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"Come, join the Holy Crusade of Thia and Her consort! We march to the wilderness to end the Original's Menace to Her Bounty!" cried the fevered zelot.
"No, come and join the Minions of Phantos and His paramor! We salle to battle against the godless Originals!" cried the equally fevered zelot of the other camp. The entire town of Twomby was gathered, in two equally large groups, each prepairing to go forth in the direction their respective god or goddess seemed to be sort of pointing as they held hands and blessed the bounty from atop the fountain which had miraculously appeared overnight along with a strange tree that was wrapped in stone robes. Noone could understand what the tree thing was about, so they just ignored it, except for appreciating the shade it provided the market square. Soon the two factions were several miles from the city, with no rations, shelters, or weapons, as the prepairing they had done had not been of the practical sort. Small bewildered children cried because their parents had gone mad. Well, perhaps you would have too, at some powerful yet ambiguous sign from your favored diety?
The meddling kids were chagrined. Being young, they hadn't appreciated the full effect of Unintended Consequences. Now they had to stop the madness. Great Idea, Steetch! But, let's not point the finger of blame, or respond with the finger of defiance. Let's just work on cleaning the whole damned mess up. It was given to Hardcase, aka Godess Thia, to stop the crazies calling themselves the Holy Crusade, and to Steetch and Freaky, to re-educate the misguided Minions. They were Team Phantos. Freaky lobbyed for and won the role of Phantos, this time- although to be fair, Steetch on the fountain only looked like Steetch if you climbed up right behind Thia and looked over her shoulder at him. Otherwise, he presented a different mien from every vantage. Still, since Freaky would be doing the special effects, let him be the god. Hardcase was soon dressed in her greenest vinery, and blown off (very scary, traveling by wind!) to chastize her flock, and the Phantos team went off on their own troubleshooting mission. Axorie chose to sit this one out. She hadn't tried to discourage the midnight redecoration of the town of Twomby, so she wasn't totaly blameless, but was it her role to naysay? The fact that she hadn't participated in the first place, should have been message enough, wouldn't you think? In anycase, whatever her reasons or justifications, she chose to not get involved.
Hardcase might have lost her ruby slippers (Freaky had upgraded her stone sabots) if the planters in their tops hadn't rooted them to her enveloping vines. Talk about planting a shoe where it can do some good! awrr, bad pun, sorry. She approached the huddled masses from the dark, All the campfires flamed up in a roar, lighting the dispirited and hungry worshipers. The goddess Thia waved her hands and clouds of dust billowed out, settling on the ground along with seeds, and a sudden crop of produce grew, thick and rich. (Some say that even now any hungry traveler may find sufficient provender to sup upon) "Come, My Children, and eat." spake Thia. Noone moved. The goddess pointed her finger, and those indicated flinched, but obeyed. "You, you you and you, come gather and distribute my bounty to my hungry children!" the irritated goddess demanded. "What are you doing out there in my wilderness, unprepaired, undefended, and unsheltered?" She asked. Noone answered, although a few glared at the Original zelot. She thought she recognised him as the one whos arrow she had incinerated. Hardcase sighed. The Crusaders cowered. Hardcase rolled her eyes. Her Children groveled. Although everyone held some form of raw produce in their hands, noone ate. This was going to be even more difficult than she had thought.
This would be a piece of cake, thought Freaky. A little razzle dazzle, and they would be eating out of his hands. Steetch was taking a more pragmatic 'wait and see' attitude. He knew that dealing with frenzied zelots could be problematic, it wasn't something that logic could always overcome. A brief consultation, and a sketchy plan- Freaky would go in, mingle, and try to take over the group, get them to return to Twomby. Steetch would wait in the wings, or actualy, above the encampment on a obligingly solid piece of air. If need be, to give more creedence to the Phantos's identity, a presto chango could be done, switching the two, in which case Freaky would continue to provide special effects, while Steetch could dazzle with kung fu moves. It was a direct, simple plan, typical male thinking.
Without love, parents would be bullies or sluts. That is, the members of the species who out-compete, push their way to the sufficient resources to succesfully produce and support offspring. Without love drawing two individuals together, at least one parent would be a bully, or a non-genderspecific slut. Lust isn't love, but it is in the equation, motivation for resource expenditure. These traits are superficial learned behaviours, which have been successful to some degree or other since the...
I'm not really jewish, although I admit, my parents couldn't have picked a more jewish sounding name if they had really really tried. The only part I really hate, is Tiffaney, I mean puleeze. But perhaps they were trying to obfuscate my Mongolian ancestry, Khon is a perfectly respectable name on the steppes. But I am just kidding you, it was my great- great- great grandfather, who was half Chineese and half Mongolian, who gave the name Khon to his decendants. Northern Chineese, you know,...
Steetch looked down from the top of the wall and marveled again at how easy it had been to get there. He had hardly had to think of what he was doing, in fact, it was easier to not think about it, but to just decide what he wanted to do, as in reach the top of the wall. He jumped down and out, catching a branch and swinging in an arc, letting go when his momentum was neutralized, and dropping lightly into a crouch on the bedewed lawn. He remembered with a wry and happy grin how he has spend...
"You don't think Consuela saw me, do you?" "No, I was watching for that, even if Steetch was totaly absorbed in the freakyness of it all. Of all the freaky things you have done, this just takes the cake. So I need you to tell me, what are you feeling when you do that? It contravines all of the laws of Physics you know. How does it seem to you?" "Yesterday morning, as I was swimming I entered my excercise induced meditative state, and I felt connected to the water. The water seemed...
MONDAY As the three friends entered the main doors of the school, Hardcase slipped her right hand through Steetch's left elbow, her left hand through Freaky's right arm, and with linked elbows muttered from the side of her mouth "Start with your right foot and go!" and launched them into the wizard of oz waltz down the wide hallway. The few fellow students already in the hallway got out of the way, and a few more carefree or daring of their classmates managed to link on the end extending...
After a hard night carving chambers from solid rock, with strange winds blowing rock dust out into the forrest, to settle into drifts, breathing made easier by other strange breezes bringing fresh air to the creative trio, they decided to call it a night. Freaky took his leave, and they promised to meet up at school the next day. Hardcase and Steetch walked to catch a late night bus together, to go catch at least a few hours of sleep before having to face their classes. "I have solved one...
"Axorie, it is nice to meet you. How do you work?" greeted Freaky. It was the weekend again, and the three friends, or was it four, gathered by the pool and enjoyed a nice lunch of sandwiches and iced tea. Well, three at least enjoyed the food, and it wasn't certain that the fourth did not also enjoy it. "i guess you would say i am a manifestation of the collective unconcious" avered Axorie. "sort of a cross between onehundred billion typing monkeys and an ouiji board but with the...
Psst! hey you, author dude. Psst, hey, wake up. Hey, can you hear me Crunchy? huh, wazzit, um let me get my glasses (fumbling around) oh, hey. You woke me up. (stating the obvious) I am here on behalf of your readers. It seems you are brusing the fourth plane. And this little stunt doesn't rip the whole curtain down? Sheesh. I can't believe I was wrecking the story for them, it isn't like it was superrealistic. It isn't like they bought the damn book! Well, I think Hardcase hurt some...
The four friends sat in the secret fortress's large central chamber, and made plans. It was summer break, and next year they would be Juniors. Well, except for Axorie, who had the sum of all knowledge if she wanted to think about it. Mostly, though, she was all about being a teenager, experiencing life as an individual, not as quantum. It was somewhat inconvienent being invisible, not to mention being naked. Freaky got lots of strange looks, well, more than usual, when he insisted that he...
Because Axorie used induced sensation, it always felt like she was touching Freaky's skin directly, and not through his clothing. Freaky tried to concentrate on controling his off-road dirt bike, but the feeling of Axorie's firm, hard soft, warm, resiliant er body pressed against his back, her arms eroticaly entwined about his chest, made it har- er, made it difficult. He manfuly struggled to soldier on, however. They headed up the trails into the hills, a small stock of food, and a large...
"You know, if we were an anime, the fans would say we were total crack." asserted Hardcase. "You haven't been watching anime without me, have you?" retorted Steetch, narrowing his eyes dangerously. It had absolutely no effect, Noone started stuttering and sweating. Actualy, it was a good thing they were not anime, because it would be a real pain writing in the chibi. Oh yeah, oops sorry. "No, I am just saying." Hardcase just said. "So I had a great idea for your sub..." "Don't...
Back to school. All the kids seemed so young, somehow. Having a secret fortress with labs, shops. forges, greenhouses, secret exits, a kitchen and bedrooms with full baths had made their summer seem like they were living as adults, somehow. Although, Steetch still played Video Games on the huge flatscreen TV, beating the figurative pants off of the others. Except for Axorie, who for one didn't wear pants or even panties, and secondly, cheated. It was an interesting thing about Axorie, if she...
There was actualy a reason for Hardcase's sour mood of late. She used to be the know-it-all, before Axorie came along. So when her self-image was displaced as the 'brain', she compensated by increasing her 'tough girl' aspect. Steetch still asked her for trivia information, but Freaky always asked Axorie for any answers he wanted now. Still, inside Hardcase was the same caring, loving, empathic young girl she had always been. That is why she was frusturated that she couldn't get the...
The clouds overhead were lit with a pale reddish orange glow, skidding above on an unseen wind. A gibbous moon, pregnant with danger, peered down like a blind eye, giving the feeling of being watched by some lurking evil. The dark trees waved their branches menacingly, as if to grab the unwary, seeming to reach out with long shadows in the dim pale light of the pulsing moonlight. A slight figure appeared, running into the clearing, looking over it's shoulder anxiously, seemingly fearful of...
"This is it, this is where I want to adventure!" crowed Freaky. "No, we are NOT going to adventure in Gor!" stated Hardcase. "I won't be a slave girl, I will NOT be branded, and I am NOT piercing my nipples!" "Aww..." protested Freaky weakly. Sigh, it had been worth a try, anyway. Axorie changed the screen without comment. A desert caravan, dusky robed guards wielding massive scimitars, overloaded ill-tempered camels trudging along single file. "Too hot." said Hardcase. "Too...
(Ahem.) The next morning, it was decided that Hardcase would go into town dressed in her finest greenery, accompanied by Mr. Bigfoot. Freaky had made stone sabots for those who wanted them, and in Hardcase's case, they had little planters on top, to root her vines in. The vines twined up her legs, and anchored in a wreath about her bluegreen hair. For style's sake, the wreath was adorned with little red berries, and the cunning vine hid all her prurient parts from salacious views. Mr....
Steetch, Axorie and Freaky learned much on their visit to the town. Mostly Axorie, since she would invisibly lurk about interesting conversations, but the young men also gleened useful gossip. The town was a frontier settlement, having started as an outpost a mere century ago, and was surrounded by tiny communities huddled behind their wooden palisades, all within a half a day's journey. Their goddess of the wilderness, who dressed in leaves and often walked beside fierce beasts had held...
Axorie didn't say 'I told you so!', because, well, honestly, she hadn't. So there is a benefit to being a naysayer after all, the sweet triumph of declaiming "I told you so!". But really, isn't that a hollow sort of satisfaction? Wouldn't a better triumph be to have told them, and had them listen, and follow your advice? That is just how it seems to me, anyway. "You sure told us!, Glad you were around to tell us, otherwise who knows what we might have done?" -Like that ever happens....
So, the next day they all went round to the castle for lunch. They were greet- what? What is that you are clamoring? Hardcase? You want to know how she did in her trials? She lost. So, they were greeted at the door of the castle by the factotum, who instruct- what? Details? Very well. I will tell you exactly what happened to Hardcase. Hardcase was out of her league. They quickly retired the middle range of scholars, and sent in children, children of nine and ten years of age, to match...
"What are we even doing here?" whined Hardcase to Steetch. "Stupid Quests, stupid contests, and we only have three condoms left." "It was your stupid idea to come here. I have been having fun, except for your complaining." savaged Steetch. "Just remember, when we get home, it will still be us, the same people, except you will be still 14, still have to go to school, and you won't be able to drink beer. Or screw around with me unless we are sneeky and do it in the secret fortress."...
We were called Elementals. We were white of eyes, skin and hair, perfect of complexion, and unmatched in beauty. We were the embodiment of ideas, those most prevalent in the cognizance of early man. I was called Petra; of rock and stone, and he was called Vita; of life and blood. From our joining came a daughter, and we called her ‘Joy,’ for that was what she was to us. We were gods to the primeval tribes, worshiped and adored, and Joy most of all. She was ‘Aqua’ to them, of water and rain,...
From our gifts and knowledge, the tribes began to evolve. They created sects, then society, then nations. And from that evolution, came new ideas. Power, greed, pride, deception, and corruption. New ideas to wear, and new delights with which to act. We did not know these things were evil. We did not know what they would do to us. I found the black cloak of Corruption, and dawned it curiously. It infected me. My mind became fevered, my muscles contracted. I wrenched and gagged upon the floor,...
George sighed, his hands hovering over his keyboard. The computer screen was white, a testament to how much work George was not getting done. His mind felt completely numb, as if it had been drained of all thought. But the only problem was those thoughts had been focused on the pornography he had watched last night. If he had been writing some cheap on-line erotica, than maybe thoughts about two werewolf lesbians fucking each other's brains out would have been useful. But George was trying to...
Erotic FictionThis is a story written by myself and Element late one night… The wind blew hard that night, rain pelted down rough on the windows and walls. Thunder can be heard echoing through the valley as in a bedroom a blossoming young woman laid under her sheets deep in sleep. Underneath the sheets she wore a black teddy that fit snuggly to her body. The fireplace nearby kept her warm enough to wear just this. Lengthy blond hair hung out all over her consuming her pillow, she lay on her left side as...
"...of 99 and a low of 70. Folks, its going to be a scorcher. Now moving in from the east-" "There's nothing on," you mutter, taking a sip of warm, flat soda from yesterday and grimacing as you shut off the TV. Your apartment is a mess, with books and papers stacked haphazardly and soda and beer cans strewn about. Ordinarily you think you are rather tidy, but, lately, your life has been anything but normal. It is finals week of your last semester as an undergraduate premed student, and you have...
As I drive back home, with Liam beside me in the passenger seat, I feel anxious, realising he has never witnessed my driving before. I've had my driving criticised as being like a boy racer's on several occasions by others, so I act cautiously, more so than when I first got behind a wheel following my car accident.I glance over at him, whilst he rests his head in his hand, but the critique doesn't come. As someone who likes to exercise control over everything, I was expecting a tirade of...
HardcoreIn high school, she was the girl every boy dreamed of dating but didn’t because they were intimidated by her beauty. She had no steady boyfriends but was always voted Home Coming Queen every year. Some boys actually paid for and or coerced others to vote them Home Coming King just for the honor of escorting her to the dance that followed the Home Coming football game. Her four years in college pretty much followed the same pattern. She was always the Belle of the Ball. She eventually met and...
Being a rather horny fellow who loves to get spun on meth and party, I occasionally had to craigslist and check out the casual encounters section to see what's out there. So after seeing The Hangover 2 and seeing sexy transgendered girls it got me a little curious to try it out i mean what could i lose they couldnt say no to my 10 inch cock. So doing a big bump my cock was leaking as if i just had a wet dream , I got home and dared to check the T4M section that was so naughty and off limits...
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As usual, it was my mouth that got me into trouble. I shouldn’t have even been home that day. But, I woke up with the runs and called in sick. By noon, I was feeling fine and regretting the waste of a precious sick day. So, on a bright, shiny Tuesday afternoon, my doorbell rang, and I was actually there to answer it. She was panting and sweaty when I answered the door. Her shorts – Daisy Duke short – were grimy, but her cream-colored t-shirt (also short) was clean. As soon as the door opened,...
EXPERIMENTATION LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF THE HYMENRecently, I read a story which had been posted by another user, who since has retired from xHamster. It was entitled, Losing My Virginity. It brought back a very nice memory, from my own chil**ood in the mid-sixties, which I would like to share with you. When I was el**en, I lived across the street from an ei**t-year old girl named Judy. She was always outside in her front yard so we started to hang out and play together. At the time, I had a sort...
Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net,main vicky singh haazir hoon apni nayi story “Mom as escort-6″ ke saath,I hope aap logon ne meri previous stories ko padha hoga aur pasand kiya hoga isliye ab aap logon ka zyada time naa lete hue main story par aata hoon,apne first time do aadmiyon ke saath sex karne ke baad mummy ne next 2 din tak rest liya aur uske next day se hi unka office renovation work ke baad open hua,mummy office aane jaane lagi aur main bhi apne workplace par jaane laga aur...
HER NIGHT As she stepped out of the shower, he stood there with a large warm towel. He gently wrapped the towel around her shoulders and started to dry her. First the arms and back and then around to her breasts which he lovingly cradled as he dried them. The warmth of the towel felt wonderful and he pressed just hard enough to both dry and massage her. This was going to be a great night, she thought. Usually, she was his submissive. Always eager to please and following his wishes. He kept a...
Welcome back guys, if you haven’t yet read my previous story, please do read it before continuing with this one. For those who are new to this part, Rohit was my colleague. He was training me since the day I joined our new company. Slowly we got close to each other during a month of training. He finally managed to get me to his place. I have narrated all this in the first part. Continuing the story now. Rohit took off my kurta and turned me around on the sofa and started kissing my lower back,...
"Oh Mann..." Aufseufzend rollte sich meine total verschwitzte nackte Frau von mir herunter. Ich wusste, ich hatte sie wieder enttäuscht. So viel Mühe sie sich auch gab, so wild sie auf mir ritt, wenn wir miteinander schliefen, mein Schwanz wollte einfach nicht mehr richtig hart werden. Nur, wenn sie dann irgendwann zu fluchen begann, wie gerade eben, wenn sich ihre Fingernägel in mein Fleisch gruben und sie in meine harten Brustwarzen biss, so dass ich aufschreien musst, wuchs er für sehr kurze...
There was an old country song that had the line, "We have a long way to go and a short time to get there." We had to go through Kentucky and Tennessee and the Appalachians to get home. I had never thought of the Woods that way really. I guess I've never moved from Chapel Hill in my mind. We were even slower because we still had people who were hurting and were not equipped as well as before the storm. Our progress was slow. The surprise as we traveled was how empty the land had become....
The white Fairlane pulled up at the gate of a warehouse block on the outskirts of the industrial district. An armed thug unlocked the gate and opened it to let the car though. The car moved up to the large, plain warehouse where another man opened the roller door so it could move inside. The Fairlane came to a stop and a tall, dark haired man wearing a black suit got out. An older, stockier man was there to meet him, flanked by two more thugs. He was the Mafia crime boss Salvatori Dolmio,...
Mum went into the kitchen to put the shoulder of New Zealand lamb in the oven, and then came back to sit with us for a few minutes to chat. She joked that it was very handy that New Zealand was exactly the other side of the world and therefore six months out in its seasons; its lamb was ready to export to Britain to be eaten when ours where just born and gambolling in the fields, and its Anchor Butter came best at the time when our dairy cows had not eaten fresh grass for four...
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The move to the new task force headquarters was done with the least amount of fuss possible. No cop cars would be allowed in the parking lot. No one was to know where they were located. Every precaution was to be used to keep this location a secret from the public and the news people. The newsies were getting too brazen and brave as it was. The warehouse was huge inside, with two offices on a second floor. There were two rooms on the first floor, a main warehouse as you walked into the front...
My co-workers looked up when I entered the front office. Cindy is obviously worried about me. But Helen looks frantic. I know what she’s thinking; that I went through whatever I just experienced only because I stopped Delon from hitting her. It’s nice to get a little sympathy from her. But this isn’t her fault. And as unpleasant as it was, I’ve been through worse things since meeting Delon. Once I’ve taken a few Tylenol and the pain in my nipples and clit hood stops throbbing I’ll be fine....
It’s a normal day in late spring in the classroom of 12-A. Beatrice Banks High, or BB High for short, is a campus for 18 y.o. high school seniors. Students, especially males, find themselves living a different way of life to what they were used to. Their school was built on the ideals that boys need punishment. The teachers noticed how boys that got racked good in the courtyard would do better in their studies and be more polite to their female counterparts. It was said that a boy’s balls...
BDSMIt was shortly after lunch, and a quick shower at the apartment that Tony arrived at Joan's house. Joan met him on the doorstep, and flung her arms round his neck. It was the same every time they had met, since her eviction of John. Tony had not pressed charges, after John's attempt to kill him, but only on condition that he stayed away from her. The warning had not been necessary, as he was now remanded in custody, waiting for trial on a long list of offences. Over the past few weeks,...
Hi iss readers, this is my first time ke mai koi kahani likhne ja raha hoon. Yeh meri sachi kahani hai jo 8 months pehle ki hai. Mein ludhiana ka rehne vala hoon aur meri age 29 hai, height 5’11” hai. Maine school time se hi larkion ki taraf kafi aakarshit tha. Mere dost bhi mujhe apni kahaniyan sunate ki kaise unhone apni kiraydar ko choda ya kaamwali ko choda. Mein bhi chahta tha ki mein bhi kisi ko chodu. Kuch saal to aise hi beet gaye uske baad humne apne ghar pe second floor banaya usme do...
I have a recurring nightmare about six surgeons playing Jenga with a human being, except they only take pieces out. From the bottom of the steps, I looked up at the house. Some rich kid was buying popularity with a party. His parents were away for the weekend. From the look of things, they were colluding to make sure their little boy and his friends had fun. The steps were steep; I'd hate to carry a piano up the damn things. "You can't come in," a giant, with about a hundred too many...
She had always been interested in the idea of giving herself openly to a man but had never had the chance until she had met Max at a local munch about a month ago. There had been an instant spark between them and the more they talked the closer they had become, she had even told him her deepest desires and he instantly took an interest in making them come true. Since then they had talked almost every day and even met a few times for coffee but today would be the first time she would submit to...
BDSMHi, myself Rahul (name changed), pursuing B.Tech from a very reputed college in Kanpur. More about myself, I am a very shy and introvert type boy. Though I am skinny, I play football in the morning regularly. So, I am very fit. Today, I am going to tell you a true story that happened 3 months back. After joining college, I used to try everything from swimming to yoga. At the beginning of my third semester, I joined my college gym. Initially, there were only very few girls in the gym. One day, a...
The lovely Kyler Quinn ? is back with us today and she’s here to take Damion Dayski’s 12-inch dick ? up her butt ? in this week’s Hussie?Pass update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ????? Damion gets Kyler all lubed up ?? and we get to watch her twerk that cute little ass of hers ? Damion then makes sure her pussy is nice and wet by going down on her ?? first while she’s twerking, then with Kyler spread-eagle. Kyler returns the oral favor by...
xmoviesforyouApril 30, 1845 Today was an interesting day for two reasons. First, I killed a buffalo. Second, we reached the Platte River. The buffalo was easy. I think I could have ridden right up to them. It was in a very small herd, I was to find out later. There were probably a couple of hundred animals. Ab told me they were probably stragglers from a much larger herd. We camped within sight of the Platte River. The area around the river was marshy, so we couldn't camp right next to it. The little...
Lance Palladon was a sincere, but dreamy young man who worried greatly about where the world was, where the world was going, even at times loosing sleep over injustices in the past he could do nothing about. Then one day a man showed up at his door, the man's name was Gordon Rippley Archer and he was the founder and leader of something called the Cronos' Repair Agency Salvaging History or C.R.A.S.H. Simply put C.R.A.S.H. was a group that had found a way to send people on one way...
My Bitchy-hot Niece Denise Femdom Fiction by James Pendergrass - (www.cafeboudoir.com) 2008It was meant to be a simple month-long visit while I got my life together. Thanks to some horrible managerial maneuvers by my banker employer (sub prime loans, etc) I was out of a job two weeks past my 30th birthday. I wasn’t the type of save money for a rainy day and within two months I had serious cash problems. No longer could I afford my Manhattan luxury apartment. I needed help. Mom and Dad...
It was a men’s hostel where engineering students stayed. The third floor belonged to third year students. The guys had already shed the shaky sexuality of adolescence on the second floor. Now manhood was oozing out of every pore on their bodies. There was manly pride in their swanky sweat and in the strong smell that savoured it. The hairs on their underarms and groins were now boldly bushy. Electrons of emotions would readily rush at a moment’s discretion all the way from their energetic hubs...
I awoke confused and disoriented. Things were different than I'd expected. It took a few minutes for the mental fog to lift. I was cuddled in with a nude woman, still gently sleeping. This was different than most mornings. This was good. I tried to imagine what it would be like for this to be normal; for waking up alone to be different instead. I tried to imagine it but eventually quit, unable to wrap my mind around it. I just couldn't, as it was still too new of a phenomenon for me. I...
Part IMy stepmom arrived on the scene several years ago from the East Coast. I knew my dad was going to be a happy man from then on, and you can be sure he was. Sophie was her first name, but she went by Carol. Nonetheless, I came up with the nickname "Soap" early on, and it stuck. I remember fondly when I used to play basketball with her; my waist brushing against her behind and her girlish smile as she would score the occasional hoop on me.Though now in her early 40s, Carol still has an...
Hello Friends, I am Vishank Shah.This is my first story and I will be pleased to get your feedbacks. Even a frienship request will be enjoyable. My Email id is I am new to this site but not new to the world of Sex. I used to keep reading stories on this site and keep thinking that when would I get such a chance to have sex with some one. But I did not know that my wish would be fullfilled so early. As I am engineering student and I was in my last semester of IT engineering and my projects were...
Hi my name is Justin. I’m 18 and a senior in high school.i'm 6'2, hazel eyes, and black spiky hair. im captain of my highschool swim team. And I the swim team to thank for my smooth lean muscular body. I've always enjoyed swimming, for many reasons but mostly because I get to see hundreds of hot boys walking around in only nothing but Speedos. That’s right I’m gay. So I got out of practice one day and drove home. When I got there, i walked to my room and flopped down onto my bed. laying there i...
GayTales of a Hustler---Toy Soldiers, Pt 2As I casually walked into the bookstore, I explained to Kurt, the cashier, that we were going to be filming. I explained it might get loud, and he said kewl.As I walked through the black curtains, to the back, I see that Dustin and Hunter are there, still leaning in their favorite corners. About three others were in the back, but no one seemed interested in anyone else there, unless Hunter or Dustin had already talked them up and quoted too high. It was...
Amber Callahan swiveled her hips as she rode him, her hands gripping his heavily muscled shoulders. She worked her pussy lips as hard as she could to generate some friction. He was groaning and crying out, “It’s good, babe! It’s really good!”He reached up and cupped her small, firm breasts through her tank top and thin bra, fingers tweaking her thick, long nipples through the layers of fabric. He was so inept that he hurt her, and she slapped his hands away. They were both covered with sweat,...