LeefsticChapter 23 free porn video

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When the light meal was over we all went back to our own work. Sandra, Megan and I started to clean up the mess and Marina began to assist. We didn't tell her to sit back like a guest and this actually made her feel better. The kitchen was very odd to Marina but did have most of the things she was familiar with.

When we were done I said, "Let's sit on the patio then go for a walk."

We went out the French doors and Marina found beautiful and ornate furniture just around the corner. She said, "This table and these chairs are very beautiful."

Sandra smiled and said, "Thank you. They were not that hard to make once you had the knack."

"You, made these?" Marina asked incredulously.

"Yes I did. Megan made her share of the artwork inside the house and even made the bannister and steps. Leif just helped us do the designing and then let us go. Leif though built the kitchen. Some of it was for us but it was also for people like you to see something familiar but still different enough to be still understood."

Marina was sitting close to me and asked, "Why would you do that? A kitchen is a kitchen."

"Well this is as good a chance as any other to go on to the next step. Our minds and bodies have been improved by ourselves after our brains were shown what to do. We have a choice in this matter and use it. Tom and Margaret are good examples. They are now in their forties or close to it but they look barely twenty. They just told their body to do what they wanted and it slowly changed. The same happened to our minds. With the right commands and some knowledge we improved our brains quite a bit. This has led to a great many things being invented that you would never know about."

"Like what?"

"Our suits, and the stun weapon are the only thing you know of but there is a universe more to tell you. We can all read minds for one. We have paranormal abilities. I have the strongest psychokinesis among us. Would you like me to show you?"

"Oh yes, I love magic acts."

There were a line of urns containing plants. One after the other they turned a bit so the plant would grow toward the 'sun'.

Marina clapped her hands, "That was great."

"I can send my thoughts to you and you can hear me. You can think back at me and I can understand you. Everybody can transmit but very few even get to be good at receiving."

"You talked in my head!"

Megan said, "I can too Sweetie. All of us can. It comes automatically as the brain becomes more efficient."

Sandra said, "They are speaking the truth. In fact it is hard to lie this way but it is still possible. Leif doesn't lie to us but he does like to hide some facts on occasion. Most of the time it's to surprise us. Now talk back to us but don't use your mouth."

"Can you hear me?"

We all replied and her grin got very big. Megan and Sandra tried to outdo each other in dirty Russian limericks to the delight of Marina.

Finally Marina said, "So you guys are super smart and can read minds. I can feel that there's more."

Sandra said, "Oh lots more. Our ancestors emigrated from Scandinavia over a hundred years ago. They drifted around before coming to Canada. That is why we have light coloured hair. Leif is different. He was born with his hair colour as we were but he emigrated from the stars."

"What?" Marina said. "That's impossible. He's as Human as the rest of us. I... I can feel it."

Megan said, "My sister is right Marina. Leif was born on a large research vessel flying between stars. His people are very much like us but smarter and since they too can control their bodies, they and their race have made improvements over the years."

"I still don't believe it." She now felt angry for this looked like an attempt to distance her from me.

I stood up and extended my hand. "Come with me for a moment please." Marina took my hand possessively as if to get away from two deluded women. I walked with her off the patio and down the wide stone steps to the flagstone covered walk. We walked slowly and Marina looked back to see if Sandra and Megan were following. Soon her steps felt odd and she stopped.

"What's happening? I feel different."

"If you could see through the trees you would see only three other homes here. Each one is beautiful in their own right but we are all living under a dome. A shield similar to the suit I am wearing is also protecting us from the vacuum of space and the radiation that is coming from our nearby star. If you walk a few more steps you will notice that the gravitational field under the house is lessening even more and the moon's gravity is asserting itself."

"Are you telling me that I'm on the moon?"

"Yes I am. Now watch." I walked toward the house and then stopped to make a small jump. I went thirty centimetres off the ground. As I walked back to Marina I stopped to jump again and again. Every time I went higher and higher. Well past her I was able to jump over her head. With the same effort, I went nearly two metres high and the landing took longer too.

When I landed the last time, I took Marina's hand and hurried back to where I started and said, "Jump."

She did but not even as high as I did. Every five metres we did the same thing again and I jumped with her. When we were outside the effect of our artificial gravity we jumped the highest and Marina and I clutched together for comfort.

When we came down I said, "Now you know about our gravity, let's all go for the walk and experience it. There are a lot of animals to see. They mostly came from South America in the Amazon Basin. Some of the plants came from there too but only a few."

Sandra and Megan ran to us and we all held hands as we walked through the trees. Megan or Sandra would point out interesting things and give the Latin name, and the common Russian name if there were one. Before too long the movement of our artificial sun was mentioned. Soon after that one or the other of the girls would tell of what they did to build the dome in the first place. Our ship, the boats and the research vessel high above us were listed. Marina couldn't wait to see them close up.

We visited Tommy's family's home. The women were all excited and acted like Humans in many ways and wanted to show Marina what they had done and especially the large nursery that each was going to work hard to fill.

I could see Marina relax as she was swallowed up with the women and the Human things they were doing. Consti mentioned that all here but Nadezda were pregnant but one of Tommy's father's wives was not either. She had not quite finished her normal body changes so she could start having sex. They talked about the Gossna and what they thought of them. This I thought was the easiest way to bring in an alien looking being into our group.

Tom and Margaret were next to visit and the same thing happened. Marina eyed Alita quite a bit measuring her against herself. The Spanish girl was just a year younger than she was. Marina found that Alita's Russian speech was actually implanted to make Marina feel at home.

Marina tried to subtly get Alita alone to talk and Tom silently asked his future wife to go out into the garden and tell the truth.

Tom said, "Marina will make a good wife. She has a good background even if it was cut short by her mother's death. Her attachment to you is growing very strong even if she is fighting it. She is just trying to understand something that really has to be experienced."

Margaret said, "I agree. I see very many similarities with her and our daughters. Your family will be very strong. I just see that there will be some problems with the Russians. You agreed to talk to them and they will demand that Marina be returned."

The talk in the garden took ten minutes and I could feel even more of Marina's apprehension leaving. Herminia insisted on us having a snack and a drink before leaving before travelling to the last home.

Marina had heard a lot about Odava and Ichom and by now wanted to meet them. We hurried down the path. Half of the time Marina was in the lead looking for the house that blended into the environment. Sandra and Megan led her onto the roof before telling her where she was.

She squealed in delight then found the path to the front of the home. She found Odava and Ichom sitting outside and eating a meal. They had known of our visit. Since we had come to this system, they better understood young Humans and were able to withstand their exuberance but only up to a point.

Sandra caught up to Marina and warned her again of the way she must act. The girl brought herself under control and held Sandra's hand to make sure she didn't go too fast. Marina was even able to get out the words of greeting in Gossna though she didn't do it well. Tommy had done better but he has much more tutoring by Borin.

We sat on some moss covered stones, drank some water then ate some small portions of fruit. Megan and Sandra transmitted Marina's thoughts so that she could understand what was happening.

Marina was in awe after meeting her first alien but didn't see me this way. A kangaroo came into the clearing and Ichom called it over. It was one of the animals brought to the moon. This one was more of a pet and ate most of its meals from the supply given by the Gossna. This thankfully saved most of the flora they were trying to grow.

I sat back and spoke when needed but I actually began my call to General Fedorov with Pat'uch's assistance.

Probes had stayed at the nuclear power site and one was delegated to follow the general. The radio phone next to the General rang. He had purposely changed secure radios to see if he could foil this call and learn how much I knew about the Russian military technology.

He picked it up and brusquely said, "General Fedorov."

"Hello General. I am your local representative for the Clean Earth Society. I suppose you are a bit shocked to see that we were able to get to the radio that just happened to be beside you?"

"How did you know that it was beside me?"

"I would say spies but then you would get paranoid and change your staff. Let's just say that some telescopes are better than others."

"How did you get to the nuclear plant before us?"

"We simply monitored all military communications whether it is Russian or otherwise. You had an emergency and we got there first. We have a faster response time because we have many less people to deal with."

"I heard that two of them are young naked women."

"Two were. It was useful in getting into one reactor building with horny Chechens guarding the entrance. It was also advantageous to use in getting into the secondary control room. Too many men think with the lower head I'm afraid. A good soldier would know enough to look for a diversion when naked flesh is presented."

"That's hard for some to do. I see from the security pictures that they are extremely beautiful."

"I will pass that on to my wives. They are not vain but they like compliments if they are in good taste."

"Two wives?"

"It keeps me busy I must admit. Now onto another subject. Marina Nikitin is starting to recover. She will talk to you in forty eight hours. It will give her a chance to recover and deal with this very traumatic experience."

"You are required to bring her back immediately."

"Ok, you may come and get her. I will put her into your arms when you arrive."

"Where are you?"

"I am in a very safe place that neither you nor anyone else can find. You are in a very poor position to even make any demands. You can play on my sense of duty and also rely on what I think a more knowledgeable elder tells me. The fact remains that Marina is better treated where she is. My wives and family are watching out for her. Nobody can hurt her and my family will ensure it."

"She's a Russian citizen."

"So? You have no idea if I am or not. My entire family may be or we may be of many different nationalities working to make the only planet we have a safe place to live. Her citizenship has no bearing on this situation. Now if we get back to the attack, you will find that the wind is now going almost due North. Your weather service would say that it will continue that way for three days. Just long enough for the cloud of radioactive dust and smoke to settle on Moscow if the reactor had been set afire."

"We have already seen this possibility."

"Then you will see that they had no intension of negotiating. They would hold off long enough to gain some publicity for their cause and claim that you attacked and forced their hand."

"That was also theorised."

"Then your agents must be very close to apprehending Vladimir Bogdanov."


"My wives have assembled some data that you may find useful. I would like to give it to you. I am afraid that some of the people listening to our present conversation will pass the information onto Vladimir Bogdanov. He may take to the hills so to speak or brazen it out. His objective was to build a stronger military with his weapons and perhaps carve out an empire for himself. I have never met the man but I can imagine that he would like to be called Czar instead. Before you tackle him though you will find a lot of people above you in the Russian command structure that work for Vladimir or see an opportunity to support him and get ahead themselves."

"Can you prove this?"

"Let's just say that special orders have already been given to remove proof that you already have acquired. Your prisoners will have to be turned over to others. Later a full scale attempt at escape will occur. Sadly all your Chechens will escape or die in the attempt."

"I can stop this."

"I am sorry Vasiliy but you can't. There's nobody that you can contact with the necessary power to protect your prisoners or even you. If you did find a way then the security people monitoring our conversation would see to it that you were blocked. Killed is too messy of a solution at this stage but still possible."

The general wanted to continue talking. It was hoped that I would reveal a lot more and give his people a chance to track me down. Vladimir Bogdanov was in Moscow and I purposely made my phone call come from where he presently was. There was no arrest warrant or even the possibility of one until enough people gathered enough backbone to do it. The call soon ended but I knew another had to be made in a few days.

We ended up staying for a full meal. Birds were in the trees around our table waiting for any handouts. Marina had a fun time feeding them and the kangaroo too. This was the only one for two would cause a lot of damage to the new plants. Many comments were made about the birds in flight for they needed much less effort to stay aloft while having the same air pressure around their wings.

After the meal we all boarded various vessels and went out to our research vessel. Marina was disconcerted to use a motorhome to do so but still liked it. It took her only half an hour to feel safe in free space and another half to confidently push from one area to another knowing that she would be pulled back if she needed the assistance. She was still very much a young girl changing into a young woman.

Marina had a problem that suddenly came up and Megan took her back to the motorhome for a few minutes. They came out but Marina was just a bit subdued. Her menses had started to arrive and the first symptom were some cramps. Megan helped Marina's body overcome the problem so she could continue to be with us.

We did get some work done but not much. Our fabricating dome was visited and Marina was shown some of the things the girls found interesting. Since Alita was the closest to Marina's real age and the only one not improved yet they naturally gravitated together. They had a lot in common one way or another.

The day had been long for Marina and we went back home for some rest. Tomorrow was to have another meeting so we could play our music. Marina couldn't wait for this now.

Marina was offered a separate bed. She became upset and wanted to sleep with us. Megan said, "Your place is with us but we get very energetic when we get into bed. You won't get any sleep for a while. I know you have never seen two people making love. You are going to see that and even three people making love. My sister and I love each other and we love Leif. This will be an eye opener for you if you stay."

Marina felt that they we were trying to protect her. She said, "I would like to stay if I may."

Megan casually reached over and kissed the girl but it was a kiss much more of what a boyfriend would give her. We began to take off our clothes, use the facilities and then the cleanser. Megan was in the large bed first and I was beside her. We began right away with a heartfelt kiss. I thought of Marina's loss and wondered how I could survive if any of my wives had died.

My thoughts were well hidden but Megan must have detected something for she was very gentle but quite insistent. This got me going very strongly and soon I was kissing her back and my fingers were roaming her body. All of our women were very sensitive when it came to making love. Otherwise a male would never get a chance to get a rest. Megan had her first orgasm with my fingers.

Moments later she had her next three in quick succession with my mouth on her mons. She had clung to me so hard that my hair had been pulled out.

Marina was naked except for her panties. She was sitting in Sandra's lap. Her eyes were closed for Sandra was playing with her breasts and nipples. The girl had her orgasm from that stimulation and from watching the act of love before her.

I simply held Megan to me as she recovered and savoured the emotions of those around me. There was a lot of love in the house and I felt very humble to be the main focus of it.

When Marina recovered, she turned red when I she saw that I was looking at her. I said, "There is no reason to feel bad. This only proves that you fit in very well. Now if I can borrow Sandra for a while, Megan wants to hold you."

I got a tentative, "Ok," and she moved towards Megan. Megan sat up and welcomed her with open arms.

Sandra got the same treatment but I continued and entered her. She was very vocal. I think part of it was what Marina brought to our bed. I saw Marina on her back with her knees up. Megan was sucking on her breasts in a very slow and loving way and only playing casually with her mons with her fingers over the thin layer of cloth.

When Sandra screamed her joy and collapsed I held her for a few minutes basking in her love and her joy. I got behind Megan and entered her and she continued to make love to Marina's small nipples. Sandra had recovered and took over Marina's other nipple and caressed her body with her hands and lips.

Our love making took hours and we moved around. Marina lost her panties early and only got a break a few times. She quickly came back when we knew she was ready. It was only at the end that Marina called me to her.

I used my lips and fingers but subtly influenced her brain. She too screamed when her time came. Sandra and Megan had been pleasing each other with their lips and had to stop and look at the girl. They then smiled widely at me. We knew that she would fit in very well for she was basically a copy of my other two wives.

The next morning I got up early but the girls stayed in bed. They wanted to be there when Marina woke up. It was their way of reassuring her that everything was alright. When they did get up, all of them were wearing the same kind of panties. This was much more than usual but they still looked very good. Because I thought it was required, I made my lower appendage inflate to show that I enjoyed the view. The girls giggled behind their hands and sat at the table prepared for them.

Sandra said, "What did you make for us, Husband?"

"I made a Russian Farmer's breakfast. I hope you like it."

Megan said, "There certainly is enough of it, Husband."

"I do what is needed to make my wives happy. I work over a hot stove all morning and all I get is the statement that there is a lot of it. You don't appreciate me."

"We appreciate you. It is just that the three of us get a bit catty once in a while."

"I know that and I love you all anyway."

The three girls banded together a bit and giggled some more.

During the rest of the day Marina was introduced more directly to the computers and AIs that lived in the larger machines. Borin was seen as a fantastic being but even Marina could soon see that Max was even brighter.

Cordo and Pat'uch were successively shown to be even more intelligent. She saw them as we did as a being with equal standing in our society. The Seffra looked on them more as machines with only the occasional individual looking on them as I did.

Everybody else was busy working but didn't begrudge us the time to gently bring Marina into our fold. We explained more of what we had done and what we hoped to do. She saw that she was to bear a great many children and to guide our race with her insight and opinion. This was pretty heady stuff for a thirteen year old Human girl to think on.

Sandra and Megan told her about what they expected in their pregnancies and how the child would not be as large or as uncomfortable to carry to term. This brought on more talk of babies and what was expected of them once they started to learn. I was treated to what their mothers had told them about babies even though that was only about purely Human children.

After the noon meal Megan dragged me back to bed. Part of this was caused by their innate horniness but a good proportion was because of Marina's influence on our family already. This time we stayed at it much longer. To be different we had moved to our large shower area. This allowed Marina to dispense with her pad and panties. Her flow had not started yet but would in a day or so.

The hot water was endless and it served to make Marina comfortable. Marina had been licked by all of us and after some thinking she had done the same to Sandra and Megan. They had orgasmed very well from her efforts and she felt proud to have done so well.

She found my tongue to be particularly good. A hairbrush had taken her virginity two years ago but I treated her as if this was not the case. When I entered Megan's butt Marina took particular notice. I already noticed that all three found the nerves in and around their anuses to be a very erotic area. Megan loved this and seemed to go particularly wild.

When she succumbed to this effort I placed her in Marina's care and took Sandra the same way. It was not too long after that only Marina and I were the only ones conscious.

I said, "Let's dry our wives off and take them to bed to rest. They had a strenuous day. I am afraid all I have done though is make them more demanding tonight."

"Are they always so... difficult to please? I mean; they seem to need so much love and I can see that the more you give the more they want."

"You are now influencing our actions. You get horny and then so do our wives. They influence you too. All three of you are so very similar. What happens to one happens to all of you. That is good because it holds a family together. It also means that any problem is seen very quickly and corrected before they grow very large."

"Leif, you keep mentioning 'my wives'. Are they really my wives too?"

"They are sisters in one respect. That cannot be altered. Wives mean that you love each other as I love each of you. If you decide to join our family they will be your wives as you will be theirs. We work as a unit though. All four of us will work on a single project if possible. If one is hurt though all of us will suffer. It also makes us a very strong entity. We can deal with some very complex problems as if we are one person but a person much smarter that any one of us separately. The ship over our head will be completed a bit sooner if you join us and it will be made much better too."

Same as Leefstic
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Authors note: This is my Halloween contest entry. It is not spooky or scary or a typical Halloween story in anyway. I will admit it’s a little poignant and sad but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Thank you again to RK Moreland for helping with the copy editing, and BrambleThorn whose wisdom really helped when I became bit lost. You are both much appreciated. ~ellie * Joel walked down the dock breathing in the stale scents of the city and stopped on the side of the road before him. He had...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Fantasy

I surprise my husband with a weekend hotel getaway. When we stay at a hotel, he likes me to order room service and answer the door wearing a mostly unbuttoned white dress shirt, bra and my tiny red thong panties. He waits in the bathroom as I open the door and invite the waiter inside. I've done this for him several times and the waiter always enjoys the view as he takes his time rolling the cart and waiting for his tip.When we meet, I will call you instead of room service and when you arrive,...

1 year ago
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What a friend Or was it love

Lara was a lot younger than me, getting over her las relationship not that it lasted long. She had been living on her own for a year and not even bothered to look for someone else, and at 18 years of age that was strange. I was just new in town, and after 24 years in the army. Battle scared and now just doing a postman so job. I seemed to be some one different and someone Lara had noticed and it look like she had plenty of interest in me even though I was in my forties. Well that was it. 24...

1 year ago
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Wendy K The New Semester

Wendy secretly developed a liking for young men. She initially expressed her desire with “innocent” flirting. Next, she intentionally began wearing low-cut blouses and short skirts during her counseling sessions The new semester was just underway and Wendy felt like being naughty. Wendy K is an attractive, married white female in her Mid-50s. She’s 5’6”, 129 lbs., with brown eyes and short auburn hair. She’s a retired college guidance counselor. She and her husband live...

4 years ago
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First time experience with BDSM

I'm a 21 year old virgin here who up until yesterday has only been gratified by normal masturbation, and who has never touched a woman other than friendly hugs and one makeout session. Obviously, I've been craving some depraved gratification and feminine touch for a while so I decided to just pay for it if I couldn't get it in my personal life yet. I didn't want to lose my virginity to a prostitute, so I went to a dungeon and hired a professional dominatrix. Sadly, it ended up being one of the...

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Tyssas Place Part 2

Tyssa’s Place Part 2 (Continued from Hustled at Pool) I arrived at the bar and Dave was waiting for me with a beer. I walked up and took it from him as I handed him my keys. I started to take a drink when Dave asked how the game of pool turned out. “Well, let’s just say that we beat each other. I beat her and she beat me.” “We both suck, that is why it took so long.” I commented. I had to laugh to myself, because if he really knew what I meant by all that. “By the way, here are your keys,...

2 years ago
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Bus Main Gaand Ki Thukaiyi

Main nai author hu guys muje har ek type ka story likna pasand hain.Ye mere pehla sex story hain..Please support kijiye…Ye ek kalpanik story hain..Mai yaha kudh ek character banke narrate karunga… Bohut dino bad office main chuti mili thi tho socha ki ghar ja ke avu.Maine hyderabad to hubli jane ke liye ek bus book kardiya..Are re main apne bare main tho batana hi bhul gaya mera naam raj hain age 22 mera hiegt 5.7 hain aur wieght 54 main dikhne mai bohut chikna hu.. Mai bisexual hu matlab mard...

Gay Male
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New Discovery

For millenniums one area of Kair has been restricted. The area of mountains known as Ire. On the far side was the Tab river which flowed away from the Rey falls. Only stories were told and not even the Kair clan or the Liious were allowed to go there. One area was restricted on this side and had a few vehicles come or go but never around the falls. I had found the study of the past fascinating. I even went to Aur but it had been a colony world, even if it was over ten thousand years old, I...

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"Come on guys, we can do this. Don't be chicken. There'd be nothing she can do about it." "I don't know Tommy, it seems like a big risk." "We're going to be seniors next year, so we'll have to step up, take chances, make decisions and lead the charge then anyway. Let's get a jump on having a big year. We'd be legendary." The other seven boys looked at each other and then back at their ringleader, Tommy. He had gathered them together in his dorm room, intent on finalizing their...

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Changing room part 2

still had my trousers round my ankles, my cock started going stiff as the dripping wet girls in bikinis pulled me along. I was sat in the corner with my hands tied behind my back with loads of hairbands. The girls lined up in single file and waited to give me their punishment. A weedy girl with no tits was at the front, she stepped forwards and slapped me round the face then glanced at my cock and walked off. Bethany was second, she untied her bikini top and let it drop...

2 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 03

Introduction: The morning after a night with God. At 4:38am, exactly 8 hours after David had made his command, the two of them began to feel their orgasms start to dissipate, before they finally ended. They fell asleep almost instantly, their bodies absolutely exhausted. Their bedroom was in utter disarray. In their passions, theyd completely ripped the mattress cover off, and onto the floor, as well as the pillows. The mattress itself was also on the floor, with David and Samantha cuddled up...

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Marriage Heat

My lovely wife just came in from an evening out. It’s 3:30 AM. She nudges me to see if I’m awake. As I acknowledge that she awoke me, she has me roll over on my back, and as soon as I’m in position, I feel the heat, smell, and wetness of her juicy drippy and gooey pussy surrounding and almost smothering my upturned face. After a moment, I get my nose clear for proper breathing. I then immediately get busy licking and sucking the flowing and draining juices running and oozing...

4 years ago
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Road TripChapter 26

“Karen? Karen Post?” The speaker was in green scrubs. One thing about a Doc ... they look CLEAN. Green boy was clean. I raised my hand. “I’m she.” “Would you come with me, please?” I balked. “Doc ... if she’s dead, just say so.” “She’s in recovery ... now, please come with me.” At the word recovery, I was up ... off my seat and sprinting. The EU waiting room is long and narrow, with the most god awful seats in hospital history ... I’ve sat on more comfortable granite boulders... I...

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Blonded ? by: Josie Girly Here I am putting on my shopping outfit and I know where my wife is going to take me. She had made the appointment 2 weeks earlier at a bridal shop. After taking me for bridesmaid's gowns she thought it would be a good humiliation to have to go through the process of being a bride so that I can fully understand what females go through. I 'm wearing a black and white check shift dress, it is sleeveless and has buttons down the front with a v -neck front....

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Indian Hot Wife and Cuckold

I was always in denial and channeled my anger towards my wife for her betrayal but ultimately decided that maybe my place in life is to be her cuck. This story not only happened, but it’s still happening and will be until we finally get divorced, or we remain in this arrangement for the rest of our lives.When my wife and I were dating, we both wondered what it would be like to experience other people, not for an attraction, but for curiosity. We both grew up in America and in the south, albeit...

2 years ago
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my diary 2

My Diary 2MONDAY,1,APRIL Woke up to my hubby jerking off over me again, decided to make it more fun for him so when he started to cum I quickly took his cock in my mouth and sucked the cum from his ball’s, then had to make do with my trusty vibe to bring my self of as I watched him get ready for work, after he left I took a shower and on passing David’s room, (my son-in-law’s ) I could clearly hear him jerking his cock, was in two mind’s weather to barge...

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forced To Be a Slutty Whore

We were to meet for coffee at a coffee house. There he seemed nice and asked me if I wanted to go to his motel room. I said yes and we went there. It was just across the driveway. I thought he was just a straight guy and no kinky stuff. Boy was I wrong. Once inside we started to make out. Kissing and hugging. I took his clothes off and started to suck his cut 7 inch cock. He started to tell me I was a good cocksucker. That he was going to make me his bitch. He smacked my ass. Not hard, but...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 57

"Marjorie, I'm out of here," Don Kutzley told his secretary. "Don, you must have at least a dozen phone calls to return," she protested. "Right," Kutzley said. "I could just about follow the Record-Herald truck around town from where I was getting phone calls. They'll keep. I'm going to go over and see how they're coming with the sewer inspection. That'll get me out of here for a while, anyway." He was gone before Marjorie could protest. It wasn't as if he hadn't expected...

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Fuzzless FuzzChapter 2 Fingering the Fuzz

I didn't know what to think when my best friend since childhood had told me that she's gay. Well actually she said she thinks she's gay. I began to feel upset because of one of two reasons. First I thought that I was angry at her for being gay but that couldn't be it because I had no problems with homosexuality. The second reason and more then likely real reason is that I too sort of felt gay. I had been attracted to other women before but never acted on it. I was now finding myself...

2 years ago
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Hank Wakes Up The NeighborsChapter 2

After their threesome, Sally suggested that Hank include her Aunt Connie and her best friend Yasmin, saying "Hanky panky, I want you to have the most sex ever in your whole life as my boyfriend. That means fucking around, so I will be honored to arrange that for you, as I planned our ménage a trois." "Why, thank you, Sally- you are such a sweet girl, and I think that, if you are as sincere as I believe you to be, you should be the next Mrs. Henry James Leicester. What about you? Do you...

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SheWillCheat Quinn Wilde Gets some welldeserved stress relief at school of all places

Quinn wakes up to an empty bed and a phone call from her hungover husband explaining why he couldn’t come home last night. Quinn is tired of her husband’s shit and when the professor she works for gets in her ear thinking her husband is cheating on her she decides to act on her feelings. Quinn whips out the professor’s cock and starts sucking him off right in the middle of the classroom, but its not going to end there. She is soon bent over the desk getting her tight pussy slammed by Professor...

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I Lust My Sister Meridian

Meridian is my younger sister by two years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone. As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that I could get her all worked up...

3 years ago
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Rajai me ladai

Hello readers I’m Chintu a regular reader of iss this is my 1st story on iss. Aaj main aap logo ko ek aisi gatna sunane ja raha hun jise sunkar kai lund dile pad jayenge aur choote apna pani chhod dengi. To haan to dosto ye kahani hai mere 6 inch lambe lund aur sonia ki choot me hui ladai yani ki chudai ki. Meri ht. 5’5″ hai aur sonia ki imagination aap renuka shahane ke roop me kar sakte hai.Gora rang gathila badan wohi sexy figure aur statstic.ab main wapis asli story pe aata hun to maine...

2 years ago
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A Story

WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AT LEAST A HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION YOU WILL NOT GRASP THIS STORY. Bernice. Formally known as "Bargotherial energy vortex manipulator model 2000, was originally an instrument of federal power. Used to undo threats to the collective way of thinking that put them in power before they existed. A very large step towards totalitarianism. If you hadn't used it to go back in time and steal the blueprints before it was built. Bernice works on four different levels. Level 1:...

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When The Tied Turn

I woke gently from my deep sleep, my eyes straining against the brightness of the morning light. It was too bright. Our bedroom was never this bright in the morning, the smell of dew mixed with cut grass and the chattering birds outside were altogether overpowering. Our room wasn't normally this bright, the smells not normally so vivid and pungent, I could almost feel the warmth of the sun touching my skin first hand.As I finally forced my eyes open I could see my husband had left the blinds...

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GirlsWay Alison Rey Isabella Nice Family Call

Alison Rey is in the living room chilling on the couch reading a book. Her phone rings and Alison picks it up to find her sister on the line asking about her stepdaughter, Isabella Nice. Allison is babysitting her for the weekend and informs her sister about how much fun she’s having with Isabella. After some small talk, Isabella’s stepmom asks if she can speak to her stepdaughter. Alison informs her that she’s actually in the kitchen getting a bite to eat. The truth is is...

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The young woman at the bar seemed intent on being alone, despite being dressed to kill. Bedecked in an eye-catching red dress, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, she continued to sit at the bar, slowly sipping a Rum and Coke. Several slick-looking guys came over to hit on her, but before most of them even got the first word out, a piercing glance from her bright green eyes silenced them immediately. They would stop for a moment, as if paralyzed, then gulp, and dash off. Anyone who...

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The Enslavement Of Raven

The girl, named Raven by the way, was surprised one day when she saw the eyes of a very handsome dark haired man roaming up and down her body one afternoon in psych class. She blushed and looked away, but when she returned her focus to the lecturer the eyes were still there, green and piercing, ripping her clothes off with every glance. She felt excited in ways she had never dreamed of. Her cotton panties began to get soaked. She rubbed her hips together trying to take full advantage of the...

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The Foster Moms New Daughter Part Four

The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Four By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Synopsis: Orphaned at age 14, Angelo is a delicate boy, and after a miserable year living with his aunt and her family, he is placed in foster care with a woman who has always wanted a daughter. Angelo finds comfort in often living and dressing as Angela, a lovely 15 year old girl...

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Rape world

You stand in your shop, hammering away at your most recent project, armor and a weapon for yourself. The piece of metal you are currently hammering is to become a layer for your sword, the plans you have drawn out show a beautiful broadsword with a blade made out of seven different metals all encased with mithril and inlayed with pure elementium in the form of runes that make the blade even sharper, able to cut through magical energy to absorb it, then reuse that energy as a shockwave on a...

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Best Intentions Ch 03

Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of consensual and non-consensual sex between females and depictions of sexual slavery. If you are under 18 or offended by this type of material please do not continue. Otherwise, please read on and enjoy! Also, any resemblance of the characters in this work of people either living, dead or fictitious is unintentional and purely coincidental. Thanks to hfernandez1983 for editing. ***** Bailey had a bad Friday. First off, she was nearly late for class....

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The Songwriter Diaries

I sat in the recording studio, thinking what song I would use as inspiration. Then it struck me. The beat played in my head dozens of times. It was the theme of the video game "Pocky and Rocky." I started writing with a smile on my face:"His name is Rocky, he’s cocky. He swears there never will be a copy. Which is true, you know what I mean. Have some damn humility! He saw her in the club. He thought she was easy, cause she was a slut. Boy, you thought, that's really sleazy. Just cause she...

4 years ago
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The Future is Bright Pink Part One

The Future is Bright (Pink) Part One By Miss Clare Chapter 1 This was to be the most brilliant and extraordinary mission of all time. Scientists had been working on this matter for many years it seems and the prospect of many science fiction fans dreams was secretly about to be realised. Time travel. A woman called Cathy Newheart had made the breakthrough; her proclamation that this was a huge step for women scientists everywhere was greeted by acceptance by the...

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It's all here. All the evidence I need, right here in Lady Vixen's own computer. My God. All the allegations are true. Every last one. Misconduct. Unreported resistance. Forged waivers. Fabricated permissions. Every one a gross violation of the Mind Control Regulatory Act of 2046. Quickly I pop the data crystal into the port and let it extract the data. I lean back outside the soft glow of the screen, the only light save for the twinkling of the city outside the huge windows behind me. My...

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My Summer Back Home

I’m 21, full figured, kind of tall at 5’8”, with a 38DD chest and a plump that ass that has been said to mesmerize even the gays. And it has. My brother was a stocky kid, even as a child. He grew to be an average “not-exactly-a-jock-not-exactly-a-nerd” teenager. He was three years younger than me, just recently turned 18. Both my mom and dad lived with us, well, that was before I went off to a university about an hour away from home. I wouldn’t have to worry about my parents finding out about...

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Persuasive Pablo

Pablo stood in front of his sister, a strange glint in his eye. He’d just mastered The Secrets of the Voice, a course that he’d found online. It had originally been designed for salesmen, to increase their numbers, but Pablo had discovered that when it was combined with his strong accent, it no longer merely increased your chances of success ... it guaranteed it. “Hello,” he said, and his twin sister Paige looked up with a start. She was sunbathing in the back yard, and the last thing she’d...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 46 Malin

Thoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...

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Chapter 1 - The Middle Pamela lay spread eagle on the four poster bed in his loft. Her hands and feet were trust to the posts by Hermes silk scarves and she had a silk mask covering her eyes. She knew what was coming next and silently she wanted him to hurry up with the preliminaries. The scarf was meant to keep her guessing, but tied around her head so softly that she could just barely see under the lower portion. This, in effect, gave her a "slit view" from her breasts to her feet. She...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly massage her...

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Im a Party Slut Girl

My boyfriend and I had plans to go to a party but had been fighting all day but went together anyway since we were expected to show.He gave me the cold shoulder that night, I drank way too much and, needless to say, one thing led to another. This really cute friend of his, who was always flirting with me anyway, was there. He was a long blonde-haired surfer dude-type with a well sculpted body. So while my boyfriend was off doing whatever it is angry boyfriends do, I came on to his friend. We...

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Being us

so basically jimmy has a friend that we have known for ages called george and lives in berlin, george has been hitting on me since we met, i'm not a big fan of him and he's a totall sleaze bag! two weeks ago jimmy was in germany and met up with george, george end up telling jimmy after a couple of drinks that he is crazy for me and that he wanks at my facebook pictures!!! as usual jimmy loved it and ended up showing him naked pics of me... when jimmy came home he told me all about it and that...

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