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Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair.


There were once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child.

At length the woman hoped that God was about to grant her desire. These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress, who had great power and was dreaded by all of the known world.



Each night the man and woman spent the hours before sleep overtook them, trying again and again to bear the child they so wished for.? As the sultry summer nights slipped past softly, like warm rain, the couple filled the humid, soft, twilight hours with a wild deperate sexual desire, born of the animal within their souls urging them to create life.? Their minds filled with hope, their bodies entwined in lust.

The scent of magnolia and jasmine flooded through the open shutters lifting their senses, the very escence of sensuality its smell urging on their passion to wilder heights, as we look upon the room where this story begins we see a darkened room just a few candles with wax sliding down their silken sides illuminated the small room, that was dominated by the large bed at its centre.? As the candles watched the couple they flickered with a slight breeze which swirled in through the window.? And cast against the dull white stone wall beside the bed, was? a tangle of limbs a bucking beastly image carnal and old as time itself.

Beads of perspiration dripping off of their firm tender flesh, his hard muscular frame hovered over hers, his face a concentration of pleasure and frustration, she looked up with violet hued eyes her lashes dark as night, her pupils dilated with desire, she blinked slightly as she looked up at him and a small strained smile passed her bowlike soft inviting lips.? She gasped slightly as he drove his length deep into her, arching her smooth supine back, as he rent her opening apart, she felt as if her whole being engulfed ?him in that moment her sweet tight little pussy filled to its utmost. ?He looked into her tender young face, only just starting to show a few lines of age, if he looked closely. Wondering if she would ever blossom with child for him, if this enchanting beauty was a shell whose breasts would never swell and burgeon, aching with nourishing milk, perhaps no seed would ever implant itself and grow inside of her deep dark womb. He drove harder into her at the thought, determined to plant his seed as deep within her as he could, he lifted her legs and drove all 10 inches hard into her, he looked at her with a little pity as her slender small body was thrust with his hardness again and again, he forced himself in her over and over and over, his manhood slamming into her sometimes he could feel the cervix as he fucked her hole relentlessly, and as she started to become distressed, he held a hand over her mouth, so that the maid would not be woken by his wives desperate pleading and screams, as the onslaught onto her tight little vagina showed no signs of stopping.? He propelled himself into her slamming, slapping and ramming her ? poor sweet beautiful woman.? He consoled himself that it was what she needed, that if she was going to blossom with his fruit, then she must endure the most vital inavasion of her tight warmth, to give them the best chance of conceiving. His large workmans hand calloused and hard wrapped itself over her mouth as he forced his rock hard phallous? deep into her drenched contracting sheath shuddering, his muscles clenching as he drove in a final time deep into her, her screams muffled as he shot his hot whiteness up deep inside.


And so every day they went about their normal business, working eating, talking with their neighbours and friends, gossiping and living.? And come twilight they would relive this ritualistic sexuality, night after night went by until summer turned to autumn and as the leaves fell away from the trees, so did their hope start to dissipate and their night time activities became more fevered and frenzied with the desperation of their endeavours.? And so winter came and with the soft white fall of the first snow, so their hearts became cold a soft frost entwined about their hearts deep inside them, they began to dread the nights coming now, so cold and lost to them was the pleasure in the passion.? Every night they carried the candlesup the steps to their bedroom, and his enchanting wives slight body would procede him up the stairs.? As he watched her graceful figure move ever more slowly as she sighed? softly between her lips, wishing for the time to sleep to come hither now, and the assault on her tired sore body to end now, but she would not give up this sweet maiden, because having a child meant so very much to them both, and so she bore it all and struggled on, day after day.


One morning the lady opened her eyes to see shadows flickering on the ceiling, and a scent availed her, as she rubbed her eyes softly in anticipation of a new day, the smell enticed her it beckoned to her it spoke a promise that she could not understand.? All she knew was that it made her feel enriched, her bussoms started to firm and her nipples harden a little, as she stretched her feline frame, and started to head towards the wondow.


She flung upon the shutters with abandon and saw that spring was upon the valley, song birds dipped and glided, building and nesting? continuing the eternal circle of life.? The trees promising a sprinkling flush of blossom, its buds nurtured by the fresh spring showers and sunlight.? Where could this beguiling scent be coming from she pondered, standing by this window and looking down into the enchantresses garden, she saw a bed which was planted with the most beautiful rampion - rapunzel, and it looked so fresh and green that she longed for it, and had an all consuming desire to eat some.

She slipped on some shoes, and pattered down to the garden.? The scent led her to the wall that surrounded the garden, and she could smell it entrancing her senses more and more as she got closer.? I must have the plant that makes my head ache with longing, my heart beat faster, a hunger grew deep in her belly, and she pined to taste it.


As the days passed the woman grew pale and wan, she was listless in her movements, and she couldn?t bear to eat a thing.? ?My love, what ails thee? I cannot bear to see you so my beautiful wife, please tell me what I can do to make thee well again?.? Her husband said to her

There is a plant rampion that is growing on the other side of the wall my love, every morning it calls to me, I must eat it my love or I shall fade away and die, without it I cannot live.


The man knew that he must break the unspoken rule and climb over and pick this plant for his wife, for he could not bear to lose her he loved her so. Let it cost me what it will but I must save my wife, he said to himself as he clambered over the stone wall into the enchanted garden, he hastily clutched a handful of the rampion, and climbed back over as fast as he could.


He took it to her, and watched as she made a salad with it and ate it greedily her hands moving quickly from her plate to the full lips, gorging herself on the plant that tasted so sweet and compelling.?


That night as she lay with her husband, she kissed his lips sweetly and looking into his eyes she smiled and climbed onto him.?? She felt his huge hard cock against her and guided it to her moistened pussy and slowly she sat down upon him, beginning to rock and moan above him, using his manhood to please her newly awakened longing for him, her desire for the rampion almost matched by her desire to fuck this man of hers, to gorge herself of his juices.? She was so wet it slid down her legs as she rode him hard then slow then hard again.? The man unused to this could barely hold back and with his wives hard nippled locked between his fingers he came deep inside her, filling her as full as she had ever been, her clit enlarged and aching she rubbed with her fingers as he came and felt her little pussy spasm over his length, both drenched with sweat and moaning and squirming as they sated their passions in? a huge climax.


The next morning when she awoke, the hunger withing her was threefold she ached deep inside her belly and felt sick with need.? When her husband came home from work she looked even more ill than ever.? Whatever is wrong now my love? He asked.? I cannot bear it, she sobbed, I must have more of the plant more than before, it is torturing me my love I have to have it.


Once again the man went at twilight to the wall in the garden, and climbed over awkwardly, in his heart he knew the danger and was so frightened that he felt sick and his heart pounded hard within his chest.? Once again over the imposing wall he crouched and creeped towards the rampion.? All of a sudden he saw her, The Enchantress, his heart almost stopped in fear as he gazed mesmerised by her ever dark eyes.


?HOW DARE YOU PATHETIC MORTAL, HOW DARE YOU STEAL FROM MY GARDEN!!!?? She shouted at him in a voice that could shake the leaves off a tree or cause an avalanche in the mountains.? ?You shall suffer for your impudence little man, you shall suffer the consequences of your actions.? She whisperd now, a whisper that could cut through the air, a whisper that made your skin crawl with fear.


?Enchantress please, he begged, I do not take this for myself, I take it for my wife who has become sick, and who needs this plant to cure her ails.?


?Is this so?? she said looking down upon the man knelt before her, ?well if you love her so very much, then you shall do whatever it takes to get this plant every day wont you little man??


?Yes madam enchantress he said, anything you please, I will be your slave do anything you say, but please keep my wife alive.?


?I have three tasks little man that you must complete before I grant you your wish?. And they are not debatable.? Complete these tasks or you and your wife will perish at my hands.?


?Anything enchantress, anything at all? he said.


?the first is that you must come here at dusk every night to collect the rampion, and you will spend one hour in my service and you will do whatever I say, whatever twisted pleasure I have you will serve my slightest whim.? You will do this for three days, by the end of this time your wife will be well, and no longer need the plant.?

?The second thing is that when you go back to your wife after leaving here you must never tell her of the things we have done, and you will take her to the bedroom and you will fuck your pretty little wife in exactly the way I have told you to that night.?


?the third involves my foresight into the future, your wife will bear three children, all girls, the firstborn child you will hand over to me as soon as she is born.? I swear I will take good care of her and train her to take over my position, she will be given every advantage in life, but you will never see her again.?


The man knelt at the enchantresses feet sobbing into his hands, he knew there was nothing he could do, he had to obey this evil witches whims or his love his wife would surely die, he knew now that this must have been a trap she had set to gain a child and to enslave them, making them have no choice but to obey her.


?Yes enchantress I understand, I will do all as you say, and for the next week I am yours every evening. ?I will degrade my wife in any way you see fit, and our firstborn ?..yes I shall hand her to you, I do not take this lightly nor is it something I wish to do, not any of it, but I am aware of your power and I know if I do not comply I shall be undone.?


? I see you are an obedient little man, and that will surely stand you in good stead for my little games.? Remember do NOT disobey me or I will put a spell on the rampion and your wife will perish as she eats it with her greedy little slutty mouth.?? She laughed loudly then.? ? Did you notice a change in your wife little man? Are her eyes twinkling, and her breasts fuller, her ass seems fuller and perter, and her pussy is tight and juicy as a peach isn?t it??


?ye-yes enchantress? he stuttered


?your wife is blossoming from the spellbound rampion you have fed her, soon she will be so ripe and full that she will make lust race in your eyes and heart when you see her, you wont be able to look upon her without needing to fill up her hungry little cunt, and after a while as she blossoms you will succeed in impregnating her, like the little cow that she is, born to be pregnant and feed her young with those huge round udders of hers.?


Unaccustomed to this kind of talk the man was confused and embarrassed, yet he felt his cock grow hard as rock as she spoke to him this way, his trousers giving this fact away to the evil enchantress stood before him.? He saw the laughter in her eyes as she watched him blush, and squirm a little, shame filling him but lust not far behind.


He gazed upon the powerful woman in front of him, and felt desire lift him.? She was? incredibly beautiful, with long flowing red hair the colour of poppies, her skin white as fresh snow looked so incredibly soft and unmarred by any blemish.? Under her silken robe dress, he could see the volumptous body hinted at beneath, her breasts large and full, her nipples hard and jutting outwards against the dress, her legs silhouetted were long and curvaceous, and he could smell her womanhood even from where he knelt, a sweet subtle glutinous smell, that made him so hard that his cock throbbed with an unbearable need.


She watched him struggle with his lust and his fear quietly for a while, then broke the silence?

?And now I think we should begin your first lesson don?t you little man?? she said chuckling to herself.


She raised her hand and suddenly he felt his clothes fall away from his skin like they were just a part of the breeze that lightly whipped around them, and he felt a tightening around his neck as something twined itself around him and a tentacle of this strange rope like silken material danced around him and finally floated into her upheld hand, and he realised she had effectively put a collar and lead on him like the farmers do an animal that needs to be led.


She led him on his knees to a stone alter of some kind that was shrouded by sweet smelling trees, and all around it were stood dark statues of grotesque sexual gratification, frozen and held in time by stone.? Yet they looked like real people that had been fucking or being used or held captive and punished, but all were sexual and in each statue one figure was clearly master and one clearly a slave at their mercy.? The stone plinth had vines entwined and growing around its sides, and he could swear he saw them moving slightly.


He climbed up onto the plinth his naked flesh abrased by the rough rock beneath him,? and as he lay back as instructed, he heard a whispering sound and as he looked to one side, saw the vines moving.? They bagan to encircle his wrists and ankles, imprisoning him, starting to pull him tightly into a reluctant star position.? Once his body was pulled as tightly as the vines could he lay there breathing heavily, his muscular chest rising and falling rapidly.? His body exposed in this bizarre setting for any who came there to see, but the only watchers were The Enchantress, and the ghastly statues that seemed to moan and breathe around him.? Then he felt a tingling sensation like a tickle passing up and down his body, and as he struggled to look down at himself he saw three vines trailing and caressing his body.?


Then he felt a poking at his anus, No, NO he moaned to himself, Please No.? As the vine started to insistently push at his tight hole, it seemed thicker and tighter than the others, and it kept poking at his virginal entrance.? No one had ever touched him there, he was a proud man and believed that his body was sacred.? More insistently now the vine poked at him, its pointed end slipping a little inside, and coming out again, over and over again, and after a few minutes he felt it insistently pushing a little further in each time, as he lay there moaning with embarrassment and discomfort.?

He looked across to see The Enchantress watching him smiling, she was playing with her breast through the thin silk of her azure dress, softly moaning to herself as her body grew more aroused, watching his pitiful body be invaded by the persistant vines, deeper and deeper into his hole it began to fuck him, and just as he started to get used to the torment and relax against it slightly, the other vines began to lightly whip his body.? He cried out in pain as the vines bit into his flesh again and again, and the vine in his ass started to fuck his hole harder and harder, the intensity building up and up, as he felt himself filled to the brim, and the pain seared up inside him as though it was tearing him apart inside, the heat and friction almost unbearable now, and he couldn?t help but shout and scream for it to stop, a few soft pathetic tears staining his face.


Then the Enchantress moved closer to him, standing over him, the vines never once touching her cool icy flesh as it shimmered in the soft moonlight,? she had removed her gown now, and he could see her magnificent high rounded breasts, and the tight little waist which flares down to full hips and curvaceous thighs.? He shuddered a little inspite of himself and groaned as he realised his cock was achingly hard for her, thickened with his coursing blood.? She reached her hand down and with her long nails traced over his length up and down, the touch making the pain of the whipping and his violated ass feel somehow more bearable.? He groaned louder as she stroked his wet end with her finger tip and he felt the vine inside him fuck him ever harder, pounding in and out of him now, the? whipping vines flinging themselves back and then slepping hard against his burning hot abused flesh.? Slowly she circled his cock in her hand and started to pull on his painfully hard throbbing erection, and as she pulled and stroked, his ass relaxed into the motion, and he could feel his body given into the torturous agonising pleasure of it all.? The heat, pain, and excitement, building within him, as he crashed to a climax.? His come shooting out of him all across his chest and face, gushing out of him,? his body spasmed wildly, his ass clenching onto the fuckvine that was still relentlessly probing him, he screamed in rage and pleasure as he came, and felt a release in the pain and pleasure all of a sudden.? And shaking and shivering he felt his muscles begin to relax into it, just as the vines stopped ther wild thrashing over his bruised and sore body.? The fuck vine gradually slowing, and then pulling out.


When he finally opened his eyes, he saw The Enchantress leaning over him laughing softly to herself, her fingertips pushing his hair back from his face.? She bent closer and whispered into his ear?? ?That was lesson one, the teaching of how pain can cause pleasure within your mortal body.? You will go home, and feed your wife the plant she so desperately needed, and then you will take her upstairs and bind her exactly as you were bound, and u will fuck her tight little ass, while u whip her breasts arms and legs she will cry and beg for you to stop, but if you do then tomorrow she will not be able to have the rampion, it will have withered and died, and soon after so would she.?


?Go now and do as you have been instructed, and come back to me tomorrow at? dusk, for your second lesson.?


He trembled violently as he felt his bindings fall away from him, and watched the enchantress drifting off back to the castle.? He looked down at his body and saw red welts across his chest thighs and arms, and inside his hole he felt sore, aching and open.? Violated and aching he slunk back to the cottage, knowing the nightmare was not over yet, he had to violate his wife in the most demeaning way, and he was unsure as to how he could bring himself to do it to her.


As he entered the house she rushed at him, grabbing the rampion from his hands, barely taken in the state of him, she devoured the plant there and then, not prolonging the agony any longer she crammed the precious (more precious than she knew now) herb into her succulent mouth.


Come upstairs my love, he said tremulously leading her up the steep bare stairs to their bedroom?


Take your clothes off and lay on the bed wife, he whispered in her ear.? While she stripped off displaying her body, lush with the hormones in the rampion, her breasts tight within their skin seemed perter and doughier than normal, her nipples sticking out erect and achingly sexual, her skin shimmered a pale alabaster glowed with an untold luminescence.


?As he watched her he felt his cock harden to an aching tightness, throbbing within the binding of his trousers.? He imagined his leather strap slapping against her skin and his cock deep in her ass, something he would never have dreamt of before, and his cock throbbed and ached, he realised suddenly he was going to enjoy this, and wondered at his feelings.


She lay naked and lushious on the bed, her arms raised behind her head, her long hair spread across the pillow.?? He advanced towards her and pulled the vine he had in his deep pockets, and looked into her violet eyes.? ?Do you trust me dear wife? he asked, to which she of course replied innocently, of course my love, always and forever.


He started to tie her wrists and and although she looked frightened didn?t try to stop him, he wound the vine around her wrists and ankles just as it had been on his body, and tied her to the corners of the bed, he could barely breathe for excitement, sucking in the air as he watched her slight sexy body strain against her bonds.


What- what?s going to happen my love? She asked in a timid little voice?

It was then that he started to tell her what had happened in the garden when he went to fetch the rampion, she gasped and shuddered as he explained the ordeal he had gone through, and when he came to what was going to happen to her she turned so white he feared she would pass out.


She looked into his eyes then and asked that he blindfold and gag her so that he would not see her eyes nor hear her cries? it?s for the best my love she said, and so he did as requested.? She wriggled and tensed as he wound a scarf over her eyes then stuffed one into her mouth.


He stood over her for a second, then stripped off his clothes, watching her on the bed as he did so, squirming with fear and anticipation.? His skin felt alive with nerve endings after the lashing he had received, and his hole still felt open and sore, but with all this came a new awareness of his body, and he felt incredibly turned on, and even looking forward to stretching his wives tiny ass up and whipping the tender skin of her delicious body?????.


To be Continued?..















Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair.


There were once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child.

At length the woman hoped that God was about to grant her desire. These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress, who had great power and was dreaded by all of the known world.



Each night the man and woman spent the hours before sleep overtook them, trying again and again to bear the child they so wished for.? As the sultry summer nights slipped past softly, like warm rain, the couple filled the humid, soft, twilight hours with a wild deperate sexual desire, born of the animal within their souls urging them to create life.? Their minds filled with hope, their bodies entwined in lust.

The scent of magnolia and jasmine flooded through the open shutters lifting their senses, the very escence of sensuality its smell urging on their passion to wilder heights, as we look upon the room where this story begins we see a darkened room just a few candles with wax sliding down their silken sides illuminated the small room, that was dominated by the large bed at its centre.? As the candles watched the couple they flickered with a slight breeze which swirled in through the window.? And cast against the dull white stone wall beside the bed, was? a tangle of limbs a bucking beastly image carnal and old as time itself.

Beads of perspiration dripping off of their firm tender flesh, his hard muscular frame hovered over hers, his face a concentration of pleasure and frustration, she looked up with violet hued eyes her lashes dark as night, her pupils dilated with desire, she blinked slightly as she looked up at him and a small strained smile passed her bowlike soft inviting lips.? She gasped slightly as he drove his length deep into her, arching her smooth supine back, as he rent her opening apart, she felt as if her whole being engulfed ?him in that moment her sweet tight little pussy filled to its utmost. ?He looked into her tender young face, only just starting to show a few lines of age, if he looked closely. Wondering if she would ever blossom with child for him, if this enchanting beauty was a shell whose breasts would never swell and burgeon, aching with nourishing milk, perhaps no seed would ever implant itself and grow inside of her deep dark womb. He drove harder into her at the thought, determined to plant his seed as deep within her as he could, he lifted her legs and drove all 10 inches hard into her, he looked at her with a little pity as her slender small body was thrust with his hardness again and again, he forced himself in her over and over and over, his manhood slamming into her sometimes he could feel the cervix as he fucked her hole relentlessly, and as she started to become distressed, he held a hand over her mouth, so that the maid would not be woken by his wives desperate pleading and screams, as the onslaught onto her tight little vagina showed no signs of stopping.? He propelled himself into her slamming, slapping and ramming her ? poor sweet beautiful woman.? He consoled himself that it was what she needed, that if she was going to blossom with his fruit, then she must endure the most vital inavasion of her tight warmth, to give them the best chance of conceiving. His large workmans hand calloused and hard wrapped itself over her mouth as he forced his rock hard phallous? deep into her drenched contracting sheath shuddering, his muscles clenching as he drove in a final time deep into her, her screams muffled as he shot his hot whiteness up deep inside.


And so every day they went about their normal business, working eating, talking with their neighbours and friends, gossiping and living.? And come twilight they would relive this ritualistic sexuality, night after night went by until summer turned to autumn and as the leaves fell away from the trees, so did their hope start to dissipate and their night time activities became more fevered and frenzied with the desperation of their endeavours.? And so winter came and with the soft white fall of the first snow, so their hearts became cold a soft frost entwined about their hearts deep inside them, they began to dread the nights coming now, so cold and lost to them was the pleasure in the passion.? Every night they carried the candlesup the steps to their bedroom, and his enchanting wives slight body would procede him up the stairs.? As he watched her graceful figure move ever more slowly as she sighed? softly between her lips, wishing for the time to sleep to come hither now, and the assault on her tired sore body to end now, but she would not give up this sweet maiden, because having a child meant so very much to them both, and so she bore it all and struggled on, day after day.


One morning the lady opened her eyes to see shadows flickering on the ceiling, and a scent availed her, as she rubbed her eyes softly in anticipation of a new day, the smell enticed her it beckoned to her it spoke a promise that she could not understand.? All she knew was that it made her feel enriched, her bussoms started to firm and her nipples harden a little, as she stretched her feline frame, and started to head towards the wondow.


She flung upon the shutters with abandon and saw that spring was upon the valley, song birds dipped and glided, building and nesting? continuing the eternal circle of life.? The trees promising a sprinkling flush of blossom, its buds nurtured by the fresh spring showers and sunlight.? Where could this beguiling scent be coming from she pondered, standing by this window and looking down into the enchantresses garden, she saw a bed which was planted with the most beautiful rampion - rapunzel, and it looked so fresh and green that she longed for it, and had an all consuming desire to eat some.

She slipped on some shoes, and pattered down to the garden.? The scent led her to the wall that surrounded the garden, and she could smell it entrancing her senses more and more as she got closer.? I must have the plant that makes my head ache with longing, my heart beat faster, a hunger grew deep in her belly, and she pined to taste it.


As the days passed the woman grew pale and wan, she was listless in her movements, and she couldn?t bear to eat a thing.? ?My love, what ails thee? I cannot bear to see you so my beautiful wife, please tell me what I can do to make thee well again?.? Her husband said to her

There is a plant rampion that is growing on the other side of the wall my love, every morning it calls to me, I must eat it my love or I shall fade away and die, without it I cannot live.


The man knew that he must break the unspoken rule and climb over and pick this plant for his wife, for he could not bear to lose her he loved her so. Let it cost me what it will but I must save my wife, he said to himself as he clambered over the stone wall into the enchanted garden, he hastily clutched a handful of the rampion, and climbed back over as fast as he could.


He took it to her, and watched as she made a salad with it and ate it greedily her hands moving quickly from her plate to the full lips, gorging herself on the plant that tasted so sweet and compelling.?


That night as she lay with her husband, she kissed his lips sweetly and looking into his eyes she smiled and climbed onto him.?? She felt his huge hard cock against her and guided it to her moistened pussy and slowly she sat down upon him, beginning to rock and moan above him, using his manhood to please her newly awakened longing for him, her desire for the rampion almost matched by her desire to fuck this man of hers, to gorge herself of his juices.? She was so wet it slid down her legs as she rode him hard then slow then hard again.? The man unused to this could barely hold back and with his wives hard nippled locked between his fingers he came deep inside her, filling her as full as she had ever been, her clit enlarged and aching she rubbed with her fingers as he came and felt her little pussy spasm over his length, both drenched with sweat and moaning and squirming as they sated their passions in? a huge climax.


The next morning when she awoke, the hunger withing her was threefold she ached deep inside her belly and felt sick with need.? When her husband came home from work she looked even more ill than ever.? Whatever is wrong now my love? He asked.? I cannot bear it, she sobbed, I must have more of the plant more than before, it is torturing me my love I have to have it.


Once again the man went at twilight to the wall in the garden, and climbed over awkwardly, in his heart he knew the danger and was so frightened that he felt sick and his heart pounded hard within his chest.? Once again over the imposing wall he crouched and creeped towards the rampion.? All of a sudden he saw her, The Enchantress, his heart almost stopped in fear as he gazed mesmerised by her ever dark eyes.


?HOW DARE YOU PATHETIC MORTAL, HOW DARE YOU STEAL FROM MY GARDEN!!!?? She shouted at him in a voice that could shake the leaves off a tree or cause an avalanche in the mountains.? ?You shall suffer for your impudence little man, you shall suffer the consequences of your actions.? She whisperd now, a whisper that could cut through the air, a whisper that made your skin crawl with fear.


?Enchantress please, he begged, I do not take this for myself, I take it for my wife who has become sick, and who needs this plant to cure her ails.?


?Is this so?? she said looking down upon the man knelt before her, ?well if you love her so very much, then you shall do whatever it takes to get this plant every day wont you little man??


?Yes madam enchantress he said, anything you please, I will be your slave do anything you say, but please keep my wife alive.?


?I have three tasks little man that you must complete before I grant you your wish?. And they are not debatable.? Complete these tasks or you and your wife will perish at my hands.?


?Anything enchantress, anything at all? he said.


?the first is that you must come here at dusk every night to collect the rampion, and you will spend one hour in my service and you will do whatever I say, whatever twisted pleasure I have you will serve my slightest whim.? You will do this for three days, by the end of this time your wife will be well, and no longer need the plant.?

?The second thing is that when you go back to your wife after leaving here you must never tell her of the things we have done, and you will take her to the bedroom and you will fuck your pretty little wife in exactly the way I have told you to that night.?


?the third involves my foresight into the future, your wife will bear three children, all girls, the firstborn child you will hand over to me as soon as she is born.? I swear I will take good care of her and train her to take over my position, she will be given every advantage in life, but you will never see her again.?


The man knelt at the enchantresses feet sobbing into his hands, he knew there was nothing he could do, he had to obey this evil witches whims or his love his wife would surely die, he knew now that this must have been a trap she had set to gain a child and to enslave them, making them have no choice but to obey her.


?Yes enchantress I understand, I will do all as you say, and for the next week I am yours every evening. ?I will degrade my wife in any way you see fit, and our firstborn ?..yes I shall hand her to you, I do not take this lightly nor is it something I wish to do, not any of it, but I am aware of your power and I know if I do not comply I shall be undone.?


? I see you are an obedient little man, and that will surely stand you in good stead for my little games.? Remember do NOT disobey me or I will put a spell on the rampion and your wife will perish as she eats it with her greedy little slutty mouth.?? She laughed loudly then.? ? Did you notice a change in your wife little man? Are her eyes twinkling, and her breasts fuller, her ass seems fuller and perter, and her pussy is tight and juicy as a peach isn?t it??


?ye-yes enchantress? he stuttered


?your wife is blossoming from the spellbound rampion you have fed her, soon she will be so ripe and full that she will make lust race in your eyes and heart when you see her, you wont be able to look upon her without needing to fill up her hungry little cunt, and after a while as she blossoms you will succeed in impregnating her, like the little cow that she is, born to be pregnant and feed her young with those huge round udders of hers.?


Unaccustomed to this kind of talk the man was confused and embarrassed, yet he felt his cock grow hard as rock as she spoke to him this way, his trousers giving this fact away to the evil enchantress stood before him.? He saw the laughter in her eyes as she watched him blush, and squirm a little, shame filling him but lust not far behind.


He gazed upon the powerful woman in front of him, and felt desire lift him.? She was? incredibly beautiful, with long flowing red hair the colour of poppies, her skin white as fresh snow looked so incredibly soft and unmarred by any blemish.? Under her silken robe dress, he could see the volumptous body hinted at beneath, her breasts large and full, her nipples hard and jutting outwards against the dress, her legs silhouetted were long and curvaceous, and he could smell her womanhood even from where he knelt, a sweet subtle glutinous smell, that made him so hard that his cock throbbed with an unbearable need.


She watched him struggle with his lust and his fear quietly for a while, then broke the silence?

?And now I think we should begin your first lesson don?t you little man?? she said chuckling to herself.


She raised her hand and suddenly he felt his clothes fall away from his skin like they were just a part of the breeze that lightly whipped around them, and he felt a tightening around his neck as something twined itself around him and a tentacle of this strange rope like silken material danced around him and finally floated into her upheld hand, and he realised she had effectively put a collar and lead on him like the farmers do an animal that needs to be led.


She led him on his knees to a stone alter of some kind that was shrouded by sweet smelling trees, and all around it were stood dark statues of grotesque sexual gratification, frozen and held in time by stone.? Yet they looked like real people that had been fucking or being used or held captive and punished, but all were sexual and in each statue one figure was clearly master and one clearly a slave at their mercy.? The stone plinth had vines entwined and growing around its sides, and he could swear he saw them moving slightly.


He climbed up onto the plinth his naked flesh abrased by the rough rock beneath him,? and as he lay back as instructed, he heard a whispering sound and as he looked to one side, saw the vines moving.? They bagan to encircle his wrists and ankles, imprisoning him, starting to pull him tightly into a reluctant star position.? Once his body was pulled as tightly as the vines could he lay there breathing heavily, his muscular chest rising and falling rapidly.? His body exposed in this bizarre setting for any who came there to see, but the only watchers were The Enchantress, and the ghastly statues that seemed to moan and breathe around him.? Then he felt a tingling sensation like a tickle passing up and down his body, and as he struggled to look down at himself he saw three vines trailing and caressing his body.?


Then he felt a poking at his anus, No, NO he moaned to himself, Please No.? As the vine started to insistently push at his tight hole, it seemed thicker and tighter than the others, and it kept poking at his virginal entrance.? No one had ever touched him there, he was a proud man and believed that his body was sacred.? More insistently now the vine poked at him, its pointed end slipping a little inside, and coming out again, over and over again, and after a few minutes he felt it insistently pushing a little further in each time, as he lay there moaning with embarrassment and discomfort.?

He looked across to see The Enchantress watching him smiling, she was playing with her breast through the thin silk of her azure dress, softly moaning to herself as her body grew more aroused, watching his pitiful body be invaded by the persistant vines, deeper and deeper into his hole it began to fuck him, and just as he started to get used to the torment and relax against it slightly, the other vines began to lightly whip his body.? He cried out in pain as the vines bit into his flesh again and again, and the vine in his ass started to fuck his hole harder and harder, the intensity building up and up, as he felt himself filled to the brim, and the pain seared up inside him as though it was tearing him apart inside, the heat and friction almost unbearable now, and he couldn?t help but shout and scream for it to stop, a few soft pathetic tears staining his face.


Then the Enchantress moved closer to him, standing over him, the vines never once touching her cool icy flesh as it shimmered in the soft moonlight,? she had removed her gown now, and he could see her magnificent high rounded breasts, and the tight little waist which flares down to full hips and curvaceous thighs.? He shuddered a little inspite of himself and groaned as he realised his cock was achingly hard for her, thickened with his coursing blood.? She reached her hand down and with her long nails traced over his length up and down, the touch making the pain of the whipping and his violated ass feel somehow more bearable.? He groaned louder as she stroked his wet end with her finger tip and he felt the vine inside him fuck him ever harder, pounding in and out of him now, the? whipping vines flinging themselves back and then slepping hard against his burning hot abused flesh.? Slowly she circled his cock in her hand and started to pull on his painfully hard throbbing erection, and as she pulled and stroked, his ass relaxed into the motion, and he could feel his body given into the torturous agonising pleasure of it all.? The heat, pain, and excitement, building within him, as he crashed to a climax.? His come shooting out of him all across his chest and face, gushing out of him,? his body spasmed wildly, his ass clenching onto the fuckvine that was still relentlessly probing him, he screamed in rage and pleasure as he came, and felt a release in the pain and pleasure all of a sudden.? And shaking and shivering he felt his muscles begin to relax into it, just as the vines stopped ther wild thrashing over his bruised and sore body.? The fuck vine gradually slowing, and then pulling out.


When he finally opened his eyes, he saw The Enchantress leaning over him laughing softly to herself, her fingertips pushing his hair back from his face.? She bent closer and whispered into his ear?? ?That was lesson one, the teaching of how pain can cause pleasure within your mortal body.? You will go home, and feed your wife the plant she so desperately needed, and then you will take her upstairs and bind her exactly as you were bound, and u will fuck her tight little ass, while u whip her breasts arms and legs she will cry and beg for you to stop, but if you do then tomorrow she will not be able to have the rampion, it will have withered and died, and soon after so would she.?


?Go now and do as you have been instructed, and come back to me tomorrow at? dusk, for your second lesson.?


He trembled violently as he felt his bindings fall away from him, and watched the enchantress drifting off back to the castle.? He looked down at his body and saw red welts across his chest thighs and arms, and inside his hole he felt sore, aching and open.? Violated and aching he slunk back to the cottage, knowing the nightmare was not over yet, he had to violate his wife in the most demeaning way, and he was unsure as to how he could bring himself to do it to her.


As he entered the house she rushed at him, grabbing the rampion from his hands, barely taken in the state of him, she devoured the plant there and then, not prolonging the agony any longer she crammed the precious (more precious than she knew now) herb into her succulent mouth.


Come upstairs my love, he said tremulously leading her up the steep bare stairs to their bedroom?


Take your clothes off and lay on the bed wife, he whispered in her ear.? While she stripped off displaying her body, lush with the hormones in the rampion, her breasts tight within their skin seemed perter and doughier than normal, her nipples sticking out erect and achingly sexual, her skin shimmered a pale alabaster glowed with an untold luminescence.


?As he watched her he felt his cock harden to an aching tightness, throbbing within the binding of his trousers.? He imagined his leather strap slapping against her skin and his cock deep in her ass, something he would never have dreamt of before, and his cock throbbed and ached, he realised suddenly he was going to enjoy this, and wondered at his feelings.


She lay naked and lushious on the bed, her arms raised behind her head, her long hair spread across the pillow.?? He advanced towards her and pulled the vine he had in his deep pockets, and looked into her violet eyes.? ?Do you trust me dear wife? he asked, to which she of course replied innocently, of course my love, always and forever.


He started to tie her wrists and and although she looked frightened didn?t try to stop him, he wound the vine around her wrists and ankles just as it had been on his body, and tied her to the corners of the bed, he could barely breathe for excitement, sucking in the air as he watched her slight sexy body strain against her bonds.


What- what?s going to happen my love? She asked in a timid little voice?

It was then that he started to tell her what had happened in the garden when he went to fetch the rampion, she gasped and shuddered as he explained the ordeal he had gone through, and when he came to what was going to happen to her she turned so white he feared she would pass out.


She looked into his eyes then and asked that he blindfold and gag her so that he would not see her eyes nor hear her cries? it?s for the best my love she said, and so he did as requested.? She wriggled and tensed as he wound a scarf over her eyes then stuffed one into her mouth.


He stood over her for a second, then stripped off his clothes, watching her on the bed as he did so, squirming with fear and anticipation.? His skin felt alive with nerve endings after the lashing he had received, and his hole still felt open and sore, but with all this came a new awareness of his body, and he felt incredibly turned on, and even looking forward to stretching his wives tiny ass up and whipping the tender skin of her delicious body?????.


To be Continued?..
















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Her Dark Needs

John arrived alone. He greeted them and said, “I’m sorry, my wife, Samantha, is out in the lobby finishing up a call. She’ll be in shortly. You must be the lovely Emily. Alexander has told me so much about you. But I can see he failed to fully describe how beautiful you are my dear.”As John was kissing Emmy’s hand, Samantha arrived at the table. She was, indeed, stunning. John stood to pull out her chair for her while Alexander stood out of courtesy and turned to greet her. Suddenly Alexander...

2 years ago
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Our New Adventures 7 What Lady J Needs

Our New adventures 7Knowing What Lady J NeedsLady J, relaxing, answering her mail and talking with some of the brilliant people we have as friends on our profile … XX It had been a very hectic and busy week, both at home and at work for Lady J, I am a lucky man, I was able to escape what had become an increasingly unrewarding and underappreciated twenty-year career and largely do what I want work-wise at least. My wife’s career is on the up, it interests her greatly for the most part, but does...

2 years ago
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Seeing To My Sonrsquos Needs

My only c***d and I still live together although he is now 42 and I am in my sixties, his dad died over twenty five years ago and I hit a bad patch after his death. I relied on my son to look after and do everything for me after I would not leave the house.Weeks turned in to months then in to years and now I have a son that has never had a girlfriend, he works in a garage as a mechanic but hardly socializes after work.I look after and pamper him rotten in the house and when I was cleaning his...

1 year ago
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Meeting My Aunts Needs

It was in the summer holidays just after I graduated from high school and I went to visit my cousin, as I was bored at home. His mom invited me in and hugged me, remarking on how much I’d grown up since my last visit and how handsome I’d become. She was wearing a towel and told me that she just got out of the shower, as Stephen and his dad were fishing and Kelly was apparently working late.Aunt Kate was somewhere in her forties but she had taken good care of herself. She still had a voluptuous...

1 year ago
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Taking care of Soniyas sex needs

My wife Soniya is very cute. She has full beautiful boobs which can attract any man. She has a nice sexy figure. She is slim and tall and her movements are graceful. We had been married just four years back and had good satisfying sex life. We both loved sex and were enjoying it at least once a day. She liked me fondling her boobs and holding her tight in embrace while pounding her inner depths. I loved her hands on my stiff hard cock. She loved the hard cock pulsating deep inside her. She also...

3 years ago
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A Daughters Needs

Brook slipped out through the front door and crept quietly around the side of the house. Her mother was in the hot tub with Tom tonight, and after listening to them play naked under her bedroom window almost nightly for the past two weeks she found herself overcome with curiosity to watch them. She’d peeked at them through the window as well, but the angle from there didn’t provide the curious fourteen-year-old a very satisfying view. She wanted to see as much as she could. The compactly built...

3 years ago
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Father Has Needs

Nell's father had needs. When Nell's mother was dying of cancer she had confided in her daughter about her father George's unique needs and elicited a promise from Nell to help her dad for as long as he needed her. One Saturday about a month after Nell's mom passed away George showed up at Nell's bedroom door. Nell was a sweet, petite twenty two year old. Slender with a nicely rounded bottom, beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. Her breasts were a bit smallish but shaped like a pair of...

1 year ago
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A friend in need

A Friend in Need Kyorii The latest story starts with some unfinished Business and follows on directly from the end of the story JULIE. It is one of the several stories in the slowly expanding Stevenson universe. This story has been written to be stand-alone but If you are new to the Stevenson universe I suggest that you read at least The River and River2 (The birth of an Angel) to get an appreciation of some of the main characters within my stories. For those who know my stories...

2 years ago
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Grannies romance can unlock their real needs

Part 1 This is fiction: old women (my preferred ages are between 70 and 85) do not really believe that a young, middle aged or even a guy like me at 60 man could be attracted to them. But as we all know, granny lovers are. But a lot of them find it hard to meet and actually fuck them. This story is based a little part on fact but embellished to make it good wanking material. Before I start, look at this short video. They obviously are enjoying it. And Granny for once, is not wanking or sucking...

1 year ago
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Even a Demon has needs

And here John had to stare for the briefest of seconds before turning back to the road. Sherry’s size C breasts were so perfect he felt himself stir. If he was lucky, once the nearest car to them was left behind and they were alone on the road, he might be able to entice her into a blowjob on the road. Just thinking about her tongue on his cock made him twitch even harder. Mulling it over as he took in the scenery, he believed he might not even make it much further than the next stop that...

3 years ago
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Special Needs

Cast: Katherine, Female, 34 - Mother of Michael - 5’7, 140lbs, beige skin, mahogany hair to her neck Michael, Male, 15 - Son of Katherine, suffers from Coffin-Lowry syndrome - 5’3, 105lbs, beige skin, cropped medium-brown hair There are few situations in life which are harder to deal with than caring for a child with very special needs. I should know. I’m Katherine. My son Michael was born when I was nineteen, a pregnancy I almost terminated but decided, after weeks of weighing things, to...

3 years ago
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Secret Needs

Play "Hey didn't you say you didn't want this sweater?" Laura looked up from reading her fashion magazine and stared at the green low cut sweater her friend Elsie held up. She realized she'd only worn it once last winter. "Uh, no I never said that." Elsie laughed. Her fiery red curly hair was up in a ponytail showing off her big green eyes. "Yes you did. Don't be that way." Laura rolled her eyes. "I guess. You can have it, just like you've had almost all my clothes." Elise...

1 year ago
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In Times of Need

"You have to help me, man. I'm serious, there's absolutely no work out there. It seems like everyone is trying to find a job, but no one is hiring. Even the Mexican guys can't find work, and they'll work for almost nothing. I don't know what to do anymore... Mom's garden is the only thing that keeps us from starving. But that won't matter if we don't come up with the money by the end of the month. They'll come, take it all, and throw us out on the street." Kevin put his head in his hands and...

2 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 14 Giving Her What She Needs

--- I Dream of Demie 14 - Giving Her What She Needs (MF, interr, mc, oral) by Krosis of the Collective --- I woke up, remembering what I wanted to say to Demie: She should call Dianna. Oh, and did she murder my coworker Carrie? But I was alone in the bed, and I was late for work. "Shit!" I gulped down some cold coffee and rushed out the door, not even having time to shave. I was late for my shift but not for our start-of-day standup meeting, so I doubt my manager even noticed. What I...

3 years ago
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Increasing Desire Chapter 5 Subconscious Needs

Libido SpeaksIt was only a few days after our last visit when I turned to my husband, Richard, and said, “Oh my God, honey. I am so horny. I want to make an appointment with Ivan and Kim for another BDSM session, and soon.”Richard confessed that he too could not stop thinking about our recent adventures. He encouraged me to contact them.I called, and I could almost hear the smile in Ivan’s voice.“I’m glad you rang us, Janice,” he said. “We were wondering whether you and Richard were satisfied...

4 years ago
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Wife gets exactly what she needs

Off work a few hours early today. The drive home is quick. No traffic. I’m wondering if my wife’s home. Walking up the stairs to the front door of my house, I stop. I hear loud moaning noises coming from inside. I sneak around to the side of the house to see if I can get a peek. I move ever so stealthily to get a glance through one of the windows and the venetian blinds that partially block any view. I can see movement in what is our dinning room. All of the sudden I get a view of my wife...

2 years ago
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Meg Needs

My wife and I wrote this story as a joint effort. Like some stories, thereis an element of fact, and a huge amount of journalist licence. MEG NEEDS My wife and I are busy professionals with children who find it difficult toget away on holiday breaks, even for short periods of time, but when we dowe misbehave a treat and dine out on the memories. Over our recent Xmas summerbreak we had a great four days of submission, spanking and fantasy role-play,which hopefully some readers might enjoy. As...

1 year ago
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Woman With Needs

I would like you to meet Josie but don’t ever call her that to her face. Joe is her name of choice. She is a 25 year old auto mechanic from back hills West Virginia. Her story begins when she moves to New York to the big city life. Now I want you to know that Joe was a simple but beautiful woman with brown eyes and long brown hair which she never let down. She was sexy in her own right she was no super model but she had a pair of legs to die for. Growing up where she did she never had the...

First Time
3 years ago
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What Sara Needs

What Sara Needs By MasterBlueChapter  1Sara slowly opened her big, round, crystal-blue eyes; then, brushed back her long, blond hair from her face with a lazy right hand.  Slowly, she stretched her arms over her head, feeling the hard wooden headboard in her soft hands.  She grabbed the cold wrought iron that highlighted the headboard, pulling at the metal as she arched and stretched her back.  ?Mmmmm, time to get up and start my day,? she said out loud to no one in particular.  She was alone. ...

1 year ago
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Women Have Needs

We all have priorities. Some things are true necessities - the basic priorities like air, food, or shelter. The smaller things, though, we think we decide for ourselves. We can choose if we want to go to college, or if we really need that extra sugar in our tea; it's all up to you. Right? But for some, that's no longer the case. All across the globe, women are finding themselves with their priorities rearranged, a new and unshakeable desire planted in their minds. A suburban housewife realizes...

Mind Control

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