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"What are we even doing here?" whined Hardcase to Steetch. "Stupid Quests, stupid contests, and we only have three condoms left." "It was your stupid idea to come here. I have been having fun, except for your complaining." savaged Steetch. "Just remember, when we get home, it will still be us, the same people, except you will be still 14, still have to go to school, and you won't be able to drink beer. Or screw around with me unless we are sneeky and do it in the secret fortress." "Oh, don't take her too seriously, Steetch. She is having her female time. Just love her up and ignore her griping." soothed Axorie. Hardcase sobbed in quiet despair, because Axorie was right, and because Hardcase was having a self-identity crisis. She was too kind-hearted to portray the tough girl for long. It really wasn't her, but if she couldn't be the smart one, then what else did she have? At least if they returned home, and she was going to school, she would regain her identity as the smart one, even if it was erroded by Axorie. It wasn't even Axorie who had taken her self-worth as the smart one here, since Axorie wasn't smart in this universe, or no smarter than any average genius. It was that stupid Scholar's Guild. Stupid dumb scholars and their stupid dumb books. She blubbered into her arm until she realized how rediculous she was being and started to giggle. Steetch wrapped her up in a giant hug, and squeezed her until sha had a hard time getting a breath, which just made her chuckle harder, blowing snot all over his shirt, which made her laugh louder, and so on. Steetch just held her until the waterworks were over. "I know," he said. "Only three rubbers left." Hardcase giggled, hiccoughed, and started crying again. "I'm sorry I am such a whiney bitch." she sobbed. Steetch sighed, and mentaly prepared himself to have to change his shirt later. There wasn't much anyone could say, they just had to wait it out.
The next morning they went to the newlyweds cottage. "Am I the only one who things this is a strange couple, or that it is wrong for these two to be married?" asked Freaky. "Probably" answered Axorie. "After all, your own girlfriend isn't even human, either." She giggled convincingly, and grabbed his ass playfully. Freaky rolled his eyes, but secretly he enjoyed her brazen ways, and knew that she knew it. They knocked on the door, and when the young man opened it, (His bride would have found it more difficult) he greeted them with resignation. "I suppose the Queen sent you to bring back her Mare." he uttered woefuly. "Not if she is happy with you." answered Hardcase. "Who, the Queen? I doubt she is happy with me." he replied. "The Queen sent us to make sure your new bride was happy" Hardcase clarified. "And she wants her bridle back." she concluded. Meanwhile, the new bride was subtly flirting with Patches, but not seriously, just to tease her new husband. "I am so happy with my mate!" she told Patches, in UASL, nervously accepting Mr. Bigfoots presence and not including nor excluding him from her comments. "He is such a take control kind of guy, and he waits on me head and hoof! I feel so loved." Hardcase picked up on the gist of her comments, aware that the mare was content. She told Axorie, who passed it on to Steetch and Freaky. The young groom seemed a bit more happy, but complained about the bridle, although he knew he was getting off lightly, probably because of the feelings Her Majesty had for his new bride. "That bridle would allow us to have children together. If the child wore the bridle after it was born, it could be either horse form or human. I know the bridle isn't mine, but it isn't of any use to the Queen either, as far as I know."
Without love, parents would be bullies or sluts. That is, the members of the species who out-compete, push their way to the sufficient resources to succesfully produce and support offspring. Without love drawing two individuals together, at least one parent would be a bully, or a non-genderspecific slut. Lust isn't love, but it is in the equation, motivation for resource expenditure. These traits are superficial learned behaviours, which have been successful to some degree or other since the...
I'm not really jewish, although I admit, my parents couldn't have picked a more jewish sounding name if they had really really tried. The only part I really hate, is Tiffaney, I mean puleeze. But perhaps they were trying to obfuscate my Mongolian ancestry, Khon is a perfectly respectable name on the steppes. But I am just kidding you, it was my great- great- great grandfather, who was half Chineese and half Mongolian, who gave the name Khon to his decendants. Northern Chineese, you know,...
Steetch looked down from the top of the wall and marveled again at how easy it had been to get there. He had hardly had to think of what he was doing, in fact, it was easier to not think about it, but to just decide what he wanted to do, as in reach the top of the wall. He jumped down and out, catching a branch and swinging in an arc, letting go when his momentum was neutralized, and dropping lightly into a crouch on the bedewed lawn. He remembered with a wry and happy grin how he has spend...
"You don't think Consuela saw me, do you?" "No, I was watching for that, even if Steetch was totaly absorbed in the freakyness of it all. Of all the freaky things you have done, this just takes the cake. So I need you to tell me, what are you feeling when you do that? It contravines all of the laws of Physics you know. How does it seem to you?" "Yesterday morning, as I was swimming I entered my excercise induced meditative state, and I felt connected to the water. The water seemed...
MONDAY As the three friends entered the main doors of the school, Hardcase slipped her right hand through Steetch's left elbow, her left hand through Freaky's right arm, and with linked elbows muttered from the side of her mouth "Start with your right foot and go!" and launched them into the wizard of oz waltz down the wide hallway. The few fellow students already in the hallway got out of the way, and a few more carefree or daring of their classmates managed to link on the end extending...
After a hard night carving chambers from solid rock, with strange winds blowing rock dust out into the forrest, to settle into drifts, breathing made easier by other strange breezes bringing fresh air to the creative trio, they decided to call it a night. Freaky took his leave, and they promised to meet up at school the next day. Hardcase and Steetch walked to catch a late night bus together, to go catch at least a few hours of sleep before having to face their classes. "I have solved one...
"Axorie, it is nice to meet you. How do you work?" greeted Freaky. It was the weekend again, and the three friends, or was it four, gathered by the pool and enjoyed a nice lunch of sandwiches and iced tea. Well, three at least enjoyed the food, and it wasn't certain that the fourth did not also enjoy it. "i guess you would say i am a manifestation of the collective unconcious" avered Axorie. "sort of a cross between onehundred billion typing monkeys and an ouiji board but with the...
Psst! hey you, author dude. Psst, hey, wake up. Hey, can you hear me Crunchy? huh, wazzit, um let me get my glasses (fumbling around) oh, hey. You woke me up. (stating the obvious) I am here on behalf of your readers. It seems you are brusing the fourth plane. And this little stunt doesn't rip the whole curtain down? Sheesh. I can't believe I was wrecking the story for them, it isn't like it was superrealistic. It isn't like they bought the damn book! Well, I think Hardcase hurt some...
The four friends sat in the secret fortress's large central chamber, and made plans. It was summer break, and next year they would be Juniors. Well, except for Axorie, who had the sum of all knowledge if she wanted to think about it. Mostly, though, she was all about being a teenager, experiencing life as an individual, not as quantum. It was somewhat inconvienent being invisible, not to mention being naked. Freaky got lots of strange looks, well, more than usual, when he insisted that he...
Because Axorie used induced sensation, it always felt like she was touching Freaky's skin directly, and not through his clothing. Freaky tried to concentrate on controling his off-road dirt bike, but the feeling of Axorie's firm, hard soft, warm, resiliant er body pressed against his back, her arms eroticaly entwined about his chest, made it har- er, made it difficult. He manfuly struggled to soldier on, however. They headed up the trails into the hills, a small stock of food, and a large...
"You know, if we were an anime, the fans would say we were total crack." asserted Hardcase. "You haven't been watching anime without me, have you?" retorted Steetch, narrowing his eyes dangerously. It had absolutely no effect, Noone started stuttering and sweating. Actualy, it was a good thing they were not anime, because it would be a real pain writing in the chibi. Oh yeah, oops sorry. "No, I am just saying." Hardcase just said. "So I had a great idea for your sub..." "Don't...
Back to school. All the kids seemed so young, somehow. Having a secret fortress with labs, shops. forges, greenhouses, secret exits, a kitchen and bedrooms with full baths had made their summer seem like they were living as adults, somehow. Although, Steetch still played Video Games on the huge flatscreen TV, beating the figurative pants off of the others. Except for Axorie, who for one didn't wear pants or even panties, and secondly, cheated. It was an interesting thing about Axorie, if she...
There was actualy a reason for Hardcase's sour mood of late. She used to be the know-it-all, before Axorie came along. So when her self-image was displaced as the 'brain', she compensated by increasing her 'tough girl' aspect. Steetch still asked her for trivia information, but Freaky always asked Axorie for any answers he wanted now. Still, inside Hardcase was the same caring, loving, empathic young girl she had always been. That is why she was frusturated that she couldn't get the...
The clouds overhead were lit with a pale reddish orange glow, skidding above on an unseen wind. A gibbous moon, pregnant with danger, peered down like a blind eye, giving the feeling of being watched by some lurking evil. The dark trees waved their branches menacingly, as if to grab the unwary, seeming to reach out with long shadows in the dim pale light of the pulsing moonlight. A slight figure appeared, running into the clearing, looking over it's shoulder anxiously, seemingly fearful of...
"This is it, this is where I want to adventure!" crowed Freaky. "No, we are NOT going to adventure in Gor!" stated Hardcase. "I won't be a slave girl, I will NOT be branded, and I am NOT piercing my nipples!" "Aww..." protested Freaky weakly. Sigh, it had been worth a try, anyway. Axorie changed the screen without comment. A desert caravan, dusky robed guards wielding massive scimitars, overloaded ill-tempered camels trudging along single file. "Too hot." said Hardcase. "Too...
(Ahem.) The next morning, it was decided that Hardcase would go into town dressed in her finest greenery, accompanied by Mr. Bigfoot. Freaky had made stone sabots for those who wanted them, and in Hardcase's case, they had little planters on top, to root her vines in. The vines twined up her legs, and anchored in a wreath about her bluegreen hair. For style's sake, the wreath was adorned with little red berries, and the cunning vine hid all her prurient parts from salacious views. Mr....
Steetch, Axorie and Freaky learned much on their visit to the town. Mostly Axorie, since she would invisibly lurk about interesting conversations, but the young men also gleened useful gossip. The town was a frontier settlement, having started as an outpost a mere century ago, and was surrounded by tiny communities huddled behind their wooden palisades, all within a half a day's journey. Their goddess of the wilderness, who dressed in leaves and often walked beside fierce beasts had held...
"Come, join the Holy Crusade of Thia and Her consort! We march to the wilderness to end the Original's Menace to Her Bounty!" cried the fevered zelot. "No, come and join the Minions of Phantos and His paramor! We salle to battle against the godless Originals!" cried the equally fevered zelot of the other camp. The entire town of Twomby was gathered, in two equally large groups, each prepairing to go forth in the direction their respective god or goddess seemed to be sort of pointing as...
Axorie didn't say 'I told you so!', because, well, honestly, she hadn't. So there is a benefit to being a naysayer after all, the sweet triumph of declaiming "I told you so!". But really, isn't that a hollow sort of satisfaction? Wouldn't a better triumph be to have told them, and had them listen, and follow your advice? That is just how it seems to me, anyway. "You sure told us!, Glad you were around to tell us, otherwise who knows what we might have done?" -Like that ever happens....
So, the next day they all went round to the castle for lunch. They were greet- what? What is that you are clamoring? Hardcase? You want to know how she did in her trials? She lost. So, they were greeted at the door of the castle by the factotum, who instruct- what? Details? Very well. I will tell you exactly what happened to Hardcase. Hardcase was out of her league. They quickly retired the middle range of scholars, and sent in children, children of nine and ten years of age, to match...
We were called Elementals. We were white of eyes, skin and hair, perfect of complexion, and unmatched in beauty. We were the embodiment of ideas, those most prevalent in the cognizance of early man. I was called Petra; of rock and stone, and he was called Vita; of life and blood. From our joining came a daughter, and we called her ‘Joy,’ for that was what she was to us. We were gods to the primeval tribes, worshiped and adored, and Joy most of all. She was ‘Aqua’ to them, of water and rain,...
From our gifts and knowledge, the tribes began to evolve. They created sects, then society, then nations. And from that evolution, came new ideas. Power, greed, pride, deception, and corruption. New ideas to wear, and new delights with which to act. We did not know these things were evil. We did not know what they would do to us. I found the black cloak of Corruption, and dawned it curiously. It infected me. My mind became fevered, my muscles contracted. I wrenched and gagged upon the floor,...
George sighed, his hands hovering over his keyboard. The computer screen was white, a testament to how much work George was not getting done. His mind felt completely numb, as if it had been drained of all thought. But the only problem was those thoughts had been focused on the pornography he had watched last night. If he had been writing some cheap on-line erotica, than maybe thoughts about two werewolf lesbians fucking each other's brains out would have been useful. But George was trying to...
Erotic FictionThis is a story written by myself and Element late one night… The wind blew hard that night, rain pelted down rough on the windows and walls. Thunder can be heard echoing through the valley as in a bedroom a blossoming young woman laid under her sheets deep in sleep. Underneath the sheets she wore a black teddy that fit snuggly to her body. The fireplace nearby kept her warm enough to wear just this. Lengthy blond hair hung out all over her consuming her pillow, she lay on her left side as...
"...of 99 and a low of 70. Folks, its going to be a scorcher. Now moving in from the east-" "There's nothing on," you mutter, taking a sip of warm, flat soda from yesterday and grimacing as you shut off the TV. Your apartment is a mess, with books and papers stacked haphazardly and soda and beer cans strewn about. Ordinarily you think you are rather tidy, but, lately, your life has been anything but normal. It is finals week of your last semester as an undergraduate premed student, and you have...
NATASHA'S TURN by Kandi Kox I tried to make it last, really I did. But I was just too turned on. I'd been on the verge of coming from the moment she'd fumbled with my zipper. This was the hottest girl I knew, the one I'd been lusting after for as long as I could get hard. And now this goddess was kneeling between my legs, struggling to free the biggest erection I could ever remember producing. When she finally engulfed it with the warm, wet mouth I had so enthusiastically been...
It was a lazy Saturday, John and Kandy were sitting in the back yard relaxing. Their neighbor, Jeff was doing some yard work, and had just come over to the fence. “Howdy neighbor.” John replied, “Well hello, looks like your busy today.” Jeff admitted, “Oh not really, I am trying to look busy to keep from going shopping with Erin. God I hate to go to the mall with her.” Kandy spoke up, “Well it seems that you two men have something in common, John hates to go shopping with me too. I have an...
Chapter 07: Two on One The girls had climbed off me and were sitting on the floor next to me, whispering something between themselves. Still stunned at witnessing their incredible response I remained on my back, my hard cock pulsing with my heartbeat. Wondering what the girls were whispering about, I turned onto my side and noticed the sly look each had on their face. ‘What?’ I asked. While both twins kept their eyes on me, Marjorie leaned forward and began kissing Allison on the lips, first...
‘A hidden oppression ... The Almighty’s!’ Zax concluded. Now that he reconnected the spirit and consciousness, he became conscious to the inconspicuous Godly Retribution bearing on his being. ‘It began to act’. If he had not reached the Mortal Enlightenment state and joined with his spirit he would have remained oblivious. ‘It’s trying to revoke the speck of the sixth bottleneck, cut off my opportunity to comprehend all six bottlenecks!’ The instant he figured, the land, sky and sea of his...
Your body always looks good no matter what. I love to see it in those thin skirts you've got, that sexy business woman/librarian look. I see you eveytime I come to the library. My god I think you are so hot. I bet you are really smart too, mmmmmmm, that is sexy. I don't know if you have caught me staring at your deep cleavage or sweet ass. I hope not, I'd be so embarrassed. "Can you help me find this book I'm looking for?" "I think it is in the back section of the library......You'd better...
All characters are +18, like for real, not cause I said so. Hi everyone, first of all, this is my first story so, even though I like a lot the end product, I'm not native English so there might be a lack of or some weird expressions. The buildup/plot is very long, you have three options: If you got the time or enjoy it, read it fully and tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is very welcome. Read the plot TLDR if you are horny or couldn't be bothered. Skip the plot and go...
“We need more girl,” Jane looked at Sue, lying next to her, both girls were naked and had just had a half hour of mutual pussy licking and clit rubbing.“Fuck woman you are insatiable, give me a few more minutes and I will be ready to go,” Sue answered looking over at Jane’s plump body and thinking how far they had come since their first encounter with Ray at the glory hole in the public toilets, and later in the back of his four by four.“Not that you silly cow, mind you I won't be saying no if...
Group SexIt was a gloriously sunny morning as I crept out of the cottage for my early morning jog. The cottage was a genuinely old Cornish stone built building in a small fishing village on the South coast. My morning jogs normally took me along the coast path in one direction or the other unless the weather was wet when I would usually go inland instead; it was superb coastal scenery and generally not a bad path for running. This morning, the weather could not have been better so on a brief flight of...
Dan and I are best friends. We have known each other since 1st grade. We lived on the same street. We played together camped together, swam, played sports and were just generally best buds. We just graduated high school this past spring and are both eighteen years old. We have been making plans of getting our own place since the 9th grade. We figured if we both worked we could get a two bedroom apartment and split the costs. I work at a local fast food place and Dan works at a warehouse. We...
Sani reached behind her back for her outfit’s zipper and pulled it down, exposing her flesh to everyone in the room. Daniela bent forward, sticking her butt upright so Sani and his colleague could wiggle her spandex outfit down her hips. She had on nothing else. Daniela locked lips with Aminu while the others assisted with stripping her naked. Her hands went back to stroking two cocks. She bent forward to suck Aminu’s cock after they were done discarding her clothes. Joyce was the lone...
Amanda was singing. Three little words that, for Kine, spelled unspeakable horror. He sat in the command chair on the bridge, head down, hands covering his ears. Still it penetrated, doing untold damage to his fragile sanity. He couldn't ... no ... make it stop... "Make it stop!!!" Kine yelled at the top of his lungs. This, however, only brought laughter from the two girls down by the Nav Sphere. When not mocking him, they were otherwise taking advantage of the rather boring bridge...
all of the kids in the school are ages 14-18 years old . A few 18 year olds are here that failed. I am 29 years old and well-built. I played sports all through grade school and college I love that I know many young girls have a crush on me and I constantly hear them giggle with one another when they look at me as I walk by them. I look back at them with a smile because I have always liked young girls. It has always been a fantasy to make love to one. Sasha is a beautiful 16 year old...
Remembering in the beginning I recalled an exciting overwhelming feeling as each new client came. The money stopped my financial burdens instantly. Having been with Thomas everyday I was enjoying a far wider social life. Juggling the ER schedule with my Therapy was a tough one. I didn’t mention that I was involved in Sex Therapy to any fellow students. Awkward wouldn’t be the half of it if they found out my involvement. The cases never came to fast never seemed to be a lack of them either....
Trevor was in that special time and place that, years from now, he would look back on fondly. That snapshot in time that adults dream of going back to for a second taste. He was a high school senior, soon to graduate. His crucial classwork was finished and all that remained was the last few weeks of school events, partying and soaking it all in. The strapping, six foot young man with brown hair and matching eyes was well known in his small town. He prided himself on being friends with just...
Hello everyone…mera naam sumit hai aur main deli ka rehnewala hu…seedha kahani par aate hain…ye mere aur mere pados wali bhabhi ke baare main hai jo ki bahut hi sunder hain…unka figure 36-34-36 hoga…boobs toh pakka 36 hain kyunki maine kai baar unke bra dekhi hai par gaand ka andaaz laga raha hun….ek dum gora rang….haseen aankhein aur soft si skin. Bhabhi aksar saari main hi hua karti thin aur unke cleavage kaaf deep dikhta tha unke blouse se…mujhe nahn pata tha ki bhabhi bhi sex ki tallash...
My and my three buddies thought we could steal some stuff from the 3rd-floor apartment as that girl in there went abroad. We broke open the lock quietly not to wake the other apartments up and locked it as we entered. We spit up for stealing more things. I was to go to the bedroom incase if there were any lockers. I was shocked seeing that. She was there. She was on her bed probably naked. The bed was messy and her hand covered one of her naked boobs and the other was lit up by the moon. The...
I usually only write about true experiences but my friend Jason asked me to write a story about his wife Chris.I had a load going to western Canada but couldn't couldn't cross the border until Monday so I layed over at a local hotel. I went to the lounge to have a drink an relax after a long day driving. I noticed a long legged brunette sitting at the bar with a short skirt on sporting those nice long legs. I asked her if the stool beside her was taken? She said she guessed it was now and gave...
Dark Descent, Part One Dark Descent, Part OneBy PainAngel Micah had never liked the earth. Well, that was not entirely true. He liked the earth, he rejoiced at its creation. He loved humans, those with God in their heart anyway, but the fact was that he hated to visit it. It did not have the beauty of Heaven, his home, and he knew the risk involved in him setting foot on earth. Micah was an angel, a member of the Heavenly Host since before Genesis. He was a proud creature; his features...
A collection of what I hope to be shorter stories, about all manner of family members getting closer than they should. Various pairings with a different characters all with one thing in common, an urge to get closer to a relative. Will it be a secret affair at a big reunion, or a hot a steamy fling during a road trip. Will playing with fire cause our couple to get burnt, or get caught in the act? Stories will specify a character who will be the focus, and the family member they desire. I hope...
IncestSuggested music – Depeche Mode – World in my eyes / Policy of Truth / Duran Duran – The Man Who Stole a Leopard. The smell of perfume was so thick that it could intoxicate you alone, save for the expensive alcohol-filled bottles, carefully lined up on the bar shelves, like museum pieces, shinning from the small lamps placed under them, meant to draw your attention and seduce you into each and every one of them. I made my way to the end of the room, opposite of the entrance door I had just come...
By JIMMY SEAY Brian was relieved that the kid had at least momentarily left the cell but he dreaded James’s return. Would the kid bring back someone else to fuck him? Or even worse, would James return with a multitude? The though of even one more convict knowing was unbearable. It would be so humiliating! Brian looked down at his body, there were a couple of bruises in his muscular frame from the beating the kid had given him, his shriveled cock look even smaller than normal now that...
April 19th 3:16pm – Case 4448576 – Attempted Theft – Suspect was apprehended under suspicion of theft. LP Officer needed to prove items were on the suspect’s person. The female suspect denied initial accusations and later tried to hide items in her undergarments. LP Officer had to persuade the suspect to strip so that she could be searched. Upon fully removing undergarments, items in question fell out. This necessitated a full cavity search with other intrusive searching of...
xmoviesforyouIf I were so lucky, you would come to visit me. You’d pick me up at my house, and I’d introduce you to Mom really quickly before picking up my overnight bag and bolting. It’d be early afternoon. We’d go to the hotel you had booked. And just drop everything off. Fun is for a little later. We’d spend the day in the city, our favorite sex shop, Victoria’s Secret, hanging out downtown. Dinner would be near the hotel, at a nice restaurant, or maybe something less formal, a picnic. Then onto the...
Two’s company…….Part OneThe day out.…Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet.Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale.I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town....
Group SexAngela got ready for her first day of work at the LE GIRLS agency in downtown Manhattan. She felt anxious but mostly disgusted with having to get the job. It was only because of her husband that she got it to begin with. He had lost another job and now hung around the house in his underwear looking shabby and mostly pathetic. Life had been very difficult most times with him but now they were near impossible. Even their sex life suffered. Where once they had sex every night, now they barely had...
"Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed." Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling stupid now as all he could do was stare at the gesture of friendship from his nephew. "Really uncle, had I known it would have thrown you off this bad I might have warned you first, I'll remember next time." "Thank you Alan that might help though some of us might not be as accepting...
Jen got up from her table when she saw Suzanne arrive, and gave her friend a hug and kiss. She was so happy to see Suzanne. They had been best friends since grade school. Jen felt unnerved by recent events, and needed the advice of her oldest and closest friend. It was hard for Jen to describe the things that she and Michael had done the last few months, even to Suzanne. But eventually she described what had happened with Vic and the shoe salesman, and then she described how she had let...
I am Arun Kumar currently working in Bangalore in an MNC , now i am going to narrate how i had sex with neighbor aunty mala in Bangalore which happened one year back . i got job in 2012 then i searched for room in Bangalore, but i didn’t get single room, then i adjusted in my friend room for 6 months, then after six months i got room in Kengeri, that room is small in that room 2 members we use to stay, then after getting room i shifted to new room, as usual i went to office in morning, while...
Drew sat on the balcony sipping his coffee. He wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. The morning sun was warm reflecting off the windows. Dave and Tess were still sleeping but he had woken early. He went through the events of the previous day. The shopping, the hot tub and the sex. He'd enjoyed the gay dance club and having Tess and Dave suck his cock when they had returned to the apartment. He had watched them fuck, he did not want to join them, he had just wanted to watch them. "They are...
BisexualI opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...
My name is Yvette and I live out of town on a small farm. There is just my husband and I, along with a young black man who works in the stable areas. I am a little on the heavy side at 220 pounds but am big boned. Despite my weight problem, I am very sexual. I have a very plump pussy which I keep well trimmed. I have a wide ass and like anal sex every once in a while. I love sex in any form and masturbate quite a lot. Usually when my husband is out working. My husband works on the farm all day...
Hai this santosh again with the new story about how i fucked two beggars. This is true story happened why i was working in pune for co. That time my age was around 27 yrs. I use to stay alone in my rented house which was very far from town. There were few house which had some distance. Oneday it was raining very heavy and i was very having a good time with my drink. Near my door i could hear some sound. When i opened my door i saw two beggar lady were sitting and they were shivering in cold. I...
Group SexI laid in the bed, panting, trying to catch my breath. If I thought I was out of shape before, oh boy, was I convinced now. As I laid there, next to her, it hit me. I quickly sat up, turned away from her into a sitting position and put my head in my hands. “Oh god, what have I done?” I asked. I felt her shift and then press her naked breasts against my back. “You helped a friend, who was in real need.” She cooed at me. I looked back at her, turning my head slightly and she gave me a kiss...