Ninas Abenteuer free porn video

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Mein Name ist Nina, ich bin 23 Jahre jung. Mein Körper misst süße 152 cm, aber die haben es in sich. Meine langen pechschwarzen Haare sind seidig und legen sich glatt um meinen Kopf, meinen Hals und meine Schultern bis hin zu den Brüsten. Ich bin ein kleiner Fitnessfreak und für meinen Körper habe ich - wie mir gerne gesagt wird - Monstertitten. Meine Oberweite beträgt 75 D und zum Glück sind sie rund und straff. Meine Brustwarzen sind klein und hellbraun, meine Nippel ebenfalls. Meine kleinen eisblauen Augen eignen sich ideal für einen Hundeblick mit dem ich bisher jeden davon überzeugen konnte zu bekommen, was ich wollte. Über meinen Körper erstrecken sich verschiedenste "Verschönerungen". Meine Nippel werden verziert von jeweils einem Stab-Piercing, in meinem Bauchnabel findet sich eine Banane mit türkisfarbener Kette, meine Ohren sind mehrfach gepierced und ich liebe Tattoos. Mein erstes Tattoo war der kleine Notenschlüssel hinter meinem linken Ohr aus Liebe zur Musik, es folgte eine Feder an meiner rechten Seite bis unter die Brust, ein Spruch auf meinem linken Schlüsselbein, eine Blumenranke mit Wasserlilien, die mittlerweile von meinem linken Sprunggelenk über Seite, Schulter und Arm bis zu meiner linken Hand geht. Durch meine Liebe zum Fitnesssport und meiner Tätigkeit als Personal Trainer habe ich einen flachen Bauch, an dem sich minimal ein Sixpack abzeichnet. Meine Hüften sind wieder etwas breiter, wofür ich sehr dankbar bin, da sie mir eine wunderbare weibliche Figur verleihen. Zwischen meinen Schenkeln befinden sich mal zarte zurechtgestutzte Haare, aber bevorzugt lasse ich mich waxen. Meine nackte und glatte Scham verbirgt eine kleine Lustperle in sich, abgerundet wird das Bild von zwei größeren, etwas fleischigen äußeren Schamlippen, die einige Partner von mir dazu verleitet haben sie liebevoll "cheesy" zu nennen, anscheinend in Anlehnung an das Aussehen eines Cheeseburgers.

Ich habe bereits viele schöne Dinge erlebt nachdem ich früh mit dem Thema Sexualität in Kontakt bekommen bin. Auf dieser Seite möchte ich euch die Möglichkeit geben entweder vergangene Dinge von mir mitzuerleben, meine Fantasien kennen zu lernen und euch die Möglichkeit geben mich Abenteuer eurer Fantasien erleben zu lassen. Wobei sicherlich auch bei den "vergangenen" Kapiteln ein bisschen Fantasien mit reinkommen.

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Nina and Makalea Two days later

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Nina Finds Love and Discipline

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Nina Goes Home For a Break

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Nina The Following Day

After an orgasm-filled night, albeit spent on her tummy as her bottom was far too tender to lie on, Nina woke up and immediately remembered the embarrassment of the previous day. She was still at the hotel but immediately felt the stinging sensation right across her bottom and, as her hand gently ran her fingers along the raised welts caused by the cane, so she remembered the other embarrassing moments after that. She remembered looking at her herself in the mirror in the toilets, with her...

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Nina and Her Babysitter

Nina had to admit to rather more than a bit of a surprise when she got home from work to Mrs K‘s for dinner, and found Carla was there. Carla was Jenifer’s niece, one of Mrs K’s friends. Nina never minded socialising with anyone who had disciplined her in the past and Carla had only just recently done so even though just twenty-one-years old, so pretty much half her own age. Carla was in her final year at college but a very confident young woman, with a haughty, ‘Do as I say or else,’ tone of...

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Nina Gets Spanked for Lying

38-year-old Nina was still back home although her Mum was away and she was under the disciplinary control of her 18-year-old niece Megan. Nina woke and immediately felt the twinge of soreness right across her bottom and remembered the reason was the severe spanking her niece had given her the previous day. The third discipline spanking she had given her in just five days. Still, that was again behind her, so to speak, and Nina got up, looked in the mirror and saw the expected bruises splattered...

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Nina Humbled

Nina knew she had the spanking coming, had engineered it in fact. 38 years old. Hands on her head. Nose touching the wall. Toes right up against the wall as well. Her skirt removed. Her knickers removed. Her smooth bare bottom staring out in to the room. Her 15 minutes on the naughty spot was going slowly, as it always did, and her arms ached, waiting to be told it was time for her punishment proper to start. In retrospect she knew she had gone too far, but she had so been looking forward to...

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by Gail Holmes “For God’s sake Nina! He’s in the garden shed; leave the poor man alone, your perpetually wanting this or that. I don’t know why he gives into you all the time?” Nina sauntered slowly to the bottom of the garden she could see her father working through the small glass window. Knowing this would be asking a lot, hoping that she’d still be able to wind him around her finger, as she normally did. “Hi...

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Nina Punished at the Tennis Club Again

Diane was annoyed when Mrs K telephoned her to tell her that Nina had lied to her about going to play tennis before attending the detention and Diane suggested she should be forced to attend the tennis club today, with her, with the threat of another punishment if she didn’t.So, when Nina came downstairs the following morning, still feeling the cane welts she had received both from Diane during the day and from Mrs K before being sent to bed early, she really didn’t have the courage to argue...

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Nina Three Stories

At fourteen Nina decided she was an ugly duckling and assumed she was never going to be a beautiful swan like her older siblings. Her sisters, 18-year old Victoria, who was away at college, was a gorgeous blonde, and 16-year old Marilyn, a senior at a prestigious girls' school, was a dark-haired beauty. No one would dispute those facts. They were also, without a doubt, among the most promiscuous females alive, the best lays in ten counties, and the goal of every hard-cocked young male in a...

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We awoke on the morning of the First Annual Dan 'n' Nina Barbecue Blast. I dressed immediately and went out to check on the smoker. Temperature was exactly as I'd set. The same technology that monitors huge furnaces was monitoring my little box smoker, cooking meat. I opened the door, couldn't resist an exploratory poke with a finger, and grabbed the chip tray. I dumped the expended wood chips and replaced them with new ones and returned it to its position. I noted the controller sensing...

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Nina is taught a lesbian lesson

Nina is 18 year old and hails from Bradford in the UK and is studying at Nottingham University. She's 5ft 1" tall, 107lbs and has the kind of perfect slim shapely body that most women would die for. Everything in proportion, nice rounded breasts, a full rounded bottom, a trim waste and shapely legs. In fact she's fucking gorgeous!!Her brown eyes shine causing many a male heart to flutter. She keeps her shiny dark brown hair fairly long and it enhances her Mediterranean lineage. After seeing...

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“Would be wonderful if another very hung man was watching. You know I love having two men pleasure me. Haven’t had that in Australia, yet anyway.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. “Don’t stop what you are doing. Love the way you lick my cunt, I am to...

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“Would be wonderful if another very hung man was watching. You know I love having two men to pleasure me. Haven’t had that in Australia, yet anyway.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. “Don’t stop what you are doing. Love the way you lick my cunt, I am...

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Nina Chapter 6

Thursday came. I took a half-day off, spent it with Nina fussing over a simple white dress she'd bought to get married in. The "simple" wedding kind of mushroomed once word got out, and at five PM on a Thursday in late spring, Nina and me, her grandmother, Jannie, her husband, most of the office crew, and a good dozen of Nina's contemporaries were seated in a meeting room at the First Baptist Church to watch us exchange vows. It wasn't your classic wedding. Let's see ... my buddies...

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“Leave it to me, I am going shopping, be back soon.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. Two hours later Nina came back looking very self-satisfied. “I found a lady for us, she is coming by at seven-thirty tonight.” “How did you organise that?” “I...

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Nina Submits to Emma

This is the fourth story in the Nina series:   I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...

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“Leave it to me, I am going shopping, be back soon.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. Two hours later Nina came back looking very self-satisfied. “I found a lady for us, she is coming by at seven-thirty tonight.” “How did you organise that?” “I...

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Nina Chapter 2

I finished my laundry before lunch. At one, I was pulling up into the park near the kiddie playground. I got out. No Nina. I started walking. Fifteen minutes later I had a mile under my belt and had completed a circuit. And Nina's car WAS there. And Nina was walking her charges to the swing set. She released them to go play and then she came to sit beside me. I was sipping on a fountain drink. "Did I bum you out last night? Dan?" "No, Nina. You needed to talk. I listened. 'S what...

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Ninas Tale

Nina?s Tale By Dr. Quirt A young Afro-French girl explores her masochistic desires but gets a lot more than she bargained for. This story is the second of a trilogy, the first part being ?Julie?s Story? and the concluding part ?What Happened to Lucy?? Part 1 Hi, my name is Nina and I am going to try to tell you my sorry tale. I don?t know if this message will ever reach the outside world as I shall have to try to smuggle it out through one of the harem guards, tonight. I don?t think...

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Nina Chapter 10

I was sitting in my recliner when my daughter came bouncing back into the living room. She zeroed in on my lap. "I've been soooo looking forward to this, Dad," she said. "Me too, Sandy. Nina, too." "I like 'er, Dad," she admitted. "She talks to ME. Like, she calls me to talk to me, just like that." She sighed. "An' it's kinda like she's a grownup, but she's kinda not. She's fun to talk to." "That's why I married her, baby," I admitted. "She's very smart and...

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Nina and Michelle Law firm

Friends you know I work at a law firm. What if I had my own law Firm? This is my imagination. Everyone in this story is over 18 years old. Enjoy... I am a 36 years old lawyer have my own business. Another woman Michelle is my partner, we both share a staff of 3 and like to take as many cases as we can. Our business is good and demands lots of long hours. Don't get me wrong, I and Michelle are not ashamed to discuss sex and in the University we have spent many wild nights with boys. Yes you...

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Nina8217s fucking Good Morning

Six months back Vishal joined our AD agency, very good sketch artist. Other days as a photographer, I accompanied him for a photo shoot. First we went to his house, he introduced me to his wife Nina and two year old daughter Deepa, both had a very attractive smiling face. Vishal asked for nice coffee and something to eat, but Nina opened her eyes big, bitten her lips and slapping on her own right chic said ” again you forgot? ” My experienced eyes saw one more side of Nina, she had very...

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Nina Chapter 11

The trip home was good, the post-vacation mixture of satisfaction, sadness and fatigue. Nina and I talked. Sandy started off talking, but got quieter and quieter and then I saw her curled up in the corner of the back seat, belted in, sound asleep in one of those positions we all can do when we're young but we lose that ability with age. "I thought it was good trip, darlin'," I told Nina. "Oh, me too! I liked linking up with Brenda and Jake, and Sandy had plenty of friends her...

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Nina Chapter 12

You know, back to the funeral ... Jennifer's mom and dad. I saw them there. They were cordial, as always was the case, and they hugged on Sandy and stood with her between themselves and me during the service. After the graveside service, Jennifer's mom, Glenda Garrett, bent over to speak to Sandy as we were leaving. "Sandy," she said. "We love you, child. We want ... Well, keep in touch." Glenda stood and looked at me, unsmiling, her expression something I couldn't parse. "Dan, we'd...

5 years ago
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Nina Chapter 13

Tuesday I got a phone call late in the afternoon. My home number showed on the display. I picked up the receiver. "Hey, baby," I said, a greeting that should work for either Nina or Sandy. Nina's voice. "Hey babe! How's your day?" "It's been a normal day. So far." "We had two visits. One was a big truck with a piano on the back, and the second was a nice black lady from social services." "How'd that go?" I asked. Giggle. "I gave her the grand tour. She had to ease around...

3 years ago
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Nina and Mikey

I was typing away on my borrowed PC minding my own business when I heard a knock-knock-knocking on my chamber door. I am tempted to say, "Quoth the Raven nevermore." But no, that would be taking unfair advantage of the readership. I had taken the apartment in the low rent area near the projects because it was all I could afford, and it was close to the private school that I am an all around handyman at. It's a one bedroom walkup in a dilapidated and all but condemned tenement in South...

4 years ago
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Nina Chapter 4

I woke again after midnight when the nurse made her rounds. When the nurse walked in, Nina woke up and stood by me. My fever was drastically down and I was feeling much better. Morning came, and so did my regular doctor. "Well, Mister Dan, you had one raging case of strep throat. Could've been really bad if you hadn't gotten to the emergency room." Nina interjected, "I found him almost unconscious ... He missed our date..." Doctor Regan laughed. "He'd HAVE to be unconscious to miss...

2 years ago
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Nina 8211 who took me first

We were having our lunch, Vishal came in, again Deepa went to him expecting him to pick her up, “Beti papa is very tired please beta let me take some rest. Paras please excuse me this new student is paying me good amount I had to be at their place by evening again, I had to prepare them for this exam.” But my experienced eyes was sensing something wrong, could not pin point it. Lunch I slept in the hall,Deepa remained with me, Nina was trying to remain calm and dossed off. After about 3 hours...

4 years ago
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Nina Chapter 3

At eight PM I let Nina go. My hands had wandered over her back and shoulders and arms and her hands had done the same to me. Neither of us had teased or attempted to touch skin that was covered by clothing. Chaste. It was little wonder that after seeing her out the front door, I was in the shower easing the pressures that had built all evening. I wasn't a constant masturbator. I wasn't asexual, it's just that I didn't do fantasies very well. I didn't have a fantasy in mind on this...

3 years ago
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Nina Chapter 5

Waking to find a soft, naked female form in bed after all these years as a special joy. When I gently explored the form with my fingers and her eyelids fluttered and then opened and her first words were "I love you, babe," the experience got richer. We both had full bladders and made the trip to the bathroom. Back in the bedroom, she turned into my arms and kissed me. "Dan," she said quietly, "I don't regret last night. I do love you." "I don't regret it either, Nina. And I was...

2 years ago
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Nina Kayy 1300 683000

Nina Kayy, the self-proclaimed "Squirt Queen." I want to get something out of the way first, I've never seen a vegetarian as thicc (not thick) as Nina is. Who would've thought that sort of diet would get a woman so plump? Aside from that, she also loves animals which is a plus in my book. Nina's Twitter is home to over 709K followers. This juicy girl is closing in on one million. I know, it's far off, but it's a dream and you've got to have dreams.Nina's content, at first glance, is a mix of...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Nina Blacks Husband John

Does anyone remember the sexy Texas blonde, from the 98-2001 period named Nina Black? There are several great videos of her posted here on Xhamster in the interracial and cuckold section. The following is a narrative of a series of incidents, as were related in a communication from her husband John, back around 2001, 2002 time period.Please note that this is condensed from the original and from my recollection of the communication.John stated that he had encouraged Nina to have sex with black...

4 years ago
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Nina Chapter 1

One of those perfect spring days. We get so few of them down here on the Gulf Coast between our two seasons: cold and wet, or hot and wet. I couldn't resist. I grabbed my e-book and headed for the park. The book stayed in the car while I fast-walked a couple of miles on the walking path. A good brisk walk felt good. I passed up all but one woman who, dressed in spandex and an athletic tank-top, was obviously a regular. After my half an hour was up, I retrieved the e-book and settled onto a...

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