Surrender Part Five Training Michael
- 2 years ago
- 41
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Michael sat in his car, parked in front of Dominique’s building, mindful of the time. She had demanded his presence at 11:30pm and It was 11:27pm. Last night, he learned the consequence for being early was almost as severe as the one for being late. The three minutes he had left were spent wondering why he was being summoned two nights in a row.
Dominique sent him home last night with a plug stuck up his ass and said he would be called to return this evening. She also gave him permission to masturbate if it was left in place. He stroked himself twice last night and again this morning. Reliving the events of his last session with his Mistress made the compulsion to jack-off difficult to resist.
The first was in the shower right after arriving home, the next, an hour later as he lay in his bed. As often happens with late night wanking, he fell asleep without realizing he was dozing off. Unintentionally, the plug was in place the entire night. Dominique instructed him to bring it tonight. After a thorough cleaning, it was in his pocket. As the time for his appointment arrived, Michael entered the building and pressed the call bell announcing his presence.
“Your name?” HE remembered the scolding he received for not using the name Dominique gave him and replied the way she demanded.
“I am Child,” Michael answered barely loud enough to be heard. He found using that name Dominique preferred humiliating but somehow welcome.
“Sixth floor,” was the curt response he received before the intercom went dead and the door to the elevator slid open. Upon arrival, he found Dominique in her corset stockings and heels waiting for him. Her imposing height and piercing bright blue eyes demanded his submission. A finger raised to her lips required his silence.
“Strip,” she whispered as he stepped out of the car. “Fold your clothes and put them on that table. Did you bring your plug?” Michael nodded and fished it from his pocket.
“Bring it with you when you are ready. Do not make a sound until you are asked a question.” Dominique turned and walked away, her gorgeous ass cheeks undulating with each step. Once he folded his clothes and piled them neatly, Michael followed her path. Upon entering the ‘play’ room, he barely suppressed a gasp of surprise at the sight of a blind folded and naked Suzanne tethered to the suspension frame.
Her body was colored a bright pink, front and back from her shoulders to just above her knees. The flogger dangling from Raina’s right hand revealed the cause. The chef/dominatrix was dressed, more accurately undressed as her outfit covered none of her womanly charms, in a fashion like Dominque. Being nude in the presence of three beautiful naked females, Michael’s penis immediately sprang to life, rising toward the ceiling as rigid as a flagpole. Dominique directed to a spot six feet in front of Suzanne and held a finger to her lips once again.
“Your turn,” Raina stated while passing the flogger to Dominique who strolled behind Suzanne. Without a word, she laid a sharp forehand stroke across her right buttock followed by a backhand across the left. Suzanne cried out as the unexpected assault striped her flesh then pushed her ass out presenting it for more.
“Flower, you offended three people last night. Explain yourself.” Two more lashes added to the marks on Suzanne’s behind.
“I was jealous. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. I thought Michael….”
“Not Michael,” Dominique shouted. “Child! As you are Flower, he is Child. Have I taught you nothing?” Twice more the flogger inflicted the pain Suzanne craved. Her back arched as her body reacted tried to escape the bite of Dominique’s whip.
“I’m sorry, Mistress,” Suzanne yelled. “I failed you and deserve to be punished. Please discipline me however you desire. Suzanne pushed her rump out once more, making it a most delectable target and managed to keep it there while the leather fingers of the flogger stung it four more times. If Suzanne were aware that Raina and Dominique were not the only witnesses to her hiding, she might not have put on such a lewd display.
“Flower has apologized and accepted my reprimand,” Dominique intoned. “She has paid her debt to me. And you, Raina?”
“Her lack of respect for my restaurant was satisfied, but Child was the one who took the brunt of her outburst. What about him”? In answer to Raina’s question, Dominique pulled the blindfold from Suzanne’s eyes. She gave a short scream and struggled with her fetters when she saw Michael, naked and sporting an engorged penis, standing in front of her.
Apologize to Child and ask him to punish you,” demanded Dominic. Or would prefer a double dose of my cane.” A blushing Suzanne’s face drained of color at her Mistress’s threat. Six of the best from Dominique’s cane was enough to reduce anyone to a sniveling child. Double would mean intolerable agony and several days of painful recovery.
“I am deeply sorry, Child. I was rude because of my jealousy, and I deserve to be punished by you. Please discipline me in any manner you wish.” Suzanne sagged in her restraints. Exhausted by a full night’s work and being punished twice and now being made to ask for a third was quite an ordeal. Being dealt with by Child was especially mortifying. She considered him her rival for Dominique’s attention and resented him being included tonight.
“You must do as she asked, Child. The only choice you have is how.” Dominique offered Michael the flogger. “She offended you in public and must be dealt with harshly.”
“Do you mean it when you say I have a choice”? Suzanne’s eyes widened with fear. Did he want to use something more brutal than the flogger?”
“Are trying to provoke me? Do not question my instructions unless you want to take a turn over the bench.”
“No, Mistress. It’s just that I am not used to having a choice in your presence. I meant no disrespect.”
“Make your decision before I change my mind. I am becoming impatient and want this done with.”
"Then I choose my hand. I want to feel her bare skin against my body and watch her expose her pussy while she squirms and kicks over my knees.”
Dominique smiled. This promised to be very entertaining. She turned a straight-backed chair into the center of the room, facing the sofa. Taking a seat and motioning for Raina to join her on the divan. Raina settled in with Dominique’s arm around her shoulders and offered her lips while her fingers crept between Dominique’s thighs.
“You have no reason to resent me, Flower,” Michael declared as he freed her wrists. “We have much in common and should be friends. We both want to serve our Mistress, and I am sure she does not prefer one over the other. We each have our roles to play.” Michael stepped behind her, noting Dominique’s nod of approval.
“Unbind your feet,” Michael commanded. “Show us your cunt.” Suzanne bent to the task at hand, exposing her glistening vaginal folds to all in the room.
“Stop!” Dominique’s voice demanded their attention. Even Raina’s fingers withdrew from her clit. “Child, is your plug clean?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Soap and water with bleach after.”
“Good. Put it in Flower. No need for lubricant. Use your spit. I want you to taste her.” Both Michael and Suzanne were taken aback by Dominique’s decree, but said nothing. Michael knelt behind Suzanne and inhaled deeply. He found the aroma of her arousal enticing and would enjoy burying his face in her juices.
Michael pried her cheeks apart and eagerly dragged his tongue over her puckered hole. Suzanne closed her eyes and softly moaned at its touch. Over and over Michael’s tongue caressed her smallest hole, finally penetrating with a firm thrust. Suzanne gasped with this unexpected pleasure while her ass was tongue-fucked with abandon. Just as she was about to climax, Michael withdrew from her hole and stuck the plug in his mouth covering it with his saliva then plunging it into her rectum as Dominique commanded.
"Get on with it, Child. Flower has disrespected you with her unfounded jealousy and must be taught a lesson at your hands. Now is the time. For a short time, you may dominate. Do not let it go to waste.” Michael understood and did not delay. He sat and beckoned Suzanne to him with a crook of his finger. Fearful of what was to come and craving it at the same time, she obeyed.
Without a word, Michael pulled the nude woman over his lap as she reached his right side, shifting her forward until her bottom made the ideal perfect target and her dripping pussy presented itself above closed thighs. Feeling her warm belly press against his rock-hard prick was almost as enjoyable as running his hands across the silky skin of her twitching ass cheeks.
Reluctantly leaving Suzanne’s fleshy mounds, Michael’s hand rose above his shoulder and flattened her right buttock when it returned. He paused long enough to allow the sting to sink in and to admire the red handprint it left behind.
The force of that first spank surprised Suzanne. Michael’s hand stung almost as much as a hairbrush. Her head snapped back, and her body tensed as the smack drove a cry from her throat. The brief pause that gave her a chance to brace herself for what was to come would be the only respite Michael allowed. Rapid fire spanks rained down on alternating cheeks, each as hard as he could deliver. Michael worked down to the tops of her thighs and back up before landing several smacks on top of the base of the plug protruding from her bum hole.
Suzanne did not try to take her discipline stoically. There were no apologies or promises to behave or even begging to be let off. Just desperate crying that quickly degenerated to a sobbing bawl while her legs waved frantically in the air.
After the initial round, Michael altered his pattern and randomly spanked her bouncing hind end making sure every inch was visited several times, especially the center. Driving the plug in farther then allowing it to slide back into place made Suzanne feel like she was being spanked and sodomized at the same time.
Before the first spank was delivered, Raina’s fingers returned to Dominique’s slick pussy, sliding between the labia in search of her clit. Dominique’s legs parted giving Raina easier access while she observed the scene unfolding before her with rapt attention. Watching Suzanne’s struggles under Michael’s punishing hand while Raina’s serviced her passion, brought Dominique to an orgasm. Her juices flood onto Raina’s hand.
“Stop, Child.” The urgency of Dominique’s command halted Michael’s arm in mid-air. “She’s had enough. Rise, Flower. You may rub until I tell you to stop.” Suzanne scrambled off Michael’s lap, gripping her bottom, tears streaming down her face and trying to regain some measure of composure. Furious rubbing while bouncing on her feet ensued until Dominique halted her antics.
“That’s enough rubbing. Take your position against the wall.” Suzanne promptly obeyed, putting her nose against the wall and her hands on her head.
“Come, Child. Kneel before me and tell me how you fared last night.” Michael crossed the room and knelt at Dominique’s feet. “How many times did you masturbate?”
“Three times, Mistress. The first was in the shower as soon as I got home. The next was about an hour later as I lay in bed. After that one, I fell asleep until morning. The last was after I awoke.” Dominique’s frown was unexpected and disconcerting. He hoped for approval after following her directions not her obvious irritation
“You kept the plug in the whole time, even while you were sleeping?”
“Yes, Ma’am. I did as you instructed.” Michael bowed his head, staring at her feet and wondering where he went wrong.
“The finest report you could have offered was you had not masturbated at all. In that case, Flower would have granted you release with her mouth. Once was what I hoped for and twice is acceptable. But three tells me you still have not learned to control your impulses.” With a finger under his chin, Dominique lifted Michael’s face to look in her eyes.
“I am disappointed, Child. I thought you had come farther. After all my teaching, you still surrender to your impulses. You leave me no choice.” Dominique retrieves the cock cage from her toy chest and, to his horror, handed it to Michael. Spanking a naked Suzanne left him with a very prominent erection. There was only one way to deflate his cock enough to get the cage on.
“Please, Mistress. I can’t put this on without your help.”
“What must I do to be of assistance? Ask properly.”
“Please punish me, Ma’am in any way you see fit.” Michael almost choked on his own words. After all the times he was required, asking for a reprimand, it was still hard to do. Dominique smiled. Once more, the fly was caught in her web.
“The last time I used the tawse for this purpose, how many strokes did it take?”
“Three, Ma’am.”
“How many times did you masturbate?”
“Three, Ma’am,” he repeated.
“That determines your sentence. Three times three is nine. Get over the bench.” Michael draped himself over the bench and waited for Dominique to return with the tawse. He heard the click of her heels on the floor as she approached and readied himself for a harsh strapping.
“Raise your hips and spread your legs.” She pulled is cock and balls between his thighs, making them visible and vulnerable. “Keep your legs open. I want to watch your prick as it shrivels.” Michael felt the leather fingers trace a path across his rump and lower back. “Three sets of three with a short pause between.” When the tawse left his back, Michael tightened his grip on the handles of the bench until his knuckles turned white.
Dominique pulled her arm back as far as it would go and swung it forward with all her might, driving it through her target to maximize its impact. The first set of three came fast and furious. All of them striking the center of Michael’s backside. He cried out with each stroke of the leather added to the welt and the pain of its predecessor. When Dominique paused after the third, the wide purple welt on Michael’s ass was already showing bruises.
“I do not like having to repeat a lesson,” Dominique declared. “With each repetition comes a harsher punishment as the others here can confirm. Do not make me repeat this one again.” The second set targeted the crease between bottom and thighs and was delivered in the same manner as the first, hard and fast. Before Michael could fully react, it was over. The purple welt across the center of his backside now had a twin.
“Your inability to keep your hands off your dick is your downfall. If you can learn to resist this temptation, you will find it easier to battle other destructive urges. The next time you feel the need to jack-off, remember this set.” After six vicious strokes, Michael’s penis was completely flaccid. Only the head was visible behind his ball-sac, just as his Mistress intended.
The first strike came across both thighs, making Michael howl. Dominique stepped back, allowing it to sink in before proceeding. Feeling the lash being drawn across his left thigh alarmed Michael as it brushed the head of his exposed cock.
His fears were justified when the blow came, wrapping around his thigh and snapping into his penis. Michael’s strangled cry engulfed the room with such intensity, it made Suzanne jump. Automatically reacting to the pain consuming him, his legs clamped shut.
“Open those legs or I start over. Michael slowly complied with a heartfelt groan while Dominique strolled around him and stopped on his right side. He visibly winced when the tawse touched his balls and slid across the back of his right thigh.
“You would not be in this predicament if you kept your hands off your dick this morning. Now you will be wearing your cage until I decide to take it off. From now on the only time you will be allowed to orgasm is in my presence.” Michael tensed when the leather left his thigh, knowing the blow to come meant excruciating pain.
Though the back of his right thigh was Dominique’s primary target, the tip of the lash snapped into his scrotum. Michael screamed and broke down. His ass and thighs bore the welts of Dominique’s discipline and his genitals were red and swollen. He had been thoroughly chastised.
“Stand, Child. Put on the cage before your lack of self-control makes it difficult.” Michael managed to stand on shaking legs and accepted the containment device from his Mistress. While his shrunken penis easily fit into the cage, the soreness from the kiss of the tawse made wearing it most uncomfortable.
“Against the wall. Next to Flower.” Michael took his place, mimicking her position while Dominique opened a bottle of wine, poured two glasses, and offered one to Raina.
“Flower’s wall time is almost over, but she is not done yet,” said Raina. “When it is finished, I have an itch she is going to scratch.”
“I am sure she will enjoy that.” Dominique lowered her voice to keep the miscreants against the wall from hearing. “I have something to show Michael that may surprise you. I am taking him to the fourth floor.” Raina almost choked on her wine.
“So soon? Nobody has ever been rewarded that quickly.”
“I want to keep a close eye on him. He has a lot of potential but needs more guidance. You can help me with that. We will talk about that later.” She drained her glass and rose from the sofa. “Watch over Child while you are enjoying your time with Flower. I will return when I have changed into something more appropriate.”
When Dominique returned, wearing a bathrobe she found Raina’s legs propped on Flower’s shoulders while the waitress had her face buried in her pussy. She took little note of their activities. There was more important business at hand.
“Child, come with me.” When he turned around, Michael was more surprised be Dominique’s appearance than the cunnilingus happening on the sofa. Though less imposing in a bathrobe and barefoot, those piercing blue eyes made it obvious she was always in command. He obediently followed her down the hall where his clothes were neatly stacked on the table next to the elevator. She waited patiently for him to dress then pushed the button, opening the door. Taking his arm, Dominique led him into the car and sent it to the fourth floor.
“There is something I would like you to see,” she replied to his quizzical look as the door slid open and she led him down the hall. “There are three apartments on this floor. I am very particular when it comes to my tenants and none of them are occupied.” Dominique fished a set of keys from her pocket and opened the first door they came to.
“The others on this floor are identical to this,” she said as they entered the foyer. “You will find it quite spacious. There is an open floor plan. Most of the apartment can be seen from the kitchen. Each of the three bedrooms has a full bath. The one in the master suite also has a sauna. The fireplace in the living room is a nice touch.”
“Why are you showing me this?”
“I want you to live and work here. If you are going to progress, I need you close to me. This is yours for as long as we are together. There will be no rent. The apartment across the hall can be your office. If you wish it remodeled to suit your needs, it will be done at my expense. Raina lives on the fifth floor and Flower will soon be joining you on this floor. If you choose to stay it will be one more step on the journey that will make you mine. Go home, Child. I want your answer tomorrow.”
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The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someone's mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzanne's mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat up and smiled at me. “Good morning sleepy head. You took ages to wake...
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As I flew home to my wife in Sydney I was worried. I was worried because the next step that I was about to take might cost me my marriage of more than 30 years. That morning Jerry and I had met to discuss the progress that we had made on the joint project that we had been working on for the past week. We both agreed that the project had progressed extremely well, and both had identified new possibilities that we had not thought of when we started. Unfortunately, neither of us could devote...
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On Sunday morning I packed and said good-bye. Suzanne cried and begged me to stay just a little longer. Her words rang in my ears as I drove to the airport, "Sir, please stay. Don't leave me. I love you, Master. If you stay until this afternoon, I'll do anything you want. I'll do it with anyone you wish. Just please don't leave me." Even with such a tantalizing offer on the table I felt I had to get away or I would never leave. Besides, I had a life to return to. Even as I loaded my...
After I had met Suzanne at the conference in Melbourne, I had a strong incentive to make a trip to Adelaide. I had a standing invitation to visit a colleague at Adelaide university. I'd been putting him off until I had other business in Adelaide, but now I decided to bring my visit forward. I arranged to spend a week with him, and nights with Suzanne. Suzanne met me at the airport wearing a very short denim skirt and a white singlet top that did not quite reach the top of her skirt. It...
September 16, 2000, Denver, Colorado Fifty minutes later, long enough for Housekeeping to change the sheets on the bed and for Suzanne and me to shower, there was a knock at the door. Suzanne opened it and let a bubbly and obviously very happy Cheryl into the hotel room. “Hi!” she gushed. “Hi!” I replied. “I owe you an apology.” “Nah, not really. You didn’t go back on a promise or anything. And I am going to get what I want!” “And what’s that?” Cheryl laughed softly, “Well, unless...
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Suzy woke me up Saturday morning with the sweetest blowjob ever. It was in those moments of the morning where a man's bladder is just starting to become uncomfortable and his morning hard-on is raging. That was when I felt her lips wrap around my cock. I became fully awakened when I felt the head of my cock slid into Suzy's throat and her chin rest on my bloated nuts. Then slowly she began that wonderfully agonizing trip to the tip of my dick. Her tongue was very active on my gland and her...
It had been a couple of weeks since the last party, and Suzanne came home from work one evening with Kait in tow. It wasn't unusual, but they both seemed preoccupied as we all conversed. After a few minutes, Kait finally looked at me and said: "So we have an idea about the next party we need to run by you..." her gaze sliding from me to Suzanne.Suzanne quickly said "We're going to have a few more people this time. ""Ok...." I said, feeling like I was missing something. "And we want to have a...
I woke up with a splitting headache, note to self never drink Jack Daniels again, and my cock feels like it has been munched in a vise. Every pore on my skin reeked of last night's sex. All and all though, I was satisfied. Now, all that was left for me to do was to get ready for my ten o'clock meeting. I showered, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee and a crescent in the hotel lobby. The cab ride out to the account was uneventful and I suspected that the meeting would be just as uneventful...
Suzanne had always tried to be very active and helpful with many of the church activities. Tonight she was there getting the fellowship hall decorated for a charity auction for Saturday night. Her little group was made up of a few other women that she knew well and also the church maintenance man, Chester. He had always been very helpful to all the various groups and tonight he did a lot of the heavy set up work while the women did the signage, decorating and seating arrangements.Gradually the...
I stood chatting with some of the other attendees that I had met at other such conferences. A very attractive young woman joined our group, I guessed that she was a student, and so I made an effort to include her in our little group. “Hi! I'm Bill Smith. I'm guessing that you are a PhD student. Am I right?” “Yes. I'm Suzanne Jones. I'm in my first year of a PhD at Adelaide Uni.” I introduced her to the rest of our little group, and we all chatted together for a while, until the...
I have to admit that she had a convincing sincerity to her pleas. My heart ached for her as I began to take her to heart. I wanted to forget the problems I had with her story, but didn't see how I could, until now. She poured her heart out to me so convincingly, that I forgot that I was as much the fault of our break up as she. "We'll try to make it right babe, I promise." I told her. "Don't cry anymore. If it doesn't work out, it won't be not for trying. I promise you that. Just...
Becoming Suzanne - A Woman's Journey The third injection period was completely different than the first two. There really wasn't much sensitivity then. But just the change in my whole physical structure had felt so deliciously alien. It was as though I was this mystically intimate voyeur. It went so, so far beyond simply looking or watching. most mystical, mystical voyeur. It went so, so far beyond simply looking or watching. I had to wait much longer this time. I knew...
Suzanne Suzanne?s ReturnPart IBy: R.J. Silverwood([email protected]) I stood in the middle of the small, musty-smelling, motel room towel-drying my hair as I watched Suzanne twist and squirm, lying naked and hog-cuffed on the bed. I?d give anything to have a picture of this, I thought.? Her wrists handcuffed behind her, her ankles cuffed together, pulled back and pad-locked to her wrist cuffs.? The same padlock was also used to lock both sets of cuffs to a small steel ring, which...
Upon waking, Helena realised that she still had the two bags from yesterday to dispose of. Leaving them locally could cause a problem. So she placed the bags in a pillow case and walked over to the tavern. Catching a cab, she directed the driver to go to Hilton at Surfers Paradise. The fare was $70. Giving the driver a $100 note she exited the cab and went into the Hotel. Seeing a laundry bin with used sheets etc, Helena dumped the pillow case in the trolley and went into the ladies. Exiting...
My conservative secretary Suzanne was a sexy old lady in her early fifties. One day after hour, I had gone back to her office to pick up some papers I had forgotten there; but, instead of those documents, I had found there at her empty desk just a pair of dirty panties. I had smelled the cloth and had stroked myself sitting at her own chair… Some days later I invited Suzanne for a drink after office and she accepted.We became regular lovers; since she was divorced and my sweet wife Ana allowed...
July 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How did the game go?” Kara asked when I walked into the house just before lunch. “They did exactly what Jesse said they were going to do - they went out in style.” “Meaning?” “They won 6-0. Nicole scored a natural hat trick in the first period. She got the last goal as well. Jesse stopped 29 shots, and Mikey blocked at least four. They’re having a team party at Coach’s house this afternoon.” “But you had other plans?” Kara asked with a sly smile. “I was...
The morning after the 50th reunion party…I opened my email to see a message from Suzanne. We had never corresponded much…but our emails were available on the class website.I assumed she had some comment to make about the previous night’s “activities”. She mentioned those “activities” only in passing…she wrote” I thought a pervert like you might find the attached video interesting”.That was all she wrote. Intrigued I started watching the video…half expecting a nudie film of Suzanne... Instead I...
Introduction: The gorgeous, extremely promiscuous mother of the bride-to-be, and the filthy rich single father of the groom-to-be, negotiate the terms of a prenuptual agreement, body to body SUZANNE IS A VERY BAD GIRL It was the morning after the party at Stone Daviss mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brads wedding to Suzannes daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this years Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came...
I ripped the letter to Becky into shreds and went downstairs to find that Suzanne had just arrived. She had been to an engagement dinner with the girls from the office. "Is that as far as you got before John left?" she asked, looking at the chessboard with only one pawn out of its starting position. "He didn't see me move that piece. I moved on my own," I said. Suzanne looked at me, questioningly. She may have recognized my need to talk with someone or perhaps she just wanted to catch...
It was the morning after the party at Stone Davis’s mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brad’s wedding to Suzanne’s daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this year’s Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came awake from a deep, champagne spiked sleep. She looked over at her still sleeping husband, Walt, and then slipped quietly out of the huge bed leaving him there to continue his rest. She went into the...
August 18, 2000, Colorado Springs, Colorado I woke on Friday morning amused by the dream I’d had... “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Adams?” she asked with a very enticing smile. “I suppose that depends,” I replied. “On?” “Whether or not you have a second set of sheets.” She laughed, “I would have thought given the state of the bed, you wouldn’t have much energy left.” “I’ll take a nap,” I grinned. “My shift ends at 1:00am; I could bring the sheets then.” She left, then...
Fred woke up around 6am and moved over in the bed to cuddle Helena. He ended us sleeping with his leg over Helena’s leg. Helena woke 15 minutes later and push Fred onto his back. She rolled on top of him and started to kiss his face then neck. As she was travelling down his chest to his nipples, she could feel Fred getting very hard. She pushed off the sheets and mounted him, Fred woke up just as the sheets were taken off him. He could feel Helena fully around his hard on and started to pump...
Introduction: A mother uses her sexual skills and body to negotiate her daughters prenuptual agreement SUZANNECLOSES THE DEAL CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stones balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzannes gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed...
CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stone’s balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzanne’s gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed it to her, saying, “Put on a fresh coat of lipstick and straighten your clothes out.” Doing as she was...
It was a lazy afternoon when Madame Joan rang me with a special request from one of her dominatrix, Madame Alison. She asked: “Could you please bring Madame Suzanne to my establishment to impose some discipline and humiliation on a wayward slave?” “Of course” I replied. I immediately rang you to see if you were free, and, yes, you were, so I arranged to pick you up. “Come as you are, it’s urgent”, although I knew that you would have a shower first. “And don’t wear any underwear!” You were...
AnalIt had been a few weeks since the couple, Michael and Nicole, enjoyed their first threesome with their friend Jeremy. They both enjoyed themselves more than they expected and had discovered more about themselves as well.Nicole realized that she did, in fact, want to find men that wanted to be more dominant, and Michael discovered he enjoyed watching Nicole with another man even if he participated very little if at all.Jeremy had even noticed this and texted Nicole about reaching out to his...
ThreesomesI woke the next morning to Suzanne's moaning, the bed violently swaying, and the feeling of a mouth wrapped around my rock hard cock.Upon opening my eyes, Suzanne grabbed the side of my head in her hand and pulled me to her lips, filling my mouth with her tongue and a long, full moan. She was on her knees, and a very well put together gentleman was pounding away at one of her holes. Her tits swayed with each thrust, and her top lip curled up as she took each deep thrust. I looked down to see a...
About two weeks after our first time by the pool, John invited me out to his cabin for the weekend. School had just ended, so I agreed. It wasn't much of a question really, since I hadn't seen his mom Suzanne since, either. After what happened last time, I couldn't wait to see her again. So I packed up my bag and hit the road.When I knocked oh John's door, Suzanne answered. "Hey, Dave! Long time no see!" she said with a wink."Yeah, not since that day in the pool!" I replied with a grin. Just...
MILFPart 2 Becoming Suzanne - A Woman's Journey I'm not sure what people thought of me as a person or how they perceived me. But I know they accepted me as a woman. I have to tell you that it can be such a seductive feeling. Not that it necessarily makes you feel or act seductive. It's just so incredibly intoxicating to suddenly be in this world as a different gender. Maybe men and women aren't so different in some ways, but there are million subtle ways that they are. Not to...
Learning to make love was a graduation for me, both literally and figuratively! My best friend, Heather and I were seniors at East High. Although all the seniors were all excited about graduation, Heather and I were especially keyed up. I was the Valedictorian and Heather was going to be presented with a full scholarship to the State University. That should have been enough to satisfy both of us, but we had one more thing going. Both Heather and I had been dating our boy friends for...
John and I had been friends since high school. We were both now in college together. I had always thought his mom was smoking hot. I'm nothing too impressive though. At 5'8" and overweight, I was never exactly in high demand. Not that I hadn't gotten anything, I had girlfriends in the past, just not many. I knew that there would never be anything between Suzanne (John's mom) and I . She was 5'6" and had the most amazing body. Well that's what I thought anyway. One day I was headed over to...
MILFMy mom, Cameron Dorne, became my mom at age 13: that's not a misprint. It, me, was the result of a rape. Yes, the perp, some loner named Ewing Thorpe, went to prison for it; which fact did little to help my mother in her decision to keep me. At the time she was minus her own mother and father: the former having died of hepatitis; the latter had likewise died but of prostate cancer. A new single mom, she was raised by her grandma Stella Martin a single mom herself. All things considered, my...
Suzanne had stripped naked, the office building all locked up for the weekend. She could make her escape via a fire exit once she had finished her fun, the evidence of her upcoming exploits safely dried away by the following Monday.Her bladder was fit to bursting and she was desperate to start. Opening the Managing Director's office she slipped inside, her nipples hardened on her small pert breasts as she ran on bare feet towards the imposing chair situated behind the long conference table and...
WatersportsJune 23, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Steve,” Kimmy said over the intercom, “I have a Suzanne Aavik for you.” “Thanks,” I replied. “Put her through, please.” A few seconds later, Suzanne was on the line. “Hi!” she exclaimed when I greeted her. “I’m in Chicago for three weeks. Can I still run away and join the circus?” I chuckled, “You might want to find out what the circus is actually like before you join! If you’re free, you’re welcome to come to the house tomorrow or Sunday and meet the...
November 5, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How DO you manage to get yourself into those situations?” Kara teased when I told her what Mia had said. “I didn’t DO anything,” I protested. “Mia made the joke about adoption and Nicole made the comment about being a mistress being empowering!” “Nicole sounds like Suzanne, but with a three-year headstart!” “Suzanne just didn’t meet me until she was seventeen, unlike Nicole who met me when she was eleven.” “So?” “I didn’t say anything except...