LeefsticChapter 28 free porn video

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Sandra suddenly got a message and so did I. Two police officers had stopped out front and another car was coming from the other direction. We read the officer's minds. Someone had seen Alicea going into the building and had reported it.

Sandra cut the present conversation short and said to those around her, "We have to leave right now. The police are now coming and they will want to take the two girls and talk to Alicea about the dead man." She looked at Tadeu and Vicente. "You both can come with us now or let the police take you home. If you come with us you will not get all the questions from the police that want answers very bad. You have to tell me now."

Vicente said, "I... I will go with you."

Everybody looked at Tadeu and she said, "With you for now."

Sandra smiled kindly and said, "Run up the stairs to the roof now."

Alicea took Tadeu's hand and ran while Catrina did the same for Vicente. Sandra turned to the woman that helped, and handed Ana the communication device. "Keep this. Nobody will know what it is." We made it. Tell the police that we just ran from here. They will look down the other set of steps first."

The girls had ran but had to stop at a secured door. Sandra had to unlock the padlock from the chain securing the door to the roof. She locked it behind her even if it was this type of lock. Once on the roof Tadeu and Vicente felt that they were trapped.

The two girls started to sag and were soon asleep. Catrina and Alicea were concerned until Sandra picked one up and she disappeared then the other child did to. The other two came close and they too found themselves inside the ship. Sandra got in and put her two new guests in comfortable chairs before saying, "We have other jobs to do to."

Catrina and Alicea were both excited and worried. Catrina asked loudly, "What?"

"You are not being polite to your mistress."

Catrina blushed and relaxed. "I am sorry mistress. I had no reason to ask you in that voice."

Alicea began to worry about this and Sandra said, "Relax Alicea. Your mother and I are just playing a game. She is my little slut sometimes. I may need to spank her bum one day but until then I use another device that makes her do as she is told."

"What's that?"

"Do you want me to really show it to you? It will be like we are lovers. It is not real but it looks and feels real."

The girl came to a decision after a moment and said, "Yes I would like that."

"Mmmmm two sluts. What am I going to do with both of you? Perhaps I will find out after we deliver a few telephones to some villages." With a few strange looks she continued, "The girls looking to us now will want to write to their friends and relatives. Tadeu has to go to her parents but we are leaving some devices with her. She will get a second chance to come to us but it will be of her own volition. I think Vicente should get the same chance."

The two women on the ship were suddenly shocked that others had heard their words and the invitation to have sex with one of their own gender.

Sandra looked at the pickup and thus at the girls on the moon. "You will be able to talk to your friend and maybe you can convince her to join us. She actually needs us very much but I want you to see what could have happened if you had chosen differently."

I looked into the minds of the ten girls that we rescued and saw that they were of mixed feelings. They wanted their friend with them but also wanted to see what it would be like to go back.

Sandra was deposited in an otherwise empty street of a small village with an invisible bundle in her arms. She took the child into the home and put Tadeu into the bed she had not seen for five days.

She returned to the street and a computer was placed in her hands that went into the house. A phone was put on the counter and another was put on a chest of drawers used by Tadeu and her two sisters.

The computer was a completely self-contained unit with no way of gaining entry. The great majority of it was empty space and some otherwise useless metal used to give it weight. No wires could be connected to it. A standard infrared keyboard provided information exchange. The total unit was many times larger than it needed to be to discourage theft. The phone was put on an otherwise empty wall and secured to a stud.

Tadeu's mother came home ten minutes later and found a strange woman on her front porch sitting on a stool her husband had made.

The woman came up and said hesitantly, "Hello."

"Hello, my name is Sandra. I have some very good news for you."

"You found my daughter?" She said very eagerly.

"Not only that but I brought her home. She is upstairs sleeping in her own bed." The mother rushed the door but Sandra blocked it.

The mother was now angry, "Get out of the way."

"Your daughter was raped along with another girl. The man that did it is now dead."

The woman was now stunned. Sandra added, "We are trying to help her through this ordeal. Please understand that your daughter needs support and your love."

The woman nodded and rushed around Sandra. She was up the stairs in seconds and bent over her sleeping daughter. Sandra released the child's mind and she woke up. Tadeu saw her mother and grabbed for her then started to cry.

The reunion would take a long time so Sandra walked down the slightly more busy street and disappeared. Soon she was in the ship once again. Seconds later Sandra had to do basically the same thing but this time she had to do it differently.

When she got near Vicente's village and home she made them both visible. The child awoke almost at her door and Sandra put her down. The girl rushed into the home and there was crying and excited yelling all at once. They only knew that Vicente had not written but they hoped she was safe

Sandra waited at the open door for ten minutes before somebody noticed her. At her feet were the computer, keyboard and the two phones. She came in when invited and the father said, "You brought our daughter home. Thank you, thank you, my whole family thanks you. She told us some of the things she was forced to endure."

"You are very welcome senhor. Your daughter was hurt but also needs some special care. Many other girls besides your daughter were lured away. Thankfully only a few have been hurt. They are currently staying at our estate. The man that raped your daughter is now in hell. He was sent there by good men that knew what to do."

"I would thank them if I could."

"They would hope that you would do the same thing. Your daughter though is still going to have problems dealing with what happened to her. I have brought you three things that will help you, your family and your community."

"What are they, senhora?" The man asked very politely.

Sandra went to the still open door and picked up the heavy computer. It was put on the counter then Sandra put the keyboard in front of it. A blank space was hard to find for the children's photographs or religious pictures covered most of the wall. One spot was selected and she anchored a small device to the wall over a stud.

She said, "Touch this button here on the special telephone and you will get a television picture of who you are talking to. They will see your face too." The man had seen television programmes in the village before but he didn't own a set. The few in the village ran off car batteries. "You can only get some people so far. When a woman comes on just ask her who you want to talk to. Usually she can connect you with other telephones used in your country."

Moving to the counter she said, "This machine will have a similar picture of a person in it. It will teach your village, your family and Vicente what she needs to know. It is connected far overhead to a satellite system that is linked all over the world. One more phone will go in Vicente's room so she can talk to those that were hurt too."

"This is too much. You rescue my daughter and bring us gifts."

"The computer belongs to the village. It is not yours. You cannot sell it. If it leaves this village it will no longer work. If it is not used, it will stop working too. The phones are the same way. They are only entrusted to you and your family. They should go into a community building but Vicente's phone has to stay with her."

Vicente's mother and oldest brother had come back and heard most of what was said. The woman asked, "Why are you giving this to us?"

"They are being given to you to hold. They will provide a way for Vicente to heal and for your village to learn more of the outside world. My family knows what a good education is worth."

Vicente came into the room and saw Sandra again. She was still afraid. Sandra handed the girl the second phone. "This is like the one you just used and is for your own use. You can talk to all those that were tricked like you. You will see that the people doing this were smart and this in no way reflects on you or how you should have acted. We're still offering you a chance to work for us if that is your wish. You'll get a great education for the duties you will perform in watching our children. Whether you come or not, the decision is entirely up to you and your family."

Sandra reached out and touched the single button. Pat'uch fabricated hologram came on dressed as a woman. She said, "Oh, hello Sandra. I see that you have delivered the phone."

"Yes, and the computer."

The computer went on automatically and a similar type of face from the same AI was seen.

Sandra asked, "Will you connect Vicente to any of the girls that want to speak now? Make sure you invite those girls at my parents or my brother's house."

Pat'uch's hologram of a woman smiled. "That will be all of them," she chuckled.

Four split images came to Vicente and she began to talk to them. The faces changed and Vicente spoke to those too.

Sandra took the fourteen year old boy by the hand and pulled him over to stand in front of the computer. He didn't want to go because he had never seen anything like what his sister now had. He was talked too by the woman on the screen and this made him take particular notice. The boy fell in love with not only the image but also fell in love with the machine.

The parents were looking at the marvels in open mouthed wonder when Sandra said, "I am sorry but I have to go now."

"We have not thanked you enough."

"That's not required. We help when we can. Just remember to listen carefully to your daughter. She may need to come to us to complete her healing. She is welcome at any time. She also has the chance to work and send some money home."

Sandra was able to get away finally and was soon back at Tadeu's village and home. The neighbours were all around but they let her through their ranks when she let out her aura.

A similar offer was made here and Tadeu the girl was soon talking to Vicente. This time a younger sister worked on the computer after its services were given to the entire village.

None of the letters were completed. The girls were busy talking to Vicente and/or Tadeu while some had time to spare with the children. Sandra came back thinking how the girls were now acting like girls and would probably be just fine.

In the coming weeks Estevez Braga was being pressured to answer questions. I went to Brazil and found the more honest prosecuting attorneys and the honest judges. The corrupt ones were listed in a long column on a plastic coated sheets of paper. Their crimes and affiliations were also listed. These sheets were widely distributed but none of the information was substantiated. A few days after this a new sheet was produced showing where Braga hid the evidence that could convict him. This time it was only give to those that would pull Braga down.

One paper had the buyers in the slave trade along with pictures taken from probes that had found the girls that had survived. Some women I had to actually go and find who they once were. Their traumatic life had made some forget completely their real identities.

The girls were settling in at our home and the others under the dome. Letters were sent to their parents or to friends. Some had cash in them if it was appropriate. The letters mentioned that they had been duped by the woman that recruited them but had eventually found good jobs. Photographs were sent showing reasonably happy girls and their charges.

Some of the girls were very happy. Our older children continued to perform erotic acts on the girls to find their response. It now appeared that the children were playing a musical instrument that was controlled by lips, fingers or tongue. In time the children would get around to all the new girls and then they would not want to leave.

Sandra had images in her mind of the girls scattered all over an amphitheatre with our children playing them to a packed audience. The groans, moans and exclamations would be completely spontaneous. A crashing mutual orgasm at the 'climax' should transfer to the audience.

It was good that only a small portion of the children's daily lives were devoted to finding out about sex. The rest was a communal way of just listening and talking to others. This was more in the way of friendships but soon I knew that the girls we brought here would appear to be very dull as our own children gained intelligence. Landscaping and the planting of flowers assisted all the girls and our own children worked with them.

Odava and Ichom were a hit with the girls but their children were even more so. The parents had to almost fight for possession of their children when they got home. There was always one more thing the Gossna children needed before they left their caregiver's arms.

The babies loved the attention. We had to watch out that fights didn't erupt over whose turn it was to watch them. Visiting was encouraged and the girls would pick up their charges and go for a walk to one of the homes. Ichom made sure that she had food the girls liked and the parents never had to worry if they were imposing on anybody to watch her children.

The women in the latter stages of pregnancy had less to do but still oversaw what was happening. They had lots to learn yet themselves and some were even younger than the new girls. Alita was now happily pregnant with her third child and couldn't wait for more.

Catrina settled into married life very well and was now anxiously waiting her first elevation. All of her daughters slated to be my wives were very interested in getting this process started. The three that were not necessarily destined for this felt that they should be considered too. Alicea was the most insistent.

Megan took pity on them and presented them with a wide range of toys that was much more extensive than what even their mother had thought. Ana-Margarida had taken some of the devices and started to work on the new girls. Many liked the anal stimulation and the ones that didn't tried this in their vaginas. In two weeks there was only two girls that still had a hymen. Peer pressure is very strong especially when our form of parental guidance was definitely at odds with what their real parents would preach.

Our own children picked up on the new toys and used them on 'their' girls in their sexual orchestra. I was not concerned with the girls becoming mind numbed sexual zombies for at some point they would find that they could resist or participate as they chose. My own wives had gone through that phase and though they never came completely out they knew when they had enough. I enjoyed it most, when all of them were well satisfied and then just wanted to rest, recuperate and cuddle.

Catrina finally had her wish. All of our family including all the new girls came to watch. Megan, Marina and Sandra ensured that the sensations were carried over to the rest. The groans and exclamations helped Catrina to get even higher. When the time came all three of my other wives worked with me to reintegrate her mind.

When this was all done they just laid with their new wife as if they had done all the work. They did look like what a family in my estimation should look like.

Ana-Margarida tried to get in there too but she had intentions of pushing not only her mother but the other women to new heights and I just picked her up and carried her to the other room. The rest of her sisters followed too. We had a talk before about what we had just done and the children were just still stirred up.

The girls from the farm came out too and after a little talk they all left to try out the toys Ana-Margarida had brought them on each other. All the girls and the two boys would engage in communal sex now. Some of my talks covered giving as good as they got and to ensuring that nobody was left out.

I was quite sure that Tadeu and Vicente had not only heard of this arrangement but had seen it too. Sandra had gone to both villages later and visited the families. The girls were recovering but would still do much better with us. The computer time had to be adjusted so that more people could be exposed to this communications device. As we figured, some individuals were monopolising the available time. Our phones though were used a great deal but as yet nobody had come by to find out about them.

The new girls were gradually introduced into a more structured lifestyle. They did what work that was necessary and then had some free time to socialise and another portion to study and work on projects. They worked in the soil to learn more of what was necessary to make things flourish. As farm girls they know some of this but now they were also scientists. Others worked with the animals, insects and fish so they would understand what was around them all the time back on Earth.

The ones that accepted more responsibility were given trips to neighbouring star systems in one of the four Borin class ships. They took photographs for their own records and to put some pressure on those that were not trying very hard. They were even loaned some boats to do an independent investigation that was little more than what any tourist would do.

Work continued on our ship. There were some girls here too for they didn't really fit in taking care of children. They did what jobs that were assigned them but they were rotated so that they had a chance to try everything we had to offer. Their own computers mimicked very well the controls they would have to use to do most of their jobs.

Mail started to come back to the girls. They were older and wiser now and saw that some were just asking for money because it was available. Sandra also took some letters and hand delivered them. She claimed rightly that she was a medical doctor. Those family members that were sick were cured at a realistic rate. Other village members were similarly treated.

A doctor had heard of Sandra but as yet had not met her. She would have to make herself look older if this were to happen. She had already worked her name into the medical profession but if classmates were to be questioned then she would be found out.

Our family did little to actually build the hull. I wanted to work on the engines because this and the computers had fascinated me the most. The investigation of the alien engine design proceeded and dovetailed with ours. I wanted to find out as much as possible about their limits. My wives assisted me in this because they too liked engines and computers.

Our experimental engines were still tested to destruction. Some of the more efficient models had some very odd harmonics. Going through a spectral image of our data we found collapsed matter. This had been built into each of the engines to allow them to assimilate and control some of the turbulence in the structure and direct it in the correct direction.

This was a new discovery that came about when we found the damaged engine and after Zolanda had left us. The wives, the older children and I thought long and hard with a major expenditure in computer time. The purpose of the collapsed matter had been easily deduced in hindsight but it did cause other complications. In our efforts to minimise the detrimental effects we found that we had to introduce many more neutrons into the mix, especially to the atoms around the periphery of our super atoms. The number of such super atoms was increased but their concentration was proportionately lowered. The strong electro static charge that concentrated in a few regions caused other areas to get less than their share of the load.

When these engines were tested far from Earth, they not only handled the same power that destroyed others but they gave much more thrust. All six of this type were tested to destruction though some were tested for endurance at what we surmised was as close to overload as we could make it.

Catrina was now the equivalent of my old race in intelligence and was soon ready for the next step. We had a family discussion the same as last time to let her children and the other girls know exactly what was happening. When she went into the tank we had it placed close to our work. One of us was always there and usually one of Catrina's children were too.

Tadeu was having more problems than Vicente. Her father could not get over the fact that the young girl let herself get raped. The injustice of it all did not make it through his warped perception of events. Sandra talked to the family but the father said one thing but the back of his mind would not allow him to truly believe his own words. Eventually the crying girl confessed that she had to leave.

Sandra arrived with four of the original farm girls. They greeted Tadeu like the old friend she was. They had all come from similar villages themselves and knew what things were like. They stayed for a meal but after they talked more of what Tadeu would find in her new home without mentioning its most exotic parts. When the parents were comfortable with their daughter going they were told that Tadeu would not be back for at least a year. The parents and family were free to call during her own free time. This was little different than what any rich girl could get if she attended an elite academy.

This time they used the Mercedes van once again. A few minutes down the road Tadeu was warned that she was in for a treat and to just relax. She started to scream as the van shot upward but without any odd forces affecting her. The floor was still down. The laughter of her friends made her relax and then they talked of their own first times flying.

By the time they got to the moon Tadeu had already started to fit in with the four girls. Mainly it was because her friends were so nonchalant with this earthshattering feat. The two domes were explained before they got there but it was the ship's skeleton far overhead that shook her the most. The girls talked of where they thought their berths would be and what jobs they would have to do not to the nearer systems but possibly across the galaxy.

Catrina came out of the tank the next day. After some preliminary tests we found her much the same as Sandra or the other wives. When she woke up the second time she still had her ravenous appetite for food and an equally ravenous appetite for sex.

She was overcome with her senses seven times and collapsed into unconsciousness. After that her three other wives took care of her. This is what she seemed to need. It was not all sex but it was being close and in a family. When I laid down with them after it seemed like the last piece had fallen into place and Catrina was now content.

In the next half cycle Catrina fell right into the groove. She ate her studies with a similar appetite because as she said, "I have to catch up."

We worked on variations of the engines we had made last time. They had shown so much promise that I got extra help from all of the rest of the families. They made the lithium reactors and assisted in the design and manufacture of some of the engines. All of the computers were working on a variety of dependant projects. There was very little time to even manufacture the engines.

Just before we were slated to go out for the next series of tests Catrina said, "Leif, we have been talking about increasing our family once again. Now that I am pregnant, I want Yelena to be your next wife. She's more than eager for the place at your side and a chance to be like her old mother"

Catrina was now thirty one and had started having children at fourteen. She had altered her body and now looked like a very beautiful eighteen year old Latin beauty. Yelena would soon be fifteen and well past due in her mother's estimation. The rest of her fellow wives agreed.

The girl in question was sitting on pins and needles waiting for my answer and there could only be one. All of the wives wanted this and I had to comply. When we left the next day with a full load of tests we had one more woman on board that was still tingling from her first time with a man.

She was a hit with the women too for she was now far from shy. She knew what she was after and what to do to get it. She was a lot like Megan in this aspect. Catrina was now called by her first name and the new girl was not adverse to making the previous newcomer to our family very happy.

Catrina was still not as aggressive as the rest of the wives and she enjoyed calling the women, "Ama." The Portuguese word was given to the female dominant in a given sexual situation. She was called slut much of the time now when it was time for fun and games. At other times she was treated as an equal which is more than what a Human would be able to do.

My experiments went very well. The entire run took a half cycle because of the number of tests and the complexity of each. We had been trying to manufacture an engine that was much more powerful. We also wanted to get a greater density in the way the engines were placed at the stern of the ship.

One possibility was a long thin engine that would allow similar units to be packed right beside each other. If this engine style functioned without interference from other similar units we could pack them very close. Three reactors could feeding each engine Other engines would have the same arrangement and nest into each other. This would all work out to more thrust from a given area. The trouble was that the thin cross-section motor worked fine but so did two other designs.

The Seffra went for large engines because of their relative simplicity, their overall efficiency and their amazing longevity. We now had better performance than they had but the system was very demanding of power, we had no idea how well the technology would carry over to larger engines or for that matter how long they would last.

When we made it back the new series of engines was already being started. The engines were now not the size of grapes but a full eight centimetres across and thirty eight long. This was a very powerful engine and we could only mount it on a very large asteroid. If the engine exploded then it would take the asteroid with it. Borin's engines were not even this large but she had more of the smaller units.

During family time, and before I started more of my own studies, Alicea came to me. She sat beside me and said factually, "Leif, I have loved you since the day you pulled me from the back of that van. You have taken my mother and one sister so far as your wives. Will you take me too?"

I held her hand in mine and looked into her eyes. The ideas in her mind though were even clearer. She did love me. It was different than those with complementary auras. I did love her too but not as I did my wives. We did have a theory though but I didn't know if it was time yet to try it out.

"Alicea, when something involves our security or direction I am the captain and thus the one that must shoulder this burden. As a husband I have a special right to overrule one wife. Any two or more can outvote me. I do love you and you would make a good addition to our family but I don't see how you would fit in without some conflict. I suggest that you talk to my wives to see what they think. We've talked about letting others join our family but only after it has reached a critical point. I don't know if that point has been reached yet. It's possible that more of your sisters have to join first. Please talk to them about what we are trying to accomplish."

"I did talk to them. They said to talk to you."

"You have talked to me now. Go back and see what they say."

After a kiss the girl walked off. She was despondent now because she took this as a simple rejection. I had told her the truth. I was the big boss in one way but the lowliest member of the family in another because the wives all thought alike.

The male members of our community had little chance of getting together but it did happen. Usually we had a lot of children with us but that was never a real chore. Children were what life was about and I cherished each moment with them. The next day happened to be one of those special days.

Tommy asked both of us, "How much trouble are the new girls giving you?"

His father answered first, "I usually have fourteen girls in our house. They do everything they can to get me interested. They just can't seem to understand how dedicated I am to my work or my family. I simply cannot afford to take the time to dally with them. We have some major work ahead of us and I am far from getting all the studying done that I need."

Same as Leefstic
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Mrs Harris

I sat there in the chair at the Orthodontist office. Dr. Harris had to leave out on an emergency and most of the staff was gone. Dr. Harris' wife, Katie was filling in. She had canceled most of the appointments for the day but could not get a hold of me before I showed up. She was going to check me out and then she was done. I liked Katie, she was not very good looking but she wore a loose fitting scrub that would give me a great look at her little tits. She was tall and skinny, small tits and...

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It was the best time of the year if you were a sports fan thought Jake. That was because the MLB season soon would be into the World Series while the NFL season was just starting and soon would be joined by the NHL and not much later the NBA. Spending his time watching sports on television was a nice way for Jason “Jake” Palmer to forget about work for a while. Jake was a Senior Claim Analyst for a large insurance company. Watching sports enabled him to forget for a while the duties and...

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The Quest For Liberation Continues

Divorce produced a range of emotions and behaviors that was quite unexpected. I missed having a traditional nuclear family, a lot. On the positive side, my relationship with my kids improved a great deal. They grounded me, and I spent as much time with them as possible. I had bought a house on Lake Travis where they each had their bedroom and more than enough clothing at our home. I got them every other weekend and every Wednesday, when I had them overnight. In addition, I had them full time in...

3 years ago
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Heat of Tennis Ch 08

So that bitch thought she could just parade her little conquest around in front of everybody, making him look like an idiot? Casey knew why she was doing this. She wanted to make him jealous. She wanted him to prove that he was a man, a man strong enough to take charge of his woman, and he fully intended to give her that evidence. He decided it was time to stop playing these petty games and do something that she couldn’t ignore. He was going to start with showing her what happens to betrayers. ...

2 years ago
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Center of Attention

Introduction: So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it! So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A...

4 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 2 Second Thoughts

My phone rang on the nightstand beside us. Rachel surfaced, sucking in air in long, raspy breaths. “No, no, keep going. Whatever it is can wait,” I encouraged her. She squeaked out something that might’ve been “please” before quickly throating me again. She held herself down, her throat spasming against me, until my phone stopped ringing. Only then did she allow herself to come back up for air. One gasping breath and then I could feel the heat of her mouth descending on me again. My phone...

2 years ago
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InsubordinationChapter 8

I drove across the Walt Whitman Bridge to South Jersey and headed down Route 42 toward the shore. It was after midnight and as I made more turns farther away from Route 42 the traffic got pretty thin. I turned off onto a country road and took it around a mile before making a left turn onto a one-lane road. The motel was a few hundred feet down, on the right. If someone was following me, they were doing it without lights. That seemed unlikely since the road was not entirely straight. I would...

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The Queen of the Jungle

In the deepest, darkest jungle, in the highlands of eastern Peru, between the Oriquito and the Riodoso rivers, on a hill far above the surrounding plains, there was a castle. It was built from hand-carved stone from a quarry on the river, and it took 500 slaves five years to build. Hans stood on the highest turret, peering out over his kingdom. 12 years ago, he had found diamonds, blue diamonds, the largest ever found. He had built his little kingdom out of the sweat from his brow,...

2 years ago
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I took teen Patricia in both holes while her mothe

Introduction:This is a story written by request of a reader. Contains: Lesbian, threesome, teen, domination, submission, b********y, cum covered, cum swallowing, cum gushing, double penetration, stretching, strapon, anal, i****t.For Patricia.The area I cover as a social worker is mostly rural, so I get to visit quite a number of small villages with their typical rural problems. One of those visits led me to a small farm, which had allegedly fallen into debt and disorder after the death of the...

4 years ago
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First Experience with Older Man

I remember my first time. I met a man about 20 years older than I was at a book store. As I got in my car he asked me for a lift and I said okay because I knew the neighborhood. As we drove back he reached his hand in my pants and started squeezing my balls. I told him to stop, and then he just started rubbing the head of my cock. I told him to knock it off. Once we got to his place he asked me in for a drink, I told him as long as he can control himself I can have a few beers.We went up the...

1 year ago
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Sperm Donation To My Sexy Teacher 3 Sucked By Shaheen

Hello friends, this is Rajesh residing in Bangalore now, 45 years old and this incident happened 25 years back when I was doing my graduation. I suggest you please read the previous parts of the story to get the hang of it. Let me come to the story quickly. Shaheen kept staring at my sleeping 5-inch cock in amazement for a few seconds. She then slowly lifted her right hand up and took my cock in her fist. Shaheen moved her fingers along my cock and pulled my foreskin back to reveal my mushroom...

2 years ago
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Rani Apnee Ghar Mee Hee Chud Gayee

By : Suck Hot1 Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha Rani Agarwal ab aagee kee story Rani kee sexy aur metthe shabdo mee Mee Rani Kanpur se huu. Pahlee mee apnee friend’ ko ek chhotee se request haa aur mujhee puraa yakeen haa kee hott and horny readers mere is request koo amal...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses La Sirena Busty Latina Pounded By BBC

La Sirena 69 is back on her favorite site, Bang Bros of course. She knows this is where she will have the most fun and get the best dick. She is excited to get fucked by Slim Poke today. First things first, The playful Latina teases us with her beautiful bouncing titties and big ass. We get her all oiled up and playing with herself before our boy steps in. She is amazed by the size of his big black dick and immediately puts in her mouth. After sucking and gagging on it for a while, she takes a...

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Ms Americanas RescueChapter 6

The investigation into the car bombing was quickly ended by the police at the Chief's orders. He realized that if Ramon now owned the building that the landlord must have had something on Ramon or pissed him off him some way. He had gone to the club nightly to watch the heroine's stage shows and watch the two dogs fuck them. He also enjoyed the Flag Girl, Specter Girl and Got Chic strip followed by lesbian sex shows. Friday night Ramon joined him at his table, "Everything set for...

2 years ago
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Soldier Homecoming

The lights on the Christmas tree sparkled and dance among the green branches and colorful ornaments. Presents were piled beneath the limbs, spilling off of the red skirt and into the floor, testifying to the good year they had. The children would be thrilled tomorrow morning when they emerged sleepy-eyed from their bedrooms to see the wealth of gifts Santa had brought. Santa had not answered Jane’s Christmas wish, though. She had put together the presents alone. It was creeping onto 3 o’clock...

3 years ago
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Mother8217s Sexcapades With Son Part 4

Hey, all, sorry for the long wait for part 4 as I was busy with my personal life and commitments. Hope that you will enjoy the part 4 more than all other previous parts. Please review the story at . Reviews from ladies are most welcome :) Continued from part 3… As Vasundhara and Chinmai continued their heated sex session in their Innova car parked in their private lawn in front of their house, Rashmi was getting sick of waiting for them in the home pretending that she was searching for them....

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Immense Pleasure

The sheet is barely covering me, I’m wearing nothing but panties. I sleep soundly as you quietly enter our room. You come to me, sitting on the bed as your hand runs over my leg up to my thigh, resting softly as you caress me. Your fingers slowly run up to my panties, tugging on them. I begin to stir awake as I see you a soft smile appears on my face as you look down at me.“There you are, my sweet.”His voice was low, soft, sweet. His dark eyes glowed in the night light. Removing the sheet...

Love Stories
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NubilesUnscripted Piper Perri Haley Reed Spring Break Lake Powell

It’s time for Spring Break at Lake Powell with a host of your favorite Nubiles hotties! This houseboat adventure features Piper Perri, Haley Reed, Gina Valentina, and Kenzie Reeves as they party hard with Bambino and Damon Dice! From thong bathing suits and bikinis to pole dancing and naked sunbathing, this is wet and wild adventure that has it all! These hot and horny girls are sex crazed to the max, so it’s no surprise when Piper finds herself with Damon between her thighs and...

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Three Cheers for Ellen

Three Cheers For Ellen (Revision) By Ellen The Cheerleader Uniform, I can not think of an outfit more appealing to a cross-dresser than the set of these clothes. In Junior High School, High School, and College I admired and wished many times how I could get my hands on the ensemble. Luckily I did have my luck at scoring a complete uniform. My fantasies however never turned out as good as the one that I share with all of you. Thanks for all the kind reviews just on the...

1 year ago
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Go Ahead Stick It in Her Friday Flash

“Go ahead, stick it in her. She loves cock.” I’d just watched her ride her husband until his balls tightened up and he pumped cum deep in her twat. Her really big soft hangers flopped around as she bounced. She dismounted and bent over to clean off his pecker, pointing her juicy slit right at me. I was already hard so I dropped my drawers and plunged in. It was so slippery I went full depth on the first stroke. She wiggled her ass to let me know she liked it and I kept on pumping. My hands...

4 years ago
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Tea and orgasm break

 I looked at my watch. It was 1630 so we’d been shopping for nearly 4 hours.  “I’m parched. Any chance we could have a cup of tea and a sandwich?” I asked Natalie. “Let me just finish browsing this rail,” she replied. Natalie normally didn’t enjoy shopping so when she was in the mood to shop, we made the most of it. Unlike most women, traipsing from shop to shop and looking through rail after rail of clothes really didn’t excite Natalie. The only thing that got Natalie excited about going to...

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Christmas Threeway

She had caught the eye of my best friend at the time, Don. Don had invited her over to my house on Christmas eve, I wasn't home yet, I was with family. I was a little worried, I knew what his plan was, to nail her. She wasn't legal yet but he had brought a forty of Jack and was pretty bent on getting all of us, once I arrived, pretty wasted. We had a good time, laughing and playing video games for a while, my room was large and dimly lit by the TV. She still liked me, I could tell,...

1 year ago
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The Heat WaveChapter 25

The conversation with Jean reminded me of something -- I'd been ignoring Karen. I was within my rights as her master and it was good discipline -- but it needed to be balanced with sexual excesses. That being the case, I needed to make some preparations... "Boys," I announced, "I'm going to need the basement for a while. I'll be over in the far end, but you might not want to expose your sluts to what I'll be doing." Having provoked a gasp from the pair by the deliberately rude...

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KennedyChapter 15 Friends of Friends

Kennedy and Mr. Glastonbury walked to his car, parked in the school pickup area. There was a traffic ticket on the windshield. One of the patrolmen who'd been on duty inside the school saw them and noticed the ticket. He walked quickly over and picked it up. "I'll take care of this," he told Mr. Glastonbury. "I'm sorry, Miss. I really screwed up." "Yep!" Kennedy agreed. "I've screwed up, Mr. Glastonbury has screwed up; God knows, Larkin is a total screw up. It's not that you make...

4 years ago
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Eroji 2 The Next Game

--- Eroji 2: The Next Game (mF, magic, mc, nc, parody, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Kaden considered the Eroji box. He had found it on the shelf with the other games like Monopoly and Catan, but he had no memory of the old board game. For some reason, his dick started to get hard as he looked at the box. "Hey, Ava?" he called out. His babysitter came around the corner. "Yeah?" Kaden's breath caught as he beheld the tall, sexy 18-year-old redhead. At 15, he was too old to...

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Saas aur bahoo 2

Hallo iss ke chodu ladkon aur land ki pyaasi ladkiyon kaise hai aap sab ke lund aur choot…? Meri last kahaani saas aur bahuu ko aap sabne pada hi hoga jisme main apni didi ke ghar jaata hoon aur pata chalta hai ki unki saas apne door ke bhai ke saath chudwaati hai aur jiska land meri bahan ko bhi pasand hai aur wo bhi apni choot me lund lena caahti hai is sab ko jaane ke baare me plzzzzzzzz pahle saas aur bahuu part 1 pade aur fir yahaan se padna suru kijiye ok. Haan to doston main achanak didi...

4 years ago
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Hotel Bondage Wife gets used

Sexual experiences can be incredible and always interesting if you open your mind to new activities. One such night led to pleasure for both my wife and me impartially. A few months ago, I was traveling to Charlotte, North Carolina, for two weeks of work. My company was paying my hotel and travel expenses, but I still hated to be away from home for two full weeks. My wife had not ever been to Charlotte, and since I have plenty of airline miles, we decided to have her to visit for the weekend I...

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massage and more

I was just so tired and my body ached. I thought if only Richard were here he could give me a nice long massage. I rolled over and reached for the phone on the night stand. I dialed his number and as I did my fingers found my clit. His phone kept ringing so I rolled over and pouted. My fingers though still on my clit. I slid my finger down and found my vaginal opening, it was hot and wet. I used my hot slick juices to lube my clit with my finger and made tiny slow circles around it. My other...

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Crazy LadiesAda Pt 2

Search for Crazy Ladies for Part 1Crazy Ladies:Ada Pt. 2 ...Most men will say that the worst blowjob they ever had was still pretty damn good... So we carried on like that for about a week. She kept wanting to know what comes next. Several times I almost told her but kept from it. This seems to heighten her excitement, how far I did not know. I then made her start guessing. Each night during that week I'd have her strip naked for supper to get used to her body. After supper I'd lick her pussy...

1 year ago
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Private Maya Bee Nelya The Art of Anal

Today on www.private.com, we discover Maya Bee, a sexy model who has come to pose with her friend for artist Leo-Dee in an art session that is guaranteed to get far messier than intended! So watch all the action unfold in Private Specials, Cock Craving Lesbians as Maya and her friend Nelya get a taste of each other’s pussies as they wait for their cock to arrive. Then enjoy these two sexy twinks in a threesome to remember as they share a double blowjob before taking turns getting anally pounded...

4 years ago
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As A Song Forever Together Chapter 1

My special thanks to my editors as Randi for the 3rd, 4th and 5th chapters, Randy Rob for the 1st and the 2nd chapters and Jash for the whole story. Chapter 1. The Beautiful Stepsister At that time, I was sixteen years old when my fate changed forever. But I was unsuspecting and I did not recognize that at first. I lived in a well-to-do family in a middle-west town. Many industrial firms were in our city and our city was the commercial and cultural center of our area. So the life of...

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A first encounter in the bus

Hi, I am sunil, now aged 28, but not enjoying that much now. This is an incident which took place when I used to travel more on my official trips between Bangalore and Mysore. Once when I was not married yet, I was traveling from Bangalore to Mysore and had some time that day and made up to visit Brindavan Gardens. While returning, the bus would be always full as it is a mini bus, since it would be 8 pm and those were the last buses at that time. I somehow grabbed a seat at the aisle, third row...

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Love chachi

Hello ISS hai I am Sandeep may aap logo ka oak new romantic story likh raha yah kahni mara dost ke cachci ka sath hai mari dost ke Cachci age 32 hogi thodi mooti hai par sunder hai unke ak 7saal ke choti beti bhi hai . Mara dost ka naam amit hai mara who bhoot acha friend hai human dono aksar ghumna jaya kartha or relative ka function ko attained karth hai. Mit ke sister ke shaddi thi tu ma aksar help ka liya unka ghar jaya kartha thaw aha par us ke chachi kamal aunty bhi aya thi or usna apna...

2 years ago
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The ToDoList Honey Dew

My wife travels a lot for her job.  She had left me her “Honey Dew” list.  It’s a list of things she wants me to do when she’s away.  She makes it fun and says after everything is done, she’ll do sexual things for a reward.  I had noticed she left me a list before she left for her business trip.  She’s always needs me to do things around the house.  This is the only way I’ll get them done.  She’ll usually dress real sexy and we have a good time together after everything is checked off the...

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California Saturday to the Beach Then Home

The wife, Stacy, carries on sexually in front of her husband, fully participating as this stranger pounds his large cock into her pussy and she exclaims loudly for him to bury it deeper and to cum in her pussy. I don’t know if solipsistic is going to conclude the storyline or leave it hanging, but this is my own ending of the storyline. I wrote what I and other husbands would actually do in real life, not the reactionary extreme of cutting off Todd’s penis and balls to render him useless,...

4 years ago
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Sometimes a Flat Tire Is a Good ThingChapter 3

We go to Secrets, the S&M club where I think Kyle made up his mind I’m the girl he’s been looking for, two or three times a month. The name of the place is Secrets but I only know that because Kyle mentioned it when he took me there on our third date. There’s no sign on the club and people don’t call it that. Everyone just calls it “The Club.” Sometimes it’s just the two of us. Sometimes we go with Dean and Sandra. Every time we go there, Kyle undresses me as soon as we get to our table....

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My Mom

My twin sister and I had just graduated from high school. Mom took a couple of months off from her job and wanted just us girls to travel around the west and do some bonding. Dad said for us to call if we had problems and off we went. We had a trip plotted on the map and about the second week we were in this small town in bum fuck Colorado that was famous for its hot springs-there was nothing else going on here. We had a nice dinner and drinks then thought we would go check out the hot springs....

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mij friend

after exercise we went showering. I dropped my pants pockets, and my dick came out. I saw one in his underpants bobel arise, and I asked him if I could bring down his underpants. like he said. There was a rather large and thick penis appeared. my dick was instantly huge and stiff. My boyfriend asked if I wanted his cock and took hold of mine. Slowly we began each others dicks subtracting. I asked him if he wanted to lick my dick. He did only too happy. I began to suck his dick. We were both...

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

(Four years ago) By August of the following year, Alex had finished her Ph.D. The University Trustees, the President of the University, the Chair of the Computer Science Department, one R.J. Ambuster, and all the faculty of the CS department agreed that she didn't need to submit a disertation, her body of work would be enough. Only eight months from start to finish was an amazingly short time for a Ph.D., but she was exceptional. Nobody knew why exactly, but they were convinced that she...

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Truck Ride Oral

The freeway was mostly empty as Michael drove Nicole back to her home. The couple didn’t get to see each other alone that often, mostly hanging out at the mall or the gym. Michael’s mom didn’t like the couple being at their home alone and Nicole’s home was busy being totally cleaned and fixed up. Michael focused on the road ahead as Nicole undid her seat belt and slid across the bench seat to cuddle next to her boyfriend. “I hate that the trip home is the only time we are alone,” Nicole said to...

3 years ago
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The Disabled Spy Iraq

Early spring 2006 Basement of C.I.A. Headquarters the home of the C.I.A. special Division. C.I.A. Agent Mike Taylor is sitting in his wheelchair outside of his boss's office, after a short painful mind numbing wait, Mike is told that his boss is ready to see him. So he goes into the office and parks his wheelchair in front of his boss's desk. After locking his wheelchair brakes the boss looked up from the file he was reading and he began to speak to Mike "Mike I was just going over your...

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Marks story

“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site (szaab.com ) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down my...

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NightfallChapter 16

The first words that flew out of her mouth were not so flattering. "You just don't give up, do you?" Devlin got up, his grey eyes sparkling and approached her grinning. "Never". "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now". She tried to push him away but it was like trying to move a rock. "A migraine?", he asked sounding concerned. "Yes", she admitted. And you're making it worse, she thought. "Let me take care of you", he said and she almost cried. Damn him! Why did...

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Aunts Bargain A Happy Deal

From the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or a combination of both. Aunt Lizzie lived in our state’s capitol a couple of hours away from us so it wasn’t as if...

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Angies An AdultChapter 8

The skinny dip was a tremendous amount of fun for each of the people involved, from Angie Sloane to her parents to her boyfriends, Allan Dumont and Ray Lassiter, to her girlfriend Charmaine, among many others. Swimming in the nude just had a certain cachet to it, very cosmopolitan and natural all at once. Seeing each other au naturel like this only inspired more lust in each of the group, plus it was liberating to walk around openly in the buff. More than a few of the participants seized the...

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Sex Is Awesome 8211 Beautiful Days Spent With Love Of My Life

This is my first story; I have been reading stories on ISS from last 9yrs and have read most of the stories in here. I’m a bachelor working in an IT company as Manager and staying alone. I have got excellent stamina and a beautiful 7.5 inches rod. I have had many sexual encounters. I am a very handsome, smart and a tall boy (6ft). This story is about my girlfriend whom I met online. We are in LDR, We were dating from couple of months and then we decided to meet. I went to her place and had...

1 year ago
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Peer Shaheb approved fucking the stepson

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had lot of dream with Zamal. We will get married when Zamal will get a suitable job after finishing his education. He was brother-in-law of my elder sister. We had fallen in love for 3 years. I had have sex only with Zamal. We used to have sex whenever we got chance. After couple of days of our love, he first fucked my virgin pussy. Once, he came our home and nobody was at home that time. As it was not very easy to be together close, we were excited....


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