- 3 years ago
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I don’t remember much about the plane ride from Iraq to Germany. I was heavily sedated. In fact, my memories of being in the army hospital there are very blurry as well. I’m not even sure how long I was there. I knew that I still had all of my limbs though, and I was thankful for that. Many of the guys weren’t that lucky.
My hands were severely burned from yanking the door open on a burning vehicle to pull out one of my fellow soldiers after a roadside bomb went off under them. One side of my face and neck were burned as well, from the secondary explosion.
After I got home, it was embarrassing. I couldn’t do anything for myself. My hands were bandaged and useless. The only family I had left was my little sister. She’d just turned nineteen when it happened, and had her own apartment. She didn’t hesitate to take me in, insisting to the people at the Veteran’s Hospital that she could take care of me. I wanted out of that hospital badly, and she knew it. I loved her for doing that for me.
Her boss was great too. He would let her run home every three hours or so to check on me. It was embarrassing enough when the army nurses had to do certain things for me, but let’s be honest, having your little sister do everything for you ... and I do mean “everything,” is way off the charts of embarrassing. If you ever doubt that, just ask your sister to wipe your ass for you after you take a dump. The rest of it was nothing compared to that. She fed me, dressed me, bathed me, and did everything else for me that one can’t manage without the use of his hands.
The only thing that made it bearable at all was the knowledge that it wouldn’t last forever—that I would eventually regain the use of my hands after the bandages were removed, and after a lengthy period of physical therapy.
When you’re on that many medications, you don’t really realize what they’re doing to you—how they alter the way you feel both mentally and physically. But as the weeks passed, my meds were slowly reduced. My bandages didn’t need to be changed as often, and I began feeling like my old self again.
The most obvious evidence of that was when I began getting boners. Tina pretended not to notice. I could tell she didn’t want me to feel awkward about it. But then one morning I had a wet dream. I juiced up my pajama bottoms pretty good hehehe. Hey, it had been a long time. It didn’t have time to dry before Tina came in to take me to the bathroom for my morning pee. She noticed. I’m sure of that, but she didn’t say anything.
That night was bath night. We only did that once every three nights. The other times, she’d just sponge me off with a washcloth. The most difficult part was my hair. We couldn’t take a chance on the water getting under the bandages on my cheek and neck. I’d have to tilt my head just right while she washed it and then rinsed it with a shower extension and a tiny trickle of water. I had a semi-hardon the whole time, but again Tina pretended not to notice.
She shocked the shit out of me the next night though. She’d just given me a very quick sponge bath before helping me into a clean pair of pajama bottoms. During the walk to my bedroom, my dick found the opening in the front and poked out to lead the way. Tina was behind me and couldn’t see it, but I knew there was going to be no hiding it when I got into bed.
But even with me lying flat on my back with my erection sticking out of my pajamas, Tina didn’t seem to even notice—or if she did, she did a great job of hiding it. But she hadn’t pulled the sheet up yet either. She peeked under the bandages on my cheek and neck, “Tomorrow, we’re going to take these off and let your wounds get some air. Then they will start to heal quicker.”
“And my hands?”
“No, I’m sorry, sweetie. You heard the doctor. He wants to wait another couple of weeks. He’s still afraid of infection.”
I sighed, “Yeah, I know.” In truth, her calling me ‘sweetie’ stung a little. That’s what my mother had called me when I was young. Of course, I wasn’t about to say anything to her about it. She was, after all, doing so much for me, she had the right to call me anything she wanted.
“Bobby, since we cut down on the meds, you’re feeling better. I can tell. And sweetie ... it’s okay. Don’t worry. I understand.”
And with that, she stood up and pulled her nightshirt over her head. I couldn’t believe it. Tina is a bit on the chunky side, but she has awesome tits. My semi-erect dick sprang to full attention. Seconds later, she began tugging down my pajamas. And then she eased her hands around my hard cock and began slowly stroking it.
WOW! This was way over and above her nursing duties. I wasn’t about to complain, but Holy Shit! I was very conflicted. I was watching in wide-eyed amazement, but she wasn’t looking at me. Her attention was focused on the task at hand—in hand, to be more precise.
No more than a minute later, I was coating everything in gobs of cum, my chest, my stomach, her hand and wrist. When my cock began to shrink in her hand, she winked at me and said, “My, my, I’d say you were long overdue for that.”
I managed a nervous chuckle, “ya think?”
Tina just grinned and released my dick. “I’ll get a washcloth.” When she returned, she began cleaning me up. While she was pulling my pajamas back up, she looked me right in the eyes and smiled. “You know, sweetie, even when we take the bandages off of your hands, you’re going to have to be very careful with them—infection and all—and it’s going to take a lot of rehab before you can use them.”
I just nodded, so she continued, “I’m guessing it’s going to be at least a couple of months before you’ll be able to ... take care of yourself.” And then she giggled, removing any doubt about what she meant. “I think once a day should keep the wet dreams away. Don’t you?”
Before I could respond, she got up, grabbed her nightshirt from the floor and left. I was laying there in shock. I couldn’t believe what had just happened—what she’d just said. My little sister was going to jack me off every day. Holy Shit!
As I lay there later trying to sleep, one question kept running through my mind: Was she doing that for me, or was she showing me how helpless I was, and how much control she had over me. I finally decided her motive didn’t matter. I was going to reap the benefit. All I had to do was try to enjoy it, despite the fact that she was my little sister.
The next day was Saturday, and Tina was going to take me out to her favorite watering hole that evening. She was friends with the owner, so he didn’t care that she was only nineteen. I didn’t want to go. How could I? I couldn’t hold a glass, and I damn sure couldn’t go to the men’s room without help. “You go and have a good time. I’ll be okay.” I protested enough that she finally relented.
She wasn’t gone very long—no more than a couple of hours. I was still watching TV when she came home. It’s amazing what one can learn to do with their toes. Tina had taped the remote to a board and then taped the board in a standing position to the coffee table with the other end tucked under the edge of the couch. It provided the perfect angle for me to both see it and reach it with my toes. And it wouldn’t slide around on me while I was changing channels.
“I’m going to get me a beer, you want one?” she said as she headed into the kitchen.
“Beer through a straw?” I chuckled loud enough for her to hear, “I think I’ll pass.”
But when she got back, she had two bottles of Coors Lite. “You don’t have to use a straw.” She said, plopping down beside me on the couch.
After she’d given me a long drink from the bottle, I told her, “You’re getting pretty good at that.”
“Well don’t get too used to it. You’re going to be back to normal in no time. And believe me, the minute the doctor says you’re ready, I’m going to expect you to work very hard to get your hands back in shape. I’m going to tell the physical therapist to work you so hard you’ll beg for mercy.”
“Sis, I...”
“I know, sweetie. This can’t be easy on you, but just hang in there. You’re going to be back to normal in no time.”
I turned to look her in the eyes “You’re really something. You know that, don’t you? How many sisters would--”
“Please don’t, Bobby. Let’s just get through it.” And then she seemed to force herself into a brighter mood. Her face lit up and she giggled.
“Nothing. I was just thinking that some things aren’t all that bad.” And she showed me a very naughty look.
“Sis, just how much have you had to drink tonight?”
She let out a naughty giggle as she put the bottle to my lips again. And then, just as I was swallowing, she purred, “Enough that I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to do to you later.”
I’m not sure if she tipped the bottle up a little too much, or whether I would have gagged and spat beer out all over the place anyway, but I did, and she laughed out loud through it all. Just as I was getting myself back under control, she let her hand slide down to my lap, giving my growing cock a firm squeeze. “Ummmmm, I’m not the only one looking forward to it, huh?”
Before I could say anything, she had my cock sticking out the hole in the front of my pajamas and was squeezing and massaging it. With her other hand, she put the beer bottle back to my lips. “Just drink up and relax, sweetie. Let nurse Tina take care of you.” And then she giggled wildly.
An hour and three beers later, she was still just holding my cock in her hand and teasing it with a squeeze now and then. “You’re driving me crazy. You know that, don’t you?”
She giggled again. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. You don’t like it?”
“Of course I do, but...”
“But what? Don’t tell me you’re in a hurry for it to be over. I’m sure not. I just like the way it feels. If I had one, I’d be doing this to it all the time. I could do it whenever I want.”
I’m not sure if it was the beer or the fact that she had me so horny I was about ready to explode all over both of us that made me say “Then consider it yours.”
Tina looked at my cock and then cut her eyes up to mine. She got a devilish grin on her face. “Really?”
“Sure, why not. Just consider it payment for all of the other stuff you have to do for me.”
“Mmmmmm, I like that. I like that a lot, knowing that it’s mine and I can do whatever I want with it anytime I want ... mmmmm, I like that a lot.”
“Just remember though, you’re the one who has to clean up the mess, so unless you want to have to clean the couch and carpet and both of our clothes, you’d better go easy on it right now.”
Tina gave me one more long drink. Then she sat the bottle aside and slid to the floor, immediately tugging my pajama bottoms down and off. She pushed my t-shirt up my chest and then eyed it, “um, I don’t think it’s safe—not if last time was any indication.” And then she giggled again and pulled it carefully over my head and free of my hands.
When I was totally naked, she gave me another drink before forcing my knees apart so that she could kneel between them. She used two hands on me, even though my cock isn’t large enough to require that. After only a few seconds though, she jumped to her feet and ran out of the room, returning shortly with a washcloth and towel.
Kneeling between my legs again, she pulled her shirt over her head and immediately unhooked her bra, tossing it aside. “Mmmmm,” she purred as she rubbed her breasts over my thighs, cock and balls. Finally, she slid her fingers around it and began stroking it in earnest. Seconds later, I arched my hips and she knew it was time. She gripped me harder and stroked faster, letting out another, “mmmmmm” when cum began shooting out onto my chest and abdomen.
It was a long time before she released my cock, but instead of reaching for the washcloth, she ran her hands over my chest and collected as much cum as she could. And then her hands were on my shrinking cock again, smearing cum all over it, over my balls, and into my pubic hair. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned softly as she seemed delighted by the feeling of the messy slickness.
After cleaning me up with the washcloth, Tina seemed anxious to get me dressed again and into bed. I found out why a few minutes later when I heard moans coming from her bedroom. As I listened, her passion grew and I knew that she was playing with her pussy. A short while later, I heard her let out a strained, “uuggg” and then everything was quiet.
For the next several days, that became the routine. When I was in bed, Tina would jack me off and then spend a long time playing with my cum, smearing it all over my cock and balls as it shriveled up. And afterward, I would hear her moaning in her room and know she was masturbating. I looked forward to that almost as much as her jacking me off.
I kept protesting, but this time Tina wouldn’t take no for an answer. It was Friday night and she wanted to take me with her to the bar. She assured me that she had already made arrangements for when I needed to use the bathroom, but she didn’t tell me the specifics. I finally agreed, but on the condition that she would put bandages back on my cheek and neck to hide my burns. I wasn’t ready to face the world with those yet.
I was nervous about the whole thing, but the minute Tina began introducing me to her friends, I began to relax immediately. There were eight of them, two men and the rest women. They were sitting at a long table in the middle of the small club. When they saw us come in, they all stopped what they were doing and waited for Tina to introduce us.
During the introductions, an older man came over and grabbed my forearm with both of his hands. Tina introduced him as Gary, the owner of the bar. He squeezed my arm and shook it, careful not to touch my bandaged hand. “It’s an honor to finally meet you, Bobby. Consider my place yours.”
“Well, thank you, sir.” I said with a blush.
He looked me squarely in the eyes and said in a lower more serious tone, “No, son. Thank you.”
I got a lump in my throat and I don’t think I could have spoken if I’d known what to say, so I just nodded. I didn’t know until Tina told me later that Gary had given our waiter instructions that my drinks were on the house. And then she told me that he had been in Viet Nam, and had been a POW for two years. I suddenly got the feeling it should have been me buying his drinks, instead of the other way around. I couldn’t imagine what he’d gone through, but I was sure it was worse than what I was going through now.
The booze flowed freely. I was drinking Jack Daniels and Coke because I could drink that through a straw. It really wouldn’t have mattered though, because every time I leaned forward to take a drink, one of the girls on either side of me would lift my glass to make it easier.
I can’t remember ever dancing so much in my life. After Tina took me to the dance floor the first time, the other women at the table, and some who weren’t, kept asking me to dance. On the slow songs, I would simply drape my arms over their shoulders and they would put their hands on my sides. They had to lead, but none of them seemed to mind.
I put off going to the bathroom for as long as I could, but when I couldn’t stand it any longer, I finally told Tina. She got up immediately and found Gary, said something to him, and then returned to me. While she was escorting me to the men’s room, Gary was standing at the door, preventing several men from going in. When the last one came out and it was unoccupied, he held the door open for me. Tina led me to the urinal, lowered my pants and then waited while I relieved myself.
After shaking me a few times to keep from getting my underwear wet, she pulled my pants back into place and went to wash her hands. “When we go back out there, aren’t you going to feel a bit ... I don’t know--”
Tina just smiled at me and gave me a peck on my good cheek. “No, I’m not, and neither should you.”
I kept mentioning to Tina that she should go easy on the booze, but she didn’t. It was obvious to all that she was in no shape to drive. Four of the girls were together, so two of them got in the car with us, and the other two followed in their own car.
Barb drove us with Tina in the passenger seat giving her directions. Glenda got into the backseat with me, and I got the feeling early on that the whole thing had been prearranged. Glenda had been the one tending to my drinking needs most of the night and more than once, her hand had found my thigh.
Even before the car began to move, Glenda slid over next to me and kissed me at the same time her hand moved boldly to my crotch. Seconds later, my pants were undone and she lowered her mouth to my growing cock. God! As nice as the handjobs had been, I’d almost forgotten how wonderful a mouth on my cock felt, so soft and warm.
It was only a five minute drive from the bar to Tina’s place, and with the amount of alcohol I’d consumed, that wasn’t enough time for Glenda to finish me off, even though she was very talented. She seemed to have no problem totally engulfing my seven inches. And she didn’t seem to be in any hurry. I wondered if she knew how little time we had.
Barb and Tina were laughing and giggling about something in the front seat the whole time, but I wasn’t concentrating on what. I did get the distinct impression that they, or at least Tina, knew what was happening in the backseat though. She seemed to be making a concerted effort not to glance back at us.
That changed when we pulled up in front of Tina’s apartment house though. Barb put the car in park and got out. When the dome light came on, Tina turned around and showed me a wide smile. And even when Barb closed the door and the dome light went off, the security light had the inside of the car fairly well illuminated, and with Glenda to one side of me, her ear against my stomach, I had no doubt that Tina had a clear view of the proceedings.
Tina looked down and knotted her brow and licked her lips before saying, “ummmm, you go girl. Suck that big cock.”
My eyes shot open when Glenda pulled her mouth off of me just long enough to reply, “You don’t have to tell me twice.” And with that said, she quickly slid her mouth down on me until her lips met my pubic hair. She just stayed there, her tongue licking my balls.
When Tina said, “Gawd yes, deep throat that fucking cock.” I lost it. My hips arched up, forcing me even deeper down her throat. And then I grunted and began shooting my cum into her belly. The whole time, Tina kept saying things like, “Fuck yes, give it to her, Bobby.” And “Take it, Glenda. Take all of it. Swallow his hot cum.” Glenda never backed off an inch. She forced herself to keep my cock fully down her throat as I bucked my hips up with each spurt.
When I was spent, and my cock began to shrivel in her mouth, Glenda sucked it and licked it a few more times before awkwardly buckling my pants back into place. When satisfied, she raised up and kissed me on the lips and said, “Welcome home, soldier.” And then she giggled and got out of the car. Tina got out too and gave Glenda a tight hug. “Thanks, hun.”
It was a little after eleven when we got inside, but instead of helping me undress; Tina went straight to the kitchen and made us both a highball. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”
“Enough for what?” She teased.
“Well, I know you’ve had enough to do what you did out in the car a few minutes ago.”
She shot me a naughty grin. “I didn’t do anything. Glenda did all the work ... and from where I was sitting, it looked like both of you enjoyed it. I know I did.”
“Yeah, I could tell.” I chuckled as we sat on the couch. She put the glass to my lips and I took a sip, then coughed suddenly. It was almost pure whiskey. “Holy shit, sis, are you trying to kill me?”
“I didn’t plan to watch. I was going to get out and leave you two alone.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
I watched her take a big gulp of her drink and then shudder. She’d obviously made hers as strong as she did mine. Then she shrugged, “I don’t know. I guess I was just...”
“You were just what?”
She pondered that while she took another drink and gave me one. “Promise you won’t freak out?” I nodded and she looked away while saying “Jealous—maybe—shit I don’t know.”
“Jealous.” I repeated somberly.
And then she turned her head and looked at me. “Yes, jealous.”
I sat there letting her words soak in. I knew it had to be the alcohol talking. She couldn’t really mean it. She couldn’t really be jealous of a girl giving me a blowjob, especially since she had obviously arranged it in the first place. “Then why did you put Glenda up to doing it?”
She shrugged again, then sat silent for a few seconds before saying in barely more than a whisper, “Because I wanted you to have something special tonight, and I was afraid you’d freak out if I did it myself.” And then she jerked her eyes to the floor off in the distance. “Fuck, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”
After a long minute, I said “Like I said earlier. I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”
“Or not enough.” She said as she put her glass to her lips and gulped down the remainder of its contents without stopping. And then she got up and helped me to my feet. “We’d better get you ready for bed.”
When we were in my bedroom and she was taking off my clothes and helping me into my pajamas, it was even more awkward than it had been the first time. Of course, the first time, and many times after that, I’d been on pretty heavy medication. But I wasn’t now.
After I was in bed, she kissed me on the cheek and left, but instead of going to her room, I heard her in the kitchen. I could clearly hear the clanking of ice cubes and I knew she was making herself another drink. As my mind started to replay the events in the car, and Tina’s confession a few minutes ago, my dick began to stir. I knew she was just drunk, but still.
It was about ten minutes later when my door cracked open, but only a few inches. “Bobby?”
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George and Marina helped Georgina clear out her flat. Most of what she kept were pieces of inexpensive jewellery that she liked; her photograph albums; and mementos of Amelia’s childhood. George declared that it would be easy to copy the photos on to a digital file and keep them on a memorystick, as well as being available on her phone. They decided to deal with that on George’s computer at home. Georgina asked, “George, can we eliminate my late husband from some of the photos, when we put...
"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...
Bob Kempe, the Governor of Rehome colony, was at his office when he received an unexpected call from the Personalia. “Governor, we have been analysing some of the statistical data that is compiled in major countries on Earth, and we have observed that there is a set of trends which may interest you. The statistics on crime contain data on assaults within families, and in recent months this has begun to decline, to an extent that indicates this to be a real effect and not a statistical...
The royal wedding of Catherine White and Lord Grimmson was a spectacularevent that happened after the death of the former king and the husband ofCatherine White. Arthur White the crowned king approved his mother'swedding and Lord Grimmson was made the general in the army.Lord Grimmson won many battles along with king Arthur White. Arthur Whitesoon decided to marry and consumate the marriage for the heir to histhrone. He marries the beautiful Princess Bella. The wedding was brilliantand the...
"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...
Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...
It had been a long 10 weeks for Scott Nelson at Ft. Leonard Wood. For the first time in his life he had been alone, with his closest family over 1,000 miles away in Winnisimmet after their own graduations from Advanced Individual Training for their jobs as US Army Horizontal Construction Engineers. He was proud of them for choosing to do a job that was needed but a little jealous that they had less to learn in a shorter amount of time compared with him. He missed his fiance, Stacy...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She sighs sitting back in his lazy boy, flipping through the channels finding nothing on, glancing around seeing the place spotless, inhaling.. smelling the dinner she was cooking, wafting through the air. He said on the phone that he was going to bed home in a few hours, she just wished he would hurry up. She has missed him these past weeks....
Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...
Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...
"Hello, is that Mrs Cross? Or should I say, the former Mrs Cross?" "It is. Who are you, and what do you want?" "Madam, I am merely the bearer of glad tidings about your daughter." "My daughter? You know where my daughter is?" "Indeed, madam. Allow me to introduce myself more formally: I am Robert Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet of Rehome." "Rehome? Oh, yes I have heard of it. Why are you phoning me? Is my daughter in your colony, then?" "You are quick on...
"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...
Helen was quick to spot a solution. "Let's refer it to the colony authorities. They have access to all the scientists on the planet, so they should be able to get the right people on the job. The results will be of interest to the Colony authorities, especially if we can identify potential woods for future use. The forests on Rehome are mostly protected, for whatever reason, and so most wood has to be imported. It mostly comes from Earth at the moment, but once New Eden gets access to the...
"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...
He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...
"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...
"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...
Diane told him, "You don't want to know what my staff are up to. Suffice it to say that we are looking into a complaint passed to Mary, and I hope to be able to resolve it after tomorrow." Mary added, "And I had a frustrating day at work, so I am feeling in need of my husband's loving." Helen was feeling left out, so said, "I just love my man." Bob stood back and admired them. "Well, I see three whiteys. Where is my black woman? Ruth should have a say in this." Diane said to...
Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...
“That one, sir. I admit, however, to being unaware that there was more than one Ebenezer within your ken.” “There isn’t. What can I do for you, Ebenezer?” “I am not sure, Governor. I have information from Earth that I have compared with events on Rehome, and the similarities have intrigued me.” “That sounds like the sort of curiosity that has to be explained, Ebenezer.” “To elucidate, sir: My darling Euphemia, whose hand I will take in marriage next week (along with my other darling,...
Robert had a possible solution. "Either the ground is very absorbent, and the water seeps through, or the geology is limestone, and there are underground rivers conveying the water to the sea. One could test that by measuring the salinity of the ocean about a kilometre from the shore. Where an underground river meets the ocean, the salinity level will drop markedly, due to the freshwater input. I am not sure how we could run these tests, though." The Personalia voice intruded, "That is...
"Miss Proctor, may I call you Ruth? I was under the apprehension that your talent lay in undercover situations. Your attire does not give that impression to me. Have you any explanation?" Ruth looked surprised. "Sorry, Madam. I was given to believe that this was a business meeting, to discuss a new task. I dressed accordingly. When it comes to my work, I will dress appropriately for that environment." "Ah. That is all right, then. I unfortunately assumed that this was your normal mode...
"Freda, what is your husband doing with this girl? Is he intending to marry her?" "Eh? How would I know? I haven't spoken with him. I don't really want to know what he is up to with her." "Oh. I see. It was just that ... if he actually wanted to marry her, he would have to get your approval, wouldn't he?" "My approval? Don't be daft, Margo! Why would I consent to that? I haven't even divorced him yet." "Divorce? How do you mean, Freda?" "Well, I haven't got around to...
The professor wanted to see the fish market and meet some fishermen, so Tom got permission from his boss – his wife - to escort her there and make the introductions. The market was simply an area next to the harbour, with a few stalls erected to protect the catches from the sunshine – on the days when it was sunny. Otherwise it was to shelter the fish from the drying winds from onshore. Tom explained that you had to time your visit correctly. If you arrived just as the fisherman came...
Eventually the train arrived at the very basic structure that was the station for the new village. The passengers alighting at the station got off, including the Montford sisters and their tourist guide. Then the flatcar and its cargo was shunted into the single siding and uncoupled, so the train could continue to its final destination. Amelia operated the controls to swing the ramp round to land on the hard compacted earth, then returned to the caravan to back it off, down the ramp on to...
Preparations for the wedding were as complete as was possible. The guests were all Rehome residents except for the Montfords and Mrs Cross. The Governor, his wives and household staff were there, as were John Wilson and a few representatives of the tourist body that Amelia worked for. The Director of Education, Jennifer Prentice was there and Trevor's other boss, Pam Humbert. Unusually for a human wedding, Mother Narech was there on behalf of the Personalia and the Malans. The others were...
The fog had settled in from the north covering the trees to where one could not see but a few feet in front of them. It was too quiet in the woods, a kind of darkness had seemed to settle over them and had driven the animals from the forest. It was something they feared would make things difficult for Erebor and the Mirkwood home to the elves. The dwarves had been allies with the elves for many years at this point and as a sign of good will the neice to King Thranduil had sworn herself to the...
Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...
Judith was late in getting up this morning. Georgina noticed, and remarked on it to the teenager. "Are you all right, Judith? You seem a bit lethargic this morning." The younger woman looked glum. "I am a bit under the weather, Georgina dear. My tummy is a bit uneasy this morning. I don't know what the matter is." Georgina had a glimmer of an idea. "Judith, dear? When is your period due? Is this perhaps period pains coming on?" "Oh, no. I don't think so. My period is due ... oh ......
"Nope. Not for now. You have to see the doctor, first. I'd hate to do something wrong, through ignorance. You agree, Peggy?" "Yes, I see what you mean. You do things right, don't you, Trevor?" "I do my best, Peggy. At least, I try to, when I know what I am doing." The remainder of that day went smoothly. Peggy produced a satisfactory evening meal, and all the babies behaved themselves – almost! There were the usual "feed me!" or " change my nappy" cries, but their mothers coped...
The machine Person at the other end of the conversation had a laugh at the thought of a Robin Hood-style attack. "We shall act accordingly, Governor." They put their first digital attack into operation immediately. Before long, they had accounts bulging with cash in banks all over the Earth. At the same time, The owners of the depleted accounts became frantic, trying to work out what had happened to their cash assets. There was an automatic assumption that some human agency was...
Widow! Winston suddenly remembered that, back in Nigeria, a widow was a position to be avoided at all costs. When a married woman's husband dies, she is regarded as his property, to be passed on to other family members, and so a liability, unless her husband had left a will giving her assets. The woman was shattered still, he realised, despite it being two years since her husband had died. He recovered. "My apologies, mother. I give you my respect, and always will do, as is due my...
"I see. We can arrange for the requisite visits to the planet's surface, with suitable protective measures in place. No human has set foot on it so far, so we don't know what might be there."" "Fine. That is about it for geology, I think, though Robert may have more input to give you. For geography, me and Mia could do most of the work from images, but we will probably want more detailed data for particular items, like variations in sea temperature, and especially any underwater...
"Governor! How nice to hear from you again. That bag of diamonds set me up with a new house, a car, and some cash invested for the future; and my experience with you has got me a consultant post with the university. If I can do anything for you, fire away!" "Terence, We are looking at another new planet that has a huge amount of forests covering the land. The Personalia have taken samples for us of all the tree species, so we need appropriate experts to examine these samples and tell us...
"Really? What does our advert require?" "Your advert needs to state the basics: your company name, its address and contact details, and the barest detail of what you sell. You want readers to contact you for detailed information, based on their own requirements. For instance, what is your company name?" "Rehome Seed Distributors." "Then, how about: "Rehome Seed Distributors, Home Street, Metropolis. Quality seeds and plants for the best farming results. Contact Fred at (phone...
"Today and tomorrow we hunt!" Anji looked up from her morning meal at Darrick's words. It took a few moments for his meaning to sink in. Indeed, it was some moments before anyone answered him. "Why the delay?" Kargh snarled the words, coming to his feet at a bound. He was a properly warlike figure, she thought, sword and beloved axe slung from each side of his broad leather belt. "We've found the road to the deeper levels. That's where real treasure lies waiting for us!" "We've...
the train back is packed we're forced to stand, you close to me I can smell the musk of your pussy, I know you're not wearing any panties you like to have me tease you when we're in the car, slipping your skirt up and stroking your mound. as the train rocks I move my hand between us, your skirt has buttons down the front and I slip my finger in the seam.... as the train rocks again my finger slips inside your pussy and you stiffen!! you hadn't realized what I was doing until just then and...
Introduction: Soldier returns home to his young wife *This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to do a tribute myself. The characters in this story are based on real people. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy, jdm320 Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting...