First Local Meet............. free porn video

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The day eventually arrived and the anticipation of the meet which had played havoc on my mind had dawned. Only a few hours left of work and then a meeting which in some ways was exciting and extremely fraught with trepidation. I felt as if I had worked for this liaison for a very long time and I kind of thought that I had in some way earned it.

I guess he has a profile picture in which immediately takes you attention as your eyes fall upon him for the first time. The bonus is that he is also local, somewhat reducing any travelling time down to a minimum. I new in my heart that I had to have him for myself and before anybody else managed to claim him for there own.

Let me quickly explain the photograph in which this gorgeous man show cased himself to us. Full length legs encased in stockings which ran from the tips of his toes to the top of his thighs. A suspender held the stockings in place and was secured around his waist. A pair of very skimpy knickers overlaid his groin area which fought a struggle to contain the obvious outline of his fully erected state.

The best part in my opinion was the shoes, I am a pushover for a great pair of shoes often coming home and slipping on some sexy shoes at home whilst I relax for the evening. He was wearing a black pair of opened toed very strappy and raised heel shoes, just does it for me and my gaze spent several extra moments taking in his shoes. I must admit that since I first saw his profile some time back I have often taken this image to the privacy of my own bed to help with the exploration of my own body.

As I slid in to the seat and operated the ignition switch and before actually starting the engine I decided to punch in the co-ordinates on the sat nav to guide me to his place of residence. The map appeared and shrew me the magical destination to which I am to travel. I was surprised it was only about five miles away in a small village that surrounds this main town. The engine sprang in to life and we were on our way. I hadn't gone a few metres before a small bleep reminded me that the vehicle was low on fuel. A few moments later I found my self at the fuel forecourt filling the tank.

As I was about to present my debit card for payment and a display of flowers caught my eye, I decided to buy a bunch to present to him on arrival. How would he react I wondered? After all do men give other men flowers. These thoughts raced through my mind for a few seconds as I waited for the customer in front to clear the counter.

A decision was arrived at soon, and I thought it wouldn't do me any harm to at least present them to him. I paid my bill and left the fuel station to continue my journey to our meet. I don’t remember much of the rest of the travel to his house as my mind was in a state of high excitement and trepidation, with the symptoms manifesting its self by a constant dryness to my mouth.

All to soon the sat nav lead me in to a cul-de-sac and I dutifully followed the directions until I heard the announcement that I had reached my destination. I switched off the engine and waited until the sound died away. For quite a few moment I just waited in the silence of the lane. Two small boys appeared in the distance, both with skate boards and then disappeared through a opening in the hedge and on to a field to practice there art.

I now gathered in some courage and decided to now go and knock on the door. Picking up the flowers from the passenger seat I alighted in to the street and looked around. I wondered if anybody was watching from any of the windows. I guess the unusual situation made me consider that everybody knew what I was in the neighbourhood to do, and it made me uneasy about my presence here. I again waited for a few minutes with my back propped up against the car door. But at this point I new I was only delaying the inevitable rendezvous and decided to meet my fears head on.
I glanced at the door in front of me, a small sticker read that any door sales men would be asked for identification before being admitted to the building, I guess it made me smile a little and helped reduce the fear that I was currently experiencing. One deep breath and I found my self with my finger pressed firmly on the door bell. Some distance sound seemed to emanate inside the house and then a few moments of silence before the reception door opened.

I heard his voice first “hello” he said “do come in” a voice it seems was a lot calmer than mine would have been if the roles were reversed. I offered him the flowers Oh, thank you very much! How thoughtful of you he said. I dutifully followed him inside and he lead me on in to the house and through to a lounge area. He took the flower and placed them in a vase of water and stood them in the bedroom, then returned to me. “please sit down” it almost sounded like a command, than a request. I did as I was instructed and sat down in the couch as indicated by him. Would you like a drink he asked me, and gave me a range to choose from.

After selecting a choice I sat back and watched him as he began to mix the drink. He was wearing a house coat concealing to me what he was wearing beneath the garment, but I was aware he was dressed to impress me when it was revealed. The only thing I could see was his nylon clad legs exposed beneath the short house coat. Indeed a stirring sight and I immediately knew this was to be more than a getting to know you meeting.

As I watched from the couch I was beginning to realise that my nervousness was being replace by a desire to unveil what ever he was hiding from my sight. and was reinforced by my now obvious arousal, manifesting itself quite clearly in the front of my trousers. And I didn't attempt to cover up my physical state either. He turned back towards me and brought two glasses of drinks back to the couch, handed me one and then sat down in the seat next to me in our intimate zone. He certainly didn't seem in the least shy or awkward about what was soon possibly to happen to the both of us.

We engaged in what I could describe as pleasant conversation about anything other than sex, or our current situation, and talked like this for sometime. Eventually we put down our empty glasses on the table. The alcohol in the drink now acted as a relaxant and all nerves for me were gone at this point.

The next move I didn't expect as he took hold of my hand and squeezed it firmly, but also with great gentleness as well. As looked up towards him, his mouth now closed in on mine. That moment when his lips made contact with mine was incredible. I could taste the alcohol on his lips, and my mind for a moment or two fought with my idea of our actions being culturally wrong. Some how he seemed to sense my hesitation and pressed in a little more firmly to stop me from backing away. I could now feel his tongue sweeping along the length of my lips and trying to invade my inner mouth.

At that point I gave way and relaxed my muscles, he took the cue and fully penetrated me with his tongue. OMG!! I thought I am bloody well enjoying this amazing sensation. that this guy was bestowing on me. He clearly wanted me! and I wanted him so much as well. The stickiness of his lipstick and its sensation on my mouth nearly drove me mad with delight. My lower regions were also in a state of extreme pleasure and aching to put in a appearance as soon as possible.

I guess he must have sensed my urgency as he took full control of the actions of my mouth and emanated what I hoped he would later do to my now bursting cock. His hands were stroking up and down my face and following every contour of my shape, one moment gently caressing me and another moment pulling me in so our mouths clashed more firmly together. He started to relaxed a little from the kiss and drew slightly away. “are you enjoying what we are doing” I just nodded my head to confirm. My mouth was to dry with desire to answer him properly. My cock at this point had uncomfortably forced its way through the restriction imposed on its by tight underpants. And the tip was now occupying the space between the pants and my trousers. I could sense that I was leaking lubrication as my glans was sticking to the material.

I really needed to be freed from my encumbered predicament but didn't want to do it myself as I might have appeared too pushy. “Honey” I said in a low voice, seemed a strange thing to say to a man whom I have just met. But it just seemed the right thing to call him. After all we were being very intimate. He seemed to sense what the problem was and decided to release me from the discomfort. He took one last kiss as he drew away from my mouth. “stand up please” it came across gentle spoken but with a aire of authority about him.

I rose to my feet and the uncomfortableness became worse as the now stretched material tried to drag my erected condition in a downward direction. I stood there fully raised before him,but it was obvious that I was in a much aroused state. The front of me was bulging outwards and away from me and the little moist sticky patch on the front of my trousers was clear for all to see. He also stood up as well and faced me with a little smile on his face. With a flick of his wrist he had undone the tie on his housecoat and with a wiggle of the shoulders the garment slid to a crumpled heap on the floor.

I trembled at him as the sight that greeted my eyes was a Basque, red in colour with black piping and panels to match. Suspended beneath was the minky stockings held in place by the black suspender strap. Slender legs ending with black open toed strappy high heeled shoes. And As the coat fell away from him, I noticed a smell of expensive French perfume although I couldn't identify it by name you can always tell when its expensive. His look was typically sexy, but for our first meeting he was very delightfully dressed for the occasion.

He dropped to his knee's so his face lined up with my groin area. His hands now held my waist and slowly slid them around to the front. The belt buckle was contracted and then skilfully slid undone, the tension was momentarily released and I knew it would only be moments before I was to be exposed. I pulled my tummy in a little bit as my trouser hook yielded no resistance to him at all. His hands firmly pulled in a downward motion sliding my trousers all the way to my ankles. Again his fingers returned and followed up with the removal of my pants in the same manor. I stepped out of my trousers and undergarments and decided it would seem silly to continue to wear my shoes and shirt. So I discarded all of my clothing and opted for nakedness.

My pent up discomfort was now free from its concealment and causing several bead of lubricant to flick through the air and land on his hand, his mouth cleaned up the droplets that I had just made, and I felt humbled that he orally ingested my pre-cum with such enthusiasm. I was aware now of the coldness of the air, as my moisture soaked penis evaporated heat in to the atmosphere. not that I was trying to think scientifically at all, and I doubt he was either. He then broke off our engagement and stood up and turned away from me. I was disappointed and not to mention very frustrated at this unexpected action.

“What’s the matter?” I exclaimed in a small voice, “don’t worry yourself,” came the reply, its alright. I watched him go to a small clutch bag on the table and remove a lipstick from it, he proceeded to re-apply colouring to his lips and a gloss to seal in the effect. Then he returned to his original position. My cock hadn't lost any of its desire for him even throughout the short break, and was still seeping clear lubricant from its business end.

The next movement was a shock to my system, suddenly and without warning his newly glossed mouth slid over my erected shaft and I watched in utter amazement as I began to disappear inside his red and glossed halo of pure pleasure. The sensation was almost to much to bare and I clasped the side of his ears and shouted out with absolute pleasure at what he was subjecting me to. I felt His tongue sweep across the glans and the muscles squeezing down on my shaft attempting to milk my very being.

I could feel my heart beating like a steam train increasing the pressure and causing my cock to grow and expand in his oral cavity. and as his tongue spiralled its way down my erect member I was aware of a uncontrollable leak of pre-seminal fluid mixing with his own saliva and causing a slippery sliding tube of intense pleasure. The warmth that I experienced when being enclosed by his mouth mirrored the coolness when he disengaged and allowed the air to again chill me through evaporation process.

The aroma of the expensive French perfume and the visual view of the black on red under garments were now seriously over whelming my ability to think straight and all I knew that within a very short time I was going to be very intimate in this man's mouth. Between the waves of pleasure I decided somehow I would warn him that a full climax between those glossed lips was going to be a distinct possibility. I don’t think my word's carried much intelligibility as I certainly didn't understand my blubberings my self, even after I said them to him. He either didn't hear or chose to ignore the warning about his imminent fate and continued the onslaught on my blood engorged tool. The room continued to swim around as I continued to take in the scene.

I was watching my cock being devoured before my own eyes, disappearing and reappearing as his glossed red lips steadfastly pistoned up and down my shaft. Saliva continually mixed with natural lubricant which was evident every time his withdrawal was complete. The beautiful red Basque and stockings complete with the shoes were creating a heady mix inside my mind, not to mention what the perfume was doing as well. All these things set the conditions for what was about to become a explosion of lust inside me at any moment.

When I think about it now, I remembered just cupping his head in my hands and pulling him towards me, and him connecting on to my shaft and holding him there. I had warned him and he chose to ignore it! I guess he was now mine to do what I liked with. My balls were aching with fullness and almost boiling with my pent up seed, ready for an immediate delivery. Just over a week of abstinence was about to enter his face and spill into his throat, I had at this point lost all concern for his predicament and egotistically sought to satisfy the craving I now felt in my groin.

The first contraction almost hurt me as my muscles went in to spasm, forcing my sperm tracts to expand to accommodate the astronomical amount of semen that was now cascading down to the point of transferral. Instantaneous large amounts of endorphins flooded in to my brain and overwhelming my every day sensors, blanking out reality. My body found its self in the clutches of a overpowering orgasm in which the like of I don’t think I have ever experienced before. I started to scream at him “YOU SLUT,YOU FUCKIN SLUT”.....

My breathing was ragged and uncontrolled and my voice was still screaming obscenities at him in words I didn't even realise I knew. I don’t think he was aware of half I said as he was to busy dealing with the high volume of cum that my cock was exhausting in to his mouth. That initial shot must have entered the back of his throat, and yet I could see he was trying to deal with my warm fluid forcing its self past his lips, but within milliseconds my pulsating cock again spat its venom into the hot receptacle of his mouth and started to escape past the glossed seal and dribble in to view as he attempted to control the leakage.

I had some sympathy for his dilemma as my own experience has showed me that swallowing Cum takes time, as the thick liquid sticks to your throat and several attempts are usually required to complete the process. So being overloaded with my creamy milk I thought he was doing well. The third ejaculation almost made him give up as he released my still spurting shaft from his grip, and as it broke free, ejaculate landed on his cheeks in strings and hung there. My mind at this point was in another world as the endorphins swirling around my head and stimulating every pleasure nerve point of my being was now taking its toll.

I found my energy reserves low, it seems that to experience such a crashing orgasm and maintain a fully standing position didn't go hand in hand. Or at least for me it didn't! So much energy was being used by my lower hip muscles to operate the machinery down there that fuel was draining from my calf muscles to cope with the demand. I found I could no longer stand and started to buckle at the knees and fell as gently as I could to the carpeted floor. He seemed to sense what was happening and moved to give me some space as I descended to his level. After I arrived at my destination unharmed I found myself face to face with him on the floor. I was still in the throes of orgasm although at this point in the cycle I was on the downward spiral but not yet returned to full faculties and still craving his touch.

As I gazed at his face I could still see spent seed on his lips although the glossing had all but been erased by our previous action together, some seminal fluid was still was on his cheeks, locating were the recent abundant overspill had occurred. I pulled him tight to me and held him in, just feeling and seeing what he was wearing was extending the post orgasmic feeling that I was still experiencing. My fingers traced a mark across his face making the Cum part as I drew a line through it. And then I gave him an almost to gentle a kiss on his mouth, tasting for myself what my lover had to endure for me in those few precious moments of passion we experienced together.

As we lay there on the floor sharing the closeness and the warmth of each others bodies, he raised his left leg and placed it over my hips to encompass me intimately within him. This caused a space to open up around his groin area and I found my own cock now fell naturally in towards his stocking topped thighs. My orgasm at this point had entered the relaxed stage and was bottoming out making me feel sleepy. but not before the dying pulses of my spentout member had dribbled the last droplets of clear sticky milk on to the front of his Basque's suspender straps.

He was a kind man and afforded me some time to recover on the floor. He stayed with me for a while as I climbed down from our activity’s together. Then he got up and left me to enter the kitchen area. I heard the sound of the fridge being opened and a drink being poured. He reappeared and stood in the doorway unaware I could see him as he thought I was asleep. He drunk from a large glass of orange juice and I smiled to myself as I realised that he was cleansing his mouth from the onslaught that my seminal attack had left his mouth in.

He did a bit of browsing on the mobile phone and continued with a second glass of juice but left off these activities to reapply the lipstick and gloss to his lips. He set down the drinking glass and came over to were I was recovering. He could see I was smiling at him and held out my hand for him to assist me up. I was now aware now of my male nakedness against his feminine appearance but dutifully followed him as he led me to his bedroom, I watched as he slowly peeled off his female attire and placed the them in the washing basket to allow the detergent do battle to restore his garments to there former glory by removing any traces of the seminal onrush I carried out on him earlier,

We turned and faced each other and held hands. He leaned forward and again kissed me on the lips for a few moments and then drew away again. I could feel the stickiness of his mouth as the gloss parted company with my own as disengagement was complete. Those hands again encircled my hips and drew me bodily towards him and made me aware of his obvious hardness as he pressed his member in to my own. I myself had become flaccid following my own sexual contentment of that previous encounter. But of course he had not in a physical way had his own needs attended to and was now pressing me to fulfil that desire.

As I began to curl my fingers around his now fully expanded cock, he stopped me for a second and pointed to the en'suite shower in the corner on the bedroom. “I think we both need to shower” he was right of course as the dry chalkie marks on his body was evidence enough to prove that my encounter with him was in all senses of the word, Erotic! As we entered he turned on the valve and we plunged under the warm inviting water.

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Bar Meetup

We decide to meet up at a bar for our next little encounter, meet up for some drinks and fuck each other silly after. I get to the bar and see you sitting down at a table, you've already got a drink. I swing by the bar and pick one up before sitting down next to you."Hi" I say before sitting down next to you. Giving a nice kiss.I feel your hand reach down my leg and up to my cock that's quickly growing."Mhmm all I can think about is that cock in my mouth.""Yes me too, I want it all the way in...

1 year ago
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Roomies The Trackmeet

Isobel Ford closed her eyes for a moment. The swaying of the old bus on its worn-out springs as it rumbled down the road was almost soporific. Only almost, because it wheezed and creaked and the engine knocked. Her eyes popped open seconds after they closed. In front of her, Mr. Stanton from the college's athletic trainers' office wrestled with the wheel, his eyes fixed on the dark road ahead. Good. He was awake and driving carefully. But then he generally slept in the bus, probably had the...

3 years ago
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Neighborly SwapChapter 7 Another Meetup

The next week passed uneventfully. I worked that weekend, so I spent time on my off days during the week knocking off the chores Brenda and I listed. In the course of some yard work, I noted Linda standing at the window, as if watching me work. I waved to her, and she started, paused a moment, and waved back with a faint smile. The next day, I was cleaning up the back yard. As I straightened up once, stretching the kinks out of my back, I saw my pretty neighbor looking over the fence at...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price24 Swapmeet

Frieda put her boot up on the glove box and crossed her arms tighter. She ground her teeth audibly. Frieda’s mother’s, Sasha’s, hands tightened on the wheel. “He’s how much older than you? Twenty years?” “Not that much!” Frieda barked. “It might as well be,” Sasha sighed. “This is for your own good.” “But not my own happiness. And not Owen’s!” “I don’t give two fucks about Owen’s happiness,” Sasha said. They drove by the turn off to their street. She wasn’t driving her daughter...

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There and BackChapter 106 Landsmeet

It was a long walk across the city to the Landsmeet, and we'd had to get up way too early. I cursed the lack of technology again. I miss cars. And traffic lights. Who'd ever have thought I'd miss traffic lights? Denerim could definitely use them, with people, wagons, carriages, and beasts of burden everywhere, as there were. While we could have taken a carriage, given the crowded, narrow streets of Denerim, it wouldn't have been much faster. I was used to the walking – spending months on...

1 year ago
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As a site with such a transparent name, I am sure you already know what to expect from This place will help you meet lots of hot tranny chicks, so if you are into that, you are more than welcome to stay and browse because there is a lot to see. Now, this is a dating site, and while you can meet one-night stands, most of these people are looking for a relationship type meeting.Of course, there are a lot of different members on TS Meet, and thus their desires and everything overall...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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Remember Chatroulette? Those guys had what seemed like a great idea, but quickly became just a random dick generator. Chatting with randos sounds great until you find out it’s just a bunch of perverts like you. Other companies have tweaked the formula over the years, coming up with different wrinkles to add to their random chats. (I meant metaphorical wrinkles, dipshit. Nobody wants to see your saggy ballsack hanging to your knees.) CooMeet is a random video chat site that bills itself as the...

Sex Chat Sites
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Going Parking at The Local Park

Mild bondage and submission My husband likes to plan things out, and when those plans happen he really loves it, when a plan comes together. He has asked me on a number of occasions what do I want?, and where do I want him to take me?. I always say, go make your plans and then come and get me, Surprise me. I do not want to know what you are going to do or where you are going to take me. This in itself always allows my imagination, coupled with my fantasy's to start going crazy with...

3 years ago
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Girl in Mumbai Local train A Toilet Slut

I mentioned in the earlier part, the way I found a girl in Mumbai local train. Read that part first, So that you won't get any confusion while reading this part. Link is mentioned in comments. If you can't access link, then you may get it in my profile. Let's begin.Next-Day I got inside a crowded train. Still, I couldn't find her. I thought, Maybe she must be travelling in the ladies compartment. Next day I got out of a running train at Borivali and stood in front of the ladies compartment. I...

4 years ago
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Local Affairs 2 Beyond the Call of Duty

New Zealand weather is notoriously changeful, and by the time Greg awoke on Saturday morning it had completely changed from the previous day’s torrential rain that had played a part in precipitating his sexual encounter with Andrea Hemsley. It was a glorious Christchurch summer morning, and brilliant sunshine already flooded the kitchen as he pottered preparing his breakfast of coffee and toast, his head still full of memories of her. It was not just her awesome sexuality that preoccupied him....

3 years ago
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Local Totty Needs Attention

I was on a six week training course with work and at the end of week two my cohort and I had a bit of a blowout to celebrate completing one of the modules. We were in the bar of a local hotel and it was busy but we were in high spirits and having fun and attracting a bit of attention. I was walking to the toilet when this local milf literally threw herself into me, grabbing my arm.'Oops, sorry.' She smiled. Yeah right.Anyway, whilst having a piss, I started to think about coming onto her. ...

2 years ago
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The local train in and out

The local train, in and out.When living in a suburban zone of the Big Apple, Anita and I used to go together sometimes in our car to our offices.One day that nice machine decided to stay at the garage without starting the engine and so, Ana and I decided to take a local train, in order not wasting more time.We were grumbling about the train being quite full and having to stand. On the next station more and more people got on and we were packed in like sardines.In the crush, my wife and I were...

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wife gang bang in mumbai local

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s (Sudhir) office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood...

2 years ago
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59 Sunday afternoon masters telly local football

59 Sunday afternoon, masters telly local football.Another true story Master ordered her arrival at his place at 1 pm on Sunday, but the best laid plans go astray and the time caught her out, she was talking to the scribe and another friend here on x hamster and forgot the time. Panicking now Andy her cuck hubby flung her collar round her neck and threw her, her car keys as she rushed to leave. She knew she was well late so pushing her luck she exceeded the speed a bit as the big motor flew...

4 years ago
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Local rumours

For the last week there had been rumours circling our school that a local woman was appearing on a web site called town is small and in the middle of nowhere, so any rumour like that spreads like wildfire. It seemed the whole town, well everyone in our class was trying to find out if the rumour was true. Being a small town all my friends both male and female were all in the same class, and it appeared that everyone was surfing the internet to find out who the woman was. Every...

1 year ago
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Gangbang In Mumbai Local

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s (Sudhir) office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood...

2 years ago
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Mumbai Local Train mein mili Kavita Aunty

Hi friends .Mai ayush 19 years old from Mumbai ek aur story leke aaya hu meri pichli story ke samarthan me appke bohot sare email mile thankyou,aur kisibhi aurat ya ladki specially aurat ko maza chahiye ho to plz mujhe email kare plz comment kare ashrma89@gmail par married unstisfied women in Mumbai are most welcome. Ab mai story pe aata hu jo ki bilkul sacchi story hai.Ek din mai mumbai me local train se safar kar raha tha ,aap to jante hi hai ki mumbai local mai kaisi bheed rehti hai usdin 1...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Crossed Path In Local Train 8211 Pt 2 Sex In The Compartment

Hello folks, Chandrakant Sharma here with the continuation of my hot story. I would first like to thank you guys for the appreciation you have shown in your amazing reviews. So, you guys must have read how we had this steamy exotic rubbing session in a local train. The hot lady Mahima did reach orgasm due to my amazing fingering and came afterward. But, I was left unsatisfied. My cock was still as hard as a rod. I wanted to fuck so bad that I was almost losing my mind. So, when I saw this...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Crossed Path In Local Train 8211 Part 1

Hello folks, Chandrakant Sharma here. I am almost 23, 5’11 tall with an average body, I would say. Although I have been reading here for quite some time now, this is my first story here. So please read and give me your valuable feedback. Without further delay, let’s get on with the story. Enjoy! It so happened that I was travelling in a local train. I boarded the local at Thane station. It was during rush hours and there were a lot of people pushing, yelling and cursing at each other. It so...

2 years ago
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Encounter In Crowded Local Turned Out To Be Group Sex

Hello everyone, I am Nisha, a regular working class girl working in Panvel. I live at thane and commute every day to Panvel and back for work by local. I am a beautiful looking girl with vital stats of 32-26-34. In my profession, it is required that I should wear saree for most of the days. It is irritating as traveling after wearing a saree is hectic plus you have to endure all the lustful eyes around you at the train station. So I travel through ladies compartment each time. This incident...

4 years ago
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Fuck Buddy Match In Local Train

Its great to have to meet strangers and convert them to fuck buddies. Meeting such people on train journeys is really a wish come true. however this happened after a long wish. This was the best day of my life. I had sex with an attractive guy for the first time recently. And i am sharing this story to encourage people to share such incidences online. I have always been fascinated by men traveling in trains. I have hit on a few of them indirectly as well but it is risky obviously. Of course it...

Gay Male
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Local Gangster And His Associates Fucked Me 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this is Gowri Krishnan again. I am overwhelmed with the response I got for my first story “Tribes fucked me in the dense forest”. Before I start my story, I would request people to stop asking for my pics,phone number. I am not interested in meeting new people now. The story starts exactly 2 years after my first experience, a year after my first experience I gave birth to twin daughters (fathered by my husband) I was excited to bear babies and didn’t crave for sex at that time, A year...

1 year ago
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Lucky In Mumbai Local

Hi friends, I am regular reader and fan of this site. Like to read all new adventures by our writers and every time wish something can happen in my life also. I am 35 years married male from Mumbai happily leaving with my family and enjoying my sex life. But still want to have some fun in life & hence always looking for chance but always I was unlucky. But recent incident gave me a luck and want to share the same with you. You may reach me or write at You feedback is most welcome. It was...

2 years ago
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Mumbai Local Train Mai Mili Kavita Aunty

Hi friends .Mai ayush 19 years old from Mumbai ek aur story leke aaya hu meri pichli story ke samarthan me appke bohot sare email mile thankyou,aur kisibhi aurat ya ladki specially aurat ko maza chahiye ho to plz mujhe email kare plz comment kare par married unstisfied women in Mumbai are most welcome. Ab mai story pe aata hu jo ki bilkul sacchi story hai. Ek din mai mumbai me local train se safar kar raha tha ,aap to jante hi hai ki mumbai local mai kaisi bheed rehti hai usdin 1 station se ek...

2 years ago
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Finger Fuch In A Local Bus

Finger Fucked In A Local Bus Hello everybody. Ajay is back again. You all must have read my experience with two strangers in train to home story. My life (sex life) from then on changed a lot. After that incident I have got to fuck as much as 20 different pussies, which I have never thought in my wildest dream. Since I was busy so I have not shared my experience with you but I will share each of my experience with you. Now about the first experience after that train experience. In the month of...

3 years ago
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Local Beach Blowjob

Being February (2006), it's summer and the warmest month in Australia. It's a great time of the year to get down to the beach and enjoy the warmth of an ocean breeze on your naked body while playing among the dunes.There aren’t many nude free beaches less than an hour out of town, but the local metro beaches have patches of virgin dunes that provide some great cover if you're careful.As a married bi-guy it's not easy getting enough time to get out for some fun, so having somewhere to go that's...

2 years ago
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Gang bang in Mumbai local

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s (Sudhir) office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood...

4 years ago
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Why you dont mess with local gangs in bad neighbourhoods

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

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First experience with couple from local bar

Last night I went out with my friends as usual in one of our local bars for few drinks and casual talks. Half trough the night I went to take another beer and noticed one couple standing near the bar. They were kinda in their 40's, casual looking couple.The woman started watching me long enough so I will notice her. She was wearing normal dress with black tights. Tights and dresses are huge turn on for me so I started looking her back and smiled.She smiled back. I felt like something is going...

2 years ago
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Local Crook Free Mistress

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. The spice of life was over for a while, for a month or so. All the...

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Wife in local bar reenactment

It has been almost 2 years since Linda and I had the experience that I wrote about in “Tourist in a local bar”. In that time we have discussed it several times. Both of us were very turned on by that adventure. I confessed to Linda that I set it up and she surprised me by telling me she knew that because she saw Bill in the bar as soon as we walked in and he told her the next day about the set up. She told me that her only regret was that she stopped at being fondled and did not has sex with...

2 years ago
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Local Train Journey With A Couple Gets Erotic

My name is Rahul and I stay in Bangalore currently. My age is 25. This happened when I was completing my graduation in Chennai. I was a gym freak back then. My college was far away from the city and we had to travel on local trains for our commute to the city. And these locals are jam-packed during evening and morning office rush hours. In every compartment, there were hardly have a few seats to accommodate all the passengers. Hence you have to stand throughout the journey. So it was one of...

1 year ago
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Non Local Girlfriend

hi friends this is prabhu kumar back again with other story. Ekkadi nundi na story telugu lo rastha, pls me feedbacks naku encouragement esthundi na experiences share chesukodaniki pls write it down to So story lo ki vasthe as u knw nenu non local of vizag naku ekkada chala thakkuva friends so nenu ma loacity lo unna andaritho max friendly ga unte, ala o roju o ammaini chusa tanu roju nannu chusi navvedi nenu smile back chesevadini. Oneday nenu office nundi return vasthunte same ammai ni...

1 year ago
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Wife in local bar reenactment

It has been almost 2 years since Linda and I had the experience that I wrote about in “Tourist in a local bar”. In that time we have discussed it several times. Both of us were very turned on by that adventure. I confessed to Linda that I set it up and she surprised me by telling me she knew that because she saw Bill in the bar as soon as we walked in and he told her the next day about the set up. She told me that her only regret was that she stopped at being fondled and did not has sex with...

Group Sex

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