GreeniesChapter 13b free porn video

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The marines were right. The special forces teams were not suicidal and had no intention whatsoever of actually going head to head with an entire company supported by tanks and hovers at once. In fact, Lon and his squad were the only actual combat squad currently deployed on the western side of the Eden LZ and they were almost five kilometers away. They had their normal weapons and their normal assortment of anti-tank and anti-aircraft lasers, but their orders were not to engage unless they were located and under attack themselves. Their job on this particular phase of the operation was to observe and report the position of the marines. All of the other teams that had been dropped on the western perimeter were mortar squads and sniper teams. Utilizing the position fixes fed to them by Lon and his team, who were perched atop a series of high hills and watching the marines through combat goggle magnification, the mortar squads pulled back to their optimum range and began to set up while the sniper teams — each of which consisted of a gunner and a spotter — began to move in. But before these elements could begin to do their work, someone had to do something about the hovers. Fortunately, someone was on the way to do just that.

Sixty kilometers to the west, screaming in at six hundred kilometers per hour, a flight of four Mosquitoes turned and banked through the hills, keeping less than thirty meters above the ground. In the lead Mosquito, piloted by Brian Haverty, Matt Mendez started intently at the screen in front of him, watching as the red dots that signified the marine hovers circled slowly around and around.

"Twelve targets," he told Brian through the intercom system. "Three flights of four but all close enough for mutual support. They're in overlapping patterns, altitude four, zero, zero AGL. I'm plotting a position to best engagement zone right now."

"Right," said Brian, who was focused on keeping the aircraft from smashing into the ground or one of the hillsides. The information Mendez was reciting was coming from a special forces team somewhere out in the wastelands, a team that had the deployment under direct observation and was beaming their observations up to a com sat where it was then being encrypted and broadcast to the flight via a transmitter in Eden. "What do we got on ground forces?"

"Company strength tank forces, company strength armored cav, including four SAL five-sevens spread throughout the armor."

"Great," said Brian. "And those SALs won't be shooting training charges either. We need to keep exposure time at an absolute minimum."

"Fuckin' aye," said Matt. "It's also reported that the armored cav is dismounted now. Two hundred troops on the ground."

"And if they're following doctrine," Brian said, "there will be one hand-held SAL per squad. In case you're a little slow on the math, newbie, that means there are at least twenty portable surface-to-air lasers that will be gunning for us."

"They can't hit us with them things, can they?" Matt asked. "They don't lock on target like the mobile SALs do."

"They may not lock but with twenty of them out there gunning for us the chance of a lucky shot slamming into us increases considerably. Don't underestimate the hand-helds. I've been taken down in training missions more than once by them."

"Thanks, boss," Matt said. "I thought I knew about every fucking thing there was that could kill me out here. It's sure nice of you to add to the fuckin' list."

"Just keep our exposure time to a minimum," Brian repeated. "This is an improv mission at its finest. You're in control of where this whole flight pops out and where it goes back into the hills. Don't fuck it up or you'll get some people killed."

"Right," Matt said. "A trial by fire. I got it."

"You'll do fine," Brian told him. "We've practiced this dozens of times. It's a textbook improv air-to-air strike. Classic phase two warfare. "

Matt nodded and looked down at his screen. The holographic map display showed the hills and valleys in three dimensions, with altitude numbers atop each peak. It really was like a training mission except for the fact that the hovers out there were not MPG owned and the SALs were not firing training charges. He put this out of his mind and his nervousness faded away. His finger began to trace a course across the map, taking them in from the east, skirting around the base of three hills, and then popping up over the last set of hills where the hovers were flying. A blue line trailed behind his finger, marking the projected course. When it entered the firing zone, it turned red. He skirted it along the ridge and then curved it back to the west. Once behind the next hill, the tracing turned blue again.

"I got it," he told Brian. "We'll swing in from the east and pop up to five, zero, zero AGL, egress to the west. Total exposure time, four point three seconds."

"Sounds good," Brian said, violently cutting them to the right around a hill and then leveling them again. "Put it on screen."

"Don't you wanna check it first?"

"Can't take my eyes off the terrain," Brian told him. "I'll have to trust you on this one."

Matt took a deep breath. "Okay," he said. "On screen. Shipping it to the other planes." He pushed a button on his screen and locked in the plot. He pushed another button and the plot was beamed to the other three aircraft via a short-range radio burst. The navigation carrot on their heads-up display swung to the right and they began to follow it, homing in on their targets. Matt called out the course corrections as they came up, counting each one down. Soon his ESM display began to make some noise.

"I'm picking up three distinct active IR and radar sweeps from the target area," he announced. "Frequencies indicate SAL-five-seven phased sets on standard search setting. Probability of detection, zero."

"Got it," said Brian.

"Come right to two, seven, three in five, four, three, two, one."

The aircraft banked right, spinning around another set of hills, and leveled out again. They climbed a few feet to clear a smaller hill and then dove back down again. Behind them, one by one, the other three Mosquitoes matched their moves exactly.

"Coming up on the IP," Matt said after the next bank. "Charging the laser, activating air-to-air search mode."

"Copy," said Brian.

"Active IR and radar getting stronger, still no chance of detection."

"That's what I like to hear. No active airborne?"

"Nothing," Matt confirmed. "I guess the hovers don't wanna overload their ESM sets."

"Their mistake," Brian said.

They flew on, skirting through a narrow gully. The laser set beeped, indicating it was charged and ready. They reached the Initial Point, or IP, made their last turn, and then screamed on towards the last hill between them and the marines.

"Let's do this thing," Brian said, putting on some power and pulling up on the stick. The Mosquito began to rise into the air.

Lon, Lisa, and Jefferson were deployed atop Hill 655, five kilometers northwest of the circling hovers and the company of dismounted infantry beneath them. The hovers were clearly visible to them, circling in simple, overlapping, mutually supporting patterns. Some of the infantry and armor were visible as well, but most were obscured by the hills between Hill 655 and the target area. That didn't really matter though. The dust cloud produced by the armor pointed out their position as clearly as a holographic arrow on a simulation screen. And if Lon, Lisa, and Jefferson lost sight of the targets for any reason, Horishito and two other squad members were deployed 450 meters further west on hill 648 and Brannigan and the remaining squad members were deployed 380 meters further east on hill 703.

Lon knew the flight of Mosquitoes was on their firing run. After all, it was he who had given them their target coordinates. He had his eyes peeled and his infrared enhancement mode set to high but even he didn't see them at first, they moved so quickly. The first clue he had they were in the neighborhood was three flashes from the circling hovers as they were struck by anti-tank lasers. One of the hovers, apparently targeted by two of the aircraft at once, simply exploded in mid-air. The other two went spinning wildly out of control.

"Yes!" Lon said, pumping his fist in triumph. "Three down with one run. Not too fucking bad."

Lisa caught the barest glimpse of the Mosquitoes as they dove back downward. Just before disappearing behind a hill there was a flash from the belly of one. One of the other hovers flashed with the telltale signature of a direct hit. It dropped out of the sky like a rock, the pilot and gunner firing free on their ejection seats. "Four," she corrected. "They took another one on the egress."

"Annoying little mosquitoes huh?" Lon said, referring to that long ago WestHem general who had given the aircraft its affectionate name. "I wonder what that asshole thinks about them now?"

"Nothing," Lisa said. "He's one of the military consultants for InfoServe now. They'll never even tell him the Mosquitoes had anything to do with their losses."

"True," agreed Lon.

"Hey, sarge," said Horishito from the next hill. "Fifty bucks says they take at least five on their next run."

Lon thought that over for a second. "You're on," he said. "Those guys are good, but they ain't that good."

"I'll take a little bit of that action," Lisa said. "Fifty on five."

"Covered," Lon told her.

The next run began twenty seconds later. This time they saw the four Mosquitoes pop up over a hill to the north of the hovers. They climbed to altitude and their lasers began to flash. Hovers began to explode and fall out of the sky. Five were hit but only four went down. The fifth began limping its way back toward the landing zone, trailing smoke and wobbling but still airworthy. The Mosquitoes disappeared within seconds.

"You owe me fifty bucks!" Horishito yelled.

"Yep," Lisa agreed. "Me too."

"No fuckin' way," Lon said. "They took four down. The other is still flying."

"We said they'd take five," Lisa said. "The fifth one is out of commission. That means it got took."

"But its still flying," Lon protested. "Take means destroyed."

"The fuck it does!" Horishito said. "You can't go changing the..."

"All right, guys," said Lon. "Let's discuss this later. Too much chatter on the net."

"Oh, now its too much chatter on the net," Horishito said.

The fifth hover reached the outer perimeter of hills, wobbled a little bit more, and then suddenly exploded with a bright flash of light. There was no ejection. By the time the flash faded, even the debris was gone.

"Fifty fuckin' bucks," Lisa said.

"Fuck yeah," agreed Horishito.

"All right," Lon said. "I know when I'm beat."

This left only three hovers still flying over the formation. Though they were inanimate objects it was clear by watching them that the men crewing them were now extremely nervous. They circled faster, putting distance between each vehicle. Jefferson reported that active radar and infrared had come on line from each of them.

"Those guys are shittin' in their pants about now," said Jefferson.

"Let's go double or nothing," Lisa suggested. "I say they take all three on the next run."

"I'm in on that," Horishito said. "All the way to the ground even."

"No thanks," Lon said. "I've learned my lesson about betting the no-pass line."

It was fortunate he didn't take the bet. The Mosquitoes appeared again, this time from the west, and the remaining three hovers fell in less than two seconds.

"Put it out, Jeffy," Lon ordered. "All aircraft down. Friendly aircraft are egressing. Sniper and mortar teams are free to engage."

"Transmitting," Jefferson said.

Atop Hill 474, 1600 meters to the west of the WestHem marine's westernmost troops, Corporal Brogan Goodbud lay nestled between two large boulders, looking through specially engineered combat goggles at the head of one of the WestHem marines. The magnification was so great he could make out the serial number atop the marine's visor, could tell what color eyes his target had. Goodbud held in his highly trained hands an M-64 sniper rifle, a weapon engineered and built by a Martian company specifically for the use he was putting it to. It fired a two-millimeter projectile at hypersonic speed, more than twelve times the speed of sound on the Martian surface, almost twice the velocity of the standard M-24 rifle most of the troops carried. At this velocity, and with modified combat computer support, Goodbud could hit an object the size of an apple from almost two kilometers ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Right now, his target was considerably larger than an apple and considerably closer than two kilometers. The travel time of the bullet to the target would be a mere two tenths of a second. He was as good as dead.

The target was either a sergeant or a lieutenant. He knew this for sure. For the past thirty minutes Rimmer, his observer, had been scanning the radio signals of the troops down on the ground classifying the radio signals that emitted constantly from their biosuit packs. Leaders were easy to identify even though they didn't put rank marking on their biosuits, even though the troops they commanded went to great pains to avoid saluting them or otherwise drawing attention to them with careless actions. Platoon and squad leaders were the only ones who broadcast radio signals on more than one frequency. Lieutenants talked to sergeants and to their commanders back on the landing ship. Sergeants talked to lieutenants and to their squads. The grunts of the operation only talked among themselves. Rimmer had identified more than twenty leaders down there and his combat computer had marked them by changing the color of their helmet to green in Goodbud's goggles. Of course this target locking only worked as long as the targets in question remained in view. When the air-to-air attack had come and the hover debris had started raining down all over the formations and the marines had started diving for cover and running around to attend to the wounded, more than half of his locked targets had disappeared. That was okay though. Once the fun really started, it would be easy for Rimmer to reacquire and re-mark them.

"Message from C Team," Rimmer's voice spoke in Goodbud's ear. "'All aircraft down. Friendly aircraft are egressing. Sniper and mortar teams are free to engage.'"

"Well suck my hairy ass," Goodbud said, making a minute adjustment of his rifle recentering his recticle on the target's face. "It's go time." He pushed the firing button. The weapon discharged with a slight kick, the flash channeled through a flash suppressor and cooled by a simultaneous release of liquid nitrogen as it emerged from the barrel. While it was impossible to completely suppress a gunshot flash, especially in the infrared spectrum, the M-64's suppressor technology did have the effect of making the signature less than one twentieth that of a standard M-24. The bullet hit exactly where it was aimed and the target dropped forward, blood boiling from a hole in the back of his head. Goodbud didn't pause to savor his success. He simply zoomed out until he saw another of the green helmets amid the rapidly expanding chaos. He picked one that was kneeling next to a marine wounded by aircraft debris, zoomed in, placed his recticle on the target's face, and then fired. Another one down. He would make one more shot and then they would pack up and move to the next hill to start all over again.

When Callahan was told later that the initial engagement had taken less than five minutes from start to finish, he thought he was being lied to. For him it seemed to take hours, days even, as he watched a cataclysm of horror and confusion he'd never even conceived of take place all around him.

It started with the hovers. They had been circling three or four hundred meters above, their presence comforting to the dismounted marines crawling up and down the hills (and finding absolutely nothing) and probing through the small gullies. The marine hover had always been considered the pillar of strength for extra-terrestrial operations, the factor that was supposed to insure victory and domination over any enemy fought far from the comfort of Earth. It was the factor that was supposed to guarantee air superiority over a battlefield, that could smash enemy forces long before the marines on the ground were close enough to even worry about them. The marines faith in these mighty flying tanks had begun to erode a bit over the past week as greenie troops proved themselves able to avoid detection by them and to take them down with their cursed anti-air lasers, but when the attack began on this morning, that faith was instantly and utterly destroyed for all time.

At first, Callahan didn't even know what was happening. He and his platoon had been approaching one of the hills, readying themselves to begin the clumsy climb to its peak. And then suddenly the hover directly over the top of them exploded without warning. Chunks of metal, circuit boards, control surfaces, and engine components came raining down atop them. One of his men was killed when an engine thruster crushed his head. Two others were wounded by smaller debris. The survivors of this hit the ground, their weapons trained outward out of instinct. Callahan wondered if the explosion had been a simple malfunction but then he looked behind and saw two other hovers spinning downward towards the ground, flipping end over end as half of their thrusters were put out and the others stayed lit. They hit the ground and exploded, one falling behind a hillside and out of sight, the other landing directly in the midst of third platoon, causing multiple casualties.

His radio channels began to squawk out overlapping exclamations, his men yelling on one channel, the other platoon leaders yelling on the other.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Where did it come from?"

"It was aircraft!" screamed someone else.

"No, there are greenies on the hillside, six o'clock!" shouted someone else.

Weapons began to fire at this last proclamation, popping from all around. Three marines standing atop one of the closer hills were peppered by it, falling in heaps.

"Cease fire!" someone else screamed. "Those are friendlies up there! They're fuckin' friendlies!"

"Shit!" said another voice.

The rifles stopped firing, gradually though, not all at once.

"It was aircraft!" one of the other lieutenants insisted. "Three or four of them! They passed right over the top of us!"

"Bullshit!" another lieutenant countered. "We would've fuckin' seen them."

"I did see them!" the first lieutenant countered. "They came out of the hills and then disappeared again in just a few seconds. They were moving fast."

"Nothing moves that fast out here, you idiot!" another voice proclaimed.

"Report!" said Captain Ayers' voice, overriding everything else. "Someone out there give me a goddamn report! Callahan, you there?"

"I'm here, cap," Callahan said, his eyes searching nervously through the skies and on the hillsides. "I don't know what the hell just happened but three of the hovers just went down."

"Four," the first lieutenant corrected. "They got another one just before they disappeared."

"Who got another one?" Ayers demanded.

"Aircraft," said the lieutenant. "They came out of the hillside, shot up the hovers, and then disappeared back in the hills."

"Did you see that, Callahan?" Ayers asked him.

"I didn't see shit, cap," he said. "We've got wounded down here though. Start bringing in the... oh shit! Get down!" In his excitement of seeing four greenie aircraft come shooting out of the gap between two hills, he forgot to change his transmission mode back to the tactical channel. As a result, it was only the other lieutenants who got down. The aircraft rushed over the top of him at a speed that seemed impossible in this environment, so fast that his eyes could barely register them. But his eyes did. They were ugly, flimsy looking boomerang-shaped aircraft flying in a line, their engines burning brightly in the infrared spectrum. They were close enough he could hear the muted roar of those engines through the thin air. Four more of the hovers suddenly fell from the sky and another went limping off towards the LZ, trailing smoke behind it. Of the four that went down, two of them landed amid the troops, smashing some, killing others with shrapnel when they exploded, wounding tens of others.

"What's going on Callahan?" Ayers demanded. "Report, goddammit!"

"It is aircraft!" Callahan yelled. "Mosquitoes. Four of them in formation. Holy fuck do those things fly fast. How the hell can they hit anything moving that fast?"

"Did they hit the hovers?" Ayers asked.

"Yes!" he screamed. "Four more down and another damaged. It's heading for..." he trailed off as the fifth one suddenly exploded, raining more debris down on a thankfully empty hillside. "Never mind," he finished. "Five down. They took five down."

"Five down total?" Ayers asked.

"Five down with this run," Callahan corrected. "They got four with the first. There are only three of them left."

There was silence on the command channel for a few seconds (although not on the tactical channel, that one was filled with more screams, more calls for medics). "Are you saying," Ayers finally asked, "that those four greenie aircraft have taken down nine hovers in less than a minute?"

"That's affirmative," Callahan said, unable to believe it himself. "Nine down, three left."

Ayers didn't quite know what to make of this. Neither did Callahan. While they were still mulling this over the Mosquitoes came back, suddenly appearing from yet another gap in the hills. The other three hovers fell to them, two of them landing amidst the troops, killing another eight and wounding another dozen or so. They were now completely without air cover.

"We need more hovers out here, cap!" Callahan said. "At least two dozen if you can spare them! And we need dust-off hovers too. We got lots of casualties on the ground."

"I'll get them out there," Ayers promised. "How many flight crew ejections?"

"Most of them got out, I think," Callahan said, not giving a shit about the flight crews.

"Recover those flight crews as quick as you can and get them inside the APCs. Those fucking idiots are helpless out there alone."

"We'll do what we can," Callahan said. "But right now we've got to worry about..."

He stopped suddenly as the confusing though horribly familiar babble indicative of a sniper in their midst began to come across the airwaves.


"Get down!"

"Where the fuck did that come from?"

"Sniper!" someone else yelled. "Two people down... shit! Three people down!"

"Over there! Eight o'clock on the hillside!"

Guns began to fire again, peppering a hillside. There was a long burst of a SAW opening up as well.

"Cease fire!" a panicked voice yelled. "Stop shooting at us! We're friend..." the voice was cut suddenly and lethally off.

"Jesus," Callahan said, shaking his head.

Sergeant Bender, moving quick and low suddenly came down next to him. "LT," he said. "I think I saw a flash from..." He didn't finish. His head snapped to the right and his blood came boiling out into the atmosphere. He slumped over and lay still.

"Shit!" Callahan said, rolling quickly to the right and placing a boulder between himself and the direction the shot had come from. It was none too soon. Another shot plunked into the dirt where he'd just been.

"Over there!" a voice yelled. "On the hillside! Seven o'clock!"

Guns began to open up once more and once more a panicked voice began to scream out for a cease-fire, that they were shooting friendlies.

"Clusterfuck," Callahan muttered, still coming to grips with the thought that he'd just about been killed. "A fucking clusterfuck. What the hell else could go wrong?"

That was perhaps not the best question to ask because it was quickly answered.

"Incoming!" multiple voices on both channels began to yell in unison. "Get down!"

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Chapter 1 The breakup had been completely unexpected. Chris had made reservations for a late summer romantic weekend getaway to a quaint bed and breakfast. His plans seemed to be going great until at the last minute Erica called and told him that she couldn't go. Chris had been disappointed, they had been going out for almost eight years now. In fact it was just short of their anniversary, that day in college when Chris had finally gotten up the courage to tell Erica how he felt. ...

2 years ago
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James and SonChapter 10

After giving my son and my father time to bond, I continued taking Leo around to meet the rest of the family. He exchanged scents with them, they welcomed him with lips and tongues. Things were just getting started and most of the family hadn’t arrived yet, but there was already some pretty hot action happening around us. Leo wanted to offer up his ass to everyone he met, but I had priorities. We sat back and cuddled on a couch for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies with our hands. Then,...

1 year ago
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Sally Settles a Debt

I screwed up. Several years ago I borrowed money from someone who turned out to be a loan shark. It was only a couple of thousand but soon the amount started multiplying rapidly. In only a matter of months I owed twice the amount I borrowed. I finally set up a meeting with him to appeal for him to be reasonable reduce the interest he was charging. It did not go well. "I'm no charity and you have to pay me back plus interest. Just like a bank," **** said. "But you aren't a bank," I protested....

Group Sex
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Rough Fucking Of Girlfriend8217s Friend Like I Hate Her

Deepika and I were in a relationship. We kept our relationship in a healthy bubble by having sex in regular intervals until Sanjana broke up with her boyfriend. Sanjana was Deepika’s roomie and she broke up with her fifth boyfriend two months ago. Deepika spent more time with her. As a result, I got to spend more time with her too. Most of the times, Sanjana was with Deepika and it reduced our intimacy and increased the space between us. I kinda got irritated by Sanjana’s attitude as she has...

1 year ago
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Maggies Perfect Plan Part 7

I hardly slept that night worrying about the likely events of the following day. With Marie and her brood arriving it was going to be a time of never ending bullying and humiliation. Things were bad enough with Emily but now having Kylie and Britany here as well was going to be unbearable. After the phone call I had been made to get their rooms ready. Marie would have one to herself whilst the girls shared another. I awoke from my fitful slumber to the sound of Emily entering my...

1 year ago
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Service with a Smile

The night is cold and bitter as the rain spears downward in the dim street lights as the puddles gather and thicken growing deeper from the downpour coming from the rain gutters of the tall buildings of the city washing away it's filth the slung body on my shoulder gets heavier as i stand there in the cold wet night air in some ways it feels good in others it's like trying to tell which way the rain comes in the darknessThe door before me opens sliding up making the squeaking noise that wakes...

1 year ago
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Private Geishakyd Enjoys Outdoor Interracial

Geishakyd is enjoying a life of luxury in Private Gold, The Heiress and once again it’s time for her daily service as butler Jesús Reyes joins her by the pool for some Private style fun! A gagging blowjob serves as the perfect starter for this feisty little blonde as she gets a taste of BBC and warms up her pussy for a fuck. Then watch as Geisha spreads herself out on the deckchair for a hot 69 before going on to enjoy a spectacular outdoor interracial fuck that has her riding, grinding and...

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The Contract the list Part 2

The master of the house was delighted to have been given the opportunity to punish his new victim and test out his new equipment that had been specially made for his pleasures,the tit whipping device looked stunning in its rosewood finish and padded leather cupolas,even more stunning were the pair of breasts now resting within its nest as the masters obvious delight was showing in his tight riding breeches and painfully straining at the crotch,Celia felt his hand placed onto her behind as he...

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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...

3 years ago
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The Home Chapter 4

Mary and Melanie were waking up so I pressed my finger to my lips to keep them quiet and called out, “I’m fine Miss Stevens. Just give me a minute.” I extracted myself from the two women, grabbed my robe and went to the door. I cracked it open just a bit and said, “Good morning Sherry. I can’t believe I slept this late. Must have been the wine.” “Oh so you’re the one responsible for the mess in my courtyard then,” she said. “While we don’t prohibit our guests from drinking we try to...

2 years ago
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Id Never View it as Cheating Pt 01

This is a work of fiction—I made it up. None of the characters are real. Any relationship to real people is unintentional and coincidental. ©2015 by Senorlongo. This is a story unlike anything I’ve ever written. It describes a family’s struggle to deal with a major health issue and a wife’s total love for her husband. If only women like Lizzie really existed. ***** ‘Cum, baby…fuck me…flood my pussy.’ ‘UNNNNGGGGHHHH! UNNNNGGGHHH! UNNNNNGGGGHHHH! AHHHHHHHH!’ My head fell to lie on her...

3 years ago
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Want to share one of the most memorable incident of my life the memories of which r still a fresh in my mind… As my college was quite far from my place I lost most of the time traveling 2 and from, so I rented a room near my college vicinity, my landlords were very friendly and nice people the had a daughter Anjali. She was in 12th standard; she was very cute looking gal with a very nice physique with 34 c boobs fair in complexion and around 5’3 inches tall. It so happened 1 day that I came...

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MagicianChapter 89

It was raining; the sort of fine mizzle that at first doesn’t seem so bad, but eventually soaks everything and chills you to the bone. ‘This is England, ‘ I mentally sighed. Only it wasn’t, this was the same island only called Kedyrn in Tír na nÓg though the weather remained the same. Fortunately I and my ladies didn’t have to worry about the weather, or indeed heating, for as Mages we could control the physical aspects of our surroundings quite easily. Tu’tar who was currently mine and...

3 years ago
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True Nature

Copyright 2002 I might be gay. I said the words once again in my mind as Steve ordered coffee for both of us. Could I reveal that little secret that had been preying on me? To Steve of all people? You might think it strange that I'd chosen Steve to tell, being my ex-boyfriend. I'd started worrying about it after watching a movie. It was just some sexy b-movie a guy had brought over and forgotten to take, but it had this one scene that had gotten to me. It was a woman, by herself. It showed...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 7

Evening was coming the sun had already passed the top of the mountains and it would be dark very soon. We could see the warehouse and the people walking around it. It looked like three or four people but we were trying to make sure we knew exactly how many before we made ourselves known. They seemed to know what they were doing, as only one would move at a time while the others watched. They had circled the warehouse twice before stopping at the main entrance. We had carefully moved closer...

3 years ago
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Girls Night In

Re-written from the original I posted as posh-slutLast night I invited my two girlfriends Annie my PA and my masseuse Emma around to my house for dinner plus some fun afterwardsI chose my favourite slinky red dress, very sheer and tight fitting. Nothing underneath as it would spoil the smooth outlineAnnie arrived wearing a long blue dress, loose fitting just clinging to her breasts so that it accentuated her gorgeous profile. With the light at her back her whole body was revealedEmma choose a...

2 years ago
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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 6

Chapter 6: My new home was in Farnham, and my new name was Blanche, the woman in "A Streetcar Named Desire" who "depended on the kindness of strangers" -- one of Harry's little jokes. Farnham was a closed community of isolated houses built around the side of a mountain. Started in the 50's by a group of survivalists, it expanded through the years to include anti-government types, libertarians, and people who wanted to be left alone. Farnham was an ideal setting for it: a single main...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Marty 18 year old

Marty is an 18 year old “girl next door” with short hair, blue eyes and some very adorable braces. Our casting candidate is also quite shy, but that isn’t stopping her from doing what it takes to get her foot in the door. Marty’s super fresh and only had sex with two people in her entire life, which is so crazy to me. Even after her short stint in the minors she thinks she’s ready for the big leagues. Of course we’ll be the judge of that… She’s a little hesitant when...

1 year ago
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The new girl

Stacey Parker was your typical 18 year old nerd. Skinny and pale. He also inherited his mother’s delicate features, giving him an almost feminine appearance. His long, blonde hair and his height of only 5 foot 5 inches, didn’t help matters either. After the death of his father, his mom decided to move closer to her parents, which meant Stacey would be starting a new school for his freshman year. Having moved into their new house only the night before school started, Stacey had no chance to make...

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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 7 The Fight Begins

The next morning Mark came awake and remembered the way Hank and his mother had looked at each other. He recognized the meaning in the way they smiled and touched each other on the face and even hugged a couple of times. Often Mark and Melissa smiled at each other the same way. Their smiles for each other were warm and tender when they tried to express their love for each other. There was too much intimacy in those smiles between his mother and Hank. It bothered Mark to even consider his...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 37

Linda and I went and had dinner, then I put the top down and we cruised Van Nuys Boulevard for a couple of hours. Finally it got dark, so we headed over to the park behind the baseball field. I think we both knew that tonight was just about cuddling and talking. I put the top up as she prepared the back. Then we crawled into the back and cuddled. We talked about the almost Twilight Zone conversation we had with her mother.“Pete, I can’t believe she knew! And she seemed so calm about it!”“Well...

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John CarterChapter 4

Slowly, Ling eased herself down on John’s cock. A shudder of excitement went through her body as his cock filled her cunt. She leaned forward and kissed Kelly while Kelly rubbed her cunt on John’s mouth. The women caressed each others breasts with tenderness and love. They each knew how the other liked to be touched. John was busy licking Kelly’s cunt as it dripped nectar into his mouth. He was overwhelmed by the sensations. He enjoyed performing oral sex so much that he could almost orgasm...

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Backpacking With His Sister Part 2

The chilly morning cold slowly pulled Brian out of his sleep, but finding his naked sister cuddled in his arms next to him fully woke him up in an instant. He sat up straight, trying to understand what had happened and how they could possibly get themselves out of this mess. Failing to come up with anything he sank back, letting out a sigh and running a hand through Lucy’s hair. She was as beautiful asleep as she was awake, the short brown hair soft to his touch as much as her cheek.Running his...

3 years ago
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Biriyani Virunthudan Oru Ool Sugam

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumanam aagiya oru akkavai matter adika kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Varungal, kathaikul selalam. En peyar Faisal, vayathu 27 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. Naan veetirku ore paiyan thaan, maduraiyil vasithu varugiren. Corona time enbathaal naan veetil iruntha padiye thaan velai seithu vanthen. En sonthakara akka oruval irukiraal, aval paarka sema sexyaaga irupaal. Oru nattukattai pola irupaal, aval pine niraiya aangal...

4 years ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 5

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 5 Erica Kennel Chris sat alone on a small bench during recess. His only awareness was of a lurking unease, something he new would make him feel bad if only he could remember what it was. After a unsuccessful reflection, Chris noticed a group of girls eyeing him from the far side of the playground. They were giggling and pointing at him, and soon he began to feel self- conscious. Looking up again a moment later, his discomfort grew as more and more...

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Beg me not to Stop Pegged

She was working the dildo in my mouth like it was her real cock and she could feel all of the moves and thrusts. Her body moved like this was natural for her to be shoving a cock in a man's throat. She coached me at times by telling me to move faster or slower. At times, she grabbed me by my ears and would make thrusts, in and out, just like she wanted so that she could control the feeling and edge around an orgasm."You wait till I get this dick in your ass. It's gonna feel so good you're going...

1 year ago
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Sometimes a porn site can look really fucking amazing at a glance and be as disappointing as blue balls once you dig into it. Some sites are really good at creating a solid presentation, providing great site design, plenty of features, and hundreds of thousands of porn videos, but once you start clicking around, come to find out, many of these videos don’t load properly or the site is glitchy. Making a site look good is the easy part; making an actually good porn site, however, now that’s a...

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Surrendering to Temptation 3

Grant returned to his room on rubbery legs due to his recent masturbation session. Clad in his sister's nightie, panties, and pantyhose while he masturbated gave him the most intense orgasm that he had ever experienced up to that time. He thought about the nightgown that he had worn, washed, and hidden in the basement and decided not to return it to his sister's room.Since his sister admitted that she no longer wore them, he was sure that it wouldn't be missed. He would recover it and hide it...

1 year ago
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Pillow Talk Chapter Five

Pillow Talk By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Braciole The first plate whizzed past Frank Caputo's right ear and crashed into the wall, closely followed by a second that skimmed off his shoulder and shattered on the floor. "For fuck sake Michelle if I wanted this fucking drama I'd go home to Benedetta," Frankie whined, but he was laughing drunkenly. "Why don't you then? You can fuck her and Rita Cordova both for all I care!" Michelle threw another plate that flew well wide of...

1 year ago
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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 5

Hi Readers. This is Madan here. I am sorry I made you wait for months. Finally, I am here with the final episode. Sit back and enjoy the story. As the story is long, it will make you go crazy. Just visualize while you are reading. Kindly read my previous part for the continuation. 1.30 PM Mami and Bhabhi cleaned my cum which had fallen on my thighs and sofa. Kaveri fight was there outside and we were sure that nobody comes to the house. Bhabhi’s husband was in Mysore and he had the plan to come...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi

Any lady,women,girl want 2 enjoy sex mail me This is a real story of mine friend Glad to find your mail. I was expecting it. This weekend, we had been to Mumbai, from where we shifted to hyderabad. Let me tell you that we don�t have many friends out here. But my sexy hot wife never makes me feel that. We are very good friends also. We have done sex in most of the positions found in kamasutra. I have not received any photo with the mail. Kindly send it again. I hope that my laptop would be...

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Auction Of PromisesChapter 2 My trial weekend starts

The journey was bad. Two accidents kept us crawling for miles so we were two hours overdue our scheduled arrival time and I arrived at a virtually empty block of offices. Bob dropped me at the main entrance and drove the van round to the back somewhere and I wondered if I would be locked out but the door opened. The cleaning staff were busy but there was no one at the reception desk. Seeing me standing there looking lost, a cleaning lady switched off her vacuum and smiled in a friendly way...

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driving lessons chapter 2

“Oh god that was so good. You’re just the best. I couldn’t imagine anyone making love as well as you do.” Ian smiled at the compliment. “What not even Lee with his huge prick.” “Well it would be different but I can’t imagine it would be half as good besides it would probably hurt.” For the first time when he had mentioned Lee and sex she hadn’t given him an outright refusal. “I know it wouldn’t hurt.” Ian replied half hoping it would. “But wouldn’t you be really jealous?” Ian...

1 year ago
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At thirty thousand feet Chapter 5

Mya had seen enough. We had watched Amanda and Evelin have sex with the pilot and co-pilot, now it was our turn. Mya led me back to my seat in first class and sat me in my seat. She kissed me softly, snaking her tongue into my mouth.“Now it’s our turn baby. I really wanted to be the first to fuck you, but I guess I don’t mind being the second. I want that juicy cock deep inside me.”She kissed me once more as her hand slipped back over my cock. Her hand was soft and she gently stroked me to full...

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A Master Comes CallingChapter 4

Bess’s managed to get home naked and only just avoided running into her own father as she ducked into the bathroom and click the lock. She called out, “Sorry Dad, I am about to burst! I will be taking a shower and then off to bed, good night and love you” as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror she could not help but smile it certainly had been a good night, the tracks of white spunk had dried like an old river bed, her hair was matted and she smelt like a brothel (Not that she knew what...

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Mediterranean holidays

“Phew! I can’t believe how hot this place is!”, you say to your self as you start getting ready for another night out. Still you’re glad that you came to the Turkish resort town of Antalya with your best friend Christine. It is the first time in three years, ever since you met your boyfriend Nick, that you had the chance to go on a holiday with your best friend and relive the wild days of university. Not that you got to see Christine for long, of course. She bailed out on you from the very...

4 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Chapter 1

Dorothy had always dreamed of returning to OZ but ever since her eighteenth birthday signs of Oz have been lost. That is until, one sunny Friday morning, a stage coach came into her small Kansas town.As Dorothy sat on her front porch, in her white and red checkered sun dress, she saw the stage coach coming over the horizon. Pulled by a old run down mule, the coach pulled by the house and she saw something she never saw before. On the side of the coach was a torn sign that read" Hear about the...

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I orchestrated Her Wedding Night of Sodomy

It was a long time ago, but for titillation purposes, I have decided to let you in on a secret of mine, one where the sacred marriage bed was sodomized, not by the groom, but by a man I chose, when you read this, you will have more insight into me as a female, a friend, and a sex monster.I knew Mark when we were in our teens, he was always keen on Amber, another girl I barely knew, and named after her father's favorite Porn actress, I knew this personally, as he tried ever so hard to give yours...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 8 Some Serious Photography

When we had pulled in the night before, I noticed there was a car rental company right across the road from the campground. Not wanting to drive the motor home into the capital with the heavy traffic and lack of parking, I went over and rented a small SUV for our trip into the thick of things. I drove it back to our campsite where we loaded up my photo gear and we were off to the big city. Grace had not been to the capital in many years and Kim had never been there so that was going to be an...

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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 32

I awoke at 9AM on that damn sofa. My clothes from the day before, appearing to have been washed, folded, and lay in a neat pile on the chair nearest the sofa. I looked around to find that I was the only one in the room. I had no idea where the younger members of our cast were to be found. Even with my sore muscles, the stinging sensation on my back, and a slight drug induced hangover, I managed to get dressed. To my surprise, even my jaw muscles were sore. That had never happened before, but...

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