S&S NerdChapter 2 free porn video

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Meeting S&S - The Beginning

I was welcomed on board the aircraft by a very well dressed man in dress slacks and a sport coat who introduced himself as Chuck Johnson, the pilot. Standing next to him was a nice looking lady, equally well dressed, who was introduced as Lisa Johnson, the co-pilot. They escorted me into the aircraft where I was surprised to see my former student, Sandy Flowers. Next to Sandy was a lady who smiled beautifully, and who was also introduced as Sandy Flowers. I thought I had heard wrong, but let it ride.

On the other side of the aircraft was a huge man that looked out of place in a fancy aircraft, and equally out of place since he was also well dressed. Next to him was a really cute girl who smiled all the time, and was also as nicely dressed as everyone else on the plane. They were introduced as Donny and Gerry, key people with the company's R&D department.

As soon as everyone was belted in, the aircraft rocketed off the runway and headed toward Florida.

A little over two hours later, Chuck announced that we were in the landing pattern.

During the flight we all talked about university experiences and those things from our youth that we enjoyed. I was surprised when the huge man said he loved to ride horses, but had a tough time finding a horse big enough to carry his weight. The smiling Gerry, next to him, told of having been a two-time barrel racing champion at the state fair in Austin. I felt at home with these people.

I did find out that I had heard correctly when I entered the craft that my former student Santana Flowers, known as Sandy, was indeed married to a girl by the name of Sandra. The result was two Sandy Flowers. It would be months before I learned that Sandra's maiden name had also been Flowers.

Upon landing, a young guy who was almost, but not quite, a lab rat looking guy met everyone. He was introduced as Dennis and he announced he had a vehicle to take all of us back to the patio.

I thought to myself that was funny. What the hell is the patio?

When the vehicle stopped and we got out, I was surprised to find that it really was a huge screened-in patio in the midst of a trailer park. Dennis offered me iced tea or a soda and said that most anything I might want was available, but didn't offer me a beer at that time of the morning. I saw the tapper on the front of the refrigerator, and even witnessed a biker looking guy drawing a beer.

Dennis had ushered me to a table with several people sitting at it. It surprised me that the pilot and co-pilot of the aircraft that flew me here were there, as well.

Santana began, "First of all, Doc, you have to relax around these people. None of them will harm you and all of them want you to be the man they seek. I've already told them all about you and they have confirmed you are second to none within the framework of the type of computer person we need and want."

Santana made the introductions. There was Steve Sharp, the owner of the parent company, S&S. Next was his wife, Sue, a well endowed blonde who was a partner in the parent company and was also the head of Quality Wear clothing. The pilot was confirmed to be Chuck Johnson, an investing partner in many of the S&S companies, and Lisa Johnson, who was like Chuck's partner. Also present were Donny and Gerry, whom I already knew well from our conversations during the flight. A man named 'Wes' was introduced as their aeronautical engineer who designed and created all of the company's new aircraft. There was a man named 'Jeff', who was in charge of the fiberglass shop and also worked with Gerry developing some kind of composite materiel the company had created. The last person at the table was an older man named 'Abe', who was introduced as the head of rebuilding and an R&D contributor. Another lady came out of the large manufactured home the patio was attached to and sat on the other side of Steve. She was introduced as Mercy Sharp.

When the introductions were complete, I was all ears and asked, "What kind of computer do you want? What do you want it to do?"

Sandy said, "We need something powerful enough to give us all of the data necessary for a newly designed aircraft to pass its initial and subsequent wind tunnel evaluations. After that you, or rather the computer, would be expected to analyze all of the aircraft functions. You'll have to be in charge of buying the equipment, as well as designing and developing the software to do the work we want.

"You would be working with Wes here. Wes is some kind of aeronautical engineering genius who dreams new technologies for aircraft, and then does all he can to make the dreams come true."

"Your job is to help Wes make those dreams into reality. Your knowledge and equipment will prove Wes's designs as well as assisting him with them."

I exclaimed, "Holy smokes, Sandy, you don't want much, do you? Tell me more, though. Would I really get to select whatever equipment I want and would I really have full autonomy for the project?"

Everyone around the table was nodding yes to me. "Well," smiled Sandy, "for the computer side of the project, yes. But unless you're an aeronautical engineering genius too, Wes would be in charge of the design portion of the project."

Then there was a variety of questions that came from the others sitting around the table. It was apparent that all of them were no slouches when it came to business. They obviously knew more about computers than the average person, but were restricted by what was commercially available rather than what was possible for what they needed done. That is where I would come in.

While the friendly interrogation was going on, some sweet rolls had been set out on the table, and glasses of tea and cups of coffee were being refilled by various women who came and went from the main building that looked to be someone's home. I heard an occasional baby cry, so I knew there were women with infants inside.

The lady named Mercy Sharp didn't say anything, but sat watching and listening to me intently as if she were trying to read my mind.

After over an hour of questioning, Sandy Flowers asked, "Doctor Feeny, I have to ask you, what is your full name? The only thing I 've ever heard you called was Doc, Dr. Feeny, or just plain Feeny."

This brought a smile to my face, "My full name is Salvatore Markus Feeny. Before you ask," I stood up and stretched, "My mother is an Italian who married a northwest redheaded Texas cowboy while he was stationed in Italy. She named all of us kids using fancy Italian names and taught all of us to speak, read, and write in Italian so we could communicate with our relatives in Italy when we visited them or they came to Texas. At the same time, my mother learned to speak, read, and write as near perfect English as you can find. I was fascinated with Italian history, and my relatives were fascinated when they discovered that the Wild West was not as wild as they believed, but still wild enough to give almost anyone a thrill.

"I loved being a farmer, or rancher, as they are called in Texas, but I love the world of computers even more. I'm looking for a balance. I want to have some regular non-academic friends, and maybe go riding sometimes and just be a regular person. I'm looking for a company that can use my talents, but is down to earth, relaxed, and strives for perfection. I'm a little anal about that."

I didn't understand why almost all of the people at the table began laughing when I said that. My concerned expression caused Sue Sharp, she of the enormous chest, smile and say, "We're not laughing at you. Perfection is a way of life in our companies. Doing perfect work is our most important mission. We've learned that if we strive to make whatever we are working on perfect, we make more of a better product in less time. You'll see signs on the walls of our businesses that direct and encourage perfect work. Before anything comes from our companies, employees must take our products through a door with a sign above it that asks, "Is It Perfect"?"

I was able to take my eyes off her chest and look her in the eye while listening and hearing what she said. I was thinking to myself, "I have to see these signs for myself. These people do talk the talk. Did they walk the walk?"

There was a lot of activity at the other tables. I noticed ladies putting platters of sandwiches out, followed by bowls of soup. There had to be close to thirty place settings, but we were the only people sitting in the patio at that moment.

As soon as I thought that, electric and gas golf carts began arriving and parking in a long row just off the road. The tables were filling up fast, and women were putting more bowls and platters out on more tables.

Then the attack happened. More than two dozen kids were coming in the doors, getting hugs from the various women, and being sent to the restroom to wash their hands.

The pilot, who I remembered was Chuck, told me, "Let's move over to the table on this end and have lunch. If you don't claim your space around here, you'll miss your chance. Donny, here, will eat everything up, and you'll starve. Just ask Gerry."

There was an "Oh, you" from the smiling girl who sat with the Goliath. The soup was some kind of delicious homemade vegetable beef. The sandwiches were all a combination of ham and turkey. You could put a slice of cheese on it and doctor it up with whatever you wanted. They did have a pile of hot peppers in a bowl near us. Chuck and Mercy were scooping a lot of them up before I could fork one.

The lady with Chuck, the co-pilot introduced as 'Lisa' told me, "This is kind of 'serve yourself' around here. Coke or Mountain Dew is at the bar where the ice is. Coffee is from the big coffee maker, and if you want water, there are bottles in the refrigerator where the beer keg is."

Donny got up with his and Gerry's glasses and headed toward the bar. I followed and found a glass, put ice in it, and used the dispenser to put Coke into the glass. I saw they had Coke, Diet Coke, Mountain Dew, and Dr Pepper. I liked Dr Pepper, too; it's a Texas thing, especially the kind that used to come from that little town, Dublin, in central Texas, where the soda had been made with real cane sugar.

As we ate, Wes, who was next to me on my left, said, "We work on some stuff that requires a pretty stringent security clearance. Do you know of any reason you might have difficulty passing a clearance investigation?"

Hmmm, that's a strange question for a small company in Florida. I did see a lot of men wearing S&S uniform shirts with different logos on them. It was as if there were multiple S&S companies. That's when I remembered that the office where the airplane parked was labeled CS&S Air Charter. There was a big sign that said, "All Flight Students Sign In upon Arrival." There must be a lot going on out there too.

When we finished Steve Sharp said, "Doc, Salvatore, or however you want to be called, I'd like to give you a tour of the business park, which includes the R&D building, our main shop, and we'll also look in on some of the Quality Wear shops.

Instead of a little golf cart, we got into a long cart that held ten people. I sat in front with Steve, Chuck and his co-pilot sat in the second seat, Donny and Gerry sat in the third seat, Dennis and Sue sat in the fourth seat, and Wes and Sandy sat in the rear seat facing backward. Another cart with the rest of the people, followed behind.

As soon as we exited the trailer park's side entrance, we passed by what appeared to be a huge public park with baseball diamonds, football and soccer fields, some tennis courts, and lots of green grass and trees. As we went by that and turned to the left, away from the main road, where we came upon what appeared to an RV dealership on the left. The sign over the door, in average sized letters announced "S&S Motorhomes". Parked in front of the building were about a dozen huge motorhomes. Considering the economy, I'm surprised they had that type of inventory.

On the other side of the street was what was obviously a golf cart or utility cart store, but only had a simple S&S sign. There were probably fifty carts of various models under a covered awning in front of the store and more inside a showroom. This was Florida and people did use a lot of these. I, of course, knew there were golf cart communities all over the country. What surprised me was that the building was huge, making me think there was more to that business than just selling various carts.

The next building on the left was obviously a semi truck dealership. There were five big tractors, of four different manufacturers, sitting in front of the building. There was a Volvo, a Peterbilt, an International, and a Freightliner. The fifth tractor there was one of those weird looking, low wind resistance bodies that have been gaining popularity. The back of this building was huge to accommodate repair of the big trucks and also some motorhomes I saw being worked on.

The last two buildings on the left side of the street had another two of the funny looking low wind resistance tractors in front of it, and when I was able to see inside, I could see a body being lowered onto a chassis. Steve said, "Truck owners bring their tractors here and we remove the old metal body, rebuild the mechanical parts of the truck, and install a low wind resistance body for them with some nice accoutrements. We make the bodies to order for each customer. When we finish with a truck, it is beautiful and will save the owner/operator thousands of dollars a year in fuel. Of course, over every door around here, there is a sign asking "Is It Perfect?"

I liked the attitude and I was beginning to think S&S was a lot bigger than I had originally thought.

We drove behind the cart building and I was able to see inside, as the doors were open for fresh air with the mild weather. There was the answer. As far as I could see in the plant were assembly lines with various carts on them. They build carts here, as well as sell them.

We drove in front of a strip center that had various small businesses that were mostly machine shops. On the other side of the street, the first building we came to was the R&D center. The place was under construction and Dennis explained they were building on to accommodate more activity, and their now new computer department.

We did a quick tour inside, but didn't get too close to some of the items they were working on. I think this might have been one of their secure areas. Next was more construction expanding a building that said simply, "Education Center".

Steve told me this was where S&S had a training program for people in many trades. He said they trained carpenters, electricians, plumbers, air conditioning specialist, welders, sheet metal workers, and now machinists. The new addition was to expand the machinist training area. Back in the cart, Chuck pointed down a new road that went to a big building that was near completion. He said, "That is going to be one of the best machine shops in the country, and every man working there will be some form of disabled vet. We are training as many vets as possible right now, and for those who are qualified and willing to commit, we have a program to send men to the University for accounting, law, pharmacist, or lab technician courses. We are going to try to employ over two thousand disabled men and women. We will be giving back."

I was impressed. I had often thought the military would be a great learning place, but I somehow knew that I wouldn't have the opportunities to play with the computers I loved so much. Dad had been in the military for the last of the Viet Nam war, but didn't have any real combat experience. He had spent a great deal of his enlistment in Italy.

The Quality Wear plant was enormous. There were seven total buildings that all seemed to be busy. The parking lots were filled, but something strange was happening. A long string of kids from about three to five years old were holding hands as they were led across the street into a huge vacant park area. Sue spoke up, "Those are our workers' kids. We have facilities to take care of all preschoolers and to also handle the kids who get out of school before their parents get off work. It gets really crowded in there between about three and five. The busses bring them directly here, and we make sure we inventory every kid. It's quite a task."

We parked and walked through the main entrance, with Steve and Sue waving at the receptionist. As we passed a door that said, 'Nurse' Steve said, "If you think you might want to work with us, go in there and do your drug test real quick. That will be one less thing you'll have to do later."

I thought about it for only a second and went into the room. Chuck followed me and said, "You have to have company for these, and I thought you might be more comfortable with me rather than the nurse."

The procedure is painless and only takes a minute. Chuck had to explain to the lady that I was a probable future employee, and was getting this part of pre-hire out of the way. The nurse told me, "We choose various employee groups and do spot drug tests, so don't think we don't watch." I had to smile at that, as I'm sure eighty percent of the staff at the University I was trying to escape from, was using one form or another of recreational drug. You could walk down the hallways in the enclosed classroom areas and smell it as you went by a professor's office.

We toured a couple of sewing rooms. There were cute cartoons on the walls with caricatures of Steve and Sue along with many others. Over the door was the sign, "Is It Perfect?" They were walking the walk. From the huge plant, we drove around the big park area, out to the main road, then back toward the trailer park, past a good sized two building Holiday Inn Express. You could tell the rear building was new, with a pool and cabana between the buildings.

As we drove through the front security gates of the park, Steve told me, "We'll take an Expedition to the shop so you can see more of the company. I envision a research computer system contributing to several of our businesses. If we were to have that kind of engineering facility available, who knows what we could create?"

We drove a short distance to a group of buildings with a huge "S&S" sign in front. Across the street was another group of buildings that said Quality Wear on the front sign. That must be a really big company.

When we walked into the S&S showroom, there was a race car hanging from the ceiling. Also hanging were race car and drag bike frames. I knew what they were, as a friend I grew up with could beat almost anyone at the motorcycle dirt drags. In the showroom, were a very fancy motorcycle, a drag bike, a big generator, and several sheets of what looked like clear Lucite. I saw two of them had large bullets imbedded in the glass. I wondered what that was all about.

We walked past a blind receptionist who stood and cordially greeted us. Steve and Sue said something to her and we walked through two big double doors into what was obviously what Steve called his 'shop'. We walked to the right behind some welders working on race car frames, then behind an area that was cutting and bending sheet metal, also for racecars. I noticed the signs around that encouraged perfect work. Something else that I noticed was that all of the workers gave enthusiastic greetings to Steve and all of us as we passed.

We entered another very brightly lit area of work stations that were copies of each other, six engines up on stands, with two people at each stand working on an engine. People would go back and forth between benches with sophisticated measuring equipment, do something with a part then return to the engine. Steve said, "This is our motor shop, where we build perfect motors that are beating the competition." I was astounded at how clean the floor was considering they were working on motors.

On the far end of the shop were two biker looking guys working on a couple of motorcycles. Near them, a short redhead was using an airbrush to paint an intricate design on a set of motorcycle fuel tanks. This was a busy place.

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I am 5’ 11”, medium built, 30 years old and working for a mnc company in mumbai. I got settled in my carrier and earning a handsome salary. Many people who visit mumbai occasionally, they get surprised on what is there in the city which even doesn’t have any infrastructure compared to other big cities in india. I give them casual smile because you need to live here to feel the city. It is the only live city in the country (per my opinion). Enough of myself, now i’ll tell you about her. She is...

2 years ago
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Knocked Up At Home 8211 Part 1 My Hot StepDaughter

I’m Chandu, 39, with a 22-year-old step-daughter, Shravanti, who was getting bi-curious. She wanted to explore a man’s body for some things a lesbian partner cannot provide. Shravanti was a confirmed gay girl since her high school days. I had caught her scissoring (moving legs back and forth, between another girl’s legs, with both cunts riding on each other’s thighs) her girlfriend when she was just 19. Soon she bought a strap-on dick and got her girlfriend to pop her cherry. Since then, she...

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1st Time

her to be a swinger? Well, the story below tells of the 1st time I was a slut: I was 17 and a junior in high school. I worked at MacKenize’s bakery, in Schwagmenn’s grocery store in Metarie, LA in the summer of 1977. It was the one located on Veteran’s Highway. I never thought of myself as desirable to men, but I was starting to see that change. Workers would buy doughnuts and hit on me. I went out with one of them and really liked him, but he did not pay me that much attention on the date. He...

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Honeymoon With Mother In Law

Hello-This is an update to my previous story posted 3 months ago. It’s been 3 months since I first unexpectedly forced myself on my mother in law, Shamshad, 41, who is also my mami, who is been staying on/off with my family ever since my wife, Yasmin, 22 had a baby. I have continued fucking my MIL(mami), but now it is with mutual consent. She doesn’t’ say it, but her eyes give away when she wants it and ever since our first time she has never said no except when my wife is awake. So, we usually...

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The Roadtrip

We were on day three of our road trip, making the long drive from New York to Austin for SXSW. We were both excited for the event, but to be honest, the drive was starting to get a little boring. Endless highway stretching on and on in front of us. We’d already previewed the tracks of all the bands we planned to see when we got there. We’d made a list of all the BBQ places we planned to hit as well. What’s worse is that we spent the previous two nights crashed at friends’ houses along the way...

3 years ago
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My Maid8217s Irresistible Ass

After completing my graduation, I had to move to another city for my job. I had got a good placement in a huge multinational company. The pay was good and the job was a breeze. The problem was that I was here temporarily, so buying a new house was not much feasible for the matter of just a year. So I had a talk with my best friend and he knew some apartments near my office for rent on sharing basis. I went to check the first one out. I knocked on the door and a beautiful lady dressed in black...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Camilla 11302017

Feisty and fun, our 22 year old, 4-foot-11 tiny Latina spinner Camilla comes off as a sweet gir, but gets dirty when “between the sheets”. We knew she was going to work out just fine when she told us she made private videos for people she met on the Interwebs. Obviously she’s ready for the big leagues now! When she’s not making her private videos, she likes to masturbate every day or fuck her girlfriend (!), so Camilla is just the kind of girl we like here! As usual,...

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At Gestapo Headquarters

The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable onlyfor adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading suchmaterial by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately.Likewise, if you can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy getthe heck outta here. Copyright is claimed on this work by the author. Since I may wish to publishit again at a future date permission to copy, republish or distribute it inany form is...

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Little Sister

I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the many ways that...

2 years ago
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Tarun8217s Suprise 8211 Part II

This is the continuation please read the part I first:Sunaina looked at me. She looked so beautiful, in that instant she was so strong, with well defined muscles and amazing breasts and facial features her whole body was amazing and in addition to her body, her attitude the whole night had demonstrated a strength of character and of experience that I had never seen before in a person, as if she had been through many hardships already and was toughened by them but now, she showed a hint of...

Gay Male
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Aunt Janine

I had just turned 14, when my aunt Janine came to stay with my mother and I. My mom and dad had divorced the year before, and now it was Janine's turn. Since her and her husband didn't have any kids and they had lived in an apartment, she had no place to go, so my mom had her come out to Ohio to stay with us until she got on her feet. Aunt Janine was by no means a super model or anything like that, she was a few pounds overweight, not fat but I guess you would classify her as pleasantly...

2 years ago
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The Blackmail of a Congresswoman

He took a few more steps quietly down the stairs and that’s when he saw someone’s shadow move near the entrance to the kitchen. With the nimble dexterity of a cat and the shotgun and his eyes both pointed and fixed at the kitchen entrance, John finished the stairs quickly and daintily walked out into the middle of the living room. Just then, a dark figure leapt up out of the darkness from the side of the couch and grabbed the gun’s barrel from him and pointed it up. The gun discharged into the...

4 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 34

The big day rolled around and I was nervous, standing in front of Vicki's door holding Zoe's hand. Vicki's mom had seen the two of us together, but knowing that we would be eating, with our unique relationship out in the open, was nerve wracking. Now that I knew Tami's family was a problem, I had started considering the possibility of other obstacles in the way of our relationship. I was a worrier by nature, and the thought of giving up the women I loved tied me in knots. "It will be...

3 years ago
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Joan David Ch 01

I glanced in through the back door into the dark kitchen, obviously I was late for my curfew and I knew that if my mother was not asleep she would more than likely be waiting in the living room to come in through the front door, all I wanted to do was go downstairs into my room, masturbate and go to sleep. Tonight was one of those nights I would not soon forget, not that it had been anything too special (nothing to write home about, as some would say) but because of the sheer blue-balled...

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Fred and Bernice A Love Story

63-year-old Fred Edmonds stood outside his farmhouse looking at the impending storm clouds with concern. He was a slender but muscular man from years of hard labor of tending to the soil. 60-year-old Bernice standing on the steps of the cellar said, "Fred, I know you are worried but I don't want to lose you in this storm." Fred looked at Bernice with a haggard look and went down into the cellar with Bernice. Inside the cellar, Fred stood there in his faded Wranglers and Wranglers...

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Another Weekend At Essies

After spending my past weekend with Essie, I had a ton of things to do. I informed my Senior Sergeant of my decision not to reenlist. Being discharged from the Armed Forces entails a lot of details. I scheduled my physical, returned my weapons and started checking out. The week went by fast for me. Early Friday afternoon I showered and made myself ready for another weekend with Essie. She promised me she would spend the next weekend at her condo with me and I was so looking forward to being...

2 years ago
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The Prisoner And His Slave 8211 Part 1

The king wished his precious wives and daughters to be served only by the most beautiful virgins in his lands so by royal decree his agents were always on the look out for beautiful young girls to be trained as slaves and servants for the royal women. These girls were denied clothing, required to bath and clean each other daily and never allowed to succumb to their sexual urges. Denied access to the company of men from a young age and watched closely by the matron they were to be raised in...

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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

3 years ago
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The holiday that changed our lives Chapters 3 The big tease 4 The phone call

Introduction: She teases me rotten Chapter 3: The big tease Margaret did indeed make me suffer, insisting on remaining in the holiday cottage all day and teasing me by roaming about with no clothes on, despite the fact that there were three windows open to the road and she would have been clearly visible to anyone walking past. From time to time, she would play with her pussy and when it got very wet she would request my attention in consuming some of the sweet flowing nectar. I didnt need the...

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The Ceo And His Secretary 8211 Part 2

CEO- Did you book my ticket for saturday to Pune ,Thangam Thangam – yes sir , put a copy in your brief-case and have informe Smita Bapat was the admin person taking care of their Pune activities and also another concubine of the CEO.She was 48 and divorced, in fact she had a boy who is in his twenties.She was also another case of ill treatment where she had the guts to throw him out.Even her in-laws were supportive of her actions as they were a witness to his treatment. So in one her weaker...

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Friday night

So its another Friday night and I was just driving around lookingfor something to do. I had already stopped by the local bookstoreand didn't see anything I was really interested in so I keptdriving. I saw a small bar down the street from the bookstore itlooked quiet and not too busy for a Friday night so I stopped in fora Coke. I don't drink so I just sit at the bar and soak up theatmosphere.I was sitting at the bar for about an hour nursing the Coke, thinkingabout leaving and then she sat...

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Picard Show Concept Idea Star Trek Galaxyqu

Recently I watched my favorite movie reviewer upload about what he think the new Picard Show should be about. Alot of his ideas where almost exactly like the once I thought about. Some differences here and there. So i figured I'd write it down. Don't really have a place other than here to write it so I might as well do it here. Just to get it down. First off this is not a script really just a concept. Some dialog. Some quick jumps, some long lingering scenes that stick in my head. I’m just free...

4 years ago
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Light and DarkChapter 11

I just want someone to talk to And a little of that human touch Human Touch, Bruce Springsteen Cambridge, Essex, December 2nd Exhaustion sapped at Sophie's strength and concentration, a black aura dimming the edge of her vision, and still Gabriel writhed on the bed before her. She'd had to close the window when the rain started around midnight, but hadn't dared let the heat into the room, and found herself tugging the coat tighter as a chill breeze crept in under her...

3 years ago
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Mrs Allison the white teacher

THE VICTORY DANCE Mrs. Allison Tappet dreaded her last period math class. Having been a teacher for 10 years she had seen the students go from showing some interest to practically none. Discipline in the schools was worse and her last period class was the worst. It contained all the ?STAR? high schools football players who felt they had a free ticket in her class because she had been instructed not to make them miss practice. The team was one game away from taking the state championship, and...

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The Lonely Wife Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – The Lonely WifeFiona was bored, with her almost loveless marriage her husband who was an International Banker, who only thought of money and thought his two minutes of sex, with the lights off on every Saturday night was the best his wife had ever had. At 37 she still thought of herself as attractive, not head turning, but ok as she kept herself fit, at the gym three times a week and was still 36c-28-37, not bad and just a little tummy no matter how much she tried, to get rid of...

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Sex with my young secretary

This happened around 2001. I was then 51 and she was 33. She is a very attractive woman with a son and the husband had left her. Was coming from a respectable family in the suburbs. She was introduced to me by a friend asking me to find her a job in a computer based company so that she could learn computers to work her way up as an efficient secretary. My friend who introduced her to me was 54 but we both look like in early forties. One would say naughty forties. Apparently my friend had sex...

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Church parking lot for a hot reunion

It had been a long time since my wife and I really let go of our responsibilities and taken a little time to go crazy on each other. But it finally happened the other night . We met on the parking lot of the church late at night to talk and it happened, the hottest, craziest sex we have ever had. Before we get into the story I will tell you a little about us. I am a 35 yr old firefighter that is five eleven , one eighty , sandy blonde hair, blue eyes , nice tan skin with a decent seven under my...

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Garys Golf Outng Chapter 7 Garys first Hole in One

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 7 -- Gary's First Hole In One We laughed and giggled all the way back to the condo like three teen-aged school girls. The breeze up my skirt, the vibrator buzzing in my "pussy," the full moon, and the remembrance of what I had just done were causing me to lose control. Experience-wise, I was a teen-aged school girl, and I wanted to experience everything teen-aged school girls did. "I can't believe I'm a real honest to goodness cock sucker now," I...

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The Big One

Finally i have finished work, Wednesdays are always a crappy day with it being midweek etc. I park the car on the drive way and climb out and head for the door.What will i end up doing this evening i wonder to myself?The thought that comes back doesnt fill me with joy, probably the same crap as always Dinner and then TV till bed where no doubt once again i wont get sex.Dont get me wrong i love my wife but she just isnt interested any more and because she is always at home i never get chance to...

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Roomates 23

She is sitting on the bed, watching her TV, but shuts it off when he enters. Korey suddenly felt nervous, something Sarah clearly didn’t feel. She stood up, showing a pair of tight, aquamarine panties that matched her bra. Korey felt his cock harden and his confidence increase as she pulls him into a deep, passionate kiss. “Now,” she whispers into his ear, “Let me show another of my fantasies.” She begin another passionate kiss, as her hand snaked across his sculpted chest....

3 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 36

All my brothers were gone along with Daddy to hit the junkyards. They'd taken the big Mack Super tow truck and the old flatbed ten-wheeler we used for hauling stuff. Steve's Mach I was there, the old Deceiver, but he wasn't and I figured he was driving Lisa's car, since he'd left me a note saying he was at Lisa's place and he'd be back about noon to pick me up. It was only gonna take about four or five hours to get to Seattle maybe, so we didn't have to rush too much. I was just...

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Red Cashmere Sweater

Red Cashmere Sweater.I’m Dave 28 and lead guitar in a band. Today I’m playing at a wedding of a good friend.All the band have been mates since school. We’re all fit red blooded men. James is the only one married. On normal nights we get our share of the girls. However on weddings unattached girls are rare! We tend to get u******ed girls hanging around; left un-touched. They tend to pick up on the sex of the event. Not necessarily the bride and groom but their horny parents. Tonight is no...

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A little dancing a lot of cocksucking

I often wondered, what would it feel like? How would it feel to take another man’s cock into my mouth? Would the taste be revolting or would I yearn to welcome the flow of thick semen down my throat? What would it feel like to have a real cock in my ass instead of the cheap dildo I had purchased from the adult bookstore?All questions that weighed heavily on my mind. I wanted to experience sex with another man but didn’t know quite how to go about it. Sure, I’d had luck with women over the years...

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A favourite story from Literotica... Jennyby TryAnything John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister's. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 19, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 52

“Wonder why they’re parking the truck out away from the porch?” I asked. “I have no idea, but the guy who got out on the driver’s side, looked up at that window. Maybe they have the attic rigged somehow to load their suitcases out the windows.” “ ... Now’s your chance. They’ve all gone inside.” “Cover me, I’m going to stick that right-front tire first, since it’s away from the house and won’t be seen right away when they come out.” I watched as he ran across the open barnyard, then I lost...

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