Lydia and Andrew Chapter One
- 2 years ago
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As I drove Angel into the Westin reception area, an attendant rushed to open my door. I supposed it was the first McLaren he'd seen. He seemed very surprised when my door opened up vertically and he stood there with his mouth open.
The young man said, "Welcome to the Westin, sir. Are you planning to check in?"
"No, we're here to meet someone."
"Can I park your car over here next to the other Mercedes?"
Looking over, I saw two SLK's and agreed he could park her there.
I walked around and activated Pam's door and held her hand as she stepped out of the car.
Suddenly, photographers came from all directions and an explosion of flashes went off as each scrambled to get the perfect shot. She was surrounded, and people were trying to push me out of the way. It was scary.
Two men in dark suits rushed over and began pushing photographers out of the way. Three Atlanta police officers also came and blocked an area big enough to give Pam some room.
"Niki, where have you been? We've had security looking everywhere for you! You worry us to death sometimes." He took Pam by the arm and began to escort her inside as the police ran interference. Pam refused to move.
"I'm not Niki. I'm Pam Davis."
He turned and looked at her again, obviously exasperated. "What's with the Southern accent? Niki, please don't do this. I'm in enough trouble already and I've got to get you to the dressing room right now."
Pam looked at me. "Tom, would you give me a hand here. Please tell this gentleman I'm not Niki." He looked at me and I confirmed that she was Pam Davis.
As we talked, a black limo pulled in behind us and Niki Lee emerged. The courtyard was instant chaos when she stepped out. The photographers didn't know which way to point their cameras. The police didn't know whom to protect and the security guys were dumfounded with two Niki Lees.
One of the security guys pushed his way over to the recently arrived Niki Lee, who I could just barely see through the scrum of photographers. He yelled back to our guy, "I've got her Jay. This is Niki."
We had photographers still snapping Pam as fast as they could. I guess because she was so beautiful or they didn't hear she wasn't Niki. I looked over the scrum again and police were trying to force everyone out of the way so the real Niki could enter the hotel. Then she looked directly at Pam and stopped in her tracks. Her mouth flew open and she stared.
I suppose she asked her people to open a path to Pam because the whole scrum instantly changed direction and moved toward us. It took a while but she eventually was face to face with Pam and she stared again. The photographers were yelling curses, pushing and shoving, trying to get a photo of the two together.
Niki finally exclaimed over the din, "This beats anything I've ever seen! Did you have work done to make yourself look like me?" I could see her looking closely at Pam's neck and face.
Pam replied, "No, I've always been told I look just like you. I wanted to meet you."
Niki smiled and replied, "Can we talk a little later? I'm running really late." She turned and whispered something to her bodyguard and he nodded. The scrum then moved to the front door and Niki was able to escape into the safe confines of the lobby. The Atlanta police returned and stood next to Pam and me to keep everyone away, as much as possible. The flashes were still going off and blinding us.
In just a moment, the bodyguard returned. "Miss, I've been instructed to escort you and your associate into the conference room for the reception and announcement." He then walked with us and our police escort into the hotel and directly to the conference center. All along the route people was gawking at Pam and trying to take her photo with all the little digital cameras and smart phones.
We arrived at the reception room and immediately knew that everyone there thought Pam was Niki. They were applauding and trying to get close to her for an autograph and photo. The bodyguard told us to follow him and he took us to a front cordoned-off area where only the dignitaries were allowed. He leaned over and spoke directly into my ear. "You'll be safe here. Don't go anywhere. When the show is over, I'll escort you out. Niki wants to speak with you."
I now had a chance to see if Pam was okay.
"Tom, I never imagined this would happen. I'd hate to be such a public person and have to endure this every day. How does she do it?"
"I don't know. We could have been injured out there."
We sat marveling at all the energy in the room. When seven Playboy models showed up in one place, the world noticed. In just a few minutes, a man who turned out to be an announcer, walked onto the stage and welcomed everyone. The music started, and the ladies walked in and onto the stage to the beat of Tom Petty's "American Girl." They were gorgeous, elegant, classy, stately, sultry, or any other word you could think of to describe feminine perfection. They all wore form-fitting gowns of various colors. Pam and I were stunned at their beauty. There was a loud murmur in the crowd when Niki walked out. They thought she was already sitting in front of them.
Top executives of Playboy Enterprises, Inc. followed the ladies. The reason for the major announcement was that Luxembourg adult entertainment giant Manwin was acquiring Playboy TV. The two companies wanted to use this opportunity to describe the strategy and introduce the Chief Operating Officer of Manwin who appeared via Skype. And, of course, when you can parade the best of the best models in front of everyone, you get attention to your message.
After the executives, the ladies were introduced one at a time to wild applause, a flood of flashes, and catcalls from the less sophisticated in the audience. I was surprised that Niki had appeared in Playboy nine times including five in their famous holiday editions. This lady was a legend but the other six were just as famous.
The whole event lasted maybe 30 minutes including the Q&A period. The ladies were ushered off the stage and we waited for our security guy. He arrived in a couple of minutes with another bodyguard and they asked us to follow them. We went backstage, where the models had gone, but no one was there. They led us down a long hallway and onto an elevator. We were taken to the 41st floor and were met by another security person when the elevator door opened.
"Miss, Ms. Lee has asked for you to come to her suite. Please follow me."
We walked down the long hallway to her room and the security person knocked. A man we had not yet seen opened the door and invited us in.
He grinned and said, "Hi, my name is Robert Adams. I'm Niki's manager. What are your names?" He politely offered his hand to me as I introduced Pam and myself.
"I can see why Niki is anxious to talk to you, Pam. You're an exact copy of her. This is the most amazing resemblance I've ever seen."
As we talked, Niki walked into the room from what appeared to be a bedroom. She had changed into an elegant silk blouse and black pants. I introduced Pam and myself. Niki was all smiles and asked us to be seated on a lovely sofa. She sat in an overstuffed leather chair across from Pam and stared at her for several moments.
"Pam, forgive me for staring. I'm totally shocked, and I mean totally. I've heard we all have look-alikes somewhere in the world but this goes far beyond a resemblance. When I saw you out front, I almost fainted. You look just like me but maybe a few years younger. Do you think there's anyway we could be related?"
"Niki, thank you for inviting us to meet with you. We drove from Chattanooga just on the odd chance we could meet. I think you're my sister."
The smile disappeared. Niki became agitated and said, "That's impossible. My mother told me that my birth mother died giving birth to me and that I was her first baby."
"Where you born in Greenville, South Carolina, on January 18, 1984?"
There was stunned silence.
Niki turned pale white. The blood had drained from her face and her hand quickly moved over her open mouth. Her eyes showed fear as she turned to Robert. He shook his head for some reason.
She replied, "No one knows that, how did you find out?"
"My mother, who's very much alive, told me over Thanksgiving."
Again, there was silence for a moment.
"Are you implying that my mother lied to me?"
"I'm not implying anything. But it wouldn't be unusual for an adoptive mother to try to discourage their child from looking for their birth mother. Is there anyway you can ask your mother about it?"
"I wish that were possible. She and my dad died in a plane crash ten years ago."
"Oh no. I'm so sorry." There was silence for several moments as Niki continued to stare at Pam.
"A few years ago, I received a letter from a fan in South Carolina. He said that he was going to school with a girl who looked exactly like me. I wondered about that since I knew I was born there. He enclosed a picture but it was obviously taken in a rush and was not in sharp focus. Until now, I'd forgotten about that.
"I don't know what to say, Pam. You may be right. But we can't be identical twins. How old are you?"
Niki sat there for a long time thinking through her emotions, it seemed. She then stood and came to Pam and held out her arms. Pam stood and they hugged with all the emotion you would ever see between two sisters. They both cried as they hugged. I glanced over at Robert and saw tears in his eyes. Robert handed tissues to both Niki and Pam.
For the next 30 minutes, they talked about their mothers and how they were raised. Pam told Niki about Jerri and that their father has passed away. She then recounted the terrible decision that Ruth had to make and the reasons Niki had been given up for adoption.
"Pam, my given name is Janie. You two please call me that. Again, only a very few people know my real name. Is your name Pamela?"
"Yes. And Jerri's is Jeraldine. She was named after Dad's mom."
"All of this is going to take a while to sink in, Pam. So I have a family that I never knew about and a mother who loved me so much she put my interest above her own. Do you realize how few mothers these days would even think about carrying an unwanted baby to full term?"
Janie looked down for a moment as she dabbed her eyes. "Do you think she'd be willing to meet me?"
"Tom, why don't you tell Janie about your conversation."
"Ruth told me over Thanksgiving about your birth and all the heart breaking decisions she had to make. Pam and I had known about you and how much the two of you looked alike so we thought there might be a possibility you were Ruth's daughter. I asked her if she'd be interested in meeting her daughter should the opportunity arise. She said that she would love to. I know from talking with her that she has carried the burden of her decision since you were born. I think being able to meet and talk with you would mean the world to her."
Again, there was silence for a few moments. Janie stared at the floor until she reached a decision.
"Robert, cancel all of my commitments for next week. I need to take care of some family business."
"But Niki, we have two personal appearances and two photo shoots scheduled."
"Robert, pretend I'm sick and need some recovery time. Get Karina, Holly or Shae to do the shoots. They've been begging for work anyway. Anybody that looks good and has been in a men's mag can do the personal appearances. Get Madison, she's the hottest new girl out there."
I wondered, was this Madison the one I knew?
He stood there and glared at her.
"Robert, I'm serious."
"Okay, I'll take care of it."
Janie turned to us and asked, "You live in Chattanooga?"
Pam responded, "Yes, but Mom lives near Greenville."
"Can I stay with you until we decide how to approach her? This is going to be a major shock to her."
Pam responded, "We would love to have you."
"Robert, call Jackson and tell him I want to be dropped at the Chattanooga airport on the way back tonight."
"Yes, Niki." He walked into the next room.
Pam whispered to Janie, "Why does he always call you Niki?"
"Because she's the bitch he manages. He doesn't manage Janie."
Pam and I glanced at each other. That was interesting.
Janie explained that they always have to travel by corporate plane and that there was a dinner tonight she had to attend with the other models for one of the major investors.
Robert returned and said, "It's taken care of. He's going to file a revised flight plan and will drop you off at 10:15 assuming we can get out on time."
We stood, as the meeting appeared to be over. Janie and Pam hugged again for a long time and whispered to each other. Both shed tears. I assured Janie we would meet her at 10:15. As the sisters separated, Janie looked at Pam and smiled.
"Baby sister, I need to touch you up. Come with me." They walked into the bedroom and were gone for several minutes while Robert was on the phone and I stood there like a knot on a log.
When Pam and Janie returned, Pam looked as good as new ... elegant, in other words.
Robert walked us to the door and we shook hands again. The security men were outside the door and they escorted us down the elevator and to the front entrance of the lobby. Before they led us out into the scrum again, they had Angel brought around. The police and private security guys surrounded Pam and me for the walk out.
We were very relieved when the car doors shut and locked. The police cleared a way for us and we headed back to I-75 and Chattanooga.
As soon as we found the entrance to the interstate, Pam exclaimed, "I never thought she would be so nice. Can you imagine how she must have felt seeing me for the first time? I've had years of looking at her images and seeing myself. She had just a few seconds."
I replied, "I was impressed by how professional and strong she was. I just imagined that adult film models were victims and took whatever came their way because of the money and power behind the money. She was not weak at all and I certainly didn't see a victim."
"We have to figure out how best to break all of this to Mom. I have to work Monday through Wednesday again next week. Maybe on Thursday or Friday we can drive over and see her with Janie."
I asked, "What do we do with Janie until then?"
"Maybe she'd like to just relax at the house and have some downtime. We'll see her every morning and evening."
"Maybe so."
"We exchanged cell phone numbers. She said if they were late tonight, she'd call me. She also told me, when we were alone, that you were very handsome and she liked the way you deferred to me during the discussion. You impressed her, in other words."
"So now all three sisters think I'm special, huh?"
"There's the number three again. We must all think perfectly or completely alike."
We arrived at the general aviation terminal at the airport a little after 10:00 pm and saw one plane land a few minutes later. Hopefully, it was carrying her. Pam's cell phone rang about a minute later.
"Oh. Hi Janie.
"No problem.
"Hey, no problem, we understand.
"See you then.
"She said they're about 10 minutes out and apologized for being late. She asked if we were already here. Their dinner ran late."
When her plane landed things happened fast. Janie appeared with two guys carrying her luggage in just a minute. She walked into the terminal and immediately hugged Pam and then me. The guys said "hi," set the luggage down and were off in a flash.
"I'm sorry for making you wait. I've been running late all day and that's not like me."
Pam replied, "We're just thrilled to have you here, Janie. It's much more than we ever anticipated."
I carried her two suitcases to the car while they chatted about the day. As we drove home, Pam asked about the photographers and whether or not that was normal.
"Unfortunately, it's that way whenever events like today are announced. In LA, we can get around without a lot of attention, as there are just so many other targets for them. In Atlanta, our appearance is a much bigger deal. It just comes with the territory, as they say."
Pam responded, "It scared me."
"It can be rough sometimes but the police and private security did a good job today."
I asked, "Were all the other ladies on the plane?"
"Only Heather, Hanna and Lindsey. The others had commitments in various parts of the country so they took off in different directions. I was supposed to be in New York on Monday but Robert was able to book Madison in my place."
"Where's Madison from?" I asked.
"She lives in Santa Monica now but I think she's from somewhere in Kansas. I haven't met her yet but one of my production companies has her booked for two shoots the end of next week."
I had to probe a bit more. "I know a Madison from Kansas City but I think she'd be too old for this business."
"How old is she?"
"Thirty-one, I think."
"Actually, the times have changed and lots of models that age are still very popular. It used to be that your career would be over around 25 or 26. Only young ones were popular. I guess as our consumers have aged, so have their tastes in women. The youngsters sell, of course, but the older ones also sell. We shoot anyone over 18 who sells."
I asked, "It sounds like you own a production company. Is that right?"
"Actually, I own three. One only works in the Czech Republic and Hungary. The other two are in LA."
Pam asked, "Do all the girls change their names?"
"Oh yes. You would never use your real name in this business. Makes it too easy for some pervert to find you."
"So Madison wouldn't be her real name?" I asked.
"Lordy no! I don't know what it is but it certainly is not Madison." I felt instant relief.
We arrived home and I carried her luggage to a bedroom down the hall from us. Janie walked around the main part of the house and saw the library and kitchen.
"I love this house. Pam, did you do the decorating?"
"No, Tom's wife, who is now deceased, did it."
Janie looked at me and asked, "Accident?"
"What a shame."
Since it was only 8:30 pm according to her body clock (LA time), Janie asked if she could stay up and read in the library. I asked which authors she liked and we found several by her favorites in just a minute. Pam and I headed to bed after another hug from Janie.
After we closed our bedroom door, Pam said, "Her personality seems so normal. I'm not sure what I expected but it certainly wasn't normal. She's an entrepreneur and owns three companies. That's not normal. She's only 27. But she's also a top model and has shown her assets to the world many times. I guess I never thought a person would be capable of doing both, especially at her age. But she is so well grounded, not the least bit arrogant, at least not with us. That's impressive."
I had to agree. Janie was not what I expected. We showered and crashed. It had been a very long and tiring day.
I was the first up Sunday morning. It was cold and looked like it was going to rain most of the day, according to the weather report. After making a cup of coffee, I walked out for the newspapers. I subscribed to both the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
Sitting in the library, I quickly perused the AJC. All the normal stuff like murders, drug arrests, local politics and advertising circulars took up at least 95% of the paper. As soon as I turned the page in the local section, I gasped. Staring at me was a picture of Pam and myself along with Janie. We were standing beside Angel and the two girls were facing each other, obviously talking. The headline read "Famous Playboy Model Niki Lee Confronts Look-Alike."
"Before the Playboy TV-Manwin merger was announced yesterday at the Westin Hotel, an angry confrontation occurred between model Niki Lee and a woman who looked exactly like her. Niki accused her of having reconstructive surgery and told the younger woman that she would deal with her later. The police and hotel security were seen escorting the young look-alike and her male companion, later identified as restaurant owner Thomas Sumter of Chattanooga, into the Westin for their own safety. No additional information is available at this time."
Oh shit! I read it again just to be sure it really said that nonsense.
I reached for the Chattanooga Time Free Press. At the bottom of page 2 was the same Associated Press photo plus a second photo of the police escorting us by the arm into the Westin. The headline read "Local Restaurant Owner Detained for Questioning."
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Hi dear readers this is Aman from agra & delhi with 6ft height and handsome personality I am 27 years old so if any unsatisfy housewife women and girl like this story and wanted to satisfy herself then mail me on this is Ashis here, I have been encouraged by this site to relate and share with all of you my experience as well.I am 48 years of age and married for the last 28years and have a daughter 26 years and a son 18 years, my wife is a beautiful woman of 47years (so you see I am a highly...
IncestThe Curtsey Part VI By Sissy Smith Ms. Brenda looked at Tammy and raised an eyebrow. Tammy curtsied to Ms. Brenda and headed toward the door knowing that it would be Alice and Jessie Caldwell showing up for dinner. Tammy was looking forward to their visit because of Jessie's change of heart toward him. He excitedly opened the door to find Steve Gates standing there. Instantly Tammy became embarrassed. He had not yet gotten used to his wife's lover. Bowing his head and instinctively...
This one is compliments of gsears4now There are two ways of saying the same thing with very different implications: “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.” versus: “Daddy, I’ve been a bad, bad girl.” Name for a gay bar: “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” What did the porn magazine collector say to his stash every night? “Good night, sweet prints...” This bunch is compliments of Allan A man goes to the clinic and makes an appointment with an ophthalmologist and an urologist....
Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...
~~~~~~~~~~On our knees in the center of the mat, hard-ons held tightly in our briefs, Clay and I looked squarely into each other’s eyes, ready for the ensuing battle. I was confident. I never blinked. Neither did Clay.Cory said, “I’m gonna love this. Ready? Wrestle!”We locked arms, each pushing and pulling, trying to bully the other to the mat. I was stronger than Clay. I could feel it. I faked a push to one side, then shoved him in the other direction. He ended up on his back with me...
BisexualBy: Vapidvector I recieved a phone call at work the day before my birthday a couple of years ago and it was my wife, Joy, informing me that she had a surprise in store for my birthday and to be sure to hurry home after work so we could get started. When I got home she had several suitcases packed and sitting by the door, ready to go. "Hurry and take your shower and get dressed. Mike and Laura will be here any minute," she informed me. "What's going on? Where are we going?" I...
Dan pulled his prick out of her very slowly, reluctant to leave that snug harbor. His long cock emerged inch by glistening inch. The fat cock-knob stuck in her cunt for a moment, then popped free like a cork from a bottle. Her vacated cunt slot stayed open in a wide oval, retaining the outline of the prick that had molded it. Cunt cum and jizz flooded from her fuckhole in a creamy cataract, the tide breaking around her stiff cunt. Dan's prick stood out parallel with the bed, no longer so...
Ok So Here we Are on The Bed in The 69 Position. She is Moaning While i Eat Her Pussy. She Sucks My Cock Greatly While i Lick Her clit. She Seems to Enjoy it Alot. After A while i Stand up and She Goes To Suck My Cock. She Licks The Tip Slowly. Then She picks up Tne Pace and She Sucks it Alot Faster. She Goes Deepthroat while She sucks The Precum. Then She Decides to Go Faster and Faster Every Second. I put one Hand on Her Head and I push head towards My cock. I say "Aw man im Gonna Cum" Cum...
My Daddy is an Alpha Bull. In fact in all my time dating and being used by men I've always attracted strong bully boy types. Though he plays rather rough with me he doesn't ever leave permeant marks or injury. Outside of a sore jaw my stretched pussy, signs of rope bondage and recent spankings you'd assume to be a well adjusted young lady. He'll sometimes break out the restraints and will put me in strict bondage to immobilize and control me better. Though I'm past the point of putting up any...
(The usual disclaimers apply to this story. Do not read this if you are not Supposed to. It was written as a piece of fantasy fiction, not as a Description of any actual true events.) I moaned in ecstasy, my large hairy hips pounding off of the boy’s smooth buttocks. I looked down and grunted, seeing my thick veiny cock slipping in and out of his smooth mounds. “Oh god Jordan!” I gripped his hips and pounded his ass harder. Shit this kid was tight, I am not going to last much longer....
"Searching, according to all information I have on all ship movements and battles I would have to say no but I feel that Conner may have more information than I, at the present moment," Shelby answered. "Thank you Shelby I'll take this information under advisement," Derrick replied deep in thought he had to get all the ships synced up so that all the records were somewhat the same on all the ships. Sighing Derrick thought this damn hunt and peck he was having to do to get information...
Als Wiener mit deutschem Migrationshintergrund arbeite fühle ich mich in dieser einzigartigen Stadt sehr wohl. Ich war gut vernetzt in dieser Stadt und neben meinem normalen Job auch als Reiseleiter für deutsche und sonstige ausländische Reisegruppen. An Aufträgen hatte ich keinen Mangel. Denn es war mir gelungen - dank meiner guten politischen Beziehungen zu den richtigen Leuten - immer wieder rote Reisegruppen durch Wien zu führen. Dieses Mal rief mich Norbert persönlich an, normalerweise war...
Pam texted me on a Friday afternoon, asking if I wanted to stop by after work for some wine and cheese. She wrote that her boyfriend Andre was away for the weekend attending a destination bachelor party for his buddy. She added, “Besides, you owe me the scoop on what happened the other night with that guy with the big dick!” She was referring to a few nights ago when she left Rick and me at the bar. She had just met him. I guess the wine influenced her to grab his crotch on her way out. Later...
ThreesomesThe bus pulls up to the hose and drops us off. The driver thanks John and says no cash tip is necessary. John letting him use his fuck meat was more than enough. We walk inside the house and there's more guys there than when we left. When we left earlier for the strip club not every guy there came with us. Only about 20 guys went, the rest stayed at the house. Some weren't 21 yet, and some just didn't want to go. So I expected to find about 20-25 guys back here at the house, but there was...
My wife has always had a healthy sex drive. Occasionally, I would return home from work to the sight of her using her vibrator. On one particular day, I came home to find her on the bed pumping a fat black dildo into her pussy. I coyly asked her, "Are you trying to make yourself a loose, little slut for me?" As I stripped off my clothes she responded, "Not yet, since if I did try, you would not be able to fuck me properly any more. Where is the fun in that?"I moved up and replaced my wife's...
Edited by Master Ken Friday, November 8th, 2013 – Lillian Franks – Murano Hotel, Tacoma, WA "Lillian," Tomoyo greeted when I opened my hotel room door. She was one of the maids, and cute as a button with dark, slanted eyes and a petite body. I had enjoyed the teen and her tiny tits a few times. She was a screamer. "My Lady will attend to your punishment now." I had to suppress my grin. I had mouthed off during the meeting in the Matmown early this morning. Very early. Master and Mistress...
All-natural cutie Alyssa Cole has her parents’ place to herself, but when neighbors Francesca Le and Mark Wood come over to check on the house, they catch her texting nude selfies. The 18-year-old nymph playfully struts her stuff; the kinky couple ravages her, rimming her rump and fingering her holes. The girls treat Mark to a sloppy, tag-team blow job. He porks Alyssa up the ass. Both babes suck cock ass-to-mouth in this messy anal three-way. Mark decorates Alyssa’s face in jism...
xmoviesforyouMy first gay sex experience was not until I was 22. I knew I was gay but being very shy it took me a long time to get around to doing something about it. I took the bus to work and used to eye off a spunky guy who caught the bus at the same stop as me. Eventually I joined a gay social club and was persuaded to go to a “gay church” – who should I meet but the guy from the bus. His name was Hugh and he was 19. He recognised me from the bus and we got chatting, he suggested we get together and...
Our first meeting in person had been a bit rushed. He was just going to be driving through our area. Due to time constraints, he ended up in a brief, yet extremely hot, backseat of our car encounter with my wife that mostly left us all yearning for more. All three of us were determined to have this time be more to our liking. We suggested a local hotel and gave him the address. He had already checked in and had called to give us the room number by the time we pulled into the parking lot. She...
CuckoldHi. I am ‘that guy’ from Mumbai who is currently in the USA. I am 24 and average body with a 5.5-inch penis. Since I received positive feedback about my previous story, I am writing about my recent experience. As I am new to writing in iss, please ignore my mistakes. Any feedback and any girls for chat, mail me at This incident happened last month. Decembers are usually cold in the us but due to cyclone winds, it became really very cold and because of it, our city also experienced snowfall. It...
Anime OTK aka OTK spanking! All BDSM has to start somewhere. You have to work up to it. It’s not like you can just go from nothing to stretching some slut out on a rack while you electrify her tits and shove your cock down her throat. Even in porn, you see some warmup shit and foreplay. But some people really take that starter shit and turn it into a fucking lifestyle. I’m talking about spanking. People who love spanking are like the dudes who love jerking off on some poor babe’s feet.I just...
Hentai Porn SitesAn ancient stone brick keep sat on the bare stone ridge, alone and forbidding to all who saw it as they traveled the length of the old farm valley. Its walls, once thick and high now sat broken in abandoned and weathered ruin. Where high battlements once looked out over the land, now only broken edges, like old broken teeth graced the top of the old walls. The local villagers always avoided the old ruins as the fear was still fresh in their very souls of the terror that had once had ruled...
My name is August Fahey and two years ago I started secretly dating my best friends 16 year old sister April Hunter. When I left for college we continued seeing each other long distance. To keep up appearances we'd go out on dates with other people but remain faithful to one another. I'd go home on Holidays and we'd sneak away together and elevate our pent up sexual frustration in (as the k**s say) marathon fuck sessions. Time passed and we grew even closer. When April graduated Highschool she...
My Best Friend's Girl By Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 2: At School The Next Day I got up the next morning and got ready for school. I put on a pink thong, it was a girl's thong but on the plainer side. I knew I could get away with it today, as this quarter I had Health and no gym, thank goodness. I wore boy clothes, but in a unisex style (mostly jeans and polo or t-shirts). I finished dressing and worked on combing my shoulder-length hair into a pony tail. I really wanted to...
This story is designed to be played as an interactive erotic adventure. For the best reading experience, please select the 'start game' button over on the right of the screen --> Futa Island was considered a myth for decades, a tall tale whispered amongst tipsy sailors in the dark corners of port taverns. The rumors spoke of a hidden island filled with an almost amazonian race of well endowed, futanari woman who's impressive stature's were only eclipsed by their insatiable lusts. Some would...
TranssexualMy old time girlfriend Maura had invited me to her home. The excuse was having a few drinks, but she wanted to introduce me her new boyfriend.We sat around a low table, just a small group of good friends. My loving Victor was sitting close to my side,The brand new boyfriend Tyrone wasn’t what I was expecting. Maura usually went for men in their late thirties, blond bachelors mostly, with blue eyes and owners of a nice car…But this guy Tyrone wasn’t like that, at all. He was athletic, muscular,...
And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...
MILF"Harder if you like""I don't want to hurt you." "It's all right now. Please do it." She was astride him, her eyes drawn momentarily to a small bead of perspiration running from his forehead to the grey flecks at his temple, then looking down on the finger tips tightening their grip on her nipples. At the start this would have hurt but now, with her juices flowing, she liked the added stimulation, supplementing the hardness of him inside her.As they fucked in silence - varying the pace,...
IncestNeona was missed only moments after her disappearance. No one had seen the actual abduction and after repeated calls went, unanswered worry began to set in. The remaining seven that had accompanied her scrambled back into their ACs and took to the air. They began to check the woods from above, one of the larger ACs dropped down and performed a heat source search of the surrounding woods as well as the depths of the pond, nothing. There were four robots, one on each AC, Yuri talked to the...
"Captain, so good you could make it," the commander said from behind his desk. Logan had been asked if he would like to meet with the man in charge of Tortora station and not wanting to be impolite, had accepted. His arrival the day before had been met with great fanfare and people wanting to see the scout who had discovered the first system with a habitable world in it in the last century. What was more amazing was that it contained three of them. Though technically the House Rodgers'...
The palace had changed a lot since Brianna's reign. It looked like nothing so much as a modern mansion. No smaller in size or less impressive than before, but far more inviting. Like some place you'd actually want to live, rather than a symbol of power. There was also no longer a throne room. Jack held court, if you could really call it that, in the back garden. He sat in a lounge chair beside a swimming pool, wearing silk boxers and a silk robe, smoking a cigar and drinking Scotch. I sat on a...
IncestI’ve got a little problem – I enjoy visiting the old titty bar now & then. Wasn’t a problem until my wife found out. Now my teen stepdaughter Vienna wants to go a concert, she knows I’m in the doghouse with her mom and plots to get her way. She needs cash for her show thingy. She has on this pink mini-dress, trying to appeal to my worse nature and it’s working! She bends over revealing that perfect teen pussy, teasing to get her stepdad nice and hard. She...
xmoviesforyouDear piece of paper, Its been an entire year since Daren had confessed his love to me. I often wondered during that summer if he was serious. He never did make any sexual attempts towards me other than the times when he was joking. In my dreams and fantasies I often envision him making incredible love to me. Would my dream ever come true? I look back now that summer when he confessed to me that he loved me, that night actually. It was a sleepless night for me. The next morning was even worse....
IncestThey call them catnaps, for good reason. Neither of us slept. Instead we luxuriated in each others presence, sharing the warmth of our bodies, touching intimately, gentle hands tracking the roundness of breasts, soft lips kissing shadowed places, legs intertwined, bodies pressing together as we shifted comfortably upon the sheets. My ears had fallen off sometime during our tryst, and she set them back on carefully, her laugher soft against my skin as she stroked my hair. Soon, her gentle...