Wonderful movements
- 4 years ago
- 20
- 0
King Drace III sat in his chair, his white cotton shirt opened at the neck to reveal a broad, firm chest. Scrolls and pieces of vellum were scattered on the table before him, all of them at least partially unrolled, unfolded or otherwise open. His attention moved from one of them to another, even as he absently scratched his calf through his thick, blue cotton pants. Every few moments, he would hunch over the table and use the quill in his hand to scratch upon a half-filled vellum set close to him.
Though only thirty-one years old, Colyn Sha-Wehran, Crown King Drace III of Wenland, had a copious amount of gray scattered through his close-cropped brown head of hair. It was an inherited trait – his father and grandfather both began to gray in their late twenties. If his inheritance ruled out, he’d have the muddled mix of gray and brown for the rest of his life since neither his father nor grandfather ever went completely gray even though both men lived well into their eighties.
As he perused the trade agreements scattered before him, some in effect and others expired, he reflected on his life. He’d been a strapping lad at 14, when he’d first met Lamyra. He’d accompanied his father, the Gaelryn ambassador to Wenland, when he’d first started his apprenticeship. His father was a landed statesman while his grandfather was a rich, successful trader. He was to follow in his father’s footsteps while his two sisters and three brothers were to follow in his grandfather’s. But he’d taken one look at Lamyra and fallen head over heels in love.
What was even more surprising, she’d fallen head over heels for him.
He was less strapping now. His work didn’t allow him the luxury of physical labor. He was thinner, probably not as strong, but he’d taken to running the halls early in the morning to fight the paunch that occasionally threatened his mid-section.
Thankfully, besides being King, he was good at his job. His experience in watching his grandfather’s trade deals and his father’s ambassadorial skills had coalesced in him. Many monarchs suffered from pushing their mates into roles that didn’t suit them. Lamyra wasn’t like that. When Lamyra had discussed his place in her court, they’d quickly agreed one of his duties would be to administer foreign relations, which was a job he was particularly suited for. It dealt with foreign ambassadors and foreign trade delegations, which neatly coincided with his experience.
He’d expected no less. Lamyra was particularly good at judging and understanding people.
As Colyn worked on the upcoming negotiations with the elven trade delegation, Lamyra Wehran, Queen Synel IX of Wenland, paced behind him, her gray peasant dress flowing around her. Wearing the dress was like her because she had a keen sense of appropriate dress and behavior. In the throne room or even out, amongst her subjects, she stuck exclusively to the robes of state. In private, she dressed – with some relief – in simple clothes.
Her face was set in growing agitation even as her mouth formed words she didn’t utter. As she paced, her hands opened and closed of their own accord. Occasionally, she’d pause and look through the window at the falling sun before turning and pacing once more.
“You’ll wear a hole in the carpet if you continue,” Colyn said askance. His attention never moved from the papers in front of him.
“It’s my chaos-ridden carpet, I’ll wear a hole in it if I want to,” Lamyra bit back.
The king paused, lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head, then shrugged and returned to his writing. “Worrying about it is not going to help matters.”
“He summoned us to a meeting, Colyn,” Queen Synel spat out in exasperation. “HE summoned US to a meeting.”
“And here we are,” King Drace replied. “I wanted to ignore him – maybe set a Knight or two on him and lock him in the dungeon. You vetoed that idea.”
“He’s with the clergy,” Queen Synel explained. “That just isn’t done.”
“YOU are the queen, Lamyra,” King Drace pointed out with a faint hint of humor in his voice. “I am the king. I’m fairly certain that means we can do whatever in chaos we want.”
Queen Synel opened her mouth to respond but closed it as the door to their chamber opened. Newly elevated Bishop Renud, dressed in his formal golden robe with a rich jade velour tabard over it, walked slowly into the room. His face was a simpering study in aggravation, his eyes wide in what Lamyra felt was feigned surprise. To her, Renud was a horrible actor who always overplayed his role.
Behind him, Lamyra was surprised to see an old friend, Serin Anada, the Grand Duchess of Alwyn. Serin’s face was stony, her curly brown hair emphasizing the starkness of her expression. Her brown eyes were cold and focused over the slight hill of her nose. Her thin lips were tight. Queen Synel looked into the face of her friend and worried anew at the expression on her face.
“Good news, majesties,” Renud said, though his face looked anything but happy. “I have contact from clergy who have seen Ataya recently. She lives.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” the Queen demanded. “Why summon us to this ... this ... this meeting?”
“Is she alright?” King Drace asked, rising from his chair in consternation. “Is she hurt?”
“I do not know, majesty,” Renud said, preferring to address King Drace’s question. “I know only what the priestess could tell me before the connection was broken.”
“Broken?” the Queen asked, her eyes narrowed.
“Speaking across vast distances is difficult,” Renud explained. “It requires a great deal of concentration and a great expenditure of divine power. I spoke with a common priestess who is new to the ability. She couldn’t maintain the connection for long. I ... I tried to re-connect, to get more information and greater confirmation – but I could not.”
“She’s alive.” King Drace sat into his chair with a great thud. “That’s something, at least.”
“Majesties, that is not the only news I bring,” Renud simpered. “I ... I ... I must admit, I find myself distraught. I find myself caught in the eye of a great storm. I ... I admit that I am not wise enough to understand it’s significance. I ... the truth is, I’m not able to navigate this storm. I’m glad I could lessen your burden with news of the princess, but now ... this other news ... it is too overwhelming to discuss. I ... I cannot. Instead, I will leave you with Grand Duchess Anada while I retire to my cell and pray for guidance from my god.”
Renud bowed humbly, overdoing his humility as usual and then swept quickly from the room. As Renud was leaving, King Drace pushed back his chair and stood. The over-acting from the new Bishop concerned him and he rose to be able to meet what was coming. He glanced over at the Grand Duchess, his face devoid of emotion. His eyes though, were piercing as he took her in.
Serin silently watched Renud leave and as the door closed behind him, she turned to the Queen and King. She drew a deep breath and sighed. “I really dislike that man,” she said with a shake of her head.
The Grand Duchess of Alwyn’s face broke into a faint smile as her eyes met her friend’s, but the smile was short-lived. Her long, rounded face settled into an expression of concern and her attractive brown eyes grew particularly intent.
She was dressed as she always dressed, with a flowing, delicately brocaded blue dress that managed to show off her impressive cleavage while covering her arms and legs. As always, her rich, luxuriant brown hair flowed around her face in easy, teasing rivulets stopping so that the tips just rested on the top of her breasts. She was slightly taller than Lamyra but only by just less than an inch and, as always, she wore flats when meeting her friend so the differences in their height was less noticeable.
She walked up to Queen Synel and embraced her. “Lamyra, you never change,” she smiled at her friend. “Except you seem to grow more beautiful every time I see you.”
Lamyra gave a sigh of relief. “When you walked through that door, with your face set in stone, I was worried.”
Serin stepped back, her hands never leaving her friend’s shoulders. “The face was feigned to keep Renud from growing suspicious,” she admitted. “Don’t let that lower your concern, however. These are dark days and I bring only dark tidings.”
“What is it?” Lamyra asked intently.
“Do you mind if we sit?” Serin asked. “I think Colyn needs to hear this as well.”
Colyn looked up at Serin with a smile. “I was already eaves-dropping, duchess.”
Serin smiled back briefly before her face settled back into its concerned expression. “I was pretty sure you would be but as this concerns you, as well, I think we’d best be blunt.”
The duchess looked at the door. “And quick. I’m not certain how long before Renud might return.”
Colyn gathered up his papers as the ladies sat, pushing the lone piece of vellum he was writing on to the side to allow the ink to dry. He didn’t truly care the order all of the papers were in, he’d need to spread them out later anyway, but he shuffled them into a semblance of order just the same. It was one of the reasons he was such a good administrator for the queen. He was diligent about details.
“What is it, Serin?” Lamyra asked intently.
“I’ve just had a meeting with the other province administrators,” Serin started. The kingdom of Wenland was broken into six Grand Duchies defined as provinces – Alwyn, Cava, Dunber, Finley, Glouster and Stanning. The provinces were named after their capital cities – or perhaps the cities were named after the provinces. The truth was the cities and provinces were named so long ago, it was impossible to know which was first.
In Wenland, all land was held by the crown. In real terms, the Crown Queen and Crown King owned all of Wenland. They leased the provinces to the Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses in return for an annual sum which was negotiated at court every year. The leases legally bound the Grand Duchesses and Dukes as the administrators of the province. The Grand Dukes and Duchesses, then, sub-leased land to Dukes and Duchesses who sub-leased land to Marquis and so on down the line, with Barons – the lowest ranking royal administrators - leasing land to farmers and tradespeople.
It was a surprisingly efficient governmental style, though rife with the possibility of abuse. As such, it was up to the Crown Queen or Crown King – or his or her designates – to ensure that their province administrators catered to the needs of their people. This, like the annual sum – colloquially called a tax – charged for leasing the grand duchies, almost always ended up being delegated down through the ranks. This delegation could, of course, lead to problems if oversight was lax.
“Without us?” Lamyra asked in surprise. Even Colyn’s eyebrows raised at the news.
“Lamyra, I thought you’d be there!” Serin explained with some vehemence. “When the summons came under the signature of Bishop Renud, I thought you were just delegating him to administrate the meeting. I brought Sylana, for chaos’ sake!”
Sylana Bober was Serin’s latest wife. At fourteen the girl was less than half the age of the grand duchess, but she and her husbands had fallen in love. Beyond the requirement marriage could only be entered into after their time of majority, there were no written laws concerning the age of family heads.
It was left unsaid that if Serin had brought Sylana she didn’t think there would be any danger.
“What happened?” Colyn asked a bit more gently, trying to calm Serin down just a bit.
“Renud lead the meeting,” Serin replied after a brief pause. “I have to say, he’s an incredible orator.”
“Renud?” Lamyra scoffed. “He overacts. He can’t help himself. The man hasn’t met a mirror yet he didn’t love.”
Serin shook her head. “If that is what you see, then that is what he wants you to see. I tell you, he had the other adminstrators eating from the palm of his hand. He wove a dark tale of you being led astray. He whispered the crown was perilously close to ... to failing altogether. He cast dark aspersions about evil elves living in the castle, casting chaotic magic to take over your minds. He spoke humbly of his valiant efforts to save your sanity, but that you rebuffed him and the help of the church. He said the elves were drawing you from the grace of Tyln and that the kingdom would fall unless we didn’t do something drastic.”
Colyn’s face grew dark and mottled with anger. “I’ll kill him.”
“And make him a martyr?” Lamyra chastised. Her face, too, was marked with her rage. “First, we have to make sure he is defrocked and alone. Then we kill him.”
“It may be too late for either,” Serin suggested, her face showing her own unease. “I kneel to Tyln but I’m not a fanatic about it. I believe there is room for the entire pantheon – but recently the church has been pushing Tyln as the only true god. I ... I listen and share the platitudes, but I just ignore the rhetoric. I assumed it was some squabble amongst the gods themselves and they’d eventually work it out.”
“Now, though...,” Serin offered before her voice trailed off. “Chaos, by the time Renud had finished, I half believed him.”
She shook her head, her long brown hair flickering back and forth violently. “Which, honestly, is a good thing. It allowed Renud to believe that he had won me over.”
She reached across the table and took Lamyra’s hands, glancing over at Colyn. She noted how her friend’s hands were cold and clammy. “Like he’d already won over all of the others. By the time he was done, they were willing to march on the castle and strike down the elves. Some of them had drawn their swords, for chaos’ sake.”
“I managed to calm things down, but it was not easy,” Serin continued. “After I managed some damage control, Renud went on. His words were inspired. As he spoke, it was as if I couldn’t turn away. It was almost like everything he said was directed only to me – whispered only in my ear. I swear, it confounded me into silence so that all I could do was listen. I’ve never met someone who could speak so well.”
“His words spoke of courage,” she went on. “He spoke of country and duty. He spoke of love and necessity – the love we have for our people and the necessity of caring for them – for their physical needs and their spiritual needs. His words spoke of how we owed it to the people in our care to rebuke you. That your family had lead our lands wisely for centuries but the elves dark arts were too chaotic to be countered by us – or even the gentleness of Tyln’s hands.”
“He played upon our hearts, saying it was our right and duty to ease your burden,” she continued. “To help you retire before you lost even your immortal soul.”
“What?!?” Lamyra thundered as she rose from her seat. She turned to Colyn, who had also rose in anger. “Now, we kill him.”
Serina rose and held up her hand. “It won’t work. He’s turned the others against you. I played along but only so I could be the one to warn you. Alwyn is the richest province. I knew if I pretended to have fallen in line with the others, I would be designated to come to you. I’ve honestly thought about what could be done but...”
“The others have been raising armies,” she said softly. She immediately continued on when she saw both the Queen’s and King’s brow rise. “I’ve done it, too, even before I knew what they were doing. Not to rise against you but to help secure the Jacovian – sorry, Tylnanari – border. I wanted to help, and I realized all I could offer were soldiers.”
She closed her eyes and her head drooped. “Then I heard what was going on in the neighboring provinces of Glouster and Finley. I heard they were amassing huge fighting forces and I worried that they might be coming for Alwyn. It’s no secret that Yegel and Stantara have coveted the kern mines and been jealous of the other riches of my province. I thought they were coming for me, so I re-doubled my efforts.”
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Brrring Brrring The phone rang out. "Now who could that be?" Janice mused to herself as she got up to answer the phone. Maybe it was Paul, she thought. He was still at the office, catching up on work from last week. Janice grinned at the thought of it. What had gotten in to her? Lately, she had been worrying about how she had changed over the last year or so. The changes were astonishing, and yet they were wonderful too. She wondered if this 'new' her was really her. She really did...
In Private Specials, Elegant Babes, Geishakyd’s schedule is so busy that she needs a chauffeur, and that’s why she’s hired Jack Ripper, a hung black stud, to drive her around and take her to destination pleasure! A deepthroat blowjob serves as the perfect warm-up for this sexy babe as she puts her cock sucking skills to the test and gets a taste of BBC for the first ever time. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com as Geisha goes on to enjoy a hard interracial pounding that has...
xmoviesforyouSRU: A Price to Pay By Lady In Waiting "Hmm, I don't remember this store being here before," Michael said. Michael and Laura stood before a shop in the mall. There was a wooden sign which read, Spells R Us. "Must be a new store," said Laura. "Well it's a magic shop, I guess, so let's check it out." They walk into the shop. It's not very well lit. Adorning the walls is all sorts of things, some identifiable, others not. They quickly realize no one is behind the...
Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-NineAlexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa's pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other's arms, as the night drew in.Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...
LesbianI was home alone one day and my brother's friend came by. He asked if he could wait for him. I said it was okay. Then I went to watch TV. He came and sat beside me and started making small talk. I was very shy so I would just answer him and try to watch my show. Then he surprised me by asking me if I was a moaner or a screamer. Being so shy, no one ever talked to me like that before. I got really embarassed and said "I don't know." in a kinda quiet voice. I could feel him staring at me for what...
FetishThe story starts at Andy & Sue's house. Andy and I have been watching football on the box whilst Sue has been around her mates for an Anne Summers party. When she returns we've had a couple of beers and we can tell she's had a few glasses of wine and is a little tipsy. Andy asks Sue to show us what she's brought. Looking at me Sue giggles and her face goes a little red. "Come on," says Andy, "Don't be a prude, Pete will have seen it all before."Going redder, again she says no, but a mischievous...
ExhibitionismI met Tina one hot night at a Greyhound bus station in the middle-of-nowhere Nebraska. It was two in the morning and Tina and I were the only two people in that station. She was sitting quite close to me, despite the fact that we were the only two there. I couldn’t help but glance at her and notice that she was wearing a very low cut top, which showed off her massive cleavage, that shown with sweat. I also noticed that she happened to be wearing small shorts. I was immediately turned on and...
My sister continued to massage my cock. We could hear my mother downstairs humming. We looked at each other and giggled. She handed me the ice and told me to put it on my head. She changed her position on the bed so she could face my cock. The air in the room was heavy with sex. I started to get semi hard as my sister rubbed my cock. She seemed fascinated with it. She stroked it. She held my balls in her hand and tugged. I asked her if she ever did this to anyone before. She said, ‘Once, while...
IncestOne afternoon Kiran, Rita and chachu were resting after fucking. Chachu lay in the centre flanked by the two girls. Chachu had his fingers in their cunts while they played with his limp cock. Chachi, who was also naked, entered the room carrying a tray with freshly brewed tea and cookies. "Come on everybody tea and cookie time," she said placing the tray on the bedside table. Chachu and the girls pulled themselves to sitting position. When everyone had served themselves, chachi said,...
Another True Story, Getting caughtThis happened about 3 months after I got caught at a rest area. This time I decided on my trip up to northern Wisconsin, I would change my route. I dressed as usual and started my drive. The sun was just about coming up, and as always when I drive to Greenbay, I dress up. I love passing semi's and hope they look down into my truck and see me dressed. I would even hike up my skirt to show the top of stockings, especially on my right side with a little skin...
Sarah and the Silver Master 2Well you having read part 1 I suppose I had best start by describing my consulting rooms, they are situated in the lovely Alkam valley, just between Folkestone and Dover in the lovely county of Kent. For our overseas friends Kent is a farming county of rolling hills, its green and pleasant and for most part on earth covered chalk ground. My home and workplace is a red brick and peg tile farmhouse, set in an old chalk pit, once numerous in the area. There is...
Beth couldn't remember when she'd been more uptight, unless it was at her junior prom when her aunt had been chaperone-in- charge, and she'd dated a senior with a reputation of being the coolest, swingingest guy in school! He'd had to drive her home in his father's car with her aunt in the back seat, and the entire way Beth had breathlessly tried to restrain his hot, young hand secretly smoothing up and down her trembling inner thigh for fear Aunt Zelda would get wise and lay an egg...
Saturday morning. At 10AM, the alarm clock blared out, spewing its painful noise throughout the room for fifteen seconds before a weary Lisa smashed its head in. She rolled over and kissed me gently, her hand snaking down my naked body to my crotch. This was the first morning in my entire life that I did not wake up with morning wood. Last night had so completely exhausted me, Lisa had ended up driving us home. And this morning, despite the presence of a beautiful girl in bed with me, I...
As I drove Angel into the Westin reception area, an attendant rushed to open my door. I supposed it was the first McLaren he'd seen. He seemed very surprised when my door opened up vertically and he stood there with his mouth open. The young man said, "Welcome to the Westin, sir. Are you planning to check in?" "No, we're here to meet someone." "Can I park your car over here next to the other Mercedes?" Looking over, I saw two SLK's and agreed he could park her there. I walked...
Waking up in an 18 year old body is vastly superior to waking up in the body of a thirty-something. I felt amazing. Sure my pussy was a bit sore from the pounding it took last night but even that didn’t stop me from having a go with Sasha’s left behind dildo. It felt good but it wasn’t the same as having someone doing it for me, fuck me with it or the real thing. I called Sasha but she would be busy all day. I tried watching porn but it only made me crave the real thing even more. I scanned the...
Chapter 1 Mai Lin knew she was cute and sexy and she knew that men enjoyed looking at her shapely young figure and secretly wishing they were in bed with her. She was a very vivacious and lusty young Asian woman and Mai Lin used her sexuality and her hot lusty sensuality not only to pleasure the men she found herself with but also to help herself get off and to satisfy her own personal sexual needs on a regular basis. Mai Lin knew that her long dark thick black hair that hung clear down to...
The Phyllis Files: The Case of the Neighborhood Break-Ins. The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The...
FRIDAY APRIL-15 It was Thursday evening in London and the 'Sins' had just finished day two of their extended recording session. Vikki was still blown away by the buzz she was getting by just being here at 3 Abbey Road, St Johns Wood the home of EMI music, or more particularly Abbey Road Studios. They had been using studio 2 because Brian had requested it, not just for the vibe or the sound but for its history. After all who wouldn't want to record in the very studio the Beatles made...
Marty's case hit the local press. Kylie, of course, was the centre of attention. Her shyness and reticence disarmed the media but also frustrated them. Her parents, apart from saying they were proud of her, refused to say anything more. Wayne, as the hoped for love angle, refused to say anything. Garry went into 'no comment' mode and Kathy restrained herself and merely told them to get lost. The rest of the village refused to speak about it. On the other hand, the entire village, from the...
Adel talked to the girls and made up a schedule of "conjugal" visits. Several of the girls were somewhere within the proper range for peak fertility, but were too irregular to be sure, so two of them were picked at random to be the wives for tonight. John drew Lynn and I drew Hannah. Hannah claimed to be very experienced with sex. She was as black as the proverbial ace of spades, so she may have been bragging or exaggerating from a feeling of inferiority. She was only 15, so I couldn't...
Steve (Friday) I awoke at 3:45 this morning with the beginning to bulge Mickey almost lying on top of me. Mickey had become very dependent, constantly wanting reassurance from me. I suppose that was normal for a girl that was pregnant. Sue and Mercy were always pushing Mickey under me to give her another dose of what got her stomach to swell. Kathy was acting as if she were almost jealous that Mickey was pregnant and she wasn't. Kathy even told me, "You know, what I feel is nuts, but I...
Sir Desmond Anstruther MC (Baronet) tapped the silver ferule of his walking stick irritably on the marble mosaic floor of the Wanderers Club in London's Pall Mall. He scowled at the elderly porter behind the mahogany reception desk. "My cab?" It wasn't so much an inquiry as a military-style reprimand.Noakes, the club's Head Porter, looked up nervously from his ledger and gave a discreet cough, masking it with the cuff of his gold-embroidered frock coat. Lifting the earpiece of an old fashioned...
SpankingMarkow had resisted contacting immigration or homeland security so far, but he knew his options were running out. Chief Grissom had phoned earlier to inform him that none of the other residents of the apartment building was able to provide any leads. Apparently MacSween and the people he was with had only moved in a few months ago and they kept pretty much to themselves. "The apartment owner wasn't much better to be honest," Grissom had said. "She took a hefty cash deposit and didn't...