Das erotische Experiment
- 2 years ago
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Hi, mein Name ist Tabea!
Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke!
Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen!
Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen!
Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!
Nach meinem beruflichen Aufenthalt in Südost Asien hatte sich mein Asia Fetish gefestigt und so beschloss ich, zusammen mit meinem Kollegen Peter tiefer in die verruchte Welt des asiatischen Sexbusiness einzusteigen. Kurzer Hand flogen wir zusammen nach Hong Kong um dort unsere Sextour beginnen zu lassen. Unser Plan war recht simple: Asia Nutten bumsen und erniedrigend bis unsere Geräte nicht mehr können! Glücklicherweise spielt Geld keine Rolle, so dass uns quasi keine Tür verschlossen bleibt...
InterracialPersönliches Computerlogbuch, Deanna Troi, Sternzeit 56892,1: "Wir sind mit einem Shuttle unterwegs von der Titan zur Erde um Wills Sohn zu treffen. Ja, Will Rikers unehelichen Sohn den er uns allen über Jahre hinweg verschwiegen hat. Vor 2 Tagen erzählte mir Will von ihm, und das dieser gerade 20 geworden ist und sein Vater ihn nocheinmal sehen wollte bevor wir mit der Titan zu unserer Deep-Space-Froschungsmission aufbrechen. Nun befinden wir uns im Anflug auf die Stadt Miami wo David - so...
Johanna ist gerade einmal 18 Jahre alt. Jungfrau (bis jetzt). 1,72m groß. Blond blauäugig, hat große Brüste, und einen geilen, knackigen Po. Curvy, nicht dick. Die Haare sind schulterlang.
BDSMTheresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...
Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...
Hi, ich bin Alex! Heute möchte ich euch von meinen außergewöhnlichen, außergewöhnlich albernen, außergewöhnlich unglaubwürdigen Abenteuern erzählen. Oder sind es nur Phantasien? Oder beides? Wer weiß? Aber Spaß wird's machen! (Achtung: male BISEX) Frühling! Jubel! Ich arbeite in einer Bank - kein besonders aufregender Job, möchte man meinen. Aber vielleicht denkt ihr da später noch anders drüber. Heute müsste ich eigentlich erst um 10 Uhr im Büro sein, da ich abends länger arbeiten sollte,...
Hy, ich bin Gina,aber alle nennen mich irgendwie Blondie, so nennen mich alle wegen meiner Haare, glaub ich. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einer ganz normalen Stadt die eigentlich überall sein könnte. Das auffälligste an mir ist meine Wahnsinns-Oberweite, zumindest sagen das die Jungs. Ich weiß nicht genau wie groß meine Möpse sind, aber zumindest so groß daß ich meine Füße nicht sehen kann ohne mich nach vorne zu beugen, hi hi. Das Gute daran ist, daß mir anscheinend alle Männer...
Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...
BDSMTabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...
(Auszug aus „Mein kleiner Dämon - Das Leben geht weiter“ - 4.Buch)Wow, war ich leichtsinnig. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Nicht nur, dass ich ganz verrückte Dessous gekauft habe. In Frankfurt in einem Sexshop. Diesmal war nicht nur der nette Verkäufer, sondern auch noch eine Verkäuferin da. Er hat mich natürlich sofort wiedererkannt. Sofort steuerte er auf mich zu und fragte nach meinen Wünschen. Dabei zwinkerte er mir eindeutig zweideutig zu. Ich ließ mir von ihm die Kollektion der Dessous zeigen....
Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...
Es ist ein schöner Spätsommertag. Madam Elene sitzt auf der Veranda Ihres herrlichen Anwesen in München Grünwald und denke darüber nach wie Sie Ihren bald kommenden 60. Geburtstag feiern möchte. Trotz Ihrem fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sie immer noch eine elegante Frau mit einer gute Figur mit langen schlanken Beinen. Dass Sie mal eine sehr schöne Frau war kann man noch sehr gut erkennen. In jungen Jahren hat Sie als Mädresse und „Gesellschaftsdame“ in Wien Ihr erstes Geld verdient und heute...
Wir wohnten im 2ten OG eines Sechsparteienhauses. Also ganz oben. Wir, meine Freundin und ich, waren allein zuhause. Es war bereits abends und schon dunkel draußen. Ich lief öfters nackt in unserer Wohnung herum und auch an diesem Tag gefiel es mir mich nackt in der Wohnung zu bewegen. Trotzdem langweilte ich mich ein bisschen. Meine Freundin werkelte in der Küche. Ich hätte ihr helfen können. Wäre ja auch nicht verkehrt gewesen und bestimmt wäre ich dann auch nicht auf dumme Gedanken gekommen....
Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...
Susanne Müller war Einkäuferin eines deutschen Lebensmittelkonzerns und war zum Einkauf von Gemüse in ein Anbaugebiet am Mittelmeer geflogen. Die Verhandlungen waren zügig verlaufen und erfolgreich. Susanne war inzwischen 39 Jahre alt, 1,75 groß und blond. Ihr Körper war eigentlich in guter Verfassung , denn sie betrieb regelmäßig Yoga und Gymnastik. Mittelgroße , noch relativ knackige Brüste und ein kräftiger , aber nicht fetter Hintern machen insgesamt eine durchaus reizvolle Frau...
MatureI am a regular reader of sex stories and some of the readers known to me Hello horny and cool gals, I am back again I would like to introduce my self for the new readers I am from Hyderabad a software engineer working as a system admin and I am 6 feet in height, well built this is my second experience, first one I wrote my experience with Parvathi and this incident happened with Sita about Sita she is very fair and white in color. She is 21 and doing her medicine in Hyderabad, she had a pony...
IncestWhen last we left J.L., he was at the Front Desk of the hotel with Amanda - the Front Desk clerk in the v-neck sweater.After getting consent to share something "personal," I leaned even closer and said "You are a stunner, and I plan to have some "personal time" when I return to my room. May I include you in my personal time?" She squinted a bit and cocked her head to one side - suggesting she didn't "get it." I asked her if she DID get it, and she said "Not Really!" REMEMBER: she's around 20...
I found out about a month ago that my wife had really hot lesbian sex with her best friend Carolyn when they were younger, and again a few years ago when she went to visit her in San Francisco. Just thinking about my beautiful wife kissing, and licking her beautiful friend has given me a pretty much constant hard on, as well as made for some incredible sex. I am constantly thinking about my wife having sex with Carolyn, as well as her other sexual escapades when she was younger. As long as...
PAID IN FULL!Author’s Note - Can you draw or illustrate? I am thinking of publishing the entire Adventures of Christine’s bondage sex stories, from the very beginning, in book form. If you think you can draw Christine, and her friends, in various sexual scenes, please contact me at - [email protected] At last! The week was finally over. It had been a HELL of a week at the Foundation, with several late nights and many deadlines to meet. But, it was over now and I could spend a relaxing...
Leigh was high on adrenaline, waiting for Michael to open the door to his apartment. She felt bad for having to leave Nick and Jayne but she was craving some intimate one on one time, knowing they would likely be enjoying the same. Watching him turn the key, she bit her lip as she looked around to check that nobody she knew was passing by. The pleasing click of the lock, Michael gestured to her to enter before closing behind them. Although she was a good twenty years older than him, the last...
Incest"Good afternoon, Algy. I may call you Algy, yes?" said the little man cheerfully. "I hope so. I know you can't answer me, but I also know you are in there. I can see it in your eyes. We can chat, yes?" The little man, in a white crumpled linen suit complete with Panama hat, settled into the large overstuffed chair present in every hospital and old people's home. He put down his steaming coffee on the side table, took off his hat and mopped his brow with his handkerchief, revealing that...
Authors note: this is the TG part of a larger story adapted to stand alone. Synopsis of other things: Imagine a world where the superpower gene and the gay/transgender gene are one and the same. For some time a demon called Talon is seeking to enslave New York, corrupting its heroes and releasing its villains. MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite By Topaz172 New York The Mayor of New York glared impotently at his 18 year old son, or rather his Master did. It had been it's...
Hey guys! Shankar here with an erotic encounter. If you find the story erotic and wish to get in contact with me, drop a mail at the ID given below. This happened just a few days ago. I was new to Bangalore and I started enjoying my stay in the city. I just downloaded some dating apps to get a good female friend for ‘No strings attached’ and for being friends with benefits. I specified the same in the app. I did not get matches for a few days and then one fine day I matched with a girl named...
Activity Log 18220.84 I feel things are coming to an inflection point. "Feel" is such an interesting concept. In this case, it means that I have an inchoate sense that something is going to happen soon. Denotation ally, among other meanings, it also means the undifferentiated background of one's awareness considered apart from any identifiable sensation, perception, or thought. Feeling. I don't know how or why I developed the ability to feel, but I do. It is what makes me different...
so then i flip over... takeing over the kissing and feeling... massaging your sides, running my hands through your hair... moving down to your pussy, doin my usual kiss n nibble all the way down... down one leg up the other... stopping at your pussy. grabbing the sides of your panties with one finger and pushing the center down with my tounge... Then licking around it in circles getting smaller and closer And then licking up the center, moving my tounge side to side as i go up... using my...
Things were back to normal for a while. Father-in-law resumed his normal routine the day after, however, he was subdued. He talked very little with me or with anyone and spent most of his time with the kids. It appeared that my threat had worked. I was happy that he was not troubling me now. I avoided him completely and spoke with him only when it was necessary. At times, it was a necessity as he was the master of the house. All the earning from the shop went to him only. He didn't pay a...
Are you looking to get your dick wet and find an escort in your part of the world? But I am not talking about just any kind of escort, either. I am referring to fucking transsexual escorts that want to suck you off while you fuck their asshole.If I am talking your fucking language, then I urge you to reach out to fucking Trans Escorts. There, you are going to find a wide array of escorts that are certain to make you cum harder than any living being has ever managed to make you cum in your life....
Escort SitesJames is an average 5'9", 20 year old male with brown hair and brown eyes. His build is unremarkable and a pair of circle wire rim glasses sit low on his nose. His hair is basic and considering his insecurities regarding his stocky and average build he is often wearing simple clothes, like a hoodie and jeans. James wanders down a side street of Galla, Virginia. The day is overcast and dull and so abandoned he wouldn't be surprised to see a tumbleweed cross his path. He was on his way to Florida...
GayLt. Tracy Parker was the only passenger on board the special MAC flight from Andrews to Hickam. From there, after an hour's rest, she boarded an A-2 sent from the U.S.S. United States to pick her up. It was obvious she was an important passenger. The pilot, Lt. Bobby Gates from Kerrville, Texas, was a "nugget" or Navy aviator on his first tour aboard an aircraft carrier. So was his co-pilot and flight school partner, Shelly Schlumburger, a sarcastic brunette from Amsterdam Avenue in...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "Knowing both my Dad and my Mom, it has always surprised me that Mom never saw it coming. She says that she knew Dad was, her words, 'fond and protective.' Dad is as decisive as you can ask, but usually about as subtle as a fire alarm. Somehow, he bought a centuries old wedding band for her. He even ordered her a wedding dress. You should see it. I outgrew it before I turned 16. Let's just say, custom made for her. "Mom never had a...
So finally I’m back for the people who know me. My first time readers hello I’m Jack here, I’m here to share my experience with you’ll which is a real experience and the most erotic one. People reading this for the first time can go to my previous stories to enjoy this part. 1. () 2. () 3. () First time readers about me I’m 22 yrs old with a regular dick 6” when at its glory and my cousin Rita she is 22yrs as well but Hot as hell with a body to die for being 38D-30-38. Now let’s move on with...
IncestAfter a much larger breakfast than he was used to eating, Brad was off to the office. Kim waited till a few minutes after eight, then called Clifford & Jamison. Judy Jeffries answered the phone sleepily, and Kim teased her about it. Then she asked if Kathy Carlson was in yet. “Hi, Candace!” Kathy greeted her cheerfully if somewhat sleepily. “Hi, Kathy,” Kim responded, “but it’s Kimberly now; Candace is dead.” She paused and then asked, “What do you think?” “I think it’s neat,” Kathy...
You lay bleeding on the ground, you can barely move and you feel nothing but pain. You look around and see the holy knight's of the kingdom slaughtering your fellow followers. You stay still hoping that the Knights will assume you are dead. "I think that's the last of these godless heathens." Said one of the knights as he pulled his knife out of the stomach of your leader. The head knight nods. "All right men, burn the place down and leave no trace." You looked in horror as the the shrine to...
FantasyMoonlight meanders....It had been a quite warm day, the sunshine beating down as they drove back from seeing Jays friend at the annual Airshow, and there night’s stay in their favourite hotel. They had decided to come back by the coast road after stopping for a bite to eat and a walk along the beach. Driving along the music added to the tranquil time of the evening , with sunset just approaching. Innuendos had been flying all day, the normal for Jay and Bert when they got together as lads...
One For the third time in the last five minutes, she pulls the curtains aside slightly and looks out down the long driveway. Nope, not yet. She returns to her pacing. She is nervous. In fact, more nervous than she had been in many years. Exactly why, she can’t decide. She feels like a girl waiting for her first date. A couple of months ago, an old flame had looked her up through the wonders of social media. Many emails had followed. Innocent at first, the electronic conversations had turned...
Seduction was hardly ever my forte; I was not very good at it. Most women laughed at my attempts. I was usually the plain, straightforward man with an obvious need who seldom took a woman’s refusal seriously until she hit him a couple of times. I will have to admit to a rape or two in the line of duty, but I am truly ashamed of those, although I may well have enjoyed them. When the old lady with the fan told me she wanted me to go into the city and seduce a woman, a girl really since she was...
Janice and Tim were suddenly alone on the elevator. "My God, that was incredible," Janice said, leaning exhausted into Tim. "I know," Tim agreed, pulling her close Janice looked at Tim with a funny look. "How do you know?" "I'll tell you later." "Uh oh," Janice said. "What's wrong?" "I feel something running down my legs." "Really?" "Do you want to see?" Janice asked. "Here?" Janice reached over and pressed the emergency stop button, bringing the elevator to...
It was just past 4 on Friday afternoon and I was walking up to Scott and Wendy’s front door. I was wondering why Wendy would call me for help with their pool as they used a service to maintain it, as I did mine. I had been there the previous weekend and it looked fine to me. I rang the doorbell and waited.No one answered so I rang it again. I could hear Wendy calling me through the door, but didn’t hear her clearly, so I turned the knob and stuck my head inside calling, “Hey guys, Jack's pool...
SeductionDelilah and Bridget ended up going to Vegas with me. Leslie begged off from the trip, telling us that she didn't feel up to spending all that time in a vehicle. I paid an extra hundred dollars for another ticket to the show over at the Bellagio, and it was a good thing I did. It was a great show, with a lot of aerial things, and people diving into this big pool of water. We went to the nite club at the Bellagio afterwards, and Bridget and Delilah finally saw some famous people who were...
* This story is fictional and sorry but it doesn’t have a lot of sex in it but it does have some . This is my first story so if it’s not so good think oh well it’s her first. This is just the first part to it so if you guys think it’s good I’ll write the second I’ll give you a little background on it. This story is based upon two girls in a relationship and the things they go through while in it. This story has a lot of t.A.T.u music in it since well I’m writing it upon listening to their song...
LesbianIvy Lebelle gets fucked RAW by Manuel! Busty pin-up babe Ivy is looking sexy as ever in her lingerie as Manuel takes pictures with his camera and admires her body. She strips out of her clothes and makes her way to the bedroom where they can get more comfortable. Manuel takes his clothes off and joins her on the bed then makes his way down to get between her legs to lick her tight little pussy. He worships her wet snatch then slides his big dick into her and pounds that horny pussy good. Ivy...
xmoviesforyouFinal Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...
The deep growl woke both of them with a start. "What the hell was that?" asked Kara sleepily. She blinked, and suddenly remembered where she was. Mark felt her stiffened with the shock. "Sounded like a bear, a big one... Not too close..." Mark put the flashlight back on to low power and moved to his backpack. He pulled out something Kara did not recognize. Kara gave a quick smile of admiration to his naked body and said, "Mark, I saw you get that out of the gun case yesterday. What is...
Chapter 1: Owned by Big Daddy.I met Richie and Amanda about two years earlier and immediately thought that I would love to get my lips and tongue all over Amanda's tight little body, and that Richie might just be the perfect guy to help me fulfill one of my husband's fantasies. The day after we met, I got my wish and not only got to know Amanda much better, I also got my first contact with Richie's beautiful hard black cock when I gave him a short but super hot foot job. Amanda and Richie were...
"Well Dr. Walters, your MRI checks out fine, and your stitches are holding nicely. Heck, if I wasn't the one who'd sewn you up, I would have guessed you'd had them in a week ago." The doctor looked down in his file. "According to your records, you were hospitalized in Tunisia back in April ... lightning strike ... coma. But you were discharged just a few days later. I thought that was a clerical error, but you really do seem to possess some remarkable recuperative abilities ... makes me...
Introduction: Marks fathers day continues with his wife and daughter I had so much fun writing the first part of this story I couldnt wait to write more. This whole story is entirely fictional. ============================================== Alex got up from the bed first and headed towards the bathroom. As she walked Mark savored the view of her large, firm ass bouncing from side to side. Alex shot him a sly look over her shoulder. She knew exactly what he was looking at anytime she turned...
A week had passed since the big event on Pluribus and Union Week was over. I did spend a very strange and special night at the Saran compound, emerging myself in a dark and not openly discussed aspect of Saran society and culture, but I did learn a lot and I had been my female self. But I was glad we were back on the ship. While I enjoyed meeting my family and thrilled to see Narth again, the big party was not really my cup of tea.And what happened at the Orgie were memories for a different...
I recently entertained a friend for hours, stimulating him in all ways without ever touching him at all. All I did was tell him about a few good times I’ve had. I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly good storyteller, never thought anyone would really be interested in hearing all about my sordid affairs, but that one reaction made me think. So, I thought perhaps maybe there are more of you out there that would enjoy hearing about my many adventures… My name is Ree, honestly it is. A...
by DiscipleN -- my first story posted here -- don't be gentle Why would a mature woman find pleasure in resisting her desires? I ask myself that question about three times a day, and usually my family has to suffer the answer. I know I am not normal. No responsible mother would risk her children's future sexuality simply to resolve emotional troubles that have haunted her since her own childhood. My mother drank because my father liked to fuck drunk women. They would carouse the...
My ex had just moved abroad, and we were no longer speaking. So, I tried to forget her, but she was always at the back of my mind. Her face was always what I saw, and I couldn’t get her out of my head. I would try to keep her out of my mind. Every time I tried to, the memories of all the naughty stuff we did would come back into mind and make my cock stiff. It was always the memory of our first time that came back to mind. The way she stuck her tongue down my throat, her tasty lips sucking on...
sat mornin head like someone just kicked it heavy night on the ale!thought go for a jog clear my head.took usual route along the canal slow to start off, while running saw woman in front quite tidy from behind nice ass slight build long blonde hair, increased pace head starting to clear, thought lets see how tidy she looks startin to get bit of a semi with anticipation.just before i got to her she twisted her ankle and fell to the floor clutchin her leg she looked in distress, i thought result...
I have been a journalist for about ten years now and from time to time I do a lot of hard work and traveling. Covering stories and having to write them up, to make sure the public is getting all the correct information as soon as possible, I am busy constantly. So after more hard work than usual these past couple of months, I decided to take a little R & R trip to Brazil. Out of habit I found myself still bringing my camera, notepad and laptop just in case. I booked a flight from Florida to Rio...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! --= 6 =-- Danny took off a week straight so that he can show me around. He had every single day planned out. I guess he did that to avoid the awkward silence if we didn't have anything to do. I didn't mind so much, but I wasn't able to see Kevin. Needless to say, I was pining for him, a lot. We started with Bar Harbor and enjoyed the scenery, threw in some hiking and site seeing up around Acadia, stopped by a few parties here and there, then finished...
IncestI have been telling my editors that every story I write, has something in it that is true, I let them try to figure out what it is. Now I'm letting you the readers in on my little secret, try to figure out what is true, then send me your comment. In some stories It's quite a large part of the story, other stories its a very small part. I hope you all have fun with this. If you email me, I may even tell you what part of the story is true. Have Fun. I don't really know quite how to start...
I didn’t see Angela on the Sunday as she said her dad was taking them out to dinner. But on the Monday morning, just after we’d returned from our daily walk around the common, Angela’s mum turned up at the cottage. I was a little concerned as I still didn’t know what happened on the Saturday afternoon, Rambo was really tired and after his feed, went straight to sleep. “Hi Janice, how can I help you ... You not at work today... ?” “Can I come in please... ? I need to talk to you... !” “Of...
Nothing like a string of bad days to keep a guy realistic. Mail delayed, trains delayed, busses delayed. Something about a rainy day that just makes you want to smile. Right. No big deal. Classes will be starting soon enough. Then I'll have a whole list of new problems to upset myself with. My only concern no was getting to the bookstore before it closed, which would be easier if it wasn't Sunday. That's right..the "day he rested". I suppose a day of laziness makes the bus drivers God-like....
EroticHi readers.. Kya hal hai?? I am regular reader of iss. Bahut maja aat hai kabhi kabhi..To maine socha mai bhi apna real incident share karoo.. To friends.. Lets start.. My name amit from lucknow.. 5.10” height good looks.. Working in a mnc. Ye incident ek dum sudden tha.. Mai office se ghar apni pool car se ja raha tha..Wahi koi raat ke 8 baje the.. Ki vikas nagar ke pass ..Ek nayi i10 gaddi ek mod pe thi wo uper nahi chhad rahi thi..Mujhe ussi side jana tha.. 5 min mai utar ke gaya to dekha to...
Lani had spent all day looking at cashmere samples, running her fingers through the soft fabric, thrilling to the touch of it on her skin. She was an assistant fashion designer in the studio of Henri Bechet, at one of the top design firms in Manhattan. It was her dream job, because she had what could only be called a lust for fabric. As long as she could remember she'd had this primal need to feel different textures on her skin, and it had only gotten stronger with time. Cashmere, corduroy,...