Elemental EncountersChapter 20 free porn video

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"Come, join the Holy Crusade of Thia and Her consort! We march to the wilderness to end the Original's Menace to Her Bounty!" cried the fevered zelot.

"No, come and join the Minions of Phantos and His paramor! We salle to battle against the godless Originals!" cried the equally fevered zelot of the other camp. The entire town of Twomby was gathered, in two equally large groups, each prepairing to go forth in the direction their respective god or goddess seemed to be sort of pointing as they held hands and blessed the bounty from atop the fountain which had miraculously appeared overnight along with a strange tree that was wrapped in stone robes. Noone could understand what the tree thing was about, so they just ignored it, except for appreciating the shade it provided the market square. Soon the two factions were several miles from the city, with no rations, shelters, or weapons, as the prepairing they had done had not been of the practical sort. Small bewildered children cried because their parents had gone mad. Well, perhaps you would have too, at some powerful yet ambiguous sign from your favored diety?

The meddling kids were chagrined. Being young, they hadn't appreciated the full effect of Unintended Consequences. Now they had to stop the madness. Great Idea, Steetch! But, let's not point the finger of blame, or respond with the finger of defiance. Let's just work on cleaning the whole damned mess up. It was given to Hardcase, aka Godess Thia, to stop the crazies calling themselves the Holy Crusade, and to Steetch and Freaky, to re-educate the misguided Minions. They were Team Phantos. Freaky lobbyed for and won the role of Phantos, this time- although to be fair, Steetch on the fountain only looked like Steetch if you climbed up right behind Thia and looked over her shoulder at him. Otherwise, he presented a different mien from every vantage. Still, since Freaky would be doing the special effects, let him be the god. Hardcase was soon dressed in her greenest vinery, and blown off (very scary, traveling by wind!) to chastize her flock, and the Phantos team went off on their own troubleshooting mission. Axorie chose to sit this one out. She hadn't tried to discourage the midnight redecoration of the town of Twomby, so she wasn't totaly blameless, but was it her role to naysay? The fact that she hadn't participated in the first place, should have been message enough, wouldn't you think? In anycase, whatever her reasons or justifications, she chose to not get involved.

Hardcase might have lost her ruby slippers (Freaky had upgraded her stone sabots) if the planters in their tops hadn't rooted them to her enveloping vines. Talk about planting a shoe where it can do some good! awrr, bad pun, sorry. She approached the huddled masses from the dark, All the campfires flamed up in a roar, lighting the dispirited and hungry worshipers. The goddess Thia waved her hands and clouds of dust billowed out, settling on the ground along with seeds, and a sudden crop of produce grew, thick and rich. (Some say that even now any hungry traveler may find sufficient provender to sup upon) "Come, My Children, and eat." spake Thia. Noone moved. The goddess pointed her finger, and those indicated flinched, but obeyed. "You, you you and you, come gather and distribute my bounty to my hungry children!" the irritated goddess demanded. "What are you doing out there in my wilderness, unprepaired, undefended, and unsheltered?" She asked. Noone answered, although a few glared at the Original zelot. She thought she recognised him as the one whos arrow she had incinerated. Hardcase sighed. The Crusaders cowered. Hardcase rolled her eyes. Her Children groveled. Although everyone held some form of raw produce in their hands, noone ate. This was going to be even more difficult than she had thought.

This would be a piece of cake, thought Freaky. A little razzle dazzle, and they would be eating out of his hands. Steetch was taking a more pragmatic 'wait and see' attitude. He knew that dealing with frenzied zelots could be problematic, it wasn't something that logic could always overcome. A brief consultation, and a sketchy plan- Freaky would go in, mingle, and try to take over the group, get them to return to Twomby. Steetch would wait in the wings, or actualy, above the encampment on a obligingly solid piece of air. If need be, to give more creedence to the Phantos's identity, a presto chango could be done, switching the two, in which case Freaky would continue to provide special effects, while Steetch could dazzle with kung fu moves. It was a direct, simple plan, typical male thinking.

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Helping My Friend In Need

I met her when she was in her early 20's, a new mother and a very vivacious and beautiful young blonde. You could just sense the vitality for living that she had - she was a handful for her husband to keep up with. Her mouth sometimes overloaded her common sense but -- you always knew where you stood with Pam. I actually first met this sexy hot young blonde within a month after she'd had her first baby. I couldn't believe she'd just delivered a child - her figure sure didn't look like...

4 years ago
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Bad Boys Are Sexy

My name is Nicole Jefferson, though most people call me Big Nikki. Ever since I was a young girl, I was fascinated by all things that had to do with boys. You might think I’m just a regular girl but I’m not. I have this rather unusual fetish. I am a girl who likes men that like other men. I am a frequent presence inside porno shops and I am always looking at the gay porn section. I like gay porn and I cannot lie. I don’t know why. The idea of two guys doing it with each other has always...

3 years ago
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Caitlin and James Part Seven

Caitlin and James - Part seven Chapter 20 - The skirt debut - Jamie at work After I finish my first court hearing of the day I go to a waiting room and take off my wig and check my phone, expecting messages from assistant Felicity. There are text messages from her but my attention is caught by one from my lovely Jamie who is wearing a skirt and heels at work for the first time today. Jamie texts: "Haven't been made fun of yet but work is awfully busy - I'm on my morning 10-min...

2 years ago
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Ectasy from an angel

Hi ISS readers I am krishnan aged about 28. From coimbatore. I am 5.5″ height with average built and light brownish complexion. I am hereby telling you a story which is a real one that happened around 2 years back to me. I belongs to a lower middle class family, hailing in a compound home. (A Badge of 5 to 10 homes in a premises which belongs to one owner).Here I would like to tell you something that in my life I have never kissed a girl untill i touched my suba. She is an angel of 25 Years...

4 years ago
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Newly Lezzie Lizzie

This is my first story, so please be kind&hellip,constructive criticism only When shit hits the fan, you always think about the beginning. I know that now. I know that because here I am strapped to my bed, more helpless than a babe and staring into the horrified eyes of my husband. Horrified because between my legs is our sitter. Shes got her face stuffed full of my pussy, and is doing her best to give me yet another orgasm. Shes oblivious of the stunned speechless man standing behind her. Me?...

3 years ago
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Social media encounter

The car park isn't busy. There are cars, but all are empty. Kim enters the car park on foot and walks towards the only and empty bus stop. She checks her phone.“I will be in a Subaru Forester . See you in 30 minutes, “ said the last message she received 30 minutes ago.She just waits for him to show up here. She is 27 years old and decided to live a little more. After a relationship of 4 years she wants to try more, experiment more. And this is the first thing she tries; finding a sex date via...

2 years ago
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Long time coming

Long Time Coming.A work of fiction.This happened about fifty years ago, but I can remember it like it was yesterday.I was f******n at the time, of course in those days, things were totally different. Sex was not so in your face as it is today. I lived at home with my mother, my father having died five years earlier.My mother gave birth to me when she was forty six, let’s call her Mary, she had a sister Elizabeth, who was a few years younger than her, so that made her fifty eight to my...

3 years ago
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MotherinLaw Part 6 the threesome

Babs led Louise to a chair, gently set her down, and began to undress slowly. My mother in law sat, panting, covered with sweat and staring at her friend. When Babs got down to her panties and bra she leaned forward, giving Louise a good view of her cleavage. Babs’ tits were much larger than Louises, and more firm. “Like what you see?” Louise nodded. “Then touch them.”Louise shot me a furtive glance, and I nodded approval. She began running her hands over her friend’s partly clothed body. Babs...

1 year ago
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When I graduated from high school and got my first job, my parents told me I had to move out on my own, as they wanted to be alone. I found an apartment, lived in continual fear, as I am very small and very nervous, I’m four feet eleven inches tall, weigh ninety-two pounds, have red hair and a nice ass and legs, but am scared to death to go out on dates. Consequently, I spend a lot of time in my apartment and this one night, I heard somebody trying to get in my apartment. I went ballistic but...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 3

I didn’t have much to do today so decided to go for a walk in the nearby park, have a seat by the pavilion and watch the joggers hobble by, there is a little café to get a cold drink and an old toilet in case you need to recycle quickly.When I got to the park there was a few joggers which I had pleasure in looking at as I walked round to the pavilion, I was always intrigued as to why guys would wear tight shorts if only to show off their bulges, mind you I would probably do the same if ever I...

2 years ago
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Spring is in the air

Spring must be in the air. I am insatiable of late, and it seems I’m not the only one. I so glad you answered my “ booty call” I had already cum over a dozen times that day, and it wasn’t enough.I couldn’t wait for you to get here. I was already watching porn, as I had been doing all day. Some fantastic scenes of rough passion. I was dripping wet. I had put in the glass butt plug that I had yet to break in, and I was on all fours with my back to the door stroking my clit with my fingers and my...

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