Salau 3 - Patterns Of Movement free porn video

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It is not an easy thing, to learn how to handle a bladed weapon. It is much more than simply an issue of weight, balance, bone and sinew. The truth of this, so easily forgotten, so easily missed, can be found in the forests and upon the battlefields of Nemi's world, where the blood of the uneducated and the unskilled quietly enriched the earth.

To develop skill with a weapon, to progress beyond the simplest moves of block and lunge, requires many years of practise. Training begins in childhood, at first with wooden dummy blades, but soon graduating to dull-edged metal blades. No matter what natural talent a would-be warrior may have, it is nothing without training. There are no short cuts in developing the muscle-memory necessary for mastery of the warrior's chosen weapon. Without that, they are trapped, unable to learn more than the simplest of patterns.

It was with thoughts such as these that Nemi found herself remembering again the day when she had become one of the Vangon.

It had not been meant to happen that way.

Closing her eyes, Nemi tried again to conjure up in her mind what she could remember, though what she could remember were no more than broken images.

She had been into her fifth year when it happened. She was, she somehow knew, from the mountains, not the plains, not the forests.

She remembered there had been a wagon – part covered, so they must have been travelling, but where from, where to, she did not know.

They had left the forest that morning.

Nemi was asleep in the back. The wagon rocked her gently, and Nemi always slept well when it did that.

Drowsily she looked up through the front of the wagon. The patch of sky she could see was so blue it almost hurt her eyes to look at it.

Nemi closed her eyes, and slept.

Suddenly the wagon jolted to a halt, waking Nemi.

"Down!" the man at the front – her father?! – shouted.

The wagon turned sharply to the left – there was a snap – then nothing.

Nemi woke, feeling ill, with her head hurting and her vision blurred.


Silence answered her.

Nemi began to shake with cold shivers.

Later, awake again, her head clear now, Nemi could see the wagon was on its side. The sky outside was darker than she remembered it; she must have slept for several hours.

Confused, Nemi crawled towards the light.

Once she was outside, Nemi could see their horse was gone.

Taking careful steps, Nemi climbed out of the wagon and saw her mama, by the tree, asleep.

With a heart full of relief, Nemi dashed over to her mama, but, no matter how she tried, she couldn't wake her, couldn't wake her.

Confused, Nemi turned away from her Mama, full of guilt, feeling like she was deserting her, and looked for her father.


There was no answer.

Desperate and confused, Nemi began looking everywhere all at once, and that was when she saw that the front-right wheel was gone; she guessed that must be why the wagon had rolled over.

"Papa!? Please!?" Nemi cried, afraid now, but there was still only silence, just the breeze and the birds.

As she stood there, listening to the breeze, Nemi realised she was getting cold, so she went back to the wagon, climbed into the back, pulled out one of her Mama's jackets and put it on like a dress.

Her Mama always smiled when she saw Nemi dressed like that. Nemi's throat caught – she missed her Mama's smile!

Wiping her eyes and climbing back out of the wagon, Nemi froze – she could hear voices outside!

Her Mama asleep, her Papa nowhere in sight, Nemi began to be afraid. Carefully, as if even this movement could betray her, Nemi reached into her jacket and pulled out the little knife she carried on her belt.

Keeping as still as possible, peering over the edge of the wagon, Nemi saw the noise was a troop of warriors, all riding horses, six, no, seven of them. Their clothes were strange; they were not Nemi's people

"Halt!" the warrior at the front called.

"Bandits?" one of the others asked.

"Helots," one of the others said.

"Check for survivors," the leader ordered, and three of the warriors rode up to where Nemi was hiding in the shadows.

As she watched, one of them moved towards where her Mama slept –

"No!" Nemi screamed, dashing in front of the warrior, knife drawn, ready to protect her Mama...

Five years old.

Nemi had been just five years old when she had held a weapon for the first time – and meant it.

The first of the warriors had taken a gash to his thigh from Nemi as he tried to reach for her mother; she was, of course, already dead.

As the other two subdued Nemi, a cry came from one of the other warriors. They had found her father, dead as well.

Later, as they buried him, she had counted the crossbow bolts as they removed them from his corpse. Eight.

The leader of that troop, an honourable warrior called Purdink, had been so impressed by her fight, by her spunk, that, with the old Chieftain's blessing, he had adopted her.

She never called him Papa, but she shed fierce burning tears when, two years ago, he fell in battle.

Under Purdink's tutelage and encouragement, Nemi had been allowed to begin her training with a wooden sword not long after. Though not prodigious, still, her talent was sufficient that, by the age of eight, she had progressed to dull-edged blades of steel, moving on to full-sized weapons before she was twelve.

But it had not been enough.

Most recently, in raid after raid against the encampments of the Kilim, Nemi had come to recognise there was a lack in her swordsmanship. This lack, irritating her more and more with each passing day, had led her to visit the master armourer Xan in Fel-Sta.

He had seen at once the source of the problem – she lacked unity.

Though her patterns were good, Nemi still fought as a warrior and her weapon, as two, not as one. Somehow recognising this at an unconscious level, Nemi had begun to compensate for her lack of unity by beginning to over-reach, to bring the fight to her enemy, not waiting for them to commit. From such a small mistake, it was only a matter of time until she encountered a better warrior than herself. Her over-eager attacks would leave her at his mercy and a coup de grace that could well be something she could not heal from. Beheading was the kind of injury Nemi was pretty sure she would not be able to heal from.

Having identified her problem, Xan, for his own reasons, had agreed to trade her previous sword – which he recognised for the superior piece of workmanship that it was - for a pair of butterfly swords, 'dao' as he had called them.

So began a whole new phase of difficulty for Nemi. After almost fifteen years of fighting with a sword and sometimes a buckler, Nemi was once again a clumsy, untutored student.

The sooner she began training with her dao, the better.

That was where her problems really began, because nobody fought with two blades. Nobody. Indeed, Nemi had fought warriors who has used, or tried to use, two swords, but they had always died on the edge of her blade, often quickly. Two swords meant no coordination and a swift end. No. No serious warrior fought with two swords, meaning there was no sword-master Nemi could turn to in that method.

A little closer to her paired dao were those who fought with a combination of sword and dagger, a wholly different skill-set from double swords. Such opponents were harder to defeat, but again, their blades were rarely coordinated and, again, Nemi had triumphed. There were perhaps three sword-masters in the Vangon settlement Nemi could potentially turn to for teaching in this method, but they only taught the dagger as a defensive weapon, never as part of a combined attack. The level of awareness, speed, and coordination required were simply beyond almost all warriors.

Closest of all, though still not all that close and certainly not close enough to be of use to her, were those who fought with two daggers. Most double dagger fighters were the kinds of spies and sneaks who opened an enemy's gates, not warriors of the open battlefields. Nemi had met double dagger fighters on only two or three occasions, and they had fought well enough, but she had prevailed.


Her dao required a completely new approach, something Nemi would have to develop for herself, with no sword-masters among the Vangon she could turn to for training or advice.

She was on her own.

Nemi's self-directed training began with various exercises and activities to help her become more accustomed to her dao, something that was, by turns, easy enough in some ways, but more difficult in others.

The easy part was getting used to their weight, and to aid this Nemi began wearing her dao almost all of the time, soon only removing them to bathe or to sleep. In doing this, Nemi quickly became accustomed to moving with them, and her movements shifted from the consciously corrective to the unconsciously instinctive. Additionally, Nemi began a series of arm exercises designed to re-train her muscles to the different weight of the dao so that, when the training proper began, she would not tire over-quickly.

That was the easy part.

Much harder was the conscious and dedicated development of the ability to use each hand and arm equally well, to become truly ambidextrous. In the past Nemi had learned how to fight with her left as well as her right – a precaution against injury or capture, as well as occasionally useful as a feint – but she had never really progressed beyond the necessities of survival.

She still fought and led with her right, and, now, this had to change.

Entirely practical in achieving her goal, Nemi took to performing all her single-hand chores around her home with her left rather than her right, and using her left to lead in all double-handed chores. She often forgot, to begin with, but it didn't take too long before she became comfortable using either hand around her home as the situation demanded. Once again, a consciously willed act slowly became an unconsciously instinctive one.

Meanwhile, as time passed, as she gained new musculature and dexterity, Nemi began visualising patterns...

Almost three weeks after her return from Fel-Sta, Nemi felt the moment had arrived when her real training should begin. There was no more dexterity to be gain, no more patterns to visualise. Moreover, the sun was shining and spring was not long away.

Nemi was sure Rikatia blessed her.

On the chosen morning and after clearing away her breakfast things, Nemi quickly dressed in an outfit of white and black leather, the colouring a conscious attempt at camouflage. Her destination that morning was a small birch wood that stood nearby, selected as offering the best combination of seclusion and a dynamic space in which to train. Over a fresh loincloth, Nemi pulled on a pair of heavy but moveable leather trousers, their ability to protect her from accidental strikes of her training blades recommending them the most as opposed to other, lighter options. Pausing to re-braid and pin up her thick brown hair, Nemi pulled on a lightweight but warm tunic, to keep her warm against the chill of spring. Over the top her tunic she added a utilitarian leather bodice that, again, would protect her from herself while giving her the range of movement that only nudity could surpass. That was not an option on a pre-Spring morning. Next Nemi snuggled into a pair of matching calf-length boots, into which she hid a couple of smaller throwing daggers. Finally Nemi tied a wide leather belt about her waist, a belt that disguised a set of throwing stars, and whose loops at the back were perfect for the long-bladed daggers Nemi fastened into them, protection against the unwanted and uninvited, bandit or otherwise.

Satisfied with her preparations, Nemi tied her dao scabbards to her thighs, leaving her bladed dao behind and substituting them for their wooden duplicates with which she practiced.

Pausing only to pick up a flask of water and a small cloth to wipe herself and her weapons' hilts, Nemi closed the door to her hut and set off on the hour's hike to the birch wood.

As the oaks of the forest began to give way to the birch whose enclosed wood she sought, Nemi smiled to herself, confident she had chosen her practice ground well. The birch wood sat on a small rise within the wood, giving her visibility and earshot of all who might come her way, but Nemi had little expectation of this. Indeed, since leaving the bounds of the Settlement, she had neither seen nor heard anyone; she had only the beasts and the birds of the forest for company.

As she climbed up to the level of the birch wood, Nemi saw how the trees were yet to regain their vigour in the aftermath of the harsh winter they had endured. Though their trunks looked healthy enough, there were few leaves seen, even fewer leaf buds. Perhaps another two weeks, maybe more if the weather turned cold again, but, for now, the birch wood had a certain skeletal aspect that Nemi found fitting to her purpose.

Hanging her cloth and flask on a convenient branch – though not relinquishing her daggers which remained in their place – Nemi stepped forward into a small clearing of a dozen feet or so across, and slowly drew her wooden dao substitutes...

For the first few days, Nemi's weapons practice was nothing more complex than moving with the dao in her hands – no conscious patterns, only the free movement of Nemi and her dao as they got to know each other, learning what they could and couldn't do. Sometimes Nemi would move slowly, feeling her way through her movements, adjusting them from moment to moment, transitioning from one pose to another. At other times, Nemi would move with all her speed, responding to imagined and remembered opponents, sometimes coming to an abrupt halt, adjusting her pose, and continuing on.

Day after day this continued as Nemi learned how to move with her dao, how to initiate, how to respond, how to adjust, and even how to improvise beyond those patterns which she began to discover for herself.

Arriving at her private practice space each morning not long after her breakfast, Nemi would work through until late afternoon, pausing only for water, to wipe down her daos' hilts, or to lunch simply on bread and fruit and fish. Each evening, tired but satisfied, she would return to her hut, washing herself down fully, and rubbing healing oils into her muscles before settling into the sleep of those who are content with their day's work.

After only a couple of days, Nemi began to gain an appreciation for all the various advantages – and drawbacks – of her dao.

Some warriors would have mistaken her dao's lack of a full edge, they only had an edge for the terminal eight inches or so of their length, as a drawback but, to Nemi's mind, they would be wrong. True, Nemi herself could imagine scenarios where that could be a problem, but the dull edges of her dao outweighed all of that, not least in the option of using them as a cudgel, stunning rather than killing her opponent. Further, if her dao had been ordinary swords then she would have worried over her sharp edges being overworked, soon losing their sharpness, but Xan had promised her that Hel-Dẅr's blades never lost their edge. Better yet, if an opponent mistakenly thought they would wear her blades into ineffectiveness, they were in for a sudden and fatal surprise.

In its own way, the same was also true for the blade-snappers. In and of themselves, they were difficult to use in that way, requiring coordination and, as Nemi thought, a pretty boneless wrist in order to twist and manoeuvre your opponent's blade into the place where it could be snapped, a move then requiring that previously flexible wrist to be transformed into a heavily muscled wrist in order to actually snap that blade. Such a move was technically possible, but practically almost impossible, especially against thicker, heavier blades. A much quicker option instead was just to slash him with her other blade. However, those blade-snappers also offered a way to hook, to poke, and even to bluntly stab at your opponent, all of which were useful and unexpected options for her opponent to have to counter.

But the real surprise for Nemi were the patterns themselves.

Even while she was simply exercising and moving and learning to move with her dao, Nemi could sense a connectedness she had never felt with her sword. There was something very different about her dao. They felt themselves an extension of her, and they felt very, very natural.

It was as if they were the weapon she had been born to master.

To Nemi's surprise, that mastery proved much easier and progressed more swiftly than she had ever expected or hoped or dreamed.

It had begun in the patterns.

During her acclimation to her dao, Nemi had imagined how to adapt the first patterns she had learned when she had learned her sword work But even as she danced with her dao, Nemi realised it would not be enough. Her dao called for something different, something she would have to improvise for herself – hence her extended period where she learned how to move with her dao.

That was all at an end now.

Her muscles had adapted.

Her movements flowed.

It was time to build her patterns.

With spring rapidly approaching, with the sun high in the morning sky, and with the birch trees coming into first bud, Nemi drew her wooden dao and shifted into what was to be her first pose, a resting pose with both blades drawn, leading with the right – no! – leading with the left for misdirection, with her knees flexed, her elbows flexed, shoulders soft. It was a comfortable pose, a pose she could hold as she waited for an opponent to commit.

Picturing an opponent in front of her, coming at her in a basic attack pattern, Nemi found her resting pose positioned her almost perfectly to respond, either to flow into a lunge of her own, a single-bladed or a double-bladed block, a block-and-lunge, or simply retreat a step.

Surprised by this development, Nemi practised the same response-from-rest again and again, her imaginary opponents drawn from memory, the tales of other warriors, her own imagination. Every time, from that first pose, she could safely counter, often with what would be a fatal response.

Pausing a moment to re-evaluate what she had discovered, Nemi took her first pose again, this time conjuring opponents who were able to react to her initial response.

Slowly Nemi began to develop her two-stage patterns, the 'doubles' of block-block, block-attack, block-retreat, attack-kill, etcetera. It took her two days and most of the third, but by then Nemi was confident what she had developed sufficient two-stage patterns to be able to successfully handle most combat situations. As she knew, as she had been taught in her first lessons, so long ago, most battles being in fact over in seven seconds; her patterns would already hold her to fifteen.

The longer Nemi worked with her dao, the more thoroughly she dismissed the idea that her swiftness at learning her dao was somehow related to her previous skills with a sword. It was more than that. She found herself moving so quickly through the patterns, she could feel her patterns within her muscles, even before she had visualised them. More, her patterns not only flowed themselves, but they flowed into and through each other, allowing Nemi to improvise from mid-pattern, to switch mid-pattern, to become a warrior of instinct.

Nemi had never expected this, and was dutifully thankful to Rikatia.

Pausing a moment in reflection, remembering what Xan had said, that her dao would become an extension of her, Nemi also remembered Xan's advice to her; find someone to spar with.

Nemi smiled, and began to plan.

On the evening of the first night of her plan, there was still a chill to the air, prompting Nemi to dress warmly. Pulling on a fresh loincloth, Nemi stood before her meagre wardrobe, wondering exactly to accomplish her goal. She began making her selections for night's coming activities, obviously enough, with a pair of warm moleskin trousers in black. To this she added a simple tunic of white silk, open at the front and which she only lightly laced. Taking a moment to look at her reflection, Nemi lamented, for perhaps the only time in her life, that her breasts were not larger; they would have to do. Nemi fiddled with the lacing, opening it a little more. She knew full well how the sight of cleavage, and especially the hint of a nipple, could distract a man, or a woman for that matter. A little distraction was exactly what she needed.

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My Rebound Sex

Hey, guys, this is Dom. I’m from Bangalore. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend. She was a really pretty girl but was keen on staying a virgin till marriage. Even though I respected her choice it was very difficult for me to live without sex. I stayed faithful to her but it was really hard. So we had a mutual breakup and decided to be friends. After the breakup, I was really depressed and sad. So my friends decided to cheer me up and planned a trip to Dandeli, a famous tourist spot in...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Daddy Two Little Daughters

From my usual vantage point on the landing, I was looking into my neighbour’s house and all there was to see was the daddy, sitting on the chair opposite the window, watching the telly. Nothing terribly exciting there then, but I knew it was nearing the time for the daughters to arrive home from school, so decided to stay put. As expected, after about a quarter of an hour, the younger of the two daughters came into the room, in her little school uniform, which comprised of a sweet lilac school...

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A Sissy Saga Ch 20

Mrs Boroclough lived alone, but her house was the biggest in Peasmarsh. It had tall windows with ornate guards, and a polished copper plate fixed on the wrought-iron gate engraved with her name – as if everyone for fifty miles around didn’t know who she was. It was far too big for a widow-woman who’s children had grown-up and departed, but she insisted that someone of status – a person such as herself – needed to maintain a home that impressed. And anyway, Boroclough’s had lived there for so...

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A quiver a shake watching me ejaculate

When we are young, it's exciting having a sleepover. I know that it was always exciting staying up late, watching shows we weren't normally allowed to watch, sharing secrets, and on occasion flashing our naked bodies for the first time. What took it to another level of excitement was the first time I let a friend touch me. The hairs on my arm standing up, my body shaking nervously as it was being explored by another's fingers, how erect my nipples were, my cock as stiff as possible and the...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 16

"Ma'am ... you can't go over there," said the man in black. "He's dead." "I know that, I'm not blind." Andrea was pissed, "I need to get in that closet." "You're upset." "You have no idea," she said. "I still need to get to that closet." "I can't let you do that." "You have to let me do that, I need to finish this." "Ok ... what's in the closet?" "My armory. I have a rifle in that closet that I can use to get him." "That's impossible ... you don't even...

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My Second ChanceChapter 29 Figuring Things Out

I was heading out of the office when the principal, Mr. Hardy, sees me and asks me to come into his office. I follow him, and he shuts the door behind us. As we take our seats, he says, “Mr. Doherty (the Judo Sensei) came to see me about an idea you had. He said you wanted to start teaching swords in his class.” “I wasn’t talking about sword fighting, and I sure wasn’t talking about giving students swords. I wouldn’t arm a class.” “I suppose I chose my words poorly. He said you proposed to...

3 years ago
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The Daughter DownstairsDuplex II

So this actually happened before the previous "Duplex" story and also is 100% true.My divorced Dad worked 2 jobs to make ends meet. His 2nd job was at an adult book store. One morning, I woke up to find a video on the dining room table. It was an amateur video series promoting "up and comers". When I looked at it closer, the girl that lived downstairs was in one of the pictures on the cover. I couldn't believe it! A literal dream come true! The girl that lived downstairs was in a porno...Of...

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I can hardly believe it. It's January of my senior year in high school, meaning my life just got a lot better. I just submitted the last of my college applications yesterday, and now that those are off my back, I can slack off a bit more and enjoy the free time with friends. After all, that's what the second half of senior year is about, right? I sit up, swing my legs over and hop off the bed. Opening the window shade, I see that a light snow has fallen during the night, the thin layer of snow...

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Out Of The ShadowChapter 6

When the other clan leaders came in I showed them the web page and explained that I had checked on updated web pages. The web page I was looking at belonged to the MS13 gang out of Los Angeles and they were talking of the problems they were having getting enough food for the winter. They apparently knew of the clans up north and were talking about raiding them for food and slaves in November, which was about four months away. They were talking on-line as if they had no worries about anyone...

1 year ago
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Return trip home

I had been out of town for several days right after some pretty severe storms had torn through the area. My wife was covering everything at home in my absence. Several trees were damaged with limbs down waiting to be cleaned up when I returned. Several people had been by to offer their services to pick up and clean up. My wife had informed them “No thanks” and we would get to it once I returned. Contractors were roaming the area looking for roofing work and general clean up. One was persistent...

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Intergalactic Transports

Intergalactic Police / Prison Transports Terrellian Transports: Reaper; Terrellian Mark III (TM III) Otru Demure, Commander Klathnar, Arlina, Taro; Goths Drivers, Saniya/Dessi Demure Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver. Princess of Pain; TM IV Commander Tyree Shale Bondage; TM IV Tabitha Springer Nightmare; TM III Andorra Nikkei, Commander Curtis Volk, Spouse Ellora, Driver Keeza, Driver Reanna Nikkei daughter;...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Emma Hix Moka Mora Fucking With My Step Brother

Emma Hix and Moka Mora are hanging out in Emma’s bedroom taking selfies. The two girls take their clothes off and put other clothes on as they try them on with each other. Meanwhile, Emma’s stepbrother Logan Long plays a prank by putting saran wrap over the toilet and then starts recording the girls while masturbating. Later, Emma falls victim to his prank and the girls agree to get him back by drawing on his cock while he’s asleep. Later, when Logan lays down for a nap, Emma...

1 year ago
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My First EverythingChapter 43

"This is the last time I'm going to ask you, Clara. If you don't go down there and talk with her, she and I are leaving, and you can just forget about me loving you anymore." I didn't really mean it, about not loving her anymore, but I did want her to go down and speak with Jane. I felt like she had to suffer some consequence for her spying, plus, I hoped that she and Jane might become friends. Clara had already mentioned several times that none of the kids at school talked with her...

3 years ago
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Parents Just Dont UnderstandChapter 9

“This is going to be our last session,” Dr. Williamson said, and a soft smile appeared on his face as he saw our looks of horror. At least, I assume Mom’s face mirrored my own. How could we manage without him? He’d taught us so much, in such a short period of time. No, wait. We’d been seeing him for years. Ever since I was ... My forehead crinkled as the math somehow alluded me, but before I could think too much about it, Dr. Williamson drew my attention again. He was talking again, and we...

4 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 4 Adding to the Fun

Shirley was a bit apprehensive at lunch on Thursday. "I'm nervous." "About what?" I asked innocently. "About tonight," Shirley said in a low voice. "Ahh," I said. "Don't be." I put my finger to my nose and said, "Drop it." This order had no effect when Shirley wasn't exercising, but she understood my meaning. She changed the subject. Later that evening, at five thirty, Shirley's car pulled into my driveway. She came into the house, disrobed immediately, and asked to use...

2 years ago
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A Persian wife is not what you should dream for

I’m not a story teller, so, please forgive me if I will just share the pig picture and not so many details with you. I’m a mixed Vietnamese/Persian male. My dad is Iranian, working for the embassy and my mom is a shy Vietnamese housewife. I’m very energetic and emotionally sensitive and my Persian wife loves (or loved) me, but I’ve always felt bad about my penis size. (it’s definitely more than 12 cm but maybe not 13.) Most websites and books say anything above 10 is OK, but I still felt bad,...

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My sonrsquos friend Part 2

It had been several days since those two, late night visits from my son’s young friend Steven. My wife had returned home and things were basically back to normal. Yet, when her hands were on me, I couldn’t help but imagine they were Steven’s hands. When she was sucking my cock, I pictured it was Steven’s amazing mouth. Even when I was fucking her from behind, I imagined it was him taking my cock. I couldn’t seem to help it, I was fantasizing about fucking Steven’s smooth, tight ass.Those two...

3 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 16 More Theorizing Testing and a Few Conclusions and a New Girl

"I'm still pissed you'd send us off to do common chores when you're revealing new information about your abilities!" Becky complained once again as they drove to Sacramento for their next concert. "Cate would never let you get away with that." "Yeah, especially since it's such a short drive," Melinda added. "You should have just told us to ignore packing." "Then I guess you shouldn't have lectured him to pick up his stuff," Gini cut them off, tired of them beating this...

1 year ago
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Meeting with Misress Jennie

This was my second time visiting my new Mistress Jennie. I was excited, but at the same time a little bit nervous.I drove to the arranged meeting, fully dressed as Robyn. I could not be dressed too sluttily, as I was in public, but my dress was fairly short, perhaps the tops of my stay-up stockings were slightly visible beneath my hem line. My makeup was conservative, definitely not 'drag queen', more 'housewifey'. Naturally, without question, my little clit was impossibly locked away in its...

2 years ago
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Tim Burton Inspires me

I have spent an age preparing my basement for this evening’s fun, and now after spending time and money, I have the perfect play pen; Sound proofed for that bit of extra fun. “Nightmare” plays on the flat screen as I start my Sally’s nightmare. Her perfect porcelain young body is strapped down on the heavy oak table that sits in the middle of the basement, and while she is straining against her rope bonds her fragile frame is no match for the bindings. Spread in an X, her legs are wide...

1 year ago
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Reverse Cuckold

I was still asleep when she entered the room and since it was morning, my cock was solid as a rock from all those wet dreams. She closed the door and undressed herself leaving only her panties on. I was beginning to stir and when her soft hand touched my hand I turned my head to see who it was (like I didn't know!). "Morning sleepy head, time to get up." She was smiling and looking at the tent my cock had made under the sheet. "Looks like someone woke up before you." "He always gets...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Finale

"And you didn't feel as if Judge Lange was overstepping her bounds at the hearing?" The heavyset lawyer from Leary's law firm asked Mary. Mary was sitting in the witness seat of the nearly empty courtroom. Just the Judge, the lawyer representing Leary's firm, a court reporter, a court officer, Mary, Jordie and their lawyer, Judge Lang's ex-brother-in-law, Frank Middlebrook. "Your Honor," Frank stood at his desk, obviously angered by the other lawyer's question, "my client had no...

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The Preacher and His Wife

WARNING– this is a story of forced sex, rape, and murder. It involves a married couple a minister and his wife. It contains graphic depictions of revenge including rape and murder. If this story is likely to offend you, it is best if you refrain from reading it. If you are curious but afraid, you will be offended, then, I would suggest you not read it – unless you are brave, are you brave? If you are brave, courageous or need to read such awful things to avoid doing them – well then maybe it is...

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Tom has fun in the woods

Our hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years. He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape. Oh, and he loves the ladies! Part 1 Tom has been asked by Maggie, a long term friend, to help out on a hen party adventure weekend at her country house hotel in the south of England. He arrives at around 5.30 pm at the end of a hot summers...

2 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 17

There was a sound that brought Kelly instantly awake. When she looked at the fire she saw Tom sitting there, talking with John and Ben. Before she even realized what she was doing she was off at a run and even knocked him off of the log that he was sitting on as she jumped into his lap. It was only when she was sitting there that she said, "Ugh, you stink!" suddenly all of them were laughing, but her laughing couldn't hide the blush that made her face red. When she looked at Tom's clothes...

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The Strange Death of David Parmenter 4 The Cucooning

Author's note: This is an original work of transgender fiction. Any similarity between any person, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. I. The Strange Death of David Parmenter by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. 4. Cocooning Twice more during the night, David had to ring for additional analgesics. The throbbing of his face and throat continued, and it was only through the administering of more drugs that he could be free enough from the pain to again, at least temporarily, drift off...

3 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 23

“Su Lin calling Grant.” “Go, Su Lin.” “We’re on the way but you can meet us and take out the ships. We’ve got the Admiral, his orders and charts. McVey was there, but once he saw us he uttered two words and keeled over. When we reached him, he was already dead. We did gather all his notebooks as you suggested, but we didn’t worry about the bugs, locators or explosives. We figured getting this stuff back to the boat was priority.” “You were correct, and we can see you on radar. Keep your...

1 year ago
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Coed Conqueror

Its amazing what calling in a few favors and a couple fake credentials can get you. Take my path for example, for years i did whatever it took to rise up in the world. I've lied, cheated, and stole every chance i got to get a little further ahead. Made a lot of enemies but made more powerful friends. After spending years dealing with the some of the worst of the world you learn to pick up on tells and and gather information. Like information to overthrow a powerful mob leader and take his...

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Alone at the Party

‘Excuse me a moment,’ I say to the guy who has been talking my ear off about UFC for the past fifteen minutes and slip through the party to the restroom. You must have been watching me from across the crowd because you slip into the room with me before I pull the door shut. ‘Um, hi,’ I say, a bit taken aback. ‘Hi, yourself,’ you purr at me. ‘And what are you doing here?’ I mockingly inquire. ‘Coming to see you.’ Your hand reaches down and cups my balls as you plant an enormous sloppy kiss...

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Illegals ehh

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prologue: I myself am a criminal with my fingers in many pies, mainly because I am a ruthless, sadistic prick, and that’s to people on my good side. My enemies and clients fear me but still need what I have – money and connections. ‘Amed the Tailor’ was no exception. He owed me money and I was going to collect one way or another. Amed knew this and right there in front of me in my car he went and had a heart attack – turns out fear CAN kill! This left...

Erotic Fiction
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 14 Disorderly Conduct

May 12, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Thanks for offering your place, Kimmy,” Elyse said. “And thanks to Abbie for letting me sleep in the spare bed in her room!” Kimmy said. “This won’t cause any issues with Gary?” I asked. “No,” Kimmy answered. “He’s at some conference in Florida which starts tomorrow. He’ll be gone for a week, so it’s perfect timing.” “What about food and stuff like that?” I asked. “I gave Jennifer money from the house account,” Elyse said. “And Kimmy stocked some things...

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Lonely Week Night

I was about 35 at this point. I was living alone and one Wednesday night (Hump Day)I went to the neighborhood dive of a tavern. There were a few people there. a couple of old guys at the end of the bar, a female bartender, a couple of couples in the back playing pool and a couple at a table. This couple got my attention. The long haired guy was about my age or younger. His date was in her 60's. She looked every bit of it or more. Long straight nose, blue grey eyes, long salt and pepper hair and...

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Predator Prey Series Teresas Tail

Predator & Prey Series  - Teresa's Tail by SirStroker88      Teresa Pearson permitted herself this one diversion. Itwasn't a very nice one but she had convinced herself that no-one was beinghurt, and more importantly, that nobody would find out about it. " Thanks for your help Rob, you're a dear," she called back to Robas they walked towards the supply closet .    Carrying a ladder, Rob's attention was fixed on the rhythmicrise and fall of the young teacher's magnificent ass cheeks under her...

2 years ago
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The Good Mother

"Charles Michael Anderson! You'd better get your lazy butt out of that bed and get ready for school. If you miss that bus this morning...!" his mother yelled from the kitchen. Charles - Charlie as she usually called him - rolled out of bed grumbling and stumbled into the bathroom. He washed his face to wake up a bit and then came into the kitchen, still bleary-eyed. "There! I'm up, okay - you can stop yelling!" he scowled at her. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk and ate his breakfast...


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