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As soon as he entered the taxi, Michael knew he had to take Riana's advice. The pain from putting weight on his paddled behind was so intense it wouldn't let up overnight. Sitting at his desk tomorrow was not an option. The cab ride was also proving to be a test of his endurance. Every sudden movement took his discomfort to a new level. The muscles of his arms and legs tensed in a vain effort to stay as still as possible. By the time he arrived at his building, the ache in his limbs and the throb in his ass had him sweating profusely.
"You O.K., buddy. Maybe I should take you to a hospital." Michael's distress was so evident, even the driver noticed.
"I'm fine. Just really tired. All I need is some rest." At least the last part was true. How could he tell a total stranger he had been spanked to tears like a naughty boy less than an hour ago. Now that the adrenalin caused by his ordeal was no longer coursing through his veins, Michael was exhausted. He handed the driver a few bills and dragged himself up to his apartment.
Besides the pain in his hindquarters, Michael had one thing in mind as he hung up his jacket: a shower. As tired as he was, the shower might wait until morning. Taking his shirt off gave him a reason to not delay. He smelled like a locker room. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his trousers. This was his first chance to inspect the effects of Raina's spatula. A backward glance at the mirror in his bedroom told him what he wanted to know.
"Oh, my God!" His comment was directed at his own reflection. He couldn't contain his shock at the amount of damage done to his backside. Though the redness had faded a bit, the bruising had deepened. His bottom and upper thighs were covered with dark purple splotches, crossed with raised welts where the sharp edges of Raina's kitchen tool bit into his muscled flesh. Some of them were already showing signs of turning black. Touching the ravaged skin made him flinch. He would have to be careful in the shower.
The inspection over, Michael made his way to the bathroom. Before stepping into the shower, one more look in the mirror brought the whole incident back to life. Michael heard Raina's scolding and re-lived his own response to the impending discipline. He could feel the impact of the implement and his body's reaction to the pain inflicted. Most of all the arousal that now returned, amplified by the vivid memory and the painful reminder he carried on his rump. By the time he stepped into the shower, Michael was hard as a rock. There was only one remedy.
Michael worked a handful of body wash into a thick lather and applied it to his turgid shaft. The sting from the hot water trained on his bruised bottom mimicked the effect of the spanking while his hand stroked at an ever-increasing pace. With his ardor already at its peak when he started, in just a few moments his seed spilled across the tiled floor of the shower while he moaned with pleasure. Toweling himself dry after finishing his shower, he returned to his bedroom totally spent. Collapsing onto the bed, he fell into a deep sleep
Wednesday morning, a crash of thunder and rain pelting his bedroom windows pulled him from his slumber before his alarm went off. He lay in bed for a few moments, trying to hold on to the lustful dreams that kept him aroused all night. Dreams of kneeling before Dominique, confessing his sins, and begging forgiveness. Of Dominique and Raina taking turns giving him pleasure then inflicting pain. Ordering him into embarrassing positions that exposed and displayed his most intimate areas. Berating him for improper behavior then disciplining him consequently. Once during the night, he awoke with his hand wrapped around his erect penis. Fifteen seconds of energetic pumping sent jets of sperm over his chest and belly.
This morning the same need compelled him to take his swelling member in hand once more. With his lust temporarily satisfied, it was time for another shower. He tried to get out of bed and found the dull ache of deep bruising made his legs so stiff he could barely rise. With no small effort, Michael managed to make his way across the room and down the hallway. He paused in the bathroom long enough to urinate and check the condition of his rump. The redness and all the purple splotches had become one mass of black and blue.
He did not work that day. His stiffness and inability to sit for prolonged periods would have been difficult to explain. It was better to let his secretary think he was under the weather. besides, there were a few errands he needed to do. After retrieving his car, he stopped at a drug store for two bottles of hair removal cream. The rest of the day was spent between depilating his body and episodes of masturbation.
Over the next few days, the condition of Michael’s improved. The bruises began to fade as well as the dull ache they caused. Saturday arrived without any word from Dominique, but he was not concerned. Raina said she would call, and he was confident she would. When the summons came at 2 AM Sunday morning, his phone startled Michael out of a deep sleep.
"Come to me, Child. You have fifteen minutes." The line went dead before he could ask for the address. Before he could check the caller ID, it appeared on the screen. Michael obeyed but not without some anxiety. Fifteen minutes was barely enough time to make the drive and he still had to dress. Rushing to throw on some clothes, he ran for his car.
Getting there on time was not his only concern. Dominique was sure to be upset with him for disobeying her order and the scene he caused at Raina's restaurant. It didn't matter. She had called. He was ready to surrender himself to her judgment and whatever she had in store for him. Even with traffic practically nonexistent at this hour of the morning, he arrived at Dominique's studio with no time to spare.
"Your name." Michael was thrilled at the sound of Dominique's voice answering the call when he buzzed to be let in. The nine days since they had been together seemed like an eternity. Now that the wait was over, he could barely contain his excitement.
"It's Michael." The question surprised him. Was somebody else expected?
"That is not the name I gave you." Dominique was reminding him of his place.
"I am Child," he replied just loud enough to be audible. Her strategy worked. Michael was slipping into the role she wanted him to play. The lock on the door buzzed and Michael entered the lobby that divided her studio and the elevator to her apartment on the upper floors. The second floor was mostly storage. The third, fourth, and fifth were apartments, the sixth is where she entertains and the penthouse, her private living quarters. She would be waiting for him on the sixth.
The elevator door slid open, revealing Dominique clad in the same attire she wore at their parting last Friday: black corset, garter belt and stockings. At 5' 10" tall, 6" stiletto heels made her appear taller than Michael. Dominique's attire did nothing to hide her feminine charms. The corset served to support her bosom, firm breasts were proudly displayed. It also did not extend below her hips. Her valley of pleasure was not hidden from view. With her hands on her hips and those piercing blue eyes boring a hole through his soul, he fell to his knees at her feet and bowed his head, daunted by her presence.
"Please forgive me, Mistress," he whispered. "I disobeyed your instructions." Her presence alone demanded his confession. Michael expected punishment or at least a blistering scolding. Her response surprised him. She gently placed a finger under his chin and raised his head to look into her face.
"It has been too long since we have seen each other. Now is not the time to speak of such things. Rise, Child, and greet me properly." Dominique waited for him to stand before wrapping her arms around his chest and pulling him to her. Michael eagerly returned the passionate kiss she offered. He clung to her for a few precious moments, enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together. Her lips traveled across his cheek, kissing his neck, and nuzzling his ear. Michael moaned softly as his manhood reached full bloom.
"Come, we have much to discuss and there is a bottle of wine waiting to be opened." Dominique linked her arm with his and guided him down the hall. Instead of taking him to her 'play' room, they turned into a sitting room furnished with two couches, three reclining lounge chairs, and a wet bar lined with a half dozen high backed stools. On a coffee table in front of one of the couches sat a bottle of Chardonnay in an ice bucket with two glasses standing by.
"Open the wine and fill our glasses." Lustful craving along with no small amount of confusion replaced the apprehension Michael felt on the way over. Where he expected to be berated and punished, he was being offered wine and romance. He poured the wine and passed Dominique her glass. They talked until the bottle was empty and a second opened. Dominique told him about the fashion show and the successful introduction of her fall line. He asked about the sights and attractions of the 'City of Light'. She spoke of the restaurants and the theater. After an hour of catching up, the conversation turned to more serious matters.
"Now, Child. Tell me about what transpired while I was overseas." Dominique set her glass on the table and peered at him intently. A pit opened in Michael's stomach. The moment of truth had arrived. "Do not lie or omit details when I question you. If you do, the discipline you receive will be much worse than if you told the truth.”
“I know of the incident at Raina's restaurant. She and I spoke about it at length. You were wrong and she had the right to punish you. I did not object to that, but I did not like the circumstances under which it took place. She should have waited for my return. She needed my permission, and more importantly, she should not have punished you while she was angry. Anger breeds fear and fear hinders teaching a lesson. What we need to discuss is why you were there in the first place. Tell me, Child. Why did you go”?
"I couldn't help myself," he croaked. His mouth had gone as dry as the Sahara Desert. He reached for his wine. When Dominique did not object, he sipped enough to lubricate his throat. "After I left here, you were all I thought about. Every little detail of that evening ran through my mind over and over. Nothing could stop it because I didn't want it to stop. It left me incapable of anything else. When I didn't hear from you, I panicked and convinced myself I did something wrong. I was afraid I would never see you again.
"It got so bad my secretary thought I was overworked and told me to go home and get some rest. Instead, I went to the tavern where we met. That was a mistake. It was too early for dinner. Miss Raina's restaurant did not open for several hours. I just sat there, drinking, and worrying about us. Before I realized it, I was drunk. I should have gone home but by that time I was beyond rational thought." While he spoke, Michael looked straight into Dominique's eyes. He would never lie to her and wanted her to know it.
"Did you think I was lying when I said I would call? I take that as a challenge, and I do not like being challenged." Dominique's expression turned grim while she waited for his answer.
"I wasn't thinking clearly. All I knew was I desperately needed to see you." He paused, hoping she was satisfied with his response.
"When you were thinking of our evening together, you masturbated." It was not a question. She already knew the answer. “More than once. How many?" Michael looked away. She knew him too well. He was embarrassed.
"I didn't keep count. Many."
"After Raina spanked you, did you also think about that and masturbate." Dominique's eyes turned to steel, daring him to lie to her. Michael knew better.
"Yes," he admitted, deepening his shame. "Often."
"You have truly earned your name, Child. All these things were the impetuous acts of someone too immature to make rational decisions. Like a sixteen-year-old boy, you couldn't keep your hands off your dick. All the trouble that came your way is because of that impulse. It clouded your thinking so much you were out of control. You have much to learn tonight. It is time to start your lessons. Now stand in the middle of the room and strip. I want to see the condition of your bottom."
Michael did not wait for Dominique to command him again. He moved to the center of the room and removed his clothes. While he did so Dominique circled him slowly, like a shark looking for a chance to strike. When he pushed his underwear off his hips, the last vestige of his pride slid down his legs.
"I see you followed Raina's advice and finally removed all that dirty hair. That is fortunate for you." She ran her hand over his chest then let it trail down to his groin. Dominique cupped his balls then tightened her grip and tugged. "It is good you did." She tugged harder on his scrotum. Michael sucked in a deep breath and held it, hoping it would help him endure without crying out. "If I had to do this chore, I would not be gentle." Dominique released her hold on his balls. Michael exhaled, sighing with relief.
"Put your hands on your knees." Obeying meant thrusting his backside out as he bent over. He tensed, expecting a spanking on his tightly stretched bottom flesh when Dominique strolled behind him. Instead, he felt her rub the areas that still bore the marks of Raina's spatula. "She was quite thorough; you are still carrying some bruises. They have faded to yellow, but they must still be tender. Wood will be more than you deserve. No matter. Leather will be more than adequate. Leave your clothes. Follow me."
Dominique led Michael down the hall to the room where the teacher trains her students. She pointed at a spot on the floor indicating where she wanted Michael to stand. Michael was grateful she didn't shackle him to the steel frame. Taking his punishment without being restrained would prove his willingness to atone. Dominique continued to the wall of implements before turning to face him.
"Which shall it be? Tawse? Razor strop? One of my many straps or belts? Perhaps a leather paddle? Do you have a preference?"
"I am yours and always will be, Mistress. Use what you deem fitting. I have disobeyed you and I deserve your anger." Michael meant every word. His greatest desire was to kneel at her feet and receive her approval. Dominique's arm descended to her side. Michael was surprised to see tenderness in her eyes. She slowly approached him without choosing an implement.
"Dear Child, have you learned nothing from me?" She reached up to stroke his cheek. "I do not punish because I am angry. I discipline to teach a lesson. If you learn from my teaching, you will love me more. When we first met, I said 'If you want to love me you must be brave.' I also told you not to fear me. I mean them both. I want you to have the courage to accept my teaching. My lessons will be more effective if you are not afraid."
"Your disobedience was caused by a lack of self-control. That is where your lessons start." Dominique kissed him lightly and patted his cheek. "Since you like to play with yourself, I want you to show me." Her order was the last thing Michael expected to hear. Surprise made him delay longer than Dominique would accept.
"Did you forget how or are you being disobedient again. Let me show you how." She took his right hand and placed it on his dick. "Hold it tight and stroke." Michael was mortified. Doing this in private was one thing but being forced to do it in front of the woman you wanted to impress was humiliating. Try as he might, tension and shame kept his penis from inflating. Sensing his distress, Dominique pressed her pelvis into his rump, wrapped her left arm around his waist and stroked his thigh with the other.
"I love to spank your bottom," she whispered in his ear. "It is so much fun to watch it bounce and jiggle while I turn it red." It was working. Her words occupied his mind while his hand went to work. "Let's go to Raina's for dinner tomorrow. I want to pull your pants down in front of a crowded dining room and turn you over my knees. Would you like that"? Michael moaned with pleasure. He was quickly reaching his climax.
"At first I would use my hand until your bottom was red. Then I would switch to my hairbrush. Can you imagine all those people watching you squirm and kick while I blistered your bare bottom? I bet they would cheer me on when I turned you into a squalling little boy." That was all he needed. Michael cried out as his orgasm sent thick ropes of sperm across the floor. Dominique stepped back and waited for him to compose himself.
"Look at the floor. See the mess you made. When you masturbate, you must clean where you spilled your seed. It creates more problems than it solves. I am going to teach you to control your desires. The first step is to prevent your orgasms unless I give you permission." Dominique went back to the implement wall and selected a three finger tawse. From the dresser that she called her toy box, she picked up a black box a little larger than a deck of cards.
"This should do the trick." Dominique opened the box to show Michael the contents. What he saw mystified him completely: Three rings of different sizes and what looked like an oval shape vented cage with an opening at one end. Most confusing was the small padlock with matching key.
"This is a male chastity device. It will keep you from playing with yourself." She knelt in front of him and chose one of the rings. "I think you will need the largest one." She fit the ring around his genitals and closed it with a faint click. It was snug but not uncomfortable but as she tried to slide his shaft into the cage, her touch caused another erection to bloom.
"Hold this on the head of your dick. If you can't control your erections, I will have to strap this one away." Michael held the cage in place while Dominique picked up the tawse. "This is your first lesson in control. How many times do I have to swing this strap before you lose your hard-on? I'll stop when it's small enough to fit."
Dominique pulled the tawse back and swung it with all her might. It landed across the center of both cheeks with enough force to send Michael up onto his toes. A wide red stripe the stretched across both cheeks appeared instantly. Dominique waited a moment to judge its effect. When his erection did not subside, two more fell on the same spot as rapidly as she could swing the strap. Michael's manhood shriveled to a completely flaccid state.
"It's in! It's in." he cried. "It's all the way in. Please hurry before it comes back." Dominique did as he asked. The tiny padlock did its job and bound together ring and cage.
"I am your key holder," she announced. "You will not have an orgasm or even an erection without my permission. I know that sounds like punishment, but it is not. You will find refusing the urge to masturbate will make the orgasms you have more intense. This is a way to teach you self-control. The opening at the end will allow you to urinate but you will not be able to do it standing. The vents are for cleaning. I suggest using a hairdryer set on low for drying. This device won't harm you if you don't try to take it off. However, it will make having an erection uncomfortable"
“Now it's time to learn the consequences of overstimulation. Widen your stance, bend over as far as you can and spread your cheeks” Wondering why she wanted him exposed in such a manner, Michael obeyed her command. He gasped with surprise and fear when a gloved finger coated his anus with a thick lubricant. He tensed involuntarily when the finger pressed against the sphincter and entered.
“If you relax, this will go much easier. I am not going to peg you tonight, but you will wear a butt plug until you leave.” Michael felt Dominque’s finger withdraw to be replaced by the larger plug. Being penetrated in this manner was not uncomfortable until the plug began to stretch his hole. Before it completed its entry and his hole clamped around the narrow base, the pain was almost unbearable.
“You have a floor to clean. There is a laundry room at the other end of the hall. Go get a bucket of water, a scrub brush, and several of the old towels on the shelf." A quick slap to his bare bottom sent Michael on his way. He hurried down the hall as quickly as having his genitals encased in a cumbersome wire cage, and a piece of silicon filling his rectum would allow. Getting used to it would take some time. If that was what Dominique wanted, then he would endure it. Michael found the items she requested in short order and returned to her.
Dominique was standing over the spot where he splattered the floor, one hand on her hip and the other holding the tawse. Her beauty and commanding presence demanded his attention and stirred his loins. Michael was about to find out how painful a male chastity device could be.
"On your knees. I want every bit of this floor scrubbed clean." Michael tried to obey but his burgeoning erection constrained by this new adornment was becoming so painful, he could not function. Grasping his balls, he fell onto his side as he tried to kneel. "Are you beginning to understand? If you could control your urges, there would be no pain. There is a way to eliminate that hard on. I will help you, but you must ask for it." Michael's distress mounted while his dick pressed harder against its metal cage. He knew the manner of her aid but was reluctant to ask. Michael gripped the constraint and tried to will his manhood to deflate. The torment mounted until he could no longer resist. There was no other option. He begged for her strap.
"Strap me! Please, Mistress! I can't do it without you." Michael managed to roll onto his knees still holding his organ. His head rested on his forearm, leaving his backside presented for her tawse.
"Since you ask so nicely, I will do as you wish if you thank me after each stroke. Ask for another if you need it." Dominique pulled the three fingered strap back on her right side and lashed it forward. Michael heard the crack as it landed just before the blazing pain flared in his ass.
"Oooh," he moaned. The ache in his groin did not lessen. "Thank you, Ma'am. May I have another”? His position prevented him from clenching his cheeks. When the tawse made contact, its force rippled through his reddened bottom.
"Ooow!" His cry was involuntary, torn from his throat by the inferno building in his rear. His cock began to shrink but was still uncomfortable. "Thank you, Ma’am. Please one more." This one marked the most tender flesh, the tops of his thighs. His yell was almost a scream as a deep red welt appeared. The agony inflicted by her leather implement did its job. The pain in his manhood ceased as it deflated completely. Without getting off his knees, he turned to face her.
"Thank you, Ma’am, for taking the time to teach me." Michael lavished kisses on her feet. He needed Dominique to know how much he adored her. His reaction pleased and amused Dominique. Of all her subs, Michael was progressing faster than any of them, but he still had a long way to go.
"You have a floor to clean. If you need any more help, let me know and I will take care of your problem. When you are done, we will discuss your disobedience. Now get busy." Michael scurried to obey. He felt like a charwoman, scrubbing the floor on his hands and knees. He started with the area soiled by his semen. A judicious scrubbing followed by towel drying left the floor sparkling clean. Michael moved on from there, cleaning an area as large as his reach allowed before crawling to the next. The physical activity combined with the ache building in his shoulders and knees kept Michael's mind occupied and his penis flaccid in its new home. Unfortunately, that did not keep his rump safe from Dominique's tawse. Without warning, three leather fingers snapped into his right cheek.
"You missed a spot." Dominique's toe tapped a spot to Michael's left that had been neglected. Not bothering to look up, he applied his scrub brush without delay.
"Thank you, Ma’am. I will pay better attention." He could hear Dominique's heels clicking on the floor as she walked back and forth behind him, her tawse at the ready. Michael did his best to be thorough, checking his work before starting another area but it was a big room. The extra caution meant spending more time kneeling on ceramic tile. His legs felt like lead and the ache in his shoulders had spread to his back. Gradually and without realizing it, his pace slowed turning a chore into an ordeal. After an hour of heavy toil, he wiped the last of the tile dry and the job was done. He climbed to his feet on stiff, aching muscles and waited for Dominique's next instructions. At this point, bending over the spanking bench seemed like taking a rest.
"Do you understand now, Child. A moment's worth of pleasure was paid for by an hour of hard work. The price you paid to Raina was even higher. I hope you take this lesson to heart. It will make your life much easier. Take those things back to the laundry room. We will finish your teaching when you return." Michael replaced the cleaning items to where he found them. Dominique was standing by the spanking bench when he returned.
"Now we come to the most important lesson. Take your position on the bench." Michael did as he was told. It took a few moments to find a position where his cage did not get in the way. "Do I need to use the shackles or can you remain in place without interfering."
"I do not need to be restrained. I am ready to accept all you think I deserve. I promise to remain in place." Michael grasped the bar where his hand would normally be secured and squeezed tightly. His comment pleased Dominique. If he managed to keep his promise, there would be a reward. Dominique took her position on Michael's left side and tapped her tawse on a bottom that was already red.
"You violated my direct command. That will not be tolerated at any time." When the tapping stopped, Michael didn't have to look to know she was drawing it back for the first stroke. Dominique swung it forward with deliberate speed, letting it slash across the middle of his tightly stretched mounds. Michael grimaced at its fiery touch but made no other reaction. The strap resumed its lazy tapping.
"There are no reasons to explain your actions, only excuses." Michael tensed when she finished speaking. He could hear the tawse whistling through the air as it was on its way. It struck just above his thighs in an explosion of agonizing fury. Michael's head snapped back, and a sharp intake of air hissed through his teeth. The cords in his neck bulged from the tension caused by his effort to endure. Dominique waited for his head to drop before continuing.
"When I say I am going to call, I always mean what I say. Do not doubt me." To punctuate her promise, she swung her tawse twice, both impacting the same spot. They came so quickly, only the first pulled an "Oh!" from Michael. He wondered how much more he had to take. His determination was fading. What came next would be the true test of his resolve.
"You would never have behaved so shamefully if your mind had not been clouded by alcohol and self-abuse. I want you to think about that while I finish tanning your hide." Dominique began his strapping in earnest, swinging it at a measured pace. She gave him almost enough time to recover before delivering another. All landed in the same spot: the center of his tormented rump. Michael lost count at fifteen. Each blistering stroke added to the building inferno until he knew nothing else.
Tenacity helped him bear the torment. Occasionally he released a grunt or a groan but did not move. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he gripped the handholds so tightly, his knuckles turned white. Dominique finished his chastisement with five lashes to the back of his thighs. Michael responded with a strident wail but did not break. Dogged determination helped him survive the last onslaught.
Dominique dropped the tawse and left the room. Perspiration dripped from his brow as Michael gasped for air. Though the strapping stopped, the inferno it left behind did not abate. The heat in his bottom made him squirm and his legs twitch. He had to resist the urge to massage it away. Michael did not try to stand. Even if he had permission, wobbly legs would not support his weight. The unmistakable sound of her heels hitting the floor heralded Dominique's return. Unexpectedly, Michael felt the welcome touch of something cool being rubbed into his flaming posterior.
"You did well tonight. I pushed you farther than I did during our last meeting and you handled it better." Dominique applied another dollop of lotion, rubbing in small circles and gently kneading the overwhelming sting from Michael's throbbing backside. "When we met, I said you would have to be brave if you wanted to love me. You proved yourself. I am proud of you. When you have finished your corner time. we will discuss matters further." Michael was recovered enough to stand by himself and installed himself in his corner, hands on his head, without her help or instruction. Dominique smiled approvingly.
"It's getting late so you will only have to do fifteen minutes. Behave until I return." Behaving meant staying in position and not making any effort to rub or even touch his bottom. After her generous application of moisturizing cream eased his discomfort, And the inevitable punishment that would come with disobedience, it was easy to follow Dominique's order. Right on cue, she entered carrying Michael's clothes. She had exchanged her corset and heels for a silk robe and slippers. Now that she was shorter than Michael, Dominique did not seem as intimidating. She placed his clothes on the spanking bench and handed him a pair of rubber gloves
“Go into the bathroom, remove the plug, clean it, and return it to the ‘Toybox’. In the future, when I command it, you will insert it yourself. Dress then meet me in the sitting room."
The first time he was here, he was not allowed to dress until it was time to go. He was surprised at being invited to stay longer after being allowed to don his clothes. He found her on one of the couches turned slightly toward him, one knee resting on the cushion. There was just enough of an attractive thigh in view to tell him she wore nothing under her robe. Dominique held a full glass of wine and there was another on the table in front of her.
"Come sit with me for a moment." Dominique patted the cushion next to her. Those piercing blue eyes that could bore a hole through his soul sparkled with her invitation. Michael found the paradox presented by tonight’s activities more than he could understand. He arrived expecting to be taken to task for disobedience only to be offered wine and romance. Then he was scolded and disciplined. Now he was being invited once more to what seemed to be a romantic interlude.
Whatever her intent, it didn't matter to Michael. She wanted him to be close to her. She wanted to communicate with him. It was his dream come true. That was all that mattered. Michael sat next to her and picked up his glass of wine. Dominique took his hands in hers and began a lesson he did not expect.
"You are about to face what may be the most difficult trial of your life. Wearing a chastity device will take quite a bit of adjustment. There will be times when having an erection is beyond your control. Healthy males often have one while they sleep and in the morning upon waking. That is why it's important to learn self-control. Until you do, I have some suggestions that will help you at these times.
Exercise will decrease your libido. The more strenuous, the better the result. A cold shower will reduce an erection almost instantly. After it's gone, you may increase the temperature as much as you want. The best way to get rid of one in the middle of the night is to learn meditation. Empty your mind completely. Focus on your breathing until you are aware of nothing else. That will take some practice."
"For the most part, Child, you have progressed faster than I thought you would. I am impressed. You still must learn not to be so impulsive. I need to see some improvement there. This," she pointed at his groin, "will help. You should not wear it too long in the beginning. We will meet at Raina's restaurant at 7 pm Tuesday evening for dinner. If you have behaved, I will take it off and reward you with a special gift. Now kiss me goodbye." They both stood and Dominique kissed him the way lovers do. Michael promised himself to please her in any way he could. "Go home, Child. Sleep well and behave".
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have. By the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was...
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Nicole stepped out of the shower and dried herself before pulling off the cap that covered her long strawberry-blond hair Nicole Meets Michael An erotic meeting between a vampire and his future pet.? This story contains soft consensual play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 2006 Ruby Bloodstone All Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. This is a work of...
A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...
CheatingThe phone is ringing, as I grab it, I flop over onto the bed..."Hello?" A deep, sexy voice on the other end of the line says "Hello Jackie, this is Michael." "Ohhhh my!" I say. Thinking, Oh my God he has such a deep, wonderful voice. And I can feel my pussy contract, already becoming wet. "Hello Michael! My goodness, this is the first time we've talked." "Yes, it is. I just wanted to hear your voice. I've wondered with you'd sound like." Michael purred. And for the next few...
Cleaning up the storeroom was without a doubt the most boring part of Michael’s job, and he seemed to spend all his time doing it. In fact, looking back he felt like he’d spent the best part of his working life in this cold and dark little room and he had often thought long and hard about leaving. He had worked at the university for twenty years, and hadn’t got a shred of satisfaction out of it. He had no wife, no children, just a dark and lonely house on campus. The only reason he had taken...
Chapter One My name is Michael. I spent my school years as an object of ridicule. I am so very small. The boys and girls all had a growth spurt at about fourteen, but alas not me. The boys made fun of me and girls were off the radar because I was such a small person. I longed have a social life. I was a geek and computer nerd. I had wonderful grades, but nothing more, no real friends of either sex. I was raised with strict Bible belt rules and had been the only son to a father I never...
Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 I sat in my chair at the dining room table looking at a face that I had not seen in quite a long time. Jennifer asked me, “David, what do you want me to do? Should I let him in or have him come back when we don’t have 1000 college kids here for a party?” “Let him in. But please escort him over to me at this table. I’m not as sober as I would like to be for this meeting,” I tell Jennifer. “OK, I’ll bring him over to you, but I’m getting Jill and...
It was the summer I turned twelve. My mother had gotten sober, again, and she had some new friends. This time she became friends with some people who lived on the south part of town which was mostly dairy farms and small horse farms. I was forced to go to Rick and Sally's house with my mother because she would not let me stay home alone. It turned out that it was not near as bad as I thought it would be. Rick and Sally had a swimming pool, so I would not have to give up my swimming, and they...
"God, I want to fuck you!” Michael whispered. She glanced down at his nakedness and then felt her body respond. A gush of moisture at first, and then drips of her own juices began flowing out of her. He wasn’t shaved, but was trimmed and his cock was cut, long and thick. It throbbed up and down and then stood straight up nearly touching his navel. He had been completely naked under those track shorts. “Oh my dear God!” she moaned loudly. Michael reached down and grasped his shaft with his right...
Straight SexI wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...
Hannah obeyed and waited in his living room. She was in a silky purple cocktail dress that hit her just above the knee. She paced back and forth, stared down at her feet, and looked about the room waiting for her surprise. “Close your eyes! I’m coming down,” Michael yelled. Hannah turned away from the stairs and shut her eyes as tight as she could. He grabbed her by the hand, telling her he was going to lead her up to his room. She kept her eyes shut, letting him lead her up the stairs, but...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was 2 in the morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and thought who could be at my door at this hour. I open the door to find my eightteen year old brother standing there with a little suitcase in his hand. “Hi sis, mom got drunk again and kicked me out of the house for good, and……. Could I stay here tonight please?” He started to cry, and I pull him inside and hugged him. We stood there for about five minutes when I broke away and I said,...
IncestKitty and MichaelKitty Foreman lay in a drowsy haze, Red was in the shower. She was remembering the events that took place last night, it was their 25th wedding anniversary. They were at a very fancy restaurant downtown Milwaukee have drinks and some food. Kitty had been drinking a lot of wine while Red had a couple of beers. Red said to Kitty in a soft voice remember the first years of our marriage when we would swing with our friends and how you would get on your knees and all of us guys...
--True event. Names have not been changed to protect the not-quite-so innocent--I had met Tom online through an adult personals site, meeting to have sex with a young woman he had hooked up with. We kept in contact for a year after that, occasionally meeting up to swap stories, jack off together, etc. After a period of silence, Tom emailed me asking to join him and his new girlfriend, Maggie, and that another guy might be coming. I didn't have to be asked twice.Tom was in his 50's and unlike...
So Michael, the guy I was dancing with in the last story, called me the day after we met in the club. He asked if I wanted to go to dinner and a movie. I said yes of course! He is not the sort of person I would ever say no to, and the date was organised. I decided to wear a dress that was sexy, without being too revealing to go for the: “You might get it, if you try hard enough,” look. We went to dinner at a really nice restaurant, one of the nicest I have ever been to, and saw a very funny...
Straight SexNoah had never though to be much into outdoor sex, but the sparse, suburban woodlet was the only place he could get some time alone with Michael. Both had siblings at home and their parents’ prying eyes wouldn’t leave much space for any secrets remaining private. For a few last months both had been coming up with more and less clever excuses to dsappear for an hour or two after the dawn. Noah had his eyes on Michael for a while now. Tall, muscular and the boyish type of goofy, Michael didn’t...
Blackmailed by Master Michael I met the man I gave my first blow job to on a popular sissy chat website. I'll call it His name was Master Michael. A few weeks before I met Master Michael online, I'd started fully cross- dressing and taking photos of myself in different outfits and poses wearing a wig and makeup. Most of my life, I'd cross-dress and take the clothes off once I self-gratified myself and the pink fog lifted. Digital cameras made it easy to take private...
I’ve got so many requests for more stories from my Caribbean cruise with Michael that I figured I’d better get to writing. :)You may remember the first night on our cruise. Me. And 15 black cocks in an hour. If you don’t know the details of the cruise go back and read that story.After our group session Michael took me back to our cabin and made love to me for 2 hours and fed me 3 loads of his beautiful cum.After we were done we were laying in bed and I asked him what the plans were for this...
This story is told from the point of view of two people, Michel and Sally. Each section is prefixed by name. It is written for my enjoyment and hopefully yours as well. —– Michael: They call me Saint Michael behind my back, some with reverence, some with disdain and others with suspicion. All have a theory about my past but no-one knows the full story of the betrayal of my oath. —– Sally: It all began when my husband and I decided to build a family. I stopped taking the pill and we...
Michael was a close college freind of mine..I never thought much of anything sexual with him..He was pretty attractive..tall lean, and a bit muscular.. He had a well defined Jaw, nice brown hair and pretty green eyes.. he walked down the hallway with me after class.."Hey man, what are you up to this weekend?" "oh not much, nothing planned really" "want to come up north to chill, and smoke some weed" he asked.."definetly" I responded. I had nothing planned, and it sounded great to...
I tried to recollect the thoughts that had been racing through my head at that time Michael ' Can you come along Michael,purely a social call, no need to bring anything withyou'. It wasn't a request of course, when you live in the same house as theboss, he calls the shots. Strange though, in the six months I'd been workingfor him he'd never issued a summons like this before, everything had beenvery work orientated. Not that I minded, the pay was very good, plenty oftravel, stay at the...
Once we joined Steven and Meg inside, the five of us headed up to the thirtieth floor of the building. Much like the office building the Mind Magi Council had used for their meeting the day before, this floor had been rented out for Mind Magi use. However, unlike the other building, it wasn't mostly open floor space. The elevator opened up into a hallway. On both sides, doors led to offices used for various purposes. Most were labeled with either the name of the person who worked in there...
While this story is completely fictional it is directed at an era when dressing or acting of the opposite sex was considered taboo and thus it forced many people to be closeted. I hope you like this story and all comments good and bad are appreciated. Michelle was by all accounts a tom boy she loved to partake in activities normally associated with being a male . Michelle hated to be dressed in feminine attire and on every Sunday she hated having to wear a dress and fancy shoes as she would be...
I met Michael after a rough relationship which had ended roughly in forced sex in which I lost my virginity. I'll tell you a bit about myself first, I'm part Native American and part white with dark mahogany hair, I'm about 5'5", with 38D Breast, 32 Waist, and 40 hips. Though not big nor small I call it average in weight. Michael isn't average in the least, he's 6'2" and Navtive american with black hair, dark chocolate eyes, and tanned skin. He was a sweet guy from the start and when things...
Love StoriesDid you ever just know when you’re different from other people? I've always known that I liked men. However, I have a little crush on my stepfather. He's always been very supportive in my life. I have always thought that my parents have engaged in swinging adventures. They have wild parties sometimes where lots of things happen. Both seem to like both sexes. Although, they don't talk about these things with me. Whenever they've had parties, I usually will stay with friends. My mother was out of...
TabooHelmut was my work colleague, a man in his thirties, light brown hair, blue eyes, with a well-trimmed beard.We immediately got along very well, having the same way of working and, according to our first exchanges, having enough points in common.I had not paid too much attention to his private life, only knowing that from time to time a slightly younger man was waiting for him on the way out of work, accompanied by a Bulldog.A dog that looked ferocious but actually sweet as a sheep, because the...
Michael,Your wife wanted me to write this letter to you. She will not tell me if it is to punish you or to excite you. She has only said that if I won’t do this for her then she and I can not continue. I believe her. She is a determined woman so I will do what she says to maintain my access to her. So that I can continue to fuck her. Strong words I know, to hear from another man about your wife. But she has demanded them of me. Telling me that I must be brutally candid, as that is the...
"Michael, we need to talk," Joanna said as she licked my morning load off of her luscious lips. "Ooh ... okay," I said, getting my breath. Mom never failed to make my morning orgasm memorable. "What's on your mind?" "It's about you ... and your women," she said rising off the mattress to reveal her glorious new twin towers. "You're a man now, in every way, and you need to start accepting some more responsibility towards your actions." "Is this going to be another plea to be...
About a week after Vanessa left, Vonda talked to Pyx in the walk-in closet. I was in my office, downstairs at the time. The closet was one of the places in the apartment that didn't have a camera. Knowing this, soon after Pyx joined us, I secretly installed a microphone, that was only accessible by my office computer. Usually, they used the closet to talk about female problems. Vonda sometimes gave Pyx advise on how to "handle" me. It was all very informative. But she was usually dead...
It was a foul-mouthed, drug addicted nightclub comic who said it best. He was the one who summed up the comedic career of Tommy Michaels whose career in show business effectively came to an end on a Friday in November in Dallas, Texas. The dirty-mouthed comic walked on stage two weeks after that horrific day in ’63 and when he did it was the first time he had appeared before a nightclub crowd since that tragic event. Since the innocence of America was taken away by an assassin’s bullet. The...
Daddy' s Thoughts As I look down at my beautiful sleeping angel I smile in memory of the past loving moments and closeness we have shared and enjoyed these last six years. Her bright intelligent mind, her softness of heart, her deep devotion to me causes my heart to over flow with love and tenderness that I have never felt for or from another living soul. "My child, born from my seed, the love of my life, my princess lover, my daughter." "A...
IncestOne of the things I like most about writing for xnxx is getting fan mail from my readers. Most of my early responses were questions about my breasts. I'd jokingly described them as needing a heavy support bra. Let's clear the air on that. My breasts are pretty average. I usually wear size B bras when I wear bras. Being a nudist most of my life, hundreds of people have seen both my nipples and my pussy, and I like going braless. Recently I started corresponding with a reader who...
Michael and Julia sat on the couch of the publications office at their old high school. Michael raised his eyebrows at Julia. "You know how this goes," he told her. Julia blushed and climbed onto Michael's lap, and leans in for the kiss, tugging at her shirt. Michael grabs a handful of her short black hair and holds her head back, teasing her with sporadic pecks and licks. He rolls her over, pulls off her tank top, and bites her lip, pulling at it painfully.
BDSMAfter while, just as in any other employment, my assignments developed a pattern and a distinct demographic. I have had sexual assignations in most of the local five-star hotels. In most instances, the higher the floor level, the better the sex. Also the kinkier. Wealthy women in their forties - bored housewives and business women, some local, some from overseas, craving sexual excitement and satisfaction. Some of the more challenging assignments were females with their male partners. Often...
After while, just as in any other employment, my assignments developed a pattern and a distinct demographic. I have had sexual assignations in most of the local five-star hotels. In most instances, the higher the floor level, the better the sex. Also the kinkier. Wealthy women in their forties - bored housewives and business women, some local, some from overseas, craving sexual excitement and satisfaction. Some of the more challenging assignments were females with their male partners. Often...
Staring at the living room's Screen, Zax and Serah had two huge, proud, childish grins. They did tell the truth and now Troel and Jinka have to believe them. In contrast to the two children, Troel and Jinka completely ignored the notion of their daughter and her friend lying. The two adult listened to every word of the announcer and followed each of the reporters' questions that were answered or overlooked. They did not laugh or were excited. By when the announcement broadcast the third...
Dominique’s call at 2 am, had roused him from a deep sleep. Their session lasted over two hours and exhausted him completely. Over that time, they consumed two bottles of wine. Due to the strenuous activity, most of the alcohol wore off before he left. but it still contributed to his need for sleep. Michael dozed off as soon as his head hit the pillow.True to Dominique's warning, in the morning, a piss boner threatened was trying to break out of the cage he was wearing. Michael rushed to the...
FemdomThe Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Five - Lady Patricia Gets Some Training Lady Patricia's introduction of new bondage toys to secure Linda continued over the next few days and weeks. She frequently visited Eve at Hidden Pleasures to see what was new or to look at the larger pieces of equipment. While she often went by herself, she brought Linda enough times that Linda became intimate with the workshop post. On one trip she spent most of an afternoon tied face to face...
part 3 The white Slut Training Academy has some rather interesting and historical background along with the colorful and interesting way it came into being. Mitchaela Desade Van Semen is the philanthropist and benefactor of this all girls collage, and was the one, who's vision made it Possible. Mitch as a young girl was incredibly naive and innocent. This was a result of being raised in an indescribably brutally repressive and cloistered Catholic household by an absolutely...
I met Michael after a rough relationship which had ended roughly in forced sex in which I lost my virginity. I’ll tell you a bit about myself first, I’m part Native American and part white with dark mahogany hair, I’m about 5’5′, with 38D Breast, 32 Waist, and 40 hips. Though not big nor small I call it average in weight. Michael isn’t average in the least, he’s 6’2′ and Navtive american with black hair, dark chocolate eyes, and tanned skin. He was a sweet guy from the start and when things...
Did you ever just know when you're different from other people? I've always known that I liked men. However, I have a little crush on my stepfather. He's always been very supportive in my life. I have always thought that my parents have engaged in swinging adventures. They have wild parties sometimes where lots of things happen. Both seem to like both sexes. Although, they don't talk about these things with me. Whenever they've had parties, I usually will stay with friends. My mother was...
By now, all of you are aware how Sunita Mam enjoyed harassing me as a girl. From that day, she very often made me dress as a girl as and when she liked. I had no choice than to fulfill her desires. Only hope was getting a job. Going to work was the only way I could get rid of all this. But after doing all the house work, there was hardly any time left to search for a job. Moreover, she had other plans for me. There was more to come. One day, during the winter holidays, she called me, “How do...
As soon as my eyes had drifted asleep, I was woken by a siren like alarm. Suddenly, all of the lights were turned on and the room was illuminated. I saw my surroundings for the first time. I was in a large barn, with about 30 other girls. All of the girls were on all fours, and had crawled to the front of their stalls. Some put their hands on the cage. I instinctively did the same. I looked again at some of the girls. They all seemed young, in their teens. They looked scared, but it seemed...
This story is FICTION! It comes from the deranged mind of the author. The author does not encourage or support the activities in this story. This story has more graphic violence than in previous parts. But only because it is necessary in the telling of the tale. All the characters in this story have been tested and found disease free. Make sure all your partners are too. BE SAFE!!!!! The Peachtree Training Center Casefiles #3: TWINS, DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE, DOUBLE YOUR FUN...
Michael sat in his car, parked in front of Dominique’s building, mindful of the time. She had demanded his presence at 11:30pm and It was 11:27pm. Last night, he learned the consequence for being early was almost as severe as the one for being late. The three minutes he had left were spent wondering why he was being summoned two nights in a row.Dominique sent him home last night with a plug stuck up his ass and said he would be called to return this evening. She also gave him permission to...
FemdomPeter's Potty Training part 1 by dirteesissy Chapter 1. My name is Peter Tointon and I'm 18 years old. After leaving school and barely scrapping my GCSE's, my Mother decided to send me to a rather exclusive finishing school. My Father had died when I was just a child and just a few years later Mother had remarried to a rather wealthy older man named John Tointon. Just like my Mother he'd lost his partner some years before, but instead of a young boy she'd left 2 teenage...
The sound of her high heels clicking across the wooden floor was the first thing to catch Mike's attention. It wasn't the sound itself that was intriguing. Many of the women who frequented this upscale tavern on Friday evening wore high heels. Her stride was different. It spoke to him of power, authority, and self-confidence. He turned to look, curious as to who this might be and was ensnared. Caught like a fly in a spider's web.The vision he beheld was almost too much for his eyesight to...
FemdomHe walked slowly out of the bathroom, leaving the belt sitting where She had left it. His mind was spinning as he contemplated the options before him; a life under the control of this admittedly stunning Woman or walking away free but knowing he'd never see Her again. "How bad could it be?" he wondered, looking at the belt, just visible through the bathroom door. His mind was full of flashbacks to the night before, undoubtedly the most fulfilling sexual experience he'd ever had. He recalled the...
serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...
Introduction: Natalie is an ambitious young dog trainer with a taste for the finer things in life Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other help that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now,...
If you had told Michaela a month ago that she would be going to a occultist, she would have laughed at your face. If you had told her that she needed the occultist's help, she would have thrown a book at you. But Michaela was very different a month ago, and that is just the situation she found herself in. Michaela was a fairly typical American 16 year old. She went to high school, played soccer, and had very little clique of friends. She hadn't recently felt like she fit in with her...
England "As the morning dawns I lay here next to my sweet angel and I can feel her warmth and softness." "Her soft breathe tickles the hair on my chest as I hold her in my arms." "In rest I watch my beauty and try to see her as other men do." " I see them watch her, under lidded eyes, captivated by her beauty, sweetness and a sensuality which exudes itself from every pore in her body as well as the core of her very essence." "I too am...
IncestSissyIndy©I drifted in and out of consciousness over the next hour, periodically snapped back into reality when the dildo assaulting my mouth would pause deep in my throat and eject a fresh deposit of cum into my bowels. Looking up at the television display of my abuse I would normally have been turned on by the sight of this brunette in a pink corset and black stockings leading down to her pink high heels being pounded by this horrid machine from both sides. Knowing that the slut in the video...