SamChapter 13B free porn video

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I was really proud of myself that morning. I managed to make it all the way to Mr. Locke's Social Studies class before I started to get unbearably horny again. I had been hoping I could make it all the way to lunch, when I planned to appeal to hunky Steve Wojeski to use his manly charms and his steel-hard cock to make my itchy pussy feel all better. So when my clit started trying to get a date with my hand, I told it to shut up and I marched into class all prepared to ignore the demanding little beast. It wasn't easy, because it had started to swell up all on its own and was pressing into the slick fabric of my tiny g-string. This was a situation that made it doubly hard to ignore because every little movement seemed to make it rub against the smooth cloth; making me even more aroused. By the time I got to my desk, it was throbbing in time to my heartbeat and I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

Mr. Locke smiled at me as I sat down and opened my notebook. So no one would suspect anything, he kept smiling as he looked all around the room as people filed in. He checked the roll at his desk and warned us about the upcoming exam and what would be covered on it. Then he stood up at the wooden podium and started the lecture. He glanced down at me every few minutes to see if I had something to show him. So he could see my cleavage, I tried to shift my top around without seeming to. But every time I moved, I could feel the bells start to shake. If I moved enough to let them ring even once, it would attract attention to me and our game would be over.

I didn't want to disappoint Mr. Locke, so I kept trying to edge my top up higher and higher, until I had it high enough for the bell on my right nipple to hang down under the hem. It was a remarkable feat of body control and breathing that I managed to do it without making the bell ring and I was frustrated when he looked at me twice without noticing.

The third time was the charm, so to speak. I moved enough to make the bell swing and catch the light from the windows. He saw the flash and stopped talking while he pretended to clear his throat. At the same time, he bent further over his podium to get a better look at my jewelry. When he did, I lifted my top just enough to show him what the bell was dangling from.

Mr. Locke was so startled that he dropped his oversized teacher's textbook and it hit the floor with a bang, just missing my toes. I jerked my feet apart just in time to keep them from getting crunched. Mr. Locke blushed and got down on one knee to pick up the book. As he straightened, he took a peek up my short skirt and saw my damp g-string with my hardening clit making a little bump in it.

He got up without giving any indication of what he'd seen, but when he had his book back on the podium, he buttoned his sport coat so his erection would not show. I figured I had done my job for the day and so did he. He hardly glanced at me again the whole class.

Lunch was going to be one of those gobble and run deals because I wanted to seduce Steve in the worst way. I was glad to find that Bud was saving me a spot in line, right behind Janice and Jolene.

"Hi, guys!" I said, giving the guy behind Bud an apologetic look that was completely wasted because he never looked up past my boobs. I thought that might have been rude, but I was so horny by this time it was just one more turn-on. I squeezed in behind Bud and turned to face the skinny guy with the breast fixation.

"Excuse me," I said, shoving my breasts against his chest. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Hunh?" he said, which was about what I expected. I flagrantly rubbed my nipples against him, feeling the rings tugging wonderfully inside.

"If I break in line. You don't mind?" I acted like there was nothing going on, but I could feel the warmth of his chest through the t-shirt he had on.



I turned to my friends, sharply enough to start a symphony under my top. This didn't go unnoticed.

"What on earth was that?" Jolene asked. To say she asked it innocently would have been redundant.

"New jewelry," I told her, including Janice and Bud as well. Bud hadn't said anything this morning, so I assumed he hadn't noticed. I shook my shoulders to give them all a good idea of what jewelry we were talking about.

"Oh, wow!" Bud said. "That's nice. Did Bambi give you those?"

"No, I got these the other day," I explained, just loud enough to be overheard by those nearby. "I was lucky they turned out this well. It was one of those things that could have turned out very much worse. And before you ask, yes, it hurt. It hurt a lot. If I had it to do over again, I would have made some different decisions, I'll tell you."

"Hurt?" Jolene asked. "You mean you got..." Her eyes got big and she didn't finish the sentence.

"Pierced?" I said, helping her out. "Yes. Two fairly large rings. Welded in place. Permanently. The bells hang from the rings. Maybe I can show you later."

There were more than a few necks craning to get a peek, in case I got really bold and flashed everyone in the lunchroom. That was something I hadn't thought of doing, but I twitched a hand in the direction of my top and there was some shuffling and jockeying for position among those in line.

"For the record," I said, looking my friends in the eye to tip them off that I wasn't speaking just for their benefit. "I got into a situation that I should not have been in. Promises were made and lies were told. I hope I never see him again, even if the piercing worked out better than I had any right to expect. And that's all I plan to say about it. If you hear anything else, I would appreciate it if you would ignore it. We all make some poor choices from time to time and this was one of them."

"Are you going to have them cut off?" Janice asked.

I grabbed my boobs in mock shock. "Nooo!" I said.

"The rings, silly. Even if they are welded on, you can still have them cut off with bolt-cutters, or something."

"We'll see. They've pretty much healed since it was done. I think I will keep them for now. If only to remind me that some things don't turn out the way we expect." I smiled at how well I had managed to get Sara's suggested version of the story told in a way that meant it would be widely repeated, and without having to borrow the school PA system to do it.

We were sitting down with our trays when Janice asked, "So, when are you going to let us see them?" Jolene nodded and grinned at me. She was excited and curious to see what I had done. I hoped this wasn't something she would choose to imitate. At least I didn't have to worry about her falling prey to the same poor disturbed man who abducted me in the park. That thought was an epiphany for me.

"Soon," I answered in a distracted tone, "come with me to the gym in a minute and you can see them then."

I had stopped with a forkful of food on its way to my mouth and I remained in that position as a thought percolated through my poor excuse for a brain. The events of the previous day had taken quite a toll on me — physically as well as emotionally. I had been too wrapped up in how it had all affected me personally to think of what the outcome actually meant to everyone else. I had stated it very succinctly — no more girls would be abducted and brutalized by that man. Girls just like Jolene — no, Jolene herself had been there recently — so Jolene was now safe from that terrible danger. That made the mental evasions and the rationalizations irrelevant. I had done my job. I had put myself in harm's way and used my abilities to neutralize a threat that resulted in keeping my friend, and all like her, safe. I qualified as a real by-gosh crime-fighting superhero by the only standard that mattered. That for me it was an afternoon of rather intensely kinky sex, bondage and delicious torture was beside the point. He was a real threat to everyone else, and if I doubted for an instant that the way in which I had achieved the removal of that threat had any relevancy whatever, all I had to do was visualize Jolene strapped to that table with a red-hot branding iron against her tender flesh.

I chewed the rather bland mouthful of navy beans and considered whether I had been judging myself by style points rather than by results. It was obviously the end result that mattered. I was still too new to this line of work to have any idea if I was doing it the 'right way' or not. All I had to compare myself to were fictional characters. Surely so one expected me to live up to their dashing exploits and derring-do. So what if I enjoyed being tied up and tortured? So what if I had a certain degree of sympathy for the guy? Where did it say I had to hate the villain or require that I beat him to a pulp instead of treating him like a human being? He was out of action, I had a nice time and I came away with some interesting mods to my bod. It all sounded like a win-win situation to me.

I shoveled down the bulk of my lunch before running off to the Gym with Janice and Jolene in tow. Bud had decided not to risk his digestion for the sake of a little curiosity that he would be able to satisfy later at home. I still had to run by the girls' locker room to get my weightlifting outfit from my locker. I wondered if Steve would give me the combination to his locker so I wouldn't have to make an extra stop. Missing lunch for him might be a way to keep his weight in check, but I had a habit of burning off calories in various creative ways and I needed all the nutrition I could get. I needed to eat, even if he didn't. Even if it was the lunch room mystery-meat or veg-du-jour.

J and J followed me like puppies as I dashed around at a speed which seemed slow to me, but had them puffing pretty hard by the time we got to the door to the boys' locker room. They both balked at going in, so I had to drag them along with me.

"Sorry, guys," I explained, "But it's more convenient for me to dress and shower in here than to run back and forth all the time."

They seemed excited and wary at being in there. The last time they had been naked, so perhaps it was understandable that they kept looking around like someone might jump out at them any second.

I pulled off my top and let them 'oooo' and 'aaahh' for a bit. They each got to play with the bells, which sounded odd in the reverberating concrete and steel room.

To my relief, neither of them pressed me for details of where and who and when, so I didn't have to elaborate on the highly-spun story they had already heard. That they accepted it at face value, I doubted. That they respected my privacy enough not to give me the third-degree on the subject, I treasured.

"OK," I said, pulling on my crop-top and shorts, "I've got to get up to the weight room and work out. If you want to come along, I'm sure you will be welcome, but I have to warn you, this is not play-time, it's all business."

Lacking the desire to participate in what they considered a male-only activity and not being as at home in the locker room as I was, my friends left with all deliberate speed.

When I arrived at the weight room, everyone was already well into their workouts. From a look at the available equipment, it seemed I had my choice of working my abs or my calves. A quick pose in the mirror told me that my legs were very nicely turned, thank you very much, and so I decided to go with the abs.

The school budget hadn't stretched far enough to provide specialized equipment for each muscle group. The workout station for upper and lower abdominals was a bench with a strap around one end for holding your ankles down. I only knew this because I had seen a couple of the guys use it the previous week.

One thing I had seen them do to enhance the value of the exercise was to hold a dumbbell against your chest while doing sit-ups on the bench. This looked like a good way to double the benefit, so I picked up a couple of medium-sized weights and lay down on the bench. I quickly discovered that I wasn't going to be able to hold them against my chest like the guys, so I compromised by holding the dumbbells against my shoulders and letting them fall forward as my torso came up to a vertical position. I them did a bicep curl and let the momentum force me back down onto the bench before repeating the exercise another 19 times.

I was halfway through the first set when I noticed that Roger was watching me curiously. I couldn't think of anything that should be raising his suspicions, so I ignored it. When we both took a break, he leaned over and said, "That's an interesting elaboration on the ab workout. You know, I bet you could even increase the range-of-motion and get your triceps and your lower back into it too."

For the second set, I tried that. I started with the weights behind my head and my elbows next to my ears. I pulled the weights up to my shoulders before starting the sit-up and again lowered them until my arms were straight. This time I also leaned forward, keeping my elbows locked and raised the weights slightly above my back. I reversed the movement going back down.

I could feel tension in my abs, my chest, my shoulders and my arms at some point in the exercise. Combining the weights with such a large motion made the tension travel up my front, down my back and my arms. The muscles being worked changed at each position and I could feel that there were a lot of places being targeted that wouldn't have been if I had stuck to the standard routine. Roger seemed to think so too, because he gave me a thumbs-up when I looked over to get his reaction.

I took no small amount of satisfaction at that. That Roger had accepted me as just one of the guys was good enough, but to think that I might actually have made a contribution was very heady indeed.

I was finishing my third set when Steve came over to watch me. He was standing by my feet with his head cocked to one side. I thought he was about to criticize my technique, when I realized that he was just ogling my boobs. I wanted to drag him off to a private spot and screw him silly.

I finished the last set a little faster than I should have. When I got up to put the dumbbells back on the rack by the door, Steve followed. He looked like he wanted a word with me.

"I missed you," he said in a low voice. If he had got down on one knee and proposed, I could not have been happier.

"I missed you too, Steve," I said. I held out my arm and rubbed my bicep so everyone would assume we were talking shop.

"So, like when can we get together?" He wasn't wasting any time. I liked that.

"I dunno. My schedule is pretty full. Why don't you just rip my shorts off and fuck me right over there on the bench?" I said, teasingly.

"You think I won't? I've been thinking about you all weekend. It wouldn't take much for me to do just that."

I wanted to hear what Steve had been thinking about me almost as much as I wanted to wrap myself around him and see how much pleasure we could give each other. Suddenly, time was a very precious commodity. We had just 40 minutes before we both had to be back in class.

"In that case, I apologize for teasing you. But if you think I'm not serious, then we really need to spend more time together, because you don't know me very well at all. Mister, you have ten seconds before I get naked and beg for a hard cock. Any hard cock."

Steve didn't move. He still thought I was kidding.


Steve shifted from one foot to the other as he considered the possibility that I might be perfectly serious.


Steve made up his mind to take me at my word. He grabbed my elbow and led me out of the weight room into the hall. There really wasn't anyplace we could go before the countdown hit zero other than the locker room, so we made for that at a dead run.

It may have been a few seconds past zero when we dodged past the last row of lockers into the dressing area farthest from the entrance. I lost count somewhere along the way. I kicked off my shoes, shucked out of my shorts and jumped up on the wooden bench before removing my top. I made sure Steve was watching when I hooked my thumbs under the sides and peeled it off over my head.

"Oh, wow!" he said, looking at my jewelry. "I thought there was something new, but I never thought..."

"You like them?" I asked, making them ring for him. If he didn't, I was going to cut them off and have them made into the earrings I thought they were going to be to begin with.

"They're lovely. Really. I like them. But isn't this kind of extreme? Piercing and all? What made you do it?"

"It was just something I stumbled into. I didn't go out with the intention of having my nipples pierced. Afterwards, I thought I would see how things went before I decided to keep them or not."

"You mean if I don't like them, you'll have them removed?"


"You'd do that for me? I'm that important to you?"

"Yes, you are."

"Wow. I mean... gee! I don't know what to say."

"You've already said it, you lunkhead. Now, am I going to have to beg, or are you going to fuck me before I explode?"

Standing on the bench put my head a little above Steve's. It was a nice way to start, since I didn't have to climb up to get to him. He put his arms around me and pulled me against his hairy chest, then he kissed me and I melted into him.

We were sucking serious face when he pulled back and looked at my mouth.

"Something new here too?" he asked.

I put the tip of my tongue between my teeth and wiggled it at him before my next episode of show-and-tell.

"Yes. I had my tongue done, too. Tell me what you think." I stuck my tongue out far enough for the sleeve to show and held it there for inspection.

Steve looked at it curiously. He didn't seem put off or anything, just curious.

"That's so cool!" he said, finally, which seemed to be the opinion shared by everyone except Bambi.

He kissed me again, and explored my hole with his tongue, flicking the tip through it again and again. It was a real turn-on and it reminded me that I had another hole that I wanted explored too.

"Oh, Steve," I breathed, "please fuck me. Please fuck me hard. Please?"

Begging will get you just about anything when it comes to guys, especially if you are naked and horny when you do it. Steve slid his hands down to my butt and cupped my small cheeks in his big hands. He pulled my hips against him and I held onto his neck and threw my legs around his waist. My hot pussy was open and ready, just a few inches above his cock. Whenever he wanted it, he could have it.

I squirmed against him and let myself slide down until I felt him put the tip of his cock against my wet opening. The feeling was electric and I dropped down some more and started wriggling onto it.

It felt bigger than I remembered and I had to work some to get the head inside. When I had been penetrated, I flexed my vaginal muscles to try to suck some more cock into me. The effect on Steve was impressive.

"Oh, damn! That's so good! Oh, Sam! You're fantastic!"

It wasn't even in all the way and already I was 'fantastic'. Steve certainly knew how to make a girl feel good in all sorts of ways. He pivoted and put my back against the row of lockers lining the back wall. The hard metal mesh pressed into my butt and I flinched back against him. Taking this for passion, he pressed back, pushing into me until his cock was fully seated and my clit was riding on his pubic bone.

This was what I had wanted all morning. Heck, this was what I had wanted all weekend. The feeling of being joined to Steve like this went beyond the erotic. I felt something for him that was more than just sexual and I knew he felt something for me, too. Sex between us was great, but there was something more to it. We both thought it might be love, but we were both afraid to use the word too freely. I wanted there to be something special between us, and I didn't want to jinx it so early by overusing the word. I was pretty sure Steve felt the same.

I was pretty sure about anything to do with Steve whenever we were together. It was one of those things that I couldn't explain. I just had a feeling that there was a mutual understanding that went back to that day outside the Gym. I wanted to spend some serious quality time with Steve so we could get to know each other better, but I had a sneaky suspicion that we already knew the important stuff. The rest would just be talk. But talk would be nice, too.

Steve waited a bit for me to get used to having his cock being inside me. It was a bit of consideration that I didn't really need, considering that I had bigger cocks than his in me almost daily. His was just special. It just felt right. It hit all the places that turned me on in just the right way, but left me able to appreciate the whole person, not just his equipment.

Sex with Bud was a wonderful sexual experience, but we both knew that's all it was. I loved Bud like a brother, and the sex we had was great, but we both knew our relationship wasn't going beyond whatever sexual adventures we might have. The feelings he had for Jolene were totally apart from what he felt for me, and I completely understood that, just like he understood my emotions for Steve.

Same as Sam
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Sex Games In College

Hi. I am Rahul. I’m new to ISS. This is my first sex story. Now, let’s get into the story without wasting time. We’re having our bio practical hours during mid sem. A girl Saloni had missed many experiments due to illness but I have missed only a few.So we requested our instructor to conduct a make-up for those missed experiments.Unfortunately, she did not get permission. So, she felt a lot. By the way, her measurements are 36-26-36.I got a horny thought into my mind then. I told her to meet...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 393 Stragglers

I bet you turned pale. As I walked Carla and Mandi over to the medical intake area, I told them, “You two will get scrubbed, shaved, disinfected, stitched up, and have the best medical care for hundreds of miles. I’m going to be right there with you. I might even help the doctors and nurses out where I can. Feel free to break down to cry all you want. We have plenty of mental health staff who are the best too. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t have brought one of my best friends here to get her...

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MoragChapter 5

I needed some time on my own too. I hadn't been lying to Morag and I knew my wife would accept her. It was necessary now to consider what Morag's reactions might be. I had plenty of time to collect the car so did a detour to the park. The fresh air would help clear my mind a bit. I rang Morag's front doorbell on the dot of midday. She opened the door immediately. She was wearing a pale green summer dress which accentuated her green eyes and came to just below the knee. She looked...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling my inner fetishes short

Two of my most favourite fetishes which I discovered at a young age and have been fulfilling my whole life have been voyeurism and women sleeping. If you’ve read my past story you’ll know the current situation I’m in with my girlfriend and her sister who turns me on and makes my cock hard just looking at her. Well last week week when my girlfriend went out to work on a Sunday and her parents had went to a family friends birthday I had the luck to be left alone with my girl friends sister who...

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Halloween Pool Party

Halloween Pool Party by Brenda The Dane Estate sat on 15 acres in the hills north of New York City with a view of the Hudson, plenty of trees and open space and an amazing pool. It was one of the infinity style pools and it looked like you could jump all the way to the river from it. Near to it was an 8 person hot tub with hundreds of perfectly placed jets. It had a seasonal building around it that had a retractable cover so you could swim if it rained or year round. A bedroom,...

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Forced To Dress Up

Forced To Dress Up By Kim Babe Here is the ultimate story about forced dressing. It's a true story about what happened to me in the mid 70's. Because I didn't have access to any girl's clothes at home, I started sneaking (breaking) into my neighbor's homes and trying on their stuff. I know it's wrong now, but back then I... well, we all have regrets I suppose. Getting back to my story, I would enter the house when the family was gone and have a grand time fulfilling my...

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Panty Wali Bhabhi Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Kaise ho meri namkeen chutwali ladies dosto aur pyase lund wale dosto. Main Yogu hajir hu apki seva mein. Jaise ki apko pata hoga main 28 years ka single handsome sexy 7-inch lund ka malik hu. Apko pata hi hoga abhi mera work from home chal raha hai. Maine last kahani mein kaise bhabhi ki chudai ki thi apne padhi hogi. Agar padhi nahi to padh kar enjoy karna. Aab us kahani ke age humne kya kya kiya iss kahani main padhiye. Us raat jab ham pahla round nikalake ekdusre ki baho main nange lete...

3 years ago
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The Royal Family

The nobles of the kingdom gathered hastily, as news of the Queens labor spread through the capital city. This was Queen Daphne’s first child and all of nobility had to be present to witness the birthing of the heir to the throne. Dressed in their finest silks and jewels the Nobility of Esturania flooded the throne room, a murmur of excitement and arousal in the air. Seated at the front of the room was both King Fredrick and Queen Daphne. Both were dressed in the official ceremonial garb of the...

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I am in the clubhouse playing Chopin's etude, opus ten number three, and as usual my eyes were roaming the clubhouse looking at the ladies who came through. I enjoy looking at women. I took a swig of coke and begin to play a nocturne by Chopin. Part way through, I see a woman I had seen at times and I really like her looks. She is sitting at the other end of the room, listening to my music. I was so hoping she would come over and after ten minutes she got up and walked over to me. "Hello,...

4 years ago
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The Pastors WifeChapter 16

When Aggie got out of her car and into Elliot’s she felt like she was in a spy movie. As they drove, she watched the scenery rush by and said, “Are you sure this is safe Elliot?” With a confidant chuckle he said, “The tinting on the windows is easy to see out from the inside but nobody can even see that there is person inside, unless they are coming head on. I drive on less traveled streets. If I see someone in the alley, which is almost never, I keep going to where the alley exits on the...

2 years ago
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Feudal Lust

Being poor wasn’t easy, even in the ‘enlightened’ Empire. There was never enough to eat, you worked all day and shivered in a rough shack at night. Mary was a peasant, she was the child of peasants and would one day be the mother of peasants. She like most people of her station, dreamed of becoming something else. Unfortunately that was much easier said than done, as a serf she worked the land for her Lord, who allowed her to keep a small part of what she grew, but then charged her rent for her...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

2 years ago
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The Art of Threesome

Introduction:For our first threesome, we craved perfection, the creation of an exciting memory worthy of a thousand examinations as we grow old together. This true story excelled all our expectations.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her body had taken on a mind of its own, arching to meet his hand, daring him to delve between her legs while her husband, unaware anything was happening, lay no more than two feet away. What the hell was...

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Billy His Mom and Sister Allison

"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...

4 years ago
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Beach Hut

This is a story told to me by a woman I had an affair with two years ago. She was a very sensual - and sexual woman - and, when I told her I wrote erotic stories, she readily told me this story, which I have reproduced as precisely as I can remember it. Nowadays, she is a very classy 'thirty-something', with long dark hair, nice tits, a great ass and long shapely legs, and I count myself very privileged to have been allowed to share her bed for one glorious summer in the south of England,...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 24 Bethany

October 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...

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Flat Mates Chapter 3 My Next Step

FLAT MATES Chapter 3: My next step. The next morning two wan, pale figures were to be discovered sitting at the kitchen table, drinking strong black coffee and not talking much; we had both had too much to drink the night before at the club and were now mightily hung over! A series of grunts served for "how are you feeling", "do you have any aspirin?" Eventually duty called and we had to drag ourselves upright and head into town for our lectures. By the time I walked into my lecture...

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DeepLush Sydney Cole Ascend To Passion Part 1

This scene features Sydney Cole in a fun sex tape with really good chemistry. We make out as I push her up against a wall, grabbing her butt and pulling her shorts down before bending her over and licking her pussy and ass. She gets on her knees and sucks my cock for a few minutes before I push her up against the wall and fuck her in a couple positions before moving to the bed. We have sex in a bunch of positions with a lot of kissing and oral sex. POV shots during blowjob and while she rides...

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CutieMishs gangbang

Michelle Lam is a 20 year-old girl of Asian descent, living in a small town just outside of London, England. Something that sets this 5'5", dark-haired, brown almond-eyed beauty with the perky yet sensually soft and squeezable B-cup breasts apart from others of her kind is the distinctly English accent in which she speaks. In her onscreen identity as the internet phenom CutieMish, she's charmed guys around the world and inspired uncountable fantasies within those same guys about the things...

1 year ago
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BangBus Tiffany Rain Chinese Tourist Gets Scooped By The Bus

The Bang Bus is back! this time we cruising down a beautiful beach down here in Miami. We came across this Chinese tourist. This chick had the biggest pair of titties I’ve ever seen on an asian chick. She was waiting for the bus to head to south beach, so naturally we convinced her that the bus didn’t run that day and that it would be no problem for us to give her a ride. She got on the bus, there she declined almost every attempt at getting her to show us the goods. But the BangBus is way too...

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Culture Shock 2023

Dated this day, the 5th of May, 2006For the purpose of providing a framework over which both parties have equal control, this contract informally binds the signatories below to its contents. Either party may 'opt out' of this agreement at any time. 'Opting out' may be defined as ceasing to observe this contract in any way. It is binding only insofar as it is accepted to be. Gary Paul Duke (known in this contract as 'the Dominant'), hereby offers Elaine Milanovic (known in this contract as 'the...

2 years ago
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What have you done to Jessica part 2

Introduction: A dream turning into relaity Ready to go home? she asked while trying to open the door Yeah I said with a scary tone in my voice. As soon as I got inside the car I took out my headphones and ipod from the bag . I quickly clicked on the song and the raised the volume so that I can avoid her. The mall was near to our home but I felt that it was miles away at that point of time. As we reached the house, I quickly got down and went straight to my room without even waiting for...

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Brotherly LoveChapter 8 Possibilities

Sweetgrass was a sleepy town. In total, I’d say there were about 2 000 people living there. It had its own school, though, a nice looking big brick building with one of those old playgrounds that are actually fun. It went from K-12, too, and I’d always wondered what it would be like to go to a school like that. Sweetgrass had a town hall too, a few restaurants, and your run-of-the-mill stores. It was just as good as a big city, I thought, but quieter. During the day few cars went on the...

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A Night of Cum Cock and Pussy

I don't consider myself gay but maybe bi. I prefer sexy, dominate women but have recently become a slut for cum, I love to taste the sweet nectar of a hard cock that has been fucking my wife. I have turned into a cum slut craving cum on me or in me. I had been emailing with a trio who was going to be traveling to the city I live in. Both of the men were bi and she was dominant. It was exactly what I was looking for. We all met at a local titty bar. My wife was out of town so I arrived by...

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Betsy CarterChapter 4

With her business finished in Vancouver, Betsy stepped out of the jet looking fresh and alert. She was happy to be back in Hawaii. She was hungry and needed a little exercise. She somersaulted off the top step to the ground below. It wasn’t that great of a height, but it was enough to boost her energy level up another notch. Stacy followed behind her, looking a little worse for wear. It was obvious that she was tired. She had that rumpled look that came from sitting in a plane for too long....

1 year ago
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Climate Control Ch 02

By rhinoman, aka rhinotoons, aka raginrhinotoons, aka raginrhinoman. Check out my other stories under these names. It is highly recommended that you read part 1 first. Part 2 — All In Jason whistled his favorite tune as he entered his brother’s house. Things were going about as well as he could have hoped. Mitch was still out of town and he had fucked his sister-in law Cindy like there was no tomorrow. His dick was stirred as he thought about her hot body bent over in front of him as he...

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Suzannes repeat performance

Waking up the next day, Jack and I traded numbers and spent the entire week in almost constant contact. Just like Jin had said, there were more than a few videos of the evening making the rounds on campus. They’d been pulled quickly from most platforms, but there were definitely more than a few making the rounds. To be fair, a few were actually pretty good, and one in particular was a great view of me getting spit roasted right up until both guys finished within a few seconds of each...

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Island Secrets Ch 02

The Island Saga Series Book One – Island Secrets – What could a poor, underprivileged girl and a rich over privileged boy have in common? Thanks for the kind comments on chapter one. I trust that you will find chapter two just as interesting. There are some aspects of the dialogue that may not be written in standard English as, let’s face it, islanders do not typically speak standard English. I have actually given you an English patois as the raw Creole would have been hard for the reader to...

4 years ago
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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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We found a porn stash whatever Right

It was a Saturday afternoon and my group of friends were meeting at my house to ride our bikes to the mall. I say friends, but that's not quite true. Jeff lived one house down from me and we grew up together. I met him when we were kids and before high school we hung out in the summers, playing games outside or building forts out of pillows in my basement. Since high school we had been drifting apart, I preferred hanging out with my girlfriends. He also had a bit of a mean streak I didn't like....

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Aidra Fox Anal Gape Showoff

Sultry slut Aidra Fox can’t keep away from PervCity. Even when she’s away, all she can dream about is returning for a big dick. Today, wearing knee-high soccer socks and a sporty outfit, she’s prepared for a champion’s league game of anal overdose. The teen’s tactic is to ease in with striptease, and it pays off when Mike Adriano whips out his throbbing cock. The brunette goes for his balls, licking, and sucking and dribbling spit all over them. And when she makes her move and sucks his prick...

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Refugees in a Small Swedish Town

I had a job working for a major news company and was sent to a small town in Sweden to report on the waves of refugees immigrating from Africa and the Middle East. It was a small fishing village on the coast, probably 8,000 inhabitants. It had some of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. It was an old town, very old, and rumor had it that the vikings had used it as one of their major ports and brought all of their beautiful hostages there from all over Europe. After copulating with them...

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Hardware HarmonyChapter 14 Once Upon a Time

I realized as we sat there that we had finally made physical contact with each other. Both of us had recovered from her earlier melt-down and could once again carry on a conversation like old friends. She didn’t show any signs of being anxious to leave, so we continued to talk, trying to connect once more I suppose. I spent some time filling in the blanks on my activities for the years that she was away. I told her of my brief relationship with Rhonda Carter, but nothing more than vague...

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My initiation with an older woman pt 1

At the start of the summer of 1990, I had just turned 16. I was about to lose my virginity to an older woman, although of course I had no idea at the time.I was the original late developer, my body still going through puberty, my voice the last to break in my year at school. Amongst my small circle of 3-4 male friends, we would occasionally head into our small town and visit the 14-18 night at a local nightclub, hoping to find ourselves stuck in a dark corner with one of the girls from the...

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ExxxtraSmall Sweet Sophia Worth Her Weight In Gold

Lucky man Dan is over the moon when he finds a leprechaun’s gold inside the walls of his house. But Dan isn’t having it when Sophia the Leprechaun appears to reclaim what is rightfully hers. For days, the Exxxtra Small babe follows Dan around to find where he’s hidden her pots of gold. Sophia strikes a deal with Dan – she’ll let him fuck her “lucky charm” if he promises to give back all the gold. Unable to resist, Dan fucks Sophia right then and there. Her pussy is unbelievable, and she...

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The tower of Kama

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. {if game_started = true} Deep in the Ranthambore jungle in India is a secret village, the Academy and a mysterious temple. The village is the home of only a few hundred or so people. The lives of the villagers is simple for...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 391

A guy Living in a houseboat had a romantic relationship with the girl next door. Eventually they drifted apart. This guy tried to make his date have sex on the hood of his Honda Civic. She refused and told him that if she was going to have sex, it was going to be on her own Accord. A man tried to sell me a coffin today. I told him, that’s the last thing I need. The neighborhood barber just got arrested for selling drugs. We had been his customers for 8 years and had no idea he was a...

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