Elemental EncountersChapter 19 free porn video

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Steetch, Axorie and Freaky learned much on their visit to the town. Mostly Axorie, since she would invisibly lurk about interesting conversations, but the young men also gleened useful gossip. The town was a frontier settlement, having started as an outpost a mere century ago, and was surrounded by tiny communities huddled behind their wooden palisades, all within a half a day's journey. Their goddess of the wilderness, who dressed in leaves and often walked beside fierce beasts had held sway for the first fifty or sixty years since the founding of the town, (called Twomby) but over the past several decades another form of worship had emerged, a god of weather, a trickster of a god who could change form and look like anyone, changeble and capricious, but powerful and dangerous also. A sutible god for farmers, rather than frontiersmen.

So how come everyone speaks English?" queried Freaky querulously. "I mean, what are the chances of that?"

"There are an infinite number of dimentions," explained Steetch, sipping on his wooden mug of small beer. "Out of those, how many use something so close to English as to make no difference?" "I don't know, but it can't be too many, can it?" responded Freaky. "Wrong!" pounced Steetch triumphantly, "There are an infinite number of them!" "That doesn't seem to make sense." kvetched Freaky. "That's just the way things are with infinite sets." Steetch pronounced with a shrug. "Shush!" shushed Axorie. "I am trying to overhear those two gentlemen in the corner."

Meanwhile, back at camp, the large piebald mule and the equaly large, it seemed, cat, were becoming fast friends. Mr. Bigfoot was glad to have a companion who understood UASL, or Universal Animal Sign Language. Hardcase sort of understood it, but missed some of the nuances. Of course there were species differences, but it was more along the lines of accents, than different languages. All dogs know that a lashing cat's tail is almost the same as a lifted lip and raised hackles, and cats understand a wagging tail as meaning the same as lifted wiskers, but aside from the differences, it was much the same. A tabby could converse with a tiger, and a wolf could understand a fox or a dog. A horse would understand an elephant, more or less, since horses are the air-heads of the equine breeds, and a zebra would understand a mountaingoat, although they wouldn't have much in common to discuss. The two new friends who the humans called Mr. Bigfoot and Patches had much to discuss. "They're not as stupid as most two-footers," explained 'Mr. Bigfoot'. (I will maintain the twofooters nomenclature, as the UASL translations are untranslatable concepts.) "Although they are about as blind and deaf. You shouldn't assume that they know what is going on, make sure you clearly inform them of things you think should be obvious to anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain." The piebald mule known as Patches scoffed "Go teach your mother to suck eggs! I know how to coddle the twofooters. I even learned to understand the horrible mouth-noises they make. But you are right, these ones are nicer than most, and I will help you babysit them. I especialy like the one who's hair looks like it would be good to eat. She doesn't try to bully me." "I prefer the scentless one, myself," claimed 'Mr. Bigfoot'. "She knows just how to scratch my ears, and she is as quiet as I am on a hunt."

"Trolls!" exclaimed Hardcase, when she heard the news. "More like troglodytes," clarified Steetch, "Or Cavemen in contrast to humans, as Cavebears are to grizzlys." he finished. "That helps alot!" expostulated Hardcase, as she settled down to listen to what the other three had to say. It seemed as though the originals, as the folk more recently arrived called them, were quite primitive in their habits, and would gladly and opportunistically kill and eat anyone they could get their powerful hands on. Lately, within the last ten or twelve years, they seemed to be better led, and had executed brilliant plans (for Originals) and had even wiped out a palisaded camp, and had harassed well protected trading caravans. It was thought that a genius Original had emerged and formed the scattered bands into a mighty tribe. Relatively speaking, that is. Before that, they had merely snatched a child or five, but now they were dangerous even to groups of well armed men. A bounty was offered for the head of the Original leader, even though noone knew what he or she looked like. "Is this our Quest?" wailed a distraught Hardcase. "Do we have to become assassins!" "Well, I am not usualy on the side of the ones who kidnap and eat children." countered Freaky. "But maybe we could see what else we could do, aside from committing genocide." But, after all, they were Adventuring, and one does need a Quest, doesn't one?

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The gorgeous and curvy Marilyn Johnson cannot wait to say yes… Before she earns her hard pussy pounding, she warms up her pretty pussy with a thick dildo in way that’ll get you all worked up… When you can hardly take it anymore she gets down to start working that cock- and soon, she’s all set to fuck. This babe can take a pounding, and loves every minute of it. You’ll love watching her thick ass bounce in every position as she takes the dick hard and fast, working us all up for that sweet sweet...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome

Henry opened the door in response to my knock and when he saw me, a big smile lit up his face. I couldn’t help but be pleased at his reaction – even though there had been a couple of emails and phone calls back and forth, this first meeting was nerve-wracking. He stepped back and waved me in, bending down to take my knapsack from my hand as I walked by. It was a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, never giving away what would be going on inside. A sweet, portly woman with beautiful, flowing...

4 years ago
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The Phone Call

The Phone Call By Tonya Varese Julie examined herself in the mirror. For a pre-op transexual she didn't consider herself bad looking. Her shoulder length hair was tied back in a ponytail. She wore a minimal amount of makeup and dressed in a low key style. Her outfit today consisted of cotton khaki slacks and a white long sleeve blouse. Her casual style couldn't belie a well-turned, trim and toned figure that she had worked on meticulously for the last two years. Since she had no...

3 years ago
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My slaves at a sub party i wish i was at one of

OOh look! I though excitedly as i led my slaves along behind me. We were at a bondage party every guest had to bring a bondage-fied freind/relative/partner/ random person who wanted tieing up. I'd brought all 30 of my slaves captured as c***dren from the streets of russia,india,africa,packistan and aisa. i had men and women behind me attached to one big lead through all of their collars. "Now remember," I said as we got to the door "You are to do as you are told is that understood?" A chorus of...

2 years ago
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Mary Joe Resume Their Vegas Fun

Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 25

Tuesday, June 29, 1971 The knock on my door woke me. I opened the door to find Ileana, Nicky, and Adriana with a Blair House staffer pushing a cart with my hanging clothes for this evening. I could see that they had been pressed since arriving from New York. Ileana was also carrying a leather bound case, slightly bigger than a breadbox. They immediately began laying out my clothes for the evening as Nicky ran her hand over my chin. "I don't think he'll need to shave again," she told...

2 years ago
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Sisters stick together

This is my first story so be gentle with me. I appreciate feedback but please be nice. One caveat, there is a lot of unprotected sex, but it's critical to the storyline. This is fiction, girlfriends, please be careful out there in real life. Sisters stick together By Amy B Michael was just about finished transforming into Michelle. Shoulder length black wig, hoop earrings, over the months with...

4 years ago
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If You Were Here

To My Dear Suzy - If you were here for Thanksgiving, this is what it would be like. You would wake up in the morning, and as you came around and your eyes gained focus of the room you would see the box that I had put by your bed the night before but had told you not to open until the morning, & I'd be watching to make sure you didn't. Even though you knew that wasn't true, you enjoyed the excitement of being told not to do something & testing your will power. After ripping through...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Vicky

I was all settled in for the night. My Aunt Vicky was downstairs doing laundry and finishing the dinner dishes, and I had showered and watched a little TV, and then yawned and told my Step-mom’s younger sister that I was going to bed. I wasn’t actually tired yet, but I was horny and was looking forward to taking some time to escape into my world of secret sexual fantasies, and I didn’t want to be disturbed.My Aunt Vicky was pretty foxy for my Step-mom’s younger sister, and looked much like a...

2 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present Part 2

Tuesday Yesterday was hell. After the excruciating tease of the morning, he just disappeared. You felt every drop of your shower on your skin, felt the water flowing down your neck, between your ample breasts, tickling slightly as it ran down your tummy and then flowing over your smooth shaved mound to tease anew at your clit. Your skin was so sensitive, so alive. You didn’t know how you were going to survive another day, never mind two, but, through more willpower than you knew you had, you...


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