothes lying around, partially 'donated' by Carol after she'd had too much to drink at a party some months back and had to leave in some of my borrowed clothes, and some of it from an old girlfriend. It didn't really take me too long to find what I needed and get dressed. Though the clothes wouldn't pass for being very stylish, nor were they extremely comfortable, they would definitely do the job. There were even a pair of ratty old tennis shoes, which fit me, which was fortunate since my own shoes were just a bit too large. Once I was fully dressed, I stood by the phone for a minute, thinking once gain about calling James to see if he was okay. However, I still had the same problems as before. What could I possibly say if he was all right? And even more importantly, how would I be able to convince him that I was... me? After some consideration, I decided to the easiest thing. Procrastinate. Or at least put the problem off until I could get to his place. "Shit," I complained as I got into my car, glancing into the redhead in the rear view mirror, "I hope I don't get pulled over." Driver's license pictures were notoriously inaccurate, but somehow I doubted that any cop would buy me being who my license said I was. Not looking as different as I now did. And keeping that in mind, I was careful to stay under the speed limit and do nothing that would draw unwanted attention. Still, when guy cut me off, I instinctively slammed on my horn and screamed out, "Fucking moron!" Of course he didn't hear me yelling, and he showed no sign of hearing my horn... or at least not of caring any. That just pissed me off more and I let out a stead stream of profanity. When I'd calmed down a few minutes later, I shook my head in embarrassment, wondering why I'd gotten so angry at such a small thing. Sure he'd cut me off, but I dealt with bad drivers every day and never shot off like that. It just wasn't like me. "Must be the stress," I muttered, realizing that I had better not do anything like that again. At the moment, I was trying to avoid attention, not attract it. After I'd parked at James' apartment, I hurried up the stairs, pausing after a short distance to grab at my new boobs and wince. They had been bouncing uncomfortably as I moved, making me realize just why it was that women actually wore bras. Until that moment, I'd never really thought about them as anything other than just women's underwear, though now I knew that they served a more practical purpose. "Damn," I spat out, hating the idea of actually having to wear something so feminine myself, but if I was stuck like I currently was for very long, I'd probably have to. Either that or deal with the uncomfortable jiggling. It was a case of the lesser of two evils. I grimaced the rest of the way up the stairs, and took it just a little slower. As soon as I reached the door, I hesitated, my finger just above the doorbell. Then taking a deep breath and a nervous gulp, I finally pushed the button, waiting impatiently. It seemed to take forever before the door finally opened. "Hello?" a woman's voice came from the opening door. A second later, the woman who owned the voice was revealed. I nearly gasped at the sight of a totally stacked blonde. She was a few inches shorter than me, and extremely hot looking, made even more so by the bathrobe she was wearing. Her beautiful, wide-eyed face and pouty lips almost screamed, 'fuck me'. "Um..." I started nervously as I stared at the blonde, "James..." Her eyes shot wide in surprise and she looked down at herself quickly before staring at me, "How did you..." I took a deep breath, shaking slightly with the realization that my fears had just been proven real. "It's me," I finally managed to get out, "Tyler..." Her eyes went even wider at that. After was inside, James gasped, "Tyler? Oh my God. It can't be..." "Yeah," I grimaced in embarrassment, gesturing down at myself, "I woke up like this..." "Then we're not the only ones..." James exclaimed, not tearing his eyes away from me. "We?" I repeated, not having a good feeling about that but having suspected it was going to come to that. A moment later, a man stepped into the room. He was tall... at least 6 inches taller than me, which didn't say much since I'd obviously shrunk a little during my... transformation. He was dark haired, with a slightly bulky build. And... he was obviously Carol. "Carol?" I asked, receiving an embarrassed nod in response. "Oh joy," I sighed as I plopped down on the couch, "It looks like that crazy bitch got us all." "Yeah," Carol grumbled, not looking too pleased with the situation either. James frowned, looking almost like he was pouting with his new face. "What are we going to do?" He looked at both of us, then gestured down at himself, "It's not like we can just stay like this. I mean... my job..." "And what the hell do I tell my family?" Carol added. I just nodded grimly, definitely seeing the problem. Hell, I'd thought about it myself once or twice, though I'd made a bit of an effort not to. I'd been having enough troubles just dealing with things as they were, one at a time. Worrying about the future was a little bit more than I could handle at the moment. For some time, we all just sat there, staring at each other in amazement. Actually, James and Carol stared at me more than each other, having had all morning to get a look at each other. It was hard to believe that this strange man and woman were actually my friends. Hard to believe, but true. We all chattered about what we thought of the situation, about how weird the whole thing is. However, were kept talking at the same time so I didn't think that any of us was really listening to the others. However, that didn't really seem to matter since we were pretty much saying the same things anyway. "Look," Carol started firmly, then snapped, "Shut up!" James and I both froze at that surprising outburst. Then Carol muttered, "I can't hear myself thinking with you two chattering." "Shut up?" I snapped as I stood up, pissed off by her snotty attitude, "Chattering? Why you fucking bitch!" My hands were clenched in fists and I was tempted to punch her... even if she was a lot bigger than me now. "Please," James cried out, standing up between us and looking a little scared. "We've gotta do something. Fighting's not gonna help..." Carol just snored, rolling her eyes slightly. I was still kind of mad, but bit my lip and sat down. It wasn't easy though. "All right," I growled, "what is it?" After a moment, Carol just gave a smug look. "We can go to the park and find that girl." It was a pretty obvious idea. Still, I snapped, "And do what? Threaten to beat her up unless she changes us back?" Carol just shrugged, giving the impression that she wouldn't mind doing just that. And though I didn't say anything aloud, I was beginning to think that it might not be that bad an idea either. We were all silent for a short while, staring at each other thoughtfully. Finally, we agreed that at the moment, there wasn't anything else we could do. Our only chance seemed to be finding that blonde woman, who seemed to be the cause of our changes. However, there was one problem to deal with before we went. James. Specifically, getting him dressed since he was only wearing a bathrobe. Carol was wearing some of his oversized clothes, but he hadn't dressed at all. It didn't take too long though to get a mix of Carol's clothes and his own which covered him up, though he was far larger in the chest and hips than Carol had been, and thinner in the waist. Eventually though, we were on our way to the park, though James kept complaining about his clothes. I just grunted, knowing how he felt but not feeling the need to broadcast it. After all, it was only temporary. Or at least I hoped that it was. At the moment, I wasn't really thinking about the alternative. The park was fairly quiet compared to the day before, though it was still a far cry from being empty. After walking around it a little, looking for the strange blonde woman who was responsible for our conditions, we broke up for awhile to search more ground. But had no success either. Finally, we returned to our meeting spot, admitting defeat... for the moment. The woman wasn't there. "It was too much to hope for," I growled in frustration, kicking at a nearby bench. "I'm hungry," James abruptly announced. "Me too," Carol added, then gestured to a hot dog vendor, "Let's get something to eat." I nodded agreement and we went over to get our lunches. The guy at the stand was giving me a pretty interested look, though not quite as interested as what he was giving James. For some reason, I had mixed feelings about this. Of course, really being a guy, I was a bit offended. But at the same time, there seemed a part of me that was jealous of James getting more attention. Hell, my fists were beginning to clench slightly before I'd even realized it. "Thanks," I took the hot dog, glaring at him as though it was all his fault, which obviously confused him. James just grinned, "Oh boy," as he took the hot dog. For a moment, his expression almost seemed like that of a kid who'd just gotten a treat. And then I noticed a slightly different expression, though I wasn't sure if I was imagining it. He was giving the hot dog guy a very appreciative look. A moment later, James started to hand over the money for the dog... pausing to look at the change in his hand. He had a look of concentration before handing the money over, though the hot dog guy just looked surprised. "Um... you're a little short," the vendor said nervously, which surprised me because I knew James had enough change to cover the rest. "What?" James gasped, pulling out more money, looking confused and uncertain as he handed over more. "I don't know why I missed that," he apologized in embarrassment, glancing at Carol and then me. Carol just chuckled faintly then muttered, "Blondes..." That earned her a glare... though an embarrassed one from James. With a grunt, we moved to a park bench to eat our lunches, though I was sure that I wasn't the only one keeping an eye out for a certain blonde at the same time. And as I sat there, I couldn't help noticing James watching a man walking past, with a look of obvious interest. That was an observation that sent faint chills down my spine, though I immediately pushed it out of my mind. Before much longer, we had finished with our business at the park, though unfortunately without finding what we had gone there for. We started back to James' apartment in near silence, at least until we realized that if we were going to be stuck like this for much longer, we would definitely need some new clothes. And that led to a detour to the mall. "I hate shopping," I complained as I moved through a clothing store with the others. I scowled as I looked around, vaguely noticing that Carol didn't seem particularly thrilled to be there either. However, to my surprise, James was nearly tearing through the clothes racks, seeming almost... excited. He pulled out one outfit after another, holding them up to himself in front of the mirror. The sight of James going at it like that was completely stunning. "Come on," James almost gushed out at me, "Try something on. This is really kinda fun..." "Oh yeah," I sighed as I reluctantly reached for a shirt that caught my attention, "Real fun..." Carol shook her head slightly, saying, "It just doesn't seem quite the same..." Then she looked at me and my obvious lack of excitement, "Here... I'll help you find what you need." Though I just grunted faintly, I was actually rather thankful for her offer. After all, I didn't know the least bit about women's clothes... other than admiring what they hid that was, and of course helping to take them off. And by the time I was done getting everything that I needed, with a minimum of fuss, James was only halfway finished. "Hurry up," Carol told him, obviously getting annoyed as well. I fought back a chuckle at that since usually it was James having to tell her to hurry up. "I've spent more on clothes today than I've ever spent on them," I complained when we left the store, not impressed by how much I'd gotten for my money... or more accurately, how little. "Welcome to the world of women's shopping," Carol told me absently, her eyes going to my chest and lingering there just a little too long. A short while later, we were back at the apartment, where James quickly took his new collection of clothes to the bedroom and disappeared. I just rolled my eyes slightly, then went to the bathroom to relieve myself. Even after most of the day in a woman's body, the experience was somewhat peculiar. When I was finished, I found Carol sitting on the couch and flipping through channels on the TV. After a few more seconds, she paused, watching something for a little longer before finally setting the remote down. As I sat down myself, I was startled to see that what she was watching was a basketball game. As far as I knew, she'd never been interested in the game before. "You know..." Carol commented after awhile, "I never realized how interesting this stuff is..." Her eyes remained glued on the screen, as if afraid to miss even a moment of the game. Suddenly, Carol jumped to her feet and yelled, "SCORE!" "Yeah," I muttered, "great." I felt like I was in the damn Twilight Zone or something. Then James came back into the room, wearing another one of the outfits that he'd bought at the store. My eyes widened at that. Sure, he looked absolutely hot... but it was James. Why the hell was he playing dress up? And for that matter, why the hell was Carol watching sports? "Hey," Carol glanced quickly at James, "Can you get me a beer..." James hesitated, then nodded before hurrying into the kitchen, coming back just a minute later and offering it to Carol. Carol just grunted a quick 'thanks', then popped open the can, her eyes never leaving the game. For some reason, the exchange started to make me angry. I glared at Carol, pissed that she would treat James like that. And then I glared at James, just as furious that he was just taking it. My hands were clenched so tightly that I could feel my nails digging deeply into my palms, though it didn't matter. However, James didn't seem all that bothered by being asked to get Carol a beer and then being ignored. In fact, he sat down right next to her, sort of cuddling up, though Carol still didn't seem to really notice. There was a look in James' eyes as he looked at Carol, and one that I'd seen quite often. He was sizing her up... looking rather horny. I could barely believe it since Carol looked like a guy, but it was unmistakable. After a minute though, the irrational anger that I was feeling faded, leaving me to feel a bit guilty. James obviously didn't mind, so why should I? The whole thing was rather confusing, so I did what I usually did when faced with that problem. I tried not to think about it. We continued watching the game, though I couldn't help noticing that James and Carol were cuddling up even closer... at least during the commercials. If I didn't know who they really were, I might have sworn that they were a real man and a real woman. I turned my attention away from my friends and to the commercial on TV. I wasn't quite sure what they were advertising, but that cute guy on it was delicious looking. Such a sexy body and tight ass. The very sight of him made me wonder what it would be like to hold him tight, to be held by him. And those thoughts were making me feel all warm and gooey inside, not to mention between my legs. Suddenly, James asked, "Why is that guy in the striped shirt jumping around?" "That's the referee," Carol reminded him in a patronizing tone, glancing at James quickly. James just looked embarrassed, "Oh yeah." He shook his head, looking a little uncertain. I stood up, at that, a little startled at what I had been thinking just before James had interrupted my thoughts. It had seemed so natural to slip into that line of thinking... and that scared me. Was that what was happening to James and Carol? Obviously we were all being hit with some heavy new hormones. "Just great," I muttered as I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I came back out, Carol called out, "Hey babe... get me a beer while you're up?" An instant later, it was almost as though a switch went off in my head. In just a fraction of a second, I went from perfectly calm, to extremely pissed. "WHAT?" I screamed out furiously. How dare that asshole try treating me like that? What the hell did he think I was... his slave? "You heard me," Carol rolled her eyes and gave me a patronizing look, "I said get me a beer while you're up..." With a deep grimace, I snapped around and marched straight into the kitchen, grabbing the whole six pack from the fridge and going straight back to the living room. "Here's your fucking beer," I snarled, throwing one of the cans straight at Carol. "What the hell?" she screamed as she jumped to her feet, seeming to forget the game for the first time. "Tyler?" James gasped, looking almost afraid. However, I barely noticed. All I knew was that I was pissed off... more than I'd ever been before in my life. And Carol was going to pay for being such a chauvinistic asshole... for insulting me like that. I didn't even think through my actions before carrying them, not even sure that I was able to. "And here's another," I threw a second can at him, "And another..." Carol howled as several cans hit her, though the only one that really bothered her was the one that bounced off her chin. She ducked behind the chair until I was out of cans. However, that didn't keep me from going off on her, screaming viscously. Then, just as quickly as I had gone off... I stopped, taking several deep breaths and calming down. I could barely believe what I'd just done... at how I'd just gone off on Carol. "What's wrong with you?" James asked, his voice sounding kind of whiny. "You're actin' kinda weird?" For a moment, I thought that was like the pot calling the kettle black. But she did have a point. I never lost my temper like that. Never. But I'd been... touchy all day long, and I had no idea why. "Fucking bitch," Carol snarled as she got up and glared at me. "Just like a redhead..." Those words were almost enough to make me go off again. I felt the anger suddenly building, though this time I managed to stay in control. Maybe because I'd just let it out a minute earlier. But then I thought about what Carol had just said. I was acting just like a redhead. "That's just a stereotype," I started, not sure if I was talking to Carol or myself. Then I looked at my friend's a cold chill going down my spine. That crazy blonde woman. The one who'd done that weird voodoo stuff and changed us. She'd said something about us knowing what it was like to be the victims of jokes... to be stereotypes. And suddenly, I knew exactly what she meant. "SHIT!" I snarled furiously, lashing out with my foot and kicking the back of the couch. I gave it another couple kicks for good measure, then stood back, feeling a little better. "That fucking bitch..." "What are you talking about?" Carol demanded. I ignored Carol and stared at James. All day, he'd been acting more and more... ditzy. He'd been forgetting obvious things, getting confused a lot...and flirting quite a bit. In fact, he was beginning to act more and more like... like a bimbo. Like a stereotypical dumb blonde. My eyes quickly went to Carol, and I knew that she was becoming some stereotype of a man. A chauvinistic slob who only thought about sports and sex. Well... maybe about power tools and cars too. I didn't know about that yet. But the changes her behavior where quite obvious as well. And then of course there was me. The redhead. And it appeared that I was developing the famous temper that went along with my new hair color. Somehow, I doubted that it was genetic... though it sure as hell might as well have been. "She's turning us into stereotypes," I finally told the others, still angry but well in control of myself. My little outburst had let off some of the pressure I guessed. "I don't understand," James whined, giving me a wide- eyed look of confusion that filled me with pity. "A dumb blonde," I gestured at James, "A fiery redhead," another gesture down at myself. "And you... a stereotypical guy." Carol looked as if she was about to argue, but she didn't. From the look on her face, she obviously realized that I was right. Like it or not... we were becoming stereotypes. After a long minute, I finally looked at the beer cans scattered around... and a dent I'd but in the wall with one of the, then said, "I think I'd better go now." It didn't take me too long to get home, and I was thankful for the quiet time that it gave me to think and calm down. Especially to calm down. I still couldn't believe how easily I'd been getting angry all day. It was like I was becoming a stranger to myself. "But at least I'm not as bad as James," I told myself, wondering what it had to be like to become a 'bimbo'. Or Carol, who turning into a bit of a jerk. Eventually, it was time for bed and I slowly undressed, taking a careful look at my body as I did so. How long would I look like that? Maybe it was just a lesson and I'd be back to normal in the morning. It was certainly a hope. "At least I've got a nice body," I told myself for reassurance. It wasn't much, but it was what I had. And as I sat there on my bed, admiring my fine new figure, I couldn't help getting a bit turned on. The whole situation, as strange as it was, also happened to be just a little bit erotic. Without consciously thinking about it, I started playing with my tits, then rubbing my crotch. God, it felt good. "Oh yes," I gasped at the incredible sensations. It was like a switch had been flipped, and I was boiling way with raw, untamed emotion. Lust ran through me, just as the rage had earlier. I continued masturbating, fingering myself to orgasm and letting out a long, loud scream. But that wasn't enough. Not nearly. I wanted more... lots more. "Oh God," I screamed out, "Oh yes..." I had no idea how long I remained on my bed, fingering myself to one orgasm after another. Thoughts of that hot actor on the TV commercial ran through mind, without my even caring that I was fantasizing and masturbating over a guy. And somewhere in the middle of it, before I eventually tired and fell asleep, I remembered that redheads were known not only for having a fiery temper... but for being very wild and passionate as well. --- When I awoke in the morning, I sat up in my bed, almost instantly blushing red as I remembered the night before. It was a bit embarrassing, though whether from my long masturbation session or because I had lost such complete control of myself, I didn't know. All I knew was that it had felt good. Real damn good. As impossible as it seemed, I tried not to think about it. Instead, I focused my attentions on going through my normal morning routines, at least as normal as I could get considering the circumstances. I washed up... taking a bit longer than normal as I examined my altered body, then had a quick breakfast. Other than a quick burst of temper and a few broken dishes, the morning was pretty uneventful. "I obviously didn't change back during the night," I sighed as I left my place, realizing that this meant it was a lot more likely that I would be stuck like I was for a long time. Possibly for the rest of my life. The idea was frightening, especially since I knew my driver's license wouldn't do me any good. And I sure as hell couldn't go back to my job looking like I did. In fact, legally, I probably didn't exist at all. This set me off into another outburst and a long stream of loud profanity. When I finally finished, I spat out, "I'll kill that blonde bitch." And at that very moment, I think that I honestly meant it. Once I calmed down though and became a little more reasonable, I felt a little bad about my sudden fits of anger. I was worried about them actually. It seemed as though I was losing control over my emotions. They were stronger than ever before... at least my passionate emotions. I had no idea how my other ones like fear and sadness would be handled, though I suspected that they wouldn't be a problem. After all, redheads weren't known for those. Just being passionate, quick tempered and volatile. And who knew what trouble I would get myself into... or who I might hurt if I couldn't control myself. Since I obviously couldn't go to work like I was, I decided to make some productive use of my time. Or at least try to. So with that, I drove back to the park and once again walked around, looking for the blonde woman. However, there were no signs of her. I hadn't really expected any, but I had been hoping. "Shit," I muttered as I left the park, feeling more disappointed than anything else this time. I frowned, trying not to think about what it would mean if I never got back to normal. "Damn her... So many blondes in the world," I muttered to myself bitterly after another minute, "So how am I supposed to find just one?" It certainly didn't seem likely. Not sure what else to do, I thought about James and Carol. The memory of how they had been acting the night before made me frown. But it wasn't just them who were acting weird, it was me too. And none of us had any choice in the matter. In a way, I think that bothered me even more than the physical changes. "I'm turning into someone else," I sighed, and I didn't mean just my body. It hardly seemed believably that someone could have done that to me and my friends. Not to our bodies and our minds. Nor did it seem possible that anyone would do something so drastic to us just because of a lousy joke. What kind of a person would do that to another? Then I started thinking more about James and Carol, wondering how they were doing. They seemed to be doing all right the night before, though that didn't really mean anything. With that, I decided to go check on them again. I could apologize for my tantrum the night before, and see if they had any new ideas if nothing else. When I got to the apartment building, I slowly walked across the parking lot, not in any particular hurry. As it was, I was a little distracted by the sensations from my body as I walked. Even after a day, I hadn't gotten used to the jiggling, though the bra certainly helped with it... as uncomfortable as that was. As I was crossing the parking lot, I noticed a man standing beside what I assumed was his car and watching me. From the look on his face, it was obvious what he was thinking, and I couldn't honestly blame him since I knew that I looked pretty hot. However, it did make me feel just a little odd having a man look at me like that. "Hey babe," the man greeted me as I started to walk past, then stepped into my way. "I don't think I've seen you around here before." He had a cocky grin on his face, though his eyes never left my chest. For some reason, that annoyed me. "Because I don't live around here," I snapped rather abruptly and started to step around him. However, the man immediately changed position so that he was blocking my path again. "Don't be like that," he told me with a smirk, "Why don't you let me show you a good time?" I scowled and tried moving around him again, but the man continued to try blocking my path. "Get out of my way," I demanded in a cold voice, beginning to get really angry. "Only if you give me a kiss first," he told me with a smirk. It seemed like the idiot in front of me knew exactly the wrong things to say because I nearly exploded at that. Without even thinking about what I was doing, I lashed out, leaving a trail of scratches on his face. The man howled and grabbed at his face while I quickly walked past him. "You fucking bitch," he yelled after me, glaring but not bothering to follow. At the moment, I didn't mind being called a bitch in the least. In fact, I actually felt kind of smug... deriving some satisfaction for what I'd done to that idiot. He'd deserved every mark that I'd put on his face... and a whole lot more. By the time I actually got up to the apartment door, I was in a pretty good mood. "Hey guys," I greeted them as I went inside, having to pause and take a second look. I still had a hard time believing that they were James and Carol since they looked so different. "Hey babe," Carol commented, barely taking her eyes from the TV. A quick glance revealed that it was on ESPN. "Hiya," James giggled with a slightly vapid look on his beautiful face. After a moment, I sat down and carefully asked, "Are you guys all right? I mean, how are you with this..." Carol just nodded, taking a drink from a beer before responding, "I'm fine..." A second later, James giggled, "This is kinda fun..." Then James leaned up close to Carol, his hand going onto her knee as she looked at him with an expression that startled me. It was an expression that I had always dreamed of seeing on the face of a beautiful woman who was looking at me. It was a very sexual look. Suddenly, I was certain that they had actually had sex in their new forms. It shouldn't have surprised me since I'd been getting turned on by men since waking up like that, and they were affected just as much as I was if not more, but it did startle me a little anyway. Then I remembered that according to the stereotype, blondes were supposed to be oversexed... and after taking a long look at James and his body language, I had a strong suspicion that he now was as well. My best friend... the blond bombshell nymphomaniac bimbo. "Oh man," I muttered in disbelief, wondering just how far this would go. "Did you guys sleep together?" I blurted out a few seconds later, not sure whether this bluntness was from me... the normally shy guy, or influenced by my changes. Truthfully, at the moment I didn't think that it really mattered. "Uh huh," James giggled, not seeming embarrassed in the least. Not until I noticed a faint glimmer of it flash through his eyes, though it was quickly gone. Something of the old James remained, though I didn't know how much... or how far it was buried. "Three times..." Carol turned and smirked at that, putting her hand almost possessively around James. "You wanna give it a try? I mean, I'd be happy to teach you what it's like for a woman..." I just stared at Carol for a moment in stunned silence, hardly able to believe I'd heard her. And as soon as it began to sink in, my temper started to flare. Fortunately though, it wasn't quite enough to make me lose control. At least not yet. "No thank you Carol," I told her, barely managing to keep from snarling at her. As it was, my hands were clenched tightly and she flinched back slightly. "Don't call me that," Carol grumbled after a few seconds, glancing at James, "I mean, I don't really look like a Carol right now." Then she looked at James and grinned, "Call me Carl and her Jamie." I had to admit that she did have a point. The names Carl and Jamie certainly fit their new bodies a whole lot better than their real ones. However, I couldn't help noticing how Carol... Carl had refereed to James... Jamie as a 'her'. "Okay... Carl," I responded cautiously, looking to James... Jamie to see what he... she thought about it. Jamie was just sitting there with a look of concentration, muttering, "How do you spell Jamie? G... Y..." "Now what should I call you?" Carl continued as he looked at me. "I mean, you don't really look like a Tyler anymore either." "Don't worry about my name," I told him sharply, suddenly feeling offended that he would even consider something like changing my name. Who the hell did he think he was? My temper was beginning to surge again, though it didn't come up all the way. Just enough to make me feel really annoyed. Carl just shrugged, then started, "Hey babe..." Then as he saw the look on my face, he obviously changed his mind and asked Jamie instead, "Can you get me a beer..." "Okay," Jamie responded, getting up to do as she was asked. Carl pinched her butt as she walked past. I remained at the apartment and talked with my friends for about an hour, watching them the whole time and feeling completely stunned. It was almost like they were two completely different people. People that I barely even recognized as my friends anymore. It was definitely weird. Though I had been thinking about our next step in trying to find that crazy blonde woman so we could get back to normal, I began to realize that Carol... Carl and Jamie weren't quite as interested in getting back to normal as I was. In a way, it made sense. Carl was becoming the stereotype of a man... and probably too macho and chauvinistic to ever want to go back to being a woman. And Jamie... Jamie was not only apparently enjoying what she had become... but was probably too dumb to really care. In spite of all of our changes, and the fact that we had a lot less in common than we did before, they were still my friends. I knew that it wouldn't be easy dealing with their changes as well as my own, but I had to try for the sake of our old friendship. Finally, I said goodbye to my friends and left, not exactly sure what I was going to do next. Looking for that blonde seemed like a good idea, though not very likely. Still, I didn't know what else I could do. So instead, I decided to start back home to think about it some more. However, just around the time I got home, I was struck with the sudden thought about going out and having a little fun. That would have to be a hell of a lot better than just sitting around my houseboat and being bored. And if nothing else, I told myself, it would be a great way to take my mind off of what was happening to me. It didn't take me long to find a nice quiet... or at least nice club where I could grab a quick bite to eat, and then cut loose and have a little fun. I drank a little, thankful that no one bothered asking for my ID, then went out onto the dance floor to cut loose. I didn't even think about the fact that I normally wasn't into dancing or partying, but at the moment that didn't seem to matter. I was cutting loose. I was wild. Every impulse seemed to translate immediately into action. And though I wasn't consciously aware of it... this gave me a strange sense of freedom. My body moved almost of it's own accord, driving by the raw energy of the loud music rather than of my own conscious will. The music filled me, driving me to dance with one person and then another, male or female not being important. At the moment, I was alive. More alive than I'd ever felt before in my life. After I'd been dancing with one man for awhile and having a total blast, I stepped off the dance floor for another drink and was slightly surprised when he came with me. However, I didn't really question it. I was just going with the flow. Or at least going where the music and my emotions led me. "I'm Bryce," my dance partner introduced himself, "Can I buy you a drink?" "Sure," I grinned back at him, my heart racing with excitement. "I'm Theresa," I came up with the name on the spot, grinning at him. Thoughts of how hot he was flittered through my mind and I licked my lips absently. "God you're beautiful," he grinned at me, giving me a very interested look. For some reason, that really pleased me. We talked for a short while more, though it was obvious that neither of us was paying as much attention to the conversation as to other things. My heart was still racing, as were my hormones. Finally, I grabbed Bryce and gave him a passionate kiss. "Wow," he gasped a moment later, looking slightly dazed but quickly recovering. "You've got some lips..." "And you've got some bulge," I put my hand onto the prominent lump on the front of his pants, making him gasp again. "Your place or mine?" If I had been thinking clearly, I never would have made such a suggestion and would have been horrified at myself for even considering it since I had been a man. However, I wasn't being driven by thought and consideration... but by emotion. By the raging fire of passion that now burned within me. Almost before I realized it, I was inside of Bryce's apartment and moving into his bedroom. There was no hesitation in me, no doubts. Only passion. Only desire. I knew what I wanted and I was damn well going to get it. And fortunately, Bryce was more than willing to help me do just that. Neither of us said a word as we nearly tore the clothes from each other, pausing only for more kisses. And soon we had moved to the bed, with Bryce climbing on top of me, playing with my nipples and kissing me before finally moving on. The whole experience was incredibly intense, filling my body with sensations that I had never even imagined possible before then. And when I came, I screamed out so loud that I was sure that every neighbor within a mile must have heard me, though I honestly didn't care. "Oh God," I screamed out, "Oh yes..." My legs were wrapped so tightly around him that I was sure that he would never get away. It had been awesome, but not nearly enough. I wanted more. "Move over," I told Bryce as I shifted positions and climbed on top of him. The rest of the night was a blur of passion and pleasure. It seemed to take forever, yet at the same time, to be over in an instant. Eventually though, Bryce was finished and we both collapsed in exhaustion before finally drifting off to sleep. --- When I woke up in the morning, it was with a deep smile of contentment on my lips as I remembered the pleasure of the night before. A tiny part of me felt embarrassed for how much I had lost control to my passions, but only a very small part. I stretched out in the bed, feeling as though I ought to be purring. After another minute of just lying there contentedly, I sat up in bed and saw that Bryce wasn't lying next to me. Then I noticed him through the open doorway of the small bathroom that was attached. He was apparently brushing his teeth or something, so I just remained where I was and continued watching, wondering if he might be up for something of a repeat from the night before. "You're awake," Bryce stated the obvious as he came out of the bathroom, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. I just nodded at that and he stretched out, then winced slightly, "You were a real wild woman last night." With that, he turned around to give me a look at his back. It was covered with a number of deep scratches, some of them almost gouges. And they looked rather painful. "Did I do that?" I gasped out in surprise, not having realized that I'd gotten so carried away. "You were a wildcat," he told me with a grin, not seeming angry about it, though he did wince slightly. "I'm so sorry," I told him, then making a few more sympathetic noises. However, the truth was that I didn't feel the least bit guilty about it. We'd been having fun and he certainly hadn't been complaining at the time. In fact, I actually felt a little pleased at the sight. It was almost like I'd just got done marking my territory or something. Those scratches clearly said 'mine'. Though I tried getting Bryce to go for another round, he unfortunately had to go to work in a little while. As it was, I ate breakfast with him and we made out just a little bit more before we left and went our separate ways. But he had given me his number so we could get together again some time. On my way back home, I couldn't help thinking about what had happened, still feeling rather pleased with myself at the same time. However, I just couldn't ignore the fact that what I had done... as enjoyable as it was, just wasn't like me. At least not like the old me since the new redheaded me was obviously a bit different. I thought about James... Jamie and the way she had been turned into a bit of a bimbo, and from what I'd learned while talking with her, was almost always a bit horny. Was that what was happening to me? Then I realized that it couldn't be. Jamie was always horny... always turned on, while I wasn't. It was just that when I did get turned on, I REALLY got turned on. "I guess redheads don't do anything halfway," I exclaimed, not sure whether to laugh or cry. Once I got home, I took my time cleaning up, enjoying the warm water against my sensitive new skin. There were some definite advantages to my new body, such as just how nice it looked once I put on some fresh clothes. And of course, the night before. A little later, I got on=line to check my e-mail, scowling the whole time in frustration at how slow the damn machine was working. And just when I thought I was getting somewhere, I got knocked off-line. I let out a stream of curses while logging back on, tapping my long nails impatiently on my desktop while I waited. "'Finally," I growled out as I got back on. But almost immediately, I was knocked off again. "GOD DAMN!" I screamed out furiously. Before I even thought about it, I'd torn the keyboard out and was bashing it furiously against the edge of the desk and then the monitor. However, that wasn't quite enough and a few seconds later, the monitor was lying on the floor and cracked open. "Damn," I screamed out, now angry that I'd just lost an expensive computer. I took that out by giving the case a few swift kicks, though I didn't do anywhere near the damage that had been done to the monitor. It took me several minutes to calm down again, and once I did I felt pretty bad about what I'd done to my computer. However, I hadn't really been able to help it. Like with the night before, impulse was immediately translated into action. Even if it wasn't a very good impulse. Suddenly, I understood. Whatever that blonde bitch had done to me, I now had a raging fire of emotion burning inside of me. It flared up with the slightest of excuses, erupting either as passion... or rage, depending on the circumstances. And I no longer seemed to have the self- control to keep it contained. "I'm in deep shit," I muttered, knowing just how badly this could get me in trouble. Either the uncontrolled passion or the fiery temper could land me in a whole lot of it. "I've got to find that bitch..." With that thought, I immediately hurried out to go check out the park again. I didn't even pause to think about how I'd failed two times already, just knowing that this was what I wanted and this was what I was going to do. Once again, it was impulse leading directly to action without much conscious thought being involved. "Where are you?" I kept muttering as I walked around the park, feeling the pressure beginning to build again. The lack of results was really beginning to frustrate me, which couldn't lead to any good. Suddenly, a young man who couldn't be more than 17 or 18 stepped in front of me, exclaiming, "Whoah hot stuff... you're setting my pants on fire. How about a date?" A single glance revealed a small group of his friends in the background, all watching intently. He was obviously trying to impress his friends, who may or may not have egged him on to hitting on me in the first place. However, I was in absolutely no mood to play along with their little game and continued walking right past. The boy didn't seem content with that though and suddenly grabbed my arm as I walked past, "Hey babe..." There was absolutely no thought... no hesitation before my fist swung around and caught him straight in the face. An instant later, there was a satisfying crunching sound and he fell back, clutching at his face and howling in pain. Streams of red were oozing from between his fingers and splattering on the ground. "Holy shit," one of the boy's friends exclaimed, while another spat out, "Crazy bitch." There were more exclamations and insults as they rushed to aid him, though I didn't really pay any attention to them. Two of his friends glared at me, obviously about to jump me. But after a few seconds, they seemed to think better of it. Probably a smart move on their part considering my mood at the moment. After a moment, and once I was fairly sure that they weren't going to attack me, I turned and hurried away, only glancing back to make sure no one was following. But as for the boy who's nose I had just broken, I didn't feel the least bit of regret or guilt. Instead, I felt satisfied, completely confident that he had it coming to him. It was only later, once I had calmed down a bit, that I realized something else about my changes. I hadn't been feeling nearly as much regret or guilt about my outbursts as I had at first, and seemed to be feeling less with each one. Except perhaps for how they affected me. It was as though I was losing the ability to. It was a frightening thought, and even more frightening in how little that bothered me. "No hesitation," I mused thoughtfully, "No second thoughts." That seemed to sum up the stereotypes about redheads to a tee. In other words, it summed up what I was becoming. In spite of those thoughts, or perhaps because of them, I finished looking around the park rather quickly. I didn't have any success in finding that weird blonde, but then again, I hadn't really expected to either. But still, I'd had to look. And with my search of the park done and over with, I decided that maybe I should check on James... Jamie and Carl again. Before very long, I was back at their apartment, talking to my friends. The whole situation was strange, and not just for me. All of us had gone through drastic changes so we were hardly recognizable as the same people we had been. "Talk, talk, talk," Carl muttered, not taking his eyes from the TV, "Is that all you girls can do?" Though Carl was still my friend Carol somewhere inside, her new chauvinistic attitude was really getting on my nerves. But to be fair, Jamie's mindless chatter and incessant giggling were pretty annoying too. Hard to believe that my old buddy was in there. As I sat there, frowning deeply, I worried that our friendship was done for. We were all becoming too extreme... and two dimensional. There wasn't much in common between us...not much to talk over or that we wanted to do together. Though there were still a few things, I wasn't sure if even those would last. Just then, the doorbell started to ring. "I'll get it," Jamie exclaimed excitedly, grabbing for the phone. "Hello?" "The doorbell, you dumb blonde," Carl spat, gesturing to the door. "Go answer it why don'tcha?" "I don't know," Jamie responded with a confused look. "Why don't I?" I just groaned at that, feeling as though I was in the middle of a bad joke. Then again, that had been the point, hadn't it. To turn us into living stereotypes. Into the butts of jokes. Finally, I snapped out, "I'll get it." There was probably a lot more edge to my voice than I intended because Jamie gave me a hurt look while Carl muttered something about my being a bitch. When I opened the door, I saw a man whom I didn't recognize standing there. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, with long blonde hair and was wearing a gray overcoat and wide brimmed hat. There was a strange expression on his face that seemed to be a mixture of sadness and anger. "Yeah?" I greeted him, less than politely. The man in gray bowed his head slightly and removed his hat. Then he took a long look at me, frowning deeply while doing so. Finally, he said, "Mr. Grange... my name is Joshua. May I come in?" For a moment, I just stared at him with my mouth dropped open, completely stunned that he had actually used my name. My real name. And I didn't look ANYTHING like myself at the moment either. Finally, all I could do was nod weakly and let him inside. "Who the fuck are you?" Carl demanded as he stood up, clenching his fists and looking as though he was about to fight. I quickly understood that it was a macho thing, with another guy invading his territory. I'd never been like that myself, but I wasn't being turned into some sort macho bullshit stereotype. "Hi," Jamie purred, batting her eyelashes and moving closer to him. Joshua just looked around the room, his eyes pausing only briefly on each of us. Then he finally announced, "As I said, my name is Joshua. And I'm here to help." "Help how?" I asked him suspiciously, "And how do you know who I am?" "Look," Carol glared at me, "I'll ask the questions..." That was enough to set me off, though a single look from Joshua somehow kept that from happening. "I know what happened to you," Joshua quietly told us, "The sorceress who did this to you isn't usually one of the more troub

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CrosswordsChapter 3

I had to work the next morning at nine. Dad had just finished his breakfast when I came downstairs. He pushed his plate away and pulled his coffee closer before sticking his nose in the morning paper. Mom was already drinking her coffee and reading the arts section. Dad was dressed for work and Mom was wearing her everyday housecoat. As I made my breakfast, I wondered what she was wearing underneath the robe and whether or not she would honor her promise to show me her tits or if she had just...

3 years ago
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A True History Book TwoChapter 3

Who knew that dressing up in a costume and walking around would be so much fun? And no, the irony of that statement is not lost on me. Beth was just driving down the road when I was landing. I got to the ground, quickly put my clothes on, and ran to meet her. There was no one else around, so all she did was slow down, while I opened the door and jumped in. That way, we didn’t get covered in dust drifting forward from a full stop. “I’m glad you’re home in time. Toby’s really excited about...

1 year ago
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A Matter Of Trust Ch 02

The reunion was just as passion driven and all consuming as Colby had suspected it would be, after six weeks apart and within ten minutes of stepping into her apartment, Justin had her new dress cast onto the floor in a pink heap while she was stretched out in a recliner, her long legs dangled over each arm as Justin buried his face in her cunt. He went to work in an instant, licking…kissing…sucking…he ate at her with such intense vigor he soon had her lost in a sensual haze that felt heaven...

3 years ago
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Korean Koolaid Ch 03

Korean Koolaid Confessions of a whoremonger. I am Writing this story as a mini-series. There is quite a bit to tell of the year that I was in Korea. Although I may refer to the girls in this story as young, I assure you that they were all over eighteen at the time these events occurred. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 – In which I learn the secret meaning of having a shower. I was on my knees. A Korean girl was on all fours and I was looking at a small, tight ass. My dick was being...

3 years ago
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The Naiads Chapter Three

"The Naiads of Thessaly Springs" is the story of Wendell Connors, a recently divorced man of middle age, who has taken residence at an apartment complex. His neighbors, he soon finds, are a trio of beautiful college girls who love throwing parties. In chapter one, Wendell met Ashley, the exuberant blonde of the trio, and quickly developed an attraction to her after she tripped and fell into his arms when her heel broke. Wendell offered to repair the heel and have it ready for her the following...

2 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 38

It took us ... or rather, my private investigator ... more than six weeks to locate Lily. Once she got the facts straight, she decided to share the information with the feds, even without asking me first. That meant a wait of two extra days for me, which together with the fact that she refused to give me any other information made me worried. Very worried. Besides, the look behind her eyes was something that I feared. Lily has just had her fifth birthday. It had been partly my efforts, or at...

4 years ago
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PTA Mom Whorewhy not

I am 36 and married to my husband since I was 23. I keep my body is great shape, am a natural blonde all over, including "down there". I keep myself looking as good as I can, and naturally look much younger. It's not me, it's genetics, my mother and all her sisters are in their late 50's or early 60's and look like they are 38. I had been to a cocktail party and a friend and I stopped by a well known, large hotel for a drink. She had to leave and I was left alone with my drink. I guess by...

2 years ago
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Oh my slut

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. "Please close the window, Anna, I'm going to catch a cold" I grimaced at my sister Ashley. It was the month of June, and it was very humid and unbearably hot. The only way I could survive a...

3 years ago
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One Last Kiss

"Thank you for the dinner. I had a lot of fun." I told Eric, the tall, thin, dark-haired man who had just taken me out on a date. I was driving us to my house, as it was only 7 at night, where we would finish the date off with a movie and a glass of wine.  "It was my pleasure, Ashton." He regarded me with amused eyes, his hand reaching over to graze along the skin of my right forearm. The gentle arcing touch sent shocks through my arm, arousing my mind.  He and I talked a bit more...

2 years ago
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Skeletons in the Closet

Introduction: Everybody has their secrets. So why not just combine them all into one big secret. If you are against father/daughter sex involving a fictional 12 year old girl, do not read this story. Otherwise, enjoy. – Skeletons in the Closet —- – — Jack sighed heavily in laziness as he finished settling down onto the carpeted floor of the small nine by seven foot empty walk-in closet. He stared up to the lightly cracked, but otherwise textureless ceiling, waving his eyes around the bare...

1 year ago
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Life HappensChapter 5

Kevin was on top of the world after his date and he made sure his mother noticed. It was easy because his excited behavior was real. His plan had been to fake it but now that he had gone out with Sherry, he didn't have to fake it at all. This was going to be fun, he thought. His plan was working on his mother better than he thought. She was feeling very jealous. She knew that she should be happy for Kevin but she couldn't help her feelings. He had always been hers and now she had to share....

1 year ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 24 Bearing gifts to Greeks

Callum Keane arrived in Livorno a day after Sir Boris Crossley’s unexpected visit, and he and I were seated in my office in Fortezza Nuova as Boris briefed us on the forthcoming operation to relocate Lord Byron. “Byron has chartered a vessel to take him to Missolonghi, where he intends rallying all the various Greek factions – currently at each other’s throats rather than at the Turks – under his overall command,” Boris said. “Does Byron have any military training?” I asked, although I...

2 years ago
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House sitting at Megans

Back in school days I had a close friend megan. We were in the same grade both 18. Although being good friends I had a crush on her for a long time. It was easter, megan and her parents were going away and they asked me to look after their house.Thursday afternoon I rocked up by their house and they gave me the keys, as they set off on their trip. They were a family of 5, megan's dad and mom her older brother, 2 year younger sister and megan. Me being 17 and at the peek of my horniness I went...

3 years ago
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Birthday For Janet The Real Beginning

I think now is a good time to relate how I became involved in an incestuous relationship with my daughter, Laura, and my granddaughter, Janet.I grew up in a home where incest was the norm. My name is Jay, I was named for my grandpa Jay. I had a twin sister, Janet. My granddaughter was named after her because they both, along with me, shared the same birth dates.My grandparents had inherited their wealth from their parents. They owned a few farms plus several buildings and businesses in town....

2 years ago
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Me And My Aunty In Hyderabad

Hi Friends, This is Rahul I am from Hyderabad, This is a real story my first experience of having a sexual encounter. I was 22 in my full youthfulness. (Im 5.9 in height, Wheatish in color, slightly hairy chest, 66 in weight, and a good sized Indian Manhood of 7 inches in length and 2-3 inch in width) My first sex encounter was with my aunty (Mom’s Sister) she was 34 at that time she was a widow with no children. She had an attractive sexy figure. 38D-28-36 shruthi is her name, we both always...

3 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 9

"Very well. You have a visitor visa for one month, renewable with a sponsor. Settler status merits permanent residence and a land grant." "Thank you." "You are welcome, ma'am." The man now turned to Tom with a smile of recognition. "Hi, Tom. Are you her escort?" "I am, Fred, for my sins. These two girls are her daughters: Anita is this one, and the baby is Carina." "Duly noted. Please escort them off the beach, Tom." "Come along, Margo. Hopefully someone is here to meet...

1 year ago
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My Maid Hima 8211 Part II

Hi readers I am back again .let me introduce myself again I am Chandu ,height 5,9,and well built sporty structure .this is continuation part of the story of my house maid Hima .To understand my story please read my first story “My maid Hima”.She got married again and she had been married to our car driver. He was well looking but unable to satisfy Hima. He is a drinker and smoker. This was a real incident happened 10 months ago. We both are happy to hear that my uncle and aunt are going out of...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 50 Myth and Reality

February 1981, Milford, Ohio On Wednesday, Kara simply smiled at me when I walked into chemistry class, rather than greeting me with a kiss. I knew that she and I had to have a long talk, so I didn’t let it bother me. I wasn’t quite ready to talk to her yet, thinking that Friday night would be best when we could be alone for an extended time. Of course, there was a question of whether or not she was willing to go out with me. “Kara, can I see you Friday night?” I asked. “Of course! We’re...

3 years ago
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Mom Sent Me

It was getting late and my sister wasn’t in the house. We both knew the rules…when the streetlights come on…get in the house. So Mom sent me out to find her and bring her home…even if I had to drag her home.I looked in the usual places and I asked a few of her friends that were still outside. No one had seen her since she had taken off with Hank. Hank was the neighborhood bad boy, the one that everyone avoided if possible. If she had been with him then I should look for her near the old factory...

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He Came In The Night

Her eyes flashed open as she came instantly awake in her moonlit room. Something must have started her, but what? At first her senses detected nothing. She could see nothing, hear nothing, or even smell anything out of the ordinary, but then she felt a slight chill in the air, which was out of the ordinary. She just sensed something or someone was in there with her, something that seemed wrong, but she had no idea what it could be.Her eyes slowly scanned the room, first the door and then the...

2 years ago
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Chairs 4 Sale

Things were getting a little cluttered in my townhouse, and I decided to sell an extra set of dining table chairs I had. Thank goodness for Craigslist! I got numerous calls but on a Saturday morning you called and wanted to come by and look at the chairs and we set it up for 4pm.. Being the good host I am - I showered, cleaned up, and cleaned up the place for you - and being coy I put on just a touch of mascara, perfume and then a unisex shirt and some wickedly tight tush shaping...

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My older sisterChapter 10

An hour later we decided to go inside. I got my laptop and made some notes about my first impression of getting here. When done, I put down the computer and crawled under the covers of the bed. Kami came in from the bathroom smelling wonderful and she got in on her side of the bed. I felt her hand on my dick, and it was ‘rising to the occasion’ which caused her to giggle. We started to kiss one another and it became very hot, as she climbed aboard my supine form. She moved from my mouth to...

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Episode 44 8211 Kiran8217s Adventure

In the last episode, Sowmya was blackmailed into having sex with Reddy. Though the two had enjoyed a lot, Reddy was often drifted in thoughts of Kiran. Off late he had not been so much satisfied with anyone else, as much he had been with Kiran. And since the day Kiran had silently disappeared, he had been longing to get her back. Kiran too, in the meantime, had cured her guilt with a little help from Dr. Roy, and was now eager to get back and get laid by Reddy. And while she waited, she enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Mommy Has To Watch Us Do It

Mommy Has To Watch Us Do It When I asked Tim to have sex with me he couldn’t believe it. He got all excited and started to tear my clothes off right there. Then I said, “Mommy has to watch us do it.” Tim thought about it a moment and asked, “Your mother wants to watch us do it?” I said, “She insists on watching us.” I looked at his face as he contemplated the offer I had made him. I had just offered him my virginity. Of all the boys I could have picked I had chosen him. He...

1 year ago
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Sauna Special Service of a Kind

My name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna palour on Daya Road with my three CD friends. This sauna palour is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers, so I often come here to enjoy...

She Males
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Mummy Ke Sath Fun

Hi, Dosto, Pahli baar is site ko dekha to accha laga…. aapki stories padhi , kaafi stories bahot acchi hai, but jyadatar fake hai…. kher…enjoy dear friends…. aaj mai aapke sath apna wo experience share kar rha hu.. jo meri life me ek sapne ki tarh tha…. ye meri real story jo mai aapse share kar rha hu….mera naam Arjun Singh hai…. mai ek acchi faimly se belong karta hu…. mere ghar me meri 5 member hai mom & dad , mai or 2 sister, meri ek sister ki shadi ho chuki hai…. ab ghar me kul 4 log rahte...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview

The Job InterviewHelene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very careful...

Straight Sex
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Its good to have a BiSexual Wife

My wife and I have had our problems in the past but we worked them out when we found out we were having sex with the same woman, and what was funny was, that my wife set it all up just to show me that she was bi-sexual. Susan had always been very much into sex during our marriage, then as my work took more and more of my time she felt neglected and found other ways to fill her needs. Even thought we were still sexually active with each other, it was if we lost the spark that we once had. Susan...

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My first sex with my girl friend

She also took my t shirt. We both were naked in no time. I started sucking her boobs while she was pressing my head. I bit her nipples. I licked and fingered her pussy and she was moaning like something. I was surprised that she would wake everyone. She said to fuck me. I was rock hard with my 6.5 inches cock. She was getting wet. I inserted my dick in her pussy. It took 15 mins to go in as it was tight there. I m 22 years old at that time got my first girlfriend . We both met when we joined a...

First Time
3 years ago
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I fucked my neighbor

At the time I didn’t know who she was, just a sexy beautiful woman with a great body, it happen about three weeks ago, when me and time was at work. Tim brought in this disc that was, lets say nasty, it was this woman doing the deed and she could do it well, anyway, he showed it to me and it was a real turn on, it was taken at p.o.v but not showing her face, but she was sucking and licking the guy dick so good and the angle was like I was right there, never seen who the guy was, but her lips...

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The Ring Ch 02 Consent

Some days went by after the meeting. Days when I held in my mind her face, her voice, her words, her tone, her assurance, her nuances of expression, the look on her face as she spoke. Days when I was sure that I'd failed, then hopeful I had not.Days when I wished I'd not said what I had, and had said what I hadn't. Days when I cringed at my clueless presumption when I asked for her name.Days of sitting in front of the screen and the keyboard, pressing Refresh in the hope of her answer, then...

2 years ago
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Bollywood fetish sex

Here is my fantasy for 2 of bollywoods not very famous females rituparnasen gupta n sonali kulkarni,they have something very sluttish n sexy in their looks esp in desi outfits like saari, salwaar kurtas n all .We have some ancesteral land in a village n an old man takes care of it so i decide to make a visit there, i pack all my stuff along wit my laptop n some porn dvd’s , i reach the village in settle down in the small house in the farm , the old man has taken good care of the farm , i asked...

3 years ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilAppendix

Lawful Good: Seeks the good of all beings through the promotion of just laws and the precepts of harmonious living. Lawful Neutral: Seeks the establishment of a system of laws, whether people benefit or not. The system is all important; the people are nothing. Lawful Evil: Seeks the acquisition of personal power through a system of laws, disregarding or actively opposing individual rights. Neutral Good: Seeks happiness and prosperity for all, without regard for any system of laws. Tries to...

2 years ago
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Making a baby for LindaChapter 4

A few days later Martin and Linda were summoned to the executive level again, and this time told to wait outside the Executive Conference Room. Linda was wearing an expensive red dress that Mr Seymour had bought her. They both assumed that someone would be fucking her soon, as part of the company program to get her pregnant. Linda was both embarrassed and excited at the prospect. Martin was still having difficulty coping with other men fucking his wife and hated knowing it was about to happen...

3 years ago
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The neighbors boy

“What the fuck?” she cursed under her breath as she looked at the clock. The clock showed it was 11:45 pm, and the persistent ringing at her doorbell wouldn’t stop. She got out of bed, threw her silk robe on over her teddy and stomped angrily to the front door of the flat. When she looked through the peep hole of her door she was very surprised to see her neighbors’ 17 year old son, Paul maybe, standing on her doormat in nothing but his boxers. Boys at that age were very prone to pulling...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Bailey Brooke Interracial Creampie

Bailey Brooke gets Black Bred by Rob Piper in this hardcore creampie scene! Bailey is lounging by the pool in her pink bikini as she shows off her body and amazing bubble butt for us all to admire. Rob shows up with a bottle of baby oil and squirts it all over her then uses his hands to make sure it covers every inch of her body. He helps her out of her bikini top and oils up her perky tits and then Bailey jumps in the pool for sexy teasing and twerking. She slides off her bottoms to expose...

3 years ago
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Im starting to really like marriage

I’ve read stuff like this in the past and have always wondered if even one of the stories is true. Let me assure you that this is absolutely factual. If it’s not extraordinary compared to works of fiction or if I provide too much background information, please be patient and forgive me. I hope the fact that this is reality outweighs the exaggerated stories that are superficial and purely fantasy. I know it does for me! Both my wife and I are in our early 30s. We have been together for...

1 year ago
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Wandering Fantasies

Simon Winters sat in the den of his house, admiring his handiwork. It was the basement really, but he'd tried to make it as comfortable as possible. It was his 'man-zone', with polished oak covering all the walls and beams across the ceiling. Furnished with plush black leather chairs and a couch, a 72" wall mounted flat-screen TV with surround sound, a dvd cabinet stocked full of all kinds of movies (including a secret compartment he'd built in with all of his private movies) a mini fridge and...

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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and b*****r and his f****y. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn’t at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law, she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50’s and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

1 year ago
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My Secret Relationship With My Neighbouring Housewife 8211 Part 2

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5”9 height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed). This is the continuation of my previous posting under the same name, the ones reading this part for the first time, I request you all to read the first part before proceeding to this one, so coming directly to the story. You can mail me your response on We reach...

3 years ago
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House Boy Part Two

House Boy - Part Two The rest of the week went by in a blur. I kept replaying every minute I'd spent in Mistress Alexia's dungeon. What had I done? Was I now a submissive? A professional Dominatrix's house boy? Was I out of my freaking mind? The next afternoon, Saturday, I went out to dinner with Elise. For a girl with a lot of money, Elise was amazingly down to earth. She loved this plain and simple Italian restaurant on 20th Street in Gramercy Park. As we walked in, the...

2 years ago
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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 8

What a fool I had been. It was so sad too, because I really only wanted to help him. I had no way of knowing that it was a setup right from the start. How was I to know that he was such a devious and cold blooded little bastard! I don't know how long I sat there like that. I know that it was a long time. I was surprised that Nathan didn't come and get me. When the tears finally ended I got up and brushed my teeth and got the taste of cum out of my mouth for the first time since that first...

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ke Sath Maze

Hello doston, mera naam hai Nimku aur dost ki behan ki kahani laya hun. Main Bihar se hun. Meri age 25 hai, aur mere lund ka size hai 7 inches. Agar kisi ko bhi maze karne ho toh mujhe mail kar sakta hai. Toh aate hai iss kahani ki heroine pe jiska naam Nisha hai. Woh peechle saal 18 saal ki hui hai. Sawla sa rang aur zero size figure. Height kafi achi hai. Toh jab woh apne baal bandh ke tight leggings mein aati hai toh lund khud khada ho jata. Uska figure 32-28-32 hai. Gol gol tight jawan gand...

3 years ago
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I knocked on the door of Amanda's apartment. "Hey, Jason," Amanda said, opening the door. She stepped to the side, her long brown hair flowing with her movement. "Please, come in." "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. I caught a familiar look in Amanda's brown eyes as she said, "I'll explain in a moment." I always hated that look in her eyes. It usually meant she had an idea. I was a part of enough ideas to know Amanda was never one to really plan things out. As I entered the...

1 year ago
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Hollywood Casting Couch

You are the assistant to Hollywood's hottest casting director: Irwin B. Cool. You come into work on day and find him reading a script. "This is the best script I've ever read." He says. "It's also the most insanely erotic and explicit." He glances over at you. "You want to go far don't you? Well find me the right actress for this part. It'll do wonders for her career, if she's willing to do things on camera no actress has done before." He throws you a copy of the script. You walk out of his...

4 years ago
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Hands on Training Ch 04

Sorry for the delay!!! Things have been crazy between my summer class and my broken leg. I hope you enjoy and it was worth the wait! * She slowly came to, momentarily unaware of what was happening. It took her eyes a moment to focus and she heard and felt them around her before she actually saw what was going on. She tried to scream, but they put their hands over her mouth, and her cries were stifled. She attempted to bite one of their hands, but he just slapped her hard across her cheek,...

3 years ago
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Being a Woman Must Be Easy

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I'm startled awake by my alarm. It's time to get ready for work again. My head hurts from all the drinking I did last night. No luck picking up a girl this time around, unfortunately. It's so much effort to get a girl to come home just to mess around. I really don't get it. If I were a girl, I'd be totally in to that. I know I'm a decent-looking guy, so I don't know why it's so much effort. Nonetheless, it's time to get ready. Crawling my way out of bed, I...

3 years ago
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Fr Joe part 2

One Friday evening found me once again in Fr. Joe's rectory study. As usual,the cd player was on, and the haunting, erotic sounds of Gregorian chantsfilled the wood-panelled office. Fr. Joe and I stood face to face, ourtrousers unzipped, and our hard cocks inside each other's open fly. Fr. Joe'sstubby, steel-hard shaft was stuck into the fly of sweaty striped boxers,drooling lube into my thick pubic bush. My huge nine incher was too huge tofit through the tight fly of Fr. Joe's briefs, so it...

3 years ago
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Sweeties Beginings Part 7

Danielle and I didn't have sex for almost two weeks after I moved in. I would try to interest her while we were in bed, but she couldn't be bothered. I asked her about one Thursday as we sat on the couch together. "What?" she asked, with total reprehension in her voice. "Well, Danni, we haven't had sex in almost two weeks. I want to know if everything is ok," I said hesitantly. "Are you kidding me? Are you really asking me that? Is that all this relationship is about: sex?" "No,...

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