Afternoon Tea Ch. 05 free porn video

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Sophie planted two soft palms on his chest and shoved. Cole careened backwards, barely able to keep from crashing onto his arse, and swore.

‘Damn me, that’s not what I-‘ he stopped short, unable to keep from quailing a little beneath the naked murder in her face.

‘I see. What exactly is so repulsive about me? Is it my face? Because I’ve been compared to a goddess you know! By three different men, ‘ she hissed. ‘Four if you count Reverend Quincey!’

‘You are a goddess, wait, Reverend Quincey? -‘

‘Or perhaps my legs are not long enough, heaven knows you called me a dwarf often enough when we were children.’

All but howling with rage, Sophie madly rucked up her skirt to reveal two slender, perfectly curved legs. The creamy skin of her gently rounded thighs was circled by garters woven with scarlet ribbons. In that moment, Cole would have given half his estate to have one of those garters between his teeth.

‘So? Are they not good enough to be wrapped around your back?’

Gaping, Cole dragged his eyes back up to Sophie’s flushed face, his blood pulsing harder with every breath. He was scared to speak, in case she became even angrier or worse, dropped her skirts. But Sophie wasn’t done.

‘Maybe it’s my hair!’ she shouted, reaching up and frenziedly yanking out pins to let a waist length river of fire tumble down her back and over her shoulders. ‘You don’t like red hair, Cole? You wouldn’t like to see it wrapped around your fist as you guide my mouth to your cock?’

‘Sophie,’ he said, his eyes threatening to cross as visions of her wet tongue smoothing its way up his shaft danced before them. ‘You must stop this -‘

‘No?! It must be my breasts then!’ she yelled.

Cole shut his mouth with a snap.

Sophie yanked out the modest fichu pinned into the bodice of her dress and hurled it to his feet with a strangled sound of incoherent fury. Jerking the dress’s sleeves off her shoulders, she wrestled the bodice down to bare the most magnificent pair of breasts Cole had ever seen. Full and firm, with tip tilted pale pink nipples that budded under his stunned gaze.

‘My God,’ he muttered, not daring to blink in case they’d disappeared when he opened his eyes again. He swallowed hard, and again, as his cock screamed for him to get his mouth on that creamy expanse.

Silently praying to whatever gods were listening, Cole stepped towards her. Dainty nostrils flared with every wild breath as she watched his approach. Her narrowed eyes widened when he slid his hands around her waist, only to glide shut as, unable to resist, he flexed his fingers. She murmured something and swayed, her nipples coming within a hairsbreadth of his chest. Desire was pounding at the small of his back.

‘Sophie, I…’ he started before trailing off. What could he say?

Cole groaned as his rational mind began to fragment, its pieces tugged apart by the scent of sweetpeas rising from her hair, the suppleness of her waist beneath his hands, her soft, quick breaths. God, how he wanted nothing more than to finish what she had started, just keeping pulling her dress down and worship every bared inch of her with lips and tongue and hands. He shuddered at the thought of taking those pink rosebuds gently between his teeth and listening to her beg. Of spreading her silky thighs to press his mouth to fiery curls, slipping a ravenous tongue over and between glistening feminine folds and sending it deep into a spasming sex.

As if she could see the licentious visions too, Sophie shivered and gave a little moan. Just one kiss, he pleaded with himself, one kiss will be forgivable. A man dying of thirst could lift his face to a cool breeze. And he could stop at one kiss.

Bliss. Her lips were so sweet, luscious like just-picked raspberries, warm from the sun. Groaning with pleasure, he raised his head to nuzzle her cheek. Sophie mewed and lifted her face, her body pressing against his constraining hands. Helpless to disobey her silent command, he kissed her again, dipping and stroking her lips apart. She moaned when his tongue slipped between them to meet hers, a secret meeting of private flesh that sent the breath juddering from his lungs.

Cole could feel himself drowning in the outrageous sweetness of Sophie’s mouth. He threaded a hand into the cool silk of her hair and, with a grunt of apology, tipped her head so he could angle his and slide his seeking tongue more firmly against her own. She responded with a throaty feminine growl that had his balls tightening and his hips lunging involuntarily towards her.

In his fantasies Sophie had never merely lain back and passively accepted his lovemaking. No, in his fantasies she was passionate and uninhibited, vocal and abandoned. And sometimes, in the dark, late hours of the night, as he lay in his sweat rumpled bed, a fist working furiously on his stiff cock, sex with his childhood friend was just a touch depraved. But as wicked as dream-Sophie had been, she was nothing compared to the woman now setting him on fire.

The kiss grew wild as he fought to get closer, to give her back a fraction of the ecstasy that speared through him with every press of her open mouth, every thrust of her tongue. Finally, they broke apart, chests heaving as they gasped for air. Staring down into her eyes, Cole saw shocked desire. But shining though the sweep of her lashes there was another emotion he couldn’t name.

Its love! his fevered heart shouted. It couldn’t be love. Could it? He searched her face, drinking in her flushed cheeks and passion-bright eyes. She was the very picture of Cole’s most secret need, his Sophie, wakened to lust by his kiss.

But it couldn’t be, not really, he thought in anguish as reality slithered in, to take back control of his mind. To Sophie, he was a treasured friend, no more. Her pride had goaded her past control and black as his soul was, he was not so low as to take her up on an invitation that she hadn’t meant to make.

Hurriedly, he untangled his hand from its sweet prison of flaming curls and began tugging her dress back up. Her breasts pressed against the backs of his fingers as his increasingly desperate jerks caused the lush flesh to jiggle gently. Cole ground his teeth so hard his vision wavered.

Sophie’s half-lidded eyes popped wide, her mouth falling open as she stared down at his hands. He could see her shifting between disbelief and bewilderment. She shook her head.

‘What – what are you doing?’

‘I cannot do this,’ he told her, the pulsing weight of his engorged cock making him blunt. He yanked wildly on the bodice.

‘But… you kissed me,’ she said quietly.

‘I know! I was wrong to do so and I – why won’t they go back in?’ he burst out, only to stumble back when she exploded, slapping at his hands until he released her.

Stuffing herself back into her dress, she choked out, ‘So you did mean what you said – that you could never want me.’

With a trembling hand cupped her nape, Cole pressed his hot forehead tight against hers, willing, praying that she would see the truth in his eyes.

‘No, Sophie, no, I meant that I would never want you coerced in the way that Bella wanted. For you to be forced, in fear and shame, to let a man gorge himself on your body.’

‘But she wouldn’t have been forcing me.’ The aching treble of despair in her voice stopped Cole’s heart. His mind reeled.

‘No. No, you don’t mean that.’ He drew back and gripped her shoulders. She said nothing, her face wearing the blasted expression of a solder fresh from the battlefield.

‘Sophie, I don’t understand. Tell me what you mean.’

Cole barely resisted the urge to shake it out of her when Sophie just stared at him. All the strength seemed to have drained out of her as she rested limp in his hold.


After a frozen eternity, her eyebrows drew down in the same expression of rec
kless determination that had covered her ten year old face before she took the old stone wall on her new gelding. Cole’s breath was ice in his chest.

‘I want you. No, I love you. I’ve loved you since before I knew there was any other way to be. Even if you do listen to old maids gossip. So if you don’t take that cock you’re pressing against me and fuck me with it right now, I will never forgive you.’

Sophie’s voice was steady, only her hands betrayed her, fluttering where they lay on his chest. Now it was Cole’s turn to go numb.

‘You love me, ‘ he echoed.



Her hands clutched at him. ‘You.’

‘And you want my cock.’

‘Oh yes,’ she vowed.

Now he kissed her again, vulnerable, hungry, revelling in the sweet lushness of her mouth, groaning when her tongue eased past his lips to lap hotly at his own. When he lifted his head, Sophie tugged at the damp curls of hair at his nape in protest but he ignored the delicious pleasure-pain, waiting until she opened dazed eyes.

‘Just to be clear -‘

‘I love you! Now will you please be quiet and kiss me?’ she pouted up at him with kiss-wet lips.

He groaned. ‘God, yes. No, wait. Sophie, we will be wed.’

Maybe I could have phrased that better, he thought, as she stiffened in his arms.

‘That is, I mean to say, hell, Soph, please marry me. No, don’t speak, not yet,’ he rushed on, as she opened her mouth. Hardly knowing what he was doing, Cole sank to his knees.

‘You have always been the light of my life, always. Well, now along with Bea, of course.’

She smiled and he took heart.

‘To be able to give you my name, to have the honour and privilege of protecting and providing for you and, if it pleases God, any children we may have — that would be a gift beyond anything I could possibly hope to deserve in a thousand lifetimes. Because I don’t deserve you. But I want to spend every day and every night with you, not deserving you.’

He turned her hands over to place a reverent kiss on each palm.

‘Life without you would be a hell far worse than anything Bella ever put me through. So please be my wife and Bea’s mother. Marry me.’

Tears glittered in Sophie’s eyes. ‘Oh, Cole. To be your wife – I would like that of all things. So, yes. A thousand times, yes.’

Joy, effervescent and pure, exploded in Cole’s head. Surging to his feet, he grabbed Sophie around the waist to whirl her in wild circles. Their combined laughter rang in the room’s dusty corners and Cole felt dizzy in a way he knew had nothing to do with the spinning. When, still laughing, she threatened to be sick on his head, Cole clasped her to him in a fierce hug. He sighed in happiness as her arms stole around his waist, to hold on just as tight.

Then she asked the same question she always asked in his nightmares.

‘But Cole? When Bella told you of what she planned, why didn’t you just tell her that you wouldn’t do it?’

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Afternoons With My Niece Part 2 Beyond The Bond

My niece was spending the afternoon at my place. She was studying for her exams. She turned to me, tears on her cheeks, sniffling as she breathed. “Come now, you know you know all your chemistry, you are just having a bad morning.” “I know I am, what if I have a bad morning on the day of the exam?” Fresh tears formed in her eyes, and she sat up a little, turning towards me and put her arms around my waist. I held her to me, whispering comforting words to her and her sobs lessened. I kissed the...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Swim

It was only the sixth of June but the afternoon sun was hot as I drove through the Virginia countryside. Having just finished my freshman year at college, this was to be my first solo adventure. I had purchased an older car with the money I’d saved working through the school year. As a freshman, I hadn’t been allowed a car at school but it was 1975 and I was a sophomore now and the world was my oyster! I had left the Midwest behind and, after visiting my older sister in Pennsylvania for a few...

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Afternoon Sex Party With My Hot Servant Maid

Hi I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my intense sex experience with my hot servant maid Jency. She is my driver’s wife and she works in my house for the last 2 years. She is 26 years old and is very hot, whitish complexion, broad arms, perfect structure(neither fat nor too slim) and quite big boobs that is projected through her blouse. She always comes to work in saree. I love women in saree as saree exposes their body parts like waist and boobs from a side on view in a...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight Part 1

Afternoon Delight Part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to: [email protected]. If smoking bothers you--do not read, you are warned! Chapter 1 Timothy Allen Edwards looked at the feminine reflection and had to admit that even though his former appearance was masculine, he did look better. However, there would be no way it would not be notice at work and he could not tell the real truth as to...

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“You’re a teaser” he said to his next-door neighbor who was on her hands and knees weeding the garden.She looked up at him and said, "I'm what?"“A teaser,” as he looked down her scooped neck t-shirt that wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding her well-developed breasts.Becky laughed and said, “So you’re not out here to view my flowers. Perhaps something else interested you.”“Of course. There is nothing more inspiring for a man than to see a beautiful woman’s body.”“Oh, so you’re a voyeur,”...

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Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser

Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser        My name is Nessa and I like to make boys cry.  I’ve got the perfect, exotic face and fine-boned body of a supermodel (in fact, I started modeling when I was 16).  My luxuriant teased brown hair hangs down almost to my waist and my toned skin is a tawny, olive color I got from my Sicilian grandmother. The only part of my body that isn’t super-slender are my gravity-defying size D tits (thanks to a boob job when I was 16).  Boys just can’t resist me. ...

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Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead

I would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...

3 years ago
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Hermione the Shiteater

Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...

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said confused the room went quiet there I saw my teacher bent over the desk with her panties to the side and a vibrato inside of her pussy. Her face flushed with red as I walked closer to her "Miss Emma what are u doing" I said grinning. "Ashley uh " she said stuttering, I leaned over the desk swirling my tongue with hers she pushed me away "Ashley we shouldn’t I’m your teach-" she said backing way. I walked closer to her trapping her in a nearby cornier " yeah a teacher that masturbates...

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The Private Moments Of TeamDarkPower

Mawile and Sableye loved to have sex but loved when it was kinky and unusual sex. Tonight Mawile was tying up Sableye in soft velvet rope. As he tied her up he would stroke her body and pinch at her nipples. She squealed at the little shocks of pleasure he caused, smiling Mawile finished the bondage. "Oooo~ Mawile you tease me so much" Sableye said. "Haha I know and you love it!" he said pinching both of her nipples hard. She cried out as he started play with her breasts that...

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The Girl Scout 4 TagTeamed

Please stop this . No NO NO. NO more Please. Why are you doing this. Stop and I will do what you want. You don’t have to force me. Let me show what I can do. PLEASE PLEASE AHHHHH Please please ple.. Every part of Lisa’s young teen body ached as she was jerked and twisted, tied to the wooden saw horse. Her arms felt like they were being pulled out of their sockets and her tattered Girl Scout clothes hung like rags on her body . Lisa’s young body was bruised and scraped. There were...

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My night with Christean

My freshmen year had started well, I was strong, athletic and personable. My older brother, who was just like me except smarter, stronger and just all round "Older Brother" had set the way for me, so I had no problem with upper classmen. I had started varsity on the football team as a punter and kick returner, we had a good year so it was easy to get a girl friend. Christean, an asian/American sophomNpore and I soon became inseparable, and soon a couple. She was not overly attractive:...

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Its not about loveteasting

Walking in to the house, the smell of blood heavy in my closes, I hear the water of the shower running, I see the steam pouring out from under the door. As I walk over to the door I see that she remembered to set a beer on the shelf. She knows I like a beer when I get home from work. I grab my beer and walk in to the bath room; striping off my blood soaked closes. The long day of working on the cutting floor, has soaked me all the way to the bone. I step in to the shower the hot water...

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Mother Daughter Whoreteam

Now I loved fucking Fiona and Alice but I also loved to see them being fucked as well so after a month of mother and daughter heaven, I decided it was about time that everybody else should be able to enjoy the mother and daughter slut combo. My obvious thoughts were to take both these sluts up the lane and let the farmer enjoy them together, or I could drop by Alice's work and let Paul in on the mother and daughter action. The only problem was I was worried that because we live in a small...

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A rich young housewife buys the ultimate sex toy The Teasinator

Marsha was happily married. Earl was a good husband and an excellent father. Financially, they were more than comfortable in their lives together. They weren’t the one percent, but they were in the top ten. And yet, Marsha was not content. There was something missing. And it was missing in their sex life. Earl was… too fast. He wasn’t a two-minute wonder. Nor was he a “Wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of lover. He would often spend at least half an hour in...

4 years ago
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Verne and The Black Brazilian at the Steambath

Note to readers. This is a continuing story told to me by a friend who is strictly “trade.” He will permit me to tell of his gay affairs only if I don’t change his name, Verne and do change the name (s) of his partner (s) in that affair. If you have the uncontrollable desire to embellish this story, do so but do not make Verne into any person other than a guy who is so much a top with gay guys that he has never allowed a penis in his mouth or anal opening. You should note I am like a gay Dr....

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The one time I was taken for the team

I previously posted an account of my ‘taking a woman for the team,’ and how blissful an experience it was. Fair is fair, and now I’d like to share a story in which a woman ‘took me for the team.’ It was the early 2000’s. A buddy of mine was first dating a girl and I went out with them and this girl’s friend. The girl’s friend was turned off (or intimidated) by my intellect. I forget what she said to her friend or how it was re-packaged for my ears, but after this first outing she did not hook...

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Mother Daughter Whoreteam

Introduction: Ive been bought up to share, so thats what i intend to do with my two whores For a whole month I wore my cock out in Fiona and Alices filthy holes, whilst Alice was at work and getting treated like a slut by Paul I was at home treating Fiona like a slut. When Fiona went work Id fuck Alices pussy, arse and mouth until they all leaked spunk. The times I looked forward to most though were when Alice returned from work and weekends. I loved making either one sit on the end of the bed...

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My Night With McSteamy

It was my first night in Hollywood, and I was going home with someone, I just didn’t know who, yet. I was only in Hollywood for two nights, and I wasn’t going to risk not getting fucked. I pulled up to the curb in my rented Honda Accord, and stepped out. The valet walked up to my car, took the keys and handed me a ticket. I could feels his eyes looking me up and down. I walked up to the bouncers, and stuck out my tits. They both looked down at them and one stuttered out ‘Name?’

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At the Tearoom

Images of Desire, At the Tea-Room Part 1 Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly. It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom. Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement....

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