Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 16
- 4 years ago
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April 30, 1845
Today was an interesting day for two reasons. First, I killed a buffalo. Second, we reached the Platte River. The buffalo was easy. I think I could have ridden right up to them. It was in a very small herd, I was to find out later. There were probably a couple of hundred animals. Ab told me they were probably stragglers from a much larger herd.
We camped within sight of the Platte River. The area around the river was marshy, so we couldn't camp right next to it. The little stream we camped on emptied into the Platte though and it provided water for the animals and for refilling our water barrels.
John came over to visit right after supper. The four of us had a nice talk. I noticed that John and Tess seemed to be doing a lot of talking and I teased her about it later.
May 1, 1845
Today, we headed west along the south shore of the Platte. The trail I scouted kept us far enough away from the river that we avoided the marshy and swampy areas close to the river.
It wasn't too much more difficult traveling that way and it insured we weren't going to get bogged down in the soft ground along the river. I was probably five or six miles in front of the wagons when I saw three beef cattle, contentedly grazing near the trail I was laying out.
I rode up until I was fairly close to them and saw they were branded with the letters "FC". "Frank Calvin," I thought. I knew that the Calvins had hitched up with the train that had passed us in St Jo and I figured they were about a day ahead of us.
I rode to the top of the next rise and looked in all directions. I didn't see anyone, but there were signs that a wagon train had passed this way closer down to the river when I rode down that way. This was the first sign I'd seen of them since we'd left St Jo, so they must have taken a different route to get to this point.
I figured there was nothing I could do but take the cattle back and mix them with our herd until we ran into Calvin again. I helped Sin get them started, then relaxed while he drove them.
When I got back to the wagons, I turned the cattle over to Caleb and told him where I'd found them, then I went off to find Ab.
Ab had been near the back of the train when I got there, and I met him as he was riding toward the front. "Howdy, Ab," I said as I turned and fell in beside him.
"Howdy, Jase. Is anything wrong?"
"Not that I know of. I was five or six miles out when I ran into three cattle grazing beside the trail. I looked around but didn't see anyone or any wagons. There had been a lot of wagons go through the area within the last couple of days though."
"It's probably that train we saw in St Jo. The one Frank Calvin joined up with."
"Yeah, that's what I figure. The cattle have an FC brand. I mixed them in with mine and I'll give them back to Calvin when we see him again."
"You know, legally those cattle are yours. They were turned loose or abandoned on the open range. You really don't have to give them back."
"Legal or not, that wouldn't seem right. When we see him I'll turn them over to him."
Ab just smiled and nodded. I explained to Ab what I was doing about sticking to higher ground and he agreed. "The wagons that passed closer to the river were sinking in at least three inches deep," I told him.
"Yeah, and that makes it harder on the animals that are pulling them. You're doing the smart thing, Jase. If anyone says anything, I'll back you up."
John came over after supper and we all talked about the cattle I'd found. "The only thing I can figure," I said, "Is that they just got to be too much for the hired man and he just let them go."
"Calvin would have had a fit," Tess said. "He didn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd just let his cattle go."
"Yeah, there is that. I guess we'll never know for sure unless we catch up with them."
"I talked with the guy who drove their cattle a few times," John said. "His name was Sal Washington. He said Calvin was driving him crazy and that he had a mind to just ride off some night after they were passed the point where Calvin could hire anyone else."
"Maybe that's what happened. Did he say anything else about Calvin?"
"There's a lot of what he said that I couldn't repeat in front of these ladies. He did say that Mrs. Calvin is a very nice young woman. He said Calvin is almost as mean to her as he is to the hired men."
"Do they have any kids?" Millie asked.
"He didn't say."
May 2, 1845
Okay, something is wrong, but I don't know what it is. I found two more cattle and three hogs today. All of them had Calvin's brand on them. I brought them back and mixed them with our herd, then I went to talk with Ab.
I told him about finding the animals then he said, "This isn't good, Jase. Something is happening with Calvin. Something bad. There's not much we can do about it except keep our eyes open."
"I expect you're right. John told me one of Calvin's men was thinking of lighting a shuck when they were out where Calvin couldn't find anyone to replace him. That may be what's happened."
"Could be. If Calvin was having to drive his own critters, he just might be losing some and not even know it."
May 3, 1845
Well, I didn't find any animals today, but I found something that was even more ominous. The last couple of days, when I headed back for our wagons, I'd ridden back along the trail the other wagon train had left.
Just after I started back, I saw a wagon bogged down in the marshy ground close to the river. It had sunk until the bottom of the wagon was on the ground. I pulled up and went over to it. I was sinking in even just walking on the ground, but I did make it to the wagon.
It looked like someone had tried to get some stuff out, but it was still loaded to the gills. There were barrels of flour, corn meal, sugar, and molasses. There were also some tools and even an anvil.
The wagon was never gonna come out of there. All of the undercarriage was under what passed for the ground. If the wagon hadn't been water tight, it'd have probably sunk as well.
I rode on back to the wagon train and when I got there, I fell in beside Ab. "Well, I didn't find any critters, Ab, but I found one of Calvin's wagons."
"It was down by the river, sunk in the muck all the way to the bed. There's no way it could ever be pulled out."
"Where is it?"
"It's almost to where we're gonna camp, but like I said, it's down by the river. It's a shame. It has a lot of stuff left in it that Millie and I could have used."
"What's the place like where we're going to camp?"
"It's on a creek. There's good grazing and plenty of firewood."
"It's been over a week since we've taken a day to rest and work on the wagons. If we lay over for a day, do you think you could salvage anything from the wagon?"
I know I must have been grinning from ear to ear when I said, "Sure could. There may be some wagon parts that could be salvaged too. Might have to dig down for them, but if anyone needs anything it wouldn't hurt for us to try to get it for them."
I rode back and told Caleb, Millie, and Tess about what was going on. I think they were as excited as I was.
May 4, 1845
Ab must have talked to everyone in camp about what we were going to do. I had so many volunteers to help that I didn't know what to do with them all.
We all got dressed in our oldest clothes and had a good breakfast before we started down to where the wagon was. We took our wagon and an extra pair of oxen.
John Simpson made us a kind of a sled out of a couple of planks and some cross pieces. We hitched the oxen to that, then we backed them down as close to the soft area as we dared. We would carry the sled over to the sunken wagon and load a barrel onto it, then we's have the oxen pull it out to firm ground.
We ended up emptying the entire wagon that way. Then, we stripped off the canvas cover and removed the bows. John Simpson drilled some holes down through the bottom of the wagon on the side away from, us. We threaded ropes through the holes then hooked them up to the six oxen that pulled our wagon.
We ended up pulling the wagon over on its top and then dragging the whole thing out. The axles were ruined, but we saved two wheels, the tongue, the singletree and the doubletree. I don't know who ended up with what from what we salvaged, but I think everyone who helped got something.
All in all, it was a worthwhile day.
May 5, 1845
We got an early start this morning. I think everyone was anxious to get moving again after a day in camp. I was twelve or thirteen miles ahead of the wagons when I saw a rider coming toward me. At first I thought it was an Indian, but as he got closer I could see he was wearing white man's clothes.
I pulled up and waited for him when he got within yelling distance. When he reined in I said, Howdy. I'm Jase Tackett. You work for Frank Calvin, don't you?"
"Howdy, I'm Jeb Howe. I did work for Calvin, but I quit yesterday. I'm heading back to St Jo."
"It looks like Calvin has been having some bad luck. We've found some of his animals and we found a wagon he'd abandoned."
"Yep. I'd call it stupidity instead of bad luck though."
"What happened?"
"Well, first off, Sal quit. Sal was the guy who had been driving Calvin's herd. Calvin had been jawing at him since we left St Louis and Sal finally decided he didn't want to take any more of it."
"Yeah, John Ware said Sal had been talking about quitting."
"John's a good man. Anyway, after Sal quit, it slowed us down considerable. The wagon master told Calvin that if we didn't keep up he was going to leave us. Calvin told him he could go straight to hell and that we didn't need his damned wagon train anyway."
"That sounds like Calvin."
"Anyway, the next morning, the wagon train took off without us. Calvin was trying to drive the stock, but he kept losing animals. Somehow, he blamed that on me and the other driver. Then Wes got his wagon bogged down in the mud. We tried everything we could do, but we couldn't get it out."
"We found the wagon. There was nothing anyone could have done to have gotten it out in one piece."
"After that, he told me he wanted me to start driving the livestock. I wasn't about to have him jawing on me like he had on Sal, so I told him to go to hell and I left."
"Are his wife and kids okay?"
"His wife is just fine, but they don't have no kids. She's such a pretty young thing and she has the sweetest disposition of any woman I've ever met. I don't know how she ever got hooked up with someone like Calvin."
"I've never met her. I don't think I've ever even seen her."
"Well, she's a real trooper. I've never heard her complain about anything. I just hope that jackass doesn't get her killed."
"So, what's he gonna do now?"
"I don't know and I don't care. I imagine Calvin is gonna be driving the livestock again and Wes will be driving his wagon. I'm gonna head on out, Jase. It was nice meeting you."
"It was nice meeting you too, Jeb. Good luck to you."
When I got back to our wagon train, I filled Ab in on what I'd learned then went to find Millie and Tess. They were riding beside our wagon talking with John so I told them all at the same time.
After supper, I told Millie and Tess about my conversation with John. As I predicted, both of them thought he had done the right thing. April 17, 1845 We started out following the Big Nemaha River today and we'd follow it almost to its headwaters. Ab said we'd cross over to the West Fork of the Big Blue river at that point. Ab and I talked it over and decided to only shoot for ten or twelve miles for the day. I also met my first plains Indian today. I was probably seven or eight miles...
Abby was her normal playful self that afternoon. She is always a joy to be around. Millie and Lettie were not. Both of them talked to me and both seemed to go out of their way to touch me or smile at me, but they probably didn't speak five words to each other all afternoon. When bedtime rolled around, we all went into the wagon. I picked up some blankets and a tarp and told them Abby and I were going to sleep under the wagon tonight. "But..." Millie started to say, but I cut her...
"How are you feeling, big brother?" Tess asked. "Except for the leg, I feel fine, Tess. When are you going to let me start putting some weight on it?" Tess laughed. "I thought mom taught you more patience than that, Jase. Your wound looks good though. You've been getting around pretty good using the crutch. I'd like to see you keep using it for another week, at least. I imagine you're putting some weight on it now. How does it feel when you do?" "Well... It does still hurt a...
We mounted up and rode over to where Ab was getting ready to start the wagons moving again. "Howdy, Ab," I said as we pulled up. "Howdy. I see you've got a couple of new wranglers over your way," he said. "Yeah, they were having a hard time with their herd, so we worked out a deal where, we'd mix the two herds together and one or both of the boys would help with the herding." Ab smiled real big. "And for that, you get part of their herd, right?" "Yep. I also agreed to hunt for...
May 13, 1848 We spent most of the day with the wagons in town, buying what we were going to need, and getting it stored in the proper wagons. We bought two tarpaulins to cover the two farm wagons. We also bought three tents for the boys to sleep in. By the end of the day, we figured we were ready to take off. May 14, 1848 I was surprised at how quickly we got everything ready to go the next morning. Matthew, Mark and Phillip got the wagons hitched, while the women were fixing breakfast....
We made good time today and we got in eighteen miles. We had just finished supper and were leaning back letting it digest when Sam Arnold and his son came around. He introduced himself then got right to the point. "I came here to talk to you about Abby Wilson," he said. Abby wiggled her way in between me and Lettie. "She's Abby Tackett now," I said. "We've adopted her." "Well, whatever you're calling her, she needs to be punished. She attacked my boy for no reason. First, she...
May 22, 1845 We had been seeing this weird rock formation ahead of us for the last couple of days. Ab said it was called Chimney Rock. To me, it looked more like a haystack with a pole sticking out of the top of it. Ab also said that Chimney Rock marked the end of the prairie. He said from that point on, the traveling would be more rugged. The place I picked for us to camp that night was about sixteen miles out and was within about five miles of Chimney Rock. It was within sight of Chimney...
When I went over to Millie's to pick up Sin the next day, of course Millie came out to say hello. I asked her if she'd like to go with me and you'd have thought I offered her the moon. She ran inside to ask Sally if she could go and was back before I had Sin saddled. It was a very pleasant ride down to Silas' place. Millie kept her arms around me all the way there. I'll swear the little vixen was intentionally rubbing her breasts against my back. Silas was right. The young bull was a...
March 4, 1845 I woke up the same way I had gone to sleep, with one arm around Millie and the other arm around Tess. When I opened my eyes, there was Sally, standing, looking down at us. "Good morning, Sally," I said. "Mornin, Jase. You guys must have gotten cold in the night." "We all thought we were gonna freeze to death. After we put our blankets together and snuggled up, we were fine." "Well, it's time you give 'em a shake and wake 'em up. They need to help with...
Later that afternoon, Ab came around and told us Calvin was leaving our wagon train. "He said he couldn't possibly travel with a group that had a yokel for a Captain and a boy for a scout. He demanded his money back, but I told him to forget that." I had to laugh at that. "You know he's got a point, Ab. Caleb could be called a yokel. He'd never been much of anywhere until we started this trip. He's one of the smartest, most honest men I've ever met though. As for me, a lot of people...
June 30, 1845 Today we made 18 miles and camped on the Snake River. Ab says we can't be more than ten or fifteen miles from Fort Hall. I rode with Ab for a while when I rejoined the wagons after scouting out our route. The first thing I did was apologize for all of the trouble we had been causing him. "Jase, just shut that up," he said. "There isn't a thing that's happened that's your fault." "If I didn't have two wives, Mrs. Wattley wouldn't have had anything to get onto Abby...
June 4, 1845 I awoke with Abby still lying on top of me and a very amused Millie on one side of me. Lettie was still asleep. "It looks like you've won another little girl's heart," Millie whispered. "Yeah," I grinned. "She is a cutey, isn't she?" "She certainly is. It makes me feel kind of funny that she's calling me Mama Millie when I'm only six years older than her. It does feel right though." "I agree. I feel like her papa. You know, if she doesn't decide to go live...
March 29, 1845 We did manage to stay in bed until after daylight. It was mom, moving around, getting her cooking fire burning that awakened me. Tess stirred shortly afterwards and when I hugged her she leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I hope you know I love you, Jase," she said. "I love you too, Tess." "What about me?" Millie asked. "Tess loves you too, Millie," I said with a grin. Millie started to hit me so I said, "I adore you." Millie's kiss would have started a prairie...
April 2, 1845 It took us some time to cross the Grand River the next morning. There weren't any real problems, but we did have to drag the hogs across. We had one hog drown, so we butchered him. It took us so long we only made thirteen miles for the day. After supper, we went to bed early. I was so tired I almost drifted off as soon as I laid down, but Millie and Tess wanted to talk. I was lying there, on my back, with an arm around each of them. I think I was really drifting in and out of...
Bob came around in a few minutes and Sally tended to his hand. Caleb looked him in the eye and said, "You've got two choices, Bob. The whiskey is busted up. There ain't no more of it. You can either promise me you'll not try to hurt anyone here and ride on into St Louis with us, or we'll give you a mule and you can leave now. Either way, St Louis is as far as you go with us." "Pap, I ain't gonna make no promises about not hurting anyone. Jase shot me and he's gonna pay for...
I hadn't much more than climbed into our wagon after supper than I was attacked by Lettie. She was all over me, pulling my clothes off and pulling her clothes off. Millie started giggling and started removing her clothes as well. When we were naked, Lettie tackled me onto the bed. Millie piled on top of us and we were a mass of laughing, giggling, squirming lovers. I have no idea of who was touching who. I didn't care and I don't think anyone else did either. We ended up with me on my...
George came up and said, "The herd is gone, Jase. What should we do?" "There's not much we can do, tonight, George. Get some help and drag these bodies off somewhere. Also, see if you can find their horses." George took off and in a few minutes, we saw Jo coming back with Becky. Becky was wracked with sobs as she knelt beside her husband. Jo squatted beside her, and put her arms around the distraught wife. Ab and I had the fire going pretty well now, and we watched as Tess cut off...
"Stop where you are, Arnold," I shouted. "Right, and give you a chance to reload?" Arnold was coming steadily toward me, so I stood up to meet him. When he saw me, he changed directions slightly so he was coming straight at me. "You are one dead Indian, Tackett," he said. "I don't want to have to kill you, Arnold. Stop where you are and put down your gun." Arnold was within about twenty feet of me now. I was just standing there, my revolver hanging from my right hand. When he...
July 12, 1845 We made it to Salmon Falls today. There was an Indian village there with around twenty lodges. The Indians catch the salmon as they were going up the falls. They had plenty of the fish and were willing to trade for almost anything. The leader pointed out a nice field to me that was near the water and knee deep in grass. He said we were welcome to camp there, so I agreed. Ab was pleased I had chosen this spot. I think everyone on the wagon train was pleased with the salmon....
November 29, 1845 - December 19, 1845 I didn't know it at the time, but this started a very peaceful period in our lives. We now had eleven people living in a twelve by twenty-four foot cabin. There isn't much privacy when there are that many people living so close together. We had an area with blankets and tarps around it for us to sleep in. This took up about seven feet by eight feet. There was another area for Abby's bed that was five feet by six feet. All three girls slept in there....
July 6, 1845 We made fifteen miles today and camped on Swamp Creek. There was some marshy ground not too far from where we camped, but we didn't see any swamp. The camp was a good one and our animals got their fill. The Reverend Green was driving his own wagon today, so there wasn't any riding up and down, talking to the wagon drivers as they drove. I did hear that he had held a prayer meeting while we were eating supper. Not many people showed up from what I heard. Lettie had been a...
When we got back to the wagons, we went to see Ab first. Lettie told him everything that had happened. "Do you have friends you can stay with, Lettie?" Ab asked. "I don't know anyone on the train. Frank made me stay inside the wagon all of the time." "She can stay with us tonight, Ab. I'm sure that Millie and Tess will know where she can stay permanently," I said. "That'd be great, Jase. The next place I know of where she could leave the train if she wanted to is the trading...
Chapter 1 Our wagons moved across the plains slowly carrying all our possessions as we moved West. Riding my pony as an outrider, to guard the flank. The War between the States has claimed so many men including my father and his brothers. Each of us outriders were riding along with Navy Revolvers, a Henry Rifle and Greener Coach Guns that made our wagon train safe. Our group could not afford a Wagon Master, Scout or crew but we moved Westward using a semi-military organization and methods....
I had no idea what was going on, but the horse didn't get up. Then I heard another shot. I managed to roll over behind the horse. Somehow, I got my revolver out of its holster. I pointed it into the air, and fired off two shots. Then I just lay there, trying to figure out what had happened. My calf was hurting like all the demons of hell were running through it, so I figured I must have been shot. I was afraid to try to look at it, in case I'd expose myself to whomever was shooting at...
July 20, 1845 We made fifteen miles today and we camped back on the river. We had a nice camp with plenty of wood and grass for a change. My family was starting to get excited about nearing the end of our journey. We were all laughing and joking as the women fixed supper. Our good mood continued on through supper, but ended shortly thereafter. The Reverend Green and a group of his followers showed up at our campsite. They didn't say a word as they grouped into lines and started singing a...
May 9, 1848 We reached St Joseph, Missouri before noon and we decided to take a while to look around. St Jo had grown since we were here three years ago. Then, it was just becoming a town. Now, it looked more like St Louis. We left Sam, Matt, and Timmy camped with the mules, wagon, and all of our pelts in the same field we had camped in three years before. Ab and Pris went off to see someone Ab knew who was in the fur trade. He wanted to see if there was enough difference in the price we...
"Did you talk to Stuart last night?" I asked Ab. "Yeah, your mom went over and looked at them this morning. She says the kids just have colds, but that she thinks Mrs. Stuart might have pneumonia. She's worried about her." "That's too bad. There was a man I knew down in Louisa. He got that pneumonia stuff last year and he died." "Unfortunately, that happens a lot. It's one of those diseases that they don't know what causes it and they don't know how to cure it. Sometimes the...
May 17, 1845 Neither Millie nor Lettie could walk by me this morning without touching me on the hand or the arm or the chest. We were all feeling very happy and all feeling very loving. Before John and Tess showed up, I asked, "So, how do each of you feel about what we did last night?" "Jase, I feel good about it," Millie said. "I don't feel like it hurt our marriage at all. In fact, I think it may have brought us even closer together." "Okay, how about you, Lettie? Any...
May 11, 1845 We made another fifteen miles today. We should be getting close to the South Platte crossing. Ab and I have talked about what I need to be looking for to find it. We didn't hear anything from or about Ellen and Gill today. If we don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll talk to them again. May 12, 1845 I woke up between two beautiful naked women again today. One of them was NOT Tess. In fact, Tess wasn't even in the wagon. Both Millie and Lettie were snuggled up to me and I had...
June 1, 1845 Nothing exciting happened on the trail today. We had a few more hills than yesterday and we only made sixteen miles. Our camp was on a little stream that barely had enough water flowing to satisfy our animals. We'd all started the day with full water barrels so that was all that was really needed. I stopped by to see Ab before I left on scout. The told me that Winnie had done it again today. This time, she stood and talked to him for a minute before moving on. June 2, 1845 I...
I put my arm around Wanda and hugged her. I didn't know what to say, so I just held her. After a while, she looked at me. "I've been trying what Millie said to do to make myself feel good. It does feel good, but it isn't anything like I felt when you kissed me the other morning." "I'm glad it's helping, Honey." I was saved from further discussion by us finding a stand of birch trees. I knew birch was a hardwood, so I didn't see why it couldn't be used for a fence. We stopped the...
August 12, 1845 Ah, a day of rest. A day to sleep in. Then why couldn't I sleep late? I woke up between three lovely naked women, and one naked little girl. I lay there, just watching them for a while. Then I had to get up and take care of my necessaries. I managed to get out from among them without waking them, and got my clothes on. I climbed out of the wagon, and saw that Pris was already up. She had coffee made, so I went over and begged a cup from her. "I haven't gotten to talk...
August 8, 1846 - December 24, 1846 Our new house seemed empty after everyone went home. Our bedrooms were huge. Tess and John had their own large bedroom while my wives and I had another. Eve, Abby, and Mary shared another large bedroom, and Mike was in a large room all by himself. We knew that over the next few years both of the kid's bedrooms would fill up. John and I spent a lot of time that fall building furniture. We made one trip down to mom and pap's trading post, just to see what...
When we got up the next morning, mom told me to go out and kill a hog. "Which one?" I asked. "Kill the one that's about half grown," she said. "We don't have time to cure one that's bigger." I just nodded. "Do you want me to butcher him?" "No, just hang him with the block and tackle. I'll butcher him. Tess is gonna work on the jerky today and I'd like for you to start grinding corn." "Is one barrel full gonna be enough?" I asked. Mom nodded. I went out and got a hand...
As Ab had predicted, we reached the Green River before noon. He and I checked out the crossing and found the water was no more than a foot deep at the ford and the sandbars were firm. We crossed the river as easily as if we were traveling across the prairie and set up camp on the other side. The women started building a fire so they could fix us all a hot meal while all of the men saw to watering the animals. Then we turned the animals loose to graze. After we finished our meal, we just sat...
September 5, 1845 thru September 10, 1845 Putting up the gables was the hardest part. For one thing they were higher up. For another, each course had to be shorter than the previous one. We built a couple of ladders so we could work on them more comfortably, but still it was hard work. Timmy and the girls finished digging the footer for the fireplace long before we finished with the gables. When we'd get tired of working with the logs, John and I started building the foundation for the...
"So, when are you going to tell me the rest of the story, Pap?" I asked. I looked over at Mom and she was smiling. "Well, Jase, me and your Mom ain't able to take on four kids at our age. We don't have enough food to feed them for the winter, and we don't have enough room in our wickiup for them to sleep. We were wondering if you all could take them in." I looked over at Millie and she was nodding just as Tess said, "Of course we'll take them in, Pap." It was almost time for...
"Is that little vixen of mine bothering you?" Pris asked. I had to laugh. "She is coming on a little strong, Pris. I love her though, so I don't mind. My wives and I agreed we'll let her kiss and cuddle all she wants, but we won't let her do anything more until she's fifteen. Maybe by then she'll have completely forgotten about me." "That's not gonna happen, Jase," Pris grinned. "That girl has it bad for you. If you said the word, she'd have her drawers off and her legs...
"What's that, Honey?" "Could you give me one kiss? I mean a kiss like you'd kiss Millie." "I think I could do that," I said. I rode Sin over to a copse of trees and we dismounted. I put my arms around Wanda and leaned down. She tilted her face up. When our lips met, I could feel it all the way down to my toes. I know Wanda was feeling the same way I was, because I thought she was going to melt and run down through my arms. We held the kiss for a long time and when I brushed her...
November 26, 1845 When we all finally managed to get out of bed this morning, I managed to drink one cup of coffee before I needed to take care of my morning necessaries. When I got up and headed for the door, Tess said, "If you're heading for the outhouse, I think Adam may be out there." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "I just looked into where he sleeps and he wasn't there. I don't know where else he might be." "Tess, I've been sitting here for a half an hour or more and he...
We decided to press on, as long as it was light enough to see. Twilight was setting in and we were looking for a good camping spot, when I saw movement ahead. I told Tess to stay with the horses. I dismounted and made my way toward the movement, my rifle in hand. There were four deer grazing in a little meadow next to a nice stream. I was within a hundred yards of them, when I saw one of them look up suddenly. I froze in place, and waited until he had started grazing again. I slowly got...
This is a Story about my , her best friend and me. I’m Josh, a high school senior, 18 years old. I weigh around 180 pounds and am 5’10”. I have shoulder length straight black hair and light brown eyes. I was captain of the Basketball team. My Girlfriends name was Ashley. She was 18 as well. She was 5’3”; she has black hair with red streaks at the time. Her body was 34C-24-32. She was the sexiest and most beautiful girl in town. We had been dating since school. We had slept together often and...
Group SexUn par de noches después de la tremenda cogida que le habían pegado cuatro hombres en el bar de la esquina, todavía a mi adorada Anita le ardía la cola y se quejaba de algunos leves dolores vaginales…No habíamos hablado del tema entre nosotros, pero yo estaba convencido de que ella se acordaba de mucho más de lo que quería hacerme creer.Al día siguiente era sábado y al regresar de hacer unas compras, pasamos por el frente del bar. En ese momento se asomó a la calle el dueño y nos invitó a...
The journey in the hired ground shuttles was deliberately roundabout and showed that the remains of the grim edifice of the Castle did indeed glower over the city and its surrounds. Chalmers Street had retained its air of elegance even if slightly faded. It was overshadowed by the Castle Hill and the storied hospitals around. The old school had seen far better days since being condemned even as a residential site. McCock with his party entered the door and up the narrow stair way through the...
Being only two years older than my sister, my earliest memories of Ruchi are of her around age 4. She didn’t turn into a jock until she got into High School. As a kid, Ruchi was all girl; dolls, tea parties attended by imaginary guests… In other words, everything yucky to a older brother. Therefore we never did very much together as kids. Sometimes we played board games as a family, but that’s about it. You don’t grow particularly close to a sibling playing Chutes and Ladders once in a...
IncestCan you imagine late night shopping at the supermarket?You are in the almost empty carpark and have put your groceries in the car. You are going for drivers door when I surprise you. You are thrown across the car bonnet, your legs are opened, your skirt is hitched up. You didn't wear any knickers because you like to get moist and dribble as you walk around the supermarket looking at the men.Your boobs are pressed against the cold metal of the car. The cold night air blows against your hot wet...
You know what’s not fair? Guys can brag about sex all they want, whether they did it or not, and other guys praise and envy them for their success… for their conquests. But us girls? Guess what… guys need us or there are no conquests, yet we don’t dare tell even our closest friends about it or we’re branded as sluts or worse.From my point of view though, guys were my conquests too. I just couldn’t boast about it so I discretely started to put each of them in a special trophy case I kept in a...
Group SexMy first time to fuck was pretty weird. I mean, I had a girlfriend and we would fool around. You know, put my hand down her shirt or down her pants and she would do the same. But we did not go much further than that. Then one day, she undid my pants and pulled my cock out. I thought this was the big moment even though she still had her pants and I had never seen her pussy or tits. So I started to take her shirt off. That is when her mom walked in and busted us. Her mom, Claire, was not very...
This story is true. It takes place in approximately 1985.We were living near my hometown of Charleston, SC . My wife and I had been married for about 8 years and together for 11. My wife, Erica, is a petite woman with beautiful 35C breasts and wide, voluptuous hips. Not Kardashian wide but ample. Just like I like them. We had several college and post-graduate group, threesomes and foursomes with our best couple friends during and shortly after college. We also had some swinging experiences with...
AnalMein Name ist Nina, ich bin 23 Jahre jung. Mein Körper misst süße 152 cm, aber die haben es in sich. Meine langen pechschwarzen Haare sind seidig und legen sich glatt um meinen Kopf, meinen Hals und meine Schultern bis hin zu den Brüsten. Ich bin ein kleiner Fitnessfreak und für meinen Körper habe ich - wie mir gerne gesagt wird - Monstertitten. Meine Oberweite beträgt 75 D und zum Glück sind sie rund und straff. Meine Brustwarzen sind klein und hellbraun, meine Nippel ebenfalls. Meine kleinen...
It had been a couple of weeks since we had met Lacey and John for some fun. Our schedules just weren't in sync. Erica and I were really looking forward to meeting with them again. While we tried to set up a date with them, Erica continued her "hobby" of sexy on-line chat.She connected with another couple and enjoyed discussing our recent flashing, and watch be watched adventure. She told them about our no touching rule. They thought it all sounded very hot. Erica also made it clear to...
Group SexI went back and saw Sue. I took along the rest of the money I promised her. I had taken this cash out of my own retirement. I know most people will feel that it was a stupid thing to do but I was doing it for Julie. If I could get her out of the clutches of Bob, it would be an investment well worth the price. Sue met me at the door. She smiled and handed me the tape. We went into a room and we played the tape. It showed Bob fucking Yen and even hitting her. He then held her down and laughed...
The Women's Construction Trailer at The Retreat Charlotte Bankston had received a small black light flashlight in the mail while she was at her mother's. With the flashlight were instructions to search the drainage pipes that had already been or would soon be delivered to the jobsite. The other women were over at the dining trailer playing cards and socializing with the men. Danielle had tried to get her to go with them, but Charlotte had declined the invitation, saying she was going to...
The hospital kept me for one more night. Rachel biked over from the campus after her last class to visit me that afternoon, and Megan showed up soon after and drove all of us home. They didn’t talk about what had happened and I was grateful for it. When I walked into my room, Kim was seated at her computer. She said “Hi” to me only because I said it first. I don’t think she had even noticed that I was gone the night before. Part of me wanted to tell her what had happened just for the pure shock...
LesbianMy mom and her friend came and visit for a few days. Her friend stands about 6 foot tall, long dirty blonde hair that hangs below her large succulent 48 DDD breast. Beautiful blue eyes, sexy facial features with a tummy. Her ass is so full, white girl got back.One night we sat around drinking wine and talking about sex stories of each other. After a case of wine my mom headed to bed, while her friend and I finished the last of wine. She moved closer to me and said "I am buzzed and extremely...
"Good girl, get on your knees. Hold the dildo in front of you where I can see your face." I dropped to my knees again in front of the dresser, holding the dildo pointing at my open mouth. "Not like that, you dirty slut. Hold it with both hands." I held the thick 9-inch dildo out like a sacred offering in both hands, showing Daddy, being obedient and trying to obey. My mind was still lightheaded from the belt around my neck, my cheeks red and stinging a bit, and I was falling...
'It's 6:30 on this wonderful Saturday morning, as we kick off today with some nice jazz..." The radio blared, only to get almost ripped out of it's socket. For one, It was raining, only a light drizzle, but it was still rain. Secondly, You went to bed at 3 am the previous night. The morning went from bad to worse, as the coffee maker decided that today's caffeine jolt should look more like brown sludge, and the toaster set off the smoke alarm. "Could this day get any worse?" you sigh, hearing a...
Therefore it surprised me the more when I caught her, about a year ago, playing with herself quit openly. Or at least, if not public, not particularly discrete. We had spent the day in the woods; me, my wife, my friend, and Rachel. We had been mushroom picking, as my wife enjoys the woods in general and mushroom picking in particular. After having had lunch as picnic, we had split up the four of us. My wife and my friend had been walking along a small forest way, Rachel had walked into the...