WillowChapter 13b free porn video

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Steve watched the slave girl getting fucked and felt the anger burning brightly within his mind. He felt his commitment to the cause growing stronger and better defined. While the rest of the crowd saw a girl dressed in black, he saw Dee and the night she died. This was what he had come to stop.

He wondered what the other slave, the one dressed in black but with her tits out, was saying to the bound slave? She was probably whispering encouragements and comforting words to the poor girl being abused.

There was not much time and still a lot to do.

Steve turned away from the spectacle and moved back to where he and his team had been setting up a St. Andrew's cross. The crowd was growing. As the time for the banquet approached more people were arriving. The larger the crowd, the easier it would be for their plan to succeed. They needed to look busy until it was time to act. If security was alerted too soon it would be easy to sweep them up.

Getting into the Master's Lifestyle Expo had been easy. They had created a phony company that sold slave devices and then asked to be a vendor at the show. They had found a place in San Francisco that would rent similar items that the company was pretended to sell. Using a plain panel truck, fake signs and business cards they had pulled off the infiltration without a problem.

The first crisis of the day had been learning to set up the displays. No one in his four man team had a clue how the heavy St. Andrew's cross or pillory looked much less how they went together. They had fumbled around long enough for the vendor next to them to notice. Their ignorance had been explained away as simply "hired help." The short, fat, and loud man, he called himself Master Lobo, was more than willing to flaunt his superior knowledge and show them how it was assembled. The little shit had suggested that using slaves for this work would be cheaper and better.

Steve was glad all of that crap would be left right where it was. It had been rented with a stolen credit card and he did not care if those things ever were returned. He was just glad he did not have to take them apart.

Steve had been put in charge of this operation. He provided the information regarding where the Fresno slave auction was and when it was held. He had not been told that they were going to use a bomb. His loyalty and commitment to the group had been questioned when they learned the operation he had planned had killed his mother. They had expected resentment. Instead they read relief and smug satisfaction on his face and in his words. Steve had clearly despised his mother and had never expected to see her again anyway. They considered the Fresno action to be a great success and he had become a rising star.

Yet he knew he would only be able to go so far within the group. It was called Boudicca's Children, or simply the BC. It was an offshoot of a militant feminist group that had begun in Berkeley decades before. When that group proved to be too rhetoric based for some of the members, they created their own direct action cell named for the warrior priestess that had fought the Romans in Britain. They were small, well financed and dedicated to the cause of ending, or even reversing, the institution of slavery.

To be a ranking member meant you had to be 'identifying as some gender other than male.' Yet there was enough of a need for strong backs, covert action and special knowledge that they did recruit a small number of men. Secretly, the men referred to the leadership group of the BC as the Bitch Cunts, but never out loud.

That did not mean the men were not dedicated to the cause. Every one of the men had lost someone special to the slave law.

Steve had left Fresno for Sacramento to go to college and get away from his crazy mother. He had left with his high school sweetheart Debra, Steve called her Dee. They had been so excited to get out of Fresno. They both had plans to be teachers. It would not make them rich but there were jobs available and they could, 'make a difference.'

The second semester they were at Sac State, Steve had an altercation with some frat boys. A beer can on a car hood led to words that quickly led to fists. It became the frats mission that semester to ruin Steve's life. The frat had some local cops in their pockets. One night, when Steve was working, Dee was arrested on a trumped up charge of being intoxicated in public and for possessing an open container of alcohol. She was rushed through enslaved that night and sold to the frat. Hours later, when Steve heard about what had happened, he rushed over to the frat house to find Dee. They let him in the door and gladly showed him where she was. He was never sure if she had died from the beatings, the rapes, or if she had drowned in the tub she was in that had been filled with beer and piss. The police do not investigate the death of a slave.

Two things came of that night. In his rage, Steve tried to burn the frat house down and was arrested. The second was that the frat house made tee shirts with the capitol letter D on them.

Kicked out of school and with a criminal record, Steve lived on the streets for over a year. Out of the blue, someone offered him a job driving delivery trucks. He found out later it had really been a job interview of a different sort. The owner of the delivery service was a founding member of the Bitch Cunts. The BC had been following Steve and his story. They used his anger at the slave law and slave owners to recruit him to the cause.

As Steve moved towards the hallway, a member of the event security team passed him moving towards the banquet hall. Security at the event had been heavier than expected. That was probably due to the bombing in Fresno. He had seen the bomb sniffing dogs outside and around the delivery trucks. It had been his suggestion that this action use something other than explosives.

He saw the other three members of his team converging on the entrance to the exhibit hall leading to the slave market. All were carrying backpacks or shoulder bags. They must have left the fake merchandise booth unmanned. They were going to have to act quickly before someone noticed.

Carl and the girls had retreated via the escalator to the upper floor of the convention center near where they had entered. All three needed to regroup. After they had taken Willow down from the bondage frame, Page had reinserted the butt plug and replaced the crotch strap. Carl then replaced the mittens on Page's hands and the three had moved away from the merchandise area and away from the gathered crowd. No one had spoken.

After finding a quiet spot out of the flow of guests, Carl pointed to the floor indicating that the girls should kneel. Once in place, Carl dropped the reins, turned around and took a few steps away from them. He was near the edge of the balcony and could look down on the main atrium. The crowd was getting thicker the closer to the banquet it became. He was still amazed at the many different and exotic outfits and activities he could see.

Carl was deeply shaken by what had happened. He was ashamed at what he had done to Willow. He was angry with Page for pushing it. He was embarrassed that he had done that in public. But most of all he felt frightened that he had allowed himself to be swept up in the emotion and moment and had not maintained his cool detachment. That detachment was how someone undercover survived the job. He had given in to lust and excitement and had allowed himself to act out of emotion. It was the most unprofessional thing he had ever done. He began to think it was a good thing he had retired. If he had so little control over himself, then it would not have been long before he would have been killed or caused someone else to be killed.

But as a professional, he knew that they were not done until everyone was back at home safe. He still needed to be able to get away from the Expo with the lie intact. Now was not the time to drop their guard and have a heart to heart talk. Carl turned around and said, "I think it is time we were going."

Page gave a small nod of the head. Willow did not move.

He took the reins in his hands and pulled them to their feet. He then remembered that he needed to call the limo driver to pull the car to the door. After placing the call, he looked at his phone to consider if there was anything else that he had forgotten. It was while he had his phone in his and the girls standing next to him that the screams began.

Hearing screams at the Master's Lifestyle Expo was to be expected. What was not expected was that some of those screams had definite male characteristics. Carl, Page and Willow had an excellent vantage point from the second floor balcony to watch as a tidal bore of people poured into the atrium, mixing with and then pushing along those that were already crowding the room. Those flooding into the room were covering their faces and retching.

Smoke began to billow down the hallway where the panicked crowd had emerged. Carl's brain, from years of law enforcement training, quickly processed what he was seeing and smelling. It was tear gas, mixed with something else like CS gas. More and more of the crowd began pushing their way out the first floor exits.

"Time to go," he said to the girls and took a step towards the parking level exits where the car was waiting. But before he could take another step, Page said through the radio in his ear, "Look!"

Carl looked down onto the crowd once again. Skirting along the edge of the panicked crowd Carl could see four men, dressed in the red shirts of the event staff. They were running too, but not the same way as the rest of the crowd. They were headed towards the exits further down the hallway, the exits that lead to the service areas. Each man seemed to be pushing slaves along with them. But most interesting of all was that each man was wearing a gas mask.

Willow could not see their faces because of the gas masks, but she was sure that one of them, the last one in line, was Steve.

The search dogs had been looking for explosives, not tear gas and a vomiting agent called CS.

Steve had wondered what would happen if they were caught. Would they be charged with kidnapping? How can you kidnap property? Maybe they would be charged with grand theft slave? How ironic it was that he might go to jail for taking something that another person could kill without consequences. This sure was a fucked up world.

After setting off the gas bombs, Steve just grabbed the three nearest slaves he could. Two were wearing metal collars and high heels and nothing else. The third slave was wearing a black leather hood, black boots and had her hands chained to the back of the hood. It did not matter, they needed to be rescued and he was there to do it.

Two of the men with him were there to find and rescue specific slaves that they knew. One was rescuing his sister and her best friend. He had been able to locate them in the slave market area. Another was looking for his girlfriend but had not seen her. The deal was that when the gas started, they had to take who was close and run. Anything else would mean capture.

Whether they had the right girls or not, it was time to run. Steve was the last in line and could see that the other three conspirators had eight slaves with them. They ran along the edge of the wall and towards the back service doors of the convention center.

As soon as they burst through the doors, Steve saw the panel van that was waiting for them just as planned. Security was not concerned with an empty van with its cargo door open. What threat could that be?

Within thirty seconds four conspirators and eleven liberated slaves were hidden in the back of the truck. Four minutes later, the van was on the highway going sixty miles an hour in the opposite direction of the fire trucks and police cars.

Almost before the van doors closed, Carl and the girls were seated in their limo. While the white van headed north and then west, the limo headed east and then south.

Page had tried to ask Carl a question but was immediately cut off when he quietly barked, "Later!" The rest of the ride to the office where they had changed was silent. Carl had removed the mittens the girls wore but had done so without comment. When the limo pulled away, Carl told them to grab anything they needed and get into the Range Rover without changing.

During the ride back to Rose House, Page took off the horse muzzle and hood. She then did the same for Willow. The only other change that took place on the road back was that Page removed the twelve needles that were under the skin of her breasts. There was one rivulet of blood that ran down between her breasts but that was all.

When they arrived Carl told the girls to get changed and cleaned up and that he would empty the car. When Page and Willow emerged twenty minutes later, Carl had taken off his suit coat and tie and was sipping a glass of what looked like bourbon. He sat in the leather chair that Page often used when training Willow. Both girls only wore collars, cuffs and shoes. Page's blonde hair had been brushed and was down around her shoulders. Willow's black hair was just long enough not to be standing straight up.

Page and Willow moved to the front of the chair and knelt down. Both had their eyes down and their hands behind their back. For the next few minutes there seemed to be a standoff between the three of them. No one said anything. Carl would take a sip every once in a while, but other than that, no one moved or spoke.

Willow's voice broke the silence and tension, "Ma'am, may we use the kneeling mat?"

"Slave, I am your trainer. I am not the master here. Address your request to the proper person."

"Master Carl, may we please use the kneeling mat? I ... I have some things that I need to say and some things I need to understand. Please?"

Carl remained silent but nodded his head. After a few moments of activity the familiar red mat was in place. They positioned it where both Page and Willow were on it. The slaves returned to the waiting position.

Again, it was Willow that broke the silence. "Master Carl, my trainer has made it clear that a slave on the kneeling mat must speak the complete truth, and that it is not a place to deceive or omit information. But you might never ask for what I need to say. May I ask my trainer for guidance please?"

Again, Carl said nothing but again nodded his consent.

"Ma'am, I first must apologize for my loss of focus and comportment. I ... I put us all at risk. I am sorry."

"Slave, are you asking for forgiveness? Mercy? There is more in store for you than you can imagine. Any small mercy I extended to you now would be a drop in the ocean, quickly lost and forgotten."

"Ma'am, I am not asking for forgiveness or mercy. I am trying to explain what happened. While we were there at the drowning girl display, I saw the men working in the next booth. I ... I recognized one of them. I froze. I had forgotten that he could not recognize me in the costume. I was afraid and mortified."

There was a pause for a few moments. Finally, it was Carl that said, "I was undercover working an organized crime case. We had learned that a lot of business was taking place on the morning train into the city. I had been tasked to sit close enough to the suspect to observe and maybe even hear something. I rode that train for weeks just so I could blend into the crowd. The suspect actually sat next to me a few times. On one of those days, my personal tax guy, an outsider that knew I was a cop, came into the train car and sat across the aisle from me! I froze." The tax accountant had said hello and smiled at Carl. Carl followed up with a comment about taxes and then both went back to reading the paper. Is some ways it solidified his cover and a harmless commuter.

Page took a deep breath before saying, "I had forgotten how new you are to being a slave. You have been exposed to very few people and situations, so some of your failure was mine. We both have punishment coming. Yes, that is..."

"Fair?" Carl offered.

"No. Fair is not a word to use with a slave. Fair is never a consideration. To use words like that is confusing and more hurtful than a lash from a whip or a cane stroke. No, I was going to say it was good that we both be accountable for tonight."

"Ma'am, Master Carl, there is more to tell. I saw him twice more. He was watching when..." Willow's voice trailed off.

"When Master Carl fucked you?"

"Yes ma'am. He was looking right into my eyes, and I in his. I had regained my composure by then, but I almost panicked again. I again was glad for the mask.

"I was terrified but I also was excited, you know, aroused. I have found myself getting excited by being out in public. The tailor and the shoe store were great. But tonight was my first fuck was in public, in the ass, and in front of my brother!"

"Brother!" Carl and Page said at the same time.

"Yes master, yes ma'am. It was my brother that I recognized. Again, he had no idea it was me. He was just watching a girl getting fucked. But I knew, and it was perverse and wild and ... I came."

Carl was still processing the comment about it being Willow's first fuck. Page wanted be hug Willow and tell her how proud she was of her, and how relieved Page was. Slavery, especially sexual slavery, is a soul rending existence. Pleasure discovered in the harshness of enslavement was like finding an oasis in a desert. Willow had cum when being fucked in public! Pleasure could keep the mind and spirit from breaking, as long as it was kept free of hope. The image of her friend Carol's broken body came into Page's mind unbidden and unwelcome.

Page looked at Carl and asked, "Sir, were you feeling like you had hurt this slave?"

Carl said, "Yes. I was angry. I was angry that you had used me to hurt her, to humiliate her."

"With all due respect sir, so what? Think about everything you saw there. What you saw tonight was the erotic jolt of wish fulfillment without remorse. That is the function of a slave. You were surrounded by that and it affected you. The result was your wish, your fantasy, was realized. It was as it should have been.

"Master Carl, there is something that you need to know. Lord Blackmon gave me very clear instructions about tonight regarding you. He wanted to be sure that you were not left unfulfilled. I was to see to your needs. I was glad that it came at a great moment for both of you. It was a fantasy fulfilled, was it not?"

"Yes," Carl said softly.

"Did you enjoy that moment?"


"We want you to do more of that. You are in a place with no limits, no boundaries. Also, we know a few things you might never have thought of. We trust you to keep us safe but we want you to indulge yourself. When you do, we know we are completing our purpose. We know that we are of value to our master and thus safe from harm."

Same as Willow
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Amy was out with her friends in the nightclub, drunk and dancing very sexy on the dance floor shaking her booty most of the night. Amy was looking stunning tonight also. She was wearing a light blue colour dress. The dress was backless with a short; lose fitting, skirt that ended well above her knees it was very small for a skirt. The top of the dress split into two pieces just above her navel. That formed a large "V" which somewhat loosely covered her small breasts. Thin straps that were tied...

1 year ago
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Age is a state of mind

I had just been transferred to this section and I was not looking forward to it at all. I would be the oldest employee and the oldest man in the section. As I walked into the unit directors office I noticed that he was the age of my oldest daughter. I knocked on the office door as I entered "Good morning, sir!" I said with a clear, stern cop voice. "Reporting as ordered, sir." He looked up with a start and replied "Oh, good morning, you must me Duke!" Gee, this one is a bright one I thought....

2 years ago
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Paanch Maanskhor Mardon Ne Meri Chut Bajayi

[ I am Ujjwala sharma, 23-years, a singer, dancer, model, and an actress. As an actress I have to assume many roles – – – dulari baai, kammo rani, chameli jaaan, or bibi bibbo. My first ever sex story, ” ”, is published on sept. 12, this year, at www.indiansexstories2.net. Please read that. ] Aaapko bataya nahin ki main apni mom ke sath rah rahi hun kyonki papa ko vo psnd nahin jo meri mom aur mujhe psnd h.Isliye vo alg rahte h.Meri mom khud kathak dancer h aur vo bombaynude.Com site pe apna...

1 year ago
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DR QUINN Colleen Gets EducatedChapter 6 The Final Rescue

When Sergeant Washington discovered the three missing men had absconded with Miss Cooper, he immediately dispatched Jethro and three others in pursuit. They had tracked them for days now. Losing the trail on many occasions and needing to backtrack before finding it again. It wasn't until they noticed the horses tethered in a makeshift coral that they knew they had found their deserters. Dismounting Jethro passed on his instructions to his men to look for their camp. It took them a while to...

3 years ago
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Lena the Laid Sister

Mom had died and my life changed, I was sent to live with my aunt and cousin Lena. I did not know that my aunt was my birth mother nor that Lena is really my sister. My adopted mom told me the truth as she lay dying of cancer, she was a great mom. I had to learn to call my aunt by a new name, mom and call Lena my sister, it was hard but I did it. This last year my life had changed, I moved from the suburbs to the city and life took such strange new paths. My aunt and Birth Mother had married a...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 21

Tuesdays and Thursdays were long days for Ed. Those were the days he worked from eight to six and then went to school from seven to nine. It was usually nearly ten before he arrived home. Thursdays were always the worst. This evening had been particularly tough since he had a major test in his geology class. The test material hadn’t been difficult, but Ed strove for excellence and didn’t want to settle for less than a perfect score. Coming home, Ed drove carefully fighting to stay awake. He...

3 years ago
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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 16 reposted

True Story, Anal, Cheating, Cum Swallowing, Group Sex, Incest, Male/Female, Wife, Written by women Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 27th of June 2014 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal...

1 year ago
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12.30 and the bus is late.Bus arrives and she walks over in short skirt, boots and t-shirt, as instructedShe gets in the car and her bags go on the back seat.I cuff her hands and tell her to spread her legs as far as possible.I check she is not wearing knickers and slide a finger in to her wet slitI pull the string from her pussy attached to the two purple plastic balls and they pop outWe drive. After ten minutes I stop – order her out and make her climb in the boot of the 4x4. I fit a wide dog...

2 years ago
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Emily Awakes Ch 5

The phone call from Janice came about a half-hour after Rich left. Evan answered with his name, as was his habit. “I heard my husband fucked your wife,” Janice stated. “That’s true,” he admitted. “So, it worked,” she said. “Just like you said it would,” he agreed, smiling. “I told you they would do it if they knew it was okay with us,” she reminded him. “Well, Rich didn’t know I’d consented. Did you tell Emily it was okay with you?” “I had to,” Janice said, sounding somewhat rueful. “Tell me...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Adventure 2

Continues kind of where we left off with Ted and Tom having tranny sex in front of their lesbian wives. The couples lived next door and Tom and Tina have a continually active online sex life, with Ted and Sophie just getting introduced to their wild and perverted ways. Everyone loves to act out and watch the fun on the tube and through the window.As Sophie prepared Ted for his night of ecstasy, he was hard as a rock while Sophie dressed him in panties, stockings, bra, girdle, kami, makeup, and...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Roleplay

We had talked about roleplaying several times since we had met but hadn’t exactly found the right time to do something about it. I had decided that this weekend would be perfect since you were coming home Friday morning and we would have the whole night to ourselves. I wasn’t sure which roleplay to pick at first but I decided that I wanted to be a very naughty student and you would be my teacher. I decided to use your office so I took mostly everything off of it placing it in one of your...

4 years ago
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(Peeping on the neighbor girls leads to much more)Part 1 – The TrespassIt was a smoldering summer morning, normal for Phoenix, when I chose to climb the wooden, six-foot-tall fence separating our backyard from our neighbor's, to retrieve the basketball that had inadvertently bounced into their yard the previous day. I absolutely hated going over to a neighbor's house, knocking on the door, and requesting something I'd lost in their yard. Looking back, I have no idea why I felt that way. When I...

4 years ago
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Das Treffen

Das TreffenAuf dem Weg zum Bahnhof, ?berpr?fte sie noch einmal pflichtbewusst ihr Outfit. Er hatte es sich so gew?nscht, als sie sich zu diesem Treffen verabredet hatten. Lange hatte sie gez?gert, und dann doch endlich zugesagt. Vor Monaten hatte sie sich endlich getraut sich anzumelden. Lange hatte sie gez?gert. Die Sklavenzentrale. Allein der Name war schon respekteinfl??end. Irgendwann kamen sie ins Gespr?ch. Dieser unbekannte Dom und sie. Viele Mails sp?ter, nach vielen intensiven Gesp...

3 years ago
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Taking Control

Sitting in the dark I watched my Leanne and Adrianna making out in the kitchen. Adrianna is our neighbour a tall blonde with big tits and long legs. She lives next door ,with her 20 year old daughter Zoey, divorced two years ago, dresses in revealing tops and short skirts and high heels. Leanne is 26 and I are 20, got married after graduation, and moved here a month ago.Leanne is bi sexual and has a mommy fetish. She likes seducing mature sexy feminine women who are sexually frustrated....

1 year ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 7

"Maybe you've got the right idea, Elaine." I overhear mom's friend, Mary say to her. "Men are way over rated. If you're going to end up getting yourself off anyway, why not just stay home with your vibrator in the first place?" She laughs."I guess last night didn't go so well, huh?" Mom asks, as I peek through the screen door to watch Mom and Mary sunbathing on the back deck. With some of the money we got from dad, we added a swimming pool to our backyard. Mom and Mary are sunbathing on lounge...

2 years ago
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A Weekend in Blackpool Part 1

It was glorious weather and we were fed up just being at home, Donna suggested we go to Blackpool, a seaside resort not too far away, we looked on the internet and found a half decent hotel at a very reasonable price,booking for the follwing two nights. The day after we left, it was a hot sticky day, the sun was shinning and it was around 24 degees.We arrived at 1:30pm, as we were checking in a young girl said to me "How long are you here for", which I thought was an odd question, "Two days" I...

2 years ago
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Had Wild Sex With Beautiful Neighbour

Hello friends, your night rider is back, with another encounter; for the people who do not know me, myself night rider (night rider for babes who are in need of sex) and I belong to Hyderabad. Any lady who is interested in having sex can ping me at Firstly, let me thank ISS for creating such a wonderful platform for posting their experiences and helping many other people to satisfy their lust by studying the wonderful posts posting by writers. So without any late let me jump into the sex...

2 years ago
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Youre Not Naughty Boy

She stared into the computer, a 40 year old woman, and asked herself, "What am I doing?"She was dirty blonde, with light olive skin and average size for a plus size model - though she was only 5' 3''. 190 pounds of sexual hunger with 38DDD's so she didn't need to...But she still went on to type up a meeting place near by. She was still really hesitant to be doing this at all so she picked a place near by where she could easily hide and see what he looked like and run home and block him if he...

Quickie Sex
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Daddy loves veggies

We agree to meet in the square at the neighboring town and over a cup of coffee, we chit chat, and I gaze into your face, and wish we did not have to hide our play. I wish Daddy could meet you at your house a few days a week, where Daddy could teach you things, and you could please Daddy with your willingness to do what he asks...knowing that Daddy cares for you. You are in your early 40's and me in my 60's, we have been playing when we can since your teens, and continued through you marriage,...

3 years ago
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I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. On the Wednesday Janet phoned to confirm if I would be free on the Thursday afternoon. “I loved watching two men lick and kiss your gorgeous naked arse and your reaction. I want to do the...

1 year ago
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My affinity for smell

hi there–this is vikram from coimbatore. my e-mail id is I love the smell of a woman. I had a neighbour who had just given birth and her breasts were full of milk. Her assets were 34-26-36. I was close to the couple AND the guy had night shifts. By the way i am 26 and a professional in medicine.Un MARRIED. 5 FEET 7 and slim AND WEE bit on the darker side with a 7 inch cock. SO one night around 10 i got a call in my mobile which was from her . I sleep in a sleeveless vest and a boxer shorts....

2 years ago
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Late Night Neighbourly Viewing

Ever since we moved into this house I have found our neighbour attractive. We occasionally talk at the front of our houses and pass post to each other when we have been out, but apart from that our interactions have been limited. Last summer they purchased a lazy spa hot tub and inflated it on the small patio next to our joining fences. This afforded them the most privacy of anywhere in their garden. At first, I found this annoying as the jets are quite loud and they often use this in the...

4 years ago
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Surprised Mom Married Again Blacked

My name is Joy. Let me first start off with by telling a little about myself. I am a freshman at the University of Texas and studying to be a nurse. I have been living on campus and it has been okay so far. I might not be a model but I have no problem finding a man either. I'm 5'8 and a brunette. My hair stops right at my shoulders. I'm a 36c in bras. I don't have a problem finding a man but I been so busy. Despite what movies and TV has taught me college has not been non stop partying and sex...

3 years ago
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Hometown College

You had spent the last couple years taking online classes from home. It wasn't your choice, or that's what you told yourself. Having crippling anxiety was enough to drive anyone away from social situations, so you considered yourself lucky to have the virtual school option. While it had been easier to hide in your room at diligently finish your classes, there was the nagging feeling that your future would be just as lonely. How would you ever be able to leave the comfort of your home? Would you...

2 years ago
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Jordans Family Little sister

It was hard to make out everything through the darkness but I had a good idea of what was going on. I could see the outline of a man lying on my mom’s bed and it was clear the woman on top of him was her. She had her head tilted back and she continued to bounce up and down making the springs creak and the man grunt “more, more.” She bent forward and her long hair covered both their faces as they began to kiss. I quietly closed the door and tip-toed back to my room. I hopped into bed and was...

3 years ago
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Hijab Muslim Girl

THE MUSLIM ARAB GIRL:Tom was one of the best looking guys at school. He had turned 18, moved to his own apartment and was dating one of the hottest girls at his school. He was concidered the most popular guy around, and his girlfriend was very good looking. Tom had every reason to be happy, beeing a guy who could fuck such a hot girl. But Tom got bored of the same old sex with a girl who was very concervative whit the bed-activities. Most of Tom's friends had other classes than him, he really...

3 years ago
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I Come From An Unusual Family

Introduction: Mom and son play doctor I come from an unusually weird family! Its a statement that took me a long time to say. The unusual circumstances started out before I was born. My mother is a proclaimed bi-sexual lesbian. Her lifelong partner was a woman I came to know as Aunt B, the B standing for Becky. Aunt B was a girl that lived down the street and was never actually my aunt, but it was easier to explain when I was growing up why mom lived with another woman. Mom and Aunt B became...

1 year ago
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Meet up

So Im on xhamster one day just watching a lisa ann lesbian scene when all of a sudden my inbox gets a red notification marker. Curious, I decide to click on it and see what it is. Im thinking its someone complementing me on a story or thanking me for uploading a certain video, because not to many girls inbox me here. When I check my messages I see that the message is from a couples profile. The message said: “Hey I love your pics and vids of you jerking off. My hubby likes jerking off to me...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 77

After the excitement of the fake doctor died down, time passed slowly, but it did pass. I hated every lucid moment of my hospital stay. By Friday the catheter was gone, and only one bag draining into my arm. I finally was able to stay awake long enough to meet with Jerry on Friday night. "So Jerry, what's the word on Beth Ann? You told her, didn't you?" "Yeah, I told her that we knew. She was gone the next morning. I told her the night you got stabbed." "She just left us both the...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Young woman is kidnapped and tortured Please go gentle, this is my very first sex story. The beginning of this is all about the torture and dominance so there isnt very much actual sex but there will be a lot more coming. She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever...

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Holy Cock

Introduction: Muslim Mother wants sons Holy Cock to cleanse her. Introduction: This is a three part story that I first posted on another site, I thought I would share my work on here too. This story is purely fictional, therefore it shouldnt be taken too seriously, its a tongue and cheek story so do enjoy it. It contains incest so if its not your thing then do not read. Also please forgive me if there are any typos or grammatical errors. I hate her, I absolutely fucking hate her. The woman...

1 year ago
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Cupids Curse part 6

“Wake up Jaden there’s no time for you to be sleeping. We have many things to do today. How can you still be in bed at a time like this?” Aeron asked while smoking. “You should be glad I'm such a good brother I bought you something to eat before we leave. “What did I do to deserve this?” He looked at me. “You must be hungry, so how about you eat the meal I prepared for you.” “I don't want any of your food!” “Who said anything about food?” With a snap of a finger Big Boy bought in a...

3 years ago
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Pee For Me

The sun had already set some hours ago and most of the pool-partiers had given up the water for drinks at the outdoor bar, or at the various tables ranged round the patio overlooking the beach. Paul and Janet had taken a secluded table far off to one side and were having a very interesting conversation..."Pee for you?" Janet asked. "You mean, so you can watch me... or did you mean... well, something else." Paul looked away, his face lightly flushed, and Janet had her answer. "So... would you...

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