ISex free porn video

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Apple started it, of course.   First there was the iMac, then the world went crazy for the iPod and before you knew it loads of companies out there were prefixing their products with the ubiquitous “i”.   It seemed only natural that I added to the movement when I christened what happened with Nancy , iSex.

Nancy Perry was an admin assistant at the company I worked for.   She was in many ways unremarkable, but for some reason her face struck a chord with me and I always looked at her with eyes of desire.   She had smooth skin that held her features with an endearing appearance of puppy fat.   In some ways her face didn’t fit with her body, as she was lithe with decidedly feminine lines.   Nancy wore her hair, always immaculately brushed, in long styles, usually curled and tumbling around the sides of her face.   Her teeth were readily visible in her natural smile and had just the tiniest hint of an overbite.   Her eyes were a rich brown color, never gave away much of what she was thinking but shone wonderfully when she laughed.

We knew each other pretty well, in a casual, workmate kind of way.   I liked her as she was easy to deal with and over the months her looks had grown on me, even though I’d never have done anything about it as work and romance were things I didn’t mix.   I was installing some new software for her and she mentioned that’d recently bought an iPod and couldn’t get her songs onto it.

I was used to getting questions about personal technology issues at work.   We weren’t supposed to spend any time on them, but we often helped our customers with their problems, in the interest of building relationships, and keeping the peace.

Technology has come a long way, and most of this connectivity stuff is real easy, even for people like Nancy , but occasionally something gets in the way and those issues can be a bear to fix.   I checked out her iPod, connected it to my laptop to verify that it worked, and did a few other basic checks.   Other than the device having no songs on it… it looked fine.

“Check all of your connections at home.” I advised her, returning the iPod.   “It should work if it’s connected properly.”

Nancy gave me a helpless look and I capitulated.   “You can bring your PC in and I’ll take a look if you want.”

She smiled at the offer but didn’t seem confident.   “I’m not sure I want to take it all apart.   I’m not sure if I could connect it all again.”

Used to dealing with people who needed a little more handholding than normal, I brushed her objections aside and assured her that she could.   In the end we settled on her taking it home and letting me know how she got on.

The next day she walked around to my desk with a sheet of notes she’d made that documented her failed attempt.   I read them through and suggested a couple of things she might try over the weekend.   I also gave her my phone number, so she could call me if she still had no luck.   Monday rolled around and I got another visit from Nancy , now frustrated at her lack of progress and offering to sell me a new iPod cheaply.

I calmed her down and asked where she lived.   I really didn’t want to start making house calls but I liked Nancy and if she didn’t live too far away it wouldn’t be so bad.   Her apartment was twenty minutes from the office and I told her I’d come around that evening and fix her problem for sure.

Nancy ’s apartment was in a new development and was furnished sparsely.   Everything was neat and clean though and I guessed this was her first home of her own.   She showed me in and self-consciously excused a mess that I couldn’t see.   Her PC was only a year or so old and was on a table in the dining area.   She pulled up a seat for me and went off to make coffee.

It took me almost a minute to get the connection working.   I didn’t tell her for five minutes, hoping she wouldn’t feel so bad about her own failure if she thought it took me longer.   I then spent a few minutes showing her how her music files were transferred and how to make sure the connection worked every time.   I noted that she didn’t have much music on her PC and she sat attentively, taking notes and watching as I moved the mouse across the screen.

“You like the Counting Crows?” I asked.   “Hard Candy” was one of the few CDs she had in her collection.

“I love them.” she enthused.   “I saw them last year when they were on tour.”

“I have all of their stuff on my iPod.   If you want, I can copy everything for you?”   Yes, I knew that was illegal, but so was speeding, and murder.   I figured copying music fell somewhere in the middle and didn’t mind sharing with Nancy .

“Please.”   Her face lit up and I was sold, illegal copying or not.

I connected my iPod to her PC and was about to download my Counting Crows collection when I reconsidered.   It would be just as easy and not take much longer to copy all of my music for her.

“There’s a bunch of stuff there you won’t want… some audio books, some movies, a couple of TV shows and a few really crappy CDs, but you can delete what you don’t want to keep.”

Nancy was delighted with her new cache of music and brought more coffee while the files transferred.   When it was done I unhooked, showed her how to transfer them to her iPod and left her looking forward to wading through many days worth of material.

I was lying in bed that night when I realized what I’d done.


I wracked my brain all night and all the way to the office the next day, trying to figure out how I could erase the files from Nancy ’s PC and iPod before she found them.   I didn’t have an answer by mid-morning, when she called me.

“Mike…” she began uncertainly, “there were some files that you transferred for me…”   My heart sank—a long, deep freefall that had no ending in sight.   “I’m not sure you meant me to have them.”

The silence as I fumbled for an answer was long, but she didn’t offer to fill it.   “I forgot about those.”   The least I could do was be honest.   “I really shouldn’t have left them there.   I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

Lots of horrible thoughts ran around my head, the worst of which was that she might be able to have me fired.   When I thought about that later it seemed hardly likely, but at the time I had no good outcome present itself to me.

“It’s okay.”   Nancy sounded less than certain.   “I’ll talk to you about it later, okay?”

I acknowledged her comment and hung up, thinking it was far from “okay”.   It was slightly mystifying that she said we’d talk about it later and I had a fleeting vision of being blackmailed.   I shook that from my head—surely Nancy wouldn’t be like that?

Later turned out to be late that afternoon, when we were both at the soda vending machine.

“Look, I’m really sorry about that.”   I fought through my pounding heart to try and make it better.   “I’ll come around tonight and delete all the files for you.   I really am sorry.”

Nancy was calmer and took a drink from her Diet Sprite while I stuttered through my apology.   “Tell me… what were they?   I was… intrigued.   They are very explicit.”

I couldn’t tell from her tone whether “intrigued” was good or bad, but it did have a better outlook than most of the scenarios I’d imagined.   “It’s a hobby of mine… writing.”

“You wrote those?”   Her eyebrows rose.

“Yes, I write erotic short stories.”   I felt my face redden but stood up and tried to appear unconcerned.

“That was your voice, narrating them?”

“Yes.”   I swallowed, wishing that this would all go away.   “I was thinking of posting the audio versions on my website, but I decided not to.   They were on my iPod because I keep all of my audio files there.   I completely forgot about them.”

“It’s okay.”   A smirk took over Nancy ’s face now and she started to walk off.   She didn’t look back as she said, “I thought they were hot.”


I stopped thinking about retrieving the files after that exchange, but never quite forgot that Nancy had learned my secret.   She didn’t mention it for several days and I stopped worrying about there being negative repercussions.   I though I caught Nancy looking at me strangely one afternoon but couldn’t be sure and started to let the whole thing fade.

Two Friday’s later Nancy slipped into the seat next to me in the cafeteria, placed her tray on the table and started to eat her lunch.   “I love your stories.”

“Thank you.”   I wasn’t sure what else to say.   “I enjoy writing them.”

“Do you mind me talking about them?”   She didn’t look at me and forked a mouthful of salad.

“No.   I don’t talk about them much, but for the most part I’m proud of them.”   I placed my cutlery on the plate I’d emptied.   “There are a lot more.   I only recorded three I think, the rest are posted on my website.”

She looked at me now, an exited glint in her eye.   “Really?   Maybe I should read those before we talk.”

“Your choice.   I don’t mind.”   I gave her the website address and she scribbled it on her napkin.

“I have to ask one thing though…”

I smiled, fairly sure I knew what the question would be.   I was right.

“Are they true… or did you make them up?”

“They are all made up.”   I confessed.   “But there are elements of truth in every one, that’s just how I write.”

I couldn’t tell whether that was a disappointment for her or not.


I’d expected that Nancy would get back to me the following week, having read all of the stories over the weekend, but I was wrong.   She kept me waiting until the following Tuesday to bring the subject up again.

“I’ve read them all now.”   Nancy walked up to my desk.

I hastily looked around, but she’d picked her time well and there was no one around.   “I hope you… liked them.”

I did.”   She sat down on an empty chair next to me.   “You write really well, I’ve been very impressed.   Tell me, the one about your neighbor… was that true?”

I laughed.   I knew exactly which story she meant.   “Is that your favorite story?”

“Don’t avoid the question.”   She scowled playfully.   “Was that true?”

I took a deep breath and considered my answer.   It was the kind of question I’d ask though, so I felt it deserved an honest answer.   “It’s based someone I know, but not my neighbor.   I changed her name, and most of the story is fantasy.   I never went out with the person the character is based on.   The idea came to me when I was sitting at my desk, watching someone do yard work.”

Nancy ’s eyes held mine and she nodded, taking in my words.   “What about the one about the couple who had the dare, at work?”

“That’s based on someone I used to work with, but the story’s compete fiction.”

“I hope you don’t mind me asking these questions.”   Nancy ’s face softened now, like she didn’t want to alienate me by getting to personal.   “I really liked them.   All of them.”

She got up to leave.   I was getting used to her staccato conversation on my stories, and also more confident that this wouldn’t turn into some sexual harassment issue.   Nancy took a step and then turned back.   “There’s one thing I’d like to ask though… a favor, for me.”   She waited to see my expression change but my only reaction was my eyes widening.   “I liked listening to you tell the stories, on the iPod.   Would you consider coming around to record a few more of them for me?”

There were so many things that felt so wrong about this, not the least of which was how much I’d hated doing the first recordings, but looking at Nancy and wondering where this was going… I agreed.


We’d set a date for Friday evening and didn’t mention it again.   I had dinner alone at home and left for her apartment shortly before eight.   It was hard not to fantasize about the evening but it was also with some hesitation that I knocked her door.   It had been so hard to read how she’d handled finding out about the stories.

Tonight she had the coffee made when I got there.   We sat in her lounge for a few minutes and chatted idly before she stood up and suggested we move to the computer table.   She asked, “You sure you don’t mind doing this?”

I explained that while it wasn’t exactly fun for me, I was happy to do it for her.   Nancy smiled and asked if she’d set up the microphone correctly.

She’d picked out five stories that she wanted me to read.   I glanced at the titles and noted that four out of the five were favorites of mine.     She said not to worry about doing all of the stories, but those were the ones she’d particularly like.   I indicated that we should just get on and see how we went.

The first story I recorded was a mess.   I had to stop a few times because I made mistakes and when we got to the explicit content I stumbled over the words several times.   I tried to forget Nancy was there and by the time I’d got through the second story I’d managed to take myself out of the situation and concentrate on simply reading aloud.   After two more cups of coffee I’d managed to get through all five stories and set about loading them onto Nancy ’s iPod.

“Thank you so much.”   She rested her hand on my shoulder while I transferred the files.   “That was so kind of you to give up your time to do that.   I’ll enjoy them all the more knowing you did them just for me.”

I dismissed her thanks and said it had been fun, which was almost true by then.

“Is the male character in all of your stories you?”   Again she asked with those intense eyes of hers looking straight at me.

“No.”   I consciously didn’t break eye contact, lest she thought my answer wasn’t true.   “There are a lot of things in the male characters that are my thoughts, interest and likes, but each character is meant to be different, and, I hope, fit the story better than a straight copy of me would.”

“What about the actions that character makes?”

I sighed, hoping she’d take the hint that the questions were getting personal.   I also felt the air in the room start to spark, or was it just the twitch in my pants that made it so?   “I write what I know about, or know enough about to make the story realistic.”

“Your female characters are often strong and sometimes take the initiative.   Is that what you like?”

“Yes.”   I thought about her comment.   It was something other readers had mentioned before.   “I think that those situations are incredibly hot when the woman isn’t passive.”

“One more question?” she asked with a puppy-dog look.

“Sure.”   I felt relieved, feeling that the end was in sight, not that I hated being with Nancy , it was just so hard to read what was going on in her head.

“Tell me…” she paced around my chair, “you’re right… some of your stories are very… spontaneous.   Do you think it’s realistic that two people, two strangers effectively, can be so horny that they just have sex, because the situation just takes over them?”

I simply said, “Yes.”

Nancy nodded.   “Has it ever happened like that to you?”

I thought for a few seconds, but conceded that it hadn’t.

“Good.” she said firmly.


“Yes, good.”   She stood in front of me now, looking down as I squirmed at the change in atmosphere between us.   “Because I’d hate to think this was a cliché for you.”

Nancy ’s eyes were uncertain and alive as she took the step that separated us and sat in my lap.   She hesitated a few seconds before leaning forward to kiss me.

Her mouth was hot and active as her tongue immediately pushed through my lips and invited me to kiss her back.   I did, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her body close to mine.   I felt her warmth through her shirt and through her jeans.   The relief of finally knowing what was going on in Nancy ’s head freed me to kiss her enthusiastically and run my hands over her back and down her sides.

Nancy ’s hands were resting on my shoulders and she brought one down so that the palm rested against the top of my chest.   I wanted to mirror the movement but concentrated on the passion of our long, I-want-you kiss.   She rubbed gently on the front of my shirt and I felt my nipple respond.   My hands ran up her sides again, this time slightly inside so I could feel the curve of her breasts and the lines of her bra.   Nancy ’s hand came down around my side and pulled me tighter to her.

When we broke the kiss there was a split-second when we wondered what to do but as soon as I reached for the front of her shirt she stood up and gave a tiny shaking movement with her head.   Without a word she reached down, offered her hand to me and quietly said, “Not here.”

She led me silently to her bedroom and switched on a bedside lamp.   The room was decorated in soft purple tones and was more cluttered than the rest of her apartment, but the bed was pristine.   She sat us down on the comforter, continued to hold my hand and looked at me.   When she spoke her voice was soft, nervous but sincere.   “I’ve had three lovers in my life, no one-night-stands and taking a man to bed for the first time is a big deal for me.   I know we don’t know each other real well, but I want you more than I’ve ever wanted someone and I’m not about to give up this night without finding out…”

I kissed her gently and whispered, “It’s okay.   It’ll be just fine.”

I nuzzled her neck and kissed it.   She responded by running a hand up my thigh, stopping an inch from the bulge that felt restrained and in urgent need of attention.   I took hold of the bottom of her shirt and eased it upwards.   Nancy held her arms up and helped me take it off.   In the soft light of the room I took in the vision of her pale skin and lacy white bra that was being challenged by her breasts.   “You look beautiful.”   I said instinctively as I ran my hand up her belly and lightly over the mounds beneath the material of her bra.

Reaching around to unclip the bra I kissed her lightly on the other side of her neck.   Nancy sighed and I felt another piece of tension leave her.   More than anything I wanted her to enjoy the experience, despite how we’d got there and how she’d confided in me.   When the bra fell away in front of her I leaned back to look at her breasts.

They were nicely shaped and her nipples were smaller and darker than I expected.   I brought both hands up and gently took the weight of them.   I looked into her eyes and smiled as she blinked back the pleasure my fingers were delivering as they traveled up to trace circles around her nipples.   Nancy cooed and I gently pinched the nipples in my fingers, encouraging them to erect.

As soon as I started to touch her thighs she stood up, knowing I was intent on removing her jeans.   I pulled the button and zipper open and eased them down a few inches.   Nancy wriggled silently to help me and as soon as they were half-way down her thighs they dropped away to reveal a startlingly white pair of panties with a lace front.   Beyond the lace looked dark and inviting and I ran my finger along them while she stepped out of the jeans.

There was no way I was going to miss the moment of revelation so when I pulled her panties down my eyes focused on her pubic area and watched as her pussy was slowly revealed.   She might have looked dark behind the lace, but there was no hair contributing to that appearance.   Nancy was shaved clean and all that showed was a softly curved slit that disappeared between her legs.   I ran a hand up the inside of her thigh and as I neared her pussy she shuffled her legs open a little.   My fingertips traced the lines of her pussy lips with the lightest touch.   I heard her gasp as I pushed harder and when she opened to my touch her wetness burst onto my skin.

My hand stayed in place, clamped over her pussy, while I stood and kissed her again.   “You feel wonderful.” I whispered, loving the eroticism of the discovery.

“My turn.”   Nancy said softly, taking hold of my shirt but careful to let my hand stay in place as long as possible.   She lifted the shirt off and ran her fingers over my chest.   Her touch was firm and my skin was tingling with anticipation.   By the time her fingers were exploring the skin across the top of my jeans I took an involuntary breath and felt my erection pulse and strain against my clothes.

She didn’t leave me waiting long, pulling off my belt, unsnapping and unzipping the jeans.   She opened the zipper wide and pulled the jeans down, leaving my cock pushing my pants into a tent.   Nancy stooped to place her hand around the bulge and press firmly.   Her fingers wound around my shaft and her mouth came up to find mine.   Her tongue played with mine as she dipped her hand inside my pants and took hold of me, skin to skin for the first time.

Nancy continued to rub me while we kissed but as soon as we broke she started pulling off my pants.   She tugged at them and my hard on was pulled down with the waistband and slapped back against me when it was released.   “You are so hard.” she said quietly, taking me back into her hand and kissing me on the mouth. I looked down and saw a small bead of pre-come had already gathered at the end of my cock.

I felt hard, bursting with anticipation as she stroked me.   I took her breasts in my hands and found her nipples as she kissed me.   My other hand dipped down to her pussy and slid between her wet lips with ease.   I felt her catch her breath as my finger slipped inside her and withdrew slowly, lingering over her clit for the first time.

Nancy ran her hand up and down my cock, stroking me with slow, tender fingers that constantly changed their grip and twisted as they worked.   She reached down to feel my balls for the first time and her hand pressed them into me with a pleasurable pressure.   “I knew you’d have a nice cock.” she breathed. “I just knew it.   Let me taste.”   She slipped to her knees and directed the end of my cock into her mouth with her hand.   Her tongue was hungry and lapped at the underside with long licks.   Her lips closed tightly around the rim and she sucked while her hand stroked me lightly.

When Nancy came up for air she was panting.   “I need you.” she breathed as she pushed me back onto the bed.   “Now.”

She crawled onto the bed and rolled over, pulling me into position on top of her.   I rested on my arms and looked down at her.   This was the same, pretty, desirable Nancy I’d known for a while, but here she was at my mercy and almost begging for me to enter her.

Her legs were wide open and I positioned my knees between them, slipped down a little and brought the tip of my cock to her pussy lips.   Neither of us had to re-position, we knew it was right and ready for me to push into her.   Our eyes fixed on each others and I started a slow forward movement with my hips, slipping the head of my cock inside her, holding her gaze while the shaft plunged down her pussy walls and come to a glorious halt when my body met hers.   Nancy ’s eyes closed then with a contented sigh.

“Hello.”   I said softly.”

“Hi.”   She opened her eyes and smiled at me.   “You feel even better than you write.”

“I’m glad.”   I pulled out of her and pushed back in.   Nancy felt wonderful as her pussy gripped me and her legs opened as wide as they could for me.   After only a few strokes she was tensing beneath me and opening her mouth involuntarily.

“I don’t know if I…” she panted.

“It’s okay,” I urged, “relax.”

In the heat of passion she gave me the sweetest smile that ripped through me like a rapier.   There had never been anyone showed they wanted me as much as this, and now I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone.   It was a heady feeling and it raised my pleasure level several notches.

Nancy adjusted her position so that my thrusts ground into her clit.   Each time I got to the end of my stroke I thought she would come but I slowed and continued with my deliberate pace.   There was no mistaking when she did come though.   Her eyes suddenly widened and her pupils shrunk as the climax took over her.   I heard a squeak from her throat, followed by a long, tense moment that she held her breath through and then she let out a long low moan as her body jerked.   Her pussy clamped around my cock as she contracted and when she was done I felt all of the tension drain out of her beneath me when she was done.

I’d stopped moving and was looking down at her when she opened her eyes and looked up at me.   She was breathless and happy as she said, “Come inside me.   I need that now.   I want to know that with you.”

I resumed my pushing.   I knew I wouldn’t last long as being inside Nancy was an incredible feeling.   I felt her arms wrap around me and her hands rest on my ass cheeks.   She moved with me, grasping my ass and pulling as I pushed into her.   Her legs lifted from the bed and closed around mine.   I felt covered by her, wanted and encouraged.   I came quickly, unable to slow or stem the unstoppable tide of the climax that Nancy had induced.

She held me tight as the orgasm ripped me, I tried to keep thrusting but I became unable to move as my nerves exploded.   Just as I started to shoot come into her I managed to start moving again, grunting and thrusting with every spurt.   I felt my seed wash around Nancy ’s pussy and loosen her grip on me momentarily.   She felt it too and instinctively clutched me with her arms and legs.

I fell off her, panting and trying to capture the moment in my mind.   It didn’t matter how good a writer I would ever become, I couldn’t do this moment justice.   Nancy snuggled into my arms, her breasts pressed against my chest and one of her legs over mine.   I kissed her forehead and she looked up so I could repeat the gesture on her lips.   Her face was flushed, but more alive than I’d ever seen her.

“I think we’ll have to call that iSex.”   I laughed.   “But for sure it’s the best thing ever with an ‘i’ in front of it.”

“Thanks for not making fun of me. ” she said earnestly.   “That was wonderful.”

I nodded.   “Better than that.   Maybe this iSex thing could catch on?”

“I doubt you could patent it.”

“Probably not,” I mused, “but doing the research would be a lot of fun.”

Nancy fell asleep shortly after that, exhausted from the emotional moment we’d shared.   When she woke in the middle of the night we made love again, this time exploring more and finding comfort in our new familiarity.   As she lay in my arms I contemplated the road we’d taken to get there.   It struck me that it was, like most of my stories, a twist of fate, and none the worse for that.

All those stories about unlikely meetings and sensual couplings had been the product of my imagination but here, in Nancy ’s bed, I’d lived that fantasy and found it worthy of everything I’d imagined.   I held my new lover, friend and fantasy tight, valuing everything about what we’d found and looking forward to the next chapter.

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My Dogging Experience

‘Dogging’ is a very English activity. It’s something you dont come across in Continental Europe, probably because we Europeans have it off in each others homes. I think of ‘Dogging’ as a really dirty sex, where anyone can come along and just have a shot. Admittedly, the talk is very dirty, where you are refered to as a ‘Slut’ and a ‘Whore, just gagging for it’ but personally I have found a lot of males use slutty langauge just to increase the sex act by degrading the girl on the receiving end...

3 years ago
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Wife Of The Ventriloqist

WIFE OF THE VENTRILOQUIST WIFE OF THE VENTRILOQUIST SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2006 It was a placid evening at the Lake Wales Hospice, and the community room was filled with interested viewers of ?Best of the Ed Sullivan Show?? Tanya, the aide, was leaning against the wall, talking to the Head Nurse. ?God, I don?t remember Ed Sutherland at all, but when they showed the Beatles, I know about that.? The girl turned earnestly to the Head Nurse who smiled. ?My gramma went to their first concert in...

2 years ago
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The Downfall of Mistress Lisa and her Pet Shelley

This is the story of how my girlfriend Lisa and I had a girl’s night out that we will never forget. It is a story that changed our lives somewhat, and I’m happy to be sharing it with you. One Saturday night, as we occasionally do, we went out to a club to unwind after a long week from work. We wore sexy dresses that barely covered our asses, and we wore them with no panties. It was exciting to think about our bodies being bared for those who just happened to see. Lisa is an Asian woman who has...

4 years ago
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Sub Fantasies Part 1

Once upon a time…somewhere in the Rockies, a beautiful, lonely, voluptuous Geology professor was relaxing outside her secluded cabin. It was far enough off the beaten path to never see another person. Her retreat was very well appointed with all the amenities. She lay nude upon a large, flat rock in the sun, her curvy body glistening in the late Summer sun. She often roamed naked. Her life was ordered and controlled, so when she had free time, she often retreated here alone, to lose control,...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 128

Secretly, Laura was glad to have the excuse to go, even though the thought of Randi being exuberantly fucked by some horny man all night made her stomach roil. But she herself had promised to spend Saturday night with Trina. Even though it was hard to forget the delicious Randi, Trina succeeded in making Laura do it. For some reason, she was wildly passionate and made love to Laura more aggressively than ever before. Laura, inspired as always by Trina's incredible body, returned the favor,...

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Cousin Swati Ko Delhi Main Part III

Again her with load of love & sex namaskar to ISS reader from dhanbad Rajiv with rest part of my real happening. Jab swati ka chut ka ronyedar bal mere peir se sat raha tha to mera lund uchalne laga or uski lambai 9 inch se bhi jyada ho gayee jiske karan mere jhilli puri tarah khicha gayee maine swati ko pucha ki kya woh apne seal ko tudwaygee to usne kaha per apne pati se. yeh sun ker maine socha ki agar is seal mal ki chudai karni hai to pahele ise garam karna padega or maine remort se T.v....

3 years ago
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A dirty conversation Ch 2

“You should have seen my panties, they were soking wet!” she texted me in response. “Call me sir from now on,” I answered. You might think it’s demeaning, but the dirty secret is that she wanted to be powerless before me. She was well aware of every decision she was making and her submission to me, someone who was practically a total stranger, excited her more than anything her boyfriend could provide. Which works well for me, because the idea of a taken woman, a girl who has to get...

4 years ago
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USAChapter 22

"Good for you," Cousin Into, the Suomen ulkoministeriön designated Nordic Attaché stationed in Beaumont, Texas, said, "I wouldn't either." "You got any idea where Eels is?" I asked. "Sure," Into said. Conspiratorially, he whispered, "He's in the Mediterranean. Close to Cyprus. There's an abandoned Fleet Coaling Station there. Lots of good coal but no machinery. Shovels, refugees and lifeboats. About a ton per boat." "The ship?" Into Valmaat took his glasses out of in inner...

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The Schoolboy and the Farmers Wife Part 1

I was seventeen and living in the country. I had no brothers or sisters and had spent most of my life after five years of age at boarding schools where I was educated, only coming home during school vacations. The farm is hundreds of kilometers from the city. Our homestead is also 30 kilometers from the nearest town and 14 kilometers from our nearest neighbors’ place. The area was well known for cattle raising and each property is hundreds of square kilometers. From the time I began puberty, I...

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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 12 Final Part

One side bahu Sudha took father in law Vinod to heaven’s ride in US other side Pramila continue to have sex with Mukesh & Nandu both much younger to him . And one day she received a packet by international courier. Packet contained executive class flight ticket from Mumbai to Bagdad. Now there was no doubt. In evening her bank called and informed he that over Rs 15 lakhs has been credited in her account. She enquired and was informed that money has come from Bagdad and converted into indian Rs....

2 years ago
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The Older Neighbour

* Pt2 after Sauna Dark Room*The days following the sauna I was still shocked, there’s no way he was in there with me. I’d known him for years, we weren’t exactly close but my family had always been friendly with his. I could see the back of his house and two rooms from my room window. I decided to try and make sure it was him, discreetly. I had pretended to play football in my back garden for the first time in years, so I could kick the ball into his back garden. I went over and knocked on...

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Random Victories Youre Gonna Carry That Weight

Part of the RANDOM VICTORIES universe. See LEGEND OF HAIR HOUSE. You're Gonna Carry that Weight Chapter 1: Under Pressure Jim was staring at the wall of his dorm room. He had not slept for thirty hours and the books before him were starting to blur. It was the beginning of finals week. Empty pizza boxes were all over the floor and his sweat suit was feeling very grungy. It was two years since he and Sharon had graduated high school. She had gone to a school in the next state...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 29 Love

March 19th, 2022 At Rachel’s twenty first birthday party, Cat gifted one of the Gopher bots, GB3 to Rachel. She had started its AI Programming on cleaning since her lover was a natural slob. What she did with him after that was up to her Rachel’s imagination. Cat had been working the last two months with their programming. Having a template along with my classes and notes boosted her results significantly. “It’s still dumb as a box of rocks. They make Adam seem bright.” Cat complained,...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks

Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks (INTERR, MMF, BBC, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair...

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Claire Chapter 2

Introduction: Sam Meets Claire DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of COMPLETE FICTION. Any likeness to individuals or events is unknown and unintended. This story contain descriptions about a sexual relationship between a young girl and a adult man. If you find such subject matter to be offensive, PLEASE STOP READING NOW !!!!! It is not my intent to offend you. This story is a continuation of Claire Chapter 1 and there are numerous references to that first story. I would encourage you...

1 year ago
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Our Game Part 3

The three of us left the jazz club, our sole purpose to get across the 3 blocks to our hotel room and get naked as quickly as possible. So far tonight, I’d had a couple of orgasms with a stranger and the evening ahead promised more. Our two encounters with Chase had me finally feeling I could step outside the normal lines of our sex life and enjoy something new and exciting with my husband. The out-of-this-world fuck we’d just shared in the club, bent over that table, had my legs trembling...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 24

14:40 Friday, September 6th, 1991 139 Meadow Ln Novato, CA 94947 Kate was a little worried. Lenore hadn't given many details on the phone, so she fretted about what sort of vintner the mysterious French visitor might be. Dan knew her well enough to read her mood, kissing her as she stood in front of the closet, trying to decide what to wear. Half of her things, and most of Lenore's, were still in boxes in the back of the giant closet. The previous owners had built quite a house on the...

4 years ago
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I Kissed a GirlChapter 4

Maryann went into the luxurious bath suite that adjoined her bedroom, the feel of her daughter's tender soft lips still on her cheek. The pressure in her pelvis had never really gone away, but at least while she'd prepared dinner and chatted with the girls over dinner there'd been sufficient distraction to hold it at bay. When they were watching the movie however her sinful mind had gained strength. The feeling of separation that she found so disconcerting was overwhelming. Part of her...

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My Boss Deflowered Me 8211 Part 2

“Gosh…Is he really here” I rushed towards the door and waited for an answer. No other sound. So I called out, “Who is it?” My voice was more of a whisper and very feminine. I don’t know how or why it turned that way but it did suit well with the occasion. I am about to open the door and let this man in. Anyway I know he’s horny as hell and not just my mouth but he would be getting a piece of my ass too. I blushed with the thoughts and then proceeded to open the door. I knew who was standing...

Gay Male
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 6

Ch. 6 – Camelot in Peril In a flash, Morgan had summoned up an enormous amount of power, readying her assault on Merlin. As she fired off a series of energy blasts, Merlin just smirked and defended with ease, conjuring a shield from his aura. He prepared to retaliate, firing a blast of wind at her as she leapt into the air. This blew her back against the wall, disorienting her for a moment, but she was soon back on her feet. “You will have to do better than that,” Morgan...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 4 Ask Me No Questions

Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...

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Unbelievable! Oh My God! I was reading all his stories on line. He is a prolific writer and there was something simple, yet fascinating with his writings that kept me reading them and then I found myself waiting for his next story. I don’t know why. His short stories were so very real like. I imagined they were all true and I then I thought, there is no way all the stories could be true. Sometimes, he’d throw in a story- from a girl’s perspective and I then I found myself wondering if the...

Office Sex
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The Christmas Wish

The room was dark and Isabelle sat quietly in front of her Christmas tree to gaze at the lacing multi-colored lights. Faith Hill’s melodic voice lingered in the background singing Where are You Christmas? She poured herself another glass of merlot from the half-empty bottle beside her and hummed along with the music, her eyes drifting out the window where large fluffy snowflakes quickly piled on the sill. But the house, this year, felt so empty because something was missing. A lone tear rolled...

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For Love

For Love..... By Anna Na-Maus Introduction These pages are taken from the records of Dr Sylvia Marchland PhD FRC.Psych. The tales that you read here are taken from a series of interviews between Dr Marchland and the subject Sam Whitman. Whilst the content of the interviews have been edited to provide the reader with a clear and understandable commentary on the subjects history none of the facts have been changed and the subject agrees that they are an accurate representation of...

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DreamweaverChapter 55 Night Classes Pay Off

"That was certainly interesting," Jamie said, walking back toward me. "Very interesting," I said as she merged into me. "I take it you were just as surprised as I was at Walter's little trick?" "Totally. It never even occurred to me that I might be able to merge with someone else. Of course, we don't know for sure that I can. It could just be because, like he said, he's sort of your creation, but then, so am I, so..." "Jamie, there is so much difference between you and Walter...

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Meri Sexy English Teacher

Hi I am nishant jain , me 31yrs, 5 fit 5’lamba hu , mota hu kamar 32 ‘he .mera land 8” mota he , pahli bar mere life ki sachi ghatana share kar raha hu . Jab me 10 th me tha tab meri ak nai teacher nisha jain jo ki English padati thi , jiski age 23 yrs thi mujhe vo badi sexy lagti thi use dekh kar mera land khada ho jata tha uska size 36-24-36 tha jo mujhe suru se hi pasand thi ,uska rang saf tha ,mujhe hamesha hi ladki ho chahe orat vo kisi bhi age ki kyona ho uska figer or per dekh kar sex...

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The Fat GirlChapter 3

I had fewer classes with Fran the next day owing to different electives and Phys Ed. But I saw her at the end of the lunch break and brought my salad over. "How goes?" I asked - politely overlooking her food. "So-so," she said. "I'm a little hung up on the physics report. I thought I understood everything yesterday, but I got stuck writing the discussion and conclusion." "You should have called me," I replied. "Or have come over. I spent half the afternoon teaching Jake that...

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The Submissive Male

I drove in my Lambo to my multi million dollar apartment and walked in the door."Where the fuck have you been?" My Mistress growled "Your late" "Sorry Mistress I …" "On your knees and face the floor when you speak to me!" I dropped to the floor . She walked behind me holding her cane. Swish it landed on my thighs. "Oww. Yes Mistress may I have another?" "Pull your trousers down slave. " I undid my belt and unzipped my trousers. SWISH! "Oww Fuck. Please may I have another" still on my knees...

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Double TimeChapter 82

“But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about.”{br}—Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera 1 JANUARY 2020 Trying to wake up enough to write but Desi and Rachel are sleeping mostly on top of me. What a great way to start the New Year. Oh, and Livy is curled up between my legs and has periodically...

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Monstrous night

In front of here is what can only be described as the hideous monsters we worried about slithering under our beds as children. Lurking in our closets. He stood at least three times her height, and even get started about his girth. He stood there immodest, unclothed as any creature should be. She couldn’t help but glance at the pelvis. She couldn’t comprehend what creature this was. Where she was. What was happening. She felt an overwhelming sense of dread, and arousal as her eyes are...

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HannahChapter 11 In Her Arms

Throughout the rest of January, February and most of March, Charli and I saw each other twice a week. Friday nights we went out to Sulli's or The Ten and danced and drank a few beers; Sunday afternoons we spent talking at her house or mine, or went out for dinner together. Jen had a new boyfriend and wasn't home very much, so the majority of the childcare burden fell to Charli. Things got a lot better when Jen moved out in late March. The weather was continuously shitty: cold, snowy and...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 11 Triage

“How much detail can we get with this thing, Chuck?” I asked as we settled into the locked office. “Not sure there is any limit,” he muttered, lighting up a cigarette in violation of about 100 hospital rules. “I had no problem getting High Def quality.” “That real time x-ray was remarkably clear,” Mitch added as he sipped a cup of fresh coffee. “I could tell exactly where the damage began and ended. “That’s what I was hoping for,” the doctor added. “Because this Program treats flesh and...

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Strangers For A Night

I’m sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender as I wait for you to show up, my heart racing with excitement thinking about the events to come. As I ask for another drink, I feel your strong arms wrap around my waist and your lips on my neck. I let out a soft moan before turning to face you. I look into your gorgeous hazel eyes, and say “Excuse me, do I know you?” You look at me with question in your eyes and I smile mischievously at you. You realize what I’m up to and say to me, “I’m...

Straight Sex
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 8

Kevin's first date story was not as dramatic or funny as his father's, but he was sure he could twist it into an entertaining tale for his future children. Dad, given half an opening, liked to tell the tale of the first date he ever had. Dad had shown up at the girl's house, all nervous and such. The father had let him in, told him his daughter would be down in a bit, then invited teen Dad down into the basement. There, he had shown him a gun case. The man had looked at the case, then at...

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The Soldier and The Cleaner Ch 3

The image of Thomas leaning back against his car that Thursday evening as I walked out of the training facility and over to his car took my breath away. This soft, gentle giant of a man leaning back with his arms crossed and feet crossed at the ankles. My God, he’s gorgeous. Why does he have this effect on me? I thought to myself.“When you told me you were a soccer player, you didn’t tell me that you were the best player on the team.” He said to me as I finally made my way to him. The grin on...

Gay Male
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Magic InkChapter 3

Returning to my room in the dorm, I changed clothes and then wondered where my roommate was. He had left the room in a mess, as usual. I straightened things up before sitting on my bed to study some. The studying didn't go well, as I couldn't concentrate for some reason. My mind kept going back to the two women that I worked for. They said that they were sixteen, but they acted much more mature than that. Plus I had begun to wonder where their parents were. I hadn't seen anyone else at...

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Galti Ki Saja Maaze Mein Badli

Hi mera naam dheeraj hai mein aapko aapni life ka pehla anubhav bhatane ja raha hu aasa karta hu aap sab ko pasand aayega. pehle mein aapna introduce karta hu meri age 20 hai mein bhopal ka rehne wala hu bsc 2 year mein hu or meri body slim hai or mera lund 7 inch ka hai. Aab mein aapko apni kahani sunata hu. Thand ke mausam ki baat hai mere pados me ak ladki rehti thi vese to uske char behen aur ak chota bhai tha us ladki ka naam heena tha. Uski age 21 thi vo kya kamal ki dikti thi bilkul pari...

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What if

What if we had one night? Would it be enough? What would it be like? I have thought about it over and over. Every scenario has played through my head. Would it be a night of rough hard core fucking? Would it be a night of tender love making? Would it be a night of just holding each other and simply enjoying each other? I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would fall in love with a married man. Hell, my marriage ended because my husband had an affair. And here I am. The Other Woman. But...

Love Stories
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The Wolf SummersChapter 9C Erica

Everyone who mattered in Smith Holdings was at the Formal. They packed the mansion or walked around outside enjoying the beautiful night. I looked around, while sipping from a glass of seltzer water. The people waiting for the big three to make their move could be picked out easily. They kept the path between the three and Rachel clear; they were the real danger. Smith Holdings owned most of its daughter companies outright. If the parent company suffered or went down, most of them would lose...

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Trip with mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were heading home from out trip and my mum and I both were still horny from all the fucking we had done in home my father passed threes years ago my mum and I am alone in home, weekend we arrange a holiday trip to any place. We had practice incestuous relation from since my father died after three months mum encouraged me to fuck her with my monster. here is one of my trip fuck with mum for all mother fuckers) Feeling horny on the way I reached over...

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Girlfriend8217s Long Hair Mom 8211 Part 1 Tasting Parvathy

Introduction For all these years, Deepa, my girlfriend from highschool, and me were very close. Indeed I used to visit them most of the days. Me and Deepa were pretty serious about our relationship. I had just started my B.Tech from a reputed college and she too got a scholarship to study abroad, we decided to get married only after getting a good job for both of us. Since I was studying in our home town, she didn’t had to think twice about leaving her mother alone here. Although, Parvathy...

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Lessons Learned Modern Dance

Lessons Learned: Modern Dance By Shawna Stimple Michael awoke around noon, to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. At first he was startled by the weight of his head, until he remembered his previous days adventures. Rolling out of bed, he noticed a little silk blue robe that matched his nightgown. "When in Rome..." he thought, as he slipped on the skimpy cover. In the kitchen Millie was slaving away, preparing breakfast. She turned towards him, grinning ear to ear, as she...

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ShawnChapter 12

After class the men came down and after introducing themselves said that they were pleased with the work I had been doing. One also said, "Where are your texts?" "I memorized one of the student's books just before class and don't need one now. The same was done for the advanced classes this morning. I assume since I was not given any talk before classes started, that people would just like to see how well I did without it." One blushed because he was the one detailed to give me the...

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Fuck Festival

This Is A Fuck Festival [Fest] Planned By The Tappu Of The Gokuldham Society. The Plan Was To Know Each Other Family Very Well.Also, The Best Pair [Actual Husband And Wife And The Pair Getting The Highest Points] Both Would Be Getting A Surpise Gift.Also, The Pair Getting The Least Marks Will Have To Abide By The Unknown Rules Which Are Made By The Judges.The Judges Are Mr. Hansraj Hathi & Mrs. Komal Hathi Since They Didn't Participate In The Fuck Fest Due To Their Fat Bodies.So, The...

1 year ago
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The Sex Story that Leaked

I would usually spend my Saturday night sitting at home, eating leftovers, binge-watching my favorite show, and going to sleep at eleven. However, this Saturday night was going to… I would usually spend my Saturday night sitting at home, eating leftovers, binge-watching my favorite show, and going to sleep at eleven. However, this Saturday night was going to be different. My roommate and close friend, Katy, convinced me to go out to a party. I was reluctant because I had a boyfriend and...

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Birthday Treat

Birthday Treat Copyright Don Abdul ©2009 Dexter is a very brilliant executive, and when he speaks about his specialist subject of computer security systems, he leaves nobody in doubt of his razor sharp mind. Despite being a master of his nicely carved out universe though, Dexter has a serious self confidence deficit, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. As a result of his low self confidence, his vivid sexual desires have largely remained unfulfilled sexual fantasies. The only...

Group Sex

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