You Slip Is Showing, Soldier free porn video

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YOUR SLIP IS SHOWING, SOLDIER Chapter 1 By: Victoria Elaine Riley Authoress note: Although this story very closely parallels a part of my life, it is by no means completely true. More a wish on my part, than even a fantasy. Life is about choices, we all make what we consider to be the best choices, under the current circumstances, and with our magnificent gift of hindsight we berate ourselves for not being able to foretell the future. In fact, the future is what we make it, making a choice or not making a choice - it is our decision. That's what I was feeling. A short 22 days ago I celebrated my 17th birthday, still a boy; today I was being inducted into the United States Army, the beginning of manhood. I needed to pass the entrance physical, and I was in - - a new chapter in my life. Having been raised in various Catholic orphanages, I really never had a "home" or a life to dream of, but now, I would have some control over my own destiny. There are nineteen others here with me, five of them are female. We are joining one branch of the service or another. There seems to be no separation of the services for physicals, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Army, one big line, in alphabetical order, of course . At the end of the line are the girls, I suppose being at the end of the line would afford them some modicum of privacy. I was the last male in line, and waiting for thirteen others to get started was nerve racking. I talked with Melissa, the girl behind me in line, to pass some time. Waiting, so far for two hours, increased the strain on my kidneys. I asked a male nurse if I could give a urine sample now, because, "I can't wait much longer." He agreed, gave me a sample beaker and I crossed the hall to the men's room. Time is a relative thing. I wait, and wait, but making my contribution to the physical just doesn't seem to want to happen now. After a few minutes (that seemed like hours) the nurse knocked on the door to see if I am all right. "Yes", I reply "just nerves, won't be long now". More time drags by. Suddenly the door is opened, there stand the nurse and a man in a white smock. The nurse accused me of trying to tamper with my test, hands me a new sample beaker, and informs me that Dr. Adams will watch and make sure I don't cheat. My God, not even in the Army yet, and I've made a mess of things. I just can't do it now, not with someone watching me - I mean, who could. The Doctor seems sympathetic and asks if I want some help. "Help?" I asked, "What could you do to help me?" The Doctor comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my chest and lowers one hand to my penis and holds it gently. "There" he said, "maybe if I_ hold it, you will relax". "No! Get away from me. You faggot! I'm not like that at all." I retaliate. "Well," said the Doctor, "I... well,,, I was just ,,,, to see if you were homosexual,,,, you know. You passed this test, but don't tell anyone else about it, I don't want them to know in advance." Suddenly, my kidneys let loose of the precious liquid that started this mess, and after cleaning up, I walked out with the sample jar in my hand and the doctor behind me. The doctor tells the nurse that the sample was O.K., and tells me to report to his office for the rest of my physical. I walked to the front of the line, to Dr. Adams' office, and took off my clothes in the waiting room. There are four other Doctors offices here, I can't believe it takes that long for a physical. Waiting, the word takes on a new meaning in my life. I feel as though time has stopped, and I am the focus of the universe. It's cold, typical of medical facilities. Suddenly, the office door opens and I am greeted by the male nurse from before. "HI," he says, "sorry about that mix-up in the men's room. But, we never know when someone might try to substitute a sample because of drug problems. Relax, we tested your sample, no problems. Now, would you answer some more questions?" "Sure," I reply "I understand completely". We go through the typical childhood diseases, previous medical history, current problems, etc.. Nothing unusual. He takes a blood sample, and again I wait. There are no magazines here to read, I make a mental note to suggest some form of entertainment for the next group through this place. A voice brings me back to the present. It's Dr. Adams. "Come in my office and take a seat on the examination table." he says. Nervously, I walk into his office, very aware I am wearing only boxer shorts and socks. I sit where I was instructed and the Doctor begins. "So, Victor, you passed most of the tests thus far, how do you feel?" "Well, Dr. Adams," I begin "I'm a little nervous, I've never been through a major physical before. It's different. And you did scare me in the men's room." "Relax" he said, "this is tough enough without being scared too". He started routine tests; height 67 inches, weight 125 pounds, blue eyes, brown hair, no distinguishing scars, all fingers and toes intact. Reflexes normal, chest sounds good, no unusual heart rhythms. "Stand on the floor please" he said. Oh no, I thought, here it comes again, he is going to touch me there Pulling my shorts down, he asks about ruptures, and tells me to turn my head and cough. I cough, but when I feel his hand hold my balls, I can't help myself, my dick becomes hard as a rock. "Cough again, please" Dr. Adams said. Dr. Adams smiled. His hand slides gently up and holds my small shaft. "Relax Victor." It seems like a command from the Doctor. "There is nothing to be ashamed of. It doesn't mean you are queer because you like to have another man touch you. We can keep this secret between us. O.K.?" "No need to enter it on your permanent record." I am reduced to tears, so much for becoming a man. I think back to the one homosexual experience I had in my life. Being a wise ass 14 year old, I figure I can do anything I want. I was hitchhiking, a car screeches to a halt. I climb in the car, and off we go. I tell the man where I want to go, he says he will take me right to my door. Great, I think, my luck is finally changing. Slowly, his hand begins to trace a small pattern on my knee. He tells me I am cute, and he would like to suck my dick. Hell, the wise ass in me comes out again, I'm no fool, I ask him for $10.00 to do that. He agrees, and off we go to a lonely spot near some woods. He gets all hot and bothered, kissing me with his tongue, feeling my small penis, unzipping my pants. OH, No, I forgot I was wearing pink lace panties that day. Yes, I am a Transvestite - I didn't know it at the time, but that is what I am. He got more excited, asked me to play with him. I unzipped his pants and searched for his dick. He was TINY. I swear, he couldn't have been two inches when hard! His head went to my lap, and he started kissing my balls and dick. As soon as I touched his naked dick, he came all over my hand. He kissed me some more, licked my hand and told me that "It was good". On the way to my house, he didn't say anything else to me. I tried to get him to meet me somewhere again, promising more sexy undies and some better action, but he wasn't interested. What a prostitute I was, no repeat business. When I got out of the car, I said good-bye and watched as he drive off. That was it, my first and last. It wasn't until later that night that I found a ten dollar bill in my panties. Oh well, I could get a new bra and panty set now. Life goes on. Dr. Adams is speaking to me, "Don't cry Vicky, it's O.K., I won't hurt you." He kisses me gently, tasting my tears. "Please Dr. Adams," I hear myself saying, "I'm not like that. I'm not a homosexual, I don't like men. I promise not to say anything about you if you will just leave me alone. Please." The tears come faster now. Again I hear Dr. Adams, "Vicky, Shhhh, don't cry, bend over so I can finish the rest of this physical" In a stupor, I do as instructed, bending at the waist, still sporting a raging hard on, waiting, with tears streaming down my face. I hear the Doctor pull on a rubber glove, and gird myself for this final humiliation. Suddenly the door opens and in walks the nurse,,,, I can't stand it, I blubber like a baby. When I feel the Doctors finger probing my anus, I involuntarily moan and let loose a large load of cum. Sobbing, I fall to the floor on my knees, in my own cum. The Doctor gently helps me on the examination table and leaves the room with the nurse. After what seems like hours, Dr. Adams returns. He has the nurse with him. They are both smiling. Dr. Adams speaks first "Vicky, go put your clothes on and come back in here". Silently, I leave the room, debating whether I should leave the building and forget the Army. I decide to at least have a talk with the Doctor. Reaching for my clothes, I find that my underpants have been replaced by a pair of red silk panties. Further embarrassed, but knowing where they probably came from, I put them on, under my street clothes. Walking back into the Doctors office, I catch a glimpse of Dr. Adams and the nurse standing close together, their arms around each other. Making a noise so they know I am in the office, I see them kiss each other quickly and break away. I face the Doctor at his desk and sit as instructed. He starts calling me "Vicky" again, and I correct him "Dr. Adams, my name is Victor." "Yes, yes,,, of course,, excuse me for that mistake. You remind me of a friend of mine. Anyway,, VICTOR.... you have passed your physical, in general your are in pretty good shape, a little on the thin side, but the Army food will fill you out. I made it, the embarrassing moments have been worth it. Now, I can concentrate on being a man. Dr. Adams tells me that there are some shots I have to receive, but he must give me a special one first. Hoping that this is to be my final dealing with Dr. Adams, I roll up my sleeve and prepare for the shot. "No, VICTOR,,, this one goes in the other end." I look, and am totally aghast at the size of the needle. I lower my pants, remembering the panties as I tugged them over my hips, and grit my teeth in anticipation of the pain. "Now Victor, this is really not a shot, it is an implant, that will slowly distribute medicine to your body during the next three or four months. After that time, you should be cured of having unwanted hard-ons." I flushed, and the Doctor penetrated my buttock with the needle. The doctor injects about half the cool contents, then looking at the nurse, he empties the needle with a shrug of his shoulders. Rubbing my ass with a cotton ball, he then pats me on the back and tells me to get dressed. Elated at the prospect of leaving this place, I hurriedly replaced my clothing and left. Exiting the office, I was directed to another larger office where everyone was standing around, shuffling their feet. I saw my new friend Melissa and went to talk with her. She asked what took me so long, I just replied "Doctors, they are so slow." Nodding her head, she changed the subject. Life was good. A lieutenant came in, read all our names, to which we were to respond with a vigorous "HERE, SIR". When I heard him say "Riley, V. E." I replied with the loudest "HERE SIR" I could. It was coming to a close now, the lieutenant said that a major would be along shortly to swear us all in. I did it, I was finally free, well, not free, but at least I felt that I had some control of what was going on. The major showed up, had us raise our right hands and repeat the oath of allegiance,,,,,, then congratulated us on being in the military. HOORAY. We were separated by the service we had enlisted in. Four guys, myself, and three girls were going to be in the Army. We were escorted by a sergeant to a downstairs waiting room, he gave us each a folder and told us very explicitly. "Listen up people. You are on your way to Basic Training. If you want to start out on the right foot with your drill instructors, look at your enlistment papers and memorize your serial number. I will tell you now, there is nothing worse than a recruit that doesn't know his or her serial number. You can forget your name for the next eight weeks. it won't be required. You have been given warning." Melissa and I looked at each other and almost burst out laughing. Scare tactics already - this should get interesting. We were driven to the downtown train station, given a hot supper (our first meal that day) and tickets for the train to the base. We would be traveling over 21 hours, and were relieved to find that we had been assigned sleeper compartments - two per compartment. But, they forgot one thing, there were five guys and three girls. Someone screwed up making the sleeping arrangements. Checking our tickets, it was discovered that I had been assigned to share a compartment with Tina, a nice girl, but, she was not interested in sharing her compartment with me. Melissa volunteered to trade places with her and the situation was straightened out. We boarded the train at about 9:30 that night, relieved that the day was over. Melissa and I headed for our compartment. I helped her as much as I could with her bags. She had three bags, the rest of the group brought two each. Once settled inside, I pulled down the overhead beds, too tired to even talk. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, Melissa went into the bathroom and started her "nightly preparations". I lay on the couch and drifted off to sleep. Shortly I felt my arm being shaken. "Victor,,,, Victor,," an unfamiliar voice was calling my name. Opening my eyes, my mind slowly realized, it was Melissa, "Victor'" she said, "you had better get up and get into bed". Groggily, I stood, took off my shirt, dropped my pants, and started climbing into the upper berth. "Oh Victor, what pretty panties you are wearing" said Melissa. OH NO, I had forgotten about them. "No wonder they wanted you and Tina to share a room. Ha Ha Ha..." Embarrassed, I crawled a little faster and quickly covered myself up. I slipped off the panties while under the covers and tossed them on the floor with my pants. I'd explain it to Melissa in the morning, I didn't have time to think of a quick lie tonight. I awoke with a start. I felt myself being pinned against the rear wall of the bed. I heard screeching noises, metal on metal. Oh Shit, I thought, we are going to hit something. Melissa was awake too, and seemed worried. The train slowed, then stopped, with no major wreckage apparent. I told Melissa to wait and I would go see what was wrong. I groped for my clothes in the dark, but couldn't find anything and cursed. Melissa threw me a robe, and I put it on as I left the compartment. People were awake all through the car. Several people stared at me as I passed them, and I thought it was because of the way the robe flapped open when I walked. I clasped it tighter to my hips, and started out of the car. Apparently there wasn't any real problem, another train was going to be passing us soon on the same track, and we were sitting on a siding. Back to the car I went, making sure to hold the robe tight about my hips. When I got in our compartment, Melissa, Tina, and Debra were sitting in their nightgowns talking about what might have happened. They all laughed at me when I entered - and until I looked in the mirror, I didn't know why. I was wearing Melissa's robe, done completely in pink satin, with feathered sleeve cuffs. Embarrassed, I started to take the robe off, only to remember I was naked underneath. What a mess. I climbed into bed amid cat calls from the girls and tossed the robe down when I was settled. I told everyone what had happened, and they had a good laugh. We decided that since we were up and there was nothing to do tomorrow, we would meet in the bar car in a few minutes to talk. Debra and Tina said they would go get their robes and be back in a minute, Melissa said she couldn't go because she didn't have a robe, I stole it!! Everyone laughed, and Melissa teased me further by pulling the hair on my legs. Debra and Tina came back shortly with their enlistment papers, and we picked up ours, then bounced off to the bar. We were going to make an attempt at studying our S/N's. The bar car was almost full, but, the four guys who were with us made room at their table. One of them started to say "Lets sit, boy, girl,,,boy, girl,,,," but his words trailed off when he realized I was there. So, the girls sat on one side and the guys on the other, and of course, I sat with the girls. We all pulled out our travel orders and looked for our S/N. I found mine first, it was WA 12-711-474. The guys all came up with theirs, they began with US or RA and the girls all had WA in front of theirs. We became curious about the two letters in front and what they meant, and after much conversation, found out that RA stood for Regular Army, US was an abbreviation used in front of draftee S/N's but no one could figure out what the WA was about. We laughed and decided it must have had something to do with our training assignments. We quizzed each other repeatedly, until we were too tired to stay awake, then trooped off to bed, S/N's firmly implanted. It felt like my head just hit the pillow. I awoke to Melissa shaking my arm. "I've got it Victor, I know what the WA in our S/N's stands for." "That's nice Melissa." I murmured through a barely opening mouth. Melissa wouldn't let up, "Really Victor, this is important - get up. The WA stands for Woman's Army - we are all going to be WAC's." "WHAT!" I just about screamed. "Shhhhh, don't wake the train." said Melissa. "Really Victor, look at your papers. That's why they assigned you and Tina to the same compartment." Oh, it couldn't be, but, there it was in black and white. I knew right away who had done it, the doctor at the induction center. He had his nurse check the box marked Female, and listed my name as Victoria Elaine Riley! I had joined the Woman's Army Corps. I was assigned to Nursing School after Basic Training. How could that happen? Melissa told me not to worry, once we got to the base, they would reassign me, it would be obvious that I wasn't a female. I could take another physical. Would I ever get any sleep on this train? "Maybe it was the panties" said Melissa with a laugh. I just glared at her. "Sorry" she said, "didn't mean to upset 'Her Royal Highness'". "All right," I said, "I'll tell you what happened". Nervously, I scratched at my breasts, they tingled and felt like they were swelling. "Melissa, I wanted to join the Army to grow up and be a man, but, when I went for the physical ......." And so on - till I had told her everything. When I finished, she sat there, maybe not believing, maybe just shocked. I waited for her to speak. Finally, she laughed, and laughed. I couldn't help but follow her example and began laughing too. We laughed till we cried, then sat on the bed hugging each other, till we fell asleep. I awoke to the dull rumbling of wheels clicking down the track. I was snuggling close to Melissa, her soft body encased in a yellow baby doll nightgown. The constant rubbing of my body against her nightgown had given me a huge erection, but I dared not move. Melissa rolled over, her hand landing in my lap. As she realized what she was holding, a smile came to her lips, and she gently worked her hand up and down my shaft. Soon, I exploded with an orgasm that shook my entire body. My first sexual experience with a person of the opposite sex. I snuggled closer to her, and breathed in the heavenly smell of her body and her hair. Life was really going to be grand. After a short nap, I awoke to find Melissa already gone. I got up, went to the bathroom and began my daily ritual, the "Three S's" (Shit, Shave and Shower) I saw her baby dolls on the door handle, and couldn't resist. I slid the soft panties up my legs, and was poking my head through the top, when Melissa entered the room. I never did learn to close the bathroom door. Melissa looked and said I could wear them at night, but they wouldn't be acceptable for the day on the train. Embarrassed, I quickly let the fabric fall about my body, then reached down to take it off. The fabric rubbing against my breasts irritated my nipples, they were quite sensitive. As I drew the top off, Melissa said my nipples looked red and irritated. I knew they felt strange, but thought it was an allergic reaction to something. I showered hurriedly, and dried off as best I could, then began looking for something to wear. I yelled for Melissa to hand me some underwear, and she passed the red silk panties through the door. I put them on and asked for my jeans, Melissa said "No way Vicky, you come out here and get them. I want to see you in your pretty panties." Reluctantly, I agreed, and began a seductive dance into the compartment, wiggling my ass for all it was worth. She loved it. She couldn't get enough of it. She asked me to dance around for a little while, while she played with herself. One hand dove into her pants, and one dove into her bra,,,, she sat there playing with herself, as I danced and wiggled my ass into her face. Melissa moaned, groaned, and worked her hands in and out of her clothing. I strutted, bumped, and ground my ass into her face. She breathed in the aroma of my clean ass through the panties and dissolved into a shattering orgasm. At this rate, we would never leave the compartment, both be A.W.O.L. before even arriving at the base, and still be virgins. Melissa suggested I wear the panties all day. Since we were supposed to be on the train all day, and even longer due to the delay of last night, I agreed. Melissa looked great in a short red t-shirt dress, I was amazed to notice the size of her breasts for the first time. We went to get the other girls for breakfast. Debra was finishing getting dressed in the bathroom, and Tina was finishing her nails. Tina let us in, and as we were talking, Debra came out wearing only her bra and panties. I blushed and stammered, but, Debra just said "Get used to it, you'll be seeing a lot more of us when you are a WAC. Ha Ha Ha." Oh, God, Melissa had told them. I blushed, but, felt better when Melissa took my arm from behind and pressed her firm tits into it. "Vicky isn't interested in your undies Debra," said Melissa " she has her own and mine to worry about." Debra quickly put on a skirt and blouse and we went to breakfast. It was about 11:00, late for breakfast, early for lunch. We sat at a table alone, and just talked about our lives. Melissa mentioned she lived about 20 miles north of where we enlisted, Debra lived in the same city, Tina was from the far west of the state, and I was from the far south. Fate had put us together in this little adventure, and we were becoming fast friends. Tina was teasing me about becoming a WAC. She obviously didn't know the whole story. Melissa must have been protecting my secret, just letting others know what they had to. After breakfast, the four of us went back to our room. Melissa took out a deck of cards and suggested a game of strip poker! Everyone agreed, especially me, but when I learned that I had to dress as a girl first so we would have the same amount of clothes to take off, I shied away. The girls kidded me and begged me to wear a dress, after all they said "it is going to be a long day and we will soon get bored." Of course I gave in, I wanted to wear Melissa's clothes since we meet. Melissa suggested that I wear a little of each of their clothes, that way I could be like a life size Barbie doll. She took a pair of baby blue panties and a matching lace underwire bra out of her luggage, handed them to me, and said "Go with Tina and pick out one of her dresses. Come back when you are all dolled up." I left with Tina leading the way. There I was walking down the aisle of the train with a bra and panty set in my hands, I was mortified. Luckily, none of the guys came out of their rooms. I didn't think of it until then, but I asked Tina if she could bring the dress to my room so I wouldn't have to walk around in it, she laughed and said I would love walking around as a woman. We entered her room, and she started prodding my body to see about what size I wore. She was a size 14, and Debra a size 12. Because of my waist, I had to wear her red skirt, but one of Debra's blouses. I was stripped down, Tina helped me fasten the bra in back, she commented on how my breasts seemed to be budding, just like a teenage girl. I blushed, put the panties on, and reached for a half slip. "Whoa there girlie", said Tina "you don't have to hurry like that. Let's shave your legs so they look a little better". "No Tina," I said, "I don't mind hairy legs sticking out of my skirt." "So, you have done this before." said Tina. "No," I replied I've never been out in public dressed as a girl before." We argued, but I won, the hair on my legs stayed. I felt stupid afterwards, realizing that I was standing there arguing with her while I was wearing a bra and panties, but, it felt so natural at the time. I put on black panty hose to hide the hair, got the white half slip, and red skirt on. I put on a pair of low heeled red dress shoes that Debra brought. I was buttoning the white blouse up the back when Tina asked if I wanted to wear a little makeup, in case someone looked too close at me while we were walking back to my room. I thought that sounded logical, and let her have her way. Tina wet my hair and added a few curlers to help the style. She applied mascara and eyeshadow to enlarge and bring out my eyes, a rosy glow was applied to my cheeks with some blush, and a light pink lipstick completed my face. Looking in the mirror, I was impressed with the little differences that makeup could bring out. But, I was shocked that my blue bra was clearly visible through the white blouse. "No Tina," I said, I can't go out like this. Everyone will see my bra." "Don't be silly Vicky" she said, "everyone knows girls wear bras, would you rather not wear a blouse at all? Of course not, you look sweet, come on, lets go play strip poker with the other girls." We walked out of Tina's room and began the long trek to mine. Only 6 rooms in-between, but, I was sweating before we arrived. The feeling of cool air coming up between my legs was strange. I felt like I wasn't even wearing a skirt. When we arrived at my room, Tina gasped and dragged me back down the hall to her room. While she was unlocking her door, she said "I almost forgot". I followed her in, wondering what she could have forgotten. Inside, she went into the bathroom, calling me in. I stood there as she unrolled the tissue and stuffed my bra cups full. I felt stupid. When she thought my breasts were big enough without being too big, she molded them with her hands into round mounds. Then back we went to my room. Outside the door, she gave me a quick once over, decided that my blouse could be tucked in more, and preceded to lift my skirt and pull the tail of my blouse down. She fluffed my hair, and touched up my lipstick. I felt like a baby, having her mother dress her. No one saw us, and Tina finally knocked on the door. As the door opened Tina said in a loud voice "Announcing Miss Victoria Elaine Riley", everyone clapped. We made so much racket that no one noticed the guys coming back from the dining car. As soon as the door closed, there was a knock. Melissa looked thru the peep hole and saw the guys, quickly, I dashed for the bathroom while they let the guys in. The guys had been looking for something to do today also, but to no avail. The girls said they were going to just sit around the room and do "girl things" and they didn't think anyone would be interested. But, there was always room for more girls if anyone wanted to dress like one. All the guys begged off and asked about Victor. Tina lied, well not really lied, but stretched the truth a little by saying she was the last one to see Victor, but no one had seen him for a while. Maybe he was out exploring. As the door closed, I came slowly out of the bathroom. Melissa, Debra and Tina clapped and whistled a little more. Melissa came right up to me, looked me in the eye, and said, "I want to get in your panties, bitch." I blushed again, wondering how much one person was capable of blushing, and if today I would hit that limit. After a short amount of time twirling around the room, and doing part of the sexy dance I did for Melissa in the morning, we settled down to play cards. We hit it off well. Debra called the dining car for some beer, and we settled in for the afternoon. I lost the first hand, and took off my shoes. Everyone booed and said "Take off the blouse", but I couldn't do that. Melissa lost the next hand and did take off her top. Now I could see why she looked so good in the red t-shirt dress. She had exquisite boobs. Even Tina and Debra made drooling noises as she adjusted herself in her bra. Tina and Debra lost next, both removing their tops also. Here I was, the only girl with a blouse on. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Melissa told me to get the beer, take some money out of her purse and pay the man. Not even thinking, I opened the door, the porter gasped as he saw three partially clothed women sitting on the floor, Melissa grabbed a blanket off the bed and made like she was mad. "Vicky!" she yelled, "wait till we get some clothes on". Too late. I dug around in her purse, found the wallet and paid the man. I didn't give him a tip, I figured he should pay us for what he saw. I put two six packs in the shower and got a beer for each of us. As I opened the first one the foam poured wildly over the edge, I put the can to my lips and sucked all I could. I saved the floor from a bath, but when I gave Melissa the beer, she made a face and said "UGH, some bitch has put lipstick all over my beer can". We all laughed when I finally figured out that it was my lipstick. Back to the game. I lost twice in a row, and to a chorus of boos, I took off my pantyhose and skirt. Melissa decided that this would take too long, so we agreed that the next looser would take everything off all at once. Nope, not me, Tina lost. She slowly stood and in the limited space of the compartment, did an amazing strip tease dance. She tossed her clothes everywhere, and when she was finally naked suggested we just continue until everyone was naked. Tina sat next to Debra and slowly rubbed her tits into Debra's back. Immediately Debra's nipples stood out of her bra. She reached back, taking one of Tina's hands and placed it in her bra. They both moaned as Melissa dealt the cards. Melissa cheated, I think. Anyway, she lost. She too did an elaborate strip dance - making sexual advances to me during the whole time. As she finished, she knelt behind me, unbuttoned my blouse and put her hands into the front of my bra. Laughing, she pulled out the tissue paper, and tossed it around the room. When she touched my bare nipples, it was like an electric shock. The nipples tightened, the aureole area turned pink with blush, and my entire body moaned with desire. I tried to turn and kiss her, but, she made me pay attention to the card game. Debra had already dealt the last hand, and was enjoying the love making Tina was giving her. Hardly opening her eyes, she said, "I quit, take my clothes bitch". Tina obliged. Teasing every part of her body, Tina pulled each last bit of clothing off using her teeth. Melissa spun me around, stood me up and began to kiss me passionately. She lowered my slip and panties, kissing my legs as she slowly lowered herself to her knees. Making me promise to shave my legs for the next time, Melissa teased and prodded my hard dick with her tongue. I gasped as she lightly bit every portion of my body. Then she stood up. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she forced me to my knees and begged me to lick her all over. Giving a quick glance to Debra and Tina, and noticing that they were laying in the bed with their heads in each others crotch, I figured, "When in Rome.......". I started licking gently at the edges of Melissa's beautiful pussy. She finished unbuttoning my blouse, and took it off. Then she wrapped her hands under my bra straps and used them to pull my face closer to her sex. I licked like I never licked before. I kissed, I nibbled, I massaged with my tongue, I did everything I could think of. Suddenly I felt Melissa tighten, she grabbed hold of my bra straps tightly and pulled me as hard she could into her womanhood. The bra straps broke as she reached a climax that brought tears to her eyes. She begged, pleaded, and demanded that I never leave her - always be her love slave. I couldn't believe what a wild woman she was. I slowly stood and ground our pelvises together, as she moaned in soft content. Melissa looked up at Tina and Debra who were resting after their love making, and winked at them. "Vicky dear," she said, "the girls and I would like to see you jerk off. Please sweetie. Come on, no one has ever done that for us before. I'll help you if you want". "O.K.," I agreed. Melissa got behind me, sunk to her knees, and started nibbling on my ass. My dick stuck out farther than I had ever seen it. I rubbed it slowly at first, then faster, and faster. I felt Melissa unhook what was left of my bra, and she wrapped it around my dick to give me more of a grip. That about did it. I came in an explosion of white goo. Sinking to my knees, I heard Tina and Debra applaud and cheer for "The Girl with the Dick". After what must have been an hour of playing with each others bodies, Tina and Debra were at it again. I was amazed at the sound of two people having sex. I watched every move, sure that I could learn something from these two obvious sex machines. It was great. Melissa touched me and demanded attention from my tongue. It was strange to be laying down on top of her and eating her out, but when she put my dick in her mouth, I lost control. I stuck my tongue in her ass, in her cunt, in anything that was available. She sucked me like I had imagined it would be like. Beautiful. We both got off about the same time, of course, she was first, always ladies first. The next "wake up" after our sexual nap, Debra jumped out of bed saying "If we don't get out of here, we will be worn out before we get to basic training." We laughed and got up to help each other get dressed. They laughed when they saw my bra, straps torn, and one of the cups soaked. Melissa told me that I would have to wear it that way, after all, bras were to expensive to throw away every time we had sex. I protested, suggesting that she go without, since she ruined "ours" but lost. Tina produced a couple of safety pins and pined the straps together. It was an acceptable fix, but I didn't like the wet cup. Melissa made me keep my promise about shaving my legs, and underarms. We managed to get each other dressed, after a lot of touching and feeling. As we sat around just talking about what our lives would be like in the future, Tina decided that we should go to the dining car for supper. "NO WAY" I yelled. I'm not going out there dressed like a girl. "Oh come on sissy pants" said Melissa. I won't let the big bad boys get you. You look great, no one will ever know you are a guy. Take a look in the mirror. I did look, and decided that maybe she was right, besides, this was like a dream come true. I didn't want to fight any of it. Oh no, looking down at my boobs, I can see that my bra cup was wet and showing through my blouse. I begged Melissa to let me change, but she said didn't have anything else to go with a red skirt. She told me to keep my arm up in front of it, it should dry in no time. Off to supper we went. Four good looking young ladies coming out of one sleeping compartment attract a lot of attention. The porter wanted to know if we all had tickets. So, back we went, Melissa and I showed our tickets, then Tina and Debra went to get theirs from their room. The porter stayed with us, and we talked small talk about people sneaking on and off trains, girls bringing boyfriends on without paying, and such. He was glad to hear we were all going in the Army, and after checking the other girls tickets, he wished us well. As he left, he looked right at me and said "Miss, you spilled something on your blouse, better take care of it before it stains". I turned red from head to foot. The others stood there laughing and pointed to my wet boob. I felt so embarrassed. I guessed that the teasing would go on. Off to the dining car, again. This time we made it all the way,. It was only 5:00 pm so there was hardly anyone there. A few older couples sat here and there, but, at least the guys from the induction center weren't to be seen. We ordered soup and salads, the girls said I needed to look after my figure now, and had some white wine after dinner. We sat and talk, and had fun. I can't remember another time in my life when I felt so relaxed, so at one with myself. I got up before desert, and went to the bathroom. Melissa said I should take her purse, in case I needed any sanitary items. The girls sat there and giggled, "Don't forget which rest room to use, VICKY!" they screeched. I blushed down to my hair roots again, but loved the attention from them. I walked very calmly to the ladies room, went in, did my business, made sure my feet were facing the right way while I was doing it, and even stopped to fix my lipstick. Coming out, I passed a man in the narrow corridor that had both rest rooms, I tried to get out of his way, but, he was so fat that he pressed me against the wall and got a couple good feels of my ass before I realized what was going on. The pervert. After a short talk at the table, we adjourned to our room again, and some rather playful lovemaking. I awoke the next morning, wearing Melissa's yellow baby doll nightgown. She was in bed next to me. As I turned, she moaned and wrapped her arms around me. "Good Morning Cutie" she said. "Good Morning yourself" I said. "What the hell happened last night?" "Look in my bed" she said. I did, and what I saw didn't surprise me. Debra and Tina were asleep in each others arms. I guess you could say, "A good time was had by all". We were due to be at the basic training camp in a few hours, so I roused everyone out of bed. "Come on you lazy bones" I said, "time to get those cute little bushes out of bed and into the shower." We showered two at a time, got dressed, and went down to breakfast. I wore my panties again, but that is all the female clothing I wore that day. My boobs were more sensitive today, Melissa was making a nuisance of herself by constantly pinching and toying with them. Even at breakfast, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and toyed with my breast. It was pleasurable, but embarrassing when others looked at us. Melissa called me Vicky now, no matter who was listening. Everyone thought it was cute, only three of us knew how serious she was about it. We went back to our rooms to prepare to leave the train. On the way Tina apologized and said she would have gladly shared her room with me if she had known about Vicky. I thanked her, and kissed both her and Debra on the cheek. Melissa and I went our way and began to pack. I had to talk with Melissa, we were going to be at Basic Training soon, and I didn't know what to do about my records. We finished packing first, then sat next to each other on one bed. We talked about what we wanted from life, about our loves, and about each other. We discussed family and friends, and even people who weren't friends. We talked about everything, but still came back to the question of "US". What could we do about us? We could get things straightened out and go on through the Army maintaining a very close friendship. She would be a WAC and I would be a Regular Army grunt. But, we were both drawn by the fun we had on our train trip. Maybe we should continue the lie and become girlfriends, Melissa and Vicky. Who knows. We fell asleep holding each other as the train brought us closer to being torn apart. Chapter 2 Getting off the train should have been uneventful. Actually it was, but what happened after that was crazy. I got off the train after Melissa, she reached up and helped me down the last step. Debra and Tina made fun of that, but they were just jealous. We walked over to a sign that announced the bus to basic training, and waited. Debra and Tina got us aside and said they thought for sure that I would get off the train as Vicky, not Victor. They seemed disappointed that they would be losing a friend. The bus came, and we loaded ourselves into it for the last part of the trip. We gave the driver our names and our orders, she looked at me rather strange, but I really didn't care, I would have this straightened out before anyone could say "mistake". The bus already had some people on it, and when we left, the driver announced that we would be going by the airport to pick up more recruits. Melissa and I sat together. We were going to miss each other greatly. But, eight weeks from now, we had a party planned. Both of us would graduate and try to get assigned to the same school, then the same post overseas, if possible. We picked up about 10 more girls at the airport. No men in that group. I commented that women got better treatment than men, until Melissa pointed out that we both rode the same train, and although we were enlisted as women, there were men on the train with us. I agreed to change my mind, but not without some serious kissing from her first. The end of the ride came too soon. I wished it could have lasted forever. Melissa and I had tears in our eyes, knowing this was it for a while. We promised to call if we got the chance, and to at least meet here in on the first Saturday we were off training, at 9:00 AM. As the driver called names off the list, she made sure a person got off the bus and handed that person her orders. She began calling the names of the airport group, then our group. As I heard her say "Baker, Melissa L.", my eyes began to pour tears. Melissa stood, kissed me lightly on the cheek and left without a word. Next the driver called "Caldwell, Tina C" and she got up from behind me and leaned over to give me a little kiss. Next the driver called "Lane, Debra A" and Debra gave me a quick peck on the way out. I was alone, and looking out the window to catch one more glimpse of Melissa when something hit me on the head. I looked up into the eyes of a 6 foot tall blonde woman. She was wearing a drill instructors hat, and had a scowl that would kill on her face. Looking at me she said "Are you Riley, Victoria E.?" I replied in the affirmative, to which she said, "Get your pussy ass out of the bus and in formation out there. We've been calling you, because we didn't have time to print an invitation. Now, get moving" "But Sergeant," I protested, "I'm not a female so I can't be a WAC. The sergeant looked again at my records and then at me. She admitted that m_a_y_b_e_ there was a mistake, but until it was straightened out, I was assigned to her. As the bus left, we were told to stand in two lines and to do it "on the double". As quickly as possible, we lined up. I stood in the front line next to Melissa. She was happy to have me with her, and just to prove it, she tweaked one of my nipples. I cried out, but luckily no one heard. The blonde D.I. came to the front of the company. "All right ladies", she said "I am Sergeant Rogers, I am your mother, and father and your entire family for the next 8 weeks. And you are mine! Standing to the right is Sergeant Wilson, she is my assistant. You will listen to her and give her the same respect that you give me. Is that understood, Pussies?" Individually, we all mumbled yes, or yes sir, or something to that effect. Sgt. Rogers went into a rage. "Ladies, get your shit together, I want to hear one loud and clear answer, and I want to hear you say it all together. Now, lets try it again! Is that understood, Pussies?" As if we were one booming voice, the response came "YES Sergeant!" Except of course, for me, I stood out like a sore thumb, I yelled "Yes Sir!". Sgt. Rogers ran over to me, stood in front of me and began berating me. "What did you call me?" "Sir" I replied. She leaned heavily into my face, "Don't you or any other of you pussies ever call me Sir. I work for a living, I ain't no damn officer. You got that, Pussy?" I yelled as loud as I could "Yes Sir" then realizing what I said, I screamed "I mean, Yes Sergeant!." Sgt. Rogers grinned, but I knew she had singled me out to use as an example. She backed up a step, and said to me "O.K. piss pants, drop and give me ten." I stood there not knowing what to do. She stepped up to me and yelled in my ear "Give me ten push-ups cunt, NOW!" I understood that. I slowly got to my hands and knees and began to do push-ups. When I got to ten, I stood and rejoined the line. Sgt. Rogers walked up to me and asked what I was doing standing. I told her I did my punishment and stood up. She said she didn't HEAR me count even one push-up, so I had better do them again. Back to my knees again, and more push-ups. I yelled for every one I finished. "ONE" I'll get even with her; "TWO" hell, its only 8 weeks; "THREE" this woman is a hard ass; "FOUR" actually fourteen; "FIVE" this is chicken shit; "SIX" only four more; "SEVEN" seven come eleven; "EIGHT" what the hell am I doing here; "NINE" only one to go; but before I could get to ten, Sgt. Rogers was standing over me with one foot on my fanny stopping me from doing the last push-up. "Hey you" she said looking down at me. "Do you really want to be a WAC? "No Sergeant" I replied. "Then what in hell are you doing here?" she said. "It's a mistake Sergeant, I should be in the regular Army". "Then why in hell are you wearing red silk panties under your pants?" Oh No. She saw my panties. I couldn't say anything. She let her foot off me and walked to my head. "Get on your feet, you panty stealing pervert." As I stood, I could see her eyes give me the once over. She look carefully at my chest, noticing the growing buds there and started on them. "Strip down to your t-shirt, sissy". I did, then she had me stand facing the rest of the company. "Ladies" she continued "this girl is out of uniform. I don't ever want to see you without a bra on. Now, Mr. Sissy, where is your bra?" "I don't have one Sergeant" I replied. Then Sgt. Rogers started laughing. "O.K., the rest of you, does anyone have a bra they can lend to this poor unfortunate?" Four hands went up immediately. Sgt. Rogers looked at a couple of them and said their bras would be too big for me, I needed a training bra. One of the others said loudly "I have an A cup bra Sergeant, I'd gladly lend it to the new girl, he can buy me one later to repay me." Sgt. Rogers agreed, saying "All right Sissy, get over there and beg that nice woman to help you into her bra. Move out!" I ran down the line, not knowing what to expect. A girl at the end was moving around, so I went to her. I stood in front of her and very quietly asked her for a bra. Sgt. Wilson, who was all of 5'5" tall maybe, came up behind me and asked what was going on. I told the Sergeant that I was borrowing some clothing because I was out of uniform. She slapped my face and said I should have addressed the question to the entire company. I held up my head and looking right at the girl with the bra and as loud as I could I said "Please lend me a bra so I can be in uniform. I'm sorry I forgot mine." That seemed to appease both sergeants. The girl helped me put the bra on. She whispered that her name was Candy and she liked men who dressed as women. She gently cupped my boobs and helped fit them in the bra, saying how nice they were growing. Pulling on my t-shirt, I ran back to my place in line. Sergeant Rogers was just coming back from giving some other recruit hell when I arrived. She stood in front of me reaching out, actually mauled my body to make sure the bra was on correctly. She took a little extra time around the nipples as she felt them stiffen to her touch. A smile crossed her lips. Turning to Melissa, Sgt. Rogers asked her if she knew me. Melissa replied that we came from the same city, but didn't know each other. Sgt. Rogers then appointed her and "the bra woman" as my personal keepers during basic training. Making sure to stress that they were responsible for my feminine appearance and actions for the next 8 weeks or until I left. Then stepping behind me she traced my bra straps lightly and laughed. "Looking good Mr. Sissy" she said. "Remember to wear a bra. ALWAYS! I don't want to ever see your bare tits flapping in the breeze, understand me?" What could I say but, "Yes Sergeant". I was glad to see her walk away and begin harassing someone else. The harassment continued for hours. We were all tired, and confused, but we were so scared that we didn't dare move until we were told to. Everyone got their share. No one escaped. Melissa got it for having a "Sissy Friend". Candy got it for "lending her uniform to someone else",,, everyone HAD to get yelled at. Eventually they called us to attention, and marched us all off to our barracks. No one could keep in step, and we were verbally abused all the way to the barracks. I remember thinking, "What makes these people so mean?". I never considered it was part of the act and the job. Like professional wrestling, more glitz and glitter than substance. But, it was confusing, and as long as we were confused, we couldn't head off in any direction on our own. That was important. Inside the barracks, there were beds. Two rows, double bunked, with lockers in between and small lockers at the end of each bed. Each bed had a mattress rolled up on the springs. Home. As ugly as it was, it was welcome after standing outside for so long. As we came inside, Sgt. Wilson asked each of us our Service Number. I was called on first, to be made an example of again I guessed, but, this time I was prepared. I mustered all the strength I could and shouted "Sergeant, my Serial Number is WA-12-711-474." Perfect, I did it, even Sgt. Rogers would have let me go on that one. Sgt. Wilson assigned me a bunk, and called on Candy next to bunk with me. After Candy, Melissa managed to get called, and she wound up in the bunk next to mine, on the bottom. Then came a stranger on the top, followed by Debra and Tina. Like old home week, our side of the barracks filled up quickly. The other side was a little more difficult. Each girl who didn't know her service number was told to "Give me ten" until they could remember it. Some girls did three sets of push-ups before they admitted not studying. I was glad for the extra time on the train we had to study. I wondered how the guys were making out with their introduction to the Army. Hopefully they were having an easier time. Sgt. Wilson told us to get settled. Put our things in the lockers, and report to the mess hall for lunch. Great, I was famished. We were told to be lined up outside the mess hall (great name for a place to eat) at 12:20 on the dot. That left us with 20 minutes according to the big clock on the wall. I stored my bag in one of the big lockers. With no locks yet, nothing could be secured. Then I rushed to Melissa and hugged her. She returned my elation, and even kissed me saying "Hello you sexy little thing. Do you come here often?" I could do nothing but laugh. Candy finished putting her things away, and joined us. "You two seem plenty friendly already" she said. "I thought you were strangers." I explained the paperwork mix-up to Candy and some of what happened on the train, being sure to leave the sex scenes out. She seemed interested, but not too pushy. She and Melissa calmly discussed their lives, while they combed out my hair in a more feminine style, each offering the other suggestions. Then they applied very light amounts of makeup and lipstick, just so "I wouldn't look so obvious". At 12:17, I walked out of the barracks to look around. The mess hall was only 100 feet away, I could make it there in 3 minutes without a problem. I slowly ambled in that direction, noticing that others were leaving as we lined up outside. So we ate in shifts, figures, can't have 100 or more women in the same place eating - the noise would kill you. At precisely 12:20, Sgt. Wilson appeared out of nowhere and called us to attention. "Ladies" she said, "you will have exactly 25 minutes to get through that line, get your food, eat, make your comment on the world situation, and be back in the barracks. This goes for every day. 12:20 is lunch, and at 12:45 you WILL be back in the barracks for inspection. Understood Pussies?" In unison, as if we had practiced, we sang "YES SERGEANT". We were released to eat. The entire company rushed in, Melissa in front of me, Candy behind me. They escorted me through the line, making selections for me, warning me playfully to watch my figure or they might get in trouble. Although I didn't want to cause us any problems, I didn't think I was supposed to starve either. I exited the serving line with little more than a salad, a very small dab of dressing, and a small blob of jello. At this rate I would be dead before the eight weeks were over. I did manage to get a couple of glasses of milk without any harassment, probably the girls were afraid I would get osteoporosis or something. Such as it was, lunch was satisfying. We finished in plenty of time, cleared our trays, and returned to the barracks. No one else eating there seemed to take any notice of me, they were either too busy with their own lives, or Melissa and Candy did a good job with my hair and makeup. Either way, I was beginning to get comfortable with my life, although my boobs did itch and were swelling more, and the damn bra seemed to be in the way. At precisely 12:45 Sgt. Wilson strode into the barracks. "O.K. Ladies, off your butts" she yelled. "Get lined up at the end of your bunks now, and stand at attention." There was a flurry of activity as we all hurried to get in place. "My grandmother in a wheel chair can go faster than that" screamed Sgt. Wilson. All was quiet, we stood at attention. Sgt. Rogers came in then, and in her domineering way, took control with just her presence. "Ladies" she started, "you are now going to be marched to the test center. They will attempt to measure your intelligence level, or lack of it. Some of you must have an I.Q. lower than your bra size". Everyone snickered. "You will fall in outside, in two rows, and we will march over there together, is that clear?" "Yes Sergeant" could be heard echoing in the building. "All right, now fall out!" Feet shuffled, bodies rushed, and we left the building as if it were on fire. Once outside the sergeants gave us a little close order drill, and tried to show us the basics of marching. Getting disgusted, they gave up, and marched us to the testing center. The testing center was an enormous open room with desks in rows. Upon arrival, we were told stand at the back of the room until our names were called, then to come forward, pick up our tests and take a seat. It looked as if there were other companies of girls to take the tests with us. We were given a 15 minute break while the testing crew got organized, and used that time to talk with some of the other girls. I stuck close to Melissa, but Candy, Debra and Tina went off to get acquainted with the others. We found that there were actually four other companies of trainees with us. Melissa introduced me as Vicky, and the nice redhead we were talking with introduced herself, Cindy and her blonde friend Janine. Looking around, I could see Candy talking to other girls and pointing in my direction. I wanted to crawl in a hole. I tried to keep someone between Candy's sight and mine until test time. I couldn't see Debra and Tina, but I could imagine what they were doing. Finally, one of the testing personnel called "Attention" and got us to settle down. We waited as names were called, girls milling about all the time. As I was waiting my turn, a couple of them walked from behind me and actually snapped my bra! Then gave me a knowing wink as they passed. Oh, I thought, this is going to be just terrible until they get me reassigned. Eventually, they called "Riley, Victoria E", and I shuffled out amidst a few giggles to get my test. I sat down, and per the instructions on the board, waited until we were told to begin our tests. I read the test cover, and besides having me listed as a female named Victoria, they also gave me the wrong test. The test I had said it was for "Medical Nurse", and I was supposed to be taking one for a "Wheel Vehicle Mechanic". Well, I wasn't going to complain now, besides, when they sent me back to the men's basic training camp, I could just take the correct test. Suddenly a voice brought me back to reality "... and you have as long as you need to take the test. If you need to use the facilities, you will be escorted one at a time to the rest rooms. Open your books and start your tests." I broke the seal on my test, and began what I thought would be a futile effort, at best. I sat there probing deep into my brain, extracting every bit of information I had retained from biology, health and science classes. It wasn't easy. After what I thought was a short time, I realized I had to relieve myself. I couldn't believe it. I crossed my legs and tried to concentrate on the test. After completing five more answers, I knew I would have to be excused. I raised my hand, and Sgt. Wilson walked over to my desk. She just looked at me, waiting for me to explain myself. I whispered that I had to go to the bathroom. She closed my test booklet, and motioned for me to get up and leave. I put my pencil down, and walked out behind her. She told me where the bathrooms were, and said she would be there shortly. I went into the bathroom, made sure to go into a stall, made sure my feet were pointing in the right direction, and did my business. Just as I finished and was wiping the last drops from my penis, I heard someone enter. I heard her call my name "Vicky,... Vicky". "Be right out", I said. I pulled up my panties and pants and was tucking my t-shirt into my pants as I walked out, and bumped into Sgt. Rogers. "Oh, excuse me Sergeant" I stammered. "You dumb sissy" she roared. "Watch where you are going. Get your head out of your ass" "Excuse me Sergeant " I pleaded again. "Hey, sissy boy" she said, "Are you wearing a bra ? Or did you take it off already?" "Yes Sergeant, I replied, "I am still wearing a bra, per your instructions." To which she replied, "Show me, come on faggot, show me your little budding titties". I slowly pulled my t-shirt out of my pants and began lifting it over my head. Sgt. Rogers reached out and lightly traced the outline of my bra on my chest. "Nice little titties you have here, sissy. Now take the bra off and showing me what's underneath. I think maybe you are a real female". "Please Sergeant," I pleaded stifling my welling tears "Please don't do this to me. It's all a mix-up. I wanted to join the regular Army, I'm not a woman. Please don't do this to me". Slowly, I reached around my back to unhook the bra. As it came loose, I blushed to my hair roots. My small tits were free. Sgt. Rogers reached out and gave each nipple a playful twist. With a leer, she bent down and gently kissed each one. Murmuring softly I could hear her say "Mmmm, you can be my girlfriend any time sweetie. Your little boy titties are just too cute for words." Embarrassed, I could do nothing but let her continue her terrible game. Oh, how my boobs ached and itched. Her soft lips and darting tongue were like a soothing ointment. I wished she would never stop. Suddenly, she stopped kissing me and told me to get dressed and back to the testing room. Sobbing softly, I fastened my bra, taking care to get my boobs situated right, pulled on my t-shirt, and walked back to the testing room. As quickly as I could, I sat down and resumed my test. As I sat, I saw a couple of others get up and turn in their papers. Damn, mine wasn't even half done yet. I tried to put my mind into overdrive. Thank goodness for "multiple guess" questions. Down the list I went, B... B... A... D (none of the above). Time passed, more girls left. I looked around, and there were only three of us there. I decided that it really didn't matter, and just filled in the remaining 25 answers with whatever letter I felt. As I stood to turn in my paper, I saw another girl get up, it was Melissa. She walked me out and asked how I did. "Melissa," I replied, "I don't think I can keep this up any longer. Sgt. Rogers made sexual advances toward me when I went to the bathroom. I think she wants to get me in bed." "Oh Vicky" she said, "I knew something happened while you were in the bathroom. I noticed your mascara was running when you came back. I'm so sorry. Maybe we should go to the Company Commander and try to get you out faster." I told her not to worry, I would avoid Sgt. Rogers, and anyway, I could be out of here tomorrow. When we walked outside, I was surprised to note that it was already dark. We walked slowly back to the barracks, arms around each others waist, enjoying each others company. When we were back inside, we crashed on our bunks. I fell asleep on my side for a little while, and awoke feeling someone gently rubbing my back. It was Candy, she was whispering softly "Poor Vicky, Shhhh, relax, Poor baby". I moaned and turned completely on my stomach. It felt so good. Candy would rub my back, then trace my bra through my t-shirt, then rub my back again. Her soft soothing voice and her cool light touch combined to make my stay in "dreamland" a very pleasant experience. I was reveling in my pleasure, when suddenly someone yelled "ATTENTION". Candy jumped up, helping me to my feet, waking Melissa at the same time. Sgt. Wilson had come in the barracks, and wanted to tell us what was going to happen tomorrow. "Ladies" she began, "Tomorrow you will get your uniforms, and other important items. You will spend most of the day at this task, so you will need all the rest you can get. Here are some barracks rules you need to remember, lights out at 10:00 PM EVERY night, no exceptions. The only lights allowed on after that time will be in the latrine. You may think this is too early to sleep, but you will be grateful. That's it, I will be here at 6:00 AM to get you out of bed, I want

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Eerie Saloon Toy Soldier

Tales of the Eerie Saloon -- The Toy Soldier: An Eerie Christmas By Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson Author's note: Almost four years ago, when Ellie and I completed "Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Autumn", it seemed unfortunate that scant attention was given to how most of our favorite characters spent their Christmas Eve in Eerie, Arizona. That so little was said about them was understandable, since the flow of the narrative was not the best place to develop material that...

2 years ago
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Captain America The Virgin Soldier

Natasha peeled herself out of her clothes. She turns the shower on. While the water is coming to temperature, she pulls a tampon out of her pussy. Pulling it out sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body, her toes curl and her knees shake. She lets out a moan. There came a knock on the door. “You okay Nat? Need any stitches?” Captain Steven Rogers asked, always thoughtful and considerate. “Just a bruise. Get an ice pack ready.” she replied. ‘What I need from you is your super...

3 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Thank You Soldier

A Savita Bhabhi Story by Anjali Jaiswal. It was past midnight and Savita bhabhi was standing outside waiting for her husband. Ashok was never this late without informing her. But he had not come home till now nor had he called to inform her of his delay. Finally she saw his car entering the compound and she readied herself to scold him. But just then, the car’s door opened and a man in military uniform stepped out. He pulled out Ashok from the back seat and Savita ran to him in a hurry....

3 years ago
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All I really know is that he is A paralegal. He's a soldier, just a tad bit of a freaking hero In a today's society. I like a man in a suit but a guy in camouflage, that's even hotter. A great guy with a sense of humor,a uniform, and he makes me feel wanted and appreciated.How much better can it get? Well I don't think that it can.He works a lot of the time. But I can't help the growing lust I have for him inside, the wanting that I have for him. Just knowing he's in his uniform, makes me want...

2 years ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 12 Furdick Soldier

Was it morning, late afternoon, or deepest night? Furdick threw back the cloak that covered him, sitting up as a rising clamor came from the far end of the room. The rest of the company was already stirring, polishing weapons, meditating or praying according to their natures. Near to the fire Baysil watched over Kletta, who seemed wan and pale, not yet fully recovered from her wounds. "What's the trouble?" "Her!" Kargh grinned behind his beard, nodding toward where Bartan sat talking...

4 years ago
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Sam has slip showing Stories

Sam is my SO. We have been married many years.Sam 1The first time I recall meeting her was when a group of friends met for a chat and coffee. As there were more people than chairs I ended up sitting on the floor and she was sitting on a table. She was wearing an above the knee black dress with a white decorative band. On a couple of times she pushed herself off the table to get something and then jumped back on. Each time she did this I could see her white plain slip.Unfortunately after that...

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Showing my slip recorded on Video

As part of my job I am called on to do various presentations to existing and new Clients. If it is part of a Sales effort I normally go to support the Sales Manager who has made the initial contact. When we do this it is in three parts. Part 1 is the Sales presentation, the second is technical (my part) and the third is questions and answers. Normally this is private but very occasionally the Client will ask to take videos for his review later. We always agree to this provided we get a...

4 years ago
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Secret Soldier

SECRET SOLDIER By Celeste Ann Taylor PROLOGUE The army was not the adventure I'd been led to expect. 3 months of basic training to dehumanise me and turn me into a programmed killer, then 6 months in some backwater war zone as cannon fodder to ?build character' and when I survived that they gave me a real mission, shooting civilians for fun. However after a couple of years of this I was wounded when one of the civilians...

3 years ago
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Welcome Home Soldier

I don’t remember much about the plane ride from Iraq to Germany. I was heavily sedated. In fact, my memories of being in the army hospital there are very blurry as well. I’m not even sure how long I was there. I knew that I still had all of my limbs though, and I was thankful for that. Many of the guys weren’t that lucky. My hands were severely burned from yanking the door open on a burning vehicle to pull out one of my fellow soldiers after a roadside bomb went off under them. One side of my...

3 years ago
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Never Beat A Soldier

Chapter 1 Adrienne had been fairly satisfied about her marriage to Giacomo Navarocci, a traveling businessman, whose company seemed to take him away from their Cayman Islands house a lot. She didn't mind, because she used him for his apparently large salary and expense account, as she was in the Caymans dodging taxes, and could not access her ex's alimony checks. She really cared little or nothing about Giacomo, a small, lean, spectacled Italian, who patiently endured her slapping,...

1 year ago
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Never Beat A Soldier

Adrienne had been fairly satisfied about her marriage to Giacomo Navarocci, a traveling businessman, whose company seemed to take him away from their Cayman Islands house a lot. She didn't mind, because she used him for his apparently large salary and expense account, as she was in the Caymans dodging taxes, and could not access her ex's alimony checks. She really cared little or nothing about Giacomo, a small, lean, spectacled Italian, who patiently endured her slapping, punching, and kicking...

4 years ago
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My husband is a soldier

BackgroundMy husband is a soldier, and he's one month into his third deployment, Iraq twice, and now Afghanistan. Before he left for this last tour he shared something with me that didn't make me very happy, but I guess the more we discussed it the more it did kind of make sense to me. He knows I'm very needy when it comes to sex, and so is he. That was one of the things that attracted us to each other before we were married. We were fucking like bunnies on our first date, and I loved the...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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to a soldier

She was having a long day, a long month even. Nothing was going the right way ever since she walked in on her boyfriend fucking one of her subordinates in her office. Now she was sitting in her office and dying of heat - the bloody air conditioner wasn't working again. She moved in her chair and inched her skirt up a little higher opening another button on her shirt. It was lunch time and there was no one in the office except for her- she was in the office because she had to deal with another...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Lips of My Soldier

Blond hair flowed messily around my face. My tender sky blue eyes were fixed on his every movement. My lips were soft and plump, at a loss for words. I sat there across from him at a small table. A sleeveless dress relaxed on my round breasts, the red color shimmering brightly by candle light. In his eyes I was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.His short brown hair always made his ocean blue eyes stick out. The way his 5 o'clock shadow grew on his face always turned me on a little. His...

Love Stories
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Sissy White and the 7 Soldiers

The royal wedding of Catherine White and Lord Grimmson was a spectacularevent that happened after the death of the former king and the husband ofCatherine White. Arthur White the crowned king approved his mother'swedding and Lord Grimmson was made the general in the army.Lord Grimmson won many battles along with king Arthur White. Arthur Whitesoon decided to marry and consumate the marriage for the heir to histhrone. He marries the beautiful Princess Bella. The wedding was brilliantand the...

3 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 4 Two Soldiers

It had been a long 10 weeks for Scott Nelson at Ft. Leonard Wood. For the first time in his life he had been alone, with his closest family over 1,000 miles away in Winnisimmet after their own graduations from Advanced Individual Training for their jobs as US Army Horizontal Construction Engineers. He was proud of them for choosing to do a job that was needed but a little jealous that they had less to learn in a shorter amount of time compared with him. He missed his fiance, Stacy...

2 years ago
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Misty Mountains Ch3 Once A Soldier

The fog had settled in from the north covering the trees to where one could not see but a few feet in front of them. It was too quiet in the woods, a kind of darkness had seemed to settle over them and had driven the animals from the forest. It was something they feared would make things difficult for Erebor and the Mirkwood home to the elves. The dwarves had been allies with the elves for many years at this point and as a sign of good will the neice to King Thranduil had sworn herself to the...

4 years ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 10 Anji Soldier

"Today and tomorrow we hunt!" Anji looked up from her morning meal at Darrick's words. It took a few moments for his meaning to sink in. Indeed, it was some moments before anyone answered him. "Why the delay?" Kargh snarled the words, coming to his feet at a bound. He was a properly warlike figure, she thought, sword and beloved axe slung from each side of his broad leather belt. "We've found the road to the deeper levels. That's where real treasure lies waiting for us!" "We've...

2 years ago
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The Case Of The Slippery Slipper

Being a novice Private Investigator has its perks, such as attending my first Private Eye Symposium and Talent Show in New York City (where I won't be buying salsa, by the way). I left my new girlfriend, Katrina, at home because she has a phobia about fun. I had already memorized my highly anticipated Power Point presentation of "How to find fingerprints inside a vagina using duct tape, a powerful flashlight and the Jaws of Life," so I now had time to be a tourist. Wandering through...

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Marvel The Ultimate Winter Soldier

"Ready girls?" Says a familiar voice. "Ready!" Everyone else chants as you feel yourselves descending. "On my count..." says the same voice again and all you can hear afterwards are guns being clocked. "3... 2... 1... go! Go! Go! Go!" Shouts the voice as the large door opens and one by one, you all jump out. You feel the wind crashing against your face as you are descending at speeds beyond anyone's limits but you need to go faster. You lean in a bit more and form the shape of a stick with your...

4 years ago
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Recollection of Pat Showing her slips

Pat lived opposite where we lived. She was in her mid twenties with one small c***d. I would call her petite. About 5 ft 2 inches tall and slim.Pat's Slip Show 1One day I returned home from town late one morning and Pat was by her garage door. She had a lower thigh skirt in dark grey material with contrasting medium black spots. In addition she was wearing nearly black stockings. What really took my attention was an inch of white plain slip hanging down at the back. As usual she waved and...

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Bayou Academy

I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster’s private office, waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get ahold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn’t have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in Houston’s River Oaks neighborhood if my parents had wanted to be bothered with raising me. “She’s been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred.” His conversation...

3 years ago
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Bayou Beauty

She was an absolute beauty. That circumstance affected her life from childhood on. She was sought after by many for business or personal reasons, usually egocentric. The dollars came rolling in for modelling and such, and as arm-candy she was wined, dined, and well-traveled. The latter usually expected access to her beautiful body in exchange, she discovered. She liked sex alright, but these joinings were mostly physical lust, not providing much emotional satisfaction beyond feeling desirable....

4 years ago
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Deaths Favorite Soldier

The call of the night is simply irresistible when you are what I happen to be. Seriously. My name is Jefferson Dean and I am a Proto-Vampire. As far as I know, I’m the only Proto-Vampire who still walks the planet Earth. I’ve seen vampires and other supernatural creatures but I’ve never encountered another one like myself. It makes for a boring existence but I’ve made the best of it. It’s a living, after all, even if you’re undead. Currently, I’m on the run. You see, there’s this thing after...

3 years ago
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Breaking Descent Temptress Soldier

Years later after Hamilton was found laying belly up as nothing more than a sad excuse of a man with a hole where his face used to be, his daughter still remembers that evening as though it had just happened. Mille is no longer the gender inquiring leggy little sex kitten with big wishful dreams of the future she was; she has matured into a sex kitten with no taste in men whatsoever, and an extremely disturbing dark side. From the sixth grade lunchroom into the urban battlefields of Iraq...

2 years ago
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Hijab Girl Meets American Soldier

Alright, I can finally admit it to myself. I am a Muslim. I used to be one of those people who felt a strong dislike of Muslims, until I fell in love with one. It’s funny how these things happen, huh? My name is Solomon Kingsley Henderson, although many of my friends have taken to calling me ‘King Suleiman’ in recent times. It’s my Muslim name, though it’s not on my passport or anything. My wife Khadija Abdullah certainly likes it. She’s a lovely lady of Somali descent who saved my life back in...

2 years ago
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to a soldier

She was having a long day, a long month even. Nothing was going the right way ever since she walked in on her boyfriend fucking one of her subordinates in her office. Now she was sitting in her office and dying of heat – the bloody air conditioner wasn’t working again. She moved in her chair and inched her skirt up a little higher opening another button on her shirt. It was lunch time and there was no one in the office except for her- she was in the office because she had to deal with another...

4 years ago
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The Lips of My Soldier

Blond hair flowed messily around my face. My tender sky blue eyes were fixed on his every movement. My lips were soft and plump, at a loss for words. I sat there across from him at a small table. A sleeveless dress relaxed on my round breasts, the red color shimmering brightly by candle light. In his eyes I was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. His short brown hair always made his ocean blue eyes stick out. The way his 5 o’clock shadow grew on his face always turned me on a little. His...

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The Soldier

Darnell was anxious to get home to his girl, whom he'd not seen in three years, due to his tours in the army. Now that it was over, he was able to spend time with his family and friends once again, but this very moment was a special occasion. His white girlfriend, Jill, was especially excited after telling her he was coming back, despite the fact she'd been worried sick about him all that time he was away. Once the long awaited reunion took place, the mood changed in a hurry.Darnell knocked on...

3 years ago
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Old Soldier

It was Veteran's Day a number of years ago when I was standing next to an attractive older man in his late 70s dressed in a long thick pea coat and wearing a poppy on his felt cap. We both observed the ceremony in silence and remembering the service of our fallen countrymen. As people started to leave all around us, he stayed still, standing tall and looking off into the distance. I could tell by the medals he wore on his lapel that he had himself been in the service. As the city square...

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My Dad the Soldier

It was November 6th and I just got home from take my mother to the airport. She was flying out to Florida on business, she travels a lot all over the country so in turn I spend most of my time with my dad. I really look up to him and respect him. He is a very down to earth man so I hang out with him more like he is my best friend. I just turned nineteen a couple mounths ago, but unfortunately never had a really good relationship with other guys since we are moving all time. You see, my...

4 years ago
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Kid Soldier

When the war started I was to young to fight. They would not even accept me as a cadet. My father was not the loving type and understood me. He made a few calls and pulled me into his room. He pulled out an old Ghost bull pup assault riffle and a Killian pistol from his closet and handed them to me. He also pulled out a very old looking military style bag and handed it over, "you will need more than what is in here but it is a start. Go to the cargo area of the starport, hanger JL592. Find a...

3 years ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 3 Furdick Soldier

"The journey resumes with joyous cries," was Furdick's sardonic jest as they left Shurrud. The others made no reply, but the sun did indeed shine brightly on their going. Behind them a small knot of villagers watched, a couple of them calling out encouraging words. Even Frittis, Urvache's pretty barmaid, waved and blew kisses. He smiled ruefully at the memory of how she had smiled and flirted their second night at the inn. "Be off!" Furdick had repulsed her, though not unkindly....

2 years ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 8 Kargh the Dwarf Soldier

He slept poorly, images of a fist sized gem glowing among his disordered dreams. Again and again he had it within his grasp, only to have it wrenched away by shadowy figures who laughed and jeered as he stumbled after them on legs that were too short to match their speed. He awoke with a start, reaching for his axe, but the hand on his shoulder was only Anji's. He wolfed down his breakfast, answering the others with grunts or not at all. "It is agreed that we continue?" Furdick asked,...

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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 11 Bartan Soldier

He repressed a shudder, watching his footing as they clumped down the winding stair. He was near the head of the column. Orcs ahead, Orcs behind, Orcs to either side. The rancid, musky smell of them clogged his nostrils, caught at the lump of fear in his throat. Kargh's muttered curses drifted back between a pair of Orcs, falling silent as orange light washed about them. The walls fell away. The steps wound down around a central pillar into a circular room. Pairs of broad double doors...

5 years ago
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MMB the Great Hippocrates RobberiesPart 5 The Soldier

Previously in our story, Ms. White and Mr. Black paid a late afternoon visit to the office of Dr. Mark Jennings in an attempt to steal rare artifacts from his antique vibrator collection. Because Dr. Jennings had previously placed phony labels on his most valuable artifacts indicating that they were replicas, the two thieves walked away empty handed when in fact they had been holding the genuine artifacts in their hands the entire time. The Matchmaker Bandits correctly deduced that Dr....

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 8 Ive Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

The escalation pushed the students who leaned in Earth First's direction out of the fight permanently. The Christian students who agreed with Earth First from a faith perspective decided turning the other cheek was better than having their heads blown off. There were no 'true' believers in Earth First principles among the students, so it left only the assholes who just wanted a reason to beat the fuck out of somebody, but fighting a part of the student body highly motivated to work...

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 9 I Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

The party lasted all weekend. It was not the original plan, but Dipak thought it was unfair that some sponsors got left out. Some people appeared during the day and others at night. Alyssa Berto arranged for the caterers to keep plenty of food stocked. The concubines must have had a plan for me. Ruthie kept me busy on Friday Night. Amita took over for Saturday. On Sunday, Marissa and Alba went for a full-court press on me, only to be pussy-blocked by my classmates' concubines. If not for...

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 10 I Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

Things rested on the razor's edge after Daniel's death. The sponsors at the school wanted it to be over. After a mad flurry of test-drives, a lot of them had a full complement of concubines. My classmates urged me to complete my choices so the remaining sponsors would make their final selections. Most of the county stayed inside at night as Earth First and Pranay's playmates escalated hostilities even further. The difference between the two groups was in tactics. Earth Firsters killed...

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 7 I Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

The fire quiesced most of the sponsor action at the school. The Earth First sympathizers were back to their old ways. They knew better than to try a physical confrontation with Stephen and Pranay willing to throw down, but the sympathizers had a lot to say out loud. A few met my eyes in the hallways, challenging me to make a move on them. The mayor and police captain were shoving a bullshit story down the media's throat--a high CAP individual, who had been turned down by one of the girls...

1 year ago
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American Soldier

(To avoid any confusion I am a bisexual woman. please let me know what you think ) It was a hot day and me and my friends were sitting with a bottle of wine beside the river, I had recently broken up with my girlfriend so I just wanted to chill. Two bottles of wine later we were quite tipsy and as two of my friends started to argue I decided I would go in search of better company. I saw two guys sitting drinking some beers so I went over to chat to them. One of them, we'll call him J had a...

Drunk sex
1 year ago
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Me and the American Soldier

*** (To avoid any confusion I am a bisexual woman. please let me know what you think.) It was a hot day and me and my friends were sitting with a bottle of wine beside the river, I had recently broken up with my girlfriend so I just wanted to chill. Two bottles of wine later we were quite tipsy and as two of my friends started to argue I decided I would go in search of better company. I saw two guys sitting drinking some beers so I went over to chat to them. One of them, we'll call him J had a...

1 year ago
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Helping A Soldier

*** This story is about my best friend; she wanted me write this in 1st person so I obliged. About 2 years ago my boyfriend's (Justin) brother (Adam) was deployed to Afghanistan. He's a Marine so we knew that he would probably be seeing some heavy combat. After dinner that last night he was home I was trying to think of something to say, about how I am proud that he is going to serve our country. I asked him what I could do for him and he said, and I quote, " When I get back I want to fuck you....

2 years ago
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My name is Trent, I am 16 years old, reasonably good looking, 5'6" tallwith green eyes and dark brown hair. I grew up in an army villagespecifically for military personal. All our neighbours were militaryfamilies and even the primary school was for military c***dren only.We had lived there since I was 5 which no doubt fostered my lust formen in uniform. One day when I was 14 a new family moved into the housenext door. Their names were Betty and Terry Harden and had 2 youngdaughters but it was...

1 year ago
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We’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...

ASMR Porn Sites
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My Sisters Black Satin Slip

I never got on well with my sister when she lived at home; we fought like cats and dogs. Though I was younger and smaller, being a boy, I was stronger and always beat her in a fight. I always believed the main reason my sister left home and got married so young was to get away from me. I accused her of being our parents favourite because she was older and a girl. She could do no wrong, especially in our father's eyes. If something got broken or went missing, Kelly would blame me. Our parents...

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Three Israeli lady soldiers

During my last year of Senior School, a friend of mine who lived in Israel invited me to spend some vacation days at his home in Haifa.So I packed few clothes and I landed there to find my friend waiting for me.We enjoyed the first days visiting historical sites and the city itself. One of those afternoons, I was on my own having a coffee at a bar, when I was approached by three nice young girls. They were wearing colored summer dresses, but the three of them were carrying a semiautomatic rifle...

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A liquid satin slip and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving seemed as though it was going to be pretty quiet for us this year. We had a huge family reunion this summer and there's a wedding happening after the first of the year so we decided to stay close to home.We rolled out of bed in the morning and lazied around for a few hours. Jodi decided that we should go for a drive and find a nice restaurant for dinner. So... we took our showers and put on some nicer clothes. I wore dress slacks and a sweater. She chose a dress that I just...

4 years ago
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My husband handed me a little slip of paper almost as soon as we took our coats off and sat down. The paper just said "bra", which was easy enough, but we hadn't even ordered yet. There wasn't really anyone seated near us. I could slip my bra off pretty easily, but I didn't want the waitress to show up at the wrong time.So I stood up, and took my bag with me. The bathrooms were on the other side of the restaurant. He had waved a twenty at the waitress while we were being seated, and asked...

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Moms white half slip

At this point, I was sleeping in Mom’s bedroom and wearing her panties, slips and even bras to bed. I loved masturbating in bed and mentally daring Mom to walk in and catch me. It never occurred to me that she was probably awake and listening on quite a few evenings. I loved getting in the best position, with my legs hanging off the side of the bed and my hands sliding one after another under my prone body, working myself to a huge erection and aroused to the point of being intoxicated. My...

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Mrs Summers Slips www

Mrs. Summers’ SlipsChapter 1, "Curiosity" Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I discovered the appendage between my legs had another use. As I experimented with these new-found sensations sometimes 3-times a day, and usually with the assistance of a purloined stroke mag), it became very clear that I preferred looking at pictures of partially clad women over full frontal nudity. By partially clad, I mean looking at pictures of women wearing seductive or frilly bras, panties, nightgowns, etc....

2 years ago
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Why Slips and How I came to Love them

While Panties and Stockings seem to do it for most, You may say I'm a little different with this Love for Slips. Nothing against the other goodies and they are certainly sexy, but the way a silky , lacy slip flows over a woman's body, no matter what she is doing at the time is a sight to see.I'll rarely wear one myself at the request of who I am with, but will use a slip as a sextoy in a heartbeat. I try to get each Lady I am with to wear a slip, either hers if she has any or mine when we make...

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The Slip

The Slip by Georgina It was quiet in my place of rest. I lay there, peaceful, warm, surrounded by my little friends, my companions, waiting, always waiting for a chance to come out and see something of the world. I was something special though as I was desired by a creature of such magnificent youth and such deep emotions as to excite jealousy amongst the rest of my coterie of fellows. They were always on call for my mistress and were used and abused, willy-nilly on an everyday...

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The Artifact Cinderellas Slippers Part II

The Artifacts: Cinderella's Slippers Part II By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 A spray of gray hair drooped across Dr. Frank Penner's forehead as he carefully reread the ancient clay tablets in front of him. Also lying on the specimen table was a rude cast iron box from which the tablets had been removed a few hours earlier and a pair of shoes made from what appeared to be volcanic glass. Although his translation was still far from complete, he had ascertained that the tablets...

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Giving her the slip on the Euston Road Part 2

Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 2: As I drove towards Regents Park Station I saw a man and a woman looking towards me at the traffic lights as they waited to cross the road. The woman seemed to point at me as I drove past and seemed to be laughing as I looked at her in the rear view mirror. For a moment I thought in panic about how she had seen my registration and face and would know who I was. I was mortified. I think it took me until I reached Baker Street before...

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