Elemental EncountersChapter 2 free porn video

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I'm not really jewish, although I admit, my parents couldn't have picked a more jewish sounding name if they had really really tried. The only part I really hate, is Tiffaney, I mean puleeze. But perhaps they were trying to obfuscate my Mongolian ancestry, Khon is a perfectly respectable name on the steppes. But I am just kidding you, it was my great- great- great grandfather, who was half Chineese and half Mongolian, who gave the name Khon to his decendants. Northern Chineese, you know, the tall, lighter skinned ones. I hardly look like I have any eastern origins, except for a round face, and smooth skin. My eyes are anything but slanted, or showing any fold at the corners. Steetch says I look like an Anime character, my eyes are so large.But if you want to see my eyes narrow, just call me Tiffaney.

Better you should do like everyone else, even my parents and teachers, who all call me Hardcase. If I get riled, I flay them with my tongue, slashing with words their weaknesses and phobias, reducing them to shuddering tears in seconds, I feel really realy badly about it afterwards, and have to use my knowledge of the human psyche to build them up again. Pavlovian response, negative conditioning, make people tremble and stutter when my eyes start to narrow.

Steetch is a great guy, easy going, nice, helpful. He also is dangerous, to himself and to property. The only time he ever hurt someone else wasn't his fault-, the Sensei should have known to never take his eyes off of someone even when bowing. It was beautiful to behold, though, split second timing, the three stooges couldn't have done it better. I don't know who was more embarassed, the Sensei, or Steetch. Luckly I was the only witness, as we were in the Dojo's office. I almost missed it, too, because I was tending to an ailing plant in the corner. It was a bananna bush more brown than green. it needed more than just watering, so I gave it a sprinkle of minerals from my vial of magical dust. Not really magical that is just what I call the ground up rocks that Freaky provides me. He says it is a mixture of every mineral he can find, in the same proportions as occured in the sedaments of the Cretaceous Period, when ten ton dinosaurs roamed the earth, eating vegetation or other dinosaurs who were vegetarians. Pretty potent stuff! Of course, there was half again as much oxygen in the air, which probably contributed to the robust growth. Then again, maybe the increased oygen was the result of the vigorous plant life! But we were talking about Steetch, weren't we?

I know a lot of Steetch's grace defecit is psychosomatic, because he really slays at DDR. As long as it is a game, he is focused enough to overcome his vague awareness of just where he ends and the rest of the universe begins.

I am two years younger than Freaky and Steetch, well, say 21 months. I started early for kindergarten, and then jumped from second grade to fourth grade. I had the entire grade school library read, including the reference section, by the end of fourth grade. I read fast, and skipped lunch. The school librarian, Miss Devon, let me check out wheelbarrows worth of books over summer vacation. I mostly read at night, and explored the wilder areas of the town during the day. So I wasn't involved at first with my classmates. Besides, in the fourth grade, Steetch and Freaky thought girls were icky.

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Chapter 2 Videos

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Without love, parents would be bullies or sluts. That is, the members of the species who out-compete, push their way to the sufficient resources to succesfully produce and support offspring. Without love drawing two individuals together, at least one parent would be a bully, or a non-genderspecific slut. Lust isn't love, but it is in the equation, motivation for resource expenditure. These traits are superficial learned behaviours, which have been successful to some degree or other since the...

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Elemental EncountersChapter 4

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Elemental EncountersChapter 5

MONDAY As the three friends entered the main doors of the school, Hardcase slipped her right hand through Steetch's left elbow, her left hand through Freaky's right arm, and with linked elbows muttered from the side of her mouth "Start with your right foot and go!" and launched them into the wizard of oz waltz down the wide hallway. The few fellow students already in the hallway got out of the way, and a few more carefree or daring of their classmates managed to link on the end extending...

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Elemental EncountersChapter 7

"Axorie, it is nice to meet you. How do you work?" greeted Freaky. It was the weekend again, and the three friends, or was it four, gathered by the pool and enjoyed a nice lunch of sandwiches and iced tea. Well, three at least enjoyed the food, and it wasn't certain that the fourth did not also enjoy it. "i guess you would say i am a manifestation of the collective unconcious" avered Axorie. "sort of a cross between onehundred billion typing monkeys and an ouiji board but with the...

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Psst! hey you, author dude. Psst, hey, wake up. Hey, can you hear me Crunchy? huh, wazzit, um let me get my glasses (fumbling around) oh, hey. You woke me up. (stating the obvious) I am here on behalf of your readers. It seems you are brusing the fourth plane. And this little stunt doesn't rip the whole curtain down? Sheesh. I can't believe I was wrecking the story for them, it isn't like it was superrealistic. It isn't like they bought the damn book! Well, I think Hardcase hurt some...

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Back to school. All the kids seemed so young, somehow. Having a secret fortress with labs, shops. forges, greenhouses, secret exits, a kitchen and bedrooms with full baths had made their summer seem like they were living as adults, somehow. Although, Steetch still played Video Games on the huge flatscreen TV, beating the figurative pants off of the others. Except for Axorie, who for one didn't wear pants or even panties, and secondly, cheated. It was an interesting thing about Axorie, if she...

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Elemental EncountersChapter 22

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Elemental EncountersChapter 23

"What are we even doing here?" whined Hardcase to Steetch. "Stupid Quests, stupid contests, and we only have three condoms left." "It was your stupid idea to come here. I have been having fun, except for your complaining." savaged Steetch. "Just remember, when we get home, it will still be us, the same people, except you will be still 14, still have to go to school, and you won't be able to drink beer. Or screw around with me unless we are sneeky and do it in the secret fortress."...

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The Dance Teacher

Hello, my name is Anna I’m a 35 year old dance teacher, I’ve been teaching dance of all types since I was 28, I used to be a professional ballerina but various injuries put paid to my career and I was forced to retire, I have no regrets I had a long career spanning over 10 years and I travelled the world performing with Some of the greatest dancers male and female.I run my own dance school and teach all ages from 5 up to 18, ballet is still a passion of mine I made some good friends and also...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 2 Seduction

It wasn't until after I was back in my office and had actually sat down that I remembered what it was I wanted to work on. Fix one broken program, how hard could it be? It's not like the girl of my dreams was just down the hall. Somehow the computer's annoying security login screen was actually rather comforting. At least some things hadn't changed in the last ... wait, no way. Squinting at the clock I couldn't believe it was already after 8:30. Wow, had we really been talking for an...

3 years ago
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The Kansas Adventure Part 2

Closing her lips tight around his shaft, Lara slowly slid Jonathan into her mouth as her tongue felt every ridge and valley of his flesh. She pressed him deeper into her mouth, teasing his cockhead with the entrance to her throat. By the sounds that were being made by him, Lara figured that he had never gotten this intimate with anyone before. She gently caressed his balls as she began moving slowly back and forth on his shaft, looking up as he was watching her slide her mouth on and off...

2 years ago
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The Deity Meets Innocence

Deity Meets Innocence By: A. W. Chohan [Londebaaz] A very intimidating sex tale of confession, Holy priest guiding, teaching and coaching a youngster to the truth. ********************************************************* Father Filipe ko itna afsos tha keh ounka bas chalta toh voh deewar se takkrein marnay se bhi inkaar nah kertay. Ounhoun ne electrician ko kitni dafa yaad dilaya tha keh jald az jald confessional ke bahar lagi hui light theek kerday lekin yeh kaam nahi hua tha. Koi 2 hours...

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1 year ago
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My wife and her friend part 1

"She's going to be here soon, so hurry up." My wife's voice echoed down the hallway towards the open bathroom door. As I stood in the shower, rinsing the soap off my body. The hot water soothing my stiff muscles from a hard day's work. A nice hot shower after a long day at work typically helped my sore body. But today I rushed my shower more then usual. It was about 6:30 on Friday and my wife's best friend, Sam, was coming over for the long weekend. Kate, my wife, has been best...

1 year ago
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The Club opening bash

Tea lights floated on one end of the pool while the other was lit with lights underwater. A net separated the two halves and the reflection of the candles on the other half shimmered like sun rays dancing on the ocean. Small lanterns festooned the entire mansion's property. The marble foyer and other rooms were all decorated with masked faces, which was the theme of the party. As I stood back to take in the scene, I hoped Hrithik would be happy with what I had done to decorate the mansion and...

1 year ago
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Loving AmyChapter 6

The funeral the next day was quick. Brad could see no sense dragging it out. Amy had been through enough the past few days. Carl Samples had asked his minister to say a few words and he was short but eloquent. He had not ordered a limo so he drove the Jaguar. Only one neighbor showed up for the burial, so there was only the hearse, Brad's car and the neighbor's car. The neighbor left as soon as the burial was over and Brad and Amy drove back to the house. Amy was quiet all afternoon. She...

2 years ago
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shes all mine2

Introduction: okay this is my second story. sorry about the grammer Im writing on my shitty tablet I hope you all like it but if not Im sorry Ugh john groaned fuck his mom had her lips wrapped around his cock and he was about to cum. She had her fingers going in and out of her pussy moaned into his cock and he lost it. Ahh fuck yes he said as he came and his beautiful mother swallowed it all. Such a good little bitch arent you yes sir she answered. Then there was a knock at the door. Come...

1 year ago
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Inside Out Part 1 Stuart Fitzgerald need to Disappear

Inside Out - Part 1 -- Stuart Fitzgerald Needs to Disappear By Suzanne Knight Well I don't know how to explain the situation I am in, I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I might as well start at the beginning. My name is Stuart Fitzgerald, I live in Boston am in my mid forties, divorced, and I work as a management consultant. Since my teenage years, I have been a cross dresser. My alter ego is named Sheila, as Sheila I am pretty much a loner. I look decent,...

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