Little Flower
- 3 years ago
- 31
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The chaos years affected all religions, either weakening them or making them stronger. For the Mormons, they had to go underground to survive the reborn Wild West. Old mines in Utah were converted into homes and churches, where people could escape the roving marauders. They reinforced their beliefs, galvanized by both the threat of enemies and the privacy they clung to.
When the reconstruction movement began, they continued to hide, now from the government, out of fear of persecution for their religious practices like polygamy. The dominance of the Mormon religion over Utah was still blatantly obvious to everyone, but many Mormons still did everything they could to hide from the world and worship in secret. However, when pursued by Dominion’s forces, they could only hide for so long.
Out in the Utah wilderness, inside a convent carved into the side of a mountain, women and children prayed frantically, trying to use their own voices to block out the sounds of the monsters outside while the men prepared a desperate defense. They had abandoned their nearby town several days ago and been living in the church. Hiding within the mountain had kept them safe from the vultures flying overhead, but some children made the mistake of sneaking outside to play and were spotted, inviting the wrath of the dark legion. Now, after a member warned of sphinxes on the horizon, they had all begun praying with every ounce of faith they had, begging God for protection.
The few windows carved into the rock went dark, the mountainside enveloped by the shadow of the flying crafts, and outside, they could hear the hulks landing with great force. They were given no warning, no chance to surrender, the doors of the church were simply blasted open and the spawn burst in. There was an entryway where the men had set up a barricade and awaited their doom, while their families prayed for their safety deeper in the convent. The men raised their guns and opened fire, but they might as well have been shooting airsoft pellets. Gunfire and screams, the women and children tried not to cry as the sounds bounced off the stone walls and reached their chapel. The defense hadn’t even lasted a single minute.
The spawn continued further in through the tunnels, unchallenged, and finally arrived at the inner sanctum where the women and children faced the crucifix on the wall and begged for protection. And in strolled the Devil himself. Dominion, flanked by his monsters, looked around, impressed by the effort put in when carving this place. The tunnels were quite extensive and didn’t skimp out on appearances. These people should be proud of themselves.
As for why he was bothering with such small fry, it was mainly out of boredom. He spent most of his time reading, overseeing his empire, and fucking his concubines. Said concubines, while fully prepared and eager to service him in every way possible, didn’t quite provide the challenge and thrill of a proper victim, so he was searching for his next girl to enslave. Unfortunately, once they had been processed and put in concentration camps, they lost most of their appeal, so he was searching for something wild to break in.
Hmm, these Mormon women weren’t really much to look at. Maybe it was just the lighting, maybe it was how they were dressed, or maybe he had simply been spoiled by his concubines.
Oh, wait a second.
He strolled through the crowd of screaming people and grabbed the wrist of a young woman. Eighteen, nineteen, probably the former. She was quite skinny and her bones felt unusually fragile. Just by touching her, he could gauge her physical status. She had long-standing issues with anemia and a weak constitution. Her skin was rather pale for someone who had grown up in Utah. But there was beauty, a sweet face with platinum-blonde hair, and wide, innocent eyes that looked up at him in terror. She had been screaming when he arrived, but as soon as he grabbed her, she became quiet, rather submissive. She didn’t even try to swing at him with the crutches on her arms, knowing that there was nothing she could do to fight him off.
Normally, he preferred healthy, full-bodied women to be his slaves, but she was so fragile, he just wanted to smash her like a wine glass. He wanted to see her slender body writhe and bend to his will.
“You’re coming with me.” Then, looking into his eyes, she was afflicted with a sleeping hex and lost consciousness.
It had been a week since North America had fallen to Dominion, and the landscape had certainly changed. Every town had been stripped of supplies and resources, wiped off the map brick by brick and used to build the concentration camps. Currently, only the northeastern states had human guards and collaborators, with the rest of the kingdom’s prisons being operated solely by spawn. However, that would change. Already, the men and women were being used as slave labor for collecting food and resources or construction work.
The construction work was for citadels and statues to indulge Dominion’s ego, as well as to satiate his curiosity and keep him entertained. He was using them to build replicas of ancient monuments and buildings with the same methods as the original designers. The Pyramids of Giza, the Parthenon, the Coliseum, El Castillo, Machu Pichu, the Great Wall of China, and many others.
He’d pick a location with as close a climate and landscape to original as possible, and then put the people to work. Just like ancient builders, they had to clear land and quarry and haul stone with hand tools and wooden technology, all while the sentinels whipped them to work faster. True, he could easily do it all himself with a snap of his fingers, but Dominion enjoyed watching them be built the natural way.
In a month, he planned on offering the position of prison guard to specific male prisoners. No more working on his monuments, better food, private housing, and of course, breeding privileges and slave ownership.
The farming process was different, though. There, he and his minions used their powers to speed up crop production. It had been less than a year since Dominion began farming humans, and already, the population was shooting up. In prisons with human guards, almost every fertile woman that had been imprisoned for more than a month was already pregnant, with a combination of fertility drugs and spiritual energy infusions both causing multiple children to be born to individual women, as well as hastening fetal development. It was now possible for one woman to give birth to up to five healthy children after only four months of pregnancy, without adverse side effects or health dangers. Then, right after they gave birth, their bodies would be mended with spirit energt, and as soon as they began ovulating, they’d be taken back to the breeding chamber for impregnation.
Right now, food had to be harvested and preserved to feed the growing population. The breeders’ feeding tubes were constantly pumping them full of nutrients, not just to keep up with the physical demands of pregnancy, but to aid in the production of breast milk for when the children were born. As usual, despite the vast amount of food being gathered, the slaves were only given enough to live and get their work done. A slave hungry from barely any food and tired from brutal labor would be too weak to rebel.
Outside of Dominion’s kingdom, the world was crumbling. The inevitability of his global takeover was apparent to everyone. Heads of state and their governments struggled to hold everything together, if only to keep the lights on and the power running, but anarchy was flourishing. It was the end of days; what point was there in continuing to live by the rules? People were taking whatever they could find and searching for the most isolated place to live out their lives.
Various nations tried diplomacy, hoping there was something they could provide in order to keep Dominion satiated and contained to North America. Every nation was now considering taking the same deal that President Collins had agreed to. The problem was that Dominion wasn’t offering it. Every attempt to establish contact with Dominion with requests to open a dialogue or negotiation was, at best, ignored. Any actual people sent to North America never came back. He had no intention of engaging in peace talks, that was made clear when the mutilated corpse of a Chinese emissary was dropped in Beijing by one of Dominion’s vultures.
The nations of the world were still searching for means to stop him, any conceptual technology or snake oil magic that might offer them a solution. None were found.
The obsidian floor was freezing cold, stirring the young woman from her sleep. Her skinny body was chilled, and the clothes she was wearing weren’t helping. She opened her eyes and looked around, gasping in awe at the sight of Dominion’s throne room. This room, this structure, went beyond her wildest dreams. It was like some kind of ominous cathedral, both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. She sat up, all she could do without her crutches, then covered herself, realizing she was wearing just a thin, white negligee, the kind of garment that neither she nor anyone in her hometown would have ever worn, even in a most private moment. A stinging in her cheek made her wince.
It had been branded into her skin when she was unconscious.
“What is your name?”
She jerked and looked behind her, seeing Dominion on his black throne. He was like no man she had ever seen before. The farming physique the men of her town possessed were nothing like the muscles that tightened his clothes, and his long black hair and devilish looks were certainly nothing she was used to. He towered over her, even while sitting down, looking like he could break her bones with just his little finger. And she could feel it, the dark aura that shrouded him. It was like not the spiritual sense gained through an awakened soul; she could simply feel that he wasn’t human, that behind his eyes and under his skin was a maelstrom of unholy power.
“Well, what is it?” he asked again.
“D-Daisy!” she squeaked, scared out of her mind.
He chuckled and she felt his eyes licking her modest body. Despite every sexual act he had engaged in, every woman he had violated, he could still relish the small things, such as the ridges of her exposed collar bone, her slender neck and supple flesh, and the shape of her body through the thin lingerie. He wanted to balance her on his tongue like a cherry stem tied into a knot. However, he had decided to take a different route with her. All of his other slaves, he had used torture and suffering to break their wills, but this weak little God-fearing girl, it might be fun to try and entice her instead, to gently corrupt her as the devil on her shoulder.
“What a lovely name. Tell me, what do you think of my palace?”
“It’s amazing!” It was the only word she could come up with on the spot, anything that might please him. Hopefully, such a bland compliment wouldn’t instead earn his fury.
“I’m glad you like it. You’ll enjoy staying here.” She didn’t respond, only shivered in confusion from his words. “Such a quiet girl. No questions? No pleading? You haven’t even asked about your family.” He saw her tense up, remembering she wasn’t the only one to worry about. However, she still didn’t say anything. His questions were rhetorical, he hadn’t actually given her permission to speak. “They’re fine, in case you were wondering. Alive, at least. But push them from your mind. That part of your life is over.” Still, she didn’t say anything, and he could see her shoulders trembling with tears budding in her eyes. “Why don’t you respond?”
“C-can I?”
“You may. Say what you wish to.” She opened her mouth, trying to speak, but no words would come out. “Ah, I see, you don’t know what you’re allowed to ask or say. Tell me this: is it because that’s how you were raised, or because I am here?”
“I ... I ... don’t know.”
“Well, I can understand why you would be afraid of me. I’m sure you’ve seen or at least heard of what I’m capable of. I’m sure you understand that it would be in your best interests not to enrage me, so that I won’t unleash my wrath upon you. But I have a feeling that silence is your natural state. You are Mormon, correct? Your people engage in polygamy, meaning that yours is a strongly patriarchal society. You’re raised not to speak out of turn, not to question the orders or doctrines of the men in your community, especially your father or husband.”
He got up out of his throne and approached her. She tried to make herself as small as possible, subconsciously wanting to stay out of his reach. He stood over her, and with a flick of his finger, used telekinesis to lift her up just high enough to be able to cup her cheek with his powerful hand.
“When you are in the presence of a man, you know to submit. I like that about you.” His words, and his thumb brushing across her lips, they made her blush. “Your father isn’t here, and at the moment, I’m the closest thing to a husband you have. So, I expect your submission and obedience.”
He then released her and began pacing. “You look to be of adequate breeding age. Are you married?”
“No, sir,” she murmured.
“Why not?”
“No man wanted me. My body is weak and I often get sick and can’t take care of myself. I am a burden, and our town doctor doesn’t expect me to be able to bear children.”
“Well then, what if I offered to make you healthy? What would you be willing to do to finally live your life without being bedridden?”
Daisy opened and closed her mouth. She wanted to rebuke him, to maintain her dignity as a God-fearing woman, fearful of what horrible act he might demand of her. She also didn’t want to anger him. It wasn’t ladylike to talk back and refuse such a generous offer, her mother drilled that into her. Her silence seemed to be enough of an answer for Dominion.
“I see. Afraid to make a ‘deal with the Devil’? I can understand that. After all, what would God think of you if he were to see you right now? Tell me, do you feel God’s eyes on you? Do you feel his presence in this room?”
“God is always watching over us.”
“Wrong. There is no one here with you but me.” He crouched down and looked into her eyes. “Only I am watching, and my gaze is full of lust. Have you ever felt that before? No man ever wanted you, so you never got to know what it felt like to have lascivious eyes move up and down your slender body, to sense someone’s desire to explore your soft flesh?” He glanced at her chest, her breathing becoming rapid. “What were you allowed to feel in that little Mormon village? What cravings were you allowed to indulge? What you couldn’t do there, you’re free to do here. God isn’t watching. Your desires are not sinful, they are as natural and a part of you as the blood in your veins. If you want something, take it.
So, I ask again, do you want me to make you healthy?”
“What would I have to do?”
“I’ll simply give you a taste as to what a new life would be like. After that, you can decide the price you’re willing to pay. For now, all you have to do is take your medicine like a good girl.” He stood up and held his hand out to her. “My flesh, my blood, my entire body is as massive torrent of power, power great enough for me to rule over both life and death. Just the oil on my fingers can show you what true living feels like. Go ahead, taste them.”
“You ... want me to lick your fingers?” she asked nervously.
“No, you want to lick them. That is your desire.”
To be touched by a man in such a way, while having never been kissed, it was more than could be asked of Daisy. His hand, stained with so much blood, she didn’t want it in her mouth. She didn’t want to taste his sin. But as shivers of fear rippled through her flesh, it was like she could feel every pitiful muscle in her body, count every fragile bone. She had spent almost her entire life hidden away at home, for her skin struggled to withstand the intensity of the desert sun. Unable to play outside with the other children, she had never known friendship. What would life be like if she gave in? What would it feel like for her body to no longer be a prison?
She parted her pale lips, her tongue too nervous to leave its den, but coaxed out by her curiosity. She started licking the tip of his middle finger like a cat, just to get acquainted with the touch of a man. Immediately, she could feel a warmth seeping through her, starting from behind her eyes and moving down the back of her neck. It was miniscule, almost beyond her ability to detect, and it disappeared between each lick, but it was real.
She became more courageous, not pulling her tongue away and instead kissing the tip of Dominion’s finger. The heat was rising, and it was like pain was fading, pain she had long-since become numb to.
“Don’t be afraid, roll it around your mouth.”
She took the initiative, getting up on her knees and taking his middle finger farther into her mouth. She held his hand with both of hers, slurping on his finger like a popsicle. His hand was so big and warm, it was actually rather comforting, and the heat she felt, it was becoming so much stronger. She could actually feel her body changing, her muscles expanding beneath her papery skin, her blood saturated with nourishment.
Dominion then pulled his hand free and raised above her face, his finger connected to hers by a string of saliva. He looked down at her now rosy cheeks with a smile. She instinctively opened her mouth and extended her tongue, her body addicted to the heat like a drug. He indulged her, now inserted his middle and index finger. She sucked on them greedily, her tongue lapping up the sweat and oils hidden in every groove of his fingerprints.
“That’s right, that’s a good girl,” he said as tried to fit his fingers deeper into her mouth, with her tongue swirling between them.
She was becoming flushed, as if stricken with a fever. Her skin, while still pale, appeared much healthier, no longer so ghastly as when he first saw her. Her eyes were growing hazy, her body flushed with serotonin and endorphins, and she was becoming more desperate in her oral play. Saliva was foaming on Dominion’s hand and running down her chin, several drops already dampening her satin gown.
He reciprocated her efforts, playing with her tongue like a writhing serpent. He explored her mouth, touching every spot and even making her gag as he reached down her throat. Repeatedly, Dominion pulled his fingers free, holding them out of her reach and letting her saliva make a mess on her face. She’d keep her mouth open, awaiting their return like a baby bird expecting to be fed.
Up on her knees, almost standing, Daisy moved on to his other fingers, making love to them with her tongue. It wasn’t just the rejuvenation of her body that propelled her, not anymore. A man’s sensual touch, her womanhood craved it, demanded it. Being in the presence of Dominion, a king with a voice like thunder, it was stirring her deepest instincts, her womanly desires waking from their lifelong slumber and crying from the pain of their empty stomachs. To be touched in this way by the opposite sex, when all she had to compare it to was being hugged by her family in her puritanical village, it was like a delicious narcotic.
His other hand, it also made her shiver, not with lewd touching or anything of the sort, but with how he’d caress her cheek, stroke her hair, pat her head, and lift her chin so that he could look into her eyes. He was a monster in every sense of the word; she had been told stories of his atrocities, she had tried to brace herself, to steel her heart against whatever tortures he might inflict on her. She had prepared herself for a hurricane, yet instead, she was kissed by a gentle breeze, and somehow it still swept her off her feet.
Then, Dominion removed his hand and stepped away from her. Daisy collapsed, drenched in her own spit and panting like she had just run a marathon, but her body was stronger than ever before. She felt like she could finally walk without her crutches. Then, shame assailed her as she now realized how she had acted, how she had sucked on Dominion’s fingers like an eager whore. Her behavior was lewd and unforgivable, a sin that her whole family would have beaten her for.
“I have work that I must return to,” he said as he walked away. “Feel free to explore the palace. One of my subordinates will fetch you for dinner. By then, your strength will begin to wane and you’ll return to your old self.”
“T-thank you, sir!”
She didn’t know why she thanked him. This man had taken her away from her family and was doing God knows what to everyone in her town, but it was true that he had healed her body, at least temporarily. Watching him so coldly walk away, she feared his anger and disappointment. She had been nothing short of shameful, he was probably disgusted by her. Showing proper gratitude was hopefully the best way she could apologize for her behavior.
Dominion stopped and glanced back at her. “It’s not ‘sir’. You are my slave and I am your Master. You will address me as such. The number on your cheek marks you as my property.”
His words hit her like a cold wind. A slave, she didn’t like that word, and she didn’t like having to call this man her Master. A woman’s duty was to serve and obey her father and her husband, that was what she was raised to believe, but she didn’t want to be a lowly slave, a mere possession for him to use. Either way, Dominion didn’t seem to be anticipating a response, and she watched with wide eyes as he seemingly vanished into thin air, transporting himself to some other part of the castle.
Now left alone in this cavernous throne room, Daisy immediately began to pray, begging God to forgive her for her sinful actions, to save her from Dominion’s clutches, and to protect her family and fellow townsfolk. Even with a rejuvenated body, she had not forgotten where she was or who she had been taken by. Dominion was both the Devil and Antichrist, having arrived to end the world. There was no other answer to his ungodly powers and the destruction he had wrought.
He said he looked at her with lustful eyes, meaning he craved her body. What would happen if he decided to take her against her will? Even while healthy, her slender body would not be able to slip free from his powerful hands, hands that would explore her bare flesh no matter how much she begged him to stop. Her mother had never explained sex to her, not believing she’d ever get married, but she did know that rape was something horrible a man did to a woman by reading the bible. Was he planning on raping her? What pain would he make her endure? How might he humiliate her?
Perhaps now was her best chance to escape. She could finally walk freely. She might not get a better opportunity than this.
She got to her feet and tried to run for the nearest exit. She immediately fell back to the cold floor. Her legs were strong and healthy, but she hadn’t developed the coordination to use them like that. She tried again, this time at a steady walk. Her body, it felt brand new to her, like it was someone else’s that she had stolen. It took some time for her to learn how to move normally, without leaning on crutches that weren’t there. She figured out a pace and began exploring the castle. She didn’t know how long her body would last before reverting to his weakened state, so she tried to move fast.
Unfortunately, the castle was massive and purposefully built like a labyrinth. Its rooms were filled with whatever items caught Dominion’s eye when stripping towns and cities, from art and antiques to furniture and knickknacks, as well as millions of books, taken from libraries. Most of this place had been built without functional purpose, just serving as a vent for creativity and a way to kill time. Very little of it was probably ever supposed to be used, which was why it took Daisy so long just to find a bathroom.
Walking for so long on the hard floor was making her bare feet sore, but she continued on, even picking the pace when she finally saw sunlight streaming through windows. She didn’t even bother looking through, just followed them until she found an exit to the outside. She stepped out onto a terrace looking out over Dominion’s castle and lost all hope. The central palace sat in the center of a stone and concrete city, like ancient Rome. The entire structure was tiered, letting her look down upon each level of buildings and see what lay beyond. However, the landscape she expected to see was instead the open sky, with the surface of the earth so far below that no landmarks could be discerned. She realized that this city was floating, as evident by the clouds rolling by, just under the lowest tier of buildings.
There was no way for her to escape. Even if she somehow could traverse through miles of the city to reach the edge, how in the world would she get down? Not to mention her unreliable health. She was trapped.
Once she accepted that fact, it was like her eyes reopened, and she could see the beauty in this place. While the castle itself featured some frightening architecture, there was no shortage of gardens and courtyards, decorated with countless plants she had never seen before and an army of statues from the realistic to the abstract.
This view of the city itself was heavenly, yet still paled to the sight of the ground so far below. She could hardly pull her eyes away. She had never flown before, she didn’t know anyone who had. She and her townsfolk were just barely beyond the Amish, technology-wise, so to see the clouds from above, rather than below, and see how the vast land stretched beyond her human imagination was overwhelming.
Strangely, she didn’t feel cold and the air was no thinner than it was on the surface. The breeze was warm and filled her lungs, yet another result of Dominion’s power over nature.
Wait, there was movement down below. In one of the courtyards, she saw a large man carving a statue. Daisy made her way over to him, down several flights of marble stairs and across numerous courtyards. She approached the man, realizing he was even larger than she first thought. He even outshone Dominion in the height and bulk department. He wore only a metal kilt, and his hair was long and wild. As for his face, he was gorgeous, so much so that Daisy blushed just looking him.
Then she noticed the statue he was carving; he wasn’t using tools, only his fingernails. Upon her arrival, he turned and smiled.
“You must be the Master’s new slave. I am Adam. I bid you welcome to paradise.”
“I...” ‘I’m not a slave.’ She wanted to say it, but she wasn’t sure she was allowed to. After all, in this situation, her only rights were what Dominion allowed her. She wasn’t in any position to protest or deny him anything. Whether she liked it not, she realized that she really was a slave. “I’m Daisy.” She looked at Adam’s face. “You don’t have a number like me.”
“Ah, that is because, unlike you, I am not human. Lord Dominion, in his infinite wisdom, saw fit to craft me from the spirits of mortals. Only a god such as him could take a handful of soil and craft it into the image of perfection standing before you. I was born loyal to the Almighty.”
“But Dominion isn’t a God, he’s a monster! The one true God is the god of the Israelites!”
Adam just gave a hearty laugh. “I truly envy you mortals. You all have the chance to experience the Lord’s greatness for the first time, to be awakened and realize the truth. I was born already knowing the truth, so I don’t know what it feels like to believe anything else. Lord Dominion truly is a supreme being, for he created me. I am the definition of perfection, so how could my creator be anything other than an existence even greater than perfection?”
“If Dominion—”
“LORD Dominion. Please, be respectful.”
“If ... Lord Dominion ... were to tell you that the sky was green and purple, what would you do?”
Adam rubbed his chin. “Oh, that is a very interesting question, a true test of the faithful. Striped or polka dot?”
“Well, my first thought would be that my eyes weren’t working correctly, but that couldn’t be possible, as he made them perfect. I suppose I would have to find a way to punish the sky for not obeying the Lord’s decree. If my Lord says something contrary to what the world deems true, then obviously, the world itself is mistaken.”
Daisy wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Even for a devout Christian such as herself, loyalty to this level frightened her. There was no way he’d believe anything else, nor would he likely assist her in escaping. She gazed at the piece he was working on, depicting a griffin rearing back on its hind legs. “That’s a lovely statue.”
“Why thank you! Normally, I would be in charge of leading our armies in glorious combat to expand Lord Dominion’s kingdom. However, as we are currently on hiatus, he has reassigned me the wonderful task of decorating this holy sanctuary. It is surprisingly frustrating. This stone is so flawed, it is a struggle to make it take an appearance worthy of adorning this palace. It does not obey my commands. Like a petulant child, it refuses to meet my expectations, fleeing from the concept of perfection.
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Dawn crept over our camp like a soft sonata two lovers enjoy by candlelight. Soft and damp with dew. I breathe deep. Everything green and wonderful – spring. Allie awakes to join me. The rest of our camp near comas from last night's drunk. While the rest pounded cheap beer and passed joints, Allie and I sipped and shared. Her eyes held me then – something lingering about her irises that hinted at a lifetime beyond what most girl's in college had felt. Kindred spirits. “Good morning.” She yawns...
Lesbian"Break one-nine," blared out of the speaker on my dash. I reach over, grab the mike and respond, "Go ahead breaker." "Thanks for the break, anyone wanting a little commercial company go to five," a sultry voice responds. I drop down to channel five and hear, "Anyone make it?" "Go ahead darling, you got some company, where you at?" "I'm mobile, around the front street area, how about you?" "Coming up on the exit now, where you want to meet?" "You know where the empty warehouse is on Corporate...
Oral SexThey were riding back to Notabir. Soon the sun would vanish behind the mountain chain in the west. All through the lines of the one hundred guarding riders people were excitedly talking about what happened at the gathering with the Manthakin. The seven, attendant at the meeting, were talking as well. “I always thought what you did to me was mind control, but now I truly understand the difference. You let visions flood it, but it’s still MY mind, my reactions, my own feelings. This was...
Every community has one, larger communities may have several, but if you look closely, you will find the Wallflower. They are friendly yet quiet, seemingly self-contained, seldom sitting in a group although not always alone, and never the center of attention. They are pretty, they are not, they are plain, mysterious, tall, short, slender and not so slender, but without exception, they know they are a Wallflower. As young children, the Wallflowers were often alone on the playground, or they...
When I went to my car to go to work on Tuesday, there was a small bundle of flowers waiting on it, the stems trapped under the driver's side windshield wiper. They were delicate, white blossoms and they were covered in dew, like the rest of my car. I looked at them for a minute, finally deciding that someone must have made a mistake and left them on the wrong car. They were too pretty to throw away and such a shame to waste, so I ran them back into my apartment and put them in water. Then, I...
Love StoriesI am dreaming. I am looking down at my pink 'All-Stars' as they float over wet paving slabs. I stand at the curbside then step out into the road. BANG. I wake with a jolt, chest heaving, my body glistening in cold icy sweat. 'Fricking stress dream.' I tell myself. Beth hasn't stirred. Her forehead pressed against my neck, lips touching my shoulder, breathing across my collarbone. On my back her knee is across mine, her hand resting down the front of my panties, fingers in my soft curls. The...
LesbianThe first dream. I felt Jason’s hand as he cupped my right breast and began to squeeze me as he sighed “Goodnight, sweetheart, as usual you were a terrific fuck. Sweet dreams, baby.” he said as he lightly pinched my nipple and kissed me on the cheek. He watched as Mistress continued to tie me for the night. My legs were tied together at the ankles and the knees and my wrists were tied together and then a chain was attached from my wrists to my ankles. Keeping my hands just above my pussy...
New TG: "Flowers" by Vickie Tern M/F Wife No minors! Flowers by Vickie Tern "Why are you changing your shirt? We're late as it is! They're expecting us!" My wife, a little exasperated, her eyes snapping. "Sara!" Me, also a little exasperated, feeling pressured from two directions. "I can't go like this! I'm still wearing my bra! They might see! You're always worried about the neighbors, what will the neighbors...
Linda was a very quite girl with no confidence. She was put down and out by her over bearing mother and father. She was the girl no one ask to dance, no friends to speak of. Her mother drove those away and would never allow her to stay out. Today she was 17 and 364 days old. Tomorrow was her 18th birthday as like every other birthday no party organised. Her parents always celebrated their birthday with big parties and she was expected to stay in her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, her...
Warning: This story contains depictions of intersexuality and menstrual periods that may not be completely faithful to reality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie's flowering. Charlie Merton was a typical 11 year old boy. He was in sixth grade in elementary school, and he was about to finish it. He was nervous, like most boys on his last year on elementary. He was about to stop watching the friends he had made. His school was small, so...
"Have you ever fucked a fish?" Ennis Ezquerra chose to drop that little gem, casual-like, around the campfire during mess. "Ezquerra, what the fuck are you talking about?" Donald Finney asked. The whole unit knew Ezquerra was a completely disgusting fucker with few, if any, redeeming social graces. Picture the greasiest excuse for a building super you could think of. You know, the kind of lardass that spends his days squatting in the basement of a part-firetrap, part-cockroach breeding...
Hearts and flowers. Damn it, Tori was surrounded by hearts and flowers, and she hated every second of it. Of course, it was no different from any other Valentine’s Day. Tori had been working at the candy shop for five years now, and every year when the red and green of Christmas gave way to the red and white of Valentine’s Day, she felt like screaming. It was a good job other than those couple months a year, but damn, those couple months were hell. Tori couldn’t remember a time she’d liked...
LYNN FLOWERS By Jane Howard The following story is copyrighted by the author and cannot be duplicated or reproduced anywhere or for any purpose without the author's consent. This story is a continuation of Jane Howard's RUNAWAY, which is also available on FICTIONMANIA. Reading the prequel first is not mandatory. Actually, it might be more fun to read this story first and then read the prequel. LYNN FLOWERS is rated R for mature situations and...
The wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...
The wallflower. She sat at her table, quiet, watching the noisy throng in front of her. She had dreamt of this moment, and now it was here- her very first taste of what she had read about and chatted about on her computer was here in front of her- and it was everything she had dreamed- and yet nothing like it. Why had she come, she thought ruefully. Online, she could at least pretend she was attractive; here in reality, even with her best on, she was what she’d...
Black Orchids and Wildflowers by Armond 1. Friday, 5:00 PM Sam was all about helping people. But for Samuel Albert, Esq., this week of endless legal counseling needed to end. Friday had stretched into three forevers, crawling by like a turtle, appointment after appointment. Or was that sliding by like a snail? Tricky things, metaphors. His last of the day, appointment, not metaphor, was Last Will and Testament drafting time with sweet Mrs. Beasley and her son...
Hi, this is Radhakrishna once again with a hot encounter with a sexy flower selling beauty. I am 28 years of nice looks and a horny guy. Whenever I have free time, I used to roam on the roads to chase the girls. In the process I found a girl, who sells the flowers at a flower stall near my house. First let me describe her. Her name is Madhavi of 25 years and unmarried girl. She always wears chudi. She is fair in color and has very cute face. But her main drawback is her personality. She must be...
The following is my true story. Funny to recall that I was once so naïve I didn’t realize that a girl could get pregnant having sex if the boy had already cum once. I blew Anthony off and then I agreed to have sex with him. We came so close… so incredibly close and I remember how bad it hurt with him trying to get inside me. Then my grandfather knocked on the door and that was the end of it. I was still a virgin… thank god. I started dating Michael six months later and our relationship was...
The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own car I could start...
This is a true story.i am Claira . the hot sun shone threw the night sky as I saw her.aunt kim gazing at me. Spellbound. As I felt the satin against my warm firm breast. she glared spellbound. Locking the door *I fell into a slumber,as a ghostly touch warmed my nipple.and I felt a warm ghost like kisses softly rubbing my breast. me..’ silence relax’ I heard as slow soft kisses embraced my I felt a warm pinch of my nipple. And my nipple being slowly...
I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....
This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...
Samantha lived with her mother and father in the suburbs of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Right behind their house was another that faced onto the next street over, the boundary between the two back yards marked only by a few shrubs. Samantha’s mother told her that Mr. Burns, the man who lived there, wanted to pay someone to water his plants and take in the mail while he was gone for a couple weeks. She went over before he left so he could show her what needed to be done. He also asked her about...
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out...
Big Glass The big, empty hall would soon be abuzz with light, gentle music, laughter, and eager conversation. For now, waiters and waitresses in immaculate black uniforms moved with quick steps to smooth wrinkles from tablecloths, line up glittering champagne glasses, and polish the empty glass cases in anticipation of their displays. The glass walls of the displays were already gleaming, but even the tiniest speck of dust needed to be brushed off before the crowds arrived. One waiter steadied...
Big Glass The big, empty hall would soon be abuzz with light, gentle music, laughter, and eager conversation. For now, waiters and waitresses in immaculate black uniforms moved with quick steps to smooth wrinkles from tablecloths, line up glittering champagne glasses, and polish the empty glass cases in anticipation of their displays. The glass walls of the displays were already gleaming, but even the tiniest speck of dust needed to be brushed off before the crowds arrived. One waiter steadied...
Texas, 1848 My name is Susana Jackson. I was widowed two years ago at a young age after my husband Jacob moved us here. I did not like living in this hot place after my native Ohio, and after he died, I was so lonely. I now have two friends here and I need to run Jacob’s general store, so I am busy and do not have time to think about my loneliness. About a year after Jacob passed on, I was tending the store one day and a young Mexican came in. His staring at me filled me with anxiety. But I...
Ryan walked around town to find something for his mother's birthday, he didn't have or wanted to spend a ton of cash on her as they weren't that close to begin with. His mom developed a bitchy attitude ever since he started working. But she was still his mother and he still did love her.Ryan was just out of high school and had a job at the local gym. The pay was poor, but he got to use all the exercise equipment that he wanted to, as long as he wasn't working at the time, which also helped to...
I was taking a walk to stay--all right; I'll admit it--to get in shape, when I saw the "Going Out of Business" sign in the second-hand furniture store a block north of my condo. I wasn't in the market for anything, new or used, but I can't resist a bargain, and what was better for finding a bargain, I asked myself, than a store that was having a going- out-of-business sale? The store offered everything you could imagine, in every condition you could imagine--sofas, tables, chairs,...
After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...
I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...
I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...
I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...
Wife LoversShe slowly walked through a room full of flowers, she knew something was strange about a room full of flowers, but the scent of them filled her senses and she no longer cared about something as strange as that. She slowly smelt each of the feet as she walked over many different flower petals, not knowing how they got there; they looked so fresh. She reached over to grab a red rose, and smelt it, not even caring when she cut her finger on one of the many thorns the one rose held. She followed...
EroticGlass Gift of Submission By Wondering Soul Part 1 I walked into her studio with high expectations. They were met. There she was standing gracefully in downward facing dog. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. I went to inspect it. I swept her up into my arms and carried her to the bathroom at the back of her studio. I pulled the plug from her but and her pussy and set her on the toilet quickly. I turned to give her some privacy. She knew what I expected she never let me down. I washed off the...
This is a story of fiction, the author makes no recommendations and does not condone, or condemn, any actions taken by the characters in this story. The characters are completely fictional and any similarities to any person or persons, living or dead, real or fictional, are completely coincidental. The Author takes no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any person or persons who read this fictional portrayal – so read at your own risk! This is an original piece of fiction...
Hopefully the second part of this chapter will be quicker in production than this one. Many thanks for all your continued support. Ian ___________________________________ Cory and Tilly Part 2: Cracks in the Glass– “It doesn’t matter where we end up, Tilly, so long as we have each other. And you’ll always have me, I promise you that.” School was going great. In fact, everything was going great. Things were perfect for what felt like the first time in an entire lifetime...
Alice didn’t have long to ponder her fate. Before she’d even finished her sigh, she heard a rattle of keys and the thump of boots.“Well, at least I shall have company,” she told herself out loud. “Perhaps it’s the captain and he wishes to explain that this has all been a misunderstanding and that I am free to go after, of course, he gifts me with a lovely new frock and undergarments and invites me to supper. I suppose, this being a ship, that it he’ll serve salmon braised in a garlic and...
Masturbationby mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-one: The Glassners Visit my blog at “I shot him.” Silence filled the car. Mary's hand was holding mine, gently squeezing. Her hand was warm and comforting. My dad was dead. My mom shot him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, worked my jaw, but nothing came out. What could I say? What should I do? My dad was dead. The bastard was dead. A ragged sob came over the...
Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but it’s morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. “HOLY SHIT... who the fuck is in my room?” I sat up, looking at the body next to mine. I hesitated, wondering who could be underneath it. I pulled back the cover, and almost screamed..... Part 1 My name is Benjamin, preferably Ben. I am a sixteen year old nerd. I know nowadays, being a nerd is...
Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but it’s morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. “HOLY SHIT... who the fuck is in my room?” I sat up, looking at the body next to mine. I hesitated, wondering who could be underneath it. I pulled back the cover, and almost screamed..... Part 1 My name is Benjamin, preferably Ben. I am a sixteen year old nerd. I know nowadays, being a nerd is...
"Who is this naked wench?"My morning whipping is just over. Bluebird performed it with her spiked whip. Noenoe, the mistress of the house, permitted only five strokes on my bare back, and the little miss administered the punishment among happy snickers. When i say "little", i don't mean her age but her stature. Bluebird is a sweet little thing who rubbed salt in my wounds with mocking laughter. She loves torturing me. Also Miss Noenoe and the beautiful Miss Tigresspalm laughed at my moans....
I am working on deleting all of you from my friends list with the exception of a few. If you get deleted please do not worry. Just read this and you will know what to do to become my friend and stay my friend.Friendships develop over time and they must be maintained. In order to become my friend you will need some time. At first I added anyone if they had some sort of comment. Also at first no matter what you wrote to me you always got a reply. This will also not be happening anymore. I...
Underglass The alarm went off in my head and another day was staring me down. I just want to lie here for ever. I hate this feeling. It’s a mixture of dread and helplessness. I don’t want to move, I don’t want to get up, and each second I lay here feels like it gets harder to move. The ceiling fan is making circles over my head and putting me in a trance. I just can’t take this anymore, this daily life of sameness and drudgery. It’s got nothing left in it for me. Posting#:...
"I shot him." Silence filled the car. Mary's hand was holding mine, gently squeezing. Her hand was warm and comforting. My dad was dead. My mom shot him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, worked my jaw, but nothing came out. What could I say? What should I do? My dad was dead. The bastard was dead. A ragged sob came over the speakers of my Mustang, my phone synced up to the car stereo via bluetooth. "Mark, I don't know what to do," sobbed my mom...
*inspired by the song ‘The Parting Glass’* I sat in the kitchen, by myself, just as I did every night since my wife had gone. In front of me sat a bottle of Cooley’s Irish whiskey, almost empty. I didn’t mind finishing a good bottle, since it was the only company I had anymore. I sloshed some around in my glass a little. Staring into the brown liquid, I could hear the old ghosts coming. They joined me for a drink every night, crowding themselves into my tiny kitchen and at the small table. I...
The tension of the day caused my mind to focus on getting to one place, and my body to be driven to keep my energy up until I could arrive there. The beach, even on a cold afternoon, was the only place I wanted to be. After several chilly visits I’d learned to layer my clothes and take clothes that kept the chill off. I went to walk on ‘my’ beach, to feel the water and sand on my feet, to sit and watch the waves in hopes of seeing ‘my’ seal, to watch ‘my’ sunset, hoping to bring a relief to my...