Das erotische Experiment
- 2 years ago
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Hi, mein Name ist Tabea!
Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke!
Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen!
Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen!
Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!
Nach meinem beruflichen Aufenthalt in Südost Asien hatte sich mein Asia Fetish gefestigt und so beschloss ich, zusammen mit meinem Kollegen Peter tiefer in die verruchte Welt des asiatischen Sexbusiness einzusteigen. Kurzer Hand flogen wir zusammen nach Hong Kong um dort unsere Sextour beginnen zu lassen. Unser Plan war recht simple: Asia Nutten bumsen und erniedrigend bis unsere Geräte nicht mehr können! Glücklicherweise spielt Geld keine Rolle, so dass uns quasi keine Tür verschlossen bleibt...
InterracialPersönliches Computerlogbuch, Deanna Troi, Sternzeit 56892,1: "Wir sind mit einem Shuttle unterwegs von der Titan zur Erde um Wills Sohn zu treffen. Ja, Will Rikers unehelichen Sohn den er uns allen über Jahre hinweg verschwiegen hat. Vor 2 Tagen erzählte mir Will von ihm, und das dieser gerade 20 geworden ist und sein Vater ihn nocheinmal sehen wollte bevor wir mit der Titan zu unserer Deep-Space-Froschungsmission aufbrechen. Nun befinden wir uns im Anflug auf die Stadt Miami wo David - so...
Johanna ist gerade einmal 18 Jahre alt. Jungfrau (bis jetzt). 1,72m groß. Blond blauäugig, hat große Brüste, und einen geilen, knackigen Po. Curvy, nicht dick. Die Haare sind schulterlang.
BDSMTheresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...
Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...
Hi, ich bin Alex! Heute möchte ich euch von meinen außergewöhnlichen, außergewöhnlich albernen, außergewöhnlich unglaubwürdigen Abenteuern erzählen. Oder sind es nur Phantasien? Oder beides? Wer weiß? Aber Spaß wird's machen! (Achtung: male BISEX) Frühling! Jubel! Ich arbeite in einer Bank - kein besonders aufregender Job, möchte man meinen. Aber vielleicht denkt ihr da später noch anders drüber. Heute müsste ich eigentlich erst um 10 Uhr im Büro sein, da ich abends länger arbeiten sollte,...
Hy, ich bin Gina,aber alle nennen mich irgendwie Blondie, so nennen mich alle wegen meiner Haare, glaub ich. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einer ganz normalen Stadt die eigentlich überall sein könnte. Das auffälligste an mir ist meine Wahnsinns-Oberweite, zumindest sagen das die Jungs. Ich weiß nicht genau wie groß meine Möpse sind, aber zumindest so groß daß ich meine Füße nicht sehen kann ohne mich nach vorne zu beugen, hi hi. Das Gute daran ist, daß mir anscheinend alle Männer...
Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...
BDSMTabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...
(Auszug aus „Mein kleiner Dämon - Das Leben geht weiter“ - 4.Buch)Wow, war ich leichtsinnig. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Nicht nur, dass ich ganz verrückte Dessous gekauft habe. In Frankfurt in einem Sexshop. Diesmal war nicht nur der nette Verkäufer, sondern auch noch eine Verkäuferin da. Er hat mich natürlich sofort wiedererkannt. Sofort steuerte er auf mich zu und fragte nach meinen Wünschen. Dabei zwinkerte er mir eindeutig zweideutig zu. Ich ließ mir von ihm die Kollektion der Dessous zeigen....
Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...
Es ist ein schöner Spätsommertag. Madam Elene sitzt auf der Veranda Ihres herrlichen Anwesen in München Grünwald und denke darüber nach wie Sie Ihren bald kommenden 60. Geburtstag feiern möchte. Trotz Ihrem fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sie immer noch eine elegante Frau mit einer gute Figur mit langen schlanken Beinen. Dass Sie mal eine sehr schöne Frau war kann man noch sehr gut erkennen. In jungen Jahren hat Sie als Mädresse und „Gesellschaftsdame“ in Wien Ihr erstes Geld verdient und heute...
Wir wohnten im 2ten OG eines Sechsparteienhauses. Also ganz oben. Wir, meine Freundin und ich, waren allein zuhause. Es war bereits abends und schon dunkel draußen. Ich lief öfters nackt in unserer Wohnung herum und auch an diesem Tag gefiel es mir mich nackt in der Wohnung zu bewegen. Trotzdem langweilte ich mich ein bisschen. Meine Freundin werkelte in der Küche. Ich hätte ihr helfen können. Wäre ja auch nicht verkehrt gewesen und bestimmt wäre ich dann auch nicht auf dumme Gedanken gekommen....
Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...
Susanne Müller war Einkäuferin eines deutschen Lebensmittelkonzerns und war zum Einkauf von Gemüse in ein Anbaugebiet am Mittelmeer geflogen. Die Verhandlungen waren zügig verlaufen und erfolgreich. Susanne war inzwischen 39 Jahre alt, 1,75 groß und blond. Ihr Körper war eigentlich in guter Verfassung , denn sie betrieb regelmäßig Yoga und Gymnastik. Mittelgroße , noch relativ knackige Brüste und ein kräftiger , aber nicht fetter Hintern machen insgesamt eine durchaus reizvolle Frau...
MatureMy name is Jayson Reese and I recently got a teaching job in an Indonesian high school. Since Indonesia is primarily made up of Muslims the school was predominately made up of muslim students. Every day I would teach my class and the same student would watch my every movement and would smile at me all the time. Her name was Indah Rahmanisa, she wore a white hijab with the school uniform on. She had a huge pair of tits and her face was very beautiful. Her nails were always painted a different...
I ONLY WANTED A JOB Chapter 1 - My break into Show-biz! 2:00pm on a dank February afternoon: I sat in the steamy little caf? in Soho hunched over my mug of weak, lukewarm tea and contemplated my options. My name is Victor Wright and I am just about at the end of my tether. Last June I graduated from Bristol University with a good Upper Second degree in History. I had confidently expected to find myself a trainee job in management, but my expectations had been far too ambitious. I w...
in through the window. Yes, she was beautiful as she stood there in front of the mirror naked, fondling her small firm breasts, pinching her cute stiff nipples with one hand, her other hand rubbing her hot pussy slit, tickling her clitoris and slipping her small finger up into her tight pussy opening. I stood there watching as she took herself to a peak then over the edge, her body spasming and jerking as she took herself to orgasm. I knew right then and there I was going to fuck...
Chapter Four: To Conquer with Kindness Avriel tiredly leaned back against the door and studied her new guest with curiosity. The Lios looked like a panther-headed woman with a short black pelt, she was dressed in a leather dress that was split up both sides, to allow freedom of movement, and belted at her waist. It hid most of her figure from view. She had hands with surprisingly delicate claw fingers and a light dusting of fur across the backs of her...
We hit the road a week later. In the interim, Aaron gave us an update on the border project. He assured us that it would be ready and waiting for the unveiling. I was exceedingly pleased at this news. It would be a huge surprise and demonstrate our resolve to implement our agenda. The first campaign stop proved the worth of Rhonda's advice about doing the Oprah show. For the first rally she had chosen Omaha Nebraska. I didn't understand her reasoning at first but was at least bright enough...
Kiran was just back from the Gym, she had started visiting the gym in the evenings. That is when there are not many girls there and she would wait for the rest to leave. And she would utilize the changing room with Reddy. That day too wasn’t much different. Both of them had an hour of steamy sex at the empty ladies room. Afterwards she was back at home, with her baby, watching her favorite TV show – the Big Boss. Suddenly the door bell rang, and she was surprised. She remembered Reddy had once...
As the first few months went by the Mansion was starting to take shape. Rayne noticed that after her first visit, Vanessa started to visit more often, even though she said she hated the dirty site. She came to visit at least 3 times a week, and they were all overnight visits every time she came. She always seemed to find some way to bait Rayne, by continuing to suggest in different ways that she was also having sex with others, but never quite telling enough of the story that Rayne could...
Hi, this is Rahul, I was working in Hyderabad when I had some projects to finish before the deadline and I was working in my office late. I was under the impression that I was the only one there, As I went to the pantry to make some tea, I heard voices from one of the offices, wondering who it was I walked closer and I realized quickly that the sounds came from Shilpa’s office. Shilpa was around 54 years old, . She always had a smile on her face. I had always been attracted to a mature woman...
IncestTony was 19 years old. He was muscled and had a sexy body. He was the boy every girl dreamed about at school. But Tony didn't dream about girls. He dreamed about boys. Ever since he saw his best friend,Josh's, cock in the changing room after basketball practice, he dreamed about getting fucked by one of his guy friends. He had told no one about this, fearing to be the only one. Every night, though, he stroked his 8 inch cock fantasizing about Josh. One day, in the locker room, Tony was alone...
GayMy wife and I love sex and everything to do with it. We pretty much go to most local swingers parties and have travelled interstate on numerous occasions to attend sex parties, gangbangs and doggings. Shes addicted!We have been in 'the scene' for a good 7 almost 8 years and its getting that Jordan, my wife, cant walk down the street without someone recognising her.Only recently, after one of our numerous gangbang sessions, the guys and I were sitting around chatting (while Jordan was still...
Jason's Story by Kristine Roland Chapter 2 "Well, Jason, why don't you tell me why your Mom wanted us to talk?" Dr. Adams asked. Jason was sitting in Dr. Adam's main lobby on one of the comfortable chairs. It was in the evening, after the normal office hours. His mother and father had gone to get some coffee to give Dr. Adams and Jason time to talk. "I'm sure Mom told you," Jason replied clearly embarrassed. "She did. But I'd like to hear about it from you. ...
Laney Grey greets a new massage client, Brad Newman, when he enters the massage parlor. He seems a bit curious, so she asks him if this is his first massage. Brad confirms that it is indeed his first. He explains that he works for a company that does sustainable seaweed harvesting, including the seaweed used to make NURU gel. He’s interested in getting a NURU massage, so he can see why it’s so popular. Laney is very intrigued and appreciative of Brad’s hard work, since NURU is...
xmoviesforyouMorgan, she was about 5'2 and around 100 pounds. She was originally from New York and had moved here some time ago. She wore her heart on her sleeve and that made me get so into her over my sophomore year. It seemed like she never really noticed me and always made points about how ugly I was to our little circle of friends, in the class. She never really caught the other guys eyes in our class it seemed by the way she dressed and the way her attitude seemed, but to me, she was perfect in every...
It all started out harmlessly enough. Jack had invited DeWayne and Suzie over to our house for dinner -- again! I never particularly liked these occasions. I could see that DeWayne, ungrateful that Jack had befriended him and promoted him to a supervisory position, was resentful of his young boss's position in top management while he was still blue collar. He tried to hide his envy by constantly making off-color jokes and little references to their having grown up together in the same working...
"You've gotta help me, Ed! I'm going crazy!" Charley's voice on the phone was gasping, almost incoherent. "Take it easy. Sit down and take a couple of deep breaths. I'll get over there as fast as I can." I hung up and slammed out of my apartment, not looking back to see if the door latched behind me. The California sun was already blazing hot as I peeled out of my parking lot, but I didn't bother with turning on the air conditioning. Charley and I go back a long way together, and...
It was early the next morning when Ben woke from a deep sleep. His first thoughts were of his niece Amy, and the beauty she’d found in the lightning storm of the previous night, her second experience of the majestic power that Mother Nature had demonstrated in as many days. Thunder and lightning were a common occurrence along the Rocky Mountains, but for a girl from eastern Montana, the sheer magnitude of it all was a new sensation. As consciousness regained its tentative grip on Ben’s...
Carolyn Heinz was attractive, and she knew it. She was constantly taking selfies of herself. She ate right and exercised often. She loved how her clothes fit her and was always looking at mirrors of herself.She had more men friends than women friends. She liked how men treated her and preferred their company. She was married, but often would cheat. Her husband was okay in the bedroom, but nothing that great. She liked younger men. Carolyn had a son, but never was overly motherly with...
IncestAfter I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...
I guess you can say I’m somewhat on the dark side. I love dark makeup, leather boots and music with double bass drums beating to the sound of screaming guitars. I’m definitely not what you would call cute, well, maybe when I was ten or twelve, but not anymore. These days I have a period, breasts and a vagina that’s really doing a number on me. Throughout high school I managed to keep my urges down with masturbation and vibrators, but as I started my road to adulthood earlier this year things...
My name is Jim, and I am an avid dirt track racing fan. It was a warm Friday night, and I was enjoying a leisurely drive to my home on the west side of Phoenix, Ariz. I had been to the stock car races at the local dirt track. It was getting late, and both my truck and I were covered in a layer of dirt from the track. A shower was going to feel great. About a mile from home, I noticed a smaller person fighting with two larger people next to a car on the side of the road. I slowed and pulled to...
Erika Hoffmann spent the next day, Sunday, alone as Elsa was scheduled to work so she busied herself with cleaning and tidying her apartment. After she had gone she didn’t want anyone saying she was dirty and untidy. She would probably never see Eisenach again but that didn’t matter. Besides, she didn’t want to stop and think about what may happen on Thursday. She would worry about that enough as the day drew near. The following day she tried to catch up with all the work she wanted to finish...
You are James Altair, a janator at Wendigo Corperation. You were suprized that you got the job so soon after graduating highschool. For fovr months now, you stayed on the bottom 3 floors but when you got you schedule for this week, you see you have the labs. Excited about the promotion after being dumped by Sara, you girlfriend of four years, you get on the elevator and go up to floor 12. You clean the halls and office outside the labs. You start cleaning thd last office and start cleaning but...
With that said, John created the character Susan based on his image of me. Most of John’s character portrayals are reasonably close to the real life person with just enough jumbled to throw people off the trail. I am actually somewhere near 36 and blond, but of course I am not divorced as he indicates. John really is in the 55 year old range, give or take. I’ll let you guess. The two “daughters” are not based on my real life daughters (I don’t have any kids) but they are based on real...
For most people, encountering a big dick is a rare and special thing. Not for me. From the time I was eighteen, I had been able to experience one because of my brother Mark's best friend, our next-door neighbor Justin. Both being two years older than me, we had grown up together and, by extension, Justin was like a second big brother. Further cementing his acceptance into our family was the fact that Mark and Justin's birthdays were only days apart. From the time they were eight, they demanded...
Darkness! Chad's bones ached with cold. Was this death? He tried to move, to sit up. His stiffened muscles screamed in protest. He drew on his anger for strength. His stomach protested, heaving, trying to turn itself wrong side out, but there was nothing in it to come up. His head seemed to spin in the darkness. Waves of weakness forced him to lie back. "Rest, oh Man of Black," the familiar high, thin voice of The Goddess came softly to him from somewhere in the darkness. "Rest, now....
Hi! I'm Tracy - Tracy Tanner ? and this is my story! I won't start at the beginning because I know you haven't got all day. The first thing you need to know is that my mother is a witch. Well, kind of. I've never seen her boiling eye of newt or heard her casting spells in Latin, but things just seem to happen around her. Especially to anyone who gets on her wrong side. I'll tell you what I mean. At our old house, our next door neighbour had a big German shepherd that always used to get...
You are totally naked for me. You are not always naked for spankings, but panties are never allowed. When I really want to torment you, as I do today, then you must be fully nude. Today, you are also wearing clamps on your nipples. There is a chain dangling between the two clamps, and a series of small weights attached to the chain. The weights are not enough to stretch your tits, but, when they swing, they will tug at your nipples nicely.I am wearing a button-down shirt and slacks ("Nice...
She must have seen me from the kitchen window, and came to meet me at the front door. It was rainy and cool, and she was wearing wide yoga pants under a big black blouse. I had jeans on myself, foregoing my usual shorts, but had decided not to wear my cowboy boots. I didn’t want to remind her of that little fantasy just yet.She was providing dinner tonight, so I followed her into the kitchen. A take-out tray from my favorite Mexican restaurant was on the counter . She didn’t cook much.“Smells...
Straight SexHey, I am Akshith from Hyderabad. In this story, I am gonna share my sexual experiences with my mom. All the content in this story is real. Two start off with myself I am 20 years old and my mom Devi is 48years old. To describe about her she is very fair, short, chubby, cute and has got a figure of 32-30-38. In-house she wares a loose nighty without bra and panty. When I was young my dad used to stay abroad and used to return home once in an year and stay with us for some 2 months. In this time...
IncestPROLOGUE from part one: Quincy Davis has been in a ton of trouble ever since her father passed away, and to make a long story short, her mother, Joan Davis, has decided to commit her to the Norhtern States School for Wayward Girls!!! The school adminsitrator, a Harriett Taggert, has taken both Joan and her daughter into a back room where Quincy was tied down on a doctor's examining table where upon Harriett Taggert slipped a minature remote control vibrator inside of her cunt!!! This, however,...
EroticThis story is purely based on a dream I had not too long ago about a friend of mine that I have transformed into a sexy story by request! (The original dream was rather un-sexy)… Again, names have been changed to protect all ‘innocent’ parties… It was a relatively warm summer evening and I was studying on my bed with the window open nearby and the breeze was billowing the curtains into my bedroom. My bedroom is rather large, I have a queen sized bed and my walls are a very pale green kind of...
Copyright© 2001-2003 There once was a sailor named Gasted, A swell guy, as long as he lasted, He could jerk himself off In a basket, aloft, Or a breeches-buoy swung from the masthead. Her kisses were like sugar and my mouth was glued to hers as we stumbled into my home. Her lithe body was pressing passionately against my own and my hardness throbbed as a response. When I got through the private patio door to my room, in the basement, I threw my trophy onto the...
Yes. The airplane was blue ... on the bottom. The dividing line was indeterminate. If the plane was directly overhead, on a cloudless day, the blue was the color of the sky ... If you were in a second craft and flying straight at it it, the change was easy to see: blue fading to the colors of autumn. From above the Blue was unnoticeable ... the aircraft looked like a hodgepodge of the colors of a Louisiana fall. Flown by the Army from 1956 as a Command Transport, (read General's Toy) it...
Andi Rose is a slim, natural-bodied brunette with long legs, little tits and a deep adoration for anal sex. The fun-loving hottie wears sleek lingerie to accentuate her luscious bod, teasing and stripping through a hot intro. Director/performer Mick Blue chats with her in the following moments. Andi stands up to show off the butt plug wedged in her rectum. She masturbates on the couch. Mick stuffs a dildo into her anus, to prep her for the upcoming sodomy. Andi moans in ecstasy, spreading...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! First, let me say that my parents were always VERY straight-laced while I was growing up. I never saw either of them nude; no sexual content was allowed in the home, either in print or on TV; even talks concerning sex (you know, the birds and the bees talk) were very clinical in nature. That is, until my 18th birthday. dad (44) were in bed one evening, and called me into their room. This was not unusual, as they often had instructions about the chores...
IncestPart I – History Chapter 2 When we got to my bunkhouse, Patrice slowed to a stop and just looked at the door. ‘Are you sure about this?’ I asked her. ‘You don’t have to go through with it, you know.’ She shook her head. Then she looked deeply into my eyes. ‘I want to do this. I want to do it with you,’ she told me. I could hear the love in her words, a love I felt for her as well. I reached for the screen door and held it open. She walked in and went straight for my room, putting her bag...
You're the One that I Want By Jena Corso Edited by Typsie Chapter Four Before Bryce could utter another sound Brooke stormed off leaving him dejected and late for class. The clicking she didn't hear when he snuck up would now be amplified threefold as down the hall Bryce scurried speed walking in heels. There'd be some giggles and funny looks as he unsuccessfully tried to sneak into homeroom and the slumped in his seat being handed a detention slip. He'd now be in twice as much...
I'm a big fan of JAVfor.me (Jav4me aka JAV For Me)! Few things in this world are better than a sexy Japanese schoolgirl. Come on, you have to admit it, just check "Jav for me", you know I’m right. Japanese chicks are just so fucking hot. They’re petite, they’re often innocent looking, they’re soft in all the right places. It does not surprise me at all that Japanese porn is one of the most popular genres in the online adult entertainment marketplace. There’s just nothing quite like watching a...
Asian Porn SitesI hope you have read my earlier Incidence… this happened few years back during my first trip to India. As I landed India from Kuwait, I thought of spending my vacation, meeting all my old friends. I am well built & tall and was 25 then. I called up my friend & I told him that I will be there for the weekend. So I reached Mangalore & there after drove around 1 hour to reach my friends village. I reached early morning on Friday & met with his family members. My friend had a big old house with the...
It was a warm sunny afternoon, I walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. She answered in her workout clothes a black sports bra that pushed her breasts up the were moist from workout she was breathing heavy her chest heaved as she tried speaking. I heard you have issue with your computer. she nodded and let me in, she pointed me to the computer and said if you don't mind i will finish my workout. I said no problem ill get working on it. i sat at the computer pretending to work as she...
EroticA little over a year later, I was living a much different life. Of course, I had moved into a new home which was amazing. But due to the fact that Michelle was not there it seemed empty and pretentious. I was just going through the motions day by day simply putting one foot in front of the other. As I navigated my building on a daily basis either people would look away from me or give me the pity look as I called it. I tried my best to ignore it but I wanted to say something so many times but...
I am 45 year old. I live in a small village in Manipur. My son is in his teens. He is very naughty. He seldom stays at home during the day time. He comes back at the dinner time and just after the dinner he sleeps. My husband is terribly drunkard, stay outside home all the time. He comes back home at late night, just to sleep. He does not pay any attention to me and family. In practical sense, we all three do not have time for chat or discussion. I run a small shop for which I am busy all the...
IncestOne of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online over a year ago and he would put on some hot cam shows for me in his different speedos and we would also do phone sex in our speedos. We swapped cummed speedos back and forth. It was hot wearing someone else’s stained speedos, blowing in them and sending them back. As I lived some distance from him, we had never been able to meet. This was pretty horny though as we would have hot phone and cyber sex coming up with...