Das erotische Experiment
- 2 years ago
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Hi, mein Name ist Tabea!
Und ihr könnt mich mal. Wortwörtlich! Denn ich bin eine notgeile kleine Schnecke!
Meine erotischen Abenteuer starten im Alter von 18. Gut, eigentlich schon viel früher, aber mit 18 habe ich es so richtig abgehen lassen!
Ich war immer schon geiles Schnittchen. Schon auf dem Gymnasium wollten die meisten Jungs nur eins, und zwar in mein Höschen!
Was ich nun erlebte... Nun, sagen wir mal die fantastische Geschichte der Tabea G. nimmt nun ihren Lauf!
Nach meinem beruflichen Aufenthalt in Südost Asien hatte sich mein Asia Fetish gefestigt und so beschloss ich, zusammen mit meinem Kollegen Peter tiefer in die verruchte Welt des asiatischen Sexbusiness einzusteigen. Kurzer Hand flogen wir zusammen nach Hong Kong um dort unsere Sextour beginnen zu lassen. Unser Plan war recht simple: Asia Nutten bumsen und erniedrigend bis unsere Geräte nicht mehr können! Glücklicherweise spielt Geld keine Rolle, so dass uns quasi keine Tür verschlossen bleibt...
InterracialPersönliches Computerlogbuch, Deanna Troi, Sternzeit 56892,1: "Wir sind mit einem Shuttle unterwegs von der Titan zur Erde um Wills Sohn zu treffen. Ja, Will Rikers unehelichen Sohn den er uns allen über Jahre hinweg verschwiegen hat. Vor 2 Tagen erzählte mir Will von ihm, und das dieser gerade 20 geworden ist und sein Vater ihn nocheinmal sehen wollte bevor wir mit der Titan zu unserer Deep-Space-Froschungsmission aufbrechen. Nun befinden wir uns im Anflug auf die Stadt Miami wo David - so...
Johanna ist gerade einmal 18 Jahre alt. Jungfrau (bis jetzt). 1,72m groß. Blond blauäugig, hat große Brüste, und einen geilen, knackigen Po. Curvy, nicht dick. Die Haare sind schulterlang.
BDSMTheresa sitzt in ihrer schmucken Dachgeschosswohnung mit Balkon vor ihrem Laptop und ist in diversen Chats auf der Suche nach Männern, die sich mit ihr treffen wollen. Theresa hat zwei recht ungewöhnliche Angewohnheiten. Zum einen verabredet sie sich mit wildfremden Männern, die sie über das Internet kennlernt. Sie verabredet sich mit diesen Männern in Cafes, Kneipen, Parks oder einfach irgendwo in der Stadt und spielt mit ihnen. Meistens lässt sie es nicht bis zum Äußersten kommen. Sie liebt...
Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...
Hi, ich bin Alex! Heute möchte ich euch von meinen außergewöhnlichen, außergewöhnlich albernen, außergewöhnlich unglaubwürdigen Abenteuern erzählen. Oder sind es nur Phantasien? Oder beides? Wer weiß? Aber Spaß wird's machen! (Achtung: male BISEX) Frühling! Jubel! Ich arbeite in einer Bank - kein besonders aufregender Job, möchte man meinen. Aber vielleicht denkt ihr da später noch anders drüber. Heute müsste ich eigentlich erst um 10 Uhr im Büro sein, da ich abends länger arbeiten sollte,...
Hy, ich bin Gina,aber alle nennen mich irgendwie Blondie, so nennen mich alle wegen meiner Haare, glaub ich. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einer ganz normalen Stadt die eigentlich überall sein könnte. Das auffälligste an mir ist meine Wahnsinns-Oberweite, zumindest sagen das die Jungs. Ich weiß nicht genau wie groß meine Möpse sind, aber zumindest so groß daß ich meine Füße nicht sehen kann ohne mich nach vorne zu beugen, hi hi. Das Gute daran ist, daß mir anscheinend alle Männer...
Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...
BDSMTabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...
(Auszug aus „Mein kleiner Dämon - Das Leben geht weiter“ - 4.Buch)Wow, war ich leichtsinnig. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Nicht nur, dass ich ganz verrückte Dessous gekauft habe. In Frankfurt in einem Sexshop. Diesmal war nicht nur der nette Verkäufer, sondern auch noch eine Verkäuferin da. Er hat mich natürlich sofort wiedererkannt. Sofort steuerte er auf mich zu und fragte nach meinen Wünschen. Dabei zwinkerte er mir eindeutig zweideutig zu. Ich ließ mir von ihm die Kollektion der Dessous zeigen....
Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...
Es ist ein schöner Spätsommertag. Madam Elene sitzt auf der Veranda Ihres herrlichen Anwesen in München Grünwald und denke darüber nach wie Sie Ihren bald kommenden 60. Geburtstag feiern möchte. Trotz Ihrem fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sie immer noch eine elegante Frau mit einer gute Figur mit langen schlanken Beinen. Dass Sie mal eine sehr schöne Frau war kann man noch sehr gut erkennen. In jungen Jahren hat Sie als Mädresse und „Gesellschaftsdame“ in Wien Ihr erstes Geld verdient und heute...
Wir wohnten im 2ten OG eines Sechsparteienhauses. Also ganz oben. Wir, meine Freundin und ich, waren allein zuhause. Es war bereits abends und schon dunkel draußen. Ich lief öfters nackt in unserer Wohnung herum und auch an diesem Tag gefiel es mir mich nackt in der Wohnung zu bewegen. Trotzdem langweilte ich mich ein bisschen. Meine Freundin werkelte in der Küche. Ich hätte ihr helfen können. Wäre ja auch nicht verkehrt gewesen und bestimmt wäre ich dann auch nicht auf dumme Gedanken gekommen....
Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...
Susanne Müller war Einkäuferin eines deutschen Lebensmittelkonzerns und war zum Einkauf von Gemüse in ein Anbaugebiet am Mittelmeer geflogen. Die Verhandlungen waren zügig verlaufen und erfolgreich. Susanne war inzwischen 39 Jahre alt, 1,75 groß und blond. Ihr Körper war eigentlich in guter Verfassung , denn sie betrieb regelmäßig Yoga und Gymnastik. Mittelgroße , noch relativ knackige Brüste und ein kräftiger , aber nicht fetter Hintern machen insgesamt eine durchaus reizvolle Frau...
MatureHello readers I’m dev, back again with yet another scintillating sex experience as you are aware that I’m 26 years old and with normal body stats. I work in an Indian company as an engineer. Here I have many friends and colleagues, I’m doing well here due to my hard work and discipline in work. Here we do have various girls working with us as engineers and other levels. I have friendship with many girls but there are few whom I like very much and almost love them due to lust. Among these there...
Natalie and I had been distant friends for years. We grew up in the same areas and attended the same schools, knowing each other only by name, not who we were or what we did. But there had always been that connection between us. The glances where both of our eyes meet and we seemed to be thinking the same thing, whatever those thoughts were I really wasn’t sure at that stage. As we grew older and more aware of who we were, the looks became longer and the curiosity stronger. Before we knew it we...
Your great uncle Teddy had led a long and altruistic life. Through his admirable work ethic and higher education, he put his immense wealth to humanitarian efforts and reforestation. Unfortunately, prostate cancer and complications brought on by pneumonia didn't care how extraordinary of a man he was, and he passed away. The funeral was heart-wrenching, and shortly after his will was read aloud. Most of his holdings went to is brother's children (your mother), other extended family, and...
FetishZoey Foster could control her vaginal muscles like no other woman Dave had encountered. She was milking the last of the cum from Dave’s wilting shaft, drawing it deep inside her body with willful intent. Moreover, Dave felt that she’d been in complete control of her own orgasms except when he had given her The Experience. Simultaneously, Zoey was dragging her erect nipples across his chest, spelling out ‘I love you’ for the third time. She smiled as she added a flourish under the words and...
*Crossdress Story*Living with your parents is exceptionally annoying, especially when you're 26 and have a fetish for crossdressing. It kind of hampers your "need" for putting on slutty outfits and parade yourself in front of a webcam with a pink-glass buttplug up your ass and a giant rubber cock vibrating away as it burns down your last pair of batteries.But alas, it's the position i'm in and somehow i've made it this far without too many suspicions.There was the incident a few months back...
CHAPTER 1 Thirty-year-old Hal Pearson’s divorce was finalized and it was goodbye good-time Melody who had got away with half of his assets and was back at her dance studio and screwing her financial backer, a married guy. Sure Hal was bitter, having lost three years spent unwisely married to a hot bitch that soon tired of being with him exclusively, although he had to admit there had been many great times. When he found Melody in bed with her brother oblivious to him entering the room...
Stranded little cutie Kiley Jay is relieved when she spots a windowless white van approaching her. She waves the driver Jax over and convinces him to give her a lift into townn. A bit down the road Kiley reveals that she doesn’t have any cash. Fortunately for this little slut, Jax also accepts total sexual submission from tiny teens. This super petite teen is bound with rope and fed a mouthful of BBC in the van then dragged back to a dungeon and brutally fucked like a toy. Jax plasters...
xmoviesforyouBengali sex story বেশ কদিন ধরে দাঁতের ব্যথা হচ্ছে। এমনিতে কিছু অসুবিধে হয় না কিন্তু মাড়ি থেকে রক্ত বেরোলে খুব এমবেরাসড লাগে। আফটার অল আমি একজন পাবলিক ফিগার। যাক এক বন্ধুর রেফারেন্সে ডেন্টিস্ট, লেকের কাছে চেম্বার, গেলাম।প্রথমেই যথারীতি কি সর্বনাশ করেছেন,সব দাঁত এখুনি তুলে ফেলতে হবে, খুব খারাপ অবস্থা ইত্যাদি। পরের তারিখ দিলেন স্কেলিং করবেন। রাত ৮ টার আগে আমার সময় হবে না বলে সে সময় গেলাম, দেখলাম আজ একটা সাদা মোটা ধরনের মেয়ে রয়েছে ভেতরে।মোটা মানে ভুড়িয়ালা পটকাপুটুং নয়। মিস্টি দেখতে। ডেন্টিস্ট বললেন...
I wake up in the examination room with Barb literally sitting on my chest saying things like 'it's ok' and 'calm down'. "I'm calm." I reply. "You're a maniac, is what you are." She snaps. "I'm sorry." Then I think a moment. "What I'm I sorry for?" "For trying to disable Steve, maybe? For scaring the life outta me?" I think for another moment. "No. I have no idea what you're talking about." "You didn't just dislocate Dr. Gorman's shoulder?" That sounds like...
After a long, busy day, I finally undressed, sank into the comfort of my mattress and settled down under the duvet. Alone at last. I could hear the low hum of the TV downstairs and felt safe in the knowledge that my boyfriend had never come up to bed before the end of Match of the Day in the three years that we'd lived together. Which left me plenty of time for some self indulgence. I let my hands wander, stroking down my body, feeling the curves of my full breasts and gently pinching my...
MasturbationPLEASE NOTE: The band “Tundra” as featured in this story is entirely fictitious.The first thing you have to understand about me is that I’m a rock chick with a very particular style. Take, for example, my goth inspired wardrobe, my ten piercings and the white-blonde dreadlocks that go all the way down to my backside. I don’t think anyone could accuse me of not being unique. In my day to day life I’m independent, in control and that’s the way I like it. But there’s another side to me. A side...
LesbianI met Bob T. at an adult video store. He wasn't exactly good looking but he was fat, old and horny. That worked for me. I didn't realize it at the time, but Bob would turn out to be one of my most exciting sexual friends, who led me to a whole other world of sex and sex contacts in his retirement home.Like so many of my sex buddies, Bob was married and hetero but just couldn't get enough so over time he relented to having sex with men at adult video stores. I think there is a point in a virile...
All the way home Peter went on and on about what a great party it was and how his new boss and wife liked us. I had never seen Peter this excited in his whole life. He was going to be making so much money and we were going to life the high life for once. The only thing he did not understand was the price that I paid for it last night. We got home and I still felt sick, I could not get the taste out of my mouth. I wanted to wipe my memory clean of the way I acted last night. I had Peter open...
There are many different types of massages, and they each are for a specific purpose. Swedish, Sports, The****utic and even Erotic. I have enjoyed each type from time to time. Last week I had a Swedish massage with a masseuse I had been to a couple of times before. She is tall, attractive, probably in her mid-30s, has a very nice body, and is an awesome masseuse! She had always had on shorts and a tee shirt in the past. Today she had on short shorts and a halter top. I had felt amazing after...
I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating. Something about it really turns me on. A few times i know of, i have been watched, but never straight up caught, until now. Tonight my fantasy was to come true, but a little differently than i had always imagined. I recently went to stay with my sister lisa in san francisco for about a week. She lives with her best friend tammy, who i have wanted to fuck ever since i was 14. Tammy and my sister were both 21 then, and i was 23. Tammy...
IncestMy long-time secret affair with Peter finally surfaced last summer and we both separated from our spouses. Our first extended time together was a winter vacation to Sun Valley where we rented a condo for two weeks. It was exhilarating to be out in the open with each other without awkwardly bumping into friends from our married lives. For almost ten years our main goal during our limited opportunities had been to have sex, sex, and more sex. In Sun Valley our main goal was to ski on famous...
Group SexHandjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on NudeVista.com, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...
Handjob Porn SitesA New Spin on Role Playing Games 2 by: Shawna Summers [email protected] The next LARP event came by and I was more than ready! I was so horny and worked up I could hardly believe it. The last session had been such an amazing time and this one promised to be more of the same, and then added twist of me being the prize for one of the guys was just well, scary, but also a bit of fantasy come true! I did make sure to do all of my necessary prep work. Naturally this meant shaving...
Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin die auf dieser Seite den Nicknamen "Mia_chan", "Mia" benutzt. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Da ich Kommentare eher auf meiner Website wahrnehme registiert euch dort bitte f?r schnellere Antworten :) ©2009 Mi...
"They're cannibals!" Tilly shrieked in horror. We'd gotten back to the settlement well before supper time. We were greeted by Rebecca, Brenda, Angela, and Melody. All of them came over and gave me a kiss to welcome me home. It was nice. It didn't last long. Tilly came running out of the tent complex a minute or two later. She'd heard our voices and she wanted to know everything. I had to silence her with a kiss. It was a nice kiss and she appreciated it. She didn't appreciate being...
This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Ashok almost passed out while jogging with Savita. He only joined her this one time, but what he saw was enough to drive him mad! Savita had too many fit and athletic young men around her at all times. They sniffed around her, and it made him feel self-conscious about his fitness. He kept picturing their young cocks penetrating Savita’s tight body, and it was too much for him. He needed to find a way to keep...
Once inside, the house, George stood back from Esther. “Can you stand?” he asked. “Y-yes.” Her teeth were chattering and her frame was shaking. He dropped the lap robe on the floor pulled off her cloak and bonnet and dropped them as well. “Deal with those,” he told the footman who had opened the door. “Have Ian attend me and Nicholas deal with the horses ... Come, dear,” He was speaking to Esther now. He helped her up the stairs. Before they had arrived at the top, Ian was above them...
This is a story of a summer holiday and after few years of me Goli and my aunt Pallo and her daughter Pari who is 18 years old now. This story goes back in 1997 when I was 18 years old. I was at my Nana’s place in Kanpur where all the relatives would gather for summer holidays. I have an aunt named Pallavi she was approx. 22 yrs old unmarried, we used to call her Pallo Mausi. Pallo mausi was most beautiful, she was fair, with a nice figure of firm boobs and ass and a slim waist. Pallo mausi and...
IncestChapter Six: Lez Stripper Career Day By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara might not be going to her school any longer, but that didn't mean she wasn't paying attention to everything that was going on at her school. Today was a special day. Today, was career day. And there was a certain group of girls who thought they were going to be at the pinnacle of the business world. Future moguls. They thought their assholes didn't stink and that they pissed perfume....
Porn Host! If you’ve ever looked for a place where you can share your favorite pornos that you’ve been collecting over the years, then you’ve come to the right place. On PornHost.com you can have your cake and eat it too. Join the rest of the porn crowd that upload to this website on a regular basis. You’ll be able to enjoy all of the porn that’s already uploaded, you’ll also be able to download the content as much as you please for free, and you’ll even be able to post your own content on...
Porn Video Hosting SitesHii boys and girls mai ek high profile girl hu ya phir aap keh sakte hai ki mai ek bhut badi randi hu kyuki sabhi mujhe yhi khte hai sabse phle me apne bare me bta du me Suzzan Khan meri age hai 27 years or me delhi me rahti hu me dikhne mai kafi sexy or hot hu mera hot figure joki 34 28 38 he jise dekh kar log apne pant ke andar hi apna maal chod dete hai me jb bhi bahar jati hu to bhut tight jeans pehanti hu or panties nhi pehanti jisse meri ass puri shape me dikhti he or sbhi usse ghurte hi...
With that said, John created the character Susan based on his image of me. Most of John’s character portrayals are reasonably close to the real life person with just enough jumbled to throw people off the trail. I am actually somewhere near 36 and blond, but of course I am not divorced as he indicates. John really is in the 55 year old range, give or take. I’ll let you guess. The two “daughters” are not based on my real life daughters (I don’t have any kids) but they are based on real...
Adventures of Donna–Part 2 (Little girl swallow) Donna could feel his large hands pulling her face down on his penis, forcing the huge member down her throat. She started choking and her natural reaction was to resist the f***e of his hands. There was nothing she could do to stop him, he was too strong. Besides Donna was gambling that the mystery man was determined to make her eat this entire length. He did not reduce the pressure on her head, either she managed her breathing and opened her...
I looked up. Rachel's face looked cold and dark as a trail of smoke trailed up from the barrel of the nine-millimeter she had just shot Becky with. I knew what I had done. It was my fault. If I hadn't given in to temptation this wouldn't have happened. I couldn't believe I let Rachel down like this. Rachel lowered the gun and looked at me, her expression changed quickly as she began to sniffle and tears began to stream down her face. "Oh god Brad what have I done!? I can't believe I did this....
IncestDuring the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...
Working for Stephen made for an interesting life, when I wasn't being bent over a table or worse as it turned out. The job itself kept me busy and it paid well. I'm not the pay had much to do with the job of being secretary and more to do with... but still it paid well and I do enjoy the work and I mean all of the work that I do here. I'd been at the company a nearly two months, I'd managed to secure life at the apartment for myself and my room mate... mainly me, mainly because Kelly...
I gave Erika 30 minutes to clean herself up and come back downstairs. She had 5 minutes left. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. Not really paying attention to anything on TV, I was more interested in what had just happened. My incredibly gorgeous eighteen-year-old tenant couldn’t pay her rent so she thought she could barter sex in exchange. I countered her offer with mine: be my sex slave for a month. She accepted. I looked around and saw her clothes and underwear scattered...
Claudia and her daughter, Desiree were tending Claudia's beautiful garden. Claudia was in her late forties, but only she knew just how late. Standing around five-feet six or seven, she had a magnificent bosom that threatened to spill out of her shirt every time she bent over. The long sleeved shirt she wore was unbuttoned down several buttons in the front and the overflowing peaks of soft, pink flesh were obviously apparent through the opening. And today she wore a pair of long pants to...
I spent the rest of the night sitting in front of the laptop with the Chrome browser open Googling for ... well it seemed like everything, because there was so much I felt ignorant about. I did remember to throw Edwina's casserole in the oven. There was a post-it note on top with the cooking instructions. Probably something 27 year old Cooper would have needed, but a casserole is a casserole for a man my age, so in the oven for an hour at 350. I had some tomatoes and cheese that I had...
Zoe's parents had left her alone while they ventured off on another one of their French ski trips with their friends. They had offered to bring Zoe with them however, she hated the snow and the thought of talking to her parent's friends and their bratty kids would be boring. Being at home was boring as well. Although a few of Zoe's friends were back from university and could be called upon any time. Zoe herself was 20 and on a break from uni, before starting her final year, but right now, all...
FetishI am a bi crossdresser....love some pussy or cock. I registered on an fabswingers looking for a meeting with similar people.I was actively looking for an older couple to have some fun with. To cut a long story short, I finally got talking to a guy called Bill. He and his wife could entertain a gurl like me for a fun filled evening, if I was game. We both had a list of dos and donts for the night and we went over a few ground rules etc.I was to be their maid and waitress for the evening. They...
Sunday morning in the big house was something special. All the house personnel were present except my two women who should be awake by now. The maid who said she was the senior of the group told me that I would quickly be served coffee, but she wanted me to know that the women of the house didn't stir much before ten when they were here on weekends. I went to the gym room and did my workout. I knew that I would have plenty of time to work on making my car presentable as soon as it...
Chapter 4: Changes and Solutions When Katie and Anthony went down to the kitchen to fix breakfast for themselves Monday morning they found Gloria sitting at the kitchen table, typing away at her laptop with cell phone at hand, already apparently working. ‘Good morning, Mother,’ said Anthony blearily. He was barely awake. ‘You’re up early.’ ‘I’ve been up since five,’ she answered, ‘There’s coffee.’ ‘A fresh pot,’ said Katie brightly. ‘I finished the first one,’ said Gloria, ‘What time did I...
John came to consciousness late in the morning, awoken by the ringing of his doorbell. He struggled into his dressing gown and went downstairs, switching off the alarm as he did so. He opened the door. There on the doorstep stood a frightened Carol. She looked at him and burst into tears, covering her face with her hands. “Come in, Carol,” he invited, sounding and feeling resigned. “Come and sit down in the kitchen. I’ll make some tea. Have you had breakfast?” She nodded, and followed him...
When we got off the plane, I was so excited to see Alex, I couldnt wait to start my spring break. Then I spotted him, wearing a typical Florida attire, Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Maybe it was the excitment of beaing away from home, maybe it had just been along itme sinve I had seen Alex, but he looked great, even Jen whispered under her breath "your brother is hot". And I had to agree with her, Alex is a little over 6' tall, tanned, and the tank top showed off his well defined arms...
(Revised and concluded June 2018) Sylvia Silk was not the sort of girl that got upset when boys were rowdy and acted like they were the lord and masters of the universe. In fact, she reveled in the way they gave out orders and made her do things that she would be far too shy to do of her own accord. She was a bit on the smallish side all things considered, but her upper body development had reached the promised land of double D perfection and her nipples were a land of enchantment when...
At age 13, and with his mother in such a state, Michael's father was given custody, and he went to live with his father and his new girlfriend, Tina. Michael was nervous about living with someone he didn't know, but was glad that he was able to stay in the house he grew up in. Tina was 26 and a total knockout, with wavy blond hair, a meaty, yet firm ass, and what Michael would find out accidentally was a D cup bust. Even though she was largely at fault for ruining his parents marriage,...
Hello, everyone. I am Amit (name changed) from Chandigarh. Age 22(correct age). If anyone wants to have fun online, contact me at This is a real incident. There is not a 0 % of fiction in this. I am just describing what I saw. Now I would like to start my story. This incident happened 6 years back when I used to be 16. This incident completely changed my thoughts for a small period of time but later I realized it is fine for a married couple to involve in sex after marriage and having kids....