ConvergenceChapter 26: Deadline free porn video

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“Hawk One! Hawk One! Do you read me?” the operator on the radio all but shouted in desperation.

There was no response.

“Keep trying,” the control room manager ordered in a calm, gravelly voice. “What’s wrong with Major Connor?”

“He screamed at the same time we heard Commander Murphy scream on the radio,” another operator pointed out the obvious.

“He must have been linked with Ed for whatever happened to hit both of them at the same time,” the manager mused angrily to his Companion. He was the only Companion/host pair in the control room at the time. “Ed! Can you hear me?” the manager sent, anxiously trying to mentally contact the Commander, but without success.

“They were merged,” his Companion informed him. “That shouldn’t have caused a reaction. Test flights have been conducted while merged. Merges between ground based and flight hosts have even been conducted during Command and Control training over the last weeks. It also optimizes the training time available.”

“Could it have been the distance?” the manager wondered.

“Major Connor has participated in melds from the other side of the world,” his Companion reminded him. “Commander Murphy would have had to go a long way to beat Major Connor’s current distance record.”

“The only other variable is the Van Allen Belt,” the manager thought. “What would happen if two people were merged, and one was subjected to highly excited energy particles, and the other was not?”

“I have no idea,” his companion replied, sounding worried.

Caleb became aware of the urgent voices around him. He heard JJ ordering someone to collapse the legs of a stretcher so they wouldn’t need to lift him as far. He tried to open his eyes, and stopped with a groan. His brain felt like it was on fire.

“Caleb! Honey! Can you hear me?” JJ demanded.

“Uh-huh,” Caleb croaked affirmatively, but painfully.

His throat felt raw, probably from the screaming he dimly remembered.

“Wha ... hap ... pened?” he gasped in pain.

“We don’t know what happened, yet,” JJ responded. “Wait a minute!” she angrily ordered someone that had started sliding their hands under Caleb.

“Ne ... Need water,” Caleb croaked, a little stronger, but still haltingly.

He felt something touch his lips, and JJ tenderly said, “Just a sip until we know what’s going on. Do you know what happened?”

Caleb started to shake his head, and decided that was a bad idea. Lights flashed behind his eyes, and spears of pain lashed his brain. Instead, he struggled to verbalize his last memories, “Ed ... I ... we were ... I was ... with him during ... the launch and...”

His brain and his mouth were definitely out of sync. He’d have to work on that.

“Try to contact him again,” Caleb heard a gravelly voice order.

“Mission Control calling Hawk One! Hawk One, respond!” the radio operator broadcast anxiously.

“I ... Is Ed okay?” Caleb asked.

“They lost contact with him when he entered the Van Allen Belt,” JJ answered. “They’re trying to raise him now.”

“Al? Are you still with me?” Caleb mentally asked his Companion.

“I’m here, but I’m not sure I want to be,” Al replied, his thoughts sounding strained.

“Do you know what happened?” Caleb asked.

“No, but as soon as I find out, it will be off-limits for all future activities,” Al answered blearily. “That hurt!”

“That makes it unanimous!” Caleb assured him.

“Hawk One! Can you hear me?” the radio operator demanded again.

A groan that sounded like an affirmative came from the speakers. Sighs of relief came from around the control room.

“Hawk One, what is your situation?” the control room manager asked. “Can you respond coherently?”

Several moments later a husky voice stammered, “I’ve got ... got the mother ... of all headaches! I think ... I need to ... come down ... now?”

“Roger that, Hawk One,” the manager replied with relief. “Give us a moment to calculate the quickest trajectory to get you home.”

“Thank ... you, control,” Ed’s voice responded, sounding afraid. “Is ... Is Major Connor ... okay?” he haltingly asked.

Several of the technicians looked at each other, startled. How could a man in orbit know to ask if someone on the ground had some type of attack? They weren’t hosts, so didn’t know the significance of the question.

“Hawk One, this is Mission Control Actual,” the control room manager interrupted. “Be advised the Major was feeling bad, but is doing better now. Why don’t you relax, while we work on getting you back on the ground.”

There was a delay before Ed apprehensively replied, “R ... Roger ... Control Actual.”

Caleb wondered about the apprehension he heard in Ed’s voice.

Space craft can’t simply be launched into orbit and immediately return to earth. It was two and a half hours before Ed left orbit.

Ed had been struck in the same way as Caleb. Ed was knocked out by the same blinding pain and disorientation that had briefly incapacitated Caleb. Unlike Caleb, Ed was physically alone when he regained his senses. Ed’s Companion, Bud, had been affected, the same as Al had been. Bud was isolated, the same as Ed, but he had never been isolated before. Bud was terrified. Ed’s calm response to the emergency was a lifeline for the frantic Companion. No one on the ground could reach them, either, but the pilot and his Companion didn’t know anyone was trying. Mental telepathy, or the lack of it, wasn’t something they could discuss on the radio. Their communications were very secure, but someone was bound to be listening. Ed was afraid his brain had been burned, tearing out his ability to communicate telepathically. In Bud’s opinion, the very concept approached the seventh layer of hell.

The moment Ed’s Star Hawk dropped below the Van Allen Belt, as he descended, he hesitantly reached out mentally. He reached for Caleb, since that was the last person he had mentally talked to before his flight.

“Caleb?” Ed probed tentatively. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Ed!” Caleb replied, his thoughts surging with relief at hearing his friend. “Are YOU okay?”

“I’m OKAY!” Ed mentally shouted with a massive mental sigh. “We thought our minds were burned, and we couldn’t mentally reach anyone! We talked about the possibility, and we didn’t like it. It would be like suddenly losing your sight, when we were limited to five senses!”

“That would be bad,” Caleb agreed with a mental shudder. “I think we need to slow this program down,”

he continued reluctantly.

“It sounds like a good idea, but no-can-do,” Ed groaned. “Don’t tempt me! As much as I would like to, I wonder about how many lives an hour’s more of preparation may have cost. We can’t slow down.”

Ed gave a mental sigh, before sending, “We’re going to lose hours on our schedule because I didn’t get my mission objectives completed. We are already shaving objectives, because of our imminent visitors. When the Aliens get here, what we have ready is what we’ll have to fight with. Hopefully there won’t be a fight. But if there is, we need to win. There’s a lot we can do with a battle-field the size of Earth orbit to Moon orbit.”

“Two steps forward, and one step back,” Caleb grumbled. “Is it even possible to be ready before the aliens arrive?”

“It is possible,” Al reassured them, breaking into the conversation. “Just like it is possible to do all the other impossible things that you humans do.”

“Thanks, I think,” Caleb answered, sarcasm tingeing his thoughts.

“I’m serious!” Al protested. “Bud can’t really compare humans to other species of his own knowledge. I can! Humans should have eradicated themselves by now, but they haven’t! Humans shouldn’t be as advanced as they are, but they are. There are so many things Humans should or shouldn’t be, but are! I’m amazed mankind survived beyond the Stone Age. Humans aren’t quite meeting a new species on an even basis, but close enough to get their attention. There is no doubt in my ... uhm ... our mind that we can survive this encounter.”

“See, Caleb,” Ed mentally complained. “I knew I wouldn’t get the afternoon off!” he added, a smile in his thoughts.

A day later, Ed went up again, with no ill effects, though he still couldn’t mentally reach anyone on the ground. Radio communications assured everyone of his safety. Appropriate code words were used in their banter to assure the earth-bound host/Companions that he was mentally intact. Even a strong meld tried to reach him, but couldn’t sense him in orbit.

A week of careful testing revealed the extent of the problem. Somehow, the Van Allen Belt blocked mental communications between host/Companion pairs. Once past the high intensity of the inner Van Allen Belt (1,000 to 6000 KM (620 to 3700 miles)), mental communications between pilots worked normally. They tried to mentally contact ground-based hosts with a meld from orbit, but that test was also unsuccessful.

A squadron meeting was held to discuss the ramifications.

“The lack of orbit to ground mental communications is a strategic speed bump,” Commander Murphy admitted in the meeting. “That’s the bad news, and it isn’t terrible. Command Control won’t be what we hoped, but we can live with it. The good news is the lack of mental ground communications doesn’t impact our tactical situation. We can still link and meld, while in orbit. Our training syllabus has been modified to include reliance on ground control via normal radio communications, only. Any questions or comments?”

One of the young pilots raised his hand and asked, “Does anyone know why the Van Allen Belt blocks us?”

“Professor Hawthorn, would you like to take that question?” Ed asked.

Bran didn’t bother standing, simply saying, “We don’t know why, but we’re guessing it’s because of the excited electrons in the Van Allen belt caused by the solar wind’s interaction with earth’s gravity well. We’ll study it more in-depth at a later time. For now, we only need to know what limitations it imposes. The limitations are two-fold. First, no command and control mental coordination. Second, never fly into the inner Belt while in a meld or a link. Since we hope all contact is far beyond the near-earth space, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Any other questions?” Ed asked. No one responded, so he continued with, “We’re behind schedule, again. You all have the new syllabus. Flight operations will increase to twenty-four hours a day. Your syllabus for the next week includes assignments into five teams. One team will be in orbit at all times, and one team will be on active standby. The other three teams will be on the ground, training in simulators, or sleeping. Sleeping is important, ladies and gentlemen. Fully as many battles have been lost due to tired soldiers as have been lost due to under-trained soldiers. We must strike a balance. Sleeping is as important as the time in orbit. Major Connor. You’re up.”

Caleb stood, faced the group, and said, “You are all going to be busy. While in orbit, you will be practicing combat tactics and docking procedures with resupply modules. You will also be repositioning some resupply modules. The alien ship is on a trajectory that approaches the dark side of the Moon, hidden from earth. One of your tasks, between now and when the aliens arrive, is to prepare the battlefield to our advantage. Resupply modules will be orbiting the Earth and the Moon. Clusters of resupply modules will also be stationed between the Earth and the Moon. The satellites orbiting the moon will alert us when the aliens approach. The current plan is to have the teams of Star Hawks docked at the clusters when the aliens begin coming around the Moon. That gives us two advantages. You start the engagement fully charged, and you should have the element of surprise.”

Karen raised her hand and asked, “Are we just going to start shooting at them?”

“No. We will attempt to contact them when they arrive at the Moon via the satellites,” Caleb replied. “We will also try to contact them through our Companions. Hopefully, one of the two methods will provide a peaceful outcome to this mess. We won’t start shooting until they circle the moon, and move to attack Earth. At that point, we won’t have a choice. Earth based population centers will be defenseless. We must not allow them to strike Earth. Any other questions?”

The room was very quiet. The enormity of their situation was beginning to sink in. The silence lengthened.

Commander Murphy stood, and said, “And on that note, it’s time to get to work! Dismissed.”

The following weeks were grueling, but they were productive. Space junk was used for target practice, and the teams improved. Five Star Hawks, with melded pilots, could hit a half meter piece of debris within a tenth of a second of each other, even though the fighters were widely spaced and at different distances from the target. The melds proved as effective in space as they did on the ground in Iraq.

“Theoretically, this configuration should provide more power than it needs to sustain the plasma core,” Caleb told Al with a grim smile.

“I have never been a fusion engineer,” Al said. “But I have been in closely associated fields. This looks right, but it won’t help. It’s too big for the Star Hawks! We need to build a fusion generator that works, before we can miniaturize it!”

“That would be the normal way,” Caleb agreed, “And that is where computer modeling comes in. We don’t have time to build a working model. We need to create a computer model of a fully functional prototype that will work in the fighters. THEN we need to build a prototype. We know what alloys we need to withstand the heat. We know how to shape the magnetic fields to contain the plasma. Kim’s quantum computer is fast enough to calculate the precise frequency of the lasers to push the Deuterium and Tritium molecules into close enough proximity to create fusion, after she gets the input and output fixed. Al, we need to have a fusion power-pack ready before the aliens arrive!”

“You want to create a functional fusion reactor, from a computer model, and expect to immediately use it in a Star Hawk?” Al asked, incredulously! “Are you nuts?”

“I don’t think we have a choice,” Caleb answered somberly. “The alternative is we all die ... if your estimate of their reactions is correct.”

Al was quiet for a long moment before asking, “What miniaturization part do you want to work on first?”

Kim rubbed her eyes and shook her head before saying, “Bran, I think this is one of those things where you just can’t get there from here.”

“I’m afraid that you’re right,” Bran replied tiredly, slumping back into a chair.

“The optical wave-guides work in the interface between the armor and the computer,” Kim pointed out plaintively.

“Yes, but the armor control signals need to be optical, for the interface to work,” Bran agreed. “That requires another armor upgrade. If we can’t make the armor work, as is, we can’t use the new computer interface! We don’t have time to go through the armor upgrades!” his frustration clear in his voice. “The best we can do is start preparing armor for upgrades. If Ed thinks we should chance it, maybe we can start upgrading people one at a time.”

“This computer could be a game changer!” Kim complained. “The added functionality of the armor would be enormous!”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter,” Bran sighed. “We’re already so far behind schedule that Ed and Caleb are trying to reprioritize what to do before the aliens get here.

“I know,” Kim complained, sounding defeated. “It’s just frustrating to find the solution and not be able to implement it due to time constraints. It’s just not fair!”

“I know, Honey,” Bran said consolingly, while his head was back and his eyes were closed. “All we can do is move to the next task, and do the best we can.”

“You’re right,” Kim answered morosely, turning back to her computer.

She looked at the armor/computer overview for a moment, then groaned in frustration, and typed in a flurry of commands. The image she had shown Caleb of his armor, at the beginning of the project, appeared on her screen. She glared at the image, resenting not being able to finish her main project. Her glare slowly morphed into a questioning look, and she tapped her lips in thought.

“What do you think would happen ... if we did this?” Kim asked her Companion, her mind flashing through possibilities. “Instead of undoing what his armor has done, can we use it being embedded to ease the transition to new armor?”

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Neel Fucking With Own Student 8211 Part 4

Hello all you ISS readers. I am back with another part of my sex escapes. I wrote many stories here on ISS if you want to read them you can just find them under the name utpdek0427. People who have not read my previous stories and this story is a continuation of “Neel fucking with Own Student”, “Neel fucking with Own Student-2” and “Neel fucking with Own Student-3”. I would request you to read them to know about me and how many sex escapes I had already. Now coming back to this story and as...

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Master John and Whore Pat

My wife Pat is in her early forties, five ft. six inches tall, with auburn hair and dark brown eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open towards sex and have shared our fantasies with each other often during our lovemaking. My number one fantasy had always been to see her pleasure and be pleasured by another man. She had begun fantasizing about...

4 years ago
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What A Sucking MotherChapter 4

Janey stood at the door when Laura opened it. Laura had never seen anyone so beautiful, so exquisite and desirable. Janey wore a bright-yellow sundress, with narrow straps across her shoulders. Her lovely, shapely tits were very noticeable, and the hem hung almost to her sweetly dimpled knees. The skirt was wide and flaring, with lace trim. "Mike isn't here," Laura said, even though she knew Janey had not come to see her son, but her. "I know, Laura," Janey said in her whispery voice,...

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The ExhibitionChapter 4

Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions....

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The SongbirdChapter 2

Cate Things had changed for me. The time on the road hadn't changed; it was always this way except when I started it was for a week or three to four nights at the same venue. Now I was lucky if I got two nights. I didn't bemoan my situation; I was still doing the thing I loved, singing. When I was young and fresh there would be small presents in my dressing room with offers to dine or to supply me with something that would relax me. Well you can imagine what they thought would happen...

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MelissaChapter 3

“Hi Mom... “Hi Dad, I’m home.” Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room, both were dressed for bed. “Hi Danny, how was the supper at the Deans?” Mom asked. “It was good. I talked to Mayor Dean some, he’s a really neat man. I just never knew him before. I met, Helen ... Melissa’s older sister who cusses so much. She apologized for talking to me so bad the other day. She even told me that if I ever get rid of her sister, call her.” I laughed, they did too at that. “Well get your shower...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 50

It was a quiet evening; pre-exam testing was scheduled for Thursday, Friday and in unusual Saturday classes so the girls were deep in study. Ching Lee and Marcy were in the kitchen; Lorrie and Vicky were in the living room. Jen was in the office working on her laptop. I was in the kitchen working on supper. A food store run was a sure thing for tomorrow; we were scraping the floor of the cupboard to get supper tonight. We girls had to worry about our figures so salad was main course tonight...

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Part 1 The Separation MomSon

The woman looked at her naked body in the the full length mirror.Her beautiful face was sad, her big hazel eyes full of tears and her small nose sniffling as her full red lips contorted in pain.The dark lines that showed her 50 years deepened around her eyes and mouth as she stared at her tits. Big, full, and drooping all the way down to her belly, her tits were creamy white with pink aerols and very long, almost 2 inch long nipples.She grabbed her breasts and looked at herself again."Those...

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Accepting Dizyntk 3Chapter 4 Holding Dizyntk

Virathea Tzilank was an emotional wreck. Not that anyone would be able to tell it by looking at her. She was performing her duties flawlessly as usual. The fact remained that she was dreading going to the human settlement today. A small part of her was also looking forward to it. She was a major in the Royal Guard and would soon be twenty-two cyankas old. She was not bonded, which was unusual for a Dizyntk of her age. It was not that she was unattractive. She was tall for a female of her...

1 year ago
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An American Incest Story Chapter Four

Late October 1985Keeping secrets aren’t easy, especially the ones you want to tell everyone. Yeah, I wanted to tell the world that I was Kathy Kramer’s secret boyfriend. But if I did that she would tell everyone about my mom and me. At least I think she would.You see Kathy enjoyed playing with my mom almost as much as she enjoyed playing with me. My mom would gleefully tell me that Kathy would skip school and come over. She would jerk me off and share every juicy detail of their carnal trysts...

1 year ago
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Private Darcia Lee School Girl Fantasises With Teacher

A beautiful brunette with big natural tits, that’s right it’s Darcie Lee and in Private Gold, College Harlots, she has come as a sexy school girl to lust after her teacher and Private stud Alberto Blanco. Darcie can’t help but imagine her dream fuck as she is teased and played with before getting a big cock in her mouth. She then takes a hard pounding before showing off her skills and riding her man. Watch as this sexy teen’s huge tits bounce away with a wild fucking until she takes a juicy...

2 years ago
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She Waits for No One

She rose from his bed on trembling legs and took a few shaky steps towards the bathroom. It was late afternoon and he’d left her in a highly aroused state, to the point where she was begging him, pleading with him to take her, use her, promising to do unspeakable things for him if he’d only give her the release her body craved. It was such sweet torture and her body ached with need, the need to please and be pleased, but he had something else in mind and left, closing the door behind him,...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 13 Treason by Dagger and Bullet

Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...

3 years ago
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A Sweeter Seduction 2

Wandering hands and a locked embrace were reflected in the polished stainless steel of the lift doors, as our lust-driven trance controlled us. The chimes of the hotel lift arriving on our level interrupted our passionate state. We stepped inside and the doors closed behind us. The cold, hard surface of the mirrored wall made me jolt forward as Darren pushed me back against it. His hands were all over me, urgently exploring every inch of my aching body. We stumbled around in the lift as it...

2 years ago
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A birthday treat to remember

Nothing much out of the ordinary had happened for a good few weeks beforeI went up to visit my Girlfriend, Anna for my birthday. When I opened the gift she gave me with a grin on here face I was surprised to find a blank VHS tape. My head swam as I imagined the possibility that she might have filmed herself doing some naughty stuff for me. She encouraged me to put it into the VCR straight away which I did and then sat next to me on the edge of the bed. “I hope you like it!” she beamed. The tape...

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Daddys Little WhoreChapter 3

It turns out I liked being an escort, much more than I thought I would anyway. I even started taking the money, mostly because I was much too practical to let a little thing like guilt get in the way of common sense. But then, if I had common sense I wouldn't have been an escort either. I would have been just another fifteen-year-old catholic schoolgirl, doing her homework, doing her nails, doing the little silly things that little girls do. I hadn't been a little girl in a long time...

4 years ago
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Weekend at the Caravan

By Docker5000 Chapter 1 John Holmes was in his room talking to one of his friends over the internet. He was in America. His family had taken him to America as a reward for him doing well in his final exams. John had done better than his friend in his exams and were was his folks taking him as a reward. To his uncles bloody caravan on the Welsh Coast. John truly couldn’t believe this his parents could well afford to take him abroad. But his father begrudged taking too much time off...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 382

I kept Jerrod close as we mingled with the crowd. He was as cool as I had expected that he would be. The only thing that might be of any interest to the authorities which I owned at that moment was the smarter than smart phone. I decided to wait for the order from the farm to dump it. Surely they had a way to clean or block any attempt to trace it. If not, they should tell me to dump it soon. I got the message at first light. It came in direct and of course wordlessly. They are going to take...

4 years ago
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Coming Home to a Surprise MMF

My roommate looked over and saw me, and quickly got up and made a half effort to cover his erect cock. "Sorry man" he said as he stumbled over to find his underwear in the pile of clothes. His girlfriend got up too, man she was beautiful. He had long, straight, strawberry blonde hair, tanned skin, C cup breasts, and a soft light brown bush. I started to get hard as soon as I saw her. "No worries, you guys go ahead" I told him, while staring at his girlfriend's body, and starting to get...

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A summer with my Stepsister Mary Part 1

This is a true story that happened between my stepsister Mary and I. My name is Bobby, and I was 15 and she was 13 when all of this happened. I had just had to move in with my dad at the end of the school year to a small town about an hour away from where I had been living with my mom because she was going to be working on the other side of the country for the summer. I was pretty pissed off with the whole situation because I wasn’t going to be able to see any of my friends all summer, I...

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The rabbit hole

Parker woke up early on Saturday and looked in the mirror. She's about 5' 8, with big tits and a nice round ass. She admires herself in the mirror for a while, before getting dressed. She sits around, waiting for her husband to leave for work. He gives her a kiss and heads out the door. She leaves ten minutes later, wearing a bandana as a top and short cut offs. She backs out of the driveway, and drives to...

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Kat and CaroleChapter 3

Kat woke with the dawn, despite their activities and the late night. She lay, revelling in the comfort of her husband’s – her lover’s – arms. Her hand wandered and found, as was quite usual, that his cock was standing hard and proud. She could feel herself moisten in response. It was the work of just a moment to lift a leg over him, guide him into herself, and slide down until he was fully inside her. She supported herself on her elbows, never having fully accepted his assertion that he loved...

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Marys story Part 27

Betty’s breast was complete now; the tattoo rose over her shoulder and down across her back, wrapping round her hip and running onto her thigh. “I saw Paul last night to get a bit more done. He was going crazy with only doing butterflies, so it was a break for him. I start the other breast next week.” She said. “You’re lucky; we have no idea what we will be doing next week or what will happen to us.” “You are not on the operating list, if that helps. Oh, that reminds me, we have something for...

4 years ago
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Fucking Amanda

MFGaryI can’t believe that I am sitting here, in this restaurant waiting for a woman that I have never met, or even seen a picture of. To tell you the truth, until six hours ago, I had never even heard of Amanda. But let me tell you a little about how I wound up here. My name is Gary Setzer and I work as a Sales Representative for a major manufacturer. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio, and lived there until about 8 years ago. However, my job requires me to make business trips to...

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The AdvertChapter 2

Surprise, Surprise This story stands on it’s own, but is the second installment of The Advert. I had just sat down in a local restaurant after receiving another email response to an advertisement I had placed on an adult web site. The adult website was a lot like face book, but adult themed. I had put on my profile that I was looking for playmates, friends with benefits or a long term relationship. I tried making friends but after months I was getting tired of trying to be polite. The...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lacy Lennon Liz Jordan Fun And Games With Step Sis

Lacy Lennon and her friend Liz Jordan are enjoying a game of poker when Lacy’s stepbrother, Jay Romero, comes to harass them. The girls get snarky with him, but eventually they decide to let him play cards with them. They settle in for a game of poker, but with a hot stepsister and her hot friend, Jay insists that they up the stakes to play strip poker. It’s not long before Lacy loses a hand and has to take her skirt off, revealing that she’s not wearing any panties. Jay gets...

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The Perfect Husband

The Perfect Husband My name is David and I'm writing this as a testimony to how a man can change. I was a typical man two years ago, with a pretty wife named Cathy, a great job in real estate, a house you would probably envy and good looks that meant I could pretty much have any woman I wanted -- which I did, even after I was married. Now Cathy suspected I slept around (calling them affairs would make them sound more important to me than they were), but she basically towed the line...

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Laura Chapter 6

(Nikki had his first sex with Laura's mother, Rita, and found a way to give her an intense orgasm, and they both fell in love in Chapter 5. In this chapter Laura's parents become regular visitors, for Laura to have sex with her father and Nikki to have sex with her mother. The relationship between Nikki and Laura grows deeper, with the full approval of Laura. Also, Richie visits, and it ends up with both Laura's father and Nikki adding ass-fucking of their respective partners to their...

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I got Peter up to sing and Mike would get his solo, with “La Vie En Rose...” Mike stood up busting with pride and began the song playing his trumpet, along with Nancy on the piano and Brigitte slapping her bass... Then Peter stepped up and sang... Hold me close And hold me fast This magic spell you cast This is la vie en rose When you kiss me, Heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see la vie en rose When you press me To your heart I’m in a world apart A world where roses bloom And...

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My Second Assignment To Swetha Mam Satisfied The Lust Of 14 Years Of Sex

Hi guys, this is Vikram back again with my new experience and thank you some much guys specially for your compliment and responses and any girls ladies widows and divorcee who r hunger of sex in and around Delhi can feel free to contact me 100% satisfaction and privacy is guaranteed and contact me at and will always be there for u at any time…….. I will be always available to u at your door steps at any time but please boys stay from asking number because its waste of time. Will not waste...

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