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Joanna. In my last story, I told you how I came to live with Gordon. It is now six weeks later and I have taken to my new life like a mouse finding a hole in the skirting. At first, I thought Gordon was just a kind man satisfying his fetish for a transwoman, but as the weeks went on I found myself just waiting for his car to scrunch on the gravel, telling me that he was home. He liked me to always be in a dress and fully made up, wearing heels. That suited me. Not only was it what I wanted, but Gordon made sure that I always had lovely things to wear. No woman could have been more spoiled. My dresses were not designer, but they were good quality. He wanted me to go to a professional beauty salon for the whole works, nails, body scrub and massage, waxing and hair. Of course, this would mean revealing to the salon that I was a pre-operative transsexual. Whereas before I had enjoyed revealing that I was a sissy boy and taking the humiliation, it was now something I did not want to do. I looked in the phone book for local salons, and eventually found one in Bolton that sounded ideal. Trudi's did everything and more, including make up lessons and permanent makeup. I phoned and asked to speak to Trudi. I found she was not in, but would be in on Wednesday the day after tomorrow. I made an appointment. I phoned Gordon, asking how I could get to Bolton? No problem he told me. His company had an old company car ready to go to auction. Instead he would have it driven home for my use. That afternoon the car turned up. It was I found, a Mercedes A class, and I was well pleased. Like Gordon's it was silver and it had most of the add ons including self parking mirrors. I was overwhelmed by Gordon's generosity. Using the built in sat nav I found Trudi's. It was a double fronted shop in an old cottage type building in the more upmarket part of town. I was asked to sit while Trudi finished with her customer, rehearsing what I was to say, and hoping also that I would not have to speak in the presence of the receptionist. Trudi appeared with her departing customer. They spoke as if they were old friends and the customer made a future appointment. Trudi spoke grammatically with a Southern accent. She was quite small, I suppose 5 feet 3 and slim, with delicate arms. She was blonde and pretty with the minimum of makeup. Her hair was pulled back and caught up into a comb. I liked the look of her. Turning to me after the customer had made her lengthy goodbyes, she said. "Would you like to come with me to the treatment room, then we can plan what to do with you." We sat in wicker chairs and the receptionist brought coffee, milk and sugar and two cups with saucers. It was all very lady like. "What can I do for you?" She asked. "My boy friend wants me to have the whole works. I'm a transsexual." I blurted the word out, and could feel myself turning bright red. Trudi looked at me with a concerned look on her face. "We don't really do the sort of work you probably want, I mean we don't treat men. I'm sorry." "I'm having a sex change, and I really need to get rid of my facial and other hair, as well as all the other things, body scrub, facial, manicure and pedicure. I don't know where I can go. Do you know of anywhere." I was near tears. "Well. Let me have a look at you. Would you mind stripping to your bra and pants?" My face was hot and my vision blurred as I fiddled with zips and buttons behind the screen. Trudi handed me a gown over the partition. I emerged. "Would you lie down on the treatment bed please." I lay down. "Look you have to trust me," she said, "you cannot be embarrassed in front of me, otherwise it will just not work. You know it is a relationship, intimate, but not sexual. Lying here you will tell me things that you never imagined you could, most ladies do, but they go no further. Now I am going to open your gown and I will be touching your body." I closed my eyes as she opened the gown. "When did you last shave?" I mumbled miserably, "This morning." "And how strong is the growth?" "Not very strong and sort of reddish." God this really was humiliating. "We can get rid of it, but it will take many appointments. What about body hair? You have removed it all with something." "I used a cream." "Do you want to carry on doing that or do you want permanent removal?" "I want it all gone, permanently. It's a constant reminder of who I used to be." "I would use a mixture of depilation, that's where we insert a needle in the hair shaft and give it a tiny shock. Each hair takes several attempts and there are many hairs. You also have to let some grow otherwise we cannot find them. The other method we would use is laser, quicker, more expensive initially, but again you have to let them grow so they are visible. So you would have to leave a patch for me to treat, and instead of shaving, I will teach you how to hot wax. That pulls the hair out of the shaft but leaves the root, so it will re- grow, but each removal that way weakens it. Other wise, there is nothing to do that women do not do, so whether it is nails or facial it is no trouble. The cost is the real problem and I cannot tell you a price. Roll over on to your front." I felt her feeling my back. "You have no back hair, do you? No, except some bumb fluff which we will wax. Would you dress.please." I dressed behind the screen. She sat me down again when I reappeared. "You have been very brave and honest, so I will treat you. You have a bit of hair on your inner thigh. I am going to quickly remove that with wax, then you will see how it is done. No more shaving. She wheeled over the wax as I exposed my left thigh. Deftly she powdered my skin, then spread the hot wax on the spot in strips with a wooden spoon. She pressed it down with the heel of her hand, then ripped it against the lay of the hairs. She examined the wax for signs of the hairs. "Quite dark. That's a good thing, because the laser attacks dark hair best. Don't feel too embarrassed, lots of women are quite hairy and we have seen everything. So go to a good large chemist and pick up a container of wax from where all the rest of the hair removal stuff is. Follow the instructions, but you have to have enough growth for the wax to grip the hair. Then you have to leave patches which we can epilate with the laser or needle. "We can do other things like eyelash and eyebrow shaping and tinting, pedicure and manicure, facials etc, when ever you want. We will make a series of appointments, starting next week. I suggest to start with, leave your sideburns and I will laser one side and depilate the other, to see which one you can stand and which works best." "Thank you Trudi, I'm so grateful and thank you for being so nice." "Just one thing" she said, "I won't be able to do all the work, so my staff will know, but they are all lovely girls." We made a list of appointments and I shook her hand. If only I were like her. She was so lovely. I met Gordon for lunch. I told him all about it, but surprisingly, he did not seem to understand what a big deal it had been for me. For the first time I was disappointed in him. I went home in my car. Just loved driving it as a woman and I was surprised to find some male drivers were quite chivalrous towards a woman driver, allowing me to join traffic from a side road etc. At home I just did what I usually did, took care of the house, did the washing and a bit of light weeding. I was also cooking, learning new recipes to interest Gordon. In my flat, before Gordon, my cooking had been pretty basic, but now I was really making an effort and I was making progress. Gordon liked my cooking. I started my twice weekly appointments and waxed my face twice a week. Gradually my facial hair softened with the waxing and Trudi and her staff worked away with laser and needle. It was painful but bearable. After nearly six months, I was just about hairless. Two months after I came to live with dear Gordon, I phoned home to say that I had something to tell them. I asked if all of them could be there, that is my father and mother and brother Freddie and sister Josephine. Mother asked what it was about and I said that I was now living as a woman. I dressed carefully, in my red silk shirtwaister and did not use too much makeup. I wanted to appear wholesome rather than sexy. Gordon said it was something I had to do on my own and although I would have liked to have his strength behind me, I too did not want the complication of a relationship to explain. Mother opened the door, tearfully, clasped me to her bosom and said how well I looked. Father, sort of giggled and said I made a good woman. Freddie stayed distant but Josephine said she liked my dress and could she have it when I was tired of it. "I like you better as a sister," she said simply. It was a difficult evening, so many questions that I did not want to answer. In reply to where I was living, I said with a friend in Yorkshire and then it was man or woman and the relationship. I just said it was a friend and I was a lodger. Then it was what was I doing for work, then when I said nothing, was I going to get a job. When I am ready I said. Home was now two hundred miles away. They wanted me to stay the night but I said perhaps next time, when they had had time to get used to the idea. Finally I was able to escape and back in my car and round the corner, ridiculously I burst into tears. I drove home without stopping and turned into the drive at one am. I let myself in and after cleaning off the makeup, collapsed into bed. I had been with Gordon three months. That evening we researched sex change surgeons on the internet. The clinic in Thailand seemed a safe place to go. We emailed and then following that had a long conversation with the surgeon by phone. We estimated when my hair removal would be complete in three or four months, so booked the surgery. I could not wait. Gordon always phoned me twice in the day from his office, wanting to know what I was doing. In truth, I gathered that it did not matter what I was doing, I could be watching daytime or gardening or still in bed, he just wanted to know I was alright and safe. It was sweet. At last the time came for us to drive to Heathrow for the flight to Bangkok. We flew Business and were glad to have the reclining beds and superior food. It was lovely to be properly waited on with unlimited champagne. In Bangkok, a taxi whisked us noisily to the clinic, using the horn on every possible occasion. I was blood tested and had my heart monitored and other tests. I doctor inserted his finger into my rectum to check that my prostate was normal. I asked them to remove it anyway, but they said they only did that if there was sign of disease, unlikely in the case of someone not yet thirty. That night we stayed in the hotel and went to bed early. Tomorrow was the big day. The alarm woke us at six and by seven thirty we were at the clinic. At ten I was on a trolley heading for the theatre. The last thing I remembered was people in green, green masks, my legs lifted into the stirrups. I woke up in my room, a nurse sitting by the bedside. She immediately asked me my name and did I know where I was. I answered and drifted back to sleep. When I next woke, I stayed awake. I was alone with a drip by my side going into a canula in my hand. I felt my abdomen and found I was swathed in bandages, with a pipe running into a bottle by the bedside. I dearly wanted to see what they had done. I went to sleep again. I awoke to find Gordon sitting by the bed. He asked how I was and I said I felt fine. I was pain free, a little uncomfortable, but that was all. He had brought magazines and flowers and chocolates. I drifted off to sleep and when I next awoke he had gone. A nurse brought me breakfast, just a little fruit and told me I had to drink lots of water. Later she got me out of bed and took me to the bathroom so I could wash my face and put on some makeup. I felt fine. Next day I was in surgery again, this time under a local and they made a small incision in my larynx and adjusted my vocal chords so that my voice range was higher. I was told not to shout or sing, not to talk much at all for three days. Gordon called and stayed for an hour. I said I was sleepy and he went. It was a white lie, I just felt unable to have a desultory conversation when I was not supposed to speak. I got myself out of bed and carrying my bottle of urine, stood before the mirror in the bathroom and raised my nightie. My figure had improved, for they had removed my lower ribs when they did the sex change. I loved the new me. After five days they removed the bandages, then they had to take out the stitches in the labia and the pack which kept my vagina in place. A nurse showed me how to use a dilator with some lubricant to stop it returning to normal. The catheter was removed and I was surprised to find I could pee. My groin was completely hairless, the hair having been removed before surgery and I could examine myself with the aid of a hand mirror, then looked at my completely nude body in the wardrobe mirror. I was in love with my body. I looked at myself from every possible angle, posed, pouted, wiggled my bum, relaxed one hip in a model pose. That did hurt a bit. A nurse walked in and caught me. She giggled and said what a good body I now had and did I like what they had done? I love it, I told her and she took my hand and patted my back. "Now you get dressed, go hotel," she said. Gordon collected me in a taxi. I felt well enough to take a little walk in the city, but was soon exhausted and we went to the hotel and relaxed by the pool. I wore a bikini for the first time and attracted a good many stares. At first Gordon was proud of the glances I got from men, but later asked me to put on a chiffon robe. He didn't want me to damage my skin in the sun he said. Each day I felt stronger and I was enormously happy with my new body. My voice was a little hoarse but after a few days recovered and I found it was more feminine, but still husky. Gordon said it was very sexy and I didn't need to affect it. I said I wasn't. After a post op examination, we were free to go home. The journey home was wonderful in my new body. I travelled in a suit I had made in Bangkok that fitted my more waspie waistline, grey silk, pencil skirt, little peplum jacket and a string of lovely pearls about my neck. A young girl asked if I was a film star? It was a great compliment. Gordon was quite silent on the way home, holding tight to my hand most of the time and I wondered whether he was sickening for something. I slept for most of the drive north to our home. The next day we spent at home, until the afternoon, then he said we were going out and it was a surprise. We went to the animal rescue centre and he asked me to pick an animal as a pet. I looked at all the cats and dogs. Eventually I settled on a black Labrador puppy and a tortoiseshell cat. We arranged to pick them up in two days time. When we returned to the house, I found my car had gone. Brian told me that it was now too old and he would see about getting another. The next day he produced a leather and metal contraption and asked me to put it on. I realised it was a chastity belt. I asked if this was a game? Of course he said, and he locked me into it. "Now you have what you want," he said, "I can't trust you to stay with me. If you left me, I don't know what I would do." "This is silly. Why would I leave the man who has made me and given me so much?" "You don't love me. When you were in the hospital you didn't want to talk to me. I don't know how you could be so ungrateful. I hoped giving you your freedom would be OK, but you are like all the other women now, just out for what you can get." I could not believe he was saying this. "Darling," I said, "why would I leave you. I do love you, I will always be grateful too, but I stay with you because I love our life together." "I have made you too pretty, too femme, every man now looks at you and wants you." "It doesn't mean that I want them," I said. "You will. As soon as you are fully recovered and able to have sex, you'll be off. That's what women do, bleed you dry then take off." "I'm not going to talk to you while you are like this. Now take this ridiculous contraption off and we'll talk in the morning." But he would not. I went to bed alone and slept uncomfortably in the belt. I awoke early, hearing him on the move and lay there frightened. When he had gone, I put on a negligee and went down stairs. There was a card lying on the kitchen table. I read what he had written. "If you ever left me, I would find you and kill you." His words chilled my blood. I realised now that he had done everything for me out of love, but all along he had really wanted a transwoman who he could control, and one who was probably pre op and unlikely to have an affair. I examined the belt. There was no doubt I could get it off, but not without his knowing. Over the next few months he seemed to revive, showing me much more affection, generous to a fault, gentlemanly. He allowed me out of the belt when he was home, so that I could bathe and use the dilator. We started sleeping together again and had sex usually two or three times a week. I began to feel that we would overcome his insecurity and return to normal. Eventually I protested at the imprisonment in the belt that occurred very time he went out. He slapped my face twice, said I was ungrateful, a slut waiting to have other men. I fell to the floor and that probably saved me from further punishment. After that lesson, I protested no more. I became the submissive wife. I petted the cat, walked the dog, did a bit of gardening and looked after the house. I was never provided with another car. Gordon still showered gifts upon me, bracelets and necklaces, a couple of rings, all expensive because he wanted me to look good, while at the same time ever watchful for male interest in me. I lost my jokey ways with people and had an aloof air which discouraged over enthusiastic interest. Whenever I was on my own, he made me wear the belt. He bought others and made me try them out. I submitted. Inside I smouldered, trying to find a way out. At the beginning I thought he would get through this faze. Now I doubted he ever would and he had struck me. It was hard to forgive. In the meantime, I decided to be the perfect little woman. One evening I plucked up courage to say, "Darling, mother was asking whether we were going to get married. I said it was up to you. But should we? I mean marriage is so permanent, it would be lovely to feel secure." "You are secure, aren't you? You have everything you could want. I know I'm a bit jealous, but that's because I love you so much." "I know dear. And I love you. It doesn't matter, whatever you say is OK." I gave him my best smile. A week later and he decided that it would be a good idea, a quiet affair, just the two of us and some witnesses off the street in the Settle Registry Office, then off for a honeymoon in St.Lucia. It sounded ideal. Three weeks later we were married. I did not have the white dress or the bridesmaids, but at least we were married. The next day we flew to St.Lucia, an all inclusive five star hotel and at least we had the honeymoon suite. That meant we had free champagne in the room. We made love for a whole afternoon. We lazed by the pool, and tried the sports, tennis, golf and waterskiing. The second week we took one of the hire cars and explored the island. At one point he stood very close to the top of a cliff and I just wondered whether......................I could not. I did not hate him enough to give him a push. That evening, while having drinks before dinner, we were joined by an American couple. Carl was a jokey type and soon started pulling my leg over my accent, asking whether I was related to the Queen and did I know her? Very silly. His partner said, "Don't take any notice of him honey, he's always fooling about." We all went in to dinner and I noticed Gordon grew very silent, just drinking more and more and fixing Carl with a stare. As soon as we could, Gordon lead the way to our suite, holding tight to my arm. Inside the room he said, "On our honeymoon, and you had to flirt with that idiot." "I didn't," I protested, "I was just trying to be affable." "Don't argue with me, I gave you everything. If I had a belt here I would give you a good whipping and put you in it." He opened a drawer and took out my best bikini and tore it in two with his bare hands. "Slut, a pity I ever met you. You are not the one." Terrified I went to the bathroom and ran the bath. I realised that he was very drunk, I just needed to get away from him. When I came out of the bath, he was still drinking. He had gone into a whimpering decline of drunkenness. I put on a full length kimono and asked him to come and watch the last rays of the sun from our veranda. At first he did not move, then he came unsteadily out with a disinterested air, befuddled with alcohol. He stumbled to wards the railing and his bare foot slipped on some after sun cream I had dropped on the tiles and before I could do anything, his weight took him over the bar and he hurtled the five floors to the ground. I screamed. I saw people running to the still body. I ran to the lift and out on the ground floor. A hotel manager grabbed me and stopped my progress. "He's dead, there is nothing you can do. We have to send for the police. I take you back to your room." I sat on the bed, wondering whether to do anything about the sun cream. Should I mop it up or leave it? Did it matter? In the end I place the bottle on its side near the spill. There was a knock on the door and a police officer entered. He was very sympathetic. He looked at the veranda, asked how I was, then locked the veranda door and took the key. He asked me to go to the police station tomorrow to make a statement. I was left to myself. Gordon was no more. I never thought I would be relieved by that, but I was. Life had become too uncertain, too restricted and too dangerous. When they measured his blood alcohol it was over two hundred. They pronounced it a tragic accident. I hads to remain for the Coroners Court, but they came to the same conclusion. No mention was made of the after sun cream at all. As far as they were concerned Gordon had been too drunk. I returned home a widow.

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Birthday Baby Surprise

I had contacted Laura through a popular online dating site, she was just turning 40 and a very good looking red head. She seemed to have a lot things going for her, working on a PhD, driving a Hummer and she was a high placed administrator at a Community College. She was extremely determined to meet and wanted to meet soon! I told her I had a commitment on the night she was insistent on meeting. I offered to meet the next day. I asked her what's the rush, the tone of her voice changed and she...

1 year ago
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SparksChapter 25

16:55 Saturday, August 10th, 1991 Ft Benning, GA "I do not remember telling anyone to get up. Apparently some of you cannot hit the door when you are told to. This is for real you idiots. One, stand up. Two, hook up. Three, move to the door. Four, through the door. You do not pause. You do not hesitate." The speaker was a Master Sergeant, Black Hat. From his position, Ben could not decide if he was actually as pissed as he sounded, or it was an affectation. It didn't matter, though, the...

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Rainy Day

              John pulled up and put the car in park. They had been driving now for a couple hours, trying to let this torrential rain let up. He had this perfect date planned for Renae. They ate at a nice restaurant and were going to come lay and look at the stars that night at an old cabin that his family kept on their land. There wasn’t much left standing, but it still had a porch and a swing, and it was sitting on a nice grassy hill that had an excellent view at any time, but it was...

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Choral Evenings Pt 02

Chapter 13 Now obviously that throat-reverberation induced climax was not the end of the glorious Sunday Bethany and I had before her boys returned from their camping excursion – in fact, very far from it! And although the climax she had gifted to me was undoubtedly the most strange, and perhaps even the most gut-wrenchingly powerful one I had experienced until then – making me feel that my body had been forced to draw on whatever reserves of energy it happened to have stored in any and every...

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MAU Slayers The More Things Change

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Faith discovered that she isn't the first Faith in the Agency. She and Buffy caught two living vampires, while Faith struggled with the events of her imprisonment. MAU - Slayers - The More Things Change... "Last time you told me about the nightmares. Are you still having them?" the doctor asked her. Faith looked at the doctor, she was an older black woman. She was wearing a pantsuit and was probably somewhere in her 40s. "Yeah, not every...

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Parota Kadai Akkavai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil parota kadai akkavai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul pogalam, enathu peyar ravi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku pengal endraal migavum pidikum athilum thirumanam aana pengal endraal rumba pidikum. Naan sila vibachaarigaludan sex seithu irukiren, ilamaiyaana pengalai oopathai vida thirumanam aagi athigam anubam irukum pengalai ookum pozhuthu thaan athil nala company kidaikum. Siru pengal valikirathu...

2 years ago
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La corista capitulo 5

LA CORISTA CAPITULO 5 -Daniel como este es tu ?ltima semana siendo Daniela, que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Que tienes planeado para mi Julia ?- -Pues todo lo que siempre has querido hacer, pero que t? conciencia de macho te dice " los hombres no hacen eso"- -Pero como para que?- -Mira como te dije antes, est? es una oportunidad ?nica en la vida para saber que se siente ser del sexo opuesto, puedes experimentar sin ser juzgado ...

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Handyman Himansh In A CFNM Situation

Dear Readers, This is my real sex story. I’m Himansh K., 22 y/o civil engineering graduate living in Delhi with my parents. My engineering job with an MNC company is yet to start in a few months, so nowadays I usually just hang out with my friends the entire day besides helping out my younger brother with his homework and physical exercise. I’m a fitness enthusiast and even though I have a lean body, I have worked hard to sculpt it very well. My father owns a small business of handymen. It’s a...

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Project PrometheusChapter 21

Korsa and Shazza were puttering around, monitoring the time as they minded the trio plugged into the Spock. Alex, Kasumi and Natalya had plugged themselves in, going off on a mental jaunt through Alex’s mind. The search for answers was a constant one, but the ones they needed lay locked in the man’s mind. Somehow, he’d been left a clue about this new energy they had access to, and it lie in his past. More specifically, a memory of his past, which involved looking through each memory one by...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Scarlet Skies My Stepsister Has A Great Ass

Scarlet Skies is looking fine as fuck in her skimpy little outfit. Her ass and legs are fabulous in a miniskirt, and her skinny frame is perfect in a crop top. Rion King, Scarlet’s stepbrother, can’t help but check her out. He even snaps some pics of that ass when Scarlet’s back is turned. Later, Rion claims he can’t find his phone. Scarlet offers to help him look. Instead of helping, Rion creeps on Scarlet’s ass and pussy in that thong. Still later, Scarlet is...

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The Undercovered Undercover

What I'm about to tell you, as we say in the spy business, is something I should not be telling you. So please, please, please don't tell anyone what you read here. And if you're a spy or terrorist, please stop reading now, because there's some top secret, sensitive information you're not supposed to know about.Okay, now that it's safe to talk, I guess I should let you know a little about me. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you my name. Well, maybe my first name. It's Bob. And maybe a hint of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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I Do you too

The sun was just breaking across the horizon, and Stacey was rushing around her 1 bedroom apartment looking for her car keys. Silently cussing to herself of how it is possible she loses them almost every other day, and today of all days! ‘Why did I not leave them by the front door?’ she thought to herself frantically. Stacey is the sous-chef for Enchanted Bells catering company. She had been with this company since she was 18 and of the eight years spent with Enchanted Bells she hadn’t had a...

4 years ago
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Farmers DaughterChapter 8

They lay on the floor next to the bed, holding each other, not wanting to move for anything. They are still breathing deeply from the wild sex they just had. Paula is back to her normal self, something Adam is not sure he is happy about. In some ways, he is confused on his feelings about when she changes, but right now isn’t the time to discuss it. Instead, he removes one arm so that he can run his fingers through her hair. Her eyes are closed and so he just looks at her, admiring just how...

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Am I An Angel Or Devil Part20 Exercise Yoga And Swimming

Hi guys, it’s Deepthi again. Sorry for the delay in posting my story. Coming back to the story. After the museum incident, everyone in the class became more free to me. I too started to wear more sexy clothes freely in school as per my student’s wish. But not revealing. Days passed on like usual until one Saturday. I was absent for 4 days due to a fever. So I thought to take leave for the weekend too. But Prasad uncle called me to come to school on Saturday as they have some work to do. I went...

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A Handymans Adventure by loyalsock

You're working at home one morning, the house all quiet. Your work phone rings. It is a woman, asking if you can come and check out a sticky door, and just a little plumbing problem with a dripping faucet. You know you have nothing better to do, so you tell her you'll meet her in an hour...... you're wondering, is this for real? Her voice was sounded very nice, warm, like you might know her --- could it be? Nah - no way....You already have your truck packed, so you go to the address she has...

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Heavens Valley Chapter 2

The house was spectacular. As you entered the front door, there was a large dinning room on your left. It held a beautiful table that would seat about 10 people. On your right was a Kitchen. There was also a large great room that must have been 20 by 30 feet. The entire area was covered by a thick pad. On the far wall was a large HD TV. It mmust have been 5 feet across. There were four large bedrooms. Ann took me by the hand and led me into my room. It must have been about 18 feet...

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Fun In Engineering College

Well, there ends the seventh semester of my college life. I am an Engineering Student in one of the reputed college of Nepal recently named as Central Campus, Pulchowk. I present here a story partly based on the happenings of my college life and partly as a fiction. If you are looking for a straight-sex-masturbation story this is probably not the story for you. I like to take things slow. All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to the real life is purely coincidental. It was the...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 20

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like...

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Unbelievable Summer Ch 08

Bobby walked up the sidewalk towards Helen Parker’s house very slowly. He was feeling a little nervous. He was supposed to have gone to her house the day before, but the ‘chores’ Mrs. Dennison wanted his help with wound up taking most of the day. When he finally did get home, he was so exhausted he plopped down in a chair in the living room and fell asleep. When he woke up, he knew Mrs. Parker would be angry that he hadn’t showed up, but it was so late, he didn’t dare call her. He knew she was...

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second time for us

Our first meeting in person had been a bit rushed. He was going to be driving through our area and due to time constraints ended up a brief yet extremely hot backseat of our car encounter for him and my wife that mostly left us all yearning for more. All three of us were determined to have this one be more to our liking. We suggested a local hotel and gave him the address. He had already checked in and had called to give us the room number by the time we pulled into the parking lot. She had...

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Princesss Bodyguard

**MUST BE READ IN GAME MODE*** You can now play the story as a game, and I will gradually make the consequences more impactful as I tailor and edit the story. New chapters will draw upon events from the first night, as will the cumulative types of events stack for future opportunities. You have been travelling for weeks in the direction the red masks, a group of bounty hunters placed within the valleys north of here. At least, they were when you retired. But, the girl you've brought with you...

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Exhibitionist True Stories Taxi Driver

[A new, potential erotic friend asked what my experiences in exhibitionism were. I realized my experiences could fill a book. So I begin with the first!]I was around 19 or 20 still living with my parents in suburban South Jersey.I worked at a mall, and because I didn’t drive, I relied mostly on rides from my mall co-employees (I don’t call them co-workers because we all worked at different stores in mall. And now I’m having a flashback to the cheese fries and Chik Fil A sandwiches and yummy,...

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Unusual Flight Journey 8211 Part 1

Hi All, This is Prabu writing a story for a first time. This sex story will be a pure fantasy based on few events that happened in my life and I wish how it could have turned up. If you would like to get in touch with me, please do so at Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. It’s a long story, be calm and read! I’m a regular flyer between cities in India for my official purpose. I have been fortunate enough to be seated with guys most of time (sigh!). However, in one of my trip from...

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Down the Sidewalk

Down The Sidewalk I was enjoying my glass of white wine when Fernando approached me and complemented me on my getup. This bar catered to a broad alternative base including all degrees of transgender. And that was where I fit in. My name is Bobby and I was new to this bar and new to this town. So I was very happy to be talking to this good looking guy. He told me he was a hairstylist and had several beauty service businesses. As a matter of fact he said he was currently in need of a...

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Disclaimer : The following stories are 100% fictional and all the characters are 18+ years of age! Hello fellow readers! What follows are different Futa stories based on the great Potato artist ! Dive in and become and create your own journey. Falling in love with your sister, or a nice night with your wife, or even some sec education with your fellow classmates! Choose your story and read and see how futa-doms will change your life!: 1000 year's into the future and humanity was in the brink...

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Gave child to my loving bhabhi

Hi everybody. I am john from delhi/indore, india. I am a engineer . This is the first story i am writing to this site. This actually happened to me few years back when i was doing my fourth semester I don’t have any thing to hide and i declare that what i am writing is absolutely right. Even the names are not changed. I want dear readers to read this story and to give me necessary guidance. I am expecting reply from only those who are considering my situation seriously and who really...

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Kelly cant wait to be my little slut and squirt againPart 3

This is 100% fiction... 19yo Kelly had been after me for another "playtime" as she is anxious to squirt yet again. She was constantly sending me amazingly hot pics of her tits to my cell phone. She even managed to send me several new pics of some of her girlfriends tits. She recently had a party where all the girls were braless so she took lots of pictures for me. She used these pictures to entice me for yet another fuck session.... It was a hot Saturday afternoon and Kelly had come in from...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 111 Dude

I went to Starbridge Dude Ranch for my birthday. It was kind of a relief. I left Friday afternoon and came home Sunday afternoon. It's not that I wanted to get away from Rhonda, exactly. I really liked her a lot and we always had fun together. But she'd been my girlfriend for a month and I'd seen her every single day. Ironically, she volunteered to deliver my papers on Saturday so I could go. After we all talked about it together, her mom and dad and my mom and dad agreed that it would be...

2 years ago
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Office Relations Ch 01

‘That is enough! Both of you into my office now.’ Susan Watford the director said. ‘Can’t you get through one project? One day without going at each other like cats and dogs?. Now look Mark, Shirley, if I have to move you two to other departments my work will suffer but I will do it.’ Shirley Chin was taken aback, she did not want to be moved but working with Mark was almost unbearable. Mark felt the same way, he could not stand Shirley, her lack of imagination. Sometimes though he did check...

4 years ago
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The Vagina

I want to take a moment to celebrate the most sacred part of either of our human bodies. I want to take this moment to shower gratitude over whatever benevolent f***e created us with the art and love that it did. Nothing remains so delightfully mysterious to me. It requires great care and tenderness and is so beautiful and elegant that words sometimes escape me. Yep, I get it, some of you may think I’m just being the typical pervin’ dude out here. And in fact maybe in some ways I might be,...

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Life In Big Cities

Life in Big CitiesBy: Londebaaz ChohanThe facilities at YMCA were just fine so the school decided to put all the boys at YMCA but for the girls they had to arrange a reasonable hotel to provide them safety and security as well as the privacy. Lincoln High School had arranged this trip for the students during the winter break to take the students to the city and let them experience the city life as compared to the deep rural areas, where the school was situated and most of the students were also...

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Cassies Dream Date 5

This is the fifth chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of, "Love, Lies, and Lust", a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 15

I woke with a bladder so full and painful that it demanded instant attention. There was no choice but to extricate myself from her arms and get to the john quickly. She mumbled, but then just rolled onto her face when I left the bed. Her naked backside seemed to rise a bit, as if she was trying to wiggle to her knees for some reason. When I returned, she hadn't moved. I stared at her soft butt and thought about what to do. I was sure, at this point, that if I played with her, she'd be more...

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Cubix Shrinking For Everyone

Cubix: Shrinking For Everyone By Ruby Jewel Andrea It was one of those rare days in bubbletown without Dr. K ruining the peace. Connor, Abbey, Chip and Mong had won a three night stay in the Granddaddy of all toy stores. They also each received 900 dollars in spending money. They had heard that not only was this store big but cheap, so 900 dollars could buy a lot of junk. However, they still had to do chores. It was nearly 10:00 when all their work was done so they hopped...

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Crushing Cousins part 3

As Kathleen was undressing Janet got back up to a standing position and suddenly dropped back onto my body forcing the air from me with a loud gasp. Kathleen laughed, "I love it when we make him grunt, keep going Janet" and Janet carried on, again and again she stood up and dropped her chubby arse hard onto my body. When she finally stopped and settled to just sitting on me Kathleen was leaning on the table stark naked watching and laughing at me trying to suck in in with Janets weight on top...

2 years ago
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Naughty Motel Maids

Millie and Mary were maids at the Southside Motel, several buildings comprising approximately 50 units. Millie was a brunette in her late 20s. She was about 5'7" tall and, while she was carrying probably 20 pounds too much, she still had nice big protruding breasts and a narrow waist that emphasized her ass. Mary was younger, in her early 20s and dishwater blonde. She had a nice figure with large, conical shaped boobs. While working at the motel they became friendly, working on...

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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 9

Bill and Karen’s involvement over the next week with the kids escalated quickly. Taylor sometimes did not even bother to wear panties when she teased her father. She watched and smiled as Bill rubbed himself through his pants. She would giggle when he practically ran out of the room dragging her mother with him. Taylor was definitely enhancing Bill’s love life with his sexy wife. Bobby’s request for help with his homework was a nightly occurrence. Little if any of his homework got done then....

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Dogging With Mom

You need to read my other story ‘Glory Hole Mom’ before this one. I got the shaft in my divorce and had to move back in with my parents at the age of 42. My mom, Linda, is 58 and average looking woman. My dad works out of town alot and this has given me time with mom and her friend Vicki who is blonde and I find her very attractive. We drink alot and try to solve the worlds problems. We also went to do some gloryholing, I got to watch mom get some strange dick. Now the girls want to try...

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Sister Act

Chris looked nothing like her sister Robyn, about as opposite in many ways as they could possibly be. I'd been married to Chris now for going on twenty years, though I'd hardly seen or even gotten to know Chris's younger sister very well during all that time. We were almost more strangers than family, which is also the way it was between the two of them. Chris was ten years senior to her sister, and as such, the two of them had never really been very close, even growing up together. When...

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Speading His Seed

Justin chuckled to himself as he brought 4 packs of condoms at the store and got an big smile from the checkout girl. If she only knew what I have planned out. Maybe it was overkill; after all, he was going to get the girls blind drunk first. Maybe a simple pinprick or tear would do too; he didn't care. This way he knew for sure that there was going to be an ample hole for his seed to seep through. He looked at his watch. 8:21PM. Perfect. He stuffed a handful of the condoms into his pocket,...

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