JoAnna Smith Seaman Apprentice
- 4 years ago
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When Joanna called, ( I’ll call her Jo for short,) I was thinking she had a change of mind – meaning I am her painter/decorator and she had second thoughts about the colour I had done her bathroom. I’d already changed it twice, ‘well it looked right on the colour card,’ said she. But I didn’t mind because she always took full responsibility, didn’t try to blame me at all like many would to get a free recoat. But I was curious as to why she kept asking me back and I was soon to find out…
After I’d completed another coat – sunset red this time, she gave me coffee and biscuits and we chatted – which was nothing different, I guess I knew quite a lot about her, she seemed to delight in telling me about her life, her philosophy and the like – and it’s true we did agree on many things.
But I guess, being the sort of guy I am I was unprepared and completely knocked for six when, after a fairly intimate chat – things like how she liked her guys, that once her partner John seemed perfect, but not since the shine had worn off, what she wanted, that she wanted some excitement in her life, she asked me out of the blue if I found her sexually attractive – and for the first time I was looking at her in a different way. Up to then I had always thought of Jo as just another customer and the thought of anything more never came into my head.
In Jo’s case my mindset of her being happy with her live-in guy was well accepted and John was a nice easy going guy I would never want to upset. So no, absolutely not, the thought never entered my mind, body or soul. But now my thoughts were tingeing at the edges, her voice, the way she sat, her whole body language made me realise she wasn’t just a customer – she was a woman, and to top it all, a woman I did find I was attracted to.
After another couple of swigs of coffee and a biscuit dunking I brought myself around to reply to her question – like she was sat there, on the settee opposite , looking slim, sensually rounded in the right places, her eyes deep and very suggestive – urging me to give her the answer I guessed she wanted…
‘I do find you attractive, Jo – you are easy on the eye no doubt about that.’
‘Just easy on the eye. Oh! I see, Pete – so you wouldn’t want me?’
I guess my silence was embarrassing, for she suddenly stood up and declared that she was wrong even to have had such naughty thoughts, that I was probably quite happy with my life and that I had a girl friend anyway, she was giving herself a hard time, that she was so foolish even thinking that I may be submissive to her wanting. And anyway she should know better being a solicitor of good standing, and perhaps she should not cheat on John.
I told her not to beat herself up, that I was flattered by her invite – if that’s how she meant it – and I would like to understand .That she was nice, she had a wonderful disposition and – what was I saying… I was getting involved.
‘But you have no heed what it is like for a woman in my genre – who needs the comfort a man can give, and you fit so well into that category, Pete. I have had wild imaginings that is part of what you are all about, the way you decorate so beautifully, your heart and soul in your job, like you want to give it your all.. You see, Pete – things are not what they appear to be, I do love John immensely, – I do, I really do, but he has problems – you know down there, he is unable to give me the satisfaction I crave for – Okay, that may seem crude to you, I don’t know, but I am simply expressing my feelings how they are. I am in need, sensually and mentally. Love alone is not enough and a woman so highly sexed needs more than just love, she needs physical love, you glow with charm and grace and attractiveness, Pete So please help me to understand the blessings you can give in a way only you could give.
‘I promise you – the reward I can give you probably surmounts all that which you may have experienced, all that a woman can give of her true femininity – come on, Pete, let me feel that which you must desire within, I can see the glow in your eyes when now you look at me, do you think I don’t notice? You have as much need for it as I do, show me that, that you are indeed a red blooded guy, simply that, and a guy needs the comfort of a woman as much as a woman needs man.’
I was taken by Jo’s declaration. I just needed to think, time to breathe, about the possible consequences and she too, despite all she had said, and now she was saying she wanted to sprinkle my being with her passion, well any guy would I am certain be taken by that. Seeing Jo in a completely different light and all.
I said she ought to be a writer, the way she used her words.
‘I do need a quote for my bedroom, Pete. Note I said my bedroom, John and I sleep apart now, in separate rooms so that should tell you something, I do not believe he would mind at all about us – well getting together. I really thinks that is what he wants for me, he almost said the other day, he loves me that much you see.’
She said she was on vacation and at home for a week and we arranged I returned the next day to see what she wanted to do about the bedroom, and I would give her a quote then.
‘I look forward to that. And please if you feel at all offended by my outburst of affection for you, please, when you come tomorrow, just behave like you were the standard decorator and I the customer okay, and no umbrage taken?’
So I left with a different mind of Jo Buntin. When I got back to my flat I just chilled and went though what we had talked about. Me thinking how strange – me not even having realised how she felt for me, and just me – not realising I had any particular charm that would attract any woman. I have had two or three girl friends but they have never worked out, there seemed always to be something missing – and after the initial stage the magic soon wore off and we had nothing more to give each other.
Was it really worth then even thinking about starting something with this woman, who, despite her confession John was nothing to her
physically? But the mind of a natural guy led to other fruits, that okay – I could not love this woman, not just like that, but could I fuck her? Well she had indicated in no uncertain terms that is what she wanted and I felt a certain urge inside.
It was as if my sexual prowess had been redundant for some time but now the branches were sprouting. By the time I got to bed I was well and truly fixated, even besotted by the thought of being with Jo, her image in my mind, floating before me, displaying that gorgeous hind in so tight jeans, just waiting to be explored and seen to – and I found myself automatically squeezing my self, then working up into something more frenzied and by the time I was done, images in my mind were so erotic and so real – Jo and me in a tangle of sexual deviations, the Waterloo came so dynamic and so complete, and I knew in my mind I had to have her, in fact I needed her, everything came to the fore – that is what I had been missing so very long, the scent, the taste the feel and the fuck of a good woman…
I slept deep and well, probably more complete than I had done for a long time and come morning, surprise! I was hard again, the throb of passion was there, so acute and demanding – and it wasn’t long before I subdued the ache. I had a good hearty breakfast, and after a good hot shower, sprayed on a good cover of Brute (something I had not done since two years back, when I was with Janice) and, knowing I was on a promise I was singing again, me singing,? – that had not happened for some time either – I was thinking, Jo, you have already done me a power of good and we have not even been with each other yet.
Hopefully not long now as I rinsed the dishes, closed the front door behind me, jumped into my truck and headed for number five Truebridge road, the house on the hill and there, as if waiting for me, opening the front door, was Jo. Looking absolutely breathtaking,
her long flowing hair the sway – everything was so good about her. She smiled, the scent of her, those cool tight embroidered jeans and the blue blouse to match, silken with tantalising buttons down the middle, already I wanted open – my whole being as if surging for her touch. My God! I wanted a woman like never before. Whatever she had, she had loads and I wanted to share.
‘Shall we go up to the bedroom?’ she suggested and now my heart was pounding, and she knew it – but she chose to tease me, like most women do, ‘well you do need to know how I want it, the bedroom I mean, – colours and wallpaper and such?’ she giggled.
‘You lead,’ she said. ‘And I’ll follow, and I will show you the way when we get up there’ There was that certain tone in her voice, everything she seemed to be saying now had an innuendo. ‘I have already got a notion of how I would like it, but maybe you have other ideas?’ she continued with a certain tantalising undulating tone in her voice – and I was sure that touch on my hind was meant as we got to the top of those winding stairs . I turned and she glowed, her eyes wide ‘well you do have a lovely wiggle, how could I resist?’ she said coolly. And all the time I was pounding, I bet she knew it too, if she didn’t she would soon notice, I just could not stop myself, looking down I could see, and when we got to the top of the stairs, she was looking down too. ‘My, what a big boy!’ she taunted .
She opened the red door and told me to go through. To me it looked good enough, as if it had only recently been freshly painted. I guess she read my thoughts…’ John painted it for me a few months ago, before I knew you as a decorator, but, well need I say more?, and it never looks nice painting over wallpaper – it is so bland, so nothing -like how John has become really – but you, I’m sure you have the brush strokes to make this woman bloom again – you know me and wanting a change!’
I took in her perfume, it was so atmospheric – added to my need for her. She seemed to be stumbling over her words then as she went through the colour chart with me, saying she wanted to strip it all off now – and go for just painting the walls. ‘You do, do stripping don’t you Pete?’ she asked, that certain look in those very deep and expressive brown eyes again.
I returned her smile, wanted it to be as warm and inviting as hers.
‘Shall we be seated so we can run through things?’
‘I am fine with that,’ I returned trying to resist my knees shaking with excitement. She beckoned me to join her seated on the edge of her divan bed, holding the paint catalogue in her hands. It was then I noticed the burgundy sheets.
‘Are you alright, Pete, you seem to have gone into a trance?’
It was something about the burgundy sheets, I felt a strange sensation, a feeling I was not there at all, but somewhere else, another place, another town but I relented it would all come out in the wash eventually.
‘I’m okay, just a lapse, you were saying, Louise — I mean Jo?’
‘I just don’t know what to go for, what do you think, Pete? I want something warm in the bedroom, something exotic and sensual, something in the burgundy line, has to be silk though, or even sheen. And why did you call me Louise?’
She placed the weight if the catalogue across my lap knowing full well my passion was high. Then she pointed to a colour, pressing down on the page, it felt so erotic and I just knew she realised what she was doing to me.
‘I don’t know, someone, something in my mind, No matter, you were saying??
‘I like this one, what do you think? She said picking out a shade of cherry red, or maybe we should go for a plum, I love plum – reminds me of …’ She lifted the catalogue from my lap, placed it onto the bed and looked down, ‘ reminds me of …’ now she was chuckling , her finger was sort of – maybe accidentally – I didn’t know but just touching me so gently, there, over the bulge in my jeans – begging to be released..
‘You mean burgundy, don’t you, Jo.’ my mind was all over the place, another time, another place – something about the burgundy, something about the name Louise. She had been my love in another life? Or this life – now!
She lifted her head again her eyes finding mine and that is when for the first time I felt the thrill of her sweet warm manipulating lips massage mine, so delightfully subtle and moulding, moving from side to side as I felt the tip of her tongue touch mine, I felt the surge come on even stronger, just knowing soon we would be fucking. I could think of nothing else at that moment, my hands stretched around her clasped at the back as I felt the roundness of her breasts, to be with a real woman again was absolutely heaven and I wanted her so badly.
Now I knew in my mind she was real, but she was my Louise, it was just like my mind was playing tricks, I want you Louise. ‘Tis you I want, only you could please me this way.’ But I was saying it in my thoughts…
‘I have wanted to be with you for so long, Pete’ Jo said, well it seems ages since I first saw you, when you were outside Marks and Spencer remember, painting the façade and me asking if you did private work. Seeing you perched that way up a ladder was a real turn on, the way you held yourself, the way your jeans fitted so well, that wonderful tight bum, I fell for all of you that day, baby.’
Something in my mind now telling me I was never a decorator….
I was breathing in her perfume, I was delirious with overriding passion, I just had to talk about something else other than that which was in my mind otherwise I would spoil it all, I was that near, just feeling her daunting kiss and now her palms brush around the back of my head and neck, I was so near to the point of no return, but I couldn’t fuck her yet, I felt she wanted so much more first, I felt she wanted lots of pampering and warming. I would talk about the colours again, that’s it.
‘Jo?’ (My inner self was saying Louise)
She came away, her lips leaving mine , her eyes opening and looking up again at mine, I unclasped and sat up, trying so hard to control, myself. I am not sure if she was surprised or what, I wanted it just to be right first time, ..’So you are going for the colour plum, and you want it in sheen, Jo?’ I asked deliberately.
It is just the way she responded that hooked me, that certain expression, so wonderfully feminine. I was starting to fall for her I knew it. She whispered that she would go for the plum in sheen, that she could get curtains and bed sheets to match, even pyjamas for the times she may want to wear them
My mind again, saying that’s the difference, she wanted plum sheen, but Louise, well, she goes for burgundy in silk!
‘Do you, Pete?’
‘Do I what?’
‘Wear pyjamas?’
‘Most times I just wear a pair of boxer shorts in bed, unless its very cold, which it isn’t usually in my centrally heated flat, but occasionally I might wear pyjamas. Bet you look good in them though?’
‘I hope so, I aim to please. It has been so hard, Pete – living with John and not being able to – well you know’
I was able to calm a little now, she was holding back too, as if sensing the situation, as if understanding my wanting to please her. She seemed content in wanting to talk about her partner.
‘I often wondered how women cope, sexually I mean when, for some reason they have to forego something which has meant a lot to them.’
‘You are fishing, Pete?’ she giggled.
She caught me unawares with that statement. Had to think about it. Okay I was. I had heard about women using vibrators and the like – but surely that could never suffice for the real thing.
‘I shall be honest. It has been difficult to be honest with John. Loving him meant I never ever wanted to cheat on him – but you know how he feels now about me and you, that he accepts I need that something which he is unable to give. I did think about taking on a toy boy, I hope you can understand tha
t, Pete – at least that way I couldn’t get involved emotionally, but somehow that didn’t seem very satisfactory, the thought of all those other women he had probably been – just like a rent boy of sorts I was thinking – with – and the terms on which he had been with them. And it wasn’t just that, it would be like the guy was just going through the motions and I am not that desperate, would seem so clinical.
Now I am thinking maybe I have to take a chance on the emotions bit, you are very sweet and I adore you. But I do love John and want you to understand that. So if you would like not to continue with what would, I warn you, be a very torrid affair, tell me now and I will understand. As for anything more in the emotional direction, I cannot promise anything at this moment of time. I shall be quite frank and tell you I am absolutely bonkers for you, I ache and want you so much, long to feel the warmth of you inside, and that is very certain. I just need what this particularly passionate woman needs – so Pete?’
I admired her for being open. But for me my physical attraction outweighed any emotional thought at the time. I wanted her as much as she said she wanted me. Perhaps what I did next anchored my reply to her question -and it was so very easy just to caress her breasts , sliding my hands whilst standing behind her, and slipping them beneath her low topped blouse and under her black bra.
That was absolutely beautiful, the feeling so good, just gently moulding them in my palms, each thumb firmly circling her firming nipples. I heard her whisper ‘don’t stop’ and soon our eager lips moulded again and it was as if we were in our own heaven, the sheer joy and sexual responses coming through, as I squeezed and massaged her breasts hearing her moan, I felt her hand slip down over my chest, underneath my shirt, the buttons popping open as we became more intense, and when she found me, when she touched and squeezed for the first time it was as if the whole earth had stopped rolling, it seemed perfect, and as I took each of her golden nipples systematically into my mouth, to tease and tantalise with my tongue, so did she move her fingers, no accident this time, running up the length of me over my jeans, then I heard the unmistakable sound of unfastening, and I knew her hand was now inside and underneath my boxer shorts, it was a feeling out of this world, I cherished her feeling me, and soon I wanted to follow suite, I wanted so much strip her down and venture to discover her femininity, to enjoy as she enjoyed me, and soon it would be, I knew it, laying back as she took so much pleasure in exploring and examining me in great detail, it was wonderful and something I had not known in such a passive and demanding way, her manner was surely that, she wanted of me all I could give, and I could give plenty, she would soon know that, she would soon feel the length of me inside her gorgeous wetness, I soon discovered that, my hand inside her jeans then – feeling the warm pungent wetness there beneath her thong and when she opened for me I was instinctively moving my palm over her there, in gentle circles, the ball of my hand pressing, just feeling the firmness of her arousal there, she putting her hand over mine, pressing down, as I massaged her more firmly.
Soon we had undressed each other, we were sprawled unceremoniously across her bed, each of us exploring, simply helping ourselves and discovering.
My God! – I wanted her. I wanted to taste her -would she mind? But it was as if she read my mind, as if giving me the okay in what she was then doing to me. I laid back with my eyes closed just enjoying the sheer wonderful feelings coming through, and now the feelings were different, I glanced down to see her long hair flowing and her head gently bobbing to and fro, and then the sounds, new sounds of love, as she enjoyed me, stretching me back, teasing with the tip of her tongue, that certain wonderful feeling which is simply indescribable, but there were no holds barred now, when she came up for air she whispered how good it was to taste cock, right out of the blue, just like that – and I was beginning to learn her language of love, and it sounded so beautiful coming from her -when she continued whispering to me -between oral delights, telling me how good I tasted. I instinctively changed my position so I could take her the same, moving into a sixty nine position was easy, she helped me by coordinating her moves, and soon we were deeply into the raptures of how profoundly intimate two people can be with each other, this was the first time I had tasted a woman for as far back as I could remember, and then it was never like this, in these circumstances and with so experienced a woman, a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and was taking it.
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Joanna Cries out" What hell we was watching that". "No youuuu was watching that were sleeping, you expect us to come over just to watch some chick flick" "So what do want us to do" Now here's my opening to start things off to lead to some more explicit moments. "why don't we play spin the bottle" Liana jumps up" I'll get the bottle" Of course she with it the little freak. "now I don't want this to be regular spin the bottle I want to mix in some daring (fuck the truth). Since...
Joanna Cries out" What hell we was watching that". "No youuuu was watching that were sleeping, you expect us to come over just to watch some chick flick" "So what do Want us to do" Now here's my opening to start things off to lead to some more explicit moments. "why don't we play spin the bottle" Liana jumps up" I'll get the bottle" Of course she with it the little freak. "now I don't want this to be regular spin the bottle I want to mix in dare fuck the truth. So I came up...
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These are my interpretation of some of Louise’s true life events. This story contains underage sex and incest. If this offends please do not read this. I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. For Louise with love The Education of Louise Aged 19 “Oh, fuck, I need to cum now, oh god, I'm so close!” Roger groaned as sweat dripped...
As Joanna sets off for her apartment to get ready for me I finish my coffee and wish the next 20 minutes would pass. As soon as it had, I crossed the road and made my way to number 12. I straightened my clothes, put on some new tart red lipstick and rang the bell. The door opened instantly and I was greeted by a totally naked Joanna. She looked stunning, her big breasts were hanging at the perfect position I have seen for a pair of breasts. Her nipples were very erect and a lovely dark brown. I...
Louise preened before the mirror. The new mini looked terrific, or at least her exposed, shapely legs looked terrific. She would not normally have dared wear such a mini-skirt if her father were at home. The skirt hugged her hips tightly. It was 9 inches above her knees. Her lacy panties would not remain hidden if bent over, or if she sat down. Thankfully her parents had just left half an hour ago for a weekend in the Eastern Highlands and Louise could indulge her erotic daydreams. Louise...
Nancy’s mom stood in the doorway looking down at the two young women and the grown man all sleeping! It was obvious that none of them had heard her come in the front door but it was 1:30 Am in the morning! She saw her daughter Nancy and Nancy’s best friend Louise sleeping in her big bed. But she didn’t know the man between the two girls. She couldn’t help but notice both girls were laying there leaking cum from their pussies and that the man was wet with it all over his hips and his stomach!...
EroticVOLUME-2 Chapter I Louise sapped.—Suspicions.—Lectures on virginity with live illustrations.—Drugged for inspection.—Camille's hesitation.—Absents herself.—The house in G.. d. n s.... e.—Baudy prints.—A feel, a sniff, and a kiss.—Out shopping.—Garters.—Dinner, and after. I went to work to get into Louise, having no compunctions, it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world. I had read about the naughtiness of seduction, but my associates had taught me, that every girl wanted...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 1 The room reeked of sex. The odor from both of their hard work and multiple cummings gave no doubt that they had been fucking for hours! As they both got their strength back, Louise sat up and discovered just how much cum she had over her body. She told Bud she was going to take a quick shower. As she left for the bathroom, Bud stood up and went in with her. She got into the shower and bud cleaned himself with a wash cloth! That’s one advantages...
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Business was doing so well Mario Fabizio (known as ‘Fabby’ by his friends ) had an extension built to his restaurant with space for another 50 tables making one hundred in all. All being on account of the reputation he’d built with his quality food. Regulars were coming back and back always complimenting the chef and trying to find out the secret if his ingredients, what made the delicacies so delicious and appealing, especially for the female fraternity who simply lavished the meals. And...
We were both working at a big, posh hotel. I was a bartender and she was a waitress. They called her Big Louise and guess why? Her name was Louise and she was big. Big as in tall. Over six feet tall. And not slim, either. She was well padded, a bit too much for most men.All her life Louise had probably been taunted because of her size. Boys must have been intimidated by her, but really she was as sweet as they come. She had long blonde hair parted on the side with a fringe. Baby blue eyes,...
Straight SexLouiseBack in 1994 I met Louise who was in her mid 30s. I was in a pub for a quick pint at lunch time and she was sat at the bar and we hit it off immediately and I stayed in the bar for several hours until she said she had to go off to work. We arranged to meet in the same pub a few days later and that meeting also went very well. Again she had to leave the pub at 3.30pm for work. We arranged to meet in the evening a few days later for a meal and after the meal I took her back to my flat and...
I have always loved my grandaunt Pat.She is compassionate, loving, sexy, and voluptous looking.Ever since her youngest niece(my mom)and my dad died in a plane crash 15 years ago, she has been my legal guardian.Boy Aunt Pat always makes it so damn hard for me to do the yard work when she is outside. she always wears tiny shorts that barely cover up her big, round voluptous ass, and she wears t shirts with the most revealing V cuts.Two weeks ago she got a call from mom's mother Louise. "Your...
"Is all this yours?" asked Louise somewhat surprised at the splendour of the strange surroundings. "Only the green bit! My father lives in the golden bit and my half brother in the red bit. Do you want a guided tour?" Elaheh said showing off somewhat. "Drinks!" Elaheh commanded and almost immediately a semi naked woman walked into the room with a tray with a pitcher of a golden liquid and ice and three ornate long crystal gasses. Kevin's eyes opened wide and his bottom jaw almost...
Louise was a beautiful girl with long, straight brown hair and a lovely figure, who did the same course as me at university. I had been admiring her from afar for about a year, trying to pick up the courage to ask her out, and I was extremely jealous when I heard she was sleeping with one of our lecturers. Then one night we were at a party together and somehow we started kissing. We were standing in the hallway, tongues exploring each other's mouths, when I slipped one hand under the sweater...
EroticLouise: My former, heavily pregnant neighbour.Larry: Me!Italics: My thoughts/memories.Louise sat on the chair opposite me and sipped her coffee. At seven months pregnant, her bump was touching her thighs and I remember thinking that the Summer heat must have been be uncomfortable for her? "Well, I certainly don't miss him...he was a wanker, anyway! I mean, he was a proper 'Mommies Boy'! Gets me pregnant and then buggers off - doesn't want to know..."I had moved into the area the week before and...
The best thing about the times when I was a boy and my family stayed with my uncle Arthur in his big house by the sea for beach holidays was my cousin Louise. She was the same age as me and I started to notice her in our mid teens. From age 16 to 18 I noticed her even more as her curves started to deliciously fill her swimsuits then her bikinis. Every time I saw Louise at uncle Arthur’s house her bikinis seemed to get smaller and smaller as her breasts got bigger. One evening, when I was 18,...
Introduction: The story (fictional) of a girl named Joanna Ditsel, all characters are made up and any similarities to people you know are coincidental. Jo Ditsel was just 4ft 8 and very small. There was, however, one thing about her that stood out: Her enormous tits. For one so small her breasts were huge, either large Cs or small Ds. Her chest was not the only thing great about her body, though, her face was pretty and her arse was small and fitted snugly into whatever clothes she wore. She...
While I have had cyber sex quite a few times, I've never written a story. A good friend on here has opened me up to new fantasies, and here I am going to attempt to put it to words. I hope you like this, though I am no writer.There she was. Sitting on a bench, in front of the college building, reading some papers that must have been from her class. Wearing a white knit jacket over her yellow sundress, it showed off her petite body, espescially her silky white legs. Long wavy blonde hair...
Anne and Mary walked into the Student Union for lunch, chatting like magpies. They'd arranged to join one another at noon one or two days a week — "girl time", they called it. Today, Sigrid was missing. As they went through the cafeteria line, Anne noticed a woman sitting alone at a table. "Isn't that Louise Whatsername?" she asked Mary. "You know, from North College?" "Yeah, I think so. It's not the same Louise we knew — at least from her looks. Something's happened for her....
The after gun crew of the Seeteufel waited until the vessel turned and they had a clear field of fire. Firing over their own stern-quarter they risked blowing away the shrouds of the mizzen mast. When they had an uninterrupted view of the French patrol boat they opened fire. The 88mm Krupp gun cracked, brown smoke erupted from the muzzle, and they all looked to see where the shell went. Capitaine Krusenbourg of the RFS Chasseur saw the flash from the rear of the German sailing ship and held...
"Are you going to cum soon, Nathan? Are you?…" Joanna breathed into the nude young man's ear as her arms held on to his sweat slicked muscular back. Her body rocking and writhing to the rhythm of his pounding hips; her slender legs hugging the hulking man's frame. She felt incredible pleasure from his hard, thick shaft sliding in and out of her moist vagina and moaned huskily, but through the mist of pleasure, she remembered not to lose herself in ecstasy - for all her satisfaction, fucking...
EroticRandy married Man…. LouiseJust days after my activities with young Sandra, we were in our new house. It was a two-bedroom house but on three levels, sort of. We were pretty much sorted except for the second, smaller bedroom. We had stored all the empty boxes in there along with items we didn’t need and loads of camping equipment. Better-ware delivery had also arrived, as had Ann Summers orders, it was everywhere. The second bedroom was going to be used as a kind of office.I had dropped my van...
TrueI had a girlfried Louise some years ago and once on a holiday in New York when we were staying at the Marriott on Lex Ave, we went to a sex shop near Time Square and bought a number of toys for her. We were horny and went back to the hotel to just spend the whole weekend having sex and ordering room service. I masturbated by the window as she splayed herself on the bed and fucked herself with the delicious turquoise blue flesh-sensation vibrator she had purchased. Eventually she came to the...
She sits down on my bed and looks around."My room is a bit of a mess," I apologise."Hey!" She says, changing the subject, "Can you play something on your guitar again?""I guess."I pick up my acoustic and sit down next to her. She's sitting cross-legged, watching keenly. I rack my brain for a song to sing to her, wanting to impress. I don't want to pick anything too lovey-dovey because it would be weird.I start to play 'You've got so far to go' by Alkaline Trio. I don't know if she...
Straight SexI've come to the conclusion that the only thing worse than not knowing that your wife is cheating on you is knowing that she is. It's like that Country Western song, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." What makes it even worse is that I see the guy she's fucking everyday when I go to work - he's my boss. My wife has admitted to the affair and has made me promise not to say anything about it because she wants to keep on fucking him, but doesn't want him to know that I...
Now to fully understand Joanna’s mind, we must go back from her life as a 16 year old to delve into the never before seen memories of her life from the age of 10… Joanna Ditsel was an ‘early bloomer’ in life and hit puberty at around the age of 9. Her mother (26) had prepared her well for this leap towards adulthood, by not feeding her the bullshit most parents tell their children. So from a young age Jo had known all about sex, though she found the idea to be very disgusting at a young...
"Damn I never imagined Joanna would be such a little nymph" Troy said surprised "Me either, but was sure great finding out" "I really want to fuck Liana thou that little freak was teasing us the whole night! I really want to get her back for making me go home with a serious case of the blue balls" Troy looked pissed. Now let me describe Troy he is about 5'11, skinny build, and a dark Dominican. "I think we should come up with something to let us all fuck her and have some fun with...
DDR was a normal guy, without any money, until one day, his LUCK changed and won a stay at a hotel, where he met Hilary Duff, and got to score with her. As time passed, he got luckier and luckier, boning Hilary on many more occasions, winning the lotto, and scoring a job as a top secret celebrity man whore. In the “LUCK” ten part series, he fucked Hilary Duff, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus, Lindsay Lohan, LaLaine, Fefe Dobson, Shakira, Haylie Duff, Christina Millian, & Beyonce...
Louise lives next door to me, and I have always had a sexual crush on her, and fantasized about her many times. So one warm afternoon I was cleaning my bedroom window when I saw her reclining on a sun bed in her back garden in a bikini...I almost had a heart attack! Here was my sexy next door neighbor lying on a sun bed in a bikini, I could see all of her tummy! I didn't know what to do first, start masturbating as I looked at her, get my camera and get some photos for later, or try and get a...
FetishI wake up refreshed despite the short amount of hours I've slept. Louise is no longer in bed, but her space is still warm. Looking over, I see Rebekah still asleep in the cot, so I check the time. It's only seven.I pull on my boxers to go downstairs, but I meet Louise on the landing, coming out of the bathroom in a towel."Get back in bed," I say sternly.Her eyes widen at my demand."Why?""Just go. Now!"Her cheeks flush, and I can't help smirking as I gesture to the bedroom. Slowly she...
BDSMGenePink: Louise By Celeste Ann Taylor I awoke with a start. I was in a room; I had no idea where it was. My mind was foggy and I couldn't remember things like who I was or where I was. The ordinary everyday things that most folk take for granted were now denied to me. I slid out of the soft pink silk sheets and went to relieve my insistent bladder. On the way to the bathroom I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror, short busty and blonde. I knew one thing at least. "I'm a...
Day 1 Dear diary, My knock on the carved oaken door was greeted by a smiling English woman who motioned for me to come in. I thanked her and smiled back, happy to finally have started my sabbatical. After a tough year fighting through a divorce with my husband and winning several new clients for my department, I was absolutely exhausted from worry, legal proceedings, and emotional stress. I'd been here as a teenager and college student, studying the local language and doing some missionary work...
Mind ControlJoanna. In my last story, I told you how I came to live with Gordon. It is now six weeks later and I have taken to my new life like a mouse finding a hole in the skirting. At first, I thought Gordon was just a kind man satisfying his fetish for a transwoman, but as the weeks went on I found myself just waiting for his car to scrunch on the gravel, telling me that he was home. He liked me to always be in a dress and fully made up, wearing heels. That suited me. Not only was it what I...
All names have not been changed to protect the innocent, there are no innocent here!I was waiting to see my lawyer, Jessica. They called my name. I was sent in and sat down. We talked about my case for a while I noticed she was looking down my top. I am NOT the simply sharingShe asked me to come to her side of the desk, there is a huge amount of papers to sign, as I did the signing, I noticed her looking at me, I felt a little tingle. Now I’m 22 and I would say sexy, I’m bi-curious,...
I was waiting to see my lawyer, Jessica. They called my name. I was sent in and sat down. We talked about my case for a while I noticed she was looking down my top. She asked me to come to her side of the desk, there is a huge amount of papers to sign, as I did the signing, I noticed her looking at me, I felt a little tingle. Now I’m 22 and I would say sexy, I’m bi-curious, she is gorgeous and a very well dressed 23, a certain amount of seductiveness about her. The sun coming in on her face...
Introduction: my second story. im still not very good at it, any kind of comments are appreciated Ella Louise The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D...
Well another weekend with Joanne was nigh, and I was well ready for her particular kind of fraternisation. Older than me but still with loads of zip I benefited from her abundant experience of sexual know-how, and did Joanne know how! You bet she did and no holds barred. She was a natural and she simply loved to spoil me to death as she chatted on about nothing, taking breaks to do to me what she knows I adore and what she says she is always hungry for. Just driving to Joanne’s place on a...
"Shit, the flight's been canceled," JoJo swore as the reader board changed to reflect the toll the snowstorm had taken on the airport. "Should we find a hotel or stay here and hope things improve?" James Nixon, JoJo's drummer on this tour, asked her. "I'll go see if they think the weather will improve," JoJo volunteered. "Fuck, I knew this wasn't a good idea," Fred Williams, the guitarist, said when JoJo was out of earshot. "We should be at home playing with the band and playing music that...
Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. This is the sequel to the first story. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Dr. Michael led Joanna to the ominous...
Joanna very carefully parked the car at the top of Brunswick Street, deep in the heart of the red light area. It was 1.45 on a Saturday night. Before getting out of the car Joanna checked her makeup, made sure that her cock was pulled right up into her crutch really tight with the little white thong that she was wearing and smoothed down her dress. One last check and she was out of the car. She slowly walked about twenty yards down Brunswick Street and stopped in between two large stone gate...
Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Part: Chapter 1 Preliminary Exam Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patientof the...
It was my Friday. Technically, it was Wednesday, but my days off are Thursday and Friday. The plan had been to meet up with Minnie at the Outpost, a bar dedicated to our servicemen and women. Minnie's cousin had set up his karaoke machine there and I was supposed to meet her, her husband, and our friend Joanna there. We all worked at the same place, though today had been Minnie's day off, and Joanna had clocked out at 9:30, like she was supposed to. Joanna was a night owl, like me; she...
The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D breasts bounced as she swayed her way down the sidewalk. She had always been told how pretty she was, with...
So I waited and waited and WAITED for 1PM to come. I couldn't wait to give Kathy her second lesson in the art of sex. Fucking and sucking with this beautiful 20-year-old was a dream come true. Today I was thinking I was going to show her what 69 was all about. But, I wanted to fuck that lesbian sex too! So I sat around and waited for the time to pass and when it finally was time, I slipped out the basement door and walked over two houses to Louise's house. No one was ever home during the...
EroticSo I waited and waited and WAITED for 1PM to come. I couldn't wait to give Kathy her second lesson in the art of sex. Fucking and sucking with this beautiful 20-year-old was a dream come true. Today I was thinking I was going to show her what 69 was all about. But, I wanted to fuck that mom and dad always went away for the weekend leaving her home to do whatever she wanted. But, then she was over 21 and just about finished in college. This weekend they were down the ocean and weren't coming...
EroticJoanna's eye widened as she shot out of bed and looked at her clock. 8:16AM's red flash quickly shot the brunette out of bed and into her closet. She had less than 15 minutes to get clothes, grab breakfast as well as her notebook, and be out the door to the bus. She looked at herself in the mirror seeing the cute small nosed, blue eyed, somewhat heavy chested, a chubby waist and thick thighs reflecting back ar her. She threw on underwear, blue jeans, and a white vest and jumper to match. Joanna...
Joanna's Diary by Miss Joanna Nicholls Part One: Let me introduce myself. My name is Joanna. My mistress has ordered me to write this story. I am sitting at my computer wearing my best secretary's clothes; a long sleeved white blouse and a very short black skirt. The skirt is so short it keeps riding up and exposing the tops of my black stockings. My feet are buckled into 4-inch high stilettos. I am shackled to my desk by a chain which goes around the leg of...