Elemental EncountersChapter 6 free porn video

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After a hard night carving chambers from solid rock, with strange winds blowing rock dust out into the forrest, to settle into drifts, breathing made easier by other strange breezes bringing fresh air to the creative trio, they decided to call it a night.

Freaky took his leave, and they promised to meet up at school the next day.

Hardcase and Steetch walked to catch a late night bus together, to go catch at least a few hours of sleep before having to face their classes.

"I have solved one of the millenium conjectures, with mathimatical proofs," stated Hardcase.

"Which one?" wondered Steetch.

"The one with the fourth dimentional conversion- the Poincare Conjecture. And I already know your next question, I invented a new process which I call Hypertensive Calculus. It takes a quantum shortcut- you would be surprised at how acurate a truely random output generator can be. You wouldn't think that flipping a coin would give you an accurate mathematical output, but as long as you never know if it was heads or tails, then plugging it into the equation gives you an accurate answer."

"You aren't seriously considering submitting something like that to peer review, are you?" said Steetch intently.

"No, even if it gets the right answer every time, as long as you don't peek at the input the truely random generator produces, it smacks too much of magic for a pure mathamatician to accept. The quantum Physicists would buy it, but it would never get past the Millenium board's award process, despite being a valid proof.

They wouldn't be able to resist peeking at the mystery variable."

"Damn, there goes a perfectly good million bucks." groused Steetch. "Is it useful?"

"Yes, I can solve almost any 'unsolvable' problem, as long as I let chance select the input variable in my hypertensive quantum calculus shortcut."

"Let me see your work, I have an idea for a little answer program..." pondered Steetch, already deep in thought. Hardcase handed over a memory stick, having already anticipated Steetch's reaction. She really respected his mind, he had a way of integrating that was miraculous.

For three days, Steetch was a walking automoton, not responding to any questions, muttering to himself, and if an obsticle was in his path, he stopped, and waited staring into space until someone took pity on him, and steered him around it gently by his elbow. Most of the students at school were familiar with his occational fuges.

At home, he disappeared into his room, and only ate when his mother lovingly put a plate of food in front of him, took the whiteboard marker out of his hand and replaced it with a fork or spoon. Any glasses of liquid were only drank if they also contained a straw. On the evening of the third day, Steetch came out of his trance, and started to write code furiously, hardly looking at his copious notes. For eleven and a half hours he coded, and at five thirty in the morning, he fell asleep on his bed, fully clothed and still clutching his computer mouse to his chest.

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Sexy Mom

By: sanjay, hello dosto, mai iss stori bahut padta hu. Mai bhi apni stori aap sabke saath batna chahta hu.meri umar 25 hai.or mai ek sundar or strong ladka hu. Ye story meri or meri mom ki hai.unki age 42 hai.lekin wo dekhne mai 35-38 ke bich ki lagti hai. Unka fig hai 36 28 38 or wo bahut hi sundar hai. Ye baat aajse 3 saal pehle ki hai. Pehle to mere mann mai unke bare mai koi bhi galt baat nahi thi.lekin maine iss mai mom son ki stori bahut padi hai jis wajah se mere bhi mann mai unke saath...

2 years ago
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Bored in Titans Tower

(Please rate the threads; I want to know what I'm doing well on so I can do more of it, and what I'm doing poorly on so I can improve it.) (This takes place several years after the TV show ended. They still call themselves the Teen Titans, but the youngest of them [Terra] is already 18, and Cyborg is now in his mid-twenties.) Cyborg glanced around his room, bored out of his circuits. There was nothing good on TV, he’d already beaten BB at every video game they owned four times each so far today...

2 years ago
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The SongbirdChapter 2

Cate Things had changed for me. The time on the road hadn't changed; it was always this way except when I started it was for a week or three to four nights at the same venue. Now I was lucky if I got two nights. I didn't bemoan my situation; I was still doing the thing I loved, singing. When I was young and fresh there would be small presents in my dressing room with offers to dine or to supply me with something that would relax me. Well you can imagine what they thought would happen...

1 year ago
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How I met my slut wife

The first time I met Lucie I was in a pub waiting to meet a mate for a few pints. My mate was late, I noticed a group of girls sitting at the next table who were out on a girly night. Lucie took my eye. She had long blonde hair, tall and a cute smile, well out of my league. She wore a sexy red dress. When she got up to go to the bathroom, I noticed her legs, I always had a thing for legs and had a bit of a foot fetish. She had a sexy pair of black high heels on. I tried not to stare but I could...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 24

"So just how long are you planning to have a red-headed cheerleader living in your room?" "I'll probably get tired of it by March, maybe April." From the look on Tami's face, she didn't appreciate my humor. "Tami, you ask a red-blooded American guy a question like that and what do you expect?" Tami shrugged. "What I got, I guess. So how long does Allie plan to live in your room?" "Actually, she moved out yesterday and into Traci's room. They're getting along great. But I...

3 years ago
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Sexpirence With My Darling Nurse

Hi, everyone, I am Vikram Reddy having height 5’8”, athletic body with 6” dick, I want to share my most memorable experience in my life. This is my real sex story. I am forming north Karnataka, finished my MBBS and was planning to go to Kerala as I was in dire need of money, so working in Kerala was the best option for me.I got my MBBS registration in Bangalore and headed to my destination to a village in Kannur district. The hospital which I started working as duty doctor was a Christian...

2 years ago
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There Was Confusion

I posted this elsewhere several years ago and I’ve not had time to take the comments and suggestions and edit it. I take full responsibility for the content and writing. I do not consider myself a writer but I found writing this story to be satisfying. One of the biggest complaints I received was the coincidence in this story. Sorry if that offends you. After reading it again as I went through to edit it I am still proud of the decisions I made. It was not my intent to make it as long as it...

1 year ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 16

After school I gave Audrey a ride home and then went over to Mr. Michael's car lot. My father had already called him to tell him that I was coming. The first thing that I noticed was this bright red Camaro. It had a special wheel package, and looked like it was going fifty miles an hour when it was parked on the lot. For me, it was love at first sight. Mr. Michael's must have seen the look on my face, because he asked whether I wanted to drive it first, or just write it up and drive off...

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