LeefsticChapter 6 free porn video

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The mountain facility was considered while my hand found and held Megan's. I had been missing from my race for three centuries and it would be a while yet before I could get back. Staying on Earth now didn't seem so bad. I would at least have a lot of interesting and varied company. The possibility of upgrading the Human mind would be the only way this would work.

The facility would look much like a base and this made me think again. Once in a while some of the older members of our race would want to settle down. This did not always mean going back to our home galaxy though. We would build a permanent base on a planet and begin to make more ships and breed crews to fill them. Message torpedos would come and go to the ships that left to explore and some would go back up the line getting and giving new information.

This idea startled me enough to think much harder on this matter. Our subconscious occupied a minor portion of our mind because we could actively use and control the vast majority of this organ. The Humans by contrast had some potential but their subconscious mind was by far the largest portion. Their conscious mind was only a few percent in my opinion.

Was my subconscious mind telling me to make a base instead? The two women made me feel whole. There was only one Seffra female on my ship and this was not enough to start a family never mind thousands of crew members and the personnel to run the base. Perhaps my mind was telling me to send out Humans or perhaps half Seffras to do this task. The devil's advocate came back with arguments to support this plan while the other portion of my mind fought to get the other views taken. I was very exhausted but the time the local star started to shine into the room.

Today was what the locals called Sunday and as such the family usually slept in. I didn't think this would happen today. I woke Megan up with a kiss and she was shocked until she remembered where she was and how she got here. "I am taking you back to your room. Your parents would not understand. We will still have our talk later." I threw my body over hers and when I landed on the floor I put my arms under the girl now covered in a sheet and I stood up. The pajamas and panties came with my PK and landed on her stomach. We were at the door before she even had the chance for two breaths.

I opened the door and walked down to what I knew was her room. It felt very good to be supporting this woman with my strength and I think it must have triggered some of my instincts for I knew that women were very strong themselves. I put her on her bed and then kissed her again. "Put my sheet back where it belongs. Take a shower and then dress. I want to try making breakfast." I backed up and walked from the room at a Human pace and knew she was admiring my butt.

My clothes were put back on even though I had worn them before. It felt odd but it was not that bad. The chef and the waiter last night had many ideas about the proper way to make good food. Margaret was the same way. The girls' mother was much closer and I read what she would do to please her family.

Bacon was in the fridge and other things were in a small pantry, a lazy-susan and a freezer in the basement. I stopped for only a second to work out each and every one of my moves and then worked quickly to get everything done.

The kitchen was getting full of strange scents. Not all were good but they were not all bad either. The parents both worked at the university so there was not that many times they had a really good home cooked meal. I kept track of the activity upstairs and slowed down to a Human pace when footsteps were heard on the steps.

Bacon was easy to do as was the sausage for I used my mental fingers to flip the portions of meat. Biscuits were made and a second batch had some bacon and cheese in them. The adults liked coffee and though I could drink tea I didn't want any. The two older children liked this beverage though and this I prepared.

Pancakes were also mixed and small portions of fruit were added. Orange juice was in the fridge for Tom and I would give it a try. Strong smelling vegetables along with other ingredients were cut fine then put into the contents of a dozen mixed eggs.

Megan came into the room and I said, "Have a seat Princess. I have made some breakfast. I hope it's good." The plates, cutlery and cups were on the table along with a small glass for the fruit juice. She smiled at me and a little worried at how she acted last night even though nothing happened.

Some of the mixed egg had been started in a small pan and judging when the time was right, I put this portion on a plate with the sausage and bacon along with the plain hot biscuits. This I put before her and then poured some more juice into her glass. I poured a few millilitres into my own then tasted it. The taste was alright but we had found many better in our explorations.

The girl now had shining eyes for me and I felt like I had to do a bit more. There were many songs I heard broadcast since coming to this system. The ones I liked came from operas or ones that were similar. One artist I liked had the name of Andrea Bocelli. He sang very well in my opinion though not everybody on the internet agreed. His songs were in Italian though some words were English. I didn't know if he spoke the language or mimicked the words but the music was nice. Singing in my own language would not be as well taken for it would bring on many questions.

I sat down on the other side of the table waiting for the second batch of biscuits to be finished and started to sing to Megan. I sang the song just a bit different than I had heard it but I sang it just as loud and as soft as it should be. My singing was easily heard upstairs and within seconds a light tread was heard quickly coming down.

Tommy came barging into the room and stopped. I continued to sing but now to him. I urged him physically to the table and seated him beside his sister. I began the boy's meal while continuing with my song. I put his full plate on the table just as the song ended. Before he could speak I started another of the songs but one just as full of love as the one before.

Margaret came into the kitchen and quickly looked around. I finished the song by seating her at the table. She was just about to speak like her son when I started singing in some similar songs in German. I tried to make these light hearted as I prepared the next breakfast. Sandra came down with her father and I continued in the same theme till I switched to some old Irish songs. Sandra's eyes sparkled at seeing me and she now felt at ease. I sang the Celtic songs with all the brogue I could put into them. When the meal was served I switched to a current song popular in Britain. I had a small meal prepared for myself and started to eat just as I finished the short song.

The children's eyes sparkled the most and then Margaret. Tom liked the music and didn't know what to do when someone was found singing in his kitchen.

He did say, "You have a very good singing voice Leif. Is it common in your family?"

"They can all sing. It is an alternate form of expression and we don't tend to have any relatives that cannot sing or play an instrument."

"What instruments do you play?"

This was a problem for I had not played any Earth style instruments though some were similar. The people of Earth simply didn't have the correct pitch and I had to sing off key to match their perceptions of what music should be. "You will have to see for yourself. I wouldn't want to be thought boastful."

I tasted the food between words and again found the taste adequate but too much salt and other ingredients were used that spoiled the taste for me. I was quite sure if the reverse happened, they would not find my food the best.

Tom then asked, "What are your plans for today?"

"My original plan had me going to Hawaii and then Japan before going to Europe. I have now decided to stay here though for a few days at least." I saw the children's mind change from horror to relief when I said I would be staying. "I want to buy some land in the mountains and build a summer home. I haven't put down roots yet."

"What about your education? There are some very fine schools in this area."

"I doubt very much if there is any school that can teach me anything. I have my own tutor and we have been together for a while now."

"What about your parents? Do they let you do as you like?"

"They know that I am competent and well able to get along or do what is required."

Margaret now spoke and said, "Sandra said you were trying to become an aeronautical engineer. You must go to school for this. Tom here is an engineer in the same field and actually teaches a course at Simon Fraser University. If you are still trying, it means that you have not achieved your goal yet."

I smiled and said, "I believe I have more than passed any tests. I was referring to my own standards that are much higher than what an engineering school would have."

Tom asked, "May we talk about what you know after you complete your meal?"

"If you keep an open mind, I am prepared to do the same thing."

The adults had more coffee and the two girls had some tea. Tommy and I had some juice. In between I cleaned the pots and pans. Margaret said, "I will clean those Leif. You don't have to."

"Is a robotic device to come behind me to clean? Is a mother's job to pick up after her children or guests? I haven't seen any robots in this house and I will not impose."

Tom took me downstairs to a room he had set up for teaching his best students when not at the university. Aeronautics was a minor facet when dealing with space craft. Dealing with an atmosphere had its benefits. It not only caused heating but took the heat generated away. It provided lift and formed a wall of substance that had to be pushed aside to move forward. Even the way we found to negate sonic booms was interesting.

Tom started quizzing me with some well known laws of his. I had to read his mind to find the Seffra equivalent. The math though was wrong in a few ways. The law was much too simplistic and I used a whiteboard to explain how it was actually different.

Tom thought I was wrong and I looked through his mind to find data that he had seen that substantiated my claim. Some of my mathematical models dealt in speeds that were from 33 to 76 times the speed of sound. I could not prove these laws and he could not disprove for no vehicle he knew of could possibly go that fast.

We talked about materials that could take the heat generated at such speeds and I talked about ceramics that had a certain construction that slipped through the air much easier. It weighed very little and was very strong. The additional shield protecting them was of course not mentioned.

Reactive engines were discussed next and I went back into our own history and mentioned the improvements that could be made with current Earth technology or with a bit of help from me.

Sensor technology was broached for both control and testing. Again I gave all the old technology that we had used in the youth of our race.

I had to teach him mathematics too because there were three branches that Humans had not found yet but would be useful in conquering space. Some of the other fields in mathematics I didn't mention, because it would just help them to kill each other. Given enough time, Humans would be welcomed into space. All that was needed was for them to grow up first.

Tom said, "You speak of all this as if it were understood when you were very young and now is just the same as building blocks for children."

"You are right on all counts. My family had done a great deal to teach me and I think I have been a very apt pupil. We as a family have spent a considerable amount of time learning. It has been going on for a great many generations. This activity had not been put forward as a way of furthering humanities military ambitions. Up till now it has been kept a secret."

"What has changed that would allow you to divulge some of your family's early findings now?"

"I want to get into space... and find my family. They left me behind and I plan on following them."

The man just stared at me and slowly collapsed into his chair almost falling in the process. It took a five minutes and he had still not said anything to me. Sandra came downstairs and knocked on the door then just entered. "Mom wants you upstairs to eat. She says you have been down here long enough."

Sandra waited but when we didn't follow she went upstairs alone. Tom got up and walked with me. He said in a whisper, "Your family's Italian?" He was thinking of my singing and the renaissance that started civilisation's last climb to enlightenment.

"My family has spread out for a thousand years and we are a lot more like Europeans in general than just one nationality." Tom felt vindicated in his feelings for he now believed me to be part of a very large family that must have been very powerful. We then must have kept our knowledge to ourselves. Research was expensive so we must have then been the power behind the thrones of Europe and been very wealthy in our own right. I allowed his mind to justify how this must be for there had to be nobody in the galaxy except Humans that were able to get here for thousands of years. Humans are such egotists even when they try to be humble.

There was a lot of talk around the table but Tom replied in very short sentences. Margaret seemed to know something was wrong and tried to draw her husband out. Soon the children saw the change and their mood changed too.

Margaret turned to me with a serious expression and asked, "What happened down there?"

I said, "Too much information being passed too quickly to assimilate. I have my own views on how a very highspeed aircraft functions. There are a lot of differences and they take a bit of time to see how the two schools of thought work together. I have been working on some new fields of mathematics and I explained some of those. I mentioned how they work well with the engineering and materials I mentioned. I think that your university could be very popular soon and even established engineers will come for more courses if this were taught."

"Why would they do that?"

"Some of the things we discussed are not common knowledge. Only two people presently know about them." It took a moment but they soon saw who the two must be. Tom looked up from his plate and did smile a bit but not too much. He was still trying to digest what he heard and what he thought about me.

Sandra said, "Dad, you had Leif all morning. I want him this afternoon."

Tom was going to really object but Margaret put her hand on his arm. He looked at it and then thought a lot before agreeing. "Have a good time." He looked at me and he figured his daughter was safe if I was with her.

Megan blurted out, "We were going to talk too." It was said so piteously that even the parents saw that the girl was infatuated.

Tommy said, "I wanted to play soccer. We have a game today. I wanted to how him how good I am." He obviously wanted to make me proud of him and at the sport he chose. His speech too sounded full of pity.

"When is your game Tommy?"

"Five and it lasts an hour but I wanted to show you some of my tricks."

"From five till seven I will be watching you. Your sisters will be with me. Your parents are cordially invited and we will go out to eat after." The boy was all smiles at hearing this.

I turned to Sandra and said, "You have me for two hours till three o'clock. Your sister is next, till five. I have to find a place to do some research but it may as well be tomorrow. I looked at Tom and asked, "May I play upon your generosity and stay here another night?"

The children were all for this. Tom was to and said, "Certainly."

Sandra grabbed my hand and took me out of the house. We just got on to the sidewalk when she asked, "Was daddy angry at you?"

"No, more like I told him that some of the things he studied were not completely true. He has to rethink many of his theories. When he's done he has to work on the three new fields of mathematics I explained to him. They're not that hard to understand but doing three and then working on engineering will be too much for him to do alone. He doesn't want to tell any of his colleagues that I helped him either because it would lead them to me and then a lot more questions I will not answer."

Sandra started to use her head a bit more than usual and then said, "You know more than daddy about that? How's that?"

"Yes, I know some things more than your father. My family taught me. I even have my own private tutor and she is very intelligent. I am afraid what my family knows happens to be much more than what the rest of the world knows. If the knowledge gets out, then some will try very hard to find out everything in my mind. I don't want to give matches to children Sandra."

"Oh... What about us?"


"I mean... first you saved me. Then I think I fell in love with you. I think my sister did too and she doesn't even know you."

"I like your whole family Sandra. I just don't know if it will work though. You are beautiful and use that to get ahead. I see a woman as somebody that I would have something to talk about. Your marks allow you to pass your grades but not to get ahead. You can easily get better marks but you are simply not driven to do so."

I stopped and turned Sandra to me and held her hands "You see before you a person actually slightly younger than your sister. I have studied engineering since I was two and a half. Languages and minor amounts of math were before that. I have so many secrets in my head that if the world learned just a few they would be used to kill the rest. This same knowledge is not complete and I need to learn more and more. Finally, Sandra, I am a person driven to succeed. This is the most important thing in my life. Family is important but they come second unless they are there working towards the same goals."

Sandra said, "I can learn. You said yourself, I'm smart. Just give me the books and I will learn all I can... just stay with me." The last sentence was said with tears in her eyes.

"If that were possible then there is the problem of your sister. I know for a fact that she will do the same thing for the same benefits. Am I to shun her?"

She sniffled a lot then said, "You... can have her too if you want. You can have anybody just don't leave me." She really broke down now and cried. I turned her around and brought her back to the house. I hoped my experiment would work, otherwise the girls would take a long time to get over a broken heart.

Margaret saw us as we came in the door. She raced over and held her daughter. She looked at me and asked, "What happened?"

I gave an honest and concise answer by saying, "Sandra wants me. I have a duty that would come before family. The only time they would be on equal footing is when my family and I are working toward the same goal."

Margaret was starting to understand and asked, "Would you take Sandra if she tried to gain the goals you want?"

"There is a very wide gulf between us. I don't know if it can be crossed. There may be a way and I intend to try if she is willing. The second problem is that your other daughter thinks the same way and will react the same way too. Neither daughter expends too much effort at learning. I think you should go downstairs and talk to your husband about my family. I was not raised the same way you or your family were. Gaining knowledge has been our primary goal for a very long time."

Margaret didn't know what to do but then rushed downstairs to find out. I took the very distraught Sandra upstairs to her room. I stood her up beside her bed. I opened the window for fresh air and then returned to the girl. I began to unbuttoned her clothing and the girl meekly assisted me in my efforts. Her crying though had stopped. When I got to her naked skin I said, "Lay down on the bed." She did exactly and I said, "I will be back in a moment," then bent over and kissed her tenderly.

I went back downstairs and found Margaret looking for us. I said, "I put Sandra to bed. In a moment I want to join her."

The woman was very shocked at this admission. "You what?"

"I am going to make love to your daughter. When it is done she will feel much better. I suggest that you send your husband and Tom out on a long errand."

"Why?" She asked suspiciously.

"Sandra is going to get vocal. I want you to know that she is not being hurt. I think I can keep her conscious enough to last for an hour or a bit more. She will simply not respond after that."

She whispered to me, "What are you going to do?"

"I already told you. I will make love to her but she will not be able to take it. When she is revived she will faint again and again till she will not awaken till late."

The woman just stared at me with an open mouth. I continued, "Bring Megan, she is a virgin but will get the same treatment some time in the future. They will be able to deal with me much better after that."

"You want my other daughter too?"

"Both of your daughters want me, Margaret. Let Sandra have me with you watching so you are satisfied that she is not hurt. Now send Tom away for a few hours."

Margaret ran the ideas through her head. She lived through her daughter's modelling. She loved me herself and in a way could live through her daughters when they had sex with me. She knew that I was very intelligent and destined for something great. She assumed that this would just be on Earth. Her talk with Tom allowed her to find out that I was linked to very old money and power. She only hoped that I would keep at least one of her daughters. They would one day marry and she hoped that I would be a son-in-law.

She turned and hurried down the stairs, her mind already thinking of the errands she wanted her husband to do. I went into the linen closet and brought our a stack of hand towels and a few thick bath towels. I carried the stack into Sandra's bedroom and put them on the floor. I smiled at Sandra as I did this. She was not sure what I was going to do but she would go along with it no matter what it was.

"Just a few minutes more Sweetheart," I said then left the room to get a chair out of the room I used and one from the hall. I put them in Sandra's room facing the bed from one side. She didn't understand the reasoning but didn't care either.

When this was done I closed her door and sat fully clothed on the bed beside her. "We are going to make love Honey. It will be much more intense than you have ever imagined before. I know you are strongly attracted to me. I am attracted to you just as much." This brought a big smile to her face.

"If this love making works as I hope it will then you will be a lot more like me. Given a bit more time we will get a chance to know each other. That is when we can see how compatible we really are. After that the universe may be ours."

"I will do whatever you want Leif. Do you want me to suck you? Other boys like that." She said this with a coy smile then looked away.

I smiled at her warmly, "I will give you a chance later. First I have some magic to show you."

She didn't expect this and excitedly asked, "What?"

The boat was outside and the matter transmitter was barely able to put a med unit in my hand after I walked to the window. I showed the unit to Sandra and she smiled at it appearing. I walked a few steps to her and sat on the bed again. The unit stayed in my hand till she was put asleep. Then it went over her body much better than the day before. It stayed and worked a considerable amount of time on her head. An idea came to me and the unit went over her skin to rectify the microscopic problems on her face. With enough work she would even be beautiful by Seffra standards.

I heard voices outside and then used my mind. Margaret was very excited sexually and sent the men folk off for a series of errands that should take a day, not a few hours. For this next part it would be better if Sandra continued her little nap.

The shower started then the other one. It looks like Margaret was giving her daughter pointers in keeping a man happy. I pulled back the sheet and then had the med unit work on Sandra's nipples and breasts. They were not big but I wanted them to last and not have her breasts sag after just a few years. The nipples though had to be more sensitive. The sheet came down further and the med unit worked on her mons. The clit was much too small and needed to grow and become more sensitive. I didn't like coarse hair though. I could live with the fine hair now. The med unit worked on the follicles and they now died. The connective tissue dissolved at the roots.

I used my hands now to wipe away all the coarse hair on her mons. This went into the garbage can beside the bed. My PK removed the rest and this too was disposed of. She was now bald as the day she was born.

One shower stopped and in a minute the next one did too. The med unit went to the far corner of the room and waited on the floor. I awoke Sandra with a kiss and a small stimulation to her mind, "Did you have a nice nap?"

"I don't know why I went to sleep. I'm sorry Leif. I didn't mean to."

I kissed her again and felt guilty. "I put you to sleep to fix you a bit. If you put your hand between your legs you will find something different. Her hand didn't find any hair but touched too close to her clit and she had to stop right away or have an orgasm.

"Oh, I think I like being bald there. It makes me much more sensitive."

A knock came to Sandra's door and I said, "Come in." Sandra was very shocked at this and then more so when she saw her mother and sister dressed in robes. I turned to Sandra and said, "I want this to be special. I invited your mother and sister to our love making. This is the way I think this has to happen."

Sandra still harboured thoughts of a standard Human marriage but really didn't mind too much if there were visitors. I said to the two, "Please have a seat." Once they were comfortable I started to remove my clothing. This time I inflated my penis to man size but still flaccid. When my pants came off, Megan was shocked. Her mother thought it was just seeing a penis for the first time. My position did not allow them to detect my missing scrotum.

I turned around a bit for the ladies so they would get a chance to see some of me first. I climbed onto the bed beside the now covered Sandra. I pulled back the hair over her ear and started to make tender love to her lobe. This lasted till I went to her neck then her throat. They were studying me and still had not noticed that I had no external testicles because I hid behind Sandra. Sandra turned onto her back to give me more room. I was very patient and slid the sheet down a bit at a time and kissed what was newly exposed.

Sandra wanted me to hurry but this was all part of the plan to get her to think better. It worked well because I loved making a lover beg for me. The first kiss to her breast gave her an orgasm better than any she had before and I had not even touched her nipple yet.

When she stopped thrashing, I moved to the other breast and the same thing happened with the loud exclamation, "OH GOOOOOD!" Her neck muscles stood out and her face looked like a rictus of pain. Her abdomen was taut and her legs came up into the air.

When she recovered I removed the sheet and then got off the bed to get a small towel. I separated her legs and bent them back before putting the pad under her butt. She was already wet and I knew she would get considerably more.

Standing on the floor now I worked on her body. My mind now had to work on her pleasure centre to keep her from having an orgasm. For this experiment to work, she had to want me so hard that her brain would make the same type of jump that I had found impossible to do.

This time I worked around a breast with my lips while the hand occupied the other. Sandra was gasping in want now. She begged and pled for more and I had hardly begun. I latched onto her now sensitive nipple and this was almost enough to defeat me. I backed off and tried again and again.

Sandra's mouth wouldn't work for her now. She had drool coming from both corners. I worked down her abdomen before climbing on the bed between her legs. Instead of thrusting into her with my penis, I used my tongue.

The first lick even though was too much. I didn't touch the clit but Sandra's hands came out and held my head in place with hysterical strength. Her orgasm was so intense that her muscles all tensed up at the same time. She made two weak thrusts with her pelvis and collapsed unconscious on the bed.

Both of the other women were using their hands on their clits and breasts and had their own orgasms. Their housecoats were open for all to see if they chose. They were not really here now and the med unit had started long ago on Megan and started to remove diseases but at the same time worked on her mind.

I got a bowl and half filled it with warm water. A damp cloth was used on Sandra's face and she opened her eyes and just hugged me with more love than she and ever given anybody before. She rested a moment before coherent thoughts came from her.

Same as Leefstic
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It is a hot day and Selena Gomez is getting tired and annoyed. She wants to go home and relax. After she autograph one of her old albums the next person came up, a fair looking man who looks to be in his twenties. He is wearing a shirt with one of her model pics. The one with her wearing a bikini on a blue matress with two big hoop earrings. “I’m a big fan” He tugged on his shirt to show her. "I can see that." She nodded. She was annoyed and slightly creeped out. Usually her...

4 years ago
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a good story

On Thu, 2/21/08, j2057 [email protected] wrote:From: j2057 [email protected] Subject: [PAPERVERTS] FRIDAY STORY 5 To: [email protected] Date: Thursday, February 21, 2008, 9:01 PMThe apartment was dark. And would remain so. I'd removed most of the light bulbs and shook them until they broke before putting them back. The only real light came from the dining room's large window that cast a moonlit glow across it and into the living room.At first, I thought of hiding in the kitchen. But it was...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 8

My help in Hatshepsut's Pavilion soon amounted to much more than minding the shop occasionally while Alicia nipped out. She rang, or came into the bookshop, several times a day to ask about local advertising or wanting an opinion on potential new items of stock. Once she showed me a couple of parchment scrolls, one illuminated with Egyptian hieroglyphics, and the other with the early Germanic script known as runes. They cost about a pound each wholesale, and she thought they might sell for...

1 year ago
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I am the recording secretary at the state level for the PTA and I get to travel a few times a year to attend conferences and such. I’m thirty-eight, my two kids are in high school, so I have quite a bit of free time and I workout almost every day. I am told I am still very attractive, don’t look a day more than twenty-eight and was blessed with a Thirty-four-D chest with really big nipples and am five foot four inches, weight one hundred and nineteen pounds and am a brunette. My husband has...

3 years ago
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Double Dating My Husband Watched Me Make Love

       I'm a paramedic in a small town, but I don't live there.  My home town is over 50 miles away. I like that. It gave me the opportunity to flirt with guys without worrying about gossip etc.       I'm married, but my husband "Knows  how I am."  and... Sometimes even encourages me. I'd get home after a 12 hour shift, and he'd glance up from his computer  to ask... "Get hit on tonight babe?"  When I'd say:  "Not tonight hon,  was too busy"  he'd almost sound disappointed. I am so lucky to...

Wife Lovers
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PleaseIll Do AnythingPart 2

The next two weeks were easily the worst I'd been through. Now that I had lost my "anal virginity" Callie decided it was open season on my ass. She loved nothing more than to dress me up in skirts and dresses and either watch me shove fake dicks down my throat and up my ass, or do it herself with her new strapon. Before she left for work a 4-inch butt plug was inserted and held in by wrapping a belt attached to the bottom of the plug, and wrapping it around me so that it could be...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 12

Rebecca My mother really surprised me this evening. She hardly ever asserts herself or goes against anything my dad says or does. Yet twice this evening she took him to task for things he was saying and doing. She made it clear that there were areas where she had a degree of expertise and had something of value to contribute. She also asserted that Rory and I were way too mature to be regarded as children in any discussion about our future or the future of the companies we might one day be...

3 years ago
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Magic Returns Drafted

Drafted By Circe John Spencer yawned mightily as he waited for the scanner to finish copying his latest work. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant that some of his fans would be already posting bets on the forum as to when or if he would upload the latest episode of his web comic "Justice for Hire." Finally the scanner beeped and a window appeared on his computer monitor. John leaned forward in his chair and smiled as he looked over the...

1 year ago
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Parallelalities Take Three

Parallelalities - Take Three (Part 1 of Take Three) by Bill Hart In total disgust, Randy stared at the blank screen of the television he'd just turned off. How was this possible? He couldn't believe all the crap he'd read in the listing. And that crap wasn't confined to the six over-the-air networks either. All two hundred channels on his newly expanded digital cable system were airing nothing but garbage tonight. What good was having this six-foot diagonal...

1 year ago
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My first time

I had been talking to her online for a few weeks , when I saw her profile pic I knew there was something different about her. "there is something about you " was the comment i left on her page.a couple of days later she messaged me. "Is there something about me?" was the entire message. I knew I had to try to get her attention, so i replied back "Yes ...Yes there is. I am pretty sure You have a surprise for me"It was a risky move , but I am an all or nothin' kinda guy."Wow i generally dont get...

4 years ago
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Aquarius vs Scorpio Ch 01

I don’t know when I started to like her. Or why. I remember when I met her. I had seen her before. She was a cute girl walking around. I saw cute girls all the time. So, I wasn’t interested. Not really. At the time, I had other things to deal with. I was a young black man in college. It had just begun to dawn on me that I might be ‘different’ and I wasn’t okay with that. I was born and raised in a Christian household and I was a tall, somewhat good-looking, big and tall black man. I came to...

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NiecesChapter 4

I must have shown my surprise at her statement, because Mary laughed at me, "David, I'm not making a play for you. I just want to talk about something you need to know before you hire me." I was confused; something that I was becoming used to in the last few weeks since I met the girls. We went to Mary's room where I joined her at the small table by the bed. She turned to me, "David, I just got word that I need to take care of my two nephews. My sister will be undergoing chemo for...

3 years ago
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SusanChapter 12

When a big toe was stuck into her ribs, Barbara Anthony was rudely awakened from what had been a sound sleep. Although, she realized as she awakened, she was very cold lying as she was on the kitchen floor. Quickly opening her eyes, she realized that the room was brightly lighted although it was still pitch dark outside. Looking up from the sheet of polyethylene on which she'd been sleeping, her eyes widened as she realized that she was looking at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. And...

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Mom Angel of Mercy

Mom… The Angel of Mercy: The Story of a Mother’s Unconditional Love.Another reality based fantasy from DizzyDThis story is meant to be fiction, and does not condone sexual activity with minors. However, these incidents do occur, and some parts of any fantasy may be based on actual occurrences.It happened not long after I had passed through puberty. I had never been so sick in my life. My mom had taken me to the doctor, and he diagnosed me with a severe case of the flu and prescribed an...

3 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 14

Intrepid - 3754 C.E. Ever since he'd got married to Beatrice, Paul had tried to resist the temptation to visit Nudeworld. It no longer had quite the same attraction as before. It wasn't that Paul didn't visit cyberspace any more. He still enjoyed going to places and meeting people that could only ever be encountered in virtual reality, but he mostly avoided sexual encounters. He preferred to be free from even virtual guilt when he and Beatrice made love. But the truth was that he was more...

1 year ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 9

Shit, shit! SHIT! It had been two weeks since I was attacked, and I still could not connect to the 'between' or move myself through time. I thought back to the care I had been given in those first days, by Arthur and his wife, Beth. They had taken good care of me, but they kind of smothered me, too. No wonder their kids were forever trying to get away from them! You just never know about people until you live with them. Still, they were good decent people, and I was grateful. I was...

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veggie tales

Me and my wife did some realy good cristal this one time, and after we did this is what happened. We were really spun so she decided to go shopping and I stayed home to watch porn because cristal makes me really horny. So she left and I put in my favorite flick and loaded up the bong. After a few hits and a couple of scenes showing toys and ass I decided it was time to try it for myself. I looked around trying to find an improvised dildo when I remembered my wife had gone shopping. Inside the...

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A New Wifes Needs

“Sweetie,” she said over the every-third-day satellite phone call, “I miss you too much. What am I going to do?” “What do you mean?” came from the other end after the short pause for the signal transit to orbit and back. “Need I remind you how impressed you were that I was a virgin at age twenty-three? How I kept boyfriends by being damned good at oral sex both ways? Now, after two months of marriage and learning the joys of intercourse you are going to be gone for five and a half more...

3 years ago
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An evening to remember

Kate started her day much in the same way as she normally would, pouring a cup of scalding black coffee into her favourite chipped Jack Vettriano mug. She padded across the wooden floorboards from the kitchen into her bedroom, pausing briefly to run her eye over the outfit she had chosen for the day. She smiled, happy that the black pencil skirt, white blouse and heels would work so well together. Walking out onto her small balcony she turned her face towards the spring sun, enjoying the gentle...

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Kristen Is Given The Real Thing By Zak

We were drying each other off standing in front of the mirror. I was admiring the beautiful body of Kristen. She had her arms wrapped around me from behind whispering in my ear.“Let me share what my friend Anna did to me,” said Kristen.“Today I was a naughty girl and didn’t wear panties. I wore a short black skirt, stockings, V-neck blouse and, push-up bra. At my desk, I was squeezing my legs together and that felt good to my pussy,” said Kristen.*A meeting was scheduled about a new platform...

First Time
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Michelle Gives It Up

When my best friend, Jimmy, left my house late that afternoon he was a very well satisfied guy, sexually. For the two years prior we'd had quite a few mutual masturbation sessions. This had progressed from jacking off while talking about various girls we knew in school to jacking off each other. Of course, at that time neither of us had actually done anything with a girl, but that never slowed us down - quite the opposite. One day he convinced me to wear some of his sister's clothes, namely a...

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Beautiful People Ch3

By Jax_Teller The days of the week went by fast as I left one job and essentially one life and began a new life. I wasn’t going to be just another service technician anymore. The life I had led after my military service was predictable and profitable but, wasn’t enjoyable. Now I had found my heritage and a woman to share my life with. I was part of a brotherhood now, and I was looking forward to serving my mother country. It was an adjustment to coming home to all the folks that lived at...

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Darkness Within Chapter 3 Birthday Wish

It wasn’t until he lead me outside that it hit me, was he really going to do that for me? I saw him turn towards me, but not with the usual mask on his face, this time, he looked soft, almost too angelic like. I had only seen his wings a few times before, but never paid attention to his face when he actually had unfolded them. Normally they were hidden in the jacket he usually wore. I almost wished I had stopped him, so I could just stand there and stared at his beauty. But I was frozen in...

4 years ago
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Smelling Dirty Gym Panties

About 10 years ago, my ex wife and I were dating. She had just turned 18 about a month before and came home form the gym super sweaty. Since we were dating, she still did sexy shit for me all the time, so she stripped for me. Then she playfully ran off saying she stunk and needed a shower. I of course thought she smelled amazing. As soon as she walked into the bathroom, I reached over and picked up her sweaty pink panties. They were fucking soaked. I buried my nose in the crotch and inhaled...

4 years ago
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Girls Night In

GIRLS NIGHTS IN Part One Two weeks had passed since that dreadful, wonderful, night at the pub, Melody'sbottom was back to it's original smooth creamy complexion. "They won't call me" Melody tried to convince herself as she satwith Steve watching the T.V.. She'd seen Sue in the supermarket and there hadbeen no mention of the happenings in the pub, "No they had taught hera lesson and were content" somehow her thoughts rang hollow. The phone rang.."I'll get it" said Melody rushing out to the...

2 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 17

This weekend Bruno and Mama brought the kids over. They hemmed and hawed for a bit, then Mama decided to talk to us. "Annie, Jim ... Bruno and I would like to build a house here, would you mind?" "Mama, I would love to have you for neighbours, you are very welcome to build ... as long as you don't build some great mausoleum. The folks around here, as you well know are old age pensioners and I think that they would feel a little put out if you did."
 "No Jim we don't want to build...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Alexandra 04082019

Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you 15 minutes of fame and you give me your soul. Sound good? Lopsided transaction, but many young girls take it. I can understand – we live in a culture that worships celebrities and youth. 20yo Alexandra decided to take me up on the offer. She’s a Puerto Rican Native with a bangin’ body who got baptized in fire and came out with the title of “pornstar”. Watch her attempt to wipe off all the regret at the end. I think she...

1 year ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 3 Grub Stake

We spent the next couple of days just getting more familiar with each other. To say those were good days would be a gross understatement. The night after Jen had told us her story I made real true love with Vicky. We had both kissed Jen good night in the hall but when I entered my bedroom (I was calling it my bedroom now) Vicky didn't follow me right away. I listened just inside the doorway and heard Vicky whisper to Jen, "If everything goes like I plan tonight, you can give him that orgasm...

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SexAndSubmission April Aniston 18 Year Old Anal Rehab

When 18-year old April Aniston finds herself behind bars, she clings to Seth Gamble to get out. But Seth takes April to his own twisted halfway house where breaking the rules ends in April’s strict Anal Punishment! Seth takes April into his custody and makes her strip down in the jail cell so he can stuff a blue gem butt-plug in her ass to prepare her for anal rehabilitation! First she pulls off her top to reveal her cute natural tits and then her super short cut offs and her pink panties...

1 year ago
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The Honeymoon

Introduction: Any constructive comments appreciated Open your eyes. he said and removed his hand. Slowly I opened them and saw the lit candles all around the room, a bottle of champaign on ice and two plates covered on a table by the fireplace. Its beautiful. I said turning around and kissed him. Lets eat first. he said and we sat down together. Im going to get fat eating like this. I said as he uncovered another gourmet meal. No you wont. Sex is the best exercise in the world. he said. And we...

4 years ago
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Lucky Alex Ch 07

Chapter 7 Bad Dates and Tall Stories Friday evening was a surreal experience that will remain in my memory forever. I had hardly seen Chrissy since the Saturday night excitement, she got up after I went to work, she went back to her room before I got in and if I walked into a room she walked out. Hardly an auspicious start to an evening out. On Friday evening the cab arrived at the house at seven thirty and we met in the hall by the front door. Chrissy had made a bit of an effort, putting...

3 years ago
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Four Things

This is a story about four things: honor, respect, friendship and love. If you are looking for sex – change stories because this doesn’t have any graphic depictions of hot bodies slapping against each other in raw animal lust. This is about honor: that internal system that integrates your values with your relationships into a shared and focused mindset that doesn’t allow you to disgrace yourself because of failing to do what is right. A mindset that will not sanction any discredit to what or...

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My partners mom loved it

About 25 years ago I was seeing a lovely woman in a long relationship. Her divorced 59 y.o. mother would stay over quite often, we got on ok but not great, she had been divorced for 3 years, the bedrooms were adjacent and from time to time she would say something which could only mean that she could hear us when We were fucking. She was pretty with a nice body and I’d often thought that it would really be something to lie between her legs, it would be like fucking an older version of Pat.Pat...

1 year ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 11 The Trunk

July 4, 2028 “Katie, come here quick,” Sally shouted. “Look what I found!” Katie came running downstairs, “Are Fifi and Trish OK?” “They’re napping. Sorry if I startled you, but look at this.” Sally opened an old book on Latin grammar, a language that was dead since the fall of Rome. A stamp on the inside title page showed that it was a high school text book that had found its way to the bookshelves of the drawing room. It was tucked away among other archaic tomes of knowledge that...

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shopping at the supermarket

My husband loves me wearing very short skirts and a blouse with buttons that shows my clevage so when i go shopping the men all notice me...i have found that if i pretend that my buttons have come undone without me knowing the men get more interested in following me around so i bend down to look at goods on the shelve and they can see right down the top and seeing i dont wear bras they see everything...on the odd ocasion a few off them will stop and talk to me and i can see that they are...

2 years ago
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Turning Into an Alien

I was human and hated it, I was an albino and could not even go out into the light of day. I was extremely smart and on Gavin that mattered. I watched many races and the one I wished I had been born into would have killed me at birth. That did not stop me from watching and dreaming. I studied many things, only one mattered to my plans. My dad had been an engineer and my mother a bio gene engineer. I had spider spies in dozens of Kaire clan homes. One was a extremely large clan that was...

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Society of Switchers

Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 10

As Duncan and Moses walked out into the daylight with a baby each, Eli picked up two coal oil lamps and dashed them against opposite walls. He took a smoldering stick from the stove and lit both walls, before backing out slowly, watching as the flames began to engulf the dried interior walls. The dirt floor was afire where the coal oil had splashed from the lamps and the flames were leaping higher and higher. The three of them were looking back into the doorway, standing back a few feet as...

3 years ago
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I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...

2 years ago
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Cousin Steamy Encounter Made Me Slave Sex

Hello guys and gals.I am loving your email and enjoy replying to it and understand you. I am Mayre and I am male slave living in Ahmadabad,any females want to have domination fun mail me I am an kinky pervert all my life and always get into trouble just to explore the domination part of an female and I really enjoy every moment of it. This story is about my cousin Nisha,she is 30 years old and unmarried.we have been close from childhood and shared sweet memories.during my teenage time I have...

3 years ago
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A Day in September

                                                               A Day in September     I was 40 and my marriage of twenty two years was officially over.  I say officially over because, as marriages go, mine had actually been over for the last two years, but it had happened so gradually that Bryan nor I  had  noticed.   All of my personal things were packed and ready to go. Since the house and what it contained obviously meant more to Bryan than I did, it was all his.  Our three children were all...

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Rapehouse 2 Finishing Jeanne

Rapehouse 2: Finishing Jeanne "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!" a loud cry of terror is heard from Jeanne's cell as I smoke a cigarette outside and look at the moon.  For the last 72 hours I have been getting paid to let people rape Jeanne, a girl I kidnapped from work. My conscience is kicking in so I think I'm about to let her go. She has been raped by 12 customers and an additional 4 people, Delta (me), and Charlie Bravo and Alpha (my staff). We are wanted by the police and must...

3 years ago
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April 14, 2003 Map Reference 12246 96547 Search Grid 29947 Site Survey # 500356 The current site holds promise. Many of the ancient texts record that the site was situated in the remote regions of Great Britain. Often the intimation is that the actual 'caves' that are spoken of in the reference texts are really metaphors for some sort of primitive keep from the days before the spread of Christianity. Several standing stone fragments found within the survey site hold promise. The team will...

4 years ago
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Her Devotion Chapter 01

Guilia entered the chapel reluctantly, though she was still respectful enough to enter in silence and assume a serious demeanour. Marcella, her second-degree cousin, stood beside her and looked ahead at the altar, her eyes full of veneration and humility at the heavenly setting before her. Marcella was wearing a white lace veil on her head, a white blouse, a black belt, a long, also white skirt that reached her ankles, and shiny, short-heeled black shoes. Her complexion was fair and delicate,...

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A Surprise visit continued

When Daniel was satisfied he stood and dressed, looking back as he opened my bed room door, Daniel said "...remember you are my Bitch. I expect you to service me every day you are home. So, I'll see you tomorrow..." I heard Daniel open the front door and I curled up in a ball crying as his seed continued to leak out of my butt and dry on my lips. I was sleep when my folks got home, the crack between my buttocks was caked with Daniel's dried male spunk. My butt hole ached, yet longed for the...

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Saints And Sinners Part 1

The doors to the village church were never locked; they didn’t need to be as there wasn’t any crime in the sleepy backwater village in the Dales.The young clergyman had only recently taken up the post; he was in his early 20s and fresh out of Vicaring School. The manse they had given him to stay in was at the far end of the graveyard from the church and a very comfy place it was too. As he was closing his curtains for the night he noticed a lit window at the church and assuming he had left the...

4 years ago
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First Time I Sucked A Dick

Sucking dick has always turned me on ever since the first time I sucked one. I enjoy having a dick in my mouth and looking up to see the excitement in the guys eyes. I also enjoy being degraded while sucking dick. It turns me on when I hear a guy say "suck that dick bitch" or hearing him call me a whore. So anyways, I was hanging out with a friend and she asked if I would like to come back to her house to swim in the pool. So as we are laying out by the pool catching some sun, I look up and see...

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I masturbate for my sister then fuck her

I went to a naturist camp for a three-week holiday and very much enjoyed seeing naked girls walking about with no sense of embarrassment. I returned home with a good sub tan all over. My sister, Edna, who lives near me came to visit me and I told her about my holiday and said I was brown all over. She wanted to see it so I undressed in my lounge. I had no inhibitions about being seen naked by my sister because I had become used to being totally nude and being seen by girls. Even so, I began to...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 24 Isekai Life Ape Beatings

“So what do we do about the rest of that stuff, then?” I asked then, “I don’t mind speculating about what girls I’m going to marry, but what’s all that stuff about fire and doom and breaking chains and stuff?” “I think it’s kind of like a timeline,” Katriana replied, “Before we’ll have the resources to get our kingdom back, we’ll need to do seven quests like that. Or something. I mean, we might have already done the fire one, if the temple arson counts.” That kind of bothered me. A two-day...

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