The Best Intentions
- 2 years ago
- 37
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Disclaimer: This story contains scenes of consensual and non-consensual sex between females and depictions of sexual slavery. If you are under 18 or offended by this type of material please do not continue. Otherwise, please read on and enjoy! Also, any resemblance of the characters in this work of people either living, dead or fictitious is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Thanks to hfernandez1983 for editing.
Bailey had a bad Friday. First off, she was nearly late for class. She was usually there fifteen minutes early, prepping the board and getting her lesson plan in order. Some of the professors laughed at her for even having a lesson plan instead of just winging it off the chapter in the book. Her mom had been a teacher and gave her proper, if informal, schooling in how to teach and not just show. Second, she was having trouble concentrating on the work. Maya kept coming to mind, and all that Bailey was going through to keep her safe. Each night she felt a little more lost in the strange, messed up world that Tatiana had created. The underwear didn’t help matters, the ribbons reminding her of Ginger and Thi and that strange raspberry mixture. Her head seemed to be in a fog, like she kept drinking too much. She couldn’t remember well after the first glass, but the memories that did filter through were more about hot sex than overindulgence. Third, she made little progress on her thesis when she sat down after classes to work on it. The equations and their meanings slid off her mind. Frustrated, she ended up watching the clock until it was time to finally head off to Tatiana’s. Once there, Ginger opened the door and fetched her inside.
‘I’m getting sick of this,’ Bailey said as they headed into the main hall. The stress of the day started gushing out. ‘Are you trying to hook me on sex and alcohol? I can’t keep this up. I have trouble concentrating, I can’t work on my thesis, I’m constantly in this fog… What the hell is going on?’
‘Shhh, shhh, there there, Bails,’ replied Ginger. Bailey almost slapped her. ‘Thi has something for you to drink. It’ll soothe you a little so we can talk.’ Bailey gripped the glass, filled with a cool red liquid that smelled of raspberries. Maybe she shouldn’t drink it this time. Then they might randomly decide she was breaking the agreement… She finished it quickly, finding the delicious warmth wonderful even as her mind still stewed. Thi handed her another. Bailey felt her chest loosen, nipples poke out and skin flush, as her mind started to haze over. Her will rapidly fading, warning voices quieting, she slammed the drink, feeling the heat wash over her. It engulfed her, changing from a delicious glow to a raging inferno of desire. Her anger had melted away and was replaced by scorching lust. She grabbed Ginger and mashed her lips against the blonde’s. Thi pulled her off and lead her into the couch room.
‘I see our guest has arrived,’ said Tatiana, sitting inside. She rose as the two women pushed Bailey down in the center. ‘I see she’s sufficiently excited for tonight’s activities. Please bind and blind her.’ Ginger pulled Bailey’s arms behind her back, tying them tightly together from the elbows down and attaching them to a rope she secured to Bailey’s ankles. Thi pulled out a black velvet blindfold and knotted it around Bailey’s head. She checked the front to make sure Bailey couldn’t see.
‘Not like last night…’ Bailey started whimpering. Her lust was boiling over.
‘Shhhh.’ Ginger placed a finger across Bailey’s lips. ‘Be a good girl again tonight.’ She forced Bailey onto her knees and ankles. ‘Now stay still, alright?’ Bailey whined but stayed still and quiet otherwise. I could move, just move, just say something, just anything to prove I’m not becoming… She dripped as she didn’t.
Several women began to file in. Bailey could count them by footsteps, with each having a different shoe and weight to give each step a different tenor. The hushed voices continued around her with the women taking their places on the couches. Someone came in, locked in chains Bailey could hear clinking together, mumbling behind a gag. Someone dragged a chair in front of Bailey and sat the one wearing chains in it so the two bound women were facing each other. Bailey heard locks clicking.
‘And now for some entertainment before dinner ladies,’ said Tatiana, moving behind Bailey. ‘I have kneeling here a woman that earlier this week thought she wouldn’t enjoy herself at my home. What do you think now?’
‘Oh, she’s definitely into it!’
‘Look at that flush.’
‘I think I see her nipples poking out through that shirt.’
‘Let me check for you,’ said Tatiana. She ripped the front of Bailey’s shirt open. ‘Obviously stiff through the lace.’ She ran her hands over Bailey’s exposed chest before untying the ribbons. The blush began hot on Bailey’s forehead and reached all the way down to the falling cups of the bra. Bailey’s heart was racing and the sheer, exposed terror gave her that much more fuel for the fire dribbling into her already sopping panties. A hand unbuttoned her shorts and reached inside. ‘And so wet! She’s definitely enjoying it.
‘Sitting before her, I have a slave whose identity I must implore you keep a secret. She’s in training, and part of that training is having our little Bailey show her what being a good girl is about. So, without further ado…’ Tatiana stopped speaking. Bailey was forced forward towards the chair, finding that it was cut down the middle for easy access.
Thi bent down. ‘Good girls eat, and only good girls get rewarded, ok?’ she whispered into Bailey’s ear.
Bailey understood, and her crotch decided it needed the reward, so she would be very good. She leaned in, guided by lust, and found fishnets on the thighs rubbing her cheeks and the tang of woman in her nostrils. She eagerly started licking, finding her rhythm quickly. The lady’s clit was already shamelessly out and her folds wet. She cried behind the gag, trying to shout something while spreading her legs further so Bailey could hear. Some part of Bailey thought maybe the cries were familiar, but Bailey didn’t really care, she only wanted to be a good girl and get her recompense. It didn’t take long before the chained woman’s shouts switched to pleas and the thighs started gripping Bailey’s head tighter. Suddenly they clenched hard as the woman gushed in her climax, straining at the edge for another, then a third. Bailey heard tears again, but with joy mixed in this time. Bailey hoped it was good enough for her own reward.
‘Now ladies, the kneeling woman has been chaste all day and is in desperate need of some relief. Do you think she’s earned it?’ asked Tatiana. Bailey perked up, suddenly worried. She’d thought she was pleasing one person, and maybe making Ginger and Thi happy. Obviously, though, it could include anyone in the room.
‘She should service everyone first!’
‘Let me have her!’
‘Send her over here!’
Bailey dripped into her shorts and whimpered. This was turning into a searing hot nightmare.
‘Oh, look at the poor girl. Give her some relief, I think she’s earned it.’
‘May, you have always been such a softy,’ said Tatiana. ‘But this time, I agree. Ginger, Thi, if you would?’ Bailey felt the two pawing at her shorts, pulling them down to her knees. They untied the panties, yanking them off, and slid a long, hard shaft up into her slick folds. Bailey immediately impaled herself, riding it up and down to catcalls and lewd encouragement. It was no more than a few seconds before the first mind-shattering orgasm started, cramping her groin as she fought to keep moving and clench together at the same time. The second followed quickly on the heels of the first. Bailey kept riding wave after wave for long minutes while the enthralled audience watched. The sobbing from the chair increased. Something familiar about it bothered Bailey, even as she collapsed in exhaustio
n, and Ginger and Thi dragged her out to a bedroom to recover.
They untied her and let her rest. She received some basic food: bread, a little cheese, fruit, water. Then she spent the night entertaining each guest in a more intimate milieu. Some liked simple bondage, others more complex. One implored Bailey to run free, but Bailey explained why she stayed. She must save her sister from this. The woman only shed a tear and left quietly. That was the most disturbing one of the night. In the end, Bailey was thoroughly abused and used and finally left on the bed, exhausted, as the sun lit the horizon. She passed out to quiet, gentle music in the background. It made her smile and kept her dreams vivid.
‘I want to leave now.’ Bailey stood in front of the three, Tatiana, Ginger, and Thi, in a red bikini again, demanding her clothes. ‘Give me my clothes. You said it was for seven nights, not days.’
‘Well, you seem to have ripped the shirt, so I’d have to come up with other clothes,’ replied Tatiana, smiling.
‘You have plenty of shirts around here,’ said Bailey testily.
‘Oh, well, you know, I do miss Maya. Perhaps we could see her today, since I’ll have a little time after you go.’ said Tatiana.
‘You wouldn’t.’
‘Sounds like fun. We’ll just go ahead and get your clothes, then?’ said Tatiana. ‘Ginger, you still have Maya’s number, right?’
Bailey seethed, but felt trapped. ‘Fine,’ she huffed. ‘I’ll stay.’
‘Oh, I do so love a feisty girl,’ said Tatiana. ‘Ginger, please make sure she’s ready.’
‘I will, Mistress,’ replied the blond.
Mistress? What? Bailey stared at Ginger. Something finally snapped, sending fear and panic flooding through her veins. Everything here was inherently wrong and it was time to leave. Her legs pumped, sending her flying through the open sliding door and to the front. That door was locked. She yanked back the chain, undid the bolt and threw it open.
‘Hi.’ The valet was standing there, smiling.
‘Fuck you!’ Bailey went for his face, trying to push him out of the way as she attempted to slither past. He managed to get his arms around her even with her hand pushing his head back almost to his shoulder blades.
‘Oh no, you don’t!’ he said. She grunted as she continued to struggle. She heard clapping coming from behind her.
‘Oh bravo, Bailey,’ said Tatiana. ‘I see you’ve decided our arrangement isn’t worth the price.’ She walked up as the valet maneuvered Bailey into a full bear hug. Tatiana ran a finger sensuously down Bailey’s back. ‘You are a very interesting woman. You were right to try to leave. Most women at this point are so lost that they would be creaming themselves at the opportunity to stay, and yet you have enough sense to run when Ginger slips up and says Mistress before getting the cuffs and chains. Tell me, did you know what she was getting, or did you just panic?’ Bailey kept battling with the valet. ‘Oh well, it doesn’t matter. You’re too strong-willed for your own good. You would’ve lasted the week the way things were going. It could have been so entertaining, but unfortunately for you something has come up, and I must resort to more heavy-handed methods. You’ll be in physical chains all day until we finish making your mental ones. I wish I had a month or two to break you myself, very slowly… Ginger, if you would.’
Ginger came up to Bailey, who still faced the valet in the bear hug, and yanked the college student’s wrists behind her back. Bailey felt each cuffed and cried out for help. Ginger leaned down to attach the long chain to Bailey’s ankles. The struggling woman kept trying to kick but Ginger was well trained to deal with recalcitrant people. It only took a minute for her to finish. The valet let go and Bailey stumbled against her bonds in her attempt to run anyway. The valet caught her and picked her back up.
‘Both of you, take her upstairs,’ said Tatiana, indicating Thi and Ginger. ‘I want her ready for dinner tomorrow.’
‘Yes, Mistress,’ Ginger and Thi echoed. They pulled the struggling woman towards the hall and the stairs.
‘Let me go you fucking bitches!’ Bailey shouted. She tried to twist and kick her way out of their grip, but between the two of them they kept a firm hold on the chain and an arm. Bailey ended up thumping her knee on the edge of a wooden step and stumbling. The two finally dragged her up the steps, painfully yanking as she hit each edge.
‘You really should settle down, Bailey,’ said Ginger. ‘It would go a lot easier for you.’
‘Fuck you!’ Bailey shouted at them.
‘Feisty to the end,’ shouted Tatiana up the stairs. ‘Delicious!’
The three ended up in a room near the top of the stairs, with Bailey unceremoniously dumped on the hard floor. She looked up and saw a leather-bound chair, with straps hanging down the sides, dominating the middle of the room. A control panel stood behind it and a screen was in front. Thi moved a wheeled IV drip line from the far wall next to the seat. Bailey felt fear knotting her gut. The room seemed so clinical, like a hospital. The walls were white with white tile on the floor and white tiles on the ceiling. Fluorescent lights gave the room a harsh glow.
Ginger tapped at the keyboard and the monitor lit up. As Bailey watched Ginger reach for the mouse, she levered onto her hands and knees. With a fair effort after the bruising she took on the stairs and her hands bound closely together, she managed to get the doorway and back into the hall. Part of her mind knew that at the bottom of the stairs lay escape, and she might be able to slide down towards the exit, even sneak out a window.
‘Uh uh uh, naughty naughty!’ said Thi, grabbing Bailey’s bonds and yanking her up. ‘Back in you go! Time for a little training, then you’ll feel much better, ok?’ Bailey didn’t like Thi’s crooked, evil smile. She kept thrashing about in the Asian woman’s grip, forcing Ginger to come over and help out.
‘Let me go, you fucked up freaks! What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Bailey shouted as she struggled. It didn’t keep them from getting her over to the chair. They locked the ankle cuffs to the legs of the seat, then removed the chain and handcuffs. Bailey swung a fist instantly, but without leverage from her stance the two women easily dodged the blow and pushed her back. They each pressed one of her arms down and strapped it in place, over wrist, forearm and bicep. A needle pierced Bailey’s skin, hitting a vein in the crook of her elbow. ‘No! What the hell? Get it out! Get it out!’ Bailey screamed and yanked against her bonds. ‘What the hell are you doing to me?’ Her frenzied efforts to make it come out were in vain. Bailey felt panic clench cold in her chest, forcing out little defeated whimpers even as she twisted in the straps. Ginger pulled the bottom of the red bikini as far down Bailey’s legs as she could.
‘OK, just about ready,’ said Ginger as she positioned herself behind the console. ‘Start the drip.’ Bailey watched Thi open a drip line that fed into the saline solution going into her arm. She cried out and shook her head, again trying in stark terror to get the needle out.
‘No no no no! Fuck! Stop! Please don’t!’ Bailey cried. ‘What the fuck are you putting in me?’
Ginger ignored her pleading. ‘I’ll get the head restraint on her.’ Ginger moved to the back of the chair and fastened two heavy steel plates to the back of the seat. She maneuvered them into position in spite of Bailey twisting her neck, locked Bailey’s head in place and ran a strap across the struggling woman’s forehead. Now the only things Bailey could see were the floor, ceiling and screen.
‘Please just let me go,’ Bailey cried, tears working their way down her cheeks. ‘Please let me up, I’ll just walk out and I won’t go to the cops, really. Just let me out, please!’
‘Sorry, hon, can’t do that.’ Bailey heard a click behind her, a sound like a tiny garage door opening, and faint mus
ic start whispering in her ears. Gentle colored lights swirled on the screen as she felt the first effects of whatever was in the drip line. A sense of vertigo dragged the tense fear and foreboding up again into her chest and head. She fell into the spiral starting to swirl in the hues playing on the screen.
‘No no no no no please stop, please stop,’ Bailey cried out, getting softer as words joined the melody. She felt a faint buzzing below her groin, adding spice to the icy despair in her gut. She heard soft footsteps and a door closing, but she couldn’t focus on them as she kept falling further into the spiral, the murmur guiding her down. As her thoughts slowed and focused, she stopped crying, eyes drying as they concentrated on the miasma in her vision. Her jaw went slack. Her face drooped, but her eyes strained to keep looking at the screen. It didn’t take long for trance to claim her. The hum led her now pliant mind along new paths. Her pussy dripped in response and let the vibrations work their way inside, using the pleasure to help the new thoughts whispered into her ears settle in her mind and associate them with reward in her subconscious.
Her next thought was of a bed. A soft bed. She wasn’t sure how she got there, but she saw herself in the mirror that was on the ceiling. Bruises dotted her body from her struggles before. The straps were the next thing she noticed, holding her arms above her head and her legs spread wide on the cream sheets. A lush red comforter lay crumpled at the base, half off the bed on the deep burgundy carpet. She didn’t feel inclined to move. A voice in her head told her she was obediently staying still, and that was a good thing. It tingled in her sex. Soft music played in the background.
‘Good morning, sleepy head,’ said Ginger as she came in.
Morning? What day is it? Bailey thought.
‘I see that you’re doing well, waking up when told and not struggling anymore.’ She placed a few things on the floor at the base of the bed. ‘Are you ready for your next lesson?’ She gestured at Bailey’s stiff nipples. ‘It looks like it.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’ It felt right, saying it that way. The panic that made her run before briefly flared, but there was stronger joy in her submission. Little happy butterflies kissed inside her belly.
‘I’m going to help you learn your pleasure is now controlled by others,’ said Ginger, reaching for a latex dildo with a clit stimulator. She lubed it before turning it on. ‘Here it comes.’ It vibrated against Bailey’s nether lips, gently stimulating her already dripping pussy. Ginger let it tease a little longer, tickling along the edges of Bailey’s slick opening.
‘Please, Mistress, please!’ Bailey begged, lifting her hips to attempt to get the device inside her.
‘See?’ Ginger pulled it away. ‘It’s not your choice anymore. I control your pussy, and through that, I control you.’
‘Yes, Mistress,’ Bailey responded, disappointed. She let her butt back down onto the sheets. Ginger again teased her, holding her almost painfully at the edge of release. Bailey whimpered but tried to remain still.
‘That’s better, slave.’ Ginger kissed lightly at the crook of Bailey’s thigh. ‘My turn.’ She flipped around to straddle Bailey’s face and lowered herself. ‘Do a good job and maybe I’ll reward you.’ Bailey almost lost control in her desire, almost took her frustration out in an assault on the blonde’s pussy. Instead, she controlled herself like a slave should and concentrated on prolonging the ecstasy. The thought of getting a reward slipped away in her servility. It was a good thing too, once Ginger was done, arching several times and moaning in release, she simply got off the bed.
‘You did a wonderful job, just like a slave should,’ Ginger said, patting Bailey’s foot. ‘I have a few things to attend to.’ She walked out of the room. Bailey whimpered and squirmed, trying to get a little friction between her thighs. She felt guilty about it, since a slave should not masturbate. Maybe she wanted to be punished. She lay there for more than an hour, dripping her need onto the sheets, before she was let up. As Thi lead her out of the room, she stumbled, trying to work the stiffness out of her muscles.
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Dr. Katherine Wells watched the image in the monitor closely while the night orderly filled her in on the reason for the disturbance. "Look Doc, he just won't stop ja-- I mean, playing with himself, you know, masturbatin'." The orderly shifted nervously. He kept looking at her briefly and then looking away. Katherine was used to this behavior from men by now. At thirty-five she was as very attractive as she'd been at twenty-five. When she was younger and working to build her career in...
Author's Note: I apologize about the wait everybody! I've got a new job and it doesn't give much time to work on this sort of stuff. Please enjoy party 8! If you'd like to see more, I have much more available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a stripperific R and includes, amongst myriad other things, bouncing boobs, jiggling tits, heaving breasts, merry melons, stripping strippers, annoying best friends,...
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I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
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Reddit NSFW ListBest Pornstars! We all have our favorite pieces of ass. Some of you fucks love Sasha Grey, and others can’t get enough of Leah Gottie. The list goes on, and on, and on. But how the fuck are you supposed to keep track of these bitches and discover new favorites? It’s nearly impossible. You go to most sites today, and you’ll barely get a title, let alone the name of the star in it. And, well, you’re not going to get anywhere by begging for “sauce” in the comments. I knew there had to be a better...
Free Porn Download SitesThe Best Porn Games are arguably one of the only reasons for getting out of bed in the first place, but let’s be real: you don’t even have to drag your ass out from under the sheets to appreciate a fap-worthy RPG or titty-infused adventure game. In another life, before I was ThePornDude, I wasted countless hours of productive company time playing cartoon porn games and X-rated incremental clickers. These days, a bit of one-handed strategy or some adult dating sims are all in a day’s work. Hell,...
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Sex Doll ShopsSubscribe Star has been around for a couple of years now, but you’ll be forgiven if you only heard about it recently. I don’t say that to talk shit about the website; it’s just that the platform has been overshadowed by similar websites (competitors) like Patreon and OnlyFans. The big OF managed to corner the market for DIY porn subscriptions and sexy webcam starlets, marking one of the most dramatic shifts in the online porn landscape that I’ve ever seen. SubscribeStar gets a few million...
Premium Hentai SitesMy cousin's fingers slid, trembling, up and down across my sensitive clit. I looked down to watch the fair skin of her hand as it traveled down between my legs, caressing me down to the base of the opening of my vagina. She lay next to me on my bed where I'd been letting her touch me wherever she wanted to. I felt her exploring me, trying different places just to see what I felt like. She parted me slightly open and traced back upwards, her skin glistening as she came up over my button again....
Your eyes snap open. There is a light hovering over your head. A chandelier is swinging back and forth, although there seems to be no movement in the room that would suggest why it is doing so. You lift up your head and glance around. You do not recognize the room you are in. It looks to be some kind of bedroom suite. You’re sitting on a luscious white carpet, There is a large king-sized bed in the middle of the room, although the bed looks to have been made recently. It is covered with a red,...
BDSMKathryn heard the shower running in Sebastian's bathroom and smiled in wickedsatisfaction. The plan she had set in motion was unfolding more smoothly thanshe ever hoped it would and soon the people who had wronged her would suffer.It had taken considerable planning on her part to concoct a scheme cunningenough to achieve all her goals in one fell swoop, but in the end she hadlined up her victims like dominos and once the first one tipped over the restwere bound to fall. In this case, the...
Jake stretched out on the bed in the motel cabin where he was staying for the weekend. He was pushing into his mid thirties but still had a rugged chiselled look that caught some women's attention. He was a little taller than average 5ft8, average built and a fairly average life. He had his own business on the outskirts of the city, but even that would get a little stressful, so every so often he'd retreat to a different part of town and stay at a cheap motel-- just like he was...
Abstinence sows sand all over The ruddy limbs and flaming hair, But desire gratified Plants fruits of life and beauty there. William Blake Once upon a time in a land far, far away from where you are probably; when I was really bored and in sort of a good mood, I decided to write down the following account of a girl I once knew, and how she and her brother fell hopelessly in love... ~Chapter Only~ "Do you have homework?" Mom asked us, just like she had a hundred million times...
Still can't believe it happened. Maybe if I describe exactly how it happened I'll be able to. So, here's how it happened. Friday night, a few weeks ago, I'm out drinking in town with my girlfriend. She has a snazzy little dress on, generating buckets of male attention. There's one guy who seems especially smitten. He's sat on his own, a weedy-looking type, maybe about fifty, and he's having many a sneaky lech in her direction. 'Baby, you have a big fan over there, ' I tell her,...
It was an island somewhere out there, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, between the Philippines and Hawaii. The island was called Lankawi. It was populated by Polynesians, but like Hawaii, became a commercialized place. There are three hotel resorts on the island and many tourists from the West tended to go there. One such tourist was Kimberly a 5'4 Blonde. Many guys lusted after her, but it wasn't guys she was interested in. She looked like the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar and...
Zoe explained to me that we were picking up lunch and eating it at my apartment. Someone wasn’t leaving anything to chance today. I was happy when she let me get our lunch at the diner across from the hospital. I ordered us a box of chicken and, of course, a pie. I let Zoe pick it out, and she did an outstanding job. They had an apple pie with butterscotch sauce. The sauce was in a separate container, and they told us to heat both up and then pour the sauce over the top right before serving....
After everyone else had gone up to bed, I continued to sit on the couch, turning on the TV to find out what to expect of the blizzard currently pounding us. Yeah, I know. Snow, lots of snow. But I wanted to know if it was moving on and how soon we could expect things to return to ... well, normal. The Weather Channel was covering just that very thing and from the size of the coverage on the Doppler radar, it didn't look like it would stop before morning. I sighed. Being back at home was bad...
People would be arriving soon, Matt had everything ready for when they did. His parents were out of town for the weekend and he had bought a keg of beer he set up in his back yard by the pool. Matt’s seventeen, shaggy brown hair and green eyes, he’s tall with an average build. The doorbell rang and the first partygoers began to arrive. This was Matt’s first and he was planning on getting laid. Matt watched people socializing when he spotted her. Her name’s Diana she has chin length blonde hair...
EroticBestowed Discipline As I sat on on my knees, my hands tied to my ankles, my mouth gagged and tied tight, the sounds of Mozart filling my ears. my hands growing numb and my knees hurting. The gag in my mouth has left it dry, swallowing has become a chore. I look down at my cock, the roach clips in place, the flesh around them turning red. Shaking my...
Introduction: Introduction into bestiality hi all please feel free to leave comments, and feed back if you enjoy this . If you feel the need to leave negative vote. Please state why. Constructive criticism is welcomed. It was a warm summers evening , we were sitting in the back garden drinking and listening to the radio, a random mix of oldies playing while the sun lowered in the sky, leaving some long shadows running across the lawn, I was just about to get up and get another drink when...
I don’t know exactly when it was that I began to have an interest in bestiality. I never knew it was called that, or even that there were other people who practised it, when I became aware of it in myself. Just as I do not know when, I do not know why. I have been interested in dogs as sexual partners from a young age, but contrariwise, I was more of a ‘cat person’. I have no reason to believe that I had any kind of sexual encounters when I was young, whether from animals or humans, so that...
Introduction: The true story of my encounters with beastkind. (N.B. This is a true story. As such it wont be written in the adjective-rich style of erotica, but more in a narrative sense. Also, I obviously dont remember all of these events in exact detail. All of what is written is factual, but where I dont remember every single thought I had or every single movement I made, I filled in the suitable information as best I could.) I dont know exactly when it was that I began to have an interest...
"Hey, aufwachen.." flüsterte Yvonne. Philip grummelte irgendetwas in sein Kissen und zog die Bettdecke über seinen Kopf. "Du bist ja schwerer wachzukriegen als Dornröschen!" "Dornröschen wurde auch wachgeküsst. Und überhaupt ? wie spät ist es eigentlich?" "Halb sechs. Aber ich hab echt keinen Bock, den ganzen Morgen alleine in der Küche rumzuhängen. Marc hat nachher Rufbereitschaft, da soll er sich mal schön ausschlafen. Und du blockierst das Wohnzimmer. Also, raus aus den Federn, dann hast du...
The sun shine throw your window waking you you get up you remember you need to get to you best friend house before school but you have 2 friends and they live in different area's you can only go to one.
BisexualI've never been with a guy.I'm a regular college student with a healthy sexual relationship with females. I was invited out by my best friend (Aaron), his girlfriend (Sarah), and her girlfriends on a Saturday night which is nothing out of the norm. We all out went out to popular spot in the city and got pretty wasted. Aaron was pretty drunk but wanted to make sure that Sarah got home safely. Sarah asked me if they could stay at my place as they had done on previous occasions. Sarah and Aaron...
Jack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...
Hello friends, My name is Aarav Dixit and I am a resident of Mumbai city, aged 25 and this is a very recent true incident that has probably, made me lose the best friend any person could ever have and possibly, made me loose her forever. Noopur & I have been friends for 9 years and our friendship was truly deep & pure. We never eyed each other in a lusty way and kept the line between friendship & sex, clear and distinct. However, Noopur is a very appealing girl to notice with long straight hair...
He seemed to tremble slightly as I approached his naked body from behind. I guess it could have been nervousness, anticipation or a draft in the hotel room we shared. I had already fingered his ass with lubrication and had stopped to apply the shiny lube to my erection, which stood in front of me as I approached. We both were ready and I held my gleaming dick by its base.Now I know it sounds like I'm describing a typical homosexual experience. But I'm not - at least not for us.My name is Mike....
One Friday night after a football game at our high school my best friend Lyndsey and I were having a sleep over. Lyndsey was bisexual, and I was not at the time. Lyndsey had long brown hair with layers cut short to make her hair look ‘scene’. She had big green eyes and was very tan. She was only about five feet tall weighing only 103 pounds. She wore 32′ C and a size 5 in panties. Her ass was round and firm. Lyndsey had curves, whish is one reason I was always so jealous of her. She...