LeefsticChapter 26 free porn video

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The elementary school would soon be getting out and the limo should be on the way. Sandra went to the phone and called the desk. A moment later she had the driver's number and quickly punched the buttons to get in touch. When the man answered Sandra said, "The five girls you are to pick up now may be in danger. Two men were here at the hotel asking about us and then not wanting the facts to be told to us. I am phoning the school now. Only you or one of us will pick them up."

"I understand madam. I will treat the children as if they are my own. Please call the school right away."

Sandra had to go through the switch board because there was no phone directory in the room. She got the school switchboard just as she heard the bell ringing in the background. She eventually go through to someone in authority and two teachers were quickly dispatched to find the children.

Long minutes of waiting had the principle finally get on the line. Four of the girls had been found and the fifth was being sought. Sandra regretted not putting a tag into each of the children now as she had done to Ana-Margarida.

Catrina was hovering around the phone and Sandra directed her to an extension so she could hear. More minutes passed but finally the principle said, "We found Yelena in the washroom. She is safe and will stay in school until you pick her up."

"Thank you sir. You have made me very relieved. A dark limousine is outside now. The driver took the children home yesterday and brought them to school this morning. The children will be safe with this man."

Catrina was very relieved too and started to cry. Sandra got the operator again and got the local highschool. It was five minutes to the bell so Alicea could wait inside. The principle was called directly and he got the information a minute early. He sent a clerk to the class to get Alicea to come to the office.

Catrina was very happy to hear that her daughters were safe. She even put down her extension and came over to Sandra to hug her. Sandra though waited on the phone until an excited principle said, "Alicea has left the school. She didn't show up for the last class and that was an hour and ten minutes ago."

"See if you can get her friends or the whole class to stay a moment. I want to see what they know. This may or may not be a kidnapping."

"I may not be able to find many but I will try."

Sandra held the phone to the stunned mother. "Alicea may just have skipped class. I am going to find out what happened. You stay here. If you hear anything call this number." Sandra wrote out a number that the computer AI would connect to her boat and thus to her at anyplace within almost fifty seven light years.

Sandra ran to the other suite. The boat came around and Sandra jumped through empty space to enter it. In less than a second she was over the highschool. She dropped quickly and emerged from an alley very visible. In less than a minute she was in the school.

The principle met her and then introduced her to three of Alicea's classmates. They knew nothing special and Sandra had to go thorough the formality of asking them verbally. She did pick up some of Alicea's friends names and addresses. These may have to be checked after they got home. There was still a very good chance that Alicea had just skipped class.

She thanked the principle and said, "I will check another possibility. Thank you for your help."

Sandra ran out of the school and into another alley to become invisible. Seconds later she was flying to where Catrina lived only a few days ago. She raced to the superintendent's door. He was still grumpy but happy to see Sandra. She asked some questions verbally while she tried to ferret out all the information she would need. It would be better to ask him something that was close to what she wanted.

She then ran to Catrina's old pimp's door. Before knocking she stopped to listen to the minds inside. It took a minute to get enough information. Inside she heard the crying of a child and two sources of abject fear. She knocked lightly low on the door.

"What do you want?" Came belligerently from inside the apartment.

In a little girl's frightened voice she said, "Cruz sent me to this place. He said you would give me money."

The pimp opened the door with the security chain in place. He quickly tried to close it again. Sandra was more than prepared and drove herself into the heavy door and snapped the chain from the wall. The pimp was thrown across the room and landed on a small table. It broke under his weight as the pimp fell to the floor. Once again Sandra stepped in and kicked the man in the jaw and effectively put him out of action.

In the bedroom, two young girls huddled in the bed as they pulled the sheet up to protect their nakedness. One had the pimps seed on her face along with dark matter that was a combination of blood and faecal matter. The younger one just looked dazed but had just enough sense to hide herself.

The younger girl had been found in a village and lured into a slaver's car. She was the one now too stunned to know much about what was happening. There was enough damage done to her mind and body to require a considerable effort to correct.

The other girl was one of thirty nine girls hired from small rural villages supposedly to take care of small children for the wealthy. The jobs were completely fabricated and the girls had just entered a lifetime of prostitution. This particular group had been kept on a farm. They worked there unmolested until suitable 'families' were found.

Sandra went to a window and opened it. Two med units came flying to the building then remained stationary. Sandra palmed one of the units and went to the girls. With the unit hidden first one then the other fell asleep. Sandra pulled the sheet back to see blood and other body fluids over their young skin. With a silent command cleansers came in the window. The cleaning was done first.

The top sheet was put on the floor and the girls were put onto it. After a minute she turned them over. The med units were working on their torn orifices. While this was happening Sandra worked her way into the pimp's mind. He knew of no direct threat to Catrina or any of her children. He did know that one of the three men that came to help him was very incensed at the way he was treated. Sandra took what information she could get before pulling out.

Walking to the doorway she saw people peering into the apartment. They could not see the two naked girls or the units working on them. She picked out a young man and said, "Will you get Ana Santoz for me?"

"Yes Senhora." The man ran off happy to be of use. He never did like the pimp and now he may get a chance to see him laid out. He had missed the time before.

Ana Santoz came into the room with the young man. The male was told to watch the pimp while the older woman was taken further back to the bedroom.

She stopped abruptly seeing the two naked young girls. The lower sheet was still bloody on the bed and the upper was only a bit cleaner.

Sandra said, "The girls were raped. I have exhausted my mental powers cleaning and healing them. It is necessary for somebody to look out for them for at least one day. Will you take care of them for that long?"

The woman now thought that Sandra was a witch but at least a white one. She kissed her own hand and made a sign of the cross but said, "I will watch them for you."

"Let's find their clothes but I want them wrapped in clean sheets. Some of the men can carry the children for you. I am looking for Alicea. She may have skipped school but that may not be the case."

The woman was shocked one more time. Sandra gathered the clothing from the floor. Soft ropes and gags were also seen and pointed out. The pimp did own some clean sheets and Sandra moved the girls to a new sheet and wrapped them securely. The young man was suddenly intrusted with a sleeping girl. Ana told him where to go. Ana called one more man and Sandra put the second child into his strong arms.

Before anybody got out of earshot Sandra said, "One of these girls was kidnapped from her village. The other was lured with thirty eight others to jobs tending little children. Their families would never hear of them again. The man that rents this apartment raped them both. He bought these two and was then going to sell their bodies."

"Tell me what the police will do to him. He will be on the streets in a day and doing it to all the women of your families if he got the chance." The feeling of unrest was very strong and there was a good chance that the pimp would never wake up again.

One older man with a two grandchildren the ages of the two girls was asked by Sandra, "These could have been your granddaughters." The man just growled and thoughts were running through his head of how he could kill the pimp.

Sandra slipped some money into the woman's hand and said, "This is for the food, medicine and clothing for the girls."

To cement her words she closed her eyes and started to chant a text in Latin attributed to Plutarch when he talked of Julius Caesar. Her voice rose in pitch and emphasis as the strange words passed her lips. She immediately disappeared to the gasps of all those around her. She hurried back into the apartment and jumped out the window. Her witch reputation would surely grow now and the two children would be even safer with so many adults watching out for them. Fear of a witch in a superstitious population would ensure it.

Felipe Taguchi Peres was one of the men that Oliveira thought might be angry enough to seek revenge. Now was the time to call in reinforcements.

"Leif, are you busy?"

I was currently sitting in the back of a taxi as it cruised through the capital of Brazil. Brasília was a completely new city. It was specially made for the country and reflected the strengths and beauty. I had my eyes closed trying to find people with one of the three auras we required. It had not been a fruitful search for me. I did think of all the added responsibilities that the five females that Sandra had found me.

Megan and Marina had started to work even harder because of the lead Sandra had gained. I was worried about dropping of exhaustion but even more about the loss of the time I needed for study.

"No, just continuing with the search. What's wrong? I can feel that something is bothering you."

"Catrina's oldest daughter may have skipped school or been lured away. I found two young girls that had been forced into a pimp's bed. Both are going to have mental problems unless they are treated. One was kidnapped from a small village while the other was recruited as a servant but will be put into prostitution. I want to find Alicea and the thirty eight other girls and free them."

"I will be there in a few minutes." The distance was only a thousand kilometres but I had to find a safe place to meet my boat.

"Hurry please."

"I will do my best."

I brought out the money I promised the driver for the entire day and told him to pull over. I reached in front and handed him the sum stipulated. He had six more hours of paid for work and this would be his tip.

Getting out of the taxi I ran to the sidewalk and back the way I had come. Many people just looked at me for the eagerness I presented. This time I ran into a parking lot and disappeared between cars and I was then assisted into the boat by the tractors. The trip to Curitiba took seconds.

A few kilometres from Sandra I asked, "How do you want me to proceed?"

Sandra sent the information about the farm that was close to sixty kilometres from the city but over a hundred by the old roads. "I have only one other lead. You take the farm and I will take Senhor Peres' home. Find the girls and put a stop to these men. I doubt if any amount of talking would be enough."

I didn't like the sound of this. Sandra was asking me to kill or to alter their minds. Both were reprehensible to me. I killed only the enemies of my people or Humans that were far beyond possible reconciliation.

The farm though was easy to find. Dieguo Pica and his wife Aline owned an area of land comprising more than six hundred hectares. They had a large native population working for them. One of the many barns had a group of thirty one beds that had been used recently. In the very highest portion of the home were two girls chained to the beams. They were seriously dehydrated and suffering from heat prostration. Their minds were dull with fatigue for they had escaped last night and tried to get to a town to call the authorities. They had been captured and beaten but not enough to damage them too much.

Digging deeper into Pica I found that he only owned the farm on paper. A wealthy criminal owned the land but had to hide the fact. This out of the way property was used for storing girls and housing stolen goods. A very large building had a concrete floor and all sorts of valuable equipment on it. Some were aeroplanes, expensive automobiles, large farm and construction equipment and even a cold room for storing furs hunted illegally in the interior.

One area was even hidden in this building. It contained a wide assortment of drugs that would supply most of South America.

The more I looked the more I found. Another larger building had an arms cache that included military weapons. Here I found many sophisticated Russian, American, French and Chinese small arms, missiles, vehicles and fieldpieces. There was enough here to take on one of the smaller countries or successfully launch a coup in this country.

I wanted to clean this mess up. The problem was with Estevez Eduardo Braga. He was the real owner of the farm and probably the one that bought the stolen goods. The girls were quickly located. I left a dozen probes to monitor the farm with Pat'uch's help. The girl that Sandra was looking for was not here.

Braga lived in Curitiba, so I flew there immediately. Sandra had not found her quarry but left to check on new leads. Those people may have known where he was or more importantly about Alicea.

My prey was just as elusive and I had to go from his home to many of his various businesses until I found him in the office of one of the city's magistrates. The two were in league with each other and Braga wanted to make sure one of his important henchmen was not convicted of the crime he had committed.

I did find out a great deal from the two. The most important was that the man would be very difficult to bring down with just Human beings and a Human court that was in itself corrupt.

This looked to be a matter that was best handled by more troops. "Megan, Marina, will you two wind up what you are doing and help me clean up an area I find it filthier the deeper I dig. You have to look for a daughter of a woman with your aura. I have to stay away from them for a while."

The girls had been partially following me with their minds. They quizzed Sandra and got a fuller idea of what she was after. Less than a second later they were in my public mind to find out what I had uncovered when I turned over the rock that Sandra wanted cleaned.

Going back to the farm, I landed near the military stockpile. The building had a dozen Soviet SA-10s in their launchers. These were very large surface to air missiles and had a range of a hundred kilometres. The Grumble could hit mach-6. The warhead could be used for both strategic or tactical targets.

My PK was effective against both the alarm system and the locks. The boat came in and I worked to get one of the missiles ready to leave. At present they were secured in a mobile launcher and had both the solid fuel for the rocket motor and kerosene for the jet engine.

I had to make a strap to support the weight for it was greater than the tractor's capability. There was more than enough head room to lift the vehicle into position.

Pat'uch gave us the appropriate time to leave. Everybody was looking the other way or occupied by looking down. Ten minutes later we took one additional unit then six smaller shoulder fired Stingers made by the United States. A variety of small arms were taken along with suitable ammunition.

We flew toward the coast with a visible missile hanging below. A Brazilian commercial flight was presently eighty six kilometres away. I hated to give the passengers a fright but some things had to be done or nothing would change. The small construction probes integrated with the missiles control and in seconds the jet engine billowed into life.

The active radar soon found the target and the missile gained speed. The airliner didn't know what was happening until the missile exploded less than a kilometre away. Now the plane gained more altitude and speed but nothing more was coming its way.

Radio traffic was very heavy for a long time. The plane continued on its course but Pat'uch told me that the military was now sending a team to investigate.

Another commercial plane was heading for Asunción, Paraguay from Rio de Janeiro. I flew back to the farm then further north. It was out of range but I gave the next SA-10 missile some help and sent it on its way. This time it was picked up and the plane made a frantic attempt to avoid the missile.

The pilot and co-pilot may have had heart attacks for I flew it within metres of the cockpit before exploding a kilometre away. This would surely hurt Brazil's reputation but if I went through channels there would be so much coverup that nothing would be accomplished.

Mealtime was coming up at the farm but as yet they knew nothing about my theft of property or of the two acts of war I had made on their behalf. Twenty minutes later a squadron of fighter jets with a AWACS flying high patrolled a hundred kilometres to the north. It took another hour for one of the many fighters to get close to the farm and I released a Stinger but gave it an additional push. The pilot knew of the danger almost immediately and tried to get away. I made sure the Stinger got very close before exploding and doing little harm to the craft.

Aircraft were all around us now. They were going supersonic at low altitudes hoping to lure out more Stingers. I helped them by sending another of my super Stingers. This time it was much closer and it more serious damage to one of the fighters. It was superficial but the pilot knew that he had been hit.

I used up all but one of the remaining four missiles. The military would have to be fools if they would not come, for the centre point of all five launches for it was the farm buildings.

Those on the farm were very worried. Phone calls to Braga were made. It was believed that some leftists had decided to take on the military from a position close to the farm. The farm workers were all ordered to go to the main buildings to protect Braga's property from guerilla attack.

When everybody had made it to the farm buildings I began the attack they were waiting for. Nobody was killed or even wounded but all the farm vehicles seemed to be hit and made inoperable. A feed barn was set ablaze but no animals were present other than rodents and birds.

I flew the boat while invisible but produced the same radar signature as the Stingers had. Though there were no more explosions the pilots knew in their minds exactly where the firing was coming from. The blaze produced a great amount of smoke and helped locate the area even for blind pilots.

Small imitation missile units made by Borin arrived. It seemed that the whole family was getting involved. I said hello to Tom and Margaret and they gave me an excited reply. They saw what I was doing and continued with this form of attention getting.

In the course of five minutes I sent three of our 'missiles' at the AWACS but they exploded far enough beneath them to let them think they were safe.

Megan came to join me and we kept the jets away from strafing the buildings. In an hour the fighters retreated or went for refuelling. Other units came and I think it was the highlight of many of the pilots lives to fight the aggressive well armed enemy on the ground.

I left Megan and her parents with the fun while I went back to find Braga. He had moved but I found him through his cellular telephone. He was currently haranguing the Minister of Defence to protect him and his property. He claimed that he was standing off an army. He could see the danger to himself and was now in the midst of moving many of his sensitive documents to a safer location.

Luis De Oliveira and Felipe Peres were contacted through intermediaries. Sandra took the former while I took the latter. Peres was actually close to the farm and I thought this very suspicious. The phone number was recorded and I quickly got into the area. It was getting dark and there was a lot of overhead cover for the man to hide in. I had few probes but decided to call with the telephone. In seconds I was over a vehicle stopped under some trees.

Peres was smoking furiously in a small cargo van with five chained girls in the back. The sounds of the jets could still be heard. Some had even come overhead with a giant sonic boom behind them. Everybody was a bit deaf now though it had happened twenty minutes ago. In the background sounds of the battle could still be heard but mostly it was just sonic booms.

I landed in the centre of the dirt tract and walked invisibly toward the truck. I knew that one of the girls in the back was Alicea. I called and informed Sandra. She simply said, "Kill him or I will do it."

"Come here and swim in this cesspool for a few moments and find out what was happening before you go to that irrevocable decision."

I stopped and in less than a minute Sandra and Marina were within metres of the van. They found out what the plan was, and moved in to take out Peres. Sandra was so mad she wanted to kill him with her mind alone but this didn't sound suitable. This time they appeared visibly so he would have a chance to worry. I became visible myself and ripped open the back door as Peres got out the front. The entire truck shook with the violent manouevre but I knew that Peres would be too busy to deal with this.

The passengers in the truck were dumfounded by my actions. They had wide frightened eyes as they looked on me. I tried to be much more subtle now and said to the first girl on my right, "Hello Alicea. I came with Sandra to find you. You are safe now." This didn't seem to work as well as it should so I released the bounds on my aura. Now the girls knew I was not one of the abductors or if I was, they would not worry.

Same as Leefstic
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Wicked stepmother part 8

In that company and with everyone wearing skimpy nightwear and the girls kinky boots only one outcome was plausible that is to say an orgy. The only thing that interrupted the debauchery was when Ella decided they needed more booze.On returning she found that Linda who had lost her husband to Sal temporarily was busy having her evil way with Crispin. That having been said this wasn't difficult. Crispin had clearly decided that being reticent was pointless and stupid. If a pretty girl wearing...

1 year ago
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A Gift From His Father Ch 20

Quick Recap: Nineteen year old John Smith receives a gift from the late father that he hardly knew only to learn it is the great Ring of Power, which endows the wearer with godlike powers and is powered by sexual energy which the ring collects. In order to grow in strength and power the wear must convert others to act as agents who feed on the sexual energy of others and each other once harvested that energy is then transferred to the wearer increasing his power. Ultimately John must become the...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 22

Rory As the exams draw nearer the weeks seem to pass more quickly. Rebecca and I had been studying very hard. Rebecca, I have to say, more so than me. In between times we celebrated Rebecca's birthday and it was kept a very low key affair with only the immediate family plus Marjory Kenny and Jessie who came with a boy from another school, but like Kenny and me he was a candidate for dux. And was one of the best students in his year. She met him because he and his family had been eating at...

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Christmas Trip with the Cousins Ch 02

This story is the second part of my story but can be enjoyed as a standalone story. The story involves mind control and incestuous acts with cousins. If you do not like this type of story then this may not be for you. All characters in this story are fictitious and over 18 years old. ***** It has been fun hanging with my six female cousins so far today. While it is always fun to hang with my cousins, things have taken an unexpected turn, thanks to the subliminal messages imbedded in the new...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 4

"You think you're pretty smart," Robbie voice accused. I opened my eyes. "Huh?" Robbie was towering over me. Not hard, since I was lying flat on my back in bed. "You think you're smart." "Good morning to you," I said and looked at the clock. A few minutes after eight. "Well?" she glowered. Robbie definitely had glowering down pat. "Yeah, I think I'm smart. Fourth in my class so far. I think my GPA is like twelfth in the school. Something like that." "That's not what I...

4 years ago
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The Empire Cinema visit and my Wife well used

We had been to a Saturday lunch-time function at a town centre hotel in Huddersfield (which for those who do not know is a pleasant Victorian town on the Yorkshire Pennine Hills). My wife had a little too much to drink - she usually drinks in the evening - and as it was still early decided to visit the Empire, an independent adult film theatre, not far from the station.The membership formalities completed we were shown around and left to our own devices. As we entered the theatre we noticed...

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A Clockwork Orange

How many times have you heard the saying, ‘ What goes around comes around’? That saying is the basis of my story. My life has had a very eventful and chequered past, one that has come back to haunt me. I am a male and 46 years old at the time of writing my memoires. As a youth growing up, I was always very shy with other girls, whether they be classmates at a co-ed high school or neighbours who live in the same street. I always hung around with my best friends and rarely went...

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Border Adventure Ch 4

Natasha was doing everything that she could to maintain her composure as she stood in the line leading into the entrance of the old warehouse. What was she doing here, she thought? She couldn’t believe she had let Francine and Laurie talk her into coming. She should have never let Laurie pour her that glass of Jack Daniels much less smoked a joint with her. She felt completely out of place in her white, high heel sandals, and cotton, peach colored, summer dress that buttoned down the front. The...

3 years ago
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mmf camping trip

This is one camping trip im glad i went on... Camping Truth or DareBit about me: I hate camping, i hate outdoors, i hate sleeping bags. One thing i do like though is sex.We've been going camping since we were young first with our parents then as we got older we go on our own, through the years more and more friends have left now theres only the three of us.Sams tall and athletic with an amazing throwing arm he used to be great at rugby,rebecca is small and petite with nice little mounds for...

2 years ago
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Margaret Chapter 1

I met Margaret outside my favorite drinking spot, an English pub in south Florida. I was sitting at a table outside having a beer when along came Margaret and her husband. The place was busy so they asked if they could sit across from me. Margaret wasn’t beautiful but she had a very pretty face: beautiful full lips and big green eyes. Despite her Anglo-sounding first name, Margaret was Chinese by birth. Her parents had named her after some movie actress they liked. She had a wonderful body:...

Wife Lovers
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When I say that I’m an expert in women’s underwear, I can almost hear the giggles of my past girlfriends. But I really am – after taking degrees in textiles and fashion, and working my way upwards through the purchasing department of a well-known chain of stores, about seven years ago I went independent and launched my own specialist and high-class lingerie mail order business. It was just at the right time, when internet sales were really taking off, and I was relatively early in the...

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RunawayChapter 04

In the November before his high school graduation David speaks with the trustee of his US based trust about attending university and emails him a copy of what courses he’s finished with a list of what he wishes to do for the next few years. Based on the course information from the university he can start studies in the summer after high school finishes to attend the uni for two years, plus summer classes before, between, and after those two years to have degrees in both business management...

3 years ago
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Just Another Tuesday

I stood looking in the bathroom mirror at a woman who barely resembled the girl I remembered being not only a few hours ago. Her darkly lined jade green eyes sparkled with anticipation and a smile was forming at the corners of her blood red lips, as if she knew something no one else did. This woman was dark and sensual, her cheeks flushed a deep red in the heat of the small bathroom and she took joy in the fact that her breasts were perfectly cupped in the black lace bra she had just put on....

Straight Sex
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A Quiet Domination Part II

Next morning, I woke up with a sense of excitement. I also woke up highly aroused. I could hear my Master breathing next to me and I felt his arm holding me close. No one else seemed to be awake in the house. If I had been alone, I certainly would have masturbated, but lying so close to my Master, I was afraid I would disturb his sleep and start the day off in trouble. The weight of my Master’s arm on my waist, his groin pressed into my ass, it all made me want to touch myself. I didn’t know if...

1 year ago
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Femdom In A Small City Part 1

Hello, this is raj from india. Jab me bcom part 3 me tha tab mujhe femdom ka chaska lag gaya, samay ke saath wo badta gaya. Ghar me mast sister thi jiski shaadi ho gai thi. Gradution ke baad mene job start ki. Meri job basicly office job thi. So I was happy with my job. Office me meri TL ek smart girl Tanya thi. Abhi meri job ki starting thi to mujhe kafi kuch sikhna tha. Meri tl bahut coprative thi khas kar ke mere saath. Jab kabhi mujhe koi bhi problem hoti me direct uski kabin me jakar...

2 years ago
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Meri Gf Ki Chut Main Mera Lund

Hi friends, Ye meri first story h so please forgive me for the mistakes. Baat kush mahine pehle ki h jab maine Delhi apni gf se milne gaya tha. Main bas usse maine kafi mahino se kisi ladki ko choda nahi tha and main jald se jald apni gf ko chodna chahta tha. Anjali (name changed), my gf, ka figure 38d-32-36 h t. Thodi so moti h par uske chuche bauht mast h. Dekhte hi man karta h ki ki chucho ke bheech main hi lund fansa kar chod dalo. So maine use apne ghar bulaya and vo next day subha 11...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 6 Christy BrownChapter 7

It was a glorious fall day, with the hint of winter on the air. The nippy weather had worried Prudence, as Bobby helped her to the car. Constance was at home, preparing for the babies to come home that day. Prudence tucked a receiving blanket more closely around Kyle, and then fussed at Bobby to do the same thing for Katherine. He ignored her and put her in the front seat, handing her the other baby, once she was settled. He drove carefully, and then took one of them - he still couldn’t tell...

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Innocent Sisterrsquos Indecent Request By Brother3

Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...

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Students Story

Thanks for coming here today," said Smith, as he gazed apon one of the most beautiful girls he had ever laid eyes on. "That's all right professor," she whispered, her eyes lowered against his stare. "So please tell me all about your experiences then," he asked. "Well it's nothing really," she said, "no different to anybody's else's." "I've no doubt you're right," said Smith, "but please tell me anyway, to start off tell me your full name and some details about...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 11

I held Julie tight, close against my chest as she sobbed. She and I were the only ones, except maybe Megan, that were close to Samantha. Once she quit crying, I began to extract details from her. Several months ago, Samantha had started seeing an older man on the sly. Julie thought he was about my age. At first, it was just a friendship. It was interesting that Samantha kept it secret, even then. Then it began to evolve into more. From the best Julie could tell, the sex had started after he...

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Hot And Horny FamilyChapter 9

Ray rapped on Kathy's door and waited. In a few moments, she opened it. She was still wearing her robe. Her eyes were dry now, but they were sad. "Kathy, we're going to have to talk," Ray told her. "All right. Come in" He entered the room and left the door open. "Sit down," he said. The girl sat on the only chair. That made it necessary for Ray to sit on the edge of the rumpled bed-the very bed where he had caught his son and stepdaughter fucking a short while ago. Kathy fidgeted....

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Young man is fucked by two virgins

Young man is fucked by two virgins When we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon. They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday. They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy. Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your family to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville. The twin sisters had thus a flat...

4 years ago
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When I Was Eight

When I was eight my dad got a new job, so we were all uprooted and moved north to Lancashire: all, being mum, dad, me and my younger sister, April. Being younger, she hadn't been at school long, but I was mid-way through primary school and I wasn't looking forward to having to start again, somewhere else. I knew that in a few years time I would be changing schools anyway, but I expected that a lot of the people I knew at school would probably be going with me ... but at eight what you...

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Gothic Revival

Way back in the mists of time, the early to mid 1990's I dated a gorgeous lady. She was a Goth - tall, elegant, legs that went on forever, a very high sex drive and lots of very exciting lingerie. She was also the very first woman I ever slept with who had a completely shaven pussy. Not something that was very common when I first started my sex life back in the 1980's. We had split up, but had somehow always stayed in contact. She had gone on to get married, have k**s, but had also forged...

4 years ago
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A Quiet Night As Usual

It was a quiet night, as usual. Therese had gone to her boyfriends for the evening for their weekly Wednesday night sleepover; Annaleze was out working late. I settled onto the couch with my grandmothers hand crotched blanket and turned on the television. There wasn’t a lot on, again as usual. MTV was the closest thing to sanity, and even that was far gone – Jersey Shore, The Real World Las Vegas, Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant; anything to separate my mind from the world. My mind must not have...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Jada Stevens 22777

Derrick’s wife thinks he’s cheating on her, so she wants her friend and their roommate Jada Stevens to try to catch his ass by seeing if he wants to fuck her — scandalous!!! The entrapment begins when Jada struts in with some crazy new thong, fishnet lingerie and heels, puts it all on and calls Derrick to help her with something. That something turns out to be her pulling his face into her fat big ass! Jada doesn’t play around, she wants Derrick’s big dick slamming her from behind! First she...

2 years ago
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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 10 Final

Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...

3 years ago
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My Husbands first Cuckold Experience

I see the number of reads are dropping off, which is a shame really, but if a couple of hundred men have a nice jack-off, then I am overly pleased and satisfied.Although I am a University Educated middle class girl, I am not a writer, no I don't have the ability to turn a good yarn into a piece of Erotica, which is what I really would like, as anything sexual should be the ultimate reading, transporting you, my reader, into my story to savor and enjoy yourself with me, as I relive my encounter,...

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Soul SearchChapter 13 The gathering of the four

Elisabeth had watched Karen with concerned consideration during the time she was under some form of hypnotic state inside the tent. She sensed it best not to wake her but remained vigilantly alert in the event she was needed. After Karen slumped to the floor Elisabeth helped her friend to the car and then drove them to Karen's hotel. "I understand now." Karen told Elisabeth gravely as both women sat tentatively in Karen's hotel room. "I know." Elisabeth responded with sincerity. She...

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The Romance of Lust A classic Victorian erotic n

The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novelAuthor: AnonymousVol 3 The castle, although in a valley between the hills, stood on a high perpendicular isolated rock some hundred-and fifty feet above its base; it was crowned with a very high building to make up for want of space at the foundation, and had besides a very lofty and bold round tower, rising high enough above the sides of the valley to serve as a lookout beyond them. The habitable part was reached from the main gate by a...

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Sisters Bitch Chapter 3

The next day went by without any issue, partly because Brian had come to me the previous night after I had left him with my thong shoved in his mouth, and partly because I had things to do. I had to admit that when Brian knocked on my door last night after what I had already put him through, I was ecstatic that he didn’t just jerk off on his own; he obeyed me when I told him if he was going to jerk off again he needed to come see me. I made him get me off again before he could cum and needless...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 518 The Pixie Challenge

I only took a few seconds to familiarize myself with this prototype jet and then got myself in the air. Over the radio, I began getting instructions on what they wanted me to test and asked me to give them my observations. As I pushed it up toward Mach-3, I began to feel that the plane couldn’t handle that speed. I gave them the details of when it felt stable and when it seemed something would fail. I pushed it through various maneuvers at different speeds to provide their desired data. I...

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The Older Student

It was the start of another academic year. I had been teaching the upper division courses but was asked to teach a College Algebra Class for this term. I was looking forward to doing so as I had heard how ill prepared the students were. Most of the incoming students must take remedial course work due to their low understanding of mathematics at the major university where I teach and I wanted to see just how ill prepared they were. I waited in the classroom for my students to start arriving to...

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My best friends moms lemonade

It was a beautiful hot day and I was walking along the wide suburban street to my friend Chris' house. I was wearing shorts and a t shirt and thought he might like to go down to the river for a swim. I knocked on his door and his mum answered. She was wearing a short red dress and showing a lot of cleavage. Her long black hair was flowing over her D cup tits and looked great at 45. Hey David she said with a smile. I was a little shocked by how much flesh she was showing off and how friendly she...

First Time
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I hardly drink alcohol, but when I do, it’s cocktails. Not a good combination really, the hard stuff and not having a practised head for it, but – what the hell. That meant that for my birthday the place to go was a no-brainer: Bootleggers – a cocktail bar in Lynnwood with a cult-following because it had an original way of running things. We were quite a big crowd and easily took up a quarter of the place, so we felt quite free to give ourselves over to being raucous, especially as some of the...

Love Stories
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Pleasant Street Ch 03

TEACHER PETS – AND MORE The Williams’s aren’t the only couple on Pleasant Street who aren’t getting along, although some of them don’t know how lacking their relationships are. Rod and Lois Drager both teach at the local high school. Rod is the phys. ed. instructor and football coach, Lois is chairperson of the English Department. One problem Rod and Lois have is that they don’t talk to each other, especially Rod. He loves his wife, but he’s not in tune with her wants and needs. He’s also...

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"April come here," I spoke gently as always, resulting in a reluctant but immediate halt to the erotic triple lip to vagina proceedings on the mat in front of me. "Oh master please, we were just nearing that beautiful moment when the world catches fire and the stars explode, showering pure ecstasy throughout our bodies." Always eloquently submissive in her soft alluring voice, April rose on one elbow; her beautiful face moist with the juices of precum pleasures reflecting disappointment...

3 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part VISpring Break Part 2

My eyes slowly opened and I blinked in the harsh caribbean sun. I glanced around and remembered things the way you do after waking up from a deep sleep. I was in a hammock slung between two palm trees near the beach of the resort my family was staying at. I gradually noticed that my arm was asleep and I looked down to see that my girlfriend Kelly was sleeping next to me, her petite body nestled into my bulkier one and wedged on top of my arm. Still somewhat asleep, I enjoyed the peaceful scene:...

Love Stories

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