Betsy's Bad Intentions free porn video

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A truth that's told with bad intent,

Beats all the lies you can invent William Blake

Once upon a time in a land far, far away from where you are probably; when I was really bored and in sort of a good mood, I decided to write down the following account of a girl I once knew, and how she and her brother fell hopelessly in love...

~Chapter Only~

"Do you have homework?" mom asked us, just like she had a hundred million times before.

"Hi mom!" I smiled, ignoring her question cause I had different priorities. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and peeked over her shoulder too. "Mmmm ... Cookies!"

"Hey mom," Troy said and he was right behind me, like always. "What's that smell?"

"Guess," mom said and she was a good mom. She liked to bake and I guess that sorta made up for her homework fetish.

"Cookies!" Troy grinned and he saw me stealing one, sort of juggling it with my fingertips cause it was hot!

"Bets, how many times have I told you to wash your hands first?" mom sighed, but it was too late.

"Too late!" I said, taking a small bite and chewing with my mouth wide open cause that cookie was really hot!

"Now you got germs, Betsy!" Troy laughed and he was stealing a cookie too.

"Alright fine, sit down at the table like normal people," mom said and she was already going for the refrigerator. Milk and cookies was a pretty good idea though and I wondered who'd thought of it.

Troy and I were both in high school, but we were never really serious about anything and around our parents we still acted like little kids sometimes, but I suppose everyone does that. I did it more than Troy, since he was just about seventeen and kind of on the 'I'm growing into a man' trip. He was gonna be a good looking man too, like our dad was, all kinds of tall and dark and handsome. I loved my brother, in a healthy, sisterly sort of way.

I was fifteen and looking forward to being pretty like my mom was. She was old already, like almost thirty-five, which seemed pretty ancient, but she didn't have any wrinkles or anything. No grey hairs. She was tall and busty and curvy, and all kinds of blonde and blue. You know. A lot of my brother's friends talked about how they wanted to have sex with her and that was so disgusting. I hated my brother's friends when they came over. All they did was stare at me and my mom, I swear. I put on extra clothes when they were around, just cause they made me feel naked.

"That's just the way boys are," mom shrugged when I asked her about it. "Especially boys that age."

"When are they gonna grow out of it?" I wondered, cause some of those guys had been staring at me for years.

"When?" mom giggled and she sounded twenty years younger. Everybody loved my mom's giggle. "Never. So you're just going to have to get used to it, Bets."

Everybody called me Bets, cause that's a way better name than Betsy. My brother was the only one who didn't and that was just because he was my brother and determined to be different, so I didn't mind. I think a girl's brother should be different from everyone else and so I sorta liked it, except I mostly pretended I didn't.

The boys had a good reason to stare at me though, now that I'm thinking about it. While my mom was really round and curvy without being fat or anything, I was mostly tall, thin, and kind of angular. That's my word for it, nobody ever called me angular, but you know what I mean. I was waiting to fill out a little more, put it that way. My hips were narrow and my boobs were shaped like rockets, I swear. I kept waiting for them to get like big and round, but they just pointed out with sharp pink nipples that were like an inch long. I had the longest nipples in school, I bet, and I was mostly pretty self-conscious about it.

Being fifteen sucks. I mean, I grew up, but now out, see? My legs were too long for my body. My butt was round, but not very big at all. I bought these jeans, a pair I wasn't supposed to get cause first of all they were like sixty dollars, but also because they're not real denim, but like this stretchy stuff that sorta looks like denim, and they're totally supposed to fit my legs and hips and especially my butt, all skin tight and stuff. Have you seen those? But on me they were baggy in the back. My legs looked great, but my ass? God! I just wanted a real butt and some real tits too. That was gonna be so cool, if it ever happened.

"I look like a tomboy," I frowned one day, but my dad just rolled his hazel eyes.

"You look great, Bets," he said. "Don't worry, you're growing up too fast as it is."

"I wish," I pouted and I had a good face for that.

A pretty face, that's what I had, much like my mom's. Big blue eyes and a lot of blonde hair. Mom liked to keep hers kind of short, in a neat French curl down to her shoulders. I was going for sort of an alt-post-goth-punkodrama look, cause it was way cool. So my hair was long and shaggy and I liked to put like ten ponytails in it, pointing every which way, and then my best friend Shannon's sister would dye the tips blue and red and pink, cause she was going to beautician school and liked to practice, and ... You get the idea.

Tie dyed hair, that's what my daddy called it and he was pretty okay with it. Mom wasn't, but once it was dyed, you know, it sorta stayed that way for awhile. After the third time though, mom had told me she was going to shave my head the next time I did it and that sounded seriously cool! I couldn't wait ... But she changed her mind at the last minute when she figured out I'd kinda like having a cue cut for awhile. I wanted to get one of those cosmetic tattoos on my skull. Not a real one, but one of the temporary kind that only last like a few weeks. I was gonna get a whole bunch of flowers, like a garden growing on my scalp, and right in the middle and in between and curling around, I wanted a serpent, like a snake, you know? So it was like the Garden of Eden and temptation and all that stuff right there on my noggin.

Maybe it was a good thing I didn't get to shave my head, since I go to a catholic school and all.

"Now," mom said on the day in question. "Do you guys have any homework?"

"I got some math to do," Troy admitted.

"I sorta have some," I shrugged around a cookie.

"What does sorta mean?" mom asked.

"We had this rape prevention thing at school today," I said, "and, oh! Look, I got a rape whistle and..." I was reaching for my purse but mom stopped me.

"I believe you, Bets," she said. "What's your homework?"

"Rape prevention," Troy smirked, but I don't know why.

"What?" I looked at him. "Anyway, yeah, um, I'm supposed to practice the rape prevention stuff. Like if a guy grabs me and he wants to, you know, rape me or whatever? I'm supposed to like stomp on his foot and, uh, what else? Oh, sorta jab my elbow in his ribs and scratch his eyes out and all that. I'm supposed to blow my whistle too, except I can't remember if I'm supposed to blow it before I beat him up or afterwards, and..."

"Okay, okay," mom said. "So what's your homework?"

"She's gotta get raped," Troy grinned at me.

"Shut-up! God! You're so ugly!" I rolled my eyes.

"Bets?" Mom was waiting.

"I'm not ugly," Troy frowned. "Who'd want to rape you anyway? Have you seen your hair?"

"What's wrong with my hair?" I asked him. "It's cool!"

"Bets?" Mom was still there.

"It looks like you went through a car wash," Troy said.

"That's the style!" I said and stuck my tongue out at him cause I knew my hair was cool. Shannon's sister said so.

"Betsy! What is your homework?" mom finally demanded and that was pretty much what I was waiting for.

"Oh, um, I just gotta like practice fighting off a rapist," I shrugged.

"Practice fighting off a rapist?" mom blinked at me.

"A girl like you shouldn't fight him off," Troy said. "You should send him a thank you note afterwards."

"Shut-up!" I stared at my brother and he just smirked some more.

"What? I just don't wanna see you die a virgin, that's all," Troy said and my mom gave him a real dirty look.

"Maybe you should help your sister with her homework," mom told him and Troy looked at my mom like she was crazy.

"Him?" I giggled. "I think rapists are supposed to be like sorta tough, mom."

"What's that mean?" Troy asked, feeling his manhood threatened, I was sure. He was so predictable.

"I mean you couldn't rape your way out of a paper bag," I said, still laughing at him and then I let my eyes go obviously down to his lap. "Besides, it's not like you got anything down there that a girl would be afraid of."

"Bets," mom warned me. "Be nice."

"Oh yeah?" Troy was turning a little red, but we teased each other all the time anyway. "How would you know? You been sneaking peeks at me in the shower?"

"Get real!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Janey told me all about your little thingy."

"She did?" That made Troy sit back.

"Of course!" I nodded. "She told everybody about it."

"She told everybody what?" mom asked suspiciously and she didn't know about Troy and Janey.

"Just that when they were doing it she couldn't hardly feel a thing," I said lightly, as if it was the most casual sort of news in the world.

"She felt it!" Troy protested. "She told me she loved it!"

"What?" mom stared at the boy like he was from Mars. "You've been having ... Sex?"

"She told you she came too, didn't she?" I smirked cause it was my turn. "She just didn't want to hurt your feelings cause you got such a little dick."

"Betsy!" mom stared at me.

"Like adding insult to injury," I shrugged.

"You're such a liar!" Troy said and then his face broke into a huge grin. "Oh! You almost had me!"

"Heh!" I laughed cause I couldn't help it. "You believed me too! Admit it!"

"Almost," Troy shrugged. "You always smirk when you lie though."

"I do?" I frowned at that.

"Yep," Troy said apologetically. "You gotta work on that, sis."

"What are you two talking about?" mom was kind of like in shock or something.

"Don't worry, mom," I said, pushing my chair back and my brother was getting up too. "Troy's got a really big dick."

"Yeah," Troy said. "Betsy was just teasing me."

"What?" mom asked, but we were already halfway out of the kitchen.

"Hurry up!" I said, laying on Troy's bed and playing with my Ken and Barbie dolls.

I had like a hundred of them, but Pimp Ken and Prostitute Barbie were my favorites. Of course they hadn't always been Pimp Ken and Prostitute Barbie, but for my ninth grade home economics class I'd made them some new clothes. Now Ken was stylin' with a two piece leopard skin suit in lavender, some gangsta tats on his back and arms and chest, and some ho kickin' leather boots. He had a lotta bling too, obviously, and a real bad attitude for being a wigger like he was. I shoulda painted him brown maybe.

Prostitute Barbie still looked like Barbie, except she wore fishnet stockings, a micro-ultra-mini in red leather and a nylon tube top around her tits. I'd painted some nipples on her too and pierced them with little safety pins, tiny ones, so they looked really cool. I'd shaved half her head and bleached the other half with peroxide and streaked it with red before throwing a bunch of glitter in it. She looked sorta like Rave Barbie Gone Bad, you know? And Ken was butt fucking her anus for holding out some green the night before.

Ken hated that shit and I wished I had a little coat hanger he could hold in his plastic fingers. Barbie really needed a good ass whipping.

"Oh no, Ken! Don't hurt me! I love you!" I said in a high falsetto voice, although my own voice is pretty high anyway.

"Shut-up, bitch! You is my ho! And dis is my hole, ho!" I said in my deep voice. "Yo!"

"Ho-ho-ho..." Troy shook his head. "You're so sick, Betsy."

"What?" I asked, sorta wrapping Barbie's legs around Ken's waist and looking around for a rubber band or something so I could keep them that way.

"You're gonna help me with my homework right?" I looked at Troy a couple minutes later when he didn't answer me and I'd ended up taking a rubber band out of my hair and then I decided to take all of them out and just shag it.

"Rape prevention?" Troy snickered and I hated that sound.

"Yeah, I'm serious," I told him. "I really gotta practice it. We gotta like fight off some guy in a rubber suit tomorrow. I don't wanna look like an idiot!"

"You don't?" Troy turned to look at me, making a point of looking at my hair and I frowned at him.

"Okay! I get it! You don't like my hair! Sorry!" I huffed and puffed a little.

"Nah, it's okay," Troy laughed. "I just like teasing you."

"I know!" I pouted. "You're so mean to me all the time. I swear! I wish I had a pony instead of you!"

"You wanna ride me?" Troy laughed and he was closing his math book finally.

"Yeah," I giggled. "Put a saddle on your back and ride you to the circus!"

"I hate the circus," Troy made a face.

"I like the cotton candy," I said.

"Yeah, I'll help you," Troy agreed and I knew he would. He had this big brother thing going and he always had. I was pretty lucky that way. Troy always looked out for me.

"Cool!" I threw Ken and Barbie to aside and bounced my butt off the bed. "You're really gonna try and rape me, right?"

"You want me to?" Troy asked and he was sorta looking me up and down like a brother shouldn't.

"Well, yeah!" I giggled. "Of course I do! It won't work if you're not trying."

"Okay, that's cool," Troy agreed and I could see the wheels turning in his sixteen year old boy brain.

"But I gotta really try and fight you too," I said. "Don't forget about that part of it."

"You can try," Troy said. "But I'm not gonna stop just because you say no or whatever."

"Duh!" I rolled my eyes. "No doesn't mean no when I'm getting raped, silly! Otherwise, why would they give me a whistle?"

"I guess so," Troy said. "Soooo ... You wanna do it now? Here?"

"No way," I shook my head. "It won't work if I know it's coming."

"What do you want to do then?" Troy wondered and sometimes I thought he was sorta like brain damaged.

"You just gotta surprise me," I said. "Like when I'm not expecting it, you know?"

"Oh," Troy nodded. "You want it to be like a real rape thing, huh?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "What do you think we're talking about?"

"Nah, I get it," Troy said. "No cheating though, right? Don't go putting on like six pairs of panties and two pairs of pants and..."

"God!" I stared at him like he was crazy. "I wouldn't do that! I won't change clothes all night, okay?"

"Really?" Troy liked my little catholic school girl uniform, I knew that.

"I swear," I crossed my heart and kissed my fingers.

"Cool," Troy said. "So I'm gonna rape you when you're least expecting it, huh?"

"Yep," I said. "That's what I need."

"Okay," Troy shrugged and then he hit me really hard in the tummy!

"Oh!" I gasped and all the air got knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe at all. I couldn't even stand up straight because my whole stomach felt like it was on fire. I had tears in my eyes and my nose was running just that quick, and I could barely make out my brother's knee as it came up into my face with a real bone crunching THUD!!

"Uh!" I sorta groaned, except it's hard to do that when you don't have any air in your lungs. My nose felt like it was pointed the wrong way and my teeth hurt. That felt really weird. My upper lip was cut; I knew that because I could taste the blood and feel it running down into my mouth. My nose was bleeding too, probably, but it was hard to tell because it just felt really stuffed up mostly. My eyes were squinched tightly shut and my whole face just felt sorta ... Broken.

"How's that, Betsy?" Troy was asking me, but I couldn't say anything and he was already pushing me down to the floor. "I'm gonna rape you good now, you stupid bitch!"

"Oh, fuck!" I gasped, cause it hurt a lot.

"Shut-up!" Troy punched me in the head. SMACK! It made everything go black for a second and then he did it again! SMACK!!

"Uh!" was about all I could say, and I realized I was sitting on my butt.

"You're such a cunt!" he said and he punched me right in my budding little tits. SMWACK!

"Ohhhh owww!" I was crying by then, trying to cover myself up.

"Little slut, you never been fucked, huh?" he kicked me in the thighs and I was falling back, trying to curl up into a ball.

My brother was getting down too, on the floor with me and he was hitting me everywhere he could, it felt like. Like pummeling me, you know? Hitting me wherever I wasn't covering myself up and when I'd move my hands, he'd just punch me somewhere else.

"Ahh oh umph!" I was making like animal noises, grunting and groaning, cause it hurt everyplace he hit me.

"Get you legs open, Betsy!" he said, trying to pull my legs apart and when he had enough room, my brother punched me hard, right in the cunt! SPRACK!!

"Faaahhhk!!" I screamed, but only barely. I didn't have a lot of air in my lungs just then, thank God, or the whole neighborhood would have heard me.

"That warm you up, huh?" he was laughing, sorta breathlessly, and I was writhing in agony. My whole body was on fire. "Have another one, bitch!"

SMWAMM! He nailed me again, even harder that time as my legs were rubbery and spread wide enough to give him a shot right at the center of my sex. His fist drove straight into my pussy, my little pink panties offering no protection at all, and that was like the worst thing I could ever even imagine, let alone suffer up close and personal.

"Fuck! You know how hot you are?" my brother asked me. "Look at me! You're sexy as fuck!"

He grabbed me by the hair, jerking my bruised and bloody face up so he could see it. I sobbed and coughed, spitting out blood and snot to dribble down my chin. I couldn't breathe hardly at all and everytime I did it was like there were knives in my tits. My legs felt numb, everything below the waist was like dead weight, the only place down there I felt anything was in my pussy. That was like a fire, a bad fire and I felt too big between my legs. Like it was six times bigger than it used to be, all puffy and swollen and bleeding, I figured.

"You wanna be raped? I'll fuckin' rape you," he said. "I been dreamin' of rapin' you, sis!"

SKRACK!! He punched me in the face, like right between my eyes, I think. His hand was so big it like hit both of my eyes at the same time, you know? I really saw stars then and my head thudded off the carpet when I dropped like a stone. The floor felt amazingly soft in comparison to Troy's fist and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore.

"Little cock teasing whore," he was on top of me, sitting on my tummy all of a sudden and probably that had hurt, but I sorta didn't feel it. "You know how bad I wanna fuck you? Me and all my buddies? Every boy at school? You know, huh? Answer me!"

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Betsy Goes to School

It was my first night at St. Marta's School for women, and had woken up when my roommate slid in to my bed with me.I had arrived with all the other girls, supposedly all raised in a religious environment, and all having a mother who had gone here before us. My mom and dad had never let me date, and the internet was something sent by the devil to lead me into temptation. I had been a little shocked at some of the language the other girls used when the nuns weren't around, but tried to not let...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 4

With her business finished in Vancouver, Betsy stepped out of the jet looking fresh and alert. She was happy to be back in Hawaii. She was hungry and needed a little exercise. She somersaulted off the top step to the ground below. It wasn’t that great of a height, but it was enough to boost her energy level up another notch. Stacy followed behind her, looking a little worse for wear. It was obvious that she was tired. She had that rumpled look that came from sitting in a plane for too long....

4 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 21

Betsy topped the hill leading into town at a nice sedate run. At least, it was sedate for her. She was purposefully keeping her pace slow, so as to not look too anxious. Her eyes went immediately to the little store below. She smiled upon seeing that Chuck was seated outside. She frowned when he got out of his chair and raced into the store. She smiled when he came back out of the store carrying a sign. He held it up for her to see. It read, “Stop and try my Hawaiian Fruit Blast.” Her smile...

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Betsy CarterChapter 3

The table was loaded with enough food to feed a small army: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, toast, hash browns, pancakes, porridge, and fresh fruits. The offerings filled the little serving trays and bowls, from which the people gathered around the table could assemble their own meal. Betsy grabbed a substantial portion from each tray. Charlie took some eggs, toast, and fresh fruits. Candice ate a bowl of porridge, and some fresh fruits. There was no conversation while they ate. Betsy...

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Betsy CarterChapter 6

Betsy took a seat at the head of the conference table in the modular office. Once again, she was dismayed by the barrenness of the office. There were six plain metal desks, three to each side of the room, facing the front door. The chairs were plain ‘office mega-store discount chairs’ that, in her opinion, were just plain ugly and looked uncomfortable. There weren’t any partitions to give even a modicum of privacy. There were no personalized knickknacks or photographs on the desks. There...

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Betsy The Fucking Perfect Wife

Betsy seemed like almost the perfect mate. I was 28, single, had been very successful the first three years I worked for the most prestigious law firm in Austin trying lawsuits against large multinational corporations that tried to screw average people, and was tired of the dating scene. I wanted a woman to share my life with; and kids. Everything about Betsy said she was the one. Betsy was 22, a college graduate, and worked in pharmaceutical sales. It was not surprising that she worked in...

Wife Lovers
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Betsy CarterChapter 16

Betsy sighed. “What’s the matter?” Sally asked. Betsy was doing dumbbell hammer curls with a pair of twenty pound weights. She sped up her repetition rate. “I’m never going to meet a guy,” Betsy said. “Yes, you will,” Sally said. “I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m still a virgin,” Betsy said. “Same here,” Sally said. Betsy said, “Maybe you are still a virgin, but at least you’ve got a boyfriend. At least you’ve been kissed once.” “I don’t have a boyfriend,” Sally said. “What about...

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 11

It was approaching lunchtime when Betsy stepped into Sally’s darkened laboratory. The only sources of light were the fish tanks, and the base of the microscope. It was enough light to see by once the eyes became adjusted to the low level, but that always took a moment upon entering. The soft burble of the aquariums running provided a background noise that one noticed initially upon arriving in the room, but which faded from awareness after a few minutes. The effect of the darkness and soft...

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Betsy CarterChapter 20

Betsy awoke as a result of a hand shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes to find Sharon kneeling over her. The light was just barely bright enough from outside to see Sharon. The woman put her forefinger on her lips in the universal gesture not to say a word. She then beckoned Betsy with a finger to follow her out of the plane. Curious, Betsy followed the woman. False dawn was rapidly approaching. It brought with it enough light to see her surroundings fairly well. She could leave for...

4 years ago
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Mazedar Badla

Hello dosto, main aapke liye ek nayi mast kahani le kar hazir hoon. “Ussne mujhe bahut peeta, Bhai jaan, bahut mara! Maine bas itna hi kaha tha, ki mujhe apne bhai se milne jana hai aur Ashraf ne mujhe ghar se bahar niukal diya. Bhai jaan ab mera koi thikana nahin hai. Main kahan jaun, bhai. Ashraf mujhe roz marta hai, dekho mere jism par ye nishan” Tahira baji mujh se lipatate huye roti hui keh rahi thee. Hum dono bhai behan mere ghar mein mere bedroom mein khade thay. Mere haath Tahira baji...

4 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 13

The contrast between the lush Hawaiian tropical paradise and the harsh dry Arizona desert is not only visually striking, but is a shock to all of the senses. The rich sounds of birds, the odor of plants growing wildly, and the feel of humidity in the air is so different from the silence, the dull smell of sand, and the desiccating dryness. It is a wonder that both places can exist on the same world. Making the transition from Hawaii to Arizona was softened by the long flight between the two...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 14

Betsy had jogged past the building a hundred times in the past, but had never gone inside. This particular morning, she noticed Lucy walking towards the entrance. She changed the direction of her run, and headed towards the door. “Lucy!” Lucy stopped while opening the door. Betsy had slowed to a walk. Lucy looked over at her sister-in-law wondering what she wanted. In a way, it was hard getting used to watching Betsy walking rather than running. She held the door open, and waited patiently...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 8

The crack of a high powered rifle firing was clearly heard above the din of evening traffic. A second later, there was another shot fired. The majority of people didn’t even appear to notice the sounds. A handful of students stopped and looked around, before deciding that it had been nothing. Betsy sighed. “First the sniper, and then the spotter. Scratch two more evil minions,” Betsy muttering her interpretation of the two shots. Rather than returning home to her condo, Betsy headed towards...

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 10

The middle aged man ran across the parking lot, glancing fearfully over his shoulder for signs of pursuit. He tripped over a concrete parking lot divider, flying face first towards the pavement. While attempting to catch his fall, he let loose of his briefcase. It skittered across the pavement. Ignoring his cuts and scrapes, he scrambled forward to catch his briefcase. His suit was torn and dirty as a result of his fall. Betsy had detoured from her parkour run across the roof of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 2

Colonel Stewart watched the young woman running across the top of the four story building. She was headed across the building he was facing. He gasped when she suddenly changed directions and jumped off the building. Unable to believe what he was seeing, his jaw dropped when she grabbed the flag pole in mid-flight and then slid to the ground. Seconds later, she was headed in his direction. Major Morgan said, “Did you see that?” “Yes.” Both men watched her approach them. She slowed down....

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 15

“It’s clear what we need to do. We need to restore the banks by lending money to them. They can collect the bad debts and repay the loans. That’s the quickest way to return to a regular economy.” The man had been speaking in a tone of voice suggesting that he was talking to an ignorant school kid. His whole manner was dismissive of his audience, and that didn’t sit well with some of the people in the room. One person, in particular, was getting very irritated. “Are you an idiot?” The man...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 17

Sally floated into the condo as if walking on air. Betsy hadn’t seen her since the afternoon she had sent Steve over, with instructions that he was to kiss her. She had not been around the condo, her lab, or her apartment, for two days. She hadn’t answered her phone during that entire time, either. Betsy took one look at her and said, “I guess you’ve been kissed.” “Yes,” Sally said. Sally had been kissed! And, despite her lack of experience, she knew she had been kissed well. He had...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 18

Betsy watched a tree remove the wing from her side of the jet, thinking that this had to be the trip from hell. The jet made another spine wrenching jog when another tree removed the wing from the other side of the aircraft. There was a jolt, then the jet came to an abrupt stop, and then the world went black. Unable to guess how long she had been unconscious, Betsy woke with a start. She glanced around the little commuter jet that was supposed to have taken her and ten other passengers from...

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Betsy CarterChapter 9

“Hi, Mom.” “Hi, Betsy,” Ling said. “What’s up?” “Ivan is dead.” “It was going to happen, sooner or later,” Betsy said. “It looks like Russians are leaving Hawaii by the plane load,” Ling said. “I’m sure that they all got tired of the sand and sun,” Betsy said. Barely cracking a smile, Ling said, “The word is out that if anyone is even rude to you, that person and his or her entire family will be punished, permanently.” “I can live with that,” Betsy said. Ling looked at all of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 5

The cell phone rang. Thinking it was important, Betsy answered without checking the caller id. “Hello?” William said, “Hello, Betsy.” “What’s up?” “Just called to tell you to say: ‘yes.’” “Yes?” Betsy asked. “Yes.” Betsy said, “Okay. I say: ‘yes.’” “You haven’t been asked the question yet,” William said. “What question?” “You’ll know the question when you hear it,” William said. “I hate it when you do this to me,” Betsy said in frustration. William laughed. “By the way, you’ve...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 8

Chuck stepped into the manufacturing facility. It was a machine shop that produced ‘one off’ kinds of products. Usually, they were parts to repair equipment used in other manufacturing facilities. It had filled a niche market, prior to the collapse. He had purchased a five percent share of the business about a month before the collapse. The owner, Al Lynch, had run short of capital when trying to purchase a couple of very high precision machines in order to support a contract with one of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 4

Betsy was at the head of the conference room jumping a skip rope, it was actually a length of CAT-5 cable, while waiting for the next applicant to come into the room. What she had thought would be easy was turning out to be a nightmare. The last applicant had gotten so frustrated trying to talk with Betsy, who was jumping up and down skipping rope, that she had stormed out of the room swearing that she had never dealt with anyone so rude. Betsy had been crushed. Ed, Ling, Dan, and Kelly were...

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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy turned on her cell phone, and set it down on the instrument panel. The light, although not very bright, managed to displace the overwhelming and depressing darkness inside the cabin. She looked over at Ben and saw that he was looking a little pale. “Is that better?” Betsy asked. “It’s much better,” Ben said. “Good. I got Sharon’s cell phone next to the two guys who are trapped in the back,” Betsy said. “How are they?” “They keep drifting in and out of consciousness. They aren’t...

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 13

Chuck stepped out of the jet and looked around hoping to spot Betsy. A blur was heading towards him. He braced himself for the impact. She threw herself at him, landing with her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. He staggered back a step or two. She was kissing him passionately with tears running down her cheek. In a husky voice, Chuck said, “I missed you.” “I missed you.” Chuck said, “We need to stop by my house.” “Don’t worry, I straightened it up. I cleaned out...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy walked down to the beach intending to have a nice relaxing swim. It was the weekend and the house was a little crowded. She was still bothered by Chuck’s abduction, but at least something good came of it. He was now living at her house, where he could be adequately protected. There were other benefits of having him around so much, too. At the moment, though, she just wanted a little time of her own. She desired a chance to just get her thoughts in order. It seemed to her that things...

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Good Intentions

GOOD INTENTIONS David Phillips married April when they were only just eighteen years old, they would have married earlier, but both sets of parents felt they should wait a few years before committing themselves for life. As always, the young always know better than their parents, so as soon as they reached the age where they didn't need their parent's permission to get hitched, that was exactly what they did. Both their Mothers accepted their dicision, albeit reluctantly, the...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 24

Betsy stood in front of a full body mirror, looking at her reflection. She was wearing a black robe. This was the first time she had put one on. Rather than having the full length sleeves of Druid robes, the robe she wore was sleeveless. This allowed the golden torq, her symbol of service to the Two-Sided One on her arm, to be visible. She turned a little to catch her profile in the mirror. Then she turned the other way examining her appearance once again. She decided she liked the way the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 6

The evening’s entertainment came to a typical end. The curtains closed, the lights came up, the applause died, and the audience rose to make their way out of the theater. It was noisy and chaotic with individual groups of people caught up in their own conversations and actions. Engaged in their own little dramas, no one noticed the pair of young women who hadn’t moved. Betsy sat there with tears running down her cheeks. “It was a comedy,” Sally said. They had just watched a university...

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Betsy CarterChapter 18

It was three o’clock in the morning when the jet Betsy was on arrived at the Honolulu airport. It touched down on the runway, and taxied over to the hangar. Betsy looked out the window. There was one person on duty, along with the limousine driver waiting for them to exit the jet. The man on duty was wearing the overalls that identified him as a mechanic. The limousine driver was wearing the typical black outfit of commercial limo drivers everywhere. While gathering her stuff, Betsy asked...

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Betsy CarterChapter 7

Ling woke up, immediately aware that every part of her body hurt. She started going through the mental inventory of body parts. Ribs? It hurt to breathe, so she had a couple of cracked ribs. She gingerly moved her arms, legs, fingers, and toes. She was relieved to discover that there weren’t any casts. There weren’t any broken bones. She tried to locate a muscle that wasn’t screaming out in pain and failed, miserably. She knew it was going to hurt to get up and try to move around. She...

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Betsy CarterChapter 14

Sweating profusely, Betsy wrestled the fifty-five gallon steel drum down the ramp from the ‘Bloated Shark’ to the dock. The wooden ramp creaked under the strain of the load. Forty-five gallons of salt water weighed over three hundred and eighty pounds. It was a little too bulky and heavy for even Betsy to carry. The Bloated Shark was the name she had given the tugboat she had purchased for a research platform. When she had found it, it was just an old tug that had seen better days. It had...

3 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 7

“Hello,” the man said when Betsy stepped into the instrument room on the tug. He was big as a mountain, with tattoos that ran the full length of his arms. His legs were the size of tree trunks. His hair was cut short, and he had a scar on his chin that gave him the appearance that he ate small babies for breakfast. He was holding a screwdriver in his hand, which was pointed in her general direction. “Who are you?” “I’m Paul.” “Well, Paul, what are you doing on my boat?” “I work for Dr....

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Betsy CarterChapter 12

Betsy stood atop the building looking down at the people below. Several people were looking up at her, thinking that she was going to jump. She smiled, backed up a few steps, and then ran forward and off of the roof. She spread her arms and legs wide while gravity made its presence known. The people below screamed thinking they were about to see her splatter on the sidewalk. She was only on a four story building, so it wouldn’t have been that great of a splatter, but people aren’t rational...

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Betsy CarterChapter 4

Betsy waded ashore. She had a large fish, which she held by its tail, slung over her shoulder nearly to her waist. It was flopping around, but she ignored its motions. Once away from the water, she dropped the fish on the sand and removed the rebreather from her back. Then she knelt down, and with her knife, filleted the fish. It didn’t take long for her to remove several nice fillets from the fish. She took a minute to wash the fish filets off in the ocean as well as return the innards to...

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Betsy CarterChapter 6

Once the family left, Betsy and the staff settled into the process of learning to live together. There were quirks to learn and preferences to discover. The house, with its wide open spacious rooms, was designed to give great views of the exotic landscape. It did not promote privacy, particularly with six people living in the house. Betsy was willing to drop her clothes without a moment’s notice, and head out to the beach. She was just as likely to wear clothes around the house as not. About...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 2

In the process of selling the idea of their filtration system, Jake and John Widmeir had made two interesting discoveries. The first was that Betsy Carter had almost limitless energy. They had been told that, but seeing was believing. She could keep going long after everyone else collapsed from exhaustion. There had been one funny little incident in which a cocksure kid had thought he could keep up with her, in the workout room of the hotel. She had walked out bubbly and full of energy,...

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Betsy CarterChapter 16

Carl had no real idea where he was. Upon learning that he was single and lived alone; Betsy’s father, Ed, had insisted on taking him to the Carter home, where Carl would get around the clock care. It was an offer that Carl found nearly impossible to turn down. It wasn’t that Carl was concerned about the care he would receive in the hospital; but what would happen after he was discharged, was an issue. There was no one at his apartment to take care of him, and he wasn’t about to ask one of his...

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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Head buried in her closet, Betsy was tossing clothes out left and right. Charlie and Alice were standing at the door watching her. They were a little amused by her behavior. Alice said, “I do believe that Betsy is in a tizzy.” “Tizzy? Yes, she does look like a person in a tizzy,” Charlie said. “It could be a dither,” Alice said. “No. It’s definitely a tizzy, not a dither,” Charlie said. “I wonder why she’s in a tizzy?” Betsy growled and then muttered, “I’ll show them a tizzy.” “I have...

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Betsy CarterChapter 16

Charlie was seated at the desk in her office inside the house, watching Betsy fidget in her chair. They had returned from the capital the previous day. It was necessary to get caught up on all of the work that had accumulated over the past few days. Fortunately, it hadn’t taken nearly as long as she expected to get caught up on the business aspects of Betsy’s life. The staff had taken care of nearly everything in their absence. She looked down at Betsy’s calendar for a moment, flipped...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 3

The modern person, who has lived a significant percentage of their life in a digital economy, can not imagine what life would be like without checks, credit cards, debit cards, and online banking. Mortgages, rent, utilities, and insurance are paid with check or by electronic transfer. Large purchases and consumer goods are paid with credit cards, or checks. Plastic is not reserved only for big items. People will whip out a credit or debit card to pay for a five dollar lunch, or a cup of...

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