The Samantha Hewitt Chronicles Part One: How To Become Female Without Even Trying free porn video

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THE SAMANTHA HEWITT CHRONICLES PART ONE - HOW TO BECOME FEMALE WITHOUT EVEN TRYING It was all an accident waiting to happen. I was going to see my shrink for help with my drinking problems. I was only 15 then and my parent's divorce had put me through the emotional wringer and only drinking had helped, but the divorce went on for over two years and by the time the divorce was settled I was an alcoholic. My name was Sam Hewitt and I had an appointment scheduled for 9.30 am. However what I didn't know was that my shrink had been given the wrong file by his secretary and he had the case notes for Samantha Harris, a transsexual who was about to under go her first dose of the new genetic therapy drug GenePink. I thought nothing when he called out 'Sam' and he asked if I'd cut my hair. He explained that he'd lost his glasses and couldn't really see me properly. Then he gave me a drink, which was unusual but I was thirsty after my long wait and drank about half in one go. "Drink it all down; you'll feel the benefit quicker that way." I didn't want to be impolite and it tasted quite nice for a smoothie, but I preferred mineral water to be honest. "It's nice." "They make it that way. So then Samantha, I bet you can't wait to finally be a real young lady?" "My name's Sam, I'm not a girl." "You will be my girl." "What are you on about? I'm Sam Hewitt; I'm here about my alcohol problem." "Oh dear, oh dear. Did you drink all of it?" "Yes, of course." "Oh, you had better sit down. This is not good. I must call your mother." "What is this all about?" I felt tired and sleepy and my eyes got heavy. "It's started. Dear god it's started. I am so sorry." I awoke feeling refreshed and happy. I found that I was not in my bed, but rather a bed in a hospital. "Why am I here?" I realised my voice was wrong, I sounded like a girl. "Sam, oh my dear baby." I saw my mother sitting by my bed. "What is it?" "Please stay calm Sam, don't get upset." I tried to sit up and long blonde hair kept getting in my eyes. "Whose hair is this? I pulled it, it hurt. "Ow." "There was a mix up. You were given a medical treatment by accident. It's that new super medicine that they give to boys who want to be girls. You drank a whole dose of it." "What?" I pulled own the bed cover to reveal that I was dressed in a nightdress and my chest had two smallish bulges on it, my breasts! "I'm a girl?!" "It's ok sweetheart. You'll learn to adjust. You're still young and you'll grow up to be a very beautiful woman." "I want to be a boy again." "I'm sorry, but because you drank the GenePink, you're immune to the GeneBlue. You can never be male again. It's ok though, I'll help you learn what it is to be a girl, pass on all my knowledge to you, my daughter." I felt sick and grossed out, mentally anyway. My body however felt great, like I was in the best possible physical shape of my life. I felt a pain in my bladder. "I have to pee. God, I have to sit down to pee for the rest of my life." "It's hardly difficult and it'll make cleaning the bathroom easier and you'll never leave the loo seat up again." I ignored my mother as I went over to the loo. Then I realised, I was in a girls ward in the hospital. I needed to go however and technically my body was genetically girl, so I went inside and tried not to feel at home in the warm pink tiled bathroom. I had to hitch my nightdress up to my waist and sit down. I felt strangely comfortable, my bum was massive, no wonder. I finished as quickly as I could but 'down there' was wet with my pee so I had to rub it dry with a couple of pieces of loo paper and then I flushed and returned to find mother sorting out clothes for me to wear. "Ah there you are. I've got you some panties and a bra. I had to measure you last night when you were asleep, so your dress fits perfectly. I got you these cute ankle socks and some low heels too. You'll look just like any other girl your age. I'm going to love having a daughter to shop with from now on." "Shopping?" I groaned with despair. "I hate shopping; I have to wait for hours for you just to buy one pair of shoes." "Now you'll know why it takes so long when you come with me, in fact I dare say you'll take a good deal longer, until you work out what fashions you like the best." "I want some jeans too. All the girls at my school wear jeans." "Of course dear, I know how important looking right is for a young woman. You can learn a lot from your girlfriends, just remember though that girls lie about sex just as much as boys, so don't rush into anything you're not ready to deal with." I was released later that day and I was given new identity documents, after all I was legally entitled to them after taking GenePink under the law. I saw that my new name was indeed Samantha, but I had a new middle name, Laura." "I was going to call you Laura if you'd been born a girl; it was my mother's name." "Great, second hand name, second hand body. I don't know how I'm going to cope." "You'll cope, we'll cope together. I called your dad last night and told him the news. He's flying down here today to see you. Let's see if we can make you look nice and pretty for his arrival." "You told Dad? He'll freak!" "He was very understanding and he loves you. He blames me of course, but that's my problem, not yours." "Great, more to tell my shrink about. I'm not going to start drinking again; none of us want that to happen." "Of course not Samantha. You'll be a good girl, I know it." "I wasn't a bad boy, just very confused. Now I have make new friends all over again. None of my mates will want to know me; they'll only want to date me." "Is that so bad? A girl your age should be interested in boys by now. If you want to bring a boy home for tea then that's fine by me." "Maybe, but I'm so not ready for that. Don't people who do this to themselves willingly have all sorts of help? Shouldn't I have a shrink to help me? A proper one with good eyesight this time too." "I'll arrange something." When I got home I found that mum had thrown out all my boy clothes and replaced them with some girl clothes. "I hardly have anything to wear." "We can go shopping tomorrow Samantha." "Everyone will see me if we go to the mall." "Exactly. Every woman wants to be seen looking beautiful. We'll really hit them with the mother and daughter whammy." "Fine, but I'm changing out of this dress right now." "You look so pretty Samantha." I wouldn't be told however and I found some jeans, albeit very girly jeans with pink denim turn-up's and large beads glued around the pockets in a very feminine pattern. I added a soft pink polo shirt over my bra and looked at my reflection in the mirror. "At least I look kind of pretty. If I have to be a girl then I don't want to be ugly." "I've made us some lemonade." Mum pushed the door open without pausing to knock. "You look pretty, those jeans really suit you." "All the buttons and the zip are the wrong way around." "Only from your point of view. To me they're the right way around and you'll get used to it, it'll become like second nature." I sat on the edge of my bed. "What about, you know woman's stuff. We did some stuff in biology class and I kind of glazed over when they did all the yucky stuff." "It's a necessary biological process if you ever want to have children of your own. I know I'd like a grandchild one day, but for now I'll tell you what you need to know. You'll find that as you make some girlfriends you'll talk about such things as periods amongst yourselves and you'll learn a lot from them and in time them from you." There was a knock at the door and mum went downstairs, while I put my dress on a hanger and carefully put it away in my wardrobe. I found some pink slippers near my bed and I put them on, then I realised my feet were much smaller now, only a size 4." "Samantha, can you come down honey. Your dad's here." "I don't want to!" I panicked and tried to open my bedroom window so that I could escape. It was locked however and I couldn't find the key. "Samantha." I heard dad's voice calling my new name. "I'm not here." "It's ok." Dad was standing in the doorway. I ran over to him and hugged him and broke down in a flood of tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this. I don't want you to hate me." "I don't hate you; you're my child, my daughter. I'll always love you. You look pretty you know, I bet you'll break a few boys hearts." "Dad!" I was major embarrassed and yet also relieved at dad's acceptance of me. He'd always been so proud to have a son, to follow the family tradition. My parents had never been able to have another child since me, so now his son was gone and I was left and I wasn't his son anymore. "I love you too dad." That night we had an almost normal family meal for the first time since I could remember. Mum let dad sit at the head of the table and I was forced on pain of not getting my allowance to wear my dress and have my hair done up in ribbons. The meal was nice, but I was full very quickly and I had to leave my plate half finished. I hugged dad before he left to go to his hotel room. "I'll visit you tomorrow. Mum's making me go shopping with her, so I'll come by after that." The next day was weird. Mum woke me up very early in the morning and told me to have a shower and put on only a fresh pair of panties and a bra. Then she took me into the bathroom and taught me how to shave my legs. She told me how to get all the difficult bits done without cutting myself and then she did the same with my armpits. There wasn't much hair there to begin with but now they were totally smooth, just like a girl's. It was a warm day and so I pulled on a plain grey skirt that ended just above my knees and a white sleeveless blouse that didn't do much to hide my bra underneath. I wore tiny white ankle sock and simple black shoes that had only a one inch chunky heel that were practical to wear and walk in for a long time. Mum liked to visit every shop in the mall at least twice, so I knew I had to wear sensible shoes if I didn't want to end up with sore feet and a broken ankle. "You look wonderful, Samantha. Sit down here and let me brush your hair for you. Knees together sweetie if you're going to wear that skirt. That's a good girl; you don't want to get a reputation for being easy before you even get to school." "School?" This came as a big shock to me." "Yes, you still have some of this year to complete and then you'll have to pick a college. We set aside quite a lot of money so you can get a top quality education." "They'll know who I used to be. They'll know what happened to me." "Not quite. You'll be attending St. Mary's school for girls." "They're all weird, and they have to wear uniforms. I was looking forward to at least getting to wear something comfy." "We'll get your uniform while we're out shopping. Your therapist agreed to settle out of court. The money will cover your education costs and there will still be enough set aside for driving lessons. I could never really trust my son with my car, but I know I can trust my daughter." "Sexist." I joked. "I'll be just as bad whether I'm a girl or a boy." "I've read all about those boy racers. I'm glad you won't turn out to be one." "Unless I'm the world's first girl racer." "Very funny Samantha. Now let's get to the mall before all the good bargains are gone." The drive over was kind of fun as mum and I both sang along to the radio and I found that my voice seemed to be very musical and not like it used to, a frog in a blender. The mall seemed to be full of people but it always was. Mum took the lead and immediately made for the girliest shop she could find, the lingerie store. I cringed inside before considering that my bra and panties actually fitted my new female body perfectly, but they were kind of plain and not as daring as some of the silky ones worn by the fashion dummies. "Let's get you something nice and silky for your first day at school. It'll put you in a better frame of mind." I found myself getting engrossed as the shop assistant explained how the different fabrics felt on the body. The coolness of silk, the comfort of cotton and the warmth of winter wool. It was astounding the sheer choice I had and I hadn't even heard about lace yet. I picked s simple pair of white silk panties with a delicate lace frill around the waist and legs, as well as the matching bra in my size. "Let's get you some tights too; you'll love how they feel on your legs in the autumn and spring." By the time we left the store I though we'd bought all their stock and I was surprised that they got everything into just one bag, which I had to carry of course. Some things never change, even if my gender had. Next up we looked around one of the major clothing stores, mum wanted to buy me one of everything, but I managed to turn her away from the things I really hated. I ended up with more skirts and blouses and a couple of dresses for formal occasions and more nightdresses and also a swimming costume and a skimpy bikini. Then I remembered. Mum had booked a holiday this summer for the two of us. Was I really expected to prance about in just these two skimpy bits of cloth? I'd have to take the one piece and accidentally burn the bikini. "You'll love showing off your body in that bikini, Samantha. It'll really show off your legs." "I'm not wearing that! All the boys will leer at me." "All the other girls will be wearing them, believe me. They'll want the boys to look at them, as you will. It's biological instinct. Your maturity into womanhood has already begun and your mind will soon catch up with your hormones. You'll want boys to look at you so that you can have your pick of all the best ones." "I'm not an animal, I can control myself." "I should hope so too. I don't want to find you've given your virginity away cheaply to some swarthy lothario." The next shop was easier to cope with. Shoes, nice and simple? Forget it. There are a billion different styles and then there's choosing the right colour and length of heel. We were in there at least an hour before I found something that felt comfortable, gave my legs a nice shape and appeased mom who wanted to teach me to walk in heels ASAP. They were a simple tan leather with an ankle strap and an open toe, but to mom they were proof absolute that she had the beloved daughter that she'd always secretly yearned for. If I didn't know better I'd swear that she was the one who mixed the notes up just to get her way. "You can show those off to your father later, honey. Now let's get some lunch. If you want to keep that figure then you're going to have to learn to love salad." I hated salad, but it wasn't as bad as the burgers here at the mall. I took my time and ate small mouthfuls and made sure to chew and do a million other things mum kept on at me to do until I did them. I had to sit with my legs crossed, which was actually kind of comfy now that I didn't have anything masculine to get caught up and squeezed painfully. I noticed the guys looking at me as they walked past. "Why are they all staring at me?" "They see a beautiful young woman, it's natural for them to look and appreciate such beauty. That's how I felt when I was your age." "Don't they have anything better to do? It's kind of creepy." "If they bother you then pretend to look at them like something nasty you just stepped on. It's more effective than it sounds." We finished lunch and went back to shop. Forget my monthly alcoholics anonymous meetings; I'd need a shop-a-holics meeting every day! Our next port of call was the cosmetics counter. Mum told the woman that she'd forbidden me to wear make up until now, so I needed to have my skin tone tested and get some advice on tone and powder. It all seemed so complicated at first, but I soon began to see a vague pattern emerging as the make up women demonstrated all the products on me. I had to start with a foundation, then put darker makeup over my temples and around the lower face to make it look more like an oval. Then apply pale makeup along the top of the nose along its whole length to make my short nose stand out more. Then there was blusher to add colour to my cheeks and forehead and finally some powder to complete the look. I went from looking like a plain girl to a mature woman and I was impressed by how much prettier it made me look. If I had to be a woman then I'd be the most beautiful one I could be. "That's a little old for you sweetie, but its fine for the occasional party. I expect you only to wear a little eyeliner and lipstick around the house and at school." "Now I'll never get a boyfriend." I pretended to pout, for sympathy." Mum bought me some cosmetics and then hurried me along. "If you can't pretend to be serious then we're going home." "Jeez, lighten up. I only made one joke." "You don't seem to take this seriously at all. It may seem like silly fun but its necessary knowledge any girl your age has already learned inside out by know from magazines and secret make up experiments." "How can I prove that I'm trying?" I tried to think fast and appease mum. "I'll get my ears pierced, both of them. I'll even let you choose them for me, they can be as girly as you want and I promise I won't take them out the second you're out of sight." It seemed to work as mum turned left and all but dragged me along in her wake. "These ones." I baulked as mum picked huge gold hoops, but I knew that I'd stick to my word. "Fine, let's put holes in my ears." "I think simple studs will do, until your ears get used to being pierced." They didn't hurt when they were put in but they did feel weird and mum did buy the hoops for me, when I was ready for them. "What next? A handbag of my own? I could use a purse I suppose to keep my coins and cards in." "We can get those another time." I saw where mom was looking. "Haircuts?" "You'll look perfect with a nice style, it's so flat." "I guess I can try it out." I went in the shop and took a seat next to mum. A girl only a couple of years older than me brought us cups of coffee and I picked up a magazine. It seemed to be one of those typically girly ones, but I was shocked by the explicitness of the contents. They were frank and forthright about something called an orgasm, apparently they're really nice to have and you can have one with a boyfriend or by yourself. There were hundreds of pictures of women in dresses of every design and colour. I started to imagine myself wearing the clothes and I began to see internally which ones would suit my figure and which ones would not. "I like this." I showed mum a picture of a simple summer dress. "It looks more grown up than the one you made me wear last night." "Look at the price though Samantha. Maybe I'll buy you one for Christmas, if you behave and do all your chores." "Yes mum." Finally they began to examine my hair and they started trimming away the split ends. I showed them the picture of the hairstyle I wanted and Maria nodded. "I can do this cut, it will make you even more beautiful. All of the boys will be asking you out for the date." "Perhaps." I tried to sound positive but not too much. The idea of kissing a guy, having him hold me firmly in his big powerful arms and slowly kissing me with a firmness and passion that took my breath away was ok nice to think about but the idea of actually doing it for real was much less so. Maria and I chatted for what seemed like an eternity, but I found that she knew a lot and it all seemed so interesting. I found myself actually considering a career in hairdressing. Mum had her hair done much quicker than me. She was a regular here and they knew how she liked it cut. "Yes, yes. I'll bring her around once she's finished. I'm not trying to deny you access to her. She wants to see you too, it's just taking longer than I thought for her to get her hair done. She picked a really complicated hairstyle, but they're nearly done with her now. I know it's hard, we just have to be there for her, she needs our support in this." I realised that mum was having a polite argument with dad over the phone. "Tell dad I love him and I can't wait to see him." Mum hung up. "He already knows that. My, you do look beautiful." I looked at myself in the mirror and realised that I truly was a very beautiful young woman and that if given the choice between staying as I am of going back to being Sam the boy then I would choose to stay as I was every time. I accepted myself totally as Samantha, it was who I was inside and out. Dad was happy to see me, although I knew he was struggling to adjust to how pretty and feminine I had become in just a single day. "My whole body has been changed dad, not just he outside but the inside as well. They made that stuff for people who wanted the change, it's made me feel quite comfortable and relaxed about being female. I would never want to change back now, it's as if I was always a girl." "Yes, I understand. I did some research on the web. It seems that in a few test cases a small percentage of the trial subjects were not truly ready for the experience of changing their gender, so they added some compounds to alter the way the mind works, to make them accept the change as if it were always that way in their identity. I have a present for you. I was hoping to give you my college ring one day, but instead I can give you this." Dad gave me a small jewellery box. "What is it?" I opened it to see a necklace, with my name made out of small gold letters. "Oh, it's so beautiful. Thank you." "Let me put it on you." I held my hair out of the way as best I could without messing it up. "Let me have a look in the mirror." I saw how much it suited me and enhanced my femininity. "It's perfect, thank you." I hugged him. Dad drove me home in his rented car and I found that I didn't want him to leave so soon. "How long are you in town for?" "Just tonight and tomorrow. I can't impose on your mother again and I know how much she'd like to see your new necklace, so why don't you come by to see me tomorrow and we'll spend all morning together? Some quality father and daughter bonding time?" "I'd love that." I kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow then." I went in the house and showed mum my necklace. "That's pretty. I feared that your father would buy you something tasteless and vulgar." "You're being much too hard on him. He's trying his best to cope with this situation too. He could have just freaked and never turned up." "Your father is a good man, but we were never meant to last. The only good thing at the end was you, and I'd love you no matter what. You could even have stayed a boy and I'd have loved you." "Now I'm the daughter you never thought you'd have." "Yes, my only daughter whom I can watch grow into a beautiful woman and hopefully one day a wife. I hope you find someone you can make things work with. Your father and I worked for a while but in the end it was never enough. We ended our life together and now with you going off to college in the autumn maybe I can start dating again." "I've never tried to stop you dating other men. In fact I insist that you bring a nice man home for tea." We both broke into fits of giggles as I gave her my best impression of her lecture. "We'll see how things turn out Samantha."

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 2) 10 DAYS LATER Doug began to wake up. He felt his eyes opening but he couldn't see anything. He felt his arms and legs were restrained. His whole body felt restrained. He tried to remember where he was. He remembered going to the salon... meeting with the new owner, Brenda... being drugged! "Shit!" he thought. He took a deep breath to try to collect himself. "Oh, you're awake," he heard a familiar voice...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 25 A Partnership

October 5, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Tiger! I missed you!” “Hi, Babe!” We hugged and kissed more than we normally did when we met at the ER after her shift, then she hugged and kissed Kara, and the three of us started our walk home. “How was San Francisco?” Jessica asked. “Good. The User Group meeting went very well, I saw my old boss and professor, Scott Bannerman, and Bethany and I had a lot of time to talk.” “If all you did with her is talk, I’m not sure I want to go back to the...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 61 St Martin Part I

May 28, 1993, Aboard the Gulfstream Samantha and I, and her friends Ellie, Liz, Mary, Maria, Justine, Rebecca, and Louise, were sitting in leather seats on the Gulfstream as it climbed to altitude from Meigs Field. “Our flying time will be about five-and-a-half hours,” Marjorie, the pilot announced. “We expect to arrive just after 2:00pm local time. Please, sit back, and enjoy the flight!” “Girls, there are soft drinks in the fridge,” Samantha said. “And snacks in the galley. I have...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 32 Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

November 22, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s OK?” Abbie asked. “I think this is one of those special occasions which allow it. Samantha showed good judgment.” “Thanks! I’ll tell Jason when he gets here this afternoon!” Samantha had offered to fly Jason and Abbie to New York for the Winston Cup Banquet so that they didn’t have to mess with commercial schedules and worry about logistics with the Hooters team. That meant Jason would arrive today as planned, rather than wait...

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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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Making Her Cum at the Cinema The Isabelle Chronicles Part 1

Introduction: This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles ************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy. Can you guess which is which? *************************************************************** It was a Monday night in the middle of a sizzling summer and I had only one thing on my mind: you. The...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 3

Samantha leaned forward again and kissed her again, this time with more passion, she cupped Hannah's cheek as she did so.Hannah felt the soft lips of Samantha's on hers and then her tongue flicking against her lips, pressing against them gently. She let her mouth open allowing Samantha's tongue to dart into her mouth.Samantha pressed her lips harder against Hannah, the kiss becoming more passionate. She let her hand slip from Hannah's cheek, she traced down across her shoulder and onto her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 23 Outline First Particulars Later

September 25, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Ready?” I asked Jessica on Friday morning. “I have my bag, my notes, and my slides for the overhead. I’m ready.” We walked out to the car and got in for the drive to O’Hare. “Have you been to Minneapolis?” I asked. “No. Have you?” “I’ve driven through it a few times, but that’s it. What are you going to do besides present your paper?” “Attend five sessions on various aspects of emergency medicine, avoid getting seduced by slick pharma and...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 3 Cheri Meets Samantha

Jim felt that he owed Cheri something. She’d been his first Master PC conquest/guinea pig. He liked her. He’d liked her as a waitress before his discovery of the magic disk. She’d always been nice to him. The café where she worked had been a frequent breakfast and lunch place for Jim and Cheri was by far his favorite of the wait-staff there. She was cute, she flirted with him and what was more important, she gave him great service. He had only used her once for sex since that first time....

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 62 St Martin Part II

May 28, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles “I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” I said to Samantha as we cleaned up after dinner. “Why?” she asked. “The scope of dares is pretty limited. I mean, what are you going to dare each other to do?” “Things with you, I guess.” “Exactly. And that bothers me more than I thought it would.” “You don’t want to play?” “I’m just wondering how quickly it would escalate. And what might happen.” Samantha smirked, “Oh, I’m sure you...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part

It was the first proper day of summer, the sun shone brightly and there was the almost inaudible buzz of insects flitting from flower to flower. The twin sisters loved the summer, they loved being outdoors and this was their first opportunity to bask in the heat.Hannah dusted down the sun lounger and positioned it in the sun in their back garden. Then after slipping into a two piece bikini and wrapping a sarong around her body she went outside with a good book.She had been out there for half an...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 1) All of her programming told her to stay, but all of her natural instinct told her to flee. For 2 years, the programming had won out. Besides... where would she go? But this time, it had gone too far. Fearing for her life, she fled. She ran to the only place that she could think of. Cassie arrived at the salon just before 8:00 AM as usual. She approached the door and turned the key to unlock it. "Cassie..." she...

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What Samantha Saw Part 2

The next thing Samantha knew Kylie was screaming out and the guy stood up and moved towards Melanie. Melanie tried to stand up to meet him, but he placed his hand on her shoulder and kept her knelt down. He then had her lean over the bench, got behind her and shoved his cock into her hard. Melanie squealed, but she had a smile on her face and she was her moaning was loud. What was even more erotic was that Kylie was on her knees and Jess was kneeling beside her, spanking her hard on the ass....

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What Samantha Saw Part 2

The next thing Samantha knew Kylie was screaming out and the guy stood up and moved towards Melanie. Melanie tried to stand up to meet him, but he placed his hand on her shoulder and kept her knelt down. He then had her lean over the bench, got behind her and shoved his cock into her hard. Melanie squealed, but she had a smile on her face and she was her moaning was loud. What was even more erotic was that Kylie was on her knees and Jess was kneeling beside her, spanking her hard on the ass....

Group Sex
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Athena Corp Chronicles Intern Meant Tramp

In truth, he'd exaggerated the knowledge and accomplishments on his resume more than a little. At this stage, Josh had no choice. He'd been looking for gainful employment for almost two years after college with only a handful of interviews to show for it; none of which panned out. In recent years it had become much more difficult to establish a career, particularly for young men. Women were ascending in every field; especially a certain kind of woman. Vanessa, the head of IT, was one of...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 2 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 2 of 4) At 10:15, Samantha rolled over in bed and noticed the clock. "Oh, shit," she slurred as she started to wake. My appointment with Chrissie was at 9!" For her entire life, Samantha Hodge had been punctual. But not in this last week. Since her visit to Total Transformation last Saturday, she had had a rough week. She spent most of it in a cocaine stupor - showing up for work late, disheveled and not particularly...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 64 St Martin Part IV

May 31, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Ellie yawned and stretched about thirty minutes after I had woken up. I’d simply stayed spooned with her, with my arm around her. The eight girls and I had stayed out until nearly 2:00am dancing at a club in Philipsburg on the Dutch side of the island. I’d danced with all of them, except for Maria who spent most of the evening dancing with two Dutch kids and hadn’t come home with us. The rest of us had a great time together, and I...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 65 Summer of 93 Part I

June 12, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “How was the movie?” I asked Samantha on Saturday morning. “Totally cool!” she replied. “It was like the dinosaurs were real. I mean, obviously they aren’t, but the graphics work was amazing!” “And the plot?” “Hokey, but entertaining. I think you’ll like it.” “Too scary for the boys?” “I think Jesse would be fine, and probably Matthew. I wouldn’t take Nicholas, Michael, or Albert.” “Scary how?” “Being chased and eaten by dinosaurs! The two oldest ones...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Chronicles of Kresh 2 The Culling

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The smoldering ruins of the Choi village were like a fine wine tasted with relish to Warlord Kresh as he strode down the main thoroughfare. Two naked young women, their wrists bound with rope in front of them, were yanked along by leashes attached to makeshift rope collars, the end of each leash...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 63 St Martin Part III

May 29, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Ellie and I swam far enough down the beach that while it would be obvious what we were doing, it wouldn’t be in plain sight. We had a fun, energetic screw with small waves breaking over us, and then swam back to where the other girls were waiting. “Have fun?” Samantha teased. “You should try it!” Ellie giggled. “I can’t swim that far!” “You could WALK down the beach, for heaven’s sake,” Justine laughed. “So, Justine,” Mary said...

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Samantha Surrenders Part 1

Proud independent Samanatha falls for a powerful handsome man. It was like any other day, Samantha has just finished the new studio, it was twice the size of the previous studio allowing for up to eight “stages” each stage was a full environment, not just a backdrop, she had gotten the idea from seeing a video on stages for tv shows. This evening she had several stages setup for a sexy photo shoot. Samantha was just finishing up the last few touches when she heard a voice behind...

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The Covet Chronicles With Malvika 8211 Part 1 8211 Prelude

They say life is full of uncertainties. You never know what might happen the very next moment from now and sometimes we get so lost in our past that we just ignore our present and our future. We keep digging into our past more and more, forgetting what a beautiful life we have ahead of us and what amazing opportunities lay in front of us. Well I was in that state of mind too before I started reading Malvika’s stories on ISS. It was like a complete turnaround for me. I never knew that a lady can...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 4

Samantha finally broke the kiss and pushed Hannah back onto the bed, “My turn now,” she whispered. “My turn to cum,” she added.Samantha straddled Hannah's body and positioned herself kneeling across her chest.Hannah looked up at Samantha's face and then her gaze dropped to her mound and damp swollen lips. Samantha shifted forward until she was kneeling over Hannah's face and then she reached down and pulled her pussy open, spreading her lips wide.Hannah looked at Samantha's vagina, her spread...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 2

Samantha moved down Hannah's legs, continuing to rub the lotion in to her and then after massaging the last of the oil into Hannah's feet she lay back on her own lounger, “There, hope you enjoyed that.”“Mmm, yes thanks,” she finally answered.They shared the bottle of wine and relaxed in the sunshine, Hannah relaxed even more, her eyes closed as they chatted about nothing in particular. The warmth of the sun, the wine and Samantha rubbing the lotion into her body made her feel rather sexually...

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Samantha finds Trouble

Introduction: a Housewife gets taken by a Sex Cult Samantha by C.H. Davis Chapter 1 Samantha was in a hurry as always. She still needed to go to the bank before picking up the kids from school and grocery shopping for the week. She parked her mini-van and walked into the bank lobby as she needed to make the mortgage payment as well as a withdrawal. She noticed the lingering stare of the geriatric security guard as she went past. At thirty-three and a mother of two, Samantha still looked...

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Samantha N379

The rain drops smeared the windows of the bus as it threaded the early morning rush hour traffic and Samantha worried that her plans to arrive early for her first day as a receptionist in an anonymous grey concrete office block in the centre of London.She rushed up the street with her heart pounding and stumbled through the front door with barely a minute to spare and rushed to check in at reception with her ample bosom heaving as she gasped for breath.."Samantha Graham," she announced...

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Samantha N379 pt 1

The rain drops smeared the windows of the bus as it threaded the early morning rush hour traffic and Samantha worried that her plans to arrive early for her first day as a receptionist in an anonymous grey concrete office block in the centre of London. She rushed up the street with her heart pounding and stumbled through the front door with barely a minute to spare and rushed to check in at reception with her ample bosom heaving as she gasped for breath.. "Samantha Graham," she...

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Samantha And The President revised

“Douglas,” Samantha called coming back into the Silverton’s house in Westbridge from checking the mail. “Yes,” her husband answered. “Look at this that we got in the mail today,” Samantha said handing him an envelope. The envelope had a postmark from Washington, D.C. In the left upper comer had the words THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON. Looking at the long official envelop from Washington, “Why would the President be sending us a ...

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Samantha And The President

WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW Author’s Note: Marie in the following story is the French version for Mary. George Washington Brush is a fictions President. “Douglas,” Samantha called coming back into the Silverton’s house in Westbridge from checking the mail. “Yes,” her husband answered. “Look at this that we got in the mail today,” Samantha said handing him a envelope. The envelope had a postmark from Washington, D.C. In the left upper ...

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My Girlfriend Samantha

My Girlfriend Samantha When I became sixteen years old I fell in love with the girl down the street. Samantha was then fifteen years old and the cutest girl that I knew. She was really pretty, very soft spoken, and I could easily talk to her about anything. She never made me feel uneasy like the other girls did. Her body had developed very nicely too. There were girls in our class with bigger tits and some with smaller tits too but Samantha was different. She didn’t exactly hide her...

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Samantha goes from innocent high school girl to movie star

When she turned 18, Samantha went to her parents and said she wanted her drivers license. After the required instruction from her father and time behind the wheel, she went for her road test and was issued a license. With her new found freedom, Samantha was on cloud nine and had no idea it would lead her to a situation she could never have imagined. If her father had ever known what would happen to her, he would have never let her get her license or drive alone. Unknown to her, Samantha...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 4 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 4) When Sam left Total Transformation, she headed straight to the street. She needed to get some heroine. She didn't care how. You would think that a cop would know how to do things "quietly". But Sam didn't care. And she was lost. She just needed her fix. She was able to score a little bit - but not very much... just a couple of days worth. Sam made it home and couldn't take her next trip fast enough. She spent Saturday...

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Samanthas Changes

Sam walked into Mr. Davidson?s class expecting it to be just another day. Sam expected to go into class and tease her teacher relentlessly like she did every other day.Sam was a pretty girl. She was 16 with a larger bust than most girls her age and a curvy ass. She also had a tiny waist and naturally golden blonde hair. All the guys, including her teachers, wished to be intimate with her. For them though all she would be was a trophy.At one time Sam had been a very shy girl, but then she...

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Danni Archer with Rose and Samantha

Danni leaned in and gave Rose a quick wet kiss and then rushed over to Samantha's embrace; both women fought to stick their tongues in each other's mouths. Samantha easily won the battle because she was more ruthless and willing to play dirty; she distracted Danni by plunging her hand down under Danni's sweatpants and panties to insert two of her fingers into Danni's moist pussy. Danni moaned and yielded her mouth over to Samantha when she did this. The two young women continued to...

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Samantha by loyalsock

She couldn't help herself, even though it was so dangerous now, this collection of pornography. Sex, it all its guises, all its forms, had always fascinated her, reached into her deeply. She'd been building it for years, harvesting the best from the floods of pornography that flowed across the net in the days before the ultra right took over things in the country. After that, many of her e-mail pen pals disappeared, one by one. Too many had careers or families to protect, and the net had...

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Samantha And The Pizza Delivery Boy

WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha, a gorgeous, attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting at home in her hometown of Westbridge, Connecticut one summer evening watching television. On a rare occasion, her husband, Douglas was working late at his office at Polk and Adams Firm. As she sat watching a western on television she decided that she would order a pizza to be delivered at the house. Getting up she dialed the number of Pizza Hut that was closest to the...

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