SuzanneChapter 3 free porn video

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I have to admit that she had a convincing sincerity to her pleas. My heart ached for her as I began to take her to heart. I wanted to forget the problems I had with her story, but didn't see how I could, until now. She poured her heart out to me so convincingly, that I forgot that I was as much the fault of our break up as she.

"We'll try to make it right babe, I promise." I told her. "Don't cry anymore. If it doesn't work out, it won't be not for trying. I promise you that. Just don't give me reason to doubt you. I promise you will never have reason to doubt me."

She turned and sought out my lips and she kissed me with her tear soaked and stained face. "I promise, you promise." She said. "I know your word is good and you know mine is." She was talking from her heart, to mine, and I knew it.

She kissed me again and then looked at me a little funny. She knelt up and pushed me back a bit and grabbed at my belt. She got it undone and worked at my zipper and then dug her fist into the thigh of my pants and pulled them down to my knees.

Her crying had finally stopped and she had calmed down a bit. My pants were at my knees and she looked at my underwear, specifically my cock and balls. She reached out and touched them through my shorts.

"Sig, I'm dead serious when I say I love you. I'm serious when I say I have missed you, painfully missed you, for so, so long. I got married to hurt you. God paid me back for being so selfish, spiteful and petty by taking back the angel he had given me. That was the second dagger in my heart. The day I saw you at that store I was ready to just drive off a bridge, step into traffic, anything to end it. The sight of you gave me hope. It was also a message from God that he didn't want me to die and go to hell. Sig, I was spiteful, petty and took great joy in breaking your heart, ruining your life after it was me who set you up. I know you were wrong and I had every right to hate you for it, but after that I was evil to you. I married a man I certainly cared deeply for, but didn't love as I did you. I know I committed adultery with him, and I know that weighs heavy with you. After everything I've done to you, you also know what I am capable of. Sig, you know in your heart, the real me. I've poured my heart and soul out to you tonight and given you, as well as you have me, the chance to make love as we once did. Sig, I can rewind to that day and be half of the special couple we were. You have to decide if you can." She said without shedding a tear or losing eye contact with me. I was taken aback and had almost no breath as I absorbed her words. After all the crying, bawling and blubbering she did tonight, her most serious words were delivered perfectly from the heart, from her soul. I didn't doubt her resolve one bit. She reversed the onus from her to me when she said, "You have to decide if you can." She sounded so sure of her own feelings.

"I - - -" I began to say before she stopped me.

"Don't say anything now." She said. "There is something I want to do that I have only done with you. I've looked forward to this and if you walk out of my life, or into it after tonight, this will make me happy."

She knelt up and pulled my underwear down to my knees with my pants. She reached out and took my cock in her hand, and stroked it a few times.

She then sat back and took my socks off and pulled at the cuffs of my pants to take them off, my shorts came with them.

She stood with one leg on the floor and changed her position to kneeling between my legs. She smiled at me and bent, taking hold of my cock in her hand to push it toward my stomach. She filled her mouth with my balls, running her tongue over them and then sucking and pulling them from her mouth. She did this about 3 times and then bent my cock towards her mouth and she lowered it onto my cock. She took as much as she could and then sucked it right to the top, popping her lips as it sprung free.

"Yours is the only cock that has ever been in this mouth. This was something I thought was perverted and sick until I took the sexuality courses. I found out how normal it was then. Paul wanted me to do it, but I refused. You are the only one." She said as she dropped her head over my cock again.

I was getting the blowjob of my life and was reminded how good Suzie was at this. The blowjob-interuptus from Jewel Marie was good while it lasted, and the 7 years with Dawn Marie had my cock in her mouth thousands of times. Dawn enjoyed it, while intercourse was painful for her, oral sex made us both happy. But this was special, Suzanne worked her mouth like a living sex organ designed only for me. Her sucking mouth accompanied by her wild tongue and bobbing head were heaven. She topped it off as she always had, with her thumb and index finger curled around the base, as if she were turning a volume knob up and down over and over. I was in heaven, but afraid of going over.

"Suzanne, Suzanne, you're going to make me come, and I want to fuck you so and feel that tiny tight pussy swallow me as well." I said through tightening breath.

There was a pause and she let my cock fall from her mouth. She sighed.

"We can't do that. I gave up birth control long ago when we stopped having sex. I have an appointment with my gyno before I fly to Vegas Monday. Let me finish you." She said, and then continued.

I can usually last a while under the mouth, but Suzanne was real good, and I was ripe.

"I'm going to come, Suze. You're making me come!!" I shouted to warn her, but she kept up, pulling her mouth off to utter 5 little words. "Do it in my mouth."

We had never gone that far before, but were always going to try it, having sampled it from the spray on her breasts. Tonight she really DID want to continue where we left off.

I could hold back no longer and I let the first shot fly into her mouth, then a second, then a third. She never broke her rhythm; she just kept at sucking me. Then as I began to pull away from her, being too sensitive, she sat straight up and raised her head toward the ceiling.

I heard a big gulp as my semen went down her throat in one swallow.

"You are now part of me." She smiled to me. "It didn't taste too bad either, just sooo much of it. Oooo it's salty, though. I always thought it would make me puke." She said wiping her lips with her hand. "Sig, I love you. I didn't do that to prove it, I did that to show it." I opened my arms to welcome her into them. She fell to me, avoiding getting her mouth near mine.

"No, let me kiss you. I'm not afraid to taste my own semen. You can taste your own pussy on me. We can share the tastes. I did learn a couple things in the time I was married." I smiled as she pressed her messy mouth to mine.

We necked and kissed for a long, long time, with no words said. Finally she broke the silence. "Sorry about not being able to fuck, I am just so fertile, or at least I always have been. Not knowing what might happen with us, I can't take that chance, OK?"

"Don't apologize, I understand." I said as we locked lips again. Before I knew it I had been sound asleep for a time. I awoke and looked around for the time. If the clock radio in the room was correct, it was 2:30 a.m. Suzanne was in the shower, and while I tried to rationalize why, I fell back asleep.

The sun broke through the window and into my eyes around six. I was usually an early riser, but when I tried to roll over from my stomach to my back, I felt an arm around me. Suzanne! It hadn't been a dream.

Maybe we really could put that much time between us and be OK. This had been just one baby step in what could be a long journey, I thought to myself. My fears of what Suzanne could be as a person were just about allayed. I was usually a pretty good judge of character and karma, and I felt really good about us.

My jostling had made my bladder shift and now I had to pee like crazy. I sought the best way to get off the bed without waking Suze, but it was going to be hard.

As I attempted to slide under her arm she lifted it.

"I'm awake, I'm waiting for you to wake up." Suzanne said.

"My God, when are you going to sleep? I was awake around 2 and you were in the shower." I asked.

"I only sleep 4 to 6 hours a night. We conked out about 10 o'clock or so, and I woke at 2 a.m., really having to go. I felt dirty afterwards, so I took a shower. Maybe we can get sexy again? Sig, I haven't felt like this in so long. Remember how we were in college? We were something then. How could we have been so stupid to screw it up?"

"Immaturity had to be a big part of it." I said trying to make sense of what she was saying. "You were taking those psych courses, the sexuality course, we were hot for each other and maybe we weren't really ready for each other then. But it did seem right then, didn't it?"

"Does it seem right now, Sig." She asked hopefully.

I looked at her with hope in my eye. I wanted to say, no, to scream, YES - YES!! But, one thing still bothered me.

"Suzanne, believe me, I WANT to love you like we were then, I really do, but I have one thing bothering me. I should have said something last night when it really began to eat at me." I said preparing her.

"What is it Sig? Maybe I can explain or we can talk it out." Suzanne said cautiously.

"Well, when you thought I had wronged you, and I know I did, you sought revenge, ways to hurt me, instead of trying to resolve it. When your husband rejected you after your miscarriage, you were mad because he wouldn't even look at you when he made love to you. You felt he didn't think of you as attractive. What did you do? You got back at him by having an affair, you wanted to hurt him, and maybe you wanted to get caught; again revenge instead of resolution. That was and is a side of you I don't know, or like."

"It looks vengeful, Sig, but it wasn't really. I think it was fear. Fear that I lost you and could never love again. With Paul, it was fear that I had become undesirable and no man would want me. You don't think that I analyzed myself more than once? I felt that leaving you in the dust was vengeful, but I also thought of my self-esteem. Could I get another man, had I used up my sexuality? When I cheated on Paul, I just didn't care if I was caught or not. I found a man who desired me, and I WANTED to be desired. Do you really think I could mistrust your feelings again?

You have me heart and soul if you want me Sig. I'm not playing any games here." Suzanne said, laying it on the line.

"Suzanne," I said, "I take you at your word on this. You gave yourself to me last night with as much passion as I remember. If you have any doubts, speak up. I won't accept chicanery and deception, just as you shouldn't accept it from me."

"You won't be sorry, lover. After today, you won't see me for about a month while I tie up loose ends in Las Vegas with Paul and my future.

The realtor feels we will get a firm offer this weekend at this price.

If it doesn't sell they have a buyout clause they can exercise, and he thinks they will, if it doesn't go. Sig, think about this; I was on the brink of suicide, at least contemplating it. You saved my life by just appearing, our lives crossing again. Now, I feel like a have a life in front of me again, the dream of love and a future with you, which I thought was mashed, torn and tattered in the street. It's suddenly alive here in front of me. Sig, this is me now, this is me the morning of our last day together, we are the same. You were stupid; I was stupid. We both paid dearly by losing the one true love you are allowed in life, the one true love. I am your Suzanne; you are my Sig. Remember when you used to recite wedding vows to me? I loved that, I used to have orgasms while you did it."

"I think the fact that I was inside of you when I did it had something to do with it Suze." I recalled.

Suzanne sat up and pushed me back and she propped up on one elbow and looked me in the eye. I saw the face that adored me, and I adored back, so many years ago.

"You would make love to me, fuck me silly and then you would stop, pressed deep inside me. I would be almost holding my breath waiting for you to pull back and ram me again. I would be breathless and ready to come, and you would just look in my glazed eyes; "I, Steven Isaac Grayson, take you, Suzanne Tara Hardee to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, the cherish and honor...". Before you got even that far, I would feel myself spasm, while you sat motionless deep inside me, I could feel your hard cock pulsing." She mused.

"If you could make love to me right now, would you say those same words Sig, or am I just dreaming and hoping?" she asked.

"If I were inside you right now, with you looking at me like that right now, I think I would have remembered them. God, I loved you then." I said tearing up. "Shit, I think I might love you MORE now." I said as she pressed her lips to mine and we kissed deeply.

All the doubts disappeared, the board erased. A moment frozen in time, instantly thawed and life had restarted.

"Sig, make love to me. Fuck me in my butt. I want to feel your hard cock in my ass, deep inside me." Suzanne said, surprising me.

"You still like that? You were always afraid, but always wild when we did it. I don't want to hurt you." I wondered and warned.

"You were the last there too, Sig. That was special lovemaking. I could never give that to anyone else. That was why I took a shower in the middle of the night. My nerves had upset my system and I was stopped up for the last few days. My bellyful of your semen must have been what I needed. I woke up startled by the urgency. Over the years, I thought of the times we did it there; how it seemed so natural, so naughty, but so exciting. When I thought of Paul being there, it did nothing for me, I had no desire. Anyway, I showered and used the bulb syringe in my overnight bag, just like I used to, paranoid that I was clean enough. I have personal jelly, too."

"You're really sure about this, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. The idea hit me while we spooned going to sleep last night.

It was always good back then, different and exciting, and by the looks of the tent in the sheets, someone else likes the idea." She said as she pulled down the sheet and popped the head of my cock in her mouth.

"Ohhhhh, Suzie, that's wonderful." I said as I fell back into the sheets luxuriating in the feel of her tongue passing over and over my cock top.

She took my cock out of mouth with a loud POP as I caught her eyes and smile as they met mine. We were 20 years old again. We were in love, and I still really had to pee.

I bounced up from the bed and went to the bathroom where I wrestled with my hard cock trying to get all my piss in the toilet. Once I finished I turned on the shower and got in to quickly soap and rinse the vital parts of my body, and my armpits. As I dried I saw her overnight case opened, with the tube of lube jelly right on top. My hard on raged with the thought of putting it up her cute little ass. Well, it wasn't as little as before, but still perfectly shaped and "cute" was still in order.

I came out of the bathroom to the sounds of her breathing heavy. She was face down with her ass propped up in the air, her face turned to the side on her pillow. Her 2 forefingers had her tiny pussy lips trapped between as she rolled them over her clit. I came up behind her and touched her hand, which she quickly pulled away. I bent and took the whole of that pussy in my mouth again. So tight, so pronounced, so delicious and pleasing to feel with my lips and tongue. As she kept catching her breath as spasms hit I would lift up to kiss her asshole quickly. Once she began to have a long orgasm I replaced my tongue with my thumb and moved my tongue to her rosebud. I swathed her asshole over and over. She was just as delicious as I remember. To say someone's ass tastes good sounds kinky, but after her shower it only tasted and smelled of her musk. It was Suzanne, a taste I acquired many years ago, that I had not forgotten. I remember the innocent, but inquisitively horny Suzanne telling me about her Human Sexuality class all those years ago.

"I mailed out anonymous couple interviews to a volunteer study group.

One thing stood out. People do it in their lovers butt hole, and they like it. I read a lot of them today. 8 of the eleven who responded did it that way. What are we missing?" she would ask.

On that night we tried it, she wasn't afraid to look for and share other pleasure we might find between us. Part of that stemmed from our addiction to oral sex. It was something she always thought was filthy and evil and then, she ended up loving it, once we tried it. Then she was willing to try lots more. When she found that over 70% of all loving couples in a serious relationship had oral sex, she insisted on trying it, giving and receiving. For the next week we had chapped lips pleasing each other. I may be the only guy to get a blowjob during the movie Pretty Woman. We sat in the last row of a little theatre in Boston at a midnight showing. When I told her I was coming and she pulled her mouth off, I squirted on the empty row in front of us. We laughed so hard we had to leave.

My tongue was dilating her asshole so I finally switched to eating her pussy again while I pressed my fingers, pinky to thumb, each up her pretty little rosette. Once it began to respond and her moans of pleasure became quick, I added a cool dollop of the jelly. I heard her suck in a breath as it hit her private hole, but I quickly pushed it in.

Same as Suzanne
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For Alexandra, it had been a very good meeting. She had finished up her presentation of the building's features and now it was in the hands of all the various contractors and workers to take it from paper to concrete, steel and glass. Alexandra was very good at what she did. Not only was she a qualified architect, but she also was damn fine in the looks department. She kept her six-foot frame well toned and she always dressed to emphasize her curves, such as with the gray business suit she...

2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 1 of 2

A FRIEND IN NEED (Part One of Two): A short story by Tamsyn After being beaten up while dressed, Dylan decides that his days of skirts and heels are behind him. His flatmate sees it for the knee jerk reaction it is, and looks for a way to bring Holly back -for both of them. Ryan Campbell drove into the village, barely noticing that the speed check sign was flashing '45' at him in angry red numerals. The walls of the ancient cemetery flashed past him and he took the bend wildly,...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 83

That was the end of an episode, two really. It appeared that Fitzmaurice was dealt with and Mark had recovered. The second was certainly true. David and Elspeth delighted in hearing squeals and giggles coming from upstairs. Serena and Toby wandered back in and then the Collinses arrived. There was still no sign of Mark and Victoria. "Probably very, very dirty," smirked Serena. "Serena!" exclaimed Elspeth in mock horror. Serena unrepentantly giggled. "Over-sexed, I'd say," observed...

2 years ago
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Somebody New

Tori sat silently on the bed while Samantha babbled away with every bit of confidence. How could Sam be so calm, Tori wondered? It didn’t seem right that while Tori’s knees shook with nervousness that Sam should be excited… but Sam was so very different than Tori… and Sam was the kind of girl Tori longed to be. Sam had blonde, wavy hair that grew down to her midback. Her eyes were hazel but mostly green. Her skin was always perfect… and Tori admired her so. But the admiration went deeper than...

3 years ago
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Amandas ChoiceChapter 2

Frank nearly knocked the alarm clock off the top of the night stand in his grogginess, groping several times for the "off" button before finally just slamming his hand on the top of the infernal thing several times before managing to hit it. He covered his eyes with his hand, rolling onto his back. The constant low throbbing pain still lurked under his temples. He always hoped that just one good night's sleep would finally knock out that headache, a headache that a half a bottle of...

1 year ago
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Stiefmutters fall

Hallo mein Name ich Doris 43 Jahre 166cm groß sehr Schlank mit hängenden schweren Brüsten. Was ich sicher meinen beiden Kindern zu verdanken habe. Die mittlerweile ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Nach dem ich mich von ihren Vater getrennt habe lernte ich einen Neuen Mann kennen. Der vor 2 Jahren gestorben ist bei einem Betriebsunfall nun war ich Witwe. Zusammen lebten wir in einem kleinem Eigenheim Martin mein Schwiegersohn wurde vor ein Paar tagen 18. Der junge macht mich wahnsinnig kein Bock auf...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Home Again

OHGirl: The girls were sleeping and Mikey and I were lying naked in bed, after a long round of intense sex. He was rubbing my gargantuan belly, with a special cream to prevent stretch marks, while I was rubbing the cream on my swollen breasts, pulling and pinching on my long, thick, erect nipples. I was still horny and my sexual addiction was running high with my surging hormones. I was now two weeks past 7 months pregnant with triplets and my doctor said that they could arrive at any time. Our...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist True Stories Taxi Driver

[A new, potential erotic friend asked what my experiences in exhibitionism were. I realized my experiences could fill a book. So I begin with the first!]I was around 19 or 20 still living with my parents in suburban South Jersey.I worked at a mall, and because I didn’t drive, I relied mostly on rides from my mall co-employees (I don’t call them co-workers because we all worked at different stores in mall. And now I’m having a flashback to the cheese fries and Chik Fil A sandwiches and yummy,...

3 years ago
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Starting something special

We met on lush and in our live chats learnt that we had an amazing chemistry that needed real-life exploration, and so we agreed to meet. Very few details were exchanged. I let you work out the details. The hotel room is gorgeous and although I am excited, I am also nervous. When you arrive I'm still getting ready so you lay on the bed and watch as I slowly strip off my black dress, undo my corset, slide down my stockings, undo my bra. I can see your obvious hardening cock. Slip off my black g...

Love Stories
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Matt and Natalie

It was a cold, breezy Friday night. You could see your breath as you exhaled. On the middle floor of a stylish hotel in the heart of the city, a young woman was waiting for a phonecall.. the phonecall. Natalie is a curvy, sensuous and seductive girl in her early twenties. Long, flowy red hair, big green eyes and tonight has an insatiable appetite for one man.. and he's coming.Matt is a guy from a far away place.. well.. London. He's nearly in his mid twenties, dark haired, handsome and wears a...

Oral Sex
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Sheryls StoryChapter 10

Saturday arrived with a morning that only the country could produce. It was perfect. I looked across at my still sleeping lovers. For a moment, naughty thoughts flashed through my mind as I thought about stirring them into life, then thought better of it. Instead, after I'd attended to my ablutions, prepared breakfast. Standing in the kitchen, the importance of the next two days dawned on me. So much depended on dad seeing things as I did. Slowly anxiety began to cloud my perfect...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 21

Most of our travel arrangements, such as our visas to enter Spain, hotel reservations, and airline reservations were made with no problems. Unfortunately, we had two small problems. Those problems were that we did not have passports, and the suites on most cruise ships are set up for two adults. The limited sleeping space in the suite was easily resolved. Abby used her contacts through the State Department to make the cruise line aware that Ambassador Doug Smith, the Ambassador from the...

1 year ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 44

Nine years later... Time: February 27, year 204,883 7:52 PM Peruvian Local Time The door opened and an angry young girl stomped into her dorm room. She then froze in astonishment and yelled, "Who the sink are you?!" "Hi! My Short is 714. I've been transferred here from Kangnung." "The plunge?! They're transferring kids now?!" "So it would seem. Hello 825." "You expect a sinking hello back?! You have a lot to learn! Get the plunge out of here!" Short-714 shrugged her...

2 years ago
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From Nothing EverythingChapter 14

I WAITED NERVOUSLY FOR Addison to emerge from school. Today, I’d been lonely. It was the first time I’d been alone and the house seemed empty and too large without her there, her presence missed. Warmth filled me at the sight of her lugging her backpack. She spotted me and waved, giving me a bright smile. The back door opened. A backpack was flung in, the door slammed, and Addison climbed into the passenger seat. “How was the first day of high school?” I asked, starting the Range...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Evelyn Claire Izzy Lush Erotic Threesome

Evelyn Claire and Izzy Lush have plenty of lust for one another. As they lie in bed together with their hands exploring each other’s curves, the two lesbians enjoy their foreplay immensely. Their hands are everywhere, fondling one another’s breasts and slipping lower to rest on each other’s pussies. As they break from making out, they indulge in some mutual masturbation above their thongs. One of the enduring aspects of the girls’ relationship is that they both swing...

4 years ago
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First Time Fling

My first time? Oh, I remember that quite well. One really never forgets those things do they? Let me see… oh, I’ve got it now. It was the summer of 1943 and America was at the height of the Second World War. I was nineteen at the time. My boyfriend Johnny was just wrapping up his job at the malt shop. A year older than me, he was a soda jerk, he loved that job. He was saving up to buy his first car, so he took any job that really was available. I made my way to the malt shop and found him...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 006 The Local Delirium

When I come to I feel very sluggish, and it is so hard to focus.  Being unconscious felt strangely like being awake, but I try hard to dismiss that concept as something best revisited later.  At least I remember where I am this time.  More or less…  Since I got here, there have been moments in which it seems like the fog might be lifting, but in others I know that I’m just scrambling on a slippery slope, trying to avoid what I worry more and more may be an inevitable descent into the very heart...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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My Neighbors Dog

as a puppy by his owner, Steve, who wanted a guard-dog for his lumber-yard, which was next to my parents farm. I was about fifteen when Ace and I became neighbors. At first he was just like any other puppy; soft and cuddly and full of fun, but as he grew he developed a mean streak, which could be kinda difficult when he still thought he was a puppy and tried to jump into your arms. Ever tried catching 125 pounds of dog? Steve tried chaining him up, but he howled and barked...

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Dark Impassions

Josh Tylers was a good looking 19-year-old black male with a promising day ahead of him. He was leaving to go on a date with his girlfriend 20-year-old half-Asian bombshell college sophomore Jade Pond. Josh was pretty sure he was going to lose his virginity this time too. She invited him to her dorm room and even threw in some suggestive language to the text message she sent him. They have been getting close to having sex before. Like the time he was fingering her and she was playing with his...

3 years ago
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Strange meeting lll

It felt like I just went to bed when the phone rang. Open your door, he said. Looking around it was still dark outside. Opening the door I asked, is everything okay. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I had to feel you again, he whispered. Holding me by my arms he said, take off my shirt. As I unbuttoned it, I could feel the warmth of his skin. As I pushed it off his shoulders, he put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down to his chest. Pressing my face against it I opened my mouth and...

1 year ago
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The redhead coworker threesome part II

On Friday I woke up a bit nervous as Irene was about to visit us. We both had taken the day off from work as we wanted to prepare for a memorable weekend. My husband was still sleeping when I moved my hand under the sheets to feel his cock. Normally everything is partially hairless and shaven and does he have a bit of pubic hair right above his cock, but right now I didn’t feel any hair at all, not his dick, not his balls and not above his cock. His penis started to grow when I touched it and...

2 years ago
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The Path Which Led Astray

It has been said that relationships based purely on sexual attraction, are forever defined by it. I see how that could make sense, though I know from experience that even the most lurid sexual relationship can grow and continue to grow as time goes by. As I write my wife is by my side, reading as I type and she makes breathless little suggestions and additions. She wants to see our story, every shameless detail, laid out bare for all who care to see. Not because it has any particular...

3 years ago
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SRU-OOPS! by Princess Pervette Steve smoothed down his skirt for what must have been the hundredth time. Dammit, he thought, he would never get used to being a girl. There went another guy, whistling at him. That must have been the hundredth guy, too. He brooded as he walked along the mall. "Why did Nancy do this to me? Just because I told her girls have it easier than boys.... And then for her to lose that blasted medallion, after she said it was going to be just for 24...

1 year ago
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Enjoy With My Best Friend

Hello friends maine bhot sari story padi hai aaj mein apni story share karna chahta hu. Mera naam Aaryan hai or mein 22 saal ka hu mein ek smart ladka hu or mere land ka size 7 inch hai or 3 inch mota hai agar meri story pasand aae to muge mail jarrur karna meri email id hai Ab aapko jyada bore na karte hue story par aata hu. Muge porn dekhna sex story padna bhot psand hai. Ye story meri or meri ek frnd Sonia ke bare mein hai. Sab se pehle. Mein Sonia ke bare mein bta du vo ek dam gori hai...

2 years ago
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My Hot Sisterinlaw

Let me tell you a little about me, I just turned forty, married for sixteen years, and no kids. My wife in her day was a very attractive woman but lets just say she's far from what she used to be physically. To top it off she has little to no interest in sex. I may be forty but my sex drive is as strong as when I was half my age. I confess to a couple of affairs but they were few and far between.My wife was part of a big family with six brothers and sisters. The youngest sister who I assume was...

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Hardcore Bondage

Robert unhooked my wrists, then sat comfortably on the couch and smoked a leisurely cigarette while I sat in front of him on the armchair with a towel under me and removed the rubber bands from my breasts. He had sent me into the bathroom to get the towel, and it was a good thing he had. I had never before gotten so much stimulation from touching myself, and my juices were flowing freely. When I finished, he told me to stand up and move to the center of the room. He reconnected my wrists behind...

3 years ago
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Part 2 before New Years

After a good night's sleep, I woke up to Jessica placing soft kisses down my neck while laying behind my back. As I opened my eyes she said morning my babe and started running her hand down my chest and belly and onto my cock. She massaged my cock and balls as I woke up and turned to her to lay on my back. She had a big smile on her face as she moved over me and lowered her wet puss down on to my cock. She moved her hips back and forth fucking me hard, moaning from pleasure. She soon started...

1 year ago
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Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts It all started with a kiss. There were the four of us together that day, as was often the case. There was my sister Anne, her best friend Jill, my best friend John, and me - Mike Marshal, a sixteen year old kid who was the runt of the litter. We were in Jill's parent's basement, like always, as it had a ping- pong/pool table we could play with, as well as a tv set and a couch so we could watch programs if we wanted to. Jill's folks much like mine - a pair of...

3 years ago
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Calculating NemesisChapter 7

"It was me!" She cried. "Me." Her emotion was real. "No Lily. I didn't hate you. I hated what you did, but not you, never you." I closed the space between us and took her in my arms. She shuddered with sobs racking her body. I fished in my pocket to pull out my handkerchief thankful that I had taken a clean one from the drawer that morning. I offered it to her and that brought a fresh bout of sobbing as she took it. Ten minutes or it could have been fifteen, I don't know, she seemed...

1 year ago
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A Simple Card Game

Hey I’m a junior in high school, and am from California. I pretty much blend in with everyone else, you know go with the flow type of guy. Any ways I go to a small school, barely 800 people. We have 4 classes a day, but they’re one and a half hour each. Any ways my first class is Calculus, which gets pretty boring most of the time. There aren’t any hot chicks in there except for maybe two. But the one I’m most interested in is Rachel; she sits right beside me in the next row, and falls asleep...

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Scenes From an AffairScene 7 June 1984 Chicago

The wait finally ended, Phil felt peculiarly unrushed. As they say, he'd waited over two and a half years, what's a few hours? Sitting in his old red VW beetle, probably on its last legs after the long journey from Cambridge to Chicago, he watched for the motherfucker Marisol married to leave the house. Arriving in Chicago late in the evening, he had slept at his fellow Harvard graduate's parents house. Despite the dark cloud of lost love and the unresolved discord with his parents, by...

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Meri Nakrani Bani Malkin Mere Laude Ki

Main Akaash ..iske pehle aapne ,meri cousin ke saath meri ram kahani “My Didi ,My Goddess , My Queen ” padhi ..aur kaphi pasand bhi kee , chaliye ab aapko sunata hoon apne maidservant ki kahani , jo kai salon tak mere lund ki malkin ban baintheen aur main ban baitha uski choot ka ghulam . Baat un dinon ki hai jab main government quarter mein rehta tha .. kaphi bada bungalow tha ,aur ismein servant quarter bhi tha . Kai servant aaye aur gaye ,koi bhi jyada teekta nahin tha , ya yeh kahiye hum hi...

3 years ago
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The blue-breasted mother stood over her warm fledglings with contentedness, and perhaps even pride. Her babies yipped, and the sun shone. The forecast called for a cloudless, eighty-seven degree atmosphere throughout the day. Inside, bathing, Denise watched through the bathroom window, the version of reality she witnessed, a polar opposite. The robin family huddled to preserve their warmth. The mother and father froze at a sacrifice for the cuddling newborns. The wind blew a branch from their...

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Vagina Penis dialogue

“Hello Pussy”“Hello little penis”“Hey no need...”“Don’t take it personal, I like you small or big... but I don’t see you, do you see me?”“No, I am still tied up in underwear and pants, tight, no room to stretch... can’t see, but I smell you... I like your smell”“Same here, covered up, but it’s the black sexy cover up, you know the type that rides in the ass crack. When ever she wears something like this, there is a chance for action.”“Same here, I also have a string riding up my ass... How are...

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