FST Rewired
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Trisha's brow furrowed as she checked out the last few settings on the computer. Everything looked right. There were no glitches that she could see, and since it was her ass on the line if something screwed up well... honestly, it would only cost her money, but it was a fair amount of cash, and she didn't want to lose it.
She squirmed in her seat, feeling how hot and sticky her pussy had gotten as she'd gone over the hardware and software one last time. She was going to wait until this afternoon to use it, and the excitement and anticipation were really getting to her. Resolutely, she got out of her chair, and went downstairs to get something to eat. A light lunch was in order -- nothing too heavy, she didn't want to get sick later -- but she didn't want to pass out either.
Finally it was time, and Trisha's heart was beating hard as she thought about what was going to happen to her today. The experience was going to be exquisite, that was for sure, but she'd never gone this far before. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too far, but if it was, well, there wasn't much she could do to stop it.
She stretched and looked at her nude body in the mirror, liking what she saw. Now-a-days, few people didn't -- not with bio-sculpting becoming so popular, and hence, somewhat affordable. It was still frowned on by the CCCP, the Christian Conservative Coalition Party, a party that was very powerful in Congress, but they didn't control everything. Yet.
She thought about the enhancements she'd had made to her body. Enhancements were different than bio-sculpting, and they had been all but outlawed in this country, much as abortion had been when the CCCP had gained so much power in the US. But you could still have it done in Europe, and a lot of women did. It wasn't illegal to have had it done, it was just illegal for anyone to do enhancements -- especially sexual ones -- in the US. Of course, there were a lot of places Stateside that would still do it -- if you were very rich. Likewise, there were places, underground shops, where you could get it done as well -- if you wanted to risk having your body badly damaged. It was the same with all sexual services (like birth control, abortion and sexual education for teens), thanks again, to the CCCP.
Trisha hadn't changed her looks -- much. She'd gotten a sexual enhancement package, which included a fair number of internal and nerve ending changes. Her nipples were now quite sensitive to stimulation and she could actually orgasm from having them played with, and she'd had them enlarged a fair amount. Her breasts, which were a modest 'B' cup, she'd left alone, other than enhancing their ability sexually stimulate her when they were played with.
She'd had the hair on her legs and pussy lips bio-adjusted so that it didn't grow anymore. She'd been undecided about doing that to her armpits, since -- as socially unacceptable as it was (after all, only Lesbians grew underarm hair, and being a Lesbian was grounds for psychiatric 'adjustment'), it wasn't illegal and she thought that it was pretty sexy. She hadn't grown hers yet though, and might never, since the last thing she needed was a CCCP agent from Homeland Security knocking on her door.
Her pussy itself was now far more sensitive than it had been. Her entire tunnel was as sensitive as her outer pussy lips had been before the enhancement. It was tighter too -- at the extreme end of the range. Now, a normal sized penis (read, about six inches) felt very large. Her cunt could still take a large cock -- and she preferred them -- but it was pretty uncomfortable. To help with that, her glands now produced a lot of cunt juice when she was excited. Her scent had been enhanced, since unlike the Americans who tried to hide a woman's scent with perfumes and bio-fixes, the Europeans had discovered that a woman's scent, when she was excited, was usually a big turn-on for not only her partner, but herself as well. That included the scent from under her arms -- something that most American's had eradicated in their early teens.
Her g-spot had been slightly enlarged and she could cum -- hard -- from having it stroked. Her clit had always been sensitive but she'd had it enhanced anyway. It was slightly larger and, with the painful suction treatments she often inflicted on herself, super sensitive. Too sensitive to directly stimulate it. She'd done that on purpose though, since when she was tied and helpless, and her clit was played with, her orgasms were out of this world. Since her sex drive was amped up to be about twice what it normally was, she was always horny, and sometimes just wearing tight panties was enough to make her orgasm. She'd gotten good at hiding it, but it was always a mess to clean up afterwards. She didn't mind that though; it was a small price for the pleasure she received daily.
Today though, today was all about something she was sure she craved -- pain. Thinking about being helpless to stop pain from being inflicted on her body made her wet, and the machines and programs she'd built would be her first real foray into this experience. She hoped that she'd judged her limits and desires correctly. If she hadn't, she had a panic button that would stop the programs and the machines, but at a cost: Once she activated the fail safe, more than half of her savings would be transferred into a PAC fund that helped to re-elect CCCP members. And she hated the CCCP with a passion, so she'd have to be in dire straights before she'd pull the plug on today's entertainment by using her safety switch.
Trisha walked away from the mirror and into her small, private dungeon. It was the perfect room for it since it was located in the middle of her house. There were no windows, and no outside walls, which was good, since the Patriot Act, Version 3 allowed IR and signal monitoring of any home at random. IR wouldn't penetrate this far and the room was shielded (she'd done that herself) so none of the wireless communications from her devices would be picked up. Likewise, the computer in this room had no connection to the Internet. If it had, it would be required by law to carry monitoring hardware and software so that what sites she visited could be reported to the CCCP Child Safety Committee. They monitored all personal computer traffic for any hint of kiddy porn, which meant any sexual interest in, or sexual conversations with a person under the age of 21. It also meant any writing, drawing or picture containing a person, real or fictional, who was under twenty-on. And, of course, they monitored for any hint of terrorist activity.
Trisha looked around the room, sighing with happiness. Here, she could indulge herself. She wished it was like the old days where she could go online and find someone else who was interested in BDSM, but along with all other sexually deviant behavior, it had been outlawed. Being found practicing BDSM meant life in prison for the Dominant and Personality Repair for the submissive.
It had taken her a lot of searching to get information on BDSM. It could still be found -- if not easily -- and she'd gotten most of it when she was in Europe. She'd made most of the toys herself, and since she figured it was unlikely she'd ever find a partner to indulge her lusts with, she'd become very good at building and programming machines. Well, she hoped she'd gotten good at it. Today was the first time she was going to abandon herself to her desires, and if she'd fucked up... well, the results could be bad in more than just monetary ways. Trisha didn't care. Her body craved rough treatment and she needed sex every day. She saw today as a way to begin to fulfill her darker desires.
Trisha fitted the head band snuggly around her forehead, making sure the contacts were in the right place. It had taken her weeks to program the computer to recognize when she was just about to have an orgasm. This was important, since she had denied herself one for two days and she was climbing the walls. If all went well, she'd be having a really super one later -- after her program of torture ran its course. As it was, her machines would stimulate her right to the razor's edge of cumming, then back off.
She didn't know the exact timing of anything that was going to be happening to her today. Everything was set on random -- within the parameters she'd set, of course.
For instance, for the first segment of her ordeal, she'd be sexually stimulated for somewhere between fifteen minutes and forty-five minutes -- but denied an orgasm. Then for somewhere between three and four hours, she would be tortured with needles and electricity. There would be a break for sexual stimulation for one minute, one time each hour. After her torture was finished, she would be sexually stimulated again for five minutes only. If she came, she'd be released. If not, while she wouldn't be tortured with pain, for the next hour she'd be stimulated almost to orgasm, but ultimately denied. Then she'd be released to do what she wanted, and she knew from experience that no matter how horny she was, it might be hours before she could have an orgasm after a session like that. That was a torture all its own.
She did one last check of the machinery, then realized that she was stalling. She debated using the bathroom -- she had to pee pretty bad -- but decided against it. No doubt, she'd lose control of bladder several times today, but that just added to her arousal.
Finally, she sat down in the wooden chair. The seat had a hole in it, and wasn't very comfortable, but it allowed complete access to her cunt. And after all, this wasn't about her being comfortable. She set her feet on the cool metal plate, then ran the leather straps over them to hold them in place. When she finished, she could wiggle her toes just a little, but that was about it.
Next came a leather strap around her ankles, then above and below her knees. Another one, above her thighs, held her tightly to the seat of the chair. Then, she put a wide belt around her middle, and tightened it very tightly. It cut into her belly and made it hard to breathe. Soon, the position that she was going to be in would make it even harder to breath.
Trisha picked up a type of ring gag from where it rested on the floor, and strapped that on. It held her mouth uncomfortably wide open -- too wide to easily swallow -- and sealed to her lips. Then, she put her arms behind her back, and started wiggling into the single sheath that was waiting there. Once she could grasp the small control box at the bottom, she knew she was ready to go. Taking a breath, she pressed the button.
The first thing that happened, was the straps on the sleeve began to tighten, using magnetic catches. These straps went under her armpits, and were reeled in, pulling the sheath up until it was well past her elbows. Once it was snug, the other straps started to tighten up, until her arms were held together from elbows to wrists. It was pretty tight and pretty uncomfortable, but she still found it exciting.
Once the sheath was tight, and her arms were immobile, an overhead winch started up, pulling her arms up and forcing her to bend over. From below her, a rod with a ball at the end of it rose until it was nestled between her cunt lips and resting on her clit. Then it began to buzz. She moaned, knowing that her ordeal had begun.
She didn't know how long that part lasted. Trisha was lot in a haze of sexual need and denial. As programmed, every time the computer sensed she was close to an orgasm, it backed off the stimulation so she couldn't cum. It happened again and again, so many times she lost count. The heat in the room began to build. It had already been eighty-five degrees when she started, and, for the length of her torture, it would rise about five degrees and hour, finally topping off at over a hundred degrees. Not only that, but the humidity controls had been set to max and she was dripping sweat.
Some time during her pleasure torture (as she thought of it), a dildo had moved forward on a rod and started pushing into her mouth. It was as thick as the ring that held her mouth open, and long enough to gag her when fully inserted. Once it was fully seated, and flange at the base sealed to the outside of the ring, so that nothing could escape from her mouth. That would become important later.
(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...
Elfstedentocht Jan Steenstra keek buiten op de thermometer. Het zag er goed uit. Volgens de weerberichten zou het de komende week flink gaan vriezen. Zijn thermometer bevestigde dit al en gaf -5 graden celsius aan terwijl het pas 8 uur 's avonds was. Deze nacht zo zeker matige, zo niet strenge vorst geven. Zijn schaatsen had hij al uit het vet gehaald. De afgelopen maanden had hij al niets aan het toeval over gelaten en had elk weekend getraind op de schaatsbaan van Heerenveen. Elk...
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The area around Guangzhou was clear. It was an industrial and commercial centre for southern China. Presently it had a population of over four million people and at one time it had the name Canton. I told the girls that we would try here first. We rushed to the planet and then just flew around the city. The girls talked to each other and to me about what they thought was interesting. China had four main languages and more minor ones. The written languages were the same. After getting the...
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After our meal another taxi took us to the Egyptian Antiquities Museum. This was very large building and very cluttered. Tommy especially liked the famous Tutankhamun collection. The beautiful gold death mask and sarcophagus were in the Royal Mummy room. Eleven other Pharaohs or dignitaries kept the same sleeping quarters. We stayed until closing because there was simply so much to see or read about. I had found the director later in the day and pillaged his language and with it took much of...
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After the meal and a tour of the city from a hundred metres over the ground, we went back to the Great Pyramid. I saw the Pyramid and all the graves of lesser mortals around it in a different light. The better mastaba were structures made of stone. They were mostly buried in the sand and many of those were a lesser variety were made of just sun fired mud. They all felt cheapened now. The area seemed just a bit less mysterious than before I visited the tomb and found perhaps the biggest secret...
When the parties and the polite lies were over we all boarded the boat with all the engines, accumulators and other incidentals that we needed to repair the ship. We flew once more to meet Borin. The trip allowed us a chance to study and watches were split between Tom, Margaret and their son. On the wrecked ship, Sandra, Megan and I took my old Captain's cabin while the rest kept their rooms in the boat when they were too exhausted to work any more. All of those rooms on the ship had been...
The next day I handed out assignments. In a break from tradition I set no watch and we would all fit in the diurnal cycle of the planet. If we all slept at the same time then we would all have our meals at the same time. We would be like a family on the ship I had grown up on. I made temporary groupings the same as the first night. The experienced crew would get to teach the inexperienced portion. Everybody had to continue with their education and some work would get done on building what we...
Tommy and Consti didn't make it to work for three days. The three women and I could see into the bio-dome and could see that Tommy though young was performing like a man. His puberty had started many years early then interrupted so he would not be continuously horny. The block was now off and his little testicles were getting a workout. Small pills were put beside his bed and they seemed to help along with the med unit. My work on the computer started again but this time everything was much...
When we got inside it was cool not like the present March heat wave that was in this area. Sandra let Andreaea look around for a moment then said, "Go into the bathroom and take off your clothes." Andreaea was about to object when Sandra continued, "We have to measure you and you have to get rid of some hair Hurry up girl. This is the chance you have been waiting for. You get a dress that people will kill for and in an hour you get to sing in it." Andreaea was not sure but Sandra took...
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The end credits for the second film of the double feature rolled up the big screen at the drive-in, and Nate reflected that the outing hadn't lived up to expectation, despite the improvement in seating. Everyone was in disarray, and both girls had received finger-driven orgasms -- Tenisha had had two, and she was LOUD about it! Nora had drained his balls, and it had been pretty good; from the sucking sounds in the back seat, Draper was getting worked over pretty good, too -- but Nate wanted...
I went with Cait to a funeral one time, it was her aunt on her mother's side and I didn't know her at all but she asked me to come and I did. We had to drive for almost three hours to get there, and Cait's dad was driving and her mom was in the passenger seat and Cait and I were in the back, and it was just that Friday a few days before that we had been at the gym again and not counting that first time she hadn't done anything to him except sometimes she jerked him off while I sucked it, even...
Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new story. This happened to me with a lady who was a stranger. Her name is Dipti. (name changed) We both are from the same place. She was is in the late 30s and carry figure which you can die for. Coming to the story. This happen once when I went to a lingerie shop to buy lingerie for my wife to gift her on Valentine’s day. I used to visit the same shop with my wife but never saw Dipti. The shop was run by the saleswomen and some helpers. I saw Dipti...
Beginning of a great long weekend! (Part 2) You look at me, there is something in your eye that intrigues me… ‘What?’ I say, questioning your look. ‘Your turn!’ you say to me, grinning… Continued… I look at your grin and know something mind blowing is coming, I squeal as you grab my hips and pull me out of the water and on to your rock hard body. “What are you doing?” I gasp as you take my hard, dark nipple into your mouth. “MMMM” you moan as you flick your tongue around and around, you...
Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...
Hentai Porn SitesWhen I was in 15th, I decided to take coaching in Math and Statistics. I went to a teacher called Dipti who was an expert in Math. My friends told me about her being very strict as well, in that, she was very particular about time. I went to her place at the decided time. She was wearing a red saree with a red blouse, very fair in appearance with luscious lips. She had huge boobs and a nice navel, both of which were visible and she had left her long black hair open. She was around 39 and her...
Previously I shared about how I seduced my friend in the train when she was not well and we had foreplay session inside the toilet. Now the next part of the sex story is here. We were waiting for night to come. At 8 pm we had our dinner and I asked roshni to sleep on upper berth. Around 11 pm no one was in our compartment. Other people were sleeping. I went on upper berth and told Roshni that this is a fun time. She was also waiting for this. She gave me space and we were sleeping in side...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. "How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here." The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley...
I get called a snow bunny just about everyday, whether it's someone I know or not. My home town in PA was small, just big enough to get around with different people. The area I lived in was primarily black, due to being a poor neighborhood. Now I haven't always been black only, after my freshmen year of high school I became curious. I had a white bf at the time who ended up cheating so the timing was perfect. One thing led to another and I was laying down legs open for my first black man. I was...
The defilement of Gayle."BEEEEP BEEEP BEEEP" The abrupt tone of the alarm stirs you from your dream.You want to hit snooze and snuggle back under the warm comforting duvet, but today you can't.For today is the meeting with Helen from Sandhurst International, a harsh bitch with no sense of humour. You have been trying to set this deal up for two years and today is when Helen is going to sign the contracts. It is exciting but nerve wracking all the same; if she doesn't sign your career could be...
It’s my young wife Kali’s birthday and I get her try on the new lingerie I bought her. Her body looks incredible in it, her squishy little ass looks so edible. I make her put on a blindfold as she has another birthday surprise coming her way. She’s on her knees when my bud Lil D comes in and takes out his big black cock for her suck – as soon as it’s in her mouth she knows its not me. She takes off the blindfold and is excited to see a thick black dick for her to...
xmoviesforyouA notification popped up on Miranda's computer screen with an alarmingly loud noise. Ker-plink! High-pitched and sudden, like her computer was disapproving of her incessant lack of work.She’d been meaning to finish up these emails before her first service meeting today, but that clearly hadn’t happened. Between the report dropped on her by her manager Kelly, her phone buzzing non-stop by her boyfriend, and fucking Jason’s overbearing voice parading down the cubicle rows, her focus had been...
Office SexI thought my husband was joking when he claimed that one of the neighbours was flirting with him. It turned-out that he hadn’t been exaggerating as I saw her doing it at a friend’s barbeque. ‘Rose’ was fluttering her eyelashes and touching him unnecessarily, but it was when she laughed at one of his stupid jokes that I knew she wanted him. I moved in to protect my man. I’d had a couple of glasses of red wine and Rose was in serious danger of getting a slap if she didn’t back-off. Matt, my...