MageChapter 14 free porn video

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When the crystals were done I just continued to make love to my ladies. I didn't try for quantity this time but tried to express my love to each of them.

The boys had not been as happy with their lot so I did what I did to Sonya and while making love I pictured her face. I did this to the boys now and they felt the thrusts into their vaginas even though this organ didn't exist.

When we were done I just wanted to sleep and I did. There were warm bodies all around me and in a way the grid never completely left and I slept with all of them.

We had a fun breakfast. The children from Houston were not frightened of me, or at least not much. When we finished eating I made clothing for the children and even a sleigh that could be pulled by the horses but then stopped. There were too many potential attackers around to let the family go outside.

Mrs Cardinalli had been contacted and she hadn't seen any strangers coming near. If the strangers were other apprentices of Calldas then they could be right beside her as she told me this and wouldn't know. She knew of the danger to us and the majority of the staff had a light load and went to visit friends and relatives that were close.

We walked back to Hondilas and woke him up then allowed him time in the washroom. He could not touch our amulets but I could see that he thought they were very good. He did ask, "Did Erasmus make those?"

"No, we did last night. If I had more material I think we could have made double that number."

"You had that many sacrifices?"

"Yes we did. We just ran out of raw materials." I sounded as callous as the people he knew and possibly emulated.

Hondilas wanted to do this work but I would not allow it. He was not trusted yet. We used power crystals and the complex to provide power for the spell. The spell would go into the unknown to hold the memories. Hondilas had not quite lied because he didn't know if this could be done.

The spell to allow me to interface with the amulet was complex too and I found out about the shield around the newcomer's minds. Apparently it was a way of increasing the mental powers and keep the deepest secrets hidden. This procedure had to be done first. I was wholly inadequate for dealing with the data.

I didn't trust Hassan and Mordock too far even though their conditioning had been holding so far. Sonya used her fingers on Sara for additional power as I lay in the centre of our small circle. There was going to be a lot of pain and I was made unconscious.

I woke up and quickly looked around. Sara and Sonya were next to me and close by was Mordock and Hassan. The first spell seemed to have worked. I was thinking even clearer now. My own mind had the shield over it the same as I had seen recently.

The bathroom drew me and when I came back I saw the girls sitting up. Hassan and Mordock had been doing things for themselves.

Sonya said with a suspicious voice, "How did it go, Master?"

"It looks like you girls did very well. I felt no pain that I remember and my mind works much better. I can access my own memories much better but I haven't tested my mind yet to see if my intelligence has increased."

Sonya said, "It may take a while. My I look into your mind now?"

"Go right ahead. I will open it to you then close it to see if you can get in."

The test worked very well but the girls were able to defeat my barrier. I said, "Could it be that you have been in my mind so much and the fact that I love you both have anything to do with this?"

Sara said with a meek smile, "That could be but I think it is because the process takes time to complete."

We woke up Hondilas and asked him about this but he had very little to add and basically he just didn't know. It was done to him and eventually it was like it was now. He did complain that he could have done better if he had been allowed to try.

When Hassan and Mordock came back we worked once again. This time I was to interface with the second amulet. It had to be on my body to function and after the spell I could dig through all of Malochuck life. I was prepared for the horrors and I just try to avoided them like the plague. It was not as bad as I thought. I could exclude his methods but I knew that if I studied what he did, I would have to see torture and death on a scale I didn't want to deal with.

Mordock asked me questions that only he and Malochuck would have known and I answered them for him. In some cases I was able to give Malochuck's real thoughts on the matter.

I went further into the base and made a time spell and hid the crystal in this till the other was destroyed.

The spell to separate Hondilas' ill gotten memories worked very well and he was now just himself.

"Will you let me go now? I cannot access the amulet."

"Not yet, but soon. Lower your shield. You have probably lied to me and I forgive you ahead of time. I want to know who I am dealing with."

"But you got my help. I gave you everything."

"Hondilas, you simply have to do this. Our future relations are all based on how you really think. You may hate me with a passion but I will still protect you. You have to give my your cooperation and I give you my help."


"There can be no buts Hondilas. Lower your shield. I will not hurt you on my word."

He did reluctantly and I found that Hondilas was actually a recently advanced mage and not an apprentice any longer. There was more but I simply put a spell on him to sleep. Since I was in his mind I kept the doorway open so to speak. I took a blank amulet in one hand and an crystal in another and recited the spell that would copy Hondilas' memories into the amulet. This took nearly ten minutes and a few more for the actual transfer.

Another spell gave me access to this amulet and I read this instead of Hondilas' mind. It was much clearer and his subconscious was not constantly trying to cover his failings.

His memories were very extensive. Getting to be a mage in Fassie was not as easy as other places. I went back into Hondilas' mind and used a much better spell to make him my slave. It allowed him more room to manoeuvre and he could think more efficiently. Mordock and Hassan always thought of me and this hurt their performance.

Hondilas was awoken and his faced changed at seeing me. He was quite worried but I didn't know if he knew that his memories were copied. I went to him and removed his bindings with my own hands and helped him to sit properly.

"Hondilas, I found a great many things about you and I was happy to see them."

"What were they, Master?" He thought on what he had just said but being a slave was not that odious to him if it was to me.

"When I made the amulets I worked with my family and not slaves though some like to be called that. I have not killed any child and find the idea more than just abhorrent. I see that you think the same way and hide the facts from those that taught you. I love my family but I have drawn a line to who I will have sex with. Your line is drawn at a younger age. You have done some bad things but it was done because you would die if you failed. The mages on Fassie are not a sympathetic lot."

I opened my mind to Hondilas now and allowed him to enter. I had to trust the spell now that he would not kill or hurt me. He worked very slow and searched out my motives and even my past.

When he came out much later he smiled at me and said, "You are not even a trainee. Though with the knowledge and abilities you could make an apprentice very soon and a mage a short time after."

"I find that the people that use magic think only of magic and not about simple ways of accomplishing a task."

The six of us walked over to see Vessio and the two women.

"What do you know of these three?"

"The man was the leader of this operation. The two women are Calldas' two favourite apprentices. They are very brutal though they do not appear that way. At one time I had some serious thoughts about the one you call Alison. When I found out what she was really like I quickly backed off. The one you call Elaine is just as bad. They both enjoy their work very much and seem to specialise in using pain as a power source."

"What about Vessio?"

"I know nothing about him. Calldas said that I was to treat this man as I would him. On the ship he gave orders like he had many years of experience and he reminded me of many of the mages I have met on Fassie."

"What can you tell us of their mental blocks?"

Hondilas concentrated on each of the people then said, "Their shields are very good. Vessio's is as good as any mage I have met but I was never allowed to linger in a mage's mind."

"Ok, tell us of the plans and a description of the ones that had the same job as yours."

We learned the details and we found that there were a great deal of them. It was very well thought out. The time table was only vague on when the five others would be able to meet the remainder of Maximus' apprentices.

Madrix was not quite a mage yet and this was the final test to becoming a mage in his own right. He was directed to take over Mordock's domain. He was very aggressive and also very proficient. He had a full dozen trainees assisting him. The four others had from ten to sixteen trainees each to make sure the takeovers went without a hitch.

We didn't know how successful any of them were and no way to find out with out meeting the apprentices or their imposters. Hondilas, by his own words was not the strongest of the six and weaker that both of the two women we had. This made our opposition able to beat us easily if there were more than two. If I could bring out the real Sara then there may be one more apprentice but I was afraid of her as much as I was of the remaining five.

The only logical recourse would be to gain more support for our side and this meant recruiting Vessio and the two women apprentices.

On Hondilas' information we started on Alison. We removed the remainder of her blocks except her mind shield. My own in the next few days had been strengthening and knew that hers would be a major obstacle. When she was conscious we had an electrical device fixed to her vagina that could give a mild electric shock. Its location though would cause a great deal of pain that would stop her from finishing any incantation she may wish to throw at us.

It took a whole day to get her to drop her pose as a nice woman and begin to act as Hondilas said she was like. I was a poor master in that I didn't want to cause harm to anybody though I might threaten to do so. I put Sonya in charge and she worked with Sara and Hondilas to break the woman's will.

Mordock, Hassan and I worked on Elaine but this was done in the penthouse. This way the two women couldn't communicate. I only had to release Hassan and Mordock from some of their conditioning before they acted the same way. Their old spell was removed and the new one like the one Hondilas had went in its place. Perhaps what I was doing was just distancing myself from the responsibilities of what my slaves were doing.

I was very worried about my new intelligence. I knew that the changes were quite advantageous but the results I came to went against everything I grew up with. I was constantly checking myself to see if magic and the quest for power was corrupting me. The militaries of this world and even the police had rules to go by or we would end up with a police state. I had to regulate myself but still get the results I needed. A soft heart could get not only me killed but also all of my family.

Three days after we started, Mrs Cardinalli told me in her report that the butler, a maid and three strangers were frozen solid where the elevator was in the house.

"We will be there to pick them up in a few weeks. Those effected will not have felt anything about the passage of time." She was still upset and I added, "Slave, do as you are told or I will sell you to the first person that asks for your old hide."

The old woman started to sob and said, "Everything will be as you wish it Master."

I had told the staff recently that I may have to say something harsh on the phone in case we were being monitored. She must remember this but I think I still hurt her deeply to hear it from me.

I had practice with my time spell on both women and Vessio. They would be immobile until someone was able to counteract my spell. I was not so foolish to think that it would take that long.

We walked back to Toronto and called Goldstein to prepare for a shipment. He got additional crystals and me. He was ready for this but not ready to fight. The five members of my troop came soon after. I made particular notice of his home. One day I may have to make a doorway to this area whether Goldstein was helping us or not. Mages were supposed to be able to fly but I had never seen any spells on this and doubted if this could really work.

We took a limo to Toronto this time and then rented a car. If I were Madrix, I would lay a trap and catch those that came to get his people. We rented hotel rooms for the night and the next day we got as closes as we dared and tried to detect any magic that was not our own. We could find nothing and at seven when it was getting dark, we called for a helicopter to fly us over the property. We didn't just go to our own but checked other nearby areas.

We found nothing but that was not that unusual when dealing with someone about to become a mage. Two hours later a taxi took me to the house. My mind was questing for any stranger and ready to hide behind my block if I had a chance to retreat that far.

Rather than hunt for Mrs Cardinalli's mind I looked for her husband's. With my lightest touch, I found something odd. My Pakistani driver gave a code unknowingly on the radio and I had time to check only two others before I got to the house.

Once in the house I yelled for the butler. "Where were you? You were supposed to be checking the property and those entering."

The man was very unsure now and said, "I am sorry Sir. I was trying to do the other tasks you have asked us to do."

"Get that lazy cook to make me something to eat."

"Yes sir," he said as he hurried away.

I sat in the study now and just ran my mind over the house. I had not even gone to see those frozen in time. It was not very long before I felt more than one magical presence coming my way.

The door to the study opened and a well dressed man in Fassie clothing came into the room. In his hand was a large crystal that I knew was fully charged. Around his neck was an amulet that was very similar to the one worn by Hondilas.

I said in Fassie, "Make yourself at home. Food is coming, would you like something to eat?"

He looked at me and could feel him trying to probe my mind. Three men came into the room and fanned out. It took a few minutes till he said, "I didn't think you were this capable. The people in this house see you as the master and the name you gave was simply Adam. You did take over Mordock though."

"The name is good enough for them. You didn't tell me if you would like something to eat?"

"I have already eaten. Where did you get the shield you are using?"

"Erasmus is generous to those that show promise."

"I have heard that Erasmus does not have as good a shield."

"He wears what clothes he wants others to see. How many of Maximus' apprentices have you taken over?"

"I can't see how that would help you one way of another."

"Then how many if it means nothing?"


"Quite a feat if it is true. Which of the Fassie mages wants to take over this planet?"

"That doesn't concern you. Are you going to do this peacefully or do I have to use force?"

"Force by all means. With me dead you cannot use me for whatever plans you have in mind. The only way I would not fight you is if your master can find a place for me in his staff. Erasmus put no loyalty spell on me and I don't mind shifting allegiances if it will keep me alive."

"My master could use a person like you."

"That is good to hear but that is only your opinion or just your words. Perhaps a chat with your master could avoid this fight."

"There will be very little in the way of fighting. I have heard about you. You are not really that powerful at all. You are quick and strong; while most of us are used to fighting with our minds instead."

"I work with magic too. You might not know this Madrix, but the desk, chairs and those knobs on top of the bookcases all have bombs in them. Why do you think I came here first and not to see your men frozen in time?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Erasmus had some people from Saranam that work for Calldas. We know a great deal about your plan. Erasmus has even worked this attack into his strategy. Soon Saranam will be the premier country for Mages. Fassie has outlived its usefulness. Whether you know it or not Erasmus plans to take over the country. The only mages that survive will swear allegiance to Erasmus. He has an army and now it is on the move. There is nothing you can do to stop it."

Right on schedule the elevator from the complex far below started and the car came to the house. Madrix heard from his men but looked at me. None of them had understood the radio in my pocket and how the conversation went beyond the property.

I just continued to sit but I did smile condescendingly at Madrix. He gave some quick orders and his men left the room and ran to the elevator. It took seconds to travel and they never wondered how come it took a minute and a half with a lot of mechanical sounds about it.

I tucked my mind in as good as I could and tried to relax. The next thing I knew I felt a white hot searing bolt of power wash over me. The pain was excruciating and the darkness swallowed me.

My eyes finally opened. My sight was bleary and it was dark. Candle light allowed me to make out Sonya. She bent down quickly and kissed me. "Fine master you make. You go to sleep while we do all the work."

"You are too full of righteous indignation for me to get in the way. I assume everything has been taken care of?"

"We got them all but the wiring in your house is shot. Very little of the appliances will work again."

"What about the servants?"

"They were hurt by the blast but nothing was serious. Some of Madrix trainees were very close to the elevator when the crystal exploded. They are a lot more serious."

Sonya helped me to my feet. The light of a candle showed that Madrix was not present. My head hurt still and I cast a spell to remove the pain and so did Sonya. All of them had been safe in the complex after going back to base below by way of Goldstein. Sara was the one listening to the information on the radio. She used a telephone to contact Goldstein in Buffalo. He in turn sent a code word to the base for when to start our attack.

There were bright lights ahead and Hassan was coming out of the elevator with some magic globes that were as bright as sixty watt bulbs. It was difficult for a petrified man was right in front and Hassan had to work his way around. The staff was moving around groggily too but took a bulb to where it was needed.

When the staff had cleared out, Sonya put a plastic bag over the heads of the trainees and broke a capsule that contained a gas to put them to sleep. I concentrated hard and gave the counter spell. The servants just looked around at how everything had changed while the trainees instinctively took in a breath of drug laden air and dropped to the floor.

She said to the servants, "You better move back a bit unless you want to go for a nap." They moved quickly. I cast a spell on the sleeping men to ensure they stayed that way. I had to start a second time because I had to take power from Sonya to complete the spell.

Hondilas was in the main room looking after staff while holding a stone to supply him with power. He seemed to enjoy what he was doing and thought he missed his calling as a doctor.

Hassan and Mordock came up the elevator and saw the men on the floor and just put them into the car for a trip downstairs.

Same as Mage
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Hi guys, my name is Anirudh, 22 years old.  I’m from Vijayawada. My height is 5’10 average body. My tool dimensions are 6 inches tall and 2 inches wide when erect. I’m currently living in Jalandhar pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree. This is a real story and happened 1 year ago in summer. I went back to Vijayawada(home) for a summer vacation for 2 months. I live with my family of 4, i.e my father, mother, sister and me. So in the summer, I used to watch porn a lot in my room and masturbate 5 times a...

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Mr Mrs Miller

(Disclaimer : Complete fiction. Contains mock daddy/daughter roleplay.)After highschool, I was at a complete loss of what to do with my life. I didn't head straight to college as most newly graduated adults do, but instead picked up a job as a babysitter for some of the neighborhood families. Eventually, I more or less became a nanny to one family in particular. They were a newly-wed couple, both beautiful in their own right - I admit I was rather jealous of Lisa Miller. She was slim and...

1 year ago
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Spiritual UnionChapter 5

"I'm not pregnant, at least. I mean, I hope I'm not." Trish stammered out as she took a sip of her diet cola. She swirled the small ice cubes around her glass nervously, and looked up at me. We were sitting in the living room, looking out on the ocean. The day had cleared since the morning, and if things had been a little calmer, it would have been an extremely romantic setting. I had come home after work, and set up everything as perfectly as I could. I was still broke, but a few...

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internship fuck with sexy nurse

This story is about how a doctor during his internship made out with the co worker nurse. Who was awesome figure 32-28-34 Punjabi girl. She was stunning. All this happened last yr in Chandigarh.This is the time when I was doing my internship after finishing my graduation. As u all know hospital is surrounded by many beautiful and sexy nurses, my hospital was no exception. I had almost 20 nurses in my department and all of them were pretty friendly, and I always used to flirt around with them...

3 years ago
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Instructions from my Dom I do what Im told

I do what I'm told. Anything he says. Everything he says. It's been like this since day one. It's like nothing else I've ever experienced in my life. I never knew how one person's absolute control could make me feel so calm and be such a stress relief, I would have thought it to be the exact opposite. It's becoming something I crave. His dominance is reserved for me as my submission is for him. Only. No one else gets that from me. No one else sees that side. Only him. I am his to control and...

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Just Good Neighbors 2

I can’t believe that just happened!’ Rachel wrote in the chat window. ‘That can never, ever happen again. You have to swear to secrecy.’   ‘No worries,’ I responded. ‘That was pretty intense. But before this goes away forever, you have to admit that you enjoyed it.’   I was referring to Rachel’s daring, late-night naked walk down her driveway and the masturbation session we had shared in my garage.   A few moments went by before Rachel responded with, ‘Yes, I admit it. But it can never happen...

1 year ago
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Private Alyssa Bounty Horny And Sensual

Today on, the gorgeous Alissa Bounty has come to Private Specials, A Time For Love for a walk with Raúl Costa at the park… but this is one walk that is not likely to last long! Overwhelmed with desire, Alissa soon rushes home to give her man a taste of her beautiful tits and delicious pussy before returning the favor with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold right here on Private as this incredible beauty goes on to enjoy a passionate and sensual fuck all...

1 year ago
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Secret Sex in the Stacks

One look at the library floor plan by the door told Reese it would take a while to find what he was looking for. He didn’t have much patience with the Dewey decimal system. By the nearest stack, a young woman in a long skirt and a tight t-shirt stood next to a cart of books. She pushed a volume into its appropriate spot and then selected another from the cart, pushing up her glasses and tucking her hair behind her ear at the same time. Reese smiled to himself and started towards her. “Hey...

4 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 29

After life had settled down with the two brothels, the New House of Joy straight for the fuddy-duddies, and Jacqui's Place kinky for the youngsters, as the forty-year-olds thought of themselves, Martha more or less retired from 'active service', only performing as a professional on either side of the switch for certain very favoured clients and, of course, free of charge whenever the fancy took Hugo and he appeared or sent for her, but he often seemed to prefer Kim. She never lost her...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Carole

Bah! Humbug! My name is Ebeneezer Scrooge. Yes, that Scrooge. But that sack of shit, Charles Dickens, that wrote that story about me lied about the entire thing. It never happened that way. Let me set the story straight about the characters first and then I''ll tell you the real story, not the fictionalized version that asshole came up with. First—there's me, Ebeneezer Scrooge. I wasn't the old miser that asshole portrayed me to be. I was a fit man in his late forties who took good care...

4 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar V

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR V CHAPTER TEN Marveling at what had just transpired, Jacob looks over the incredible sleeping form of Laura. She had just had her way with him, and he enjoyed it. She had pushed him back on the bed and straddled her lover. Climbing on top was ok, as far as Jacob was concerned as she impaled herself on his waiting hardon. He expected to have her ride his excitement, fulfilling her need to be in control. He did not expect that after she positioned his penis...

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Mom so Hot 1

Chapter 1As I am sitting here writing this, I still find it hard to believe that this actually happened. It all started when my wife was about to deliver our c***d. Rita and I had been married about three years when she got pregnant. I'm an architect, still trying to establish myself in a big firm. We do all right, not great and we own a nice two-bedroom condo in a small town outside Boston. Due to some complications, Rita was bedridden for the last three months of her pregnancy and had to be...

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The Secrets of KingsChapter 3

"What do you mean you can't?" Thule asked. Benton Bragg glowered at him. Despite the fact that Thule was Bragg's boss, the man always seemed to be a half-step away from bursting into a fit of rage and thrashing him. Bragg had left the police force after fifteen years with a partial pension to work for the previous owner of Bonderman Investigations, but his confidence clearly did not extend to the current one. "I can explain either word if you like," said Bragg. "Or both in...

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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 4

Throughout the day Candace tries her best to brush up against her father as much as possible, out of view of everyone else. It reminds Caleb of how a cat does it, thinking how appropriate it is considering how his daughter is playing dress up, though he pretends not to notice. He tries not to make a big deal out of it, but is becomes unbearable to the point that he is looking forward to bed time and even suggests an early night. He says it is to let his wife get some rest in the hope her...

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The Fuckbuddy

What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly dressed lady but...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Eight

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart EightKathy was kneeling before Mark & Keith with her back to her husband who was laying on the bed with his armsaround Sherry & Angel looking very content.Mark told her, "Lick my hand and suck my fingers as ashow of submission and do the same for Master Keith."Kathy said, "Yes Master Mark." Then she took hold of bothmen's hands and obediently licked and sucked fingers.After awhile of licking and sucking Master Keith told her,"Continue sucking our fingers and...

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Southern TrampChapter 5

"Oh, BRUTUS! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD!" Melanie screeched, oscillating her hips and lifting and falling on the big black stud's long, stiff pecker. The brawny brute had his hands clamped around the white girl's middle and he was slamming her down savagely on his lap, grunting like a bull in rut as he pumped his hips lustily back and forth, ramming all eleven inches of his iron-hard poker deep inside Melanie's tight, clutching glove-like abyss. The black limousine creaked and bounced on...

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Brads new computer pt2

I then turned around and moved towards brad, who was lying on his side, his cock pointing at me and holding the jelly stuff in his hand. I told him to put it down, causing to look at me in alarm and say, "your not sticking your cock in my ass if you are not going to lube up first." I shook my head and told him that I had something better in mind than lube. He then put the jelly on the floor next to his bed and I got on the bed next to him, bent over so that his cock was only a few inches...

4 years ago
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Laura the StarChapter 6

At the beginning, until it was revealed I could understand and speak Italian, everything was spoken in Italian and repeated for my benefit in English. Charles began his act and I followed him. “What brings you to Italy?” “Business.” “Any time for pleasure?” “None during the day. Some nights perhaps.” “Have you been to Italy before?” “No. I arrived this morning. And I’m tired. I’d like to go back to my lodgings and go to bed to sleep.” “Then I’d better move on.” “Please do. I’m afraid...

1 year ago
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The Network Boy 1

THE NETWORK BOY. 1. IT STARTED WITH A STREAK!. Do you believe in fate? That things happen to people because they are meant to be? Or maybe it is just sheer coincidence that seemingly random and mundane decisions can turn into life changing ones. My life as a Network Boy began with one of those decisions, and a streak! An unplanned and initially unwilling one, but a streak nonetheless. I was almost eighteen years old and my hormones were as rampant as any chaps of my age. I was feeling happy...

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Hot Young Thing Part Two

I awoke feeling great, although it was already stifling outside. I slipped on my flimsy pink miniskirt and a skimpy white halter top that wrapped around and tied in the front above my belly. I had heard the shower shut off in the bathroom, and I caught a glimpse of something white through Uncle Clyde’s “secret” heat vent. He was toweling off in front of the mirror. I suspected he was giving me a show, so I bent over to take a closer look. At first, I could see that his man area was clean...

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Wifes sloppy seconds

I've been reading and watching videos on the cuckold subject for a long time and found it exciting. I finally got up the nerve to bring up the subject to my wife one evening after dinner. We were setting on the deck relaxing with a mixed drink, I was looking at how beautiful my wife looked. She was wearing a short pleated tennis skirt and a tight cotton tank top. The light blue fabric of the skirt really contrasted with the dark tan of her bare legs. As we talked I couldn't keep me mind on our...

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My Thai MILF 1

It was only by chance that I was in the local Asian market to pick up some special ingredients for a dish I was making for some friends. I really love Thai food as much as I like looking at Thai women. As I pushed my cart through the crowded isles among what I thought was half the Asian population of my city, I saw a very attractive mature woman strolling along causally picking out items for what I thought was her family. She was so beautiful with a very tight body and large breast I felt for...

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Jenna and Jake Part 1

Jenna awoke to the sound of her alarm going off. She looked at her bed clock and saw she was already late. She jumped out of bed, and ran to take a quick shower and dressed in a cute plated skirt and jersey. She ran straight out the house as she had no time for breakfast, she found her mom Ruth standing in the driveway speaking to another woman. She could see a truck behind them, and furniture and appliances were been unpacked. It must be the new neighbours moving in she thought to...

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Camping with Mom1

It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I...

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Iranian Slave wife

Iranian Slave Wife by Angela Collins I used to be a man, now I'm a woman and recently divorced from a vicious husband. My story is an unusual one but a warning to anyone who travels alone to eastern parts. This is the account I wrote at the British Embassy while awaiting my return to England. My story starts in 2004 about 25 years after the Iranian revolution in 1979. I was on a carpet buying trip to Iran and having visited many of the outlying carpet areas such as...

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My Nephew My God Part III

Hi, let your Huma present the third part of My Nephew My God. I will write the next part after seeing your response to my story which has been immense so far. “Pappu, you motherfucker, you scared me bastard. What if Monica comes home now? I will be damned if she finds us like this. I am supposed to be your Mausi, equal to your mother, not your fuck toy” I teased him reminding him of our relationship.” Monica is not going to be home till 7 pm and second thing, if my real mother is haldf as sexy...

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Uncles wife first then Tracy

My Story relates back 20 years when I was about 40 years old, it started at Christmas when my wife and myself went to my Uncles home for Christmas drinks. We had a good drink and were feeling quite merry, then as the pubs emptied more people joined us. One a couple of girls consisted of my Uncles step niece which had come from his wifes previous marriage (he was married 4 times) the step nice was Rachaul a chubby girl not bad looking but all Breast and backside with moody sorry for her self...

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me and my girlfriend

She was outside on the deck smoking a cig…but she was kind of leaning forward on the railing of it….So when I saw what he sent me up there to go look at……..Man I’d like to shit myself. This bitch had huge fuckin tits. Well that’s when we first spoke to one another. Almost at the end of the day her boss came to me and asked if I wanted to stay in WV to work for him and he offered me an apartment plus salary, so I took the job. Me or him never told my boss about this, we just kept quiet...

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The Offering

A gentle mist lay in the valley as the sun rose between the hills that looked down over the village. As it crept steadily higher on that September morning, its rays struck the Big Stone that stood upright at the woodland edge of the Top Field, making it seem to glow as it absorbed the new day’s light. Down in the village, the same first light awakened Alice as she lay dreaming. Usually, she slept until the rays of the sun were high enough to strike the wall opposite her bed, but she had slept...

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The House of Sex

The House of Sex Prologue This story started as a description of an up-market, select sex shop. Like most of my stories, the original theme has expanded into something much more. What I describe here is a fantasy, but one that could, so easily be reality - a veritable Pandora's Box of delight. Of course, this story concentrates on my personal sexual tastes. I hope they are your tastes too and that I turn you on. I love feedback on my stories. Please email...

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Robert My Sister and I Makes Three

Okay, I shouldn’t have been looking at those websites, particularly at the office, but it was one of those instances where I was incredibly horny. I just needed a little something to help get me off so I could get back to work. Fortunately, as a professional computer geek, I didn’t have to worry too much about being busted. After all, I was the one responsible for monitoring everyone else's Internet usage. Jumping from link to link to link, I came across a swingers’ website and just for grins I...

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Alice Learns

It was a new school, and I was apprehensive and wondered how different it would be from the city, I mean, it was so odd seeing only corn and soybean fields, alongside pastures filled with cows and horses on the bus ride to school. Unlike the city with buildings and businesses, one after another, streets lined with traffic and people, the school entranceway seemed almost vacant.I got off the bus clutching my papers looking for the administration office. I suppose it was not so different here,...

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Internet Mom

100% fiction!  My name is Carol and I'm a typical 48 year old single mom of an 18 year old named Michael. Michaels dad was a good looking hung stud who liked fucking every woman he could, so I threw him out 9 years ago. I guess I've let myself go a little since then, I shave my legs once a week, I've totally quit shaving my pussy, I now wear glasses and I pretty much always have a ponytail. I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall and weigh about 120 lbs. with brown hair, brown eyes and a nice ass with big...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 160

Back at the White House we had a good evening with late night snack of cake and ice cream from the kitchen. It hit the spot and was a welcome change, even if it was fattening. We were in bed by 2400; the boys had gone to bed at 2300. After a little touch and feel intimacy, sleep came easy and breakfast too soon. I speed read the updates after breakfast; there were no changes other than little fires everywhere that either needed fuel or water poured on them. I read the Russia and China...

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The Kolkata Trip 8211 Part 1

As you all know and those who don’t I am from somewhere in north India. I am tall fair smooth and I love to crossdress when alone. I am bisexual and when alone (usually on my work trips) I dress in female lingerie and make love to a male as a woman. So as it happened last Monday I was called for some meetings over the next 3 days in Kolkata(kol) and I took a flight and reached there around noon. I took a cab and reached my hotel in park salt lake city area. It was a nice hotel with cozy rooms....

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