Halo Ch. 06 free porn video

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Janey woke to the soft chatter of Nicky beside her, she frowned and turned her head towards him before opening her eyes.

Nicky was happily resting against Ren as he lay in bed with them talking to his favourite toy Teddy.

Janey felt heat rise in her face as Ren glanced at her with a smile as if he had felt her eyes on him.

‘Look Nicky, Mummy has woken up. Nicky has been in bed with us for nearly an hour and a half,’ Ren told her with a smile.

Nicky looked at Janey and gave her one of his brilliant smiles.

‘He’ll be wet through and hungry. It’s a wonder he’s not screaming the house down,’ Janey mumbled with a frown as she looked away from Ren.

‘Brad already changed him and ‘Tanaya gave him a bowl of fruit and a cup of milk before he came in here to us,’ Ren said gently.

‘Mummummum, Daddaddaddad!’ Nicky chatted to her happily.

‘Hey there Bubbubbub,’ Janey said softly as she avoided looking at Ren.

‘Why don’t we go visit your Dad and let Mummy get up, hey Nicky?’ Ren asked softly as he realised there was something troubling Janey.

Janey made no comment and closed her eyes as Ren slipped from the bed.

‘No need for that, I got clothes on,’ Ren said feeling uneasy.

Janey made a noncommittal sound in her throat and opened her eyes to look at her son.

‘I’ll see you in the kitchen shortly,’ Ren said softly with a sinking feeling as he lifted Nicky into his arms.

Janey closed her eyes as Ren left the room then opened them with a start when her engagement ring wasn’t on her finger to twist in her anxiety. She looked towards the nightstand and took a deep breath as she saw it there.

Janey grimaced at the tenderness between her thighs as she sat up and swung her legs off the edge of the bed, she was surprised to find she wore the t-shirt once again and stiffened as she remembered waking slightly as Ren had slipped it over her head and eased her arms into the sleeves.

Refusing to think about what had occurred the previous night Janey got up and quickly got dressed before heading to the toilet. She carried her engagement ring in her hand unable to bring herself to put it on.

She took her time drawing the simple task out as long as she could before reluctantly heading towards the kitchen.

Brad was standing beside ‘Tanaya at the sink while he held Nicky who was chattering to him happily. Janey glanced around uneasily and saw Ren at the fridge getting out a bottle of juice and she looked away hurriedly when he glanced her way.

‘Tanaya took in the scene with a quick glance as she turned around. The way Ren was looking at Janey and the clear mark on her neck attested to their shared passion the night before.

‘I need milk. You guys go get some would you? And take Nicky for the walk, he’d like that.’ ‘Tanaya ordered firmly.

‘But there’s milk…’ Brad started to protest.

‘It’s off, go get me more.’ ‘Tanaya said softly but firmly with a frown at Brad.

Realising that ‘Tanaya was intent on them leaving Brad gave a slight nod and glanced at Ren.

‘Looks like we’re on shop duty,’ Brad remarked and led the way from the kitchen.

Ren hesitated a moment as he looked at Janey where she stood with her back turned towards him slightly and her head bowed, he gave a sigh of frustration then followed Brad.

‘Tanaya was silent as she put two pieces of bread into the toaster before pouring a glass of juice and putting it on the table. When the toast popped up she buttered it, placed it on a plate and put it on the table beside the juice.

‘Here, sit down and eat this. And for goodness sake stop beating yourself up over what happened last night,’ ‘Tanaya told Janey gently.

Janey glanced at her startled then looked at the toast and juice. ‘Thanks.’

‘Tanaya watched as Janey sat down and picked up a piece of toast and nibbled at it half-heartedly. She noticed that Janey held her engagement ring in one hand and was turning it in her fingers restlessly.

‘I know I am probably the last person you want to talk to or listen to but I really think you need some advice,’ ‘Tanaya said after several minutes while Janey sat there fiddling with the ring.

‘What? You going to have a go at me about sleeping with Ren?’ Janey demanded aggressively.

‘Tanaya was silent for a few moments, she could see that Janey was already telling herself off about her actions.

‘No, I was actually going to tell you not to focus on the fact that you’re involved with two men but look at each one individually and work out what it is they give you or what you draw from your relationship with them. Think about them as separate individuals, their morals and personalities. Then work out what you want,’ ‘Tanaya said evenly.

Janey glanced at her startled. She had not expected anything so sensible from ‘Tanaya especially since she had disliked and distrusted ‘Tanaya all along.

‘Ren said you gave Nicky breakfast,’ Janey said softly.

‘He was hungry,’ ‘Tanaya said gently as she recognised Janey’s abrupt change of tone.

‘Thanks,’ Janey said and gave a faint smile.

‘So is toast enough or do you want something more filling?’ ‘Tanaya asked brightly.

‘I’m not really hungry,’ Janey admitted sheepishly.

‘How about a cup of coffee,’ ‘Tanaya asked as she poured herself a refill.

Janey glanced at her empty glass of juice surprised to find she had drank it all.’ That would be good thanks.’

‘Tanaya poured a second cup of coffee and placed it in front of Janey before sitting down at the table.

‘Do you want to talk about what’s happening? Or maybe talk about something else to get your mind off it for the moment?’ ‘Tanaya asked softly.

Janey shook her head and shrugged at the same time. There were tears in her eyes as she glanced at the other woman.

‘Do you love either of them?’ ‘Tanaya asked gently.

‘I love Adam, and he’s so good to me,’ Janey said unhappily.

‘Is Adam the one who gave you that police file on me?’ ‘Tanaya asked calmly.

‘He knew I felt uneasy about bringing Nicky here and he thought I should know the type of people who would be around him,’ Janey said softly.

‘You do know what he did broke a heap of police and legal rules. Personally I thought he had nothing against me until I told you about Ren’s appeal going before the court…’ ‘Tanaya said letting her sentence trail off.

Janey shook her head in denial but she’d had had the same thoughts herself. ‘Tanaya seemed to be the one person here that he had not had voiced doubts about.

‘Can I ask how you feel about Ren?’ ‘Tanaya asked very quietly.

‘He scares me, terrifies me. But I feel safe when I’m with him,’ Janey said unhappy with confusion.

‘Yeah, we type of noticed that last night. When you were asleep you nearly mugged him in your sleep, nearly ended up crowding him off the edge of the lounge bed,’ ‘Tanaya said with a grin before asking, ‘Do you feel safe when you’re with Adam?’

‘Why wouldn’t I? I know he’ll protect me and he’s a police officer,’ Janey said dryly.

‘Ummm, who rocks your boat? Adam or Ren?’ ‘Tanaya asked curiously as she lifted her cup of coffee up for a drink.

‘Pardon?’ Janey asked slightly outraged.

‘Don’t want to answer personal questions? Brad’s pretty good between the sheets isn’t he?’ ‘Tanaya asked with a smile.

Janey looked away embarrassed by ‘Tanaya’s forthright manner.

‘I mean he might be very well hung but he sure knows how to use it and he’s gentle with it,’ ‘Tanaya laughed at Janey’s embarrassed blush.

‘It doesn’t bother you that Brad and I have…ummm…well you know?’ Janey asked red faced.

‘I knew Brad wasn’t a virgin right from the start, before I’d even met him. Brad sleeping with you was one thing Hawk was really angry over. That and the fact Ren had interfered between him
and you,’ ‘Tanaya said gently worried that mention of Hawk would upset Janey.

‘You knew Hawk?’ Janey asked startled.

‘Yeah, I met him, and he and his boyfriend hung around with the guy I was with for a few weeks.’ ‘Tanaya admitted softly.

‘Ah ummm what did you think of him?’ Janey asked almost hesitantly.

‘He was very handsome and charming but I always had the uneasy feeling that there was something off about him underneath it all. And Rory, my boyfriend at the time warned me never to be alone with Hawk not long after he met him,’ ‘Tanaya said evenly.

Janey nodded jerkily and picked up her coffee with shaking hands. ‘He had a cruel streak, not just ordinary cruel either,’ Janey said with a quiver in her voice.

‘Tanaya was silent as Janey took several sips of coffee before putting the cup back on the table.

‘He was sadistic,’ Janey whispered with a shudder.

‘But that’s in the past now,’ ‘Tanaya said brightly.

‘Yeah, it is,’ Janey agreed with a shaky smile.

‘I don’t know who gets the most excited when they know you and Nicky are coming to visit, Brad, Ren, Matty, Brent, or me.’ ‘Tanaya said with a faint smile.

Janey glanced at her with surprise, ‘Why would you be excited about a visit? I’ve been a bit of a bitch up until now,’ Janey said with a grimace.

‘It’s not as if I didn’t give you cause to be wary of me,’ ‘Tanaya admitted with a shrug.

‘Truce?’ Janey asked with a smile.

‘I’d really like that,’ ‘Tanaya said with a nod, ‘and maybe we could be friends at some stage.’

‘I think we are now,’ Janey said with a soft laugh.

‘Okay, so what are we going to do to these guys when they come back? Send them out for some sugar or a loaf of bread?’ ‘Tanaya asked brightly with a playful gleam in her eye.

Janey laughed and shook her head, ‘Make them wear frilly aprons to do the dishes,’ she suggested.

‘Those pair are so secure in their masculinity it would take more than that to shake them,’ ‘Tanaya said with a proud grin.

The smile faded from Janey’s face as she caught sight of her ring where it sat on the table, she reached out slowly and picked it up. She turned it over and over in her fingers for several moments before giving a deep sigh and enclosing it in one hand.

‘It’s going to take some time and thought isn’t it,’ ‘Tanaya said gently.

‘Yeah,’ Janey said and glanced across at her. Surprisingly the chat with ‘Tanaya had helped her work out what she would do about her situation.

‘Tanaya began gathering used cups and plates and got to her feet to take them to the sink.

Janey finished her cup of coffee then carried her cup, plate and glass to the sink before pausing for a moment.

‘I’ll just go put this in my purse. I think that’s the best place for it,’ Janey said rolling her engagement ring between her fingers.

‘Okay,’ ‘Tanaya said without comment.

Janey headed for the bedroom where she had slept. She found her purse with the bag she had packed for Nicky and placed the ring in her wallet. She heard Brad and Ren return and hesitated a moment before heading back to the kitchen.

‘Nicky needed a Freddo frog,’ Brad said as he turned to face her.

Nicky was held snugly in his arms, his face a gooey mess of smeared chocolate. He held the remains of a chocolate in one messy fist that he was suckling and chewing on with delight.

‘So I see,’ Janey said with a wry smile. ‘You get to clean him up.’

‘You still like Mars bars don’t you?’ Ren asked with a charming smile.

‘Yeah I do,’ Janey said guardedly.

‘I got several in case you’d like one as well,’ Ren said motioning to several different chocolate bars sitting on the table. He remembered Janey had a sweet tooth when it came to chocolate bars and after the way she had all but recoiled from him that morning he was ready to try anything to try to repair the mistake he had made by going to bed with her.

Janey glanced at the chocolate bars and her mouth watered when she saw the Mars bar. She darted a quick glance at Ren then reached for the chocolate. She hesitated a moment and darted a quick glance at Brad and ‘Tanaya before pulling her hand back away from the chocolate.

‘Would you two be okay with Nicky if Ren and I sat out on the back veranda for a while?’ Janey asked softly.

‘Yeah sure,’ ‘Tanaya said. ‘ Just take your time okay.’

Janey gave a slight nod understanding what ‘Tanaya meant before she turned and headed for the back veranda. She heard Ren start to follow her after a moment and tried to think of what she would say to him.

Ren closed the back door behind him then turned to face Janey. She was standing by the veranda railing watching him uneasily.

‘I’m sorry about what happened last night. After promising not to do anything I should have walked away,’ Ren said before Janey could start to say anything.

‘I …ummm … things have changed. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t willing last night. What happened changed a lot of things,’ Janey said nervously.

Ren gave a nod and sat down on one of the benches on the veranda. He remained silent as he watched Janey.

‘I … I’m not sure … ummm … what’ll happen, where things’ll go from here,’ Janey stammered nervously.

Ren gave another nod and remained silent as he waited for her to continue with what she had to say. He watched as she looked down at her hands where she was twisting them nervously in front of her.

‘I’m not breaking up with Adam but I won’t be wearing the engagement ring anymore. And … ummm … I …ahhh … want to keep seeing you,’ Janey finished her sentence with a rush and looked at him nervously.

Ren looked at her with surprise, he had been expecting her to tell him she wanted nothing to do with him, but he certainly hadn’t expected this.

‘I don’t share my women with other guys,’ Ren said trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

‘I don’t know what this is between us. I’m honest enough to admit it will probably happen again. I love Adam but … this … this thing … I don’t think either of us can … control it,’ Janey said uneasily as she saw the anger in his face.

‘You claim to love your cop boyfriend and yet you want to keep seeing me even though you know we’ll end up in bed together?’ Ren asked tightly.

‘I…I …’ Janey stammered and took a step backwards.

‘What? Doesn’t he satisfy you in bed?’ Ren bit out angrily. He turned around and stormed back into the house leaving Janey staring after him worriedly.

Janey watched the screen door bounce back from the doorframe and hit the wall, she flinched then took a deep breath as she tried to calm the nerves fluttering in her stomach.

* * * * *

Ren stood by his bike as he looked out across the valley view from the highway rest area. It was well past lunchtime and he was just stopping to eat the sandwiches he had bought along with him.

His feelings still smarted from the blow Janey dealt him the previous day. He had left as soon as he’d seen his parole officer for the week and headed for the open road to do some serious riding and hopefully blow his troubles away.

The thought of Janey returning to Adam after what they shared made his blood boil and he tossed his uneaten sandwich in the bin, his appetite destroyed.

As he gazed out over the green valley he realised that there was no way he could escape from what Janey said, he could only return and face whatever was to eventuate.

‘At least Janey was admitting there is something between us,’ Ren thought darkly.

Frustrated with the thoughts that kept whirling round and round in his head Ren put his helmet on and straddled his bike once more. It was time to return to the house where Brad and ‘Tanaya lived and start looking for a place of his own in earnest.

* * * * *

It was late Saturday afternoon before Ren arrived back at
Brad and ‘Tanaya’s, he was happy to see Janey’s vehicle parked out the front of the house as he turned into the driveway and rode his bike up the side of the house.

As he walked in the back door he could hear ‘Tanaya and Janey talking in the kitchen and Brad in the lounge room talking to Nicky.

‘Any hot coffee?’ Ren asked from the doorway of the kitchen.

‘Hello stranger. The kettle’s not long been boiled,’ ‘Tanaya said as she looked at him with a grin.

‘I’ll just put my gear away and come make myself a cup,’ Ren said before heading for his bedroom.

He noticed there was an overnight bag on the foot of his bed and he knew Janey was probably staying the night. He put his duffel bag by the closet then headed for the kitchen.

The kettle had been turned on and was close to boiling when he walked into the room. He got himself a cup from the cupboard and added coffee granules and sugar before turning to face the two women.

‘Hi Blondie. How’s it going ‘Tanaya?’ Ren said quietly.

‘Hi Ren,’ Janey said softly.

Ren couldn’t help noticing she was slightly wary of him and he didn’t blame her after the way he had left during the week.

‘Would you like to call me Gabe or Gabriel? That’s my Christian name. I just thought maybe you would like to use one of them but if you want to keep calling me Ren. It’s fine by me,’ Ren said with a smile.

‘Brent and Matty got a new flat. Their landlord offered them a flat that came vacant,’ ‘Tanaya informed him.

‘That’s good, very far away?’ Ren asked.

‘Just in the next block towards the shopping centre,’ ‘Tanaya replied.

The kettle boiled and Ren turned his attention to making his coffee.

‘I’m just going to see Brad and our boy,’ Ren said before taking his cup of coffee and heading for the lounge room.

In the lounge room Brad was helping Nicky build a tower out of toy blocks when Ren walked in. He looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw who had entered the room.

‘Glad to see you back,’ Brad said quietly.

‘I just needed some time and space to myself,’ Ren said as he seated himself in the recliner chair.

Nicky looked up from where he was playing with the blocks and gave Ren a wide smile before climbing to his feet and toddling over to him, he climbed up onto Ren’s lap and sat there leaning back against Ren’s chest for several minutes.

‘And I’m happy to see you too Nicky,’ Ren said fondly as he gave the little boy a cuddle.

‘Looks like you’ve got yourself a friend there,’ Brad remarked when Nicky continued to sit on Ren’s lap and was busily chatting away to him.

‘That’s good because I’m rather fond of the little guy,’ Ren said his voice slightly thick.

Brad laughed softly, ‘Looks like you’ve fallen for the kid just as hard as you have his mother.’

Ren gave a faint smile but didn’t reply to Brad’s remark.

‘I been thinking I should go check up on my restaurants,’ Ren said as he lifted Nicky from his knee and placed him on the floor.

Nicky walked over to the blocks and sat down with a plonk.

‘Do you need to talk to your parole officer about that?’ Brad asked.

‘I just need to let them know exactly where I would be going and when,’ Ren replied. He turned his head to look when footsteps sounded but it was just ‘Tanaya who came into the room.

‘Janey wants to drive back to her parents place and pick up a couple of things she forgot,’ ‘Tanaya said as she looked at Brad and then glanced at Ren.

‘Does she want to take Nicky with her?’ Brad asked.

‘She was hoping to leave him here with you and I was going to go with her,’ ‘Tanaya said quietly.

‘You two are really getting on well now aren’t you,’ Brad said with a smile.

‘We sure are,’ ‘Tanaya agreed.

Ren looked past ‘Tanaya to see Janey standing not far behind her. He smiled at her and watched as she blushed and glanced away.

‘Would it be okay if I went with you Janey and let ‘Tanaya stay here?’ Ren asked evenly.

Janey met Ren’s gaze for a moment and then looked at ‘Tanaya and Brad who were looking at her waiting for her answer.

‘Yeah. If ‘Tanaya would rather stay here,’ Janey agreed.

‘I’ll be sure of not running into Adam this way,’ ‘Tanaya said sounding slightly relieved.

‘Oh no chance of that – he’s away for two or three weeks,’ Janey said evenly with a swift glance at Ren.

Ren didn’t comment and Janey looked away silently thankful that he had nothing to say.

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Angelina sat on her bed, wearing a negligee and silky see through robe. She looked out of her window and saw the clouds from her balcony. It's been very peaceful ever since the battle of the angels and demons ended. The war, however will never end. Being a princess of angels, its really hard to not think of the war. She turned off the candle and lays down. She closes her eyes. A sudden noise woke Angelina opening her eyes. She gasped as she saw a shadowy face above her. She tried to scream, but...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Brooklyn Chase 24357

Let’s face it: the point of college, at least for the guys, is to get laid. And that’s what Lucas is trying to do when he takes notes for all the girls in his class who skip. But when his professor, Brooklyn Chase, discovers this kind of tomfoolery is occurring within her classroom, she sees him privately to tell him that those girls won’t ever go out with him; rather, they’re just using him. As soon as Lucas Pucas glumly admits that he’s never been with a girl. Prof. Chase uses it as an...

4 years ago
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Indian Aunty Ka Doodh Piya

Hi I am jimmy from delhi. Mare ghr main me mom and dad rhta h. Ghr pe sb log mujha jim bulata h. Ya story tb ki h jb mai 18 saal ka tha. Hmare pdos main ek family shift hui thi. Family main ek admi , indian aunty or unka chota baby h. Shift hona k 1-2 din baad ptaa chla ki aunty ki saadi ko 1/5 saal he hua tha. Unka baby 5 months ka tha tb. Uncle ko job k karn city se bhaar jaana pdta tha to ghr pr bs aunty or unka baby rhta tha. Thoda he dino main hmari aunty se bhot achi jaan phchan ho gyi....

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 325

With an occasional nap for some (Jeff and his team worked straight through), the group worked the night away. In the wee hours, the women set up a table with sandwich fixings and finger food – a lot of it. They drank a few gallons of coffee and lost count of how many soft drinks. Shortly after daylight, Diana insisted that everyone stop to have breakfast. When Lieutenant Richardson mentioned that he and the team would eat at Security Headquarters, Diana met him literally head on. With hands...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 07

VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...

3 years ago
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Sex Geschichten

Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.

1 year ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 34

Day 8 (15) –Time to Go Richard tapped his watch. The thing felt uncomfortable after not wearing it for over a week. Wait, actually it's been two weeks, hasn't it? Damn, keep forgetting the changes took a week. Need to remember that, or I'll say the wrong thing and people will really wonder WTF when I get home. Note to self... The whole family stood waiting in the lobby. Not the lobby they'd arrived in, oh no. That was ... elsewhere. This one separated from the rest of the hotel by...

2 years ago
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He Ch 02

I tend to scoff at those who claim that they find love on the Internet. How can they possibly know whom it is that they are talking to? Then again, there is that freedom in knowing that you won’t have to look at them as you tell them your secrets. Knowing that no matter what, even if they are freaked out by your tales, you don’t have to see them. Then again, until I met him, I never knew how I could feel. I met him today. He and I have been talking for what seems like forever. We met in the...

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The beginning of my curiosity pt5

All the way home from Shane's house mixed emotions on what had just happened were swirling in my guts. On one hand I had enjoyed the two of us playing with each other immensely! I could still practically feel his hand on my cock and mine on his. The weight of his balls in my hand. How his penis expanded and contracted and he came from my ministrations and the feeling of his hot cum run down the back of my hand as his climax subsided. It was so very exciting! Getting him off felt as good as my...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 21 Mother Time

I was grateful for the band. Heather’s departures were never a good thing for me, inevitably the start of a long slide down into wistful distance, but the fact that I could go from our final embrace to playing my guitar within fifteen minutes was at the very least a welcomed distraction. “So we need to start thinking about a set for the battle,” I said, once we’d played a few numbers to warm up and clear the farewell feelings as best we could. “We have six originals, so we’ll need another...

1 year ago
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Whoring Her Mother Ch 05

Lana was rushing around their home so much, Frank thought she was going to have kittens. They were celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary and she had absolutely refused to tell him what his present was. It was special, he knew that, it had to be, because his redheaded bride was dressed to the nine’s in a low-cut, burgundy silk dress, patterned stockings and high heels. She still looked great for 45 and he still loved her as much now as he had the day they met at Burger King. He now owned...

3 years ago
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Tutoring My Friends sister in Sex Ed Part 2

A month had passed since I taught Sam how to handle a cock. She told me that she had jerked Oliver off 10 times since then and I was honestly a little jealous until she let me know that it was time for her next lesson. I'm going to pick up the story with what should have been the ending of Part 1 but reliving that first day with Sam had me shooting a huge load before I even finished telling the story. I walked Sam to her car from the library. We exchanged a somewhat awkward hug after what had...

2 years ago
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The Determined Man Part 10

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, this is Part 10 of the Determined Man, and here I feel the need to stop for a moment and explain myself a little bit before presenting this to you. The Determined Man has always been at least two different things. It is, of course, a description of a sexual fantasy, as all of my stories are. But unlike my other stories, The Determined Man was also a way of me working through some of my thoughts and feelings about my cross-dreaming (or whatever else you want to call it)....

3 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 8

Master, Here's another story by that author you like. This one's called "Eggs for Breakfast"; enjoy. NNN TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Another short tale from soul_jewel for you to enjoy while you wait for my to finish writing something. This one is call 'Ice' NNN TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Master, For your enjoyment, i enclose Chapter 2 of 'My Cumuppance'. NNN TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Thanks for the story. I have printed it off and will read it sitting in garden...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Tia Cyrus Pink Onesie Butt Flap Fiasco

I’m not exactly proud of this, but my teen stepsister lets me fuck her. We both like it, but don’t talk about it much. I just go into her room at night, pull down her pajama butt flap and fuck her good until we both cum. I was going in for my fix and she was waiting for me in the position when she turned around and it was my stepmom Tia Cyrus! I’d been set up. Tia said she had to teach me a lesson & I’d have to stop fucking my stepsister and start fucking her. How...

4 years ago
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Write Dirty For Me

© 2003 I've always been a pretty liberated woman. I least, I always thought I was. I lost my cherry at thirteen, to a twenty-eight year old guy. I'm afraid that was entirely my fault: He would NEVER have thought of having a torrid love affair with a WAY under-aged girl. But what do you do when you end up with an adorable blonde girl in your lap, rubbing her small, available breasts in your face and dry humping you with her very hot and hungry pussy? So I've had my share of...

1 year ago
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Introduction to Pain and Pleasure

I grinned and could not wait any longer. I place my drooling big knob at her entrance. " Oh please, please don’t rape me! I have never been with a man!” pleaded Fawn. I lick my lips in anticipation, rearing back and slamming forward with all my might. “ Ahhhhhhhhhh....noooooooo.....pl………….pleaseeee....noooooooooo………………aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." she screamed. Five inches on the first plunge without much lubrication. I want this young woman to remember the pain of her deflowering by my cock. "...

3 years ago
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SRU Chads Story

SRU: Chad's Story By Bashful Chad walked into the mall and looked around. He needed some girls to come to the frat party tonight. So far he had struck out. Last year he had come up with the idea to bring back the party committee and party fund. He had been appointed party chairman as a result. This was to be the first big party of the new school year. Chad was a senior and he wanted to make this last year of college a memorable one. Chad stopped and stared at a little...

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What Was I Thinking Part One

This is my first work of erotic art. If you like it, please feel free to write and let me know. If I get enough responses, I’ll continue to post new stories. While this particular scenario is fiction, most of the story is compiled from actual events. ***** I don’t know what had come over me or what the hell was going through my head. Here I was, about to commit two carnal sins. First, you should never ever get involved with someone you work with. You know the old saying, ”Don’t get your meat...

1 year ago
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My Wife My Hooker Part 4

"Hey Jay, damn your wife is a slut, what the hell is that about" "I know, i wasn't suppose to let anyone know." "Well I know and Amiee knows, she just ate my cum out of Amiee's ass." "Are you serious?" "Ya, where were you, I could have used some help?" "I was told to wait in the livingroom with her stuff." "That isn't the way it works tonight. I let her know the rules for tonight. If you want her, or Aimee go get those bitches" "She doesn't listen to me" "You such...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 24a Yoursquore Only Half Way There

You are in fact only half way to the end of the story which doesn’t really end but rather follows me along through life, various stories, various places in the world. Sexually inept and falsely claiming virginity, only because I actually didn’t know any better, I got into one after the other predicaments with ladies who seemed to see something of value in a relationship with naive me. I was mentored by other males who saw women pretty much as sex objects and I fought that notion because I...

3 years ago
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hot or not

one day i was helping out at a local youth club for k**s aged 8 to 12 lots of young girls and boys wouuld come on a friday night. one day we had a girls only night about 30 little girls turned up and 8 perants stayed to help out. at the end of the night 2 of the moms stayed to help clean up there names where jade luffman and danny hawk both of there k**s where aged 9. after we finished i offerd them a cup of coffee we all sat down while the k**s where playing we started chatting. one thing led...

1 year ago
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My Wife Cheats with Another Woman

My wife dropped to her knees and started to lick Helen’s smooth bald pussy. I could see her lips were pink and parted. Alice licked and sucked on each lip and then started to lick Helen’s clit in small little circles - not unlike what sends Alice off when I have the pleasure of eating her. It didn’t take long before Helen’s body shook My late meeting was cancelled so I headed home early to take my wife out to dinner. I didn’t call her as I wanted it to be a surprise. When I got to the...

Cheating Wife
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 9

It was late afternoon when we reached Ivarstead again. I saw Klimmek fishing by the river. “Your delivery has been made.” “Quite a climb, isn’t it? Thanks again for the legwork.” He tossed a bag of coin my way, and went back to fishing. “Let us get something to eat at the inn again, and rest a bit. I’m still a bit upset with Arngeir, I am not his lackey to go hither and yon at his beck and call.” Lydia responded, “So what do you think, My Thane?” “Back in town again, yes, you’re correct...

2 years ago
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Recurring Nightmare

*Note: Don’t read this if you’re easily offended ... or if you have a weak stomach ... really, you probably just shouldn’t read this. The cabin is a good distance from the main road, perhaps six or seven miles. The tree line is dense enough to shield any would be prying eyes. Last night I narrowed my search down to a five mile radius within French Creek State Park. It’s quiet, isolated, and visibly guarded from any fire towers. Understandable why a hunter like him would choose such a location....

2 years ago
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Tell me baby mouth or pussy

My wife of three years, Stephanie, is a stunning twenty-six year old brunette with beautiful hazel eyes. She is five feet four inches with 32D breasts that are 100% natural and deliciously perky. She is always at the gym and her body reflects her hard work. She doesn't have abs but her stomach is perfectly flat and her butt is soft and perky. She's got a very flirty personality and loves to talk about sex and sports. Needless to say, all the guys adore her and I consider myself lucky to be her...

Wife Lovers
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After talking for thirty minutes, David changed the topic to girls, what they liked on dates and such. Heather was a mature woman, and had many tips for David, a 16-year-old boy in high school. After talking about what to say on dates, David said " What about sex?" Heather replied, "Well, what about it, you know how it all works, right?" "Kind of, I get the basics and all, but all I know is from the porn I've seen...and promise you won't tell Mom." "Don't worry. I won't....

3 years ago
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Family Guy Porn1

“Hey babe” he said turning towards her as she approached. “Hi honey” she said sexily leaning down to give him a lingering kiss. “Did you miss me?” “I missed this fine arse of yours” he said to her slapping it as she stepped past him to sit down next to her husband. Lois gave a smile as he slapped her firm arse demonstrating her lust for a good spanking. She leaned forwards and kissed him again harder and longer. “So where have you been? And what’s in the bag?” he said...

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Amy 24 She Can Really Move

Amy 24: She Can Really Move Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We'll Trampoline I felt kind of nervous after my two day self-imposed vacation. Yeah, I'd meant to just ditch one day but I didn't feel much more like dealing with things the next day so I had my mom call in...

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PyxChapter 9 Terms Conditions

I returned to my comfy recliner, and my slaves knelt at my feet. "There are two responsibilities you need to know about as a slave. After that, your investment as my slave will be complete. "Vonda, stand beside me. Position X. She followed my orders, with her arms and legs making a wide "X". "Now, Pyx. Besides you obvious build differences, how is Vonda different from you?" It took about a minute, and I suspect Vonda did some prompting, but she finally got it. "Body hair. Vonda...

2 years ago
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Why do so many people want me to friend them

Why is it so many people want to be my friend? I mean seriously. You don't have to be friends with somebody in order to be friends. Some of my best friends aren't my friends, but we're really, REALLY GOOD friends. Then on the other hand, some of my friends aren't friends at all. We're just friends, is all. It's a shame, but that the way it is sometimes. So why do you want to be my friend? We don't know each other. Out of the clear blue you swoop down and say, "HEY! You want to be...

2 years ago
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Am Not Averse To Anal

Dear Judith,It was good to have that brief chat together in the interval at the concert the other evening. I would certainly like to know more about you, but 'breaking the ice' in a noisy and crowded theatre crush bar is not the best place to do it! I've only been a member of the local Singles Society for about three months and you are the first person I've really had a chance to interact with. Would you, I wonder, be interested in coming out for a pizzeria supper one evening next week?...

Love Stories
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Jock TalesPony League

Jock Tales-----Pony LeagueI guess I was just a born jock—I considered myself lucky. You could say, I guess, that I was overly developed for my age. Not real big, mind you, only about 5'8” at 14. But, I already had hair on my legs, and up in the crack of my ass. Had a pretty nice 'bush' in my pits, and was hanging 7 1/2” of dick. To most of the other bois on the baseball team, I guess I was intimidating. Living in East Texas made it pretty easy to maintain a tan, and when it enveloped blonde...

3 years ago
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All For You Hon

Tony Smith is 38yrs. he has a job in the city that keeps him busy and his talents are useful to the business "or at least he thinks so" he is married to Tish a 5'6" bomb shell of a wife they met in school and after married 12 years later they have a girl Penny 17yrs. and Gina 15yrs. there lives are comfortable in the county a hugh house pool and horses. Tony met Jim and Tracy and have worked for them the last ten years. Tony goes on a sales meeting every other month for about 8 day at a time...

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Life Of A Gigolo In This Time And Place

Hello, living in Jaipur, a dire financial situation three years ago forced me to look for ways to make money. A friend of mine, a seasoned gigolo (male sex worker), talked this 18-year old into joining his line of work and live a life of luxury. I’m paid big money for providing (and receiving) carnal pleasure. Money was what made me say “Yes” to my friend’s invitation to join the business. I get anywhere between ₹6,000 and ₹25,000 for one night, depending on who I spend the night with. The...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 18

Chapter 18 – A night in Burnside’s office Amy’s time was full that semester, as full as it could be. Although Amy was becoming somewhat better with the math requirements of her field, she was grateful to have Wendy present at all times to ask her for help on formulas for her economics classes. Wendy seemed to have a talent for numbers totally out of reach for Amy. Occasionally Amy thumbed through Wendy’s accounting textbooks out of curiosity. She was intimidated by the content. I’m glad not to...

2 years ago
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His hands stroked my spine as he tried to comfort me. His gentle touch soothing my fears and replacing my earlier panicked state with a consuming heat that started and built in a place I thought would remain untouched. Uncertainty caused me to pull out of his embrace, to look into the fiery depths of his caramel eyes. His eyes smouldered with the same intensity I had seen only once before. His hand rose to the nape of my neck as if on its own accord while the other hand lingered at the small...

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