Elemental EncountersChapter 21 free porn video

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Axorie didn't say 'I told you so!', because, well, honestly, she hadn't. So there is a benefit to being a naysayer after all, the sweet triumph of declaiming "I told you so!". But really, isn't that a hollow sort of satisfaction? Wouldn't a better triumph be to have told them, and had them listen, and follow your advice? That is just how it seems to me, anyway. "You sure told us!, Glad you were around to tell us, otherwise who knows what we might have done?" -Like that ever happens. Are there really people who are listened to, and who are right? That is the kind of person who would gather a following, I would think. But I can't think of any, offhand. Can you? Oh, there was that Moses fellow, and that Noah dude. But Noah wasn't really followed, and Moses wasn't really listened to. Who else can you name? I can name some who are right, and I can name some who are followed, but I can't think of any others who are both.

The Originals had very simple concepts of tribal identity. There was "US" and there was "FOOD".Sometimes an aged, injured or infirm "US" became "FOOD". That was the way it was, and that was the way it always would be. That is, until they met Axorie. It was deemed safest for Axorie to go first among the Originals. Freaky at first objected, until Axorie gently scoffed. "What are they going to do, eat me?" she asked mater-of-factly. "In fact, I have the least to worry about of all of us. They can't touch me, and I can kick their entire collective asses. If I got bored of kicking ass, I could whip out my blades of doom and start slicing and dicing, and they still couldn't do anything about it.

Axorie really messed the minds of the Originals badly. They couldn't fathom her, it was not in their conceptualization. Here was a being who was NOT US, but was also NOT FOOD. That just didn't make any sense! They tried to eat her, but she wasn't really there, but she was, because she was kicking their butts. Imagine being haunted by the ghost of Christmas Future, or something. While you were awake. At work. The Originals were very discomfited. After one day of trying to deal with this red haired demon, who could not be eaten, and was not US- They all picked up their meagre posessions, and started leaving the area. The whole mighty tribe, all eightyseven of them. Tired of having their asses kicked, they packed up their bundles and started trudging off into the wilderness doing their best to ignore the anomaly which was Axorie, who trailed behind, booting their rears. She followed them for a week, to make sure they didn't slow down or turn back, but they were on a mission, perhaps their unknown leader had a message from the universe. And perhaps they had. They were off looking for the promised land, where there was noone who was NOT US and NOT FOOD, and where noone kicked heiny. After a week, it was anywhere, but who knows how far they went, sadly rubbing their tooshies, before they stopped.

"That was it? That was our Quest?" grumbled Hardcase. You just can't please some people. "Now what are we going to do?" "Well, we could always go back to school..." teased Steetch. "No, never mind, I didn't say a thing." protested Hardcase. "How about we follow the trade route, and find the next town or economic center?" geeked Steetch. "Mayby they have a Quest-like Adventure they need handled there?" he guessed. The adventurers had discovered that people didn't have any strong opinions about magic users, except that you didn't want to mess with someone who had powers, be they gods or wizards. So, Freaky would get to dress as strangely as he cared to. He took Patches to town, while the rest camped out, and got provisions, and cool mystical robes and shit. Dried corn husks, to use as TP, never go adventuring without TP. Usualy you would also want waterproof matches in your ziplock bag of toiletpaper, but with someone with an afinity for fire and an Eagle Scout, there wasn't much call for matches. Even Freaky himself could turn up a pyrite and a flint if need be. Thus fortified, he politely invited Patches to accompany him, and headed out of town to meet up with the rest of the group. As soon as he was out of sight of the town, he stopped and put on his ArchMage robe and hat. That was more like it!

Axorie caught up to them about a week later, following a trail of new mythology about the gods who gave them fresh wells, and taught them cover crops on fallow fields, and ploughing green compost under. Most returned to their grandfathers ways of farming, and some of the wells were only used as shrines, but what are you gonna do? Steetch even took over a smithy at one tiny village, and produced a fine ploughshare out of an old rusted helm, but it was placed in a place of honor, and admired, not used. It wasn't as if they people were ungrateful, they were very glad for the attention- it was just that fabulous new ideas are often ignored, at first. I don't think one would have to worry too much about the first law of contact, most primitive cultures just ignore new technology, anyway unless it is an obvious improvement on an existing one.

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Second week of October – Thursday afternoon Charles slowly blinked his eyelids. He was slowly waking up. He tried stretching his arms and legs but they felt like they were already being stretched. He wanted to yawn but his mouth had something on it. he also now felt pressure on his tummy, as if there was someone sitting on it. On him. All of a sudden he was fully awake. He realized something was wrong. His eyes shot wide open. Ivy was staring down on him. She was sitting on his tummy. He...

2 years ago
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Future Camping

Jack adjusted his tie in the mirror. He straightened the knot and then flattened it down against his dress shirt. He picked up his casual dress shoes and sat on the bed. He gave his shoes a slight rub to get the dust off them. He only wore these shoes when he went camping which was his favorite form of evening entertainment. Jack was in his late 20s and he enjoyed camping because he liked to dress relaxed. Camping was a very informal source of entertainment on Earth. He didn't need to wear a...

3 years ago
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Spontaneous Wife Summertime BBQ

A partly cloudy sky, with more sun than shade. Deep green grass. Horses munching away in the pasture while the kids, ages ranging from 2-16, played on the trampoline and playset. The husbands primarily were under the porch overhang, gathered around the grill, while Osvaldo and his 8 year old son Elliot jokingly played cornhole in the grass. Their wives were on the furniture on the other end of the porch, doing as women do, keeping an eye on the children for the most part and enjoying their...

2 years ago
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Everything I Never Said Accidentally on Purpose

“Once a cheater, always a cheater,” Aaron’s voice comes from somewhere in the room. I open my eyes, and get a glimpse of the clock, its only 7:30 in the morning. “I think there’s an explanation for this,” Jonathan replies. I hold my breath, hoping they don’t realize I’m awake. “You mean you hope there’s an explanation for this,” Aaron argues. They’re talking in hushed voices, just inside the door. “She’s home for the summer. She’s not stupid enough to think this Nick guy would hang on for...

4 years ago
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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 04

Matt Steele continues on his quest for justice for Mrs. Robinson. Please read the previous chapters to have a full understanding of this one. Thanks for your interest. Comments, critiques, and emails that are constructive are very welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘Okay Jasper, I’ll call an ambulance for you.’ I was lucky to get the information from Jasper before he went into shock. Dialing 911, I reported the shooting and requested an ambulance for the wanna be kidnappers....

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 31

Monday when I got back from my workout, she was gone. I needed to settle back into a rhythm because I was already badly off, due to the trip to New York. I focused on my school. I went to class and came home to study. Shannon showed up and cleaned for me. It wasn't too bad and she finished in just over two hours. She did the laundry and asked why my shirt was missing buttons. "Just throw the shirt away." I said. "This is a nice shirt. I could buy some buttons and fix it for you." She...

1 year ago
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Last Weekend

So me and a few friends went to the pub the other night.After a few drinks i noticed a really hot girl at the bar.Feeling a bit typsy i decided to chance my arm.Wen i went up to order my next drink i offered her one and she accepted it.A while later the girl came over to my table and sat down.We had alot in common and really hit it off.I had been getting on wit her so well i didnt even notice my friends leaving.It was closing time b4 we knew it and i was feeling quite horny.She asked me back...

2 years ago
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Noahs Whore Part 1

Standing outside the office door, Nancy was looking at the name plate by the entry. It read, “Noah Brady, Director of Marketing.”She took a deep breath and whispered, “Go for it, girl. Your time has come.”Stepping into the doorway, Nancy saw her long-time friend, sitting at his desk reading what appeared to be a trade magazine. Tapping lightly on the door frame she spoke, “Excuse me, Noah. Can you spare me a minute?”Closing the magazine as if he’d been caught doing something naughty; her...

3 years ago
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The little butterfly on my swollen clit

He just stared at my eyes, giving me his only directive:“Get something for your clit, you little cheating bitch...”I then turned to the drawer besides my marital bed and produced a little butterfly dildo. I turned it on and the device began buzzing…He dragged it from my trembling hand and licked the little thing.“You taste so good, my little married bitch…” He whispered.He then gave the thing back to me, ordering to put it against my swollen clit. I had been extremely horny during the last...

3 years ago
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Sharons Journey Part 5 Storm Clouds

Sharon's Journey Part V - Storm Clouds Of all the sights she could take in looking out the French doors and across the park, the one Sharon loved most was the view of snow in the evening. As she stood in the far left corner at the front of the living room, she could look down Gramercy Park West to 20th Street. The ground and trees were covered in a thick white carpet, the lights were on in the park, the gaslights outside the buildings on 20th Street were flickering, their dancing...

4 years ago
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AftermathChapter 13

It was thirty minutes before dark when Bracken reentered Barnes' office. The discovery of the death of Kelly and the apparent escape by Jean and Anna had taken place twelve hours before and Bracken had spent the day with a full platoon of soldiers trying to track his traitorous wives down so they could be hanged. "No sign at all huh?" Barnes asked as he looked at his wet and muddy and now wifeless subordinate. He had been following the results of the search on a radio set on his...

1 year ago
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Mikis new lover

I want to follow up on my original post about Miki, my Japanese slut. Dave and I had fucked her well that night, covering her and ourselves in cum. The next day after Dave had gone home, we relaxed in bed and she told me she had really enjoyed being filled by cum from two guys. She had never thought about being used like that before. It seemed more "erotic" to her than the experiences we'd had previously.Although she did want to know how I knew Dave. How long we had know each other, etc. Also...

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