Zip ties are dangerous
- 3 years ago
- 27
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The area around Guangzhou was clear. It was an industrial and commercial centre for southern China. Presently it had a population of over four million people and at one time it had the name Canton.
I told the girls that we would try here first. We rushed to the planet and then just flew around the city. The girls talked to each other and to me about what they thought was interesting.
China had four main languages and more minor ones. The written languages were the same. After getting the girls to lay down, I worked on one then the other imparting what I know of the language. I did it in small steps and gave them time to digest what they had learned before the next lesson began.
In a half hour they could converse but didn't know the customs or some of the more unusual words. It was if they had taken a course in school for three years which was not enough to really get by. I could add to their knowledge when I met the locals. The med unit was summoned and I helped them with their headaches.
They started talking now verbally but in Chinese. I had to smile because it sounded like the voices on the radio I was currently picking up. When they paused for a minute I piped the radio to the cabin and the girls were very pleased that they understood all the speech but found some of the ideas discussed needed more background data.
Before we went down I put two shields on them. We practised for a while shutting it off and just shutting part of it off. As a race, the Seffra had learned the hard way how and why to do certain things. An enemy may not have our tools but could kill us if they knew that our defences were down. Simply eating some food could be an invitation to having a spear shoved into our backs.
We landed in an alley and quickly left for the street. We turned left and headed toward the market. The city had some foreigners but not that many compared to the population. For the most part they stayed in the better sections of the city. Here we were definitely an oddity. The girls were beautiful by western standards. Some residents even stopped to gawk at us. Not all westerners could understand their language but we could do that and also understand what they thought.
The girls had to learn to deal with this at school after their minds were opened. Here there were more people and we were making an even bigger splash. The Chinese people are the greatest capitalists around. If they were given free reign they would set up businesses where others would worry that the margin was not wide enough. The present Communist government was just a way of keeping the population under control and to ration scarce resources. They would never have agreed to having only one child per family otherwise.
I had been scanning shops and passersby trying to locate some special people. "Girls, I want to go into the next shop. Keep walking a few more shops and look around. I want to get some local currency. Violent crime is rare here in China but it still happens. Don't wander too far."
I changed course and walked into the establishment. This business sold local farm implements. Most looked crude but would still do the job. I bypassed a woman and walked to the counter in the back. A man was sitting in a chair. A cigarette was in his lips and a newspaper in his hands.
"I need to buy some Chinese money. Will you exchange for American money?"
"How much do you have to exchange?"
I showed him the thousand dollar bill and said aloud, "Only five dollars." It was against the law to exchange money at any place other than a state bank. The Chinese government worked hard to keep a fixed rate but the citizens always wanted more dollars. To meet the demand the exchange rate sometimes went up to ten times what the banks offered. The reason for saying five dollars was to let anybody in the store know that this was just a small crime and thus able to be ignored.
The man came very close and looked at the note. He had seen one before but it was not his. He was afraid of it being counterfeit and worried even more how he was going to cover this much money. He said in a whisper, "If this is not fake, what percentage do you want?"
I read his mind and knew the current rate and what the black market was willing to pay. Currently they were paying six point three times the official rate. A week ago the rate was similar and he got a hundred dollars exchanged at four times.
"The rate is six point three over the official rate. Give me five and a half."
"I cannot do that. The rate you mentioned is old. All I can give you is four percent."
I knew the name of his nearest competitor and said that I would go there then. He replied, "He will rob you. I will give you four and a half and my children will go hungry."
"Your competitor has fatter children and can afford to give more."
We argued quietly for ten minutes before I got five point one. I could have looked around more and got the full amount but I didn't need all the money and I didn't want to be swindled. Diamonds were business but this bargaining was fun. I kept the girls appraised of what I was doing and went into the back. The bill was checked under ultraviolet light and then with a jeweller's loop before he was satisfied.
He called two large boys into the shop and gave them orders to bring people and some cash too. When the boys ran out the man started thinking of ways to cheat me. He didn't get too far when I asked, "May I play with this bar while we wait?"
He wanted me to stay so he said, "Go ahead."
The bar was two and a half metres long. It was one of hundreds used for reinforcing concrete. The bar was a centimetre and a half thick. I sketched the bar behind my shoulders and held it in two outstretched arms. I used all of my muscles and all of my PK. I grunted in exertion and the man watched incredulously that the bar bent in a 'U'.
The man had his mouth open and I said, "You should see what I can do when I throw one of these like a spear or use it like a Bo. I probably don't need to show you more do I?"
"No," he managed to say and he knew that I figured that he was thinking of cheating me.
The girls were getting restless and I told them to stay together and they could move further away. They would have some cash soon so they could buy things. This mollified them a bit and they continued to window shop. Many of the merchants came out to explain how they were giving them the deal of a lifetime if they would only buy his products.
In ten minutes the boys came back with some bags of cash. This was not the entire amount. I asked the owner, "I have two western ladies on the street. I want somebody to bring them some money so they can shop. I want four older children to carry what they purchase. The children will bring the items back here for safe keeping. You will watch them for us. I will pay the four children and you a fair amount, depending on how much honesty and diligence they show."
The man smiled now. "I can find just the children."
"They need to be old enough to understand the responsibilities and strong enough to carry parcels."
The man smiled again and called his wife. He directed her to get a niece, two cousins and his daughter quickly and have them come here.
Megan and Sandra knew what I was doing and came by to pick up money themselves. They got a cloth sack and they took some money and left happy as clams. I pitied the poor Chinese merchants that would try to bamboozle them.
Three men came next carrying large sacks of cash. Apparently larger denominations were hard to find. I presented the bill to the man and now he was very happy.
The girls and I took what two hundred dollars would buy and I asked, "I will give you one percent of what we have here if you can get some larger bills. I want the money to be in a sack this large." I held my hands out showing a volume of about eight litres.
"One and a half."
Two children came in and then another, the daughter came a moment later. Instead of letting the man speak, I told them the conditions and said the money they made would be theirs to keep. They were sent off where I said the women should be.
"Let the children keep the money. They learn to value it if they have some to cherish. Being poor is hard even though your family is generous with your child."
The man didn't know how I knew this but assumed that it was just a good guess. "I will see that they keep the money. I may have to hold it for them so it does not get taken though."
"You are a fair man. Now tell me where the best restaurant is. I am taking the four children there to eat to. I enjoy family."
He was going to suggest his own house but decided that a real restaurant would be best. He even picked a good restaurant over one that he owed favours to. I got the information and what they cooked best. They cooked a duck that was supposed to be very good but took a long time to prepare. His wife would run there and get the meal started.
I bowed to the man and he bowed to me even deeper. I had no worries that the money would disappear. The girls were easy to find. They were the ones in the middle of a giant moving crowd.
One or more of the children ran from the crowd to take a purchase back for safe keeping. After a few more minutes the children were dressed much nicer and I saw that the girls like dressing the children. The children liked the attention. The daughter of shop owner was named Li Mei She worked with a proprietorial air getting the correct child to do the tasks assigned to the group.
The girls knew of the restaurant from the time I was told. They had not worked up an appetite yet at shopping. I stood beside them as they worked the merchants One would offer a product at an inflated price and the girls picked up some of the merchants' own tricks and harangued his quality and basically insulted his store. When the merchant claimed that they could go no lower the girls would mention other merchants by name and say that they would go much lower.
They picked up some nice rugs they claimed would be for our new home. I had to give them my money so they could keep the momentum up. Some very nice furniture was purchased. They had a theme in mind so the pieces would hopefully match. All too soon I had to go back to get more money. The man deducted this from the total and I went back and fed the spending machines of mine.
Their friends at school were thought of and gifts bought. Some things I thought of as junk but the girls thought were pretty. They went behind some curtains in a store and put on some very fancy dresses. These were much more colourful than what the people in the street wore.
Soon the children were carrying the girls' old clothes back to the store and the girls proceeded in a fancy form of local garb. Bowls, dishes, cups and other table paraphernalia was purchased as if we were now setting up a Chinese house and not a Chinese area of a home.
Linen they found was very reasonably priced so they bought lots of this. They now needed trunks. They were hand crafted out of teak to put the linen into I drew the line when they started to buy clothes for their children. They wouldn't be pregnant for years yet.
The girls were starting to run down. They thought the meal would get them back into fighting form. The last of the purchases were sent back and the girls escorted their temporary family to the restaurant.
The establishment was not very clean. There were some large tables and we sat at one in a corner. The owner himself came out to say the duck would soon be ready. I pleaded with him to keep the salt down. He also thought that since he was the cook he knew best.
Hot tea came served in clear glass drinking glasses with no handles. You learned to sip quickly and put it down. Only our lips were in danger though because of the shield each of us wore. The children ran wild ordering bubble tea and other drinks that westerners were not familiar with.
The meal came out and the girls served the children. Li Mei was old enough to do this herself. The girls were used to Chinese food or more exactly Chinese food served in North America. The food was quite a bit different here. There was much more plain rice. Dog, rat and civet cat were sold too but I kept the information to myself. Extra vegetables cost more and the duck was an extravagance. The taste too was said to be different. I happened to like it because it was more bland. The remainder of the meal was sent home with Li Ming and the girls were able to gain their second wind.
Megan said that I needed some local clothing so I was dressed as if I were a child with little to say in the matter. They knew what was right and that was that.
In ten minutes I looked like a little emperor in my brocade jacket. The pants had been changed to go along with the shoes. A colourful silk shirt completed the costume.
The girls now bought three sets of bedding and went back to another shop and got more teak chests. Men had to be hired now to carry the full chests back to our depot. Li Mei handled this chore for the girls.
The noise around our group was even louder than the normal fare found in markets here. The shop owners found the occasion to be a bit distracting but a lot of money was still being spent. Children clustered around the girls for they soon found that things would be given to them. The more destitute they looked the more they got. Shops selling food seemed to do particularly well. We got to the edge of the sprawling commercial district and saw a great deal of tall drab concrete apartment buildings.
The girls continued in their straight line when they saw another business selling jewellery. They went inside while the owners assistants kept the majority of the crowd at bay.
They purchased some additional jade to go into their collection and a few more pieces for their friends. I had to unload more cash and would soon have to return for more. Li Mei seemed to get quite a few gifts. The girls seemed to like her. I did too for her mind was very sharp and she had a sense of fairness when dealing with others.
When we came out, instead of going back into battle, the girls walked further away into a park to rest. They ended up leaning against trees. There was cigarette butts all over the ground. The Chinese spit all the time and took no notice of others. Infants didn't have expensive diapers. A seam in the pants of the child opened when the child squatted. Faecal matter and urine were all over. The stoop and scoop law was not in effect here yet.
Megan said in Chinese, "This is tiring and the place is just so dirty. I'm surprised the people here are as healthy as they are."
I replied, "An unclean environment in a baby's life either mean that the child dies or he gets a good chance to build up a natural immunity. My family did the same thing but it was done more scientifically. When a child grows up those immunities are then very useful."
Megan responded, "But look at the ground. They don't even clean the place. I think it only happens when the rain comes and washes it into the ocean."
I was looking at Megan. In the background was another drab apartment building. A young child over half way up was looking out the open window at our colourful group before him. My attention was elsewhere and this information seemed to have been retained. The child moved to a better position to see us when he began to fall. He frantically grabbed for some hold. With a cry he started to plummet to the ground seven stories below.
I knew that there was concrete and not grass at the bottom and the child would not survive. There was a great need to be there and to catch the child. I shifted to one side to get around the people and obstacles. My shoes slipped as if I was walking in no gravity. My PK drove into the ground and this pushed me forward. I did this again and again to get where I absolutely had to be. I was not going to be in time, the distance was just too great.
My mind did an odd thing then. It was as if I pushed through a crystal barrier. The calculations for when the child would strike the ground altered. I still had to push very hard with my PK but soon I found that I had to push the other way to slow my progress. I was in the air and had to slow down enough to not go past my objective. I wanted to reach up with this ability to push the child and thus slow him but I needed all my efforts to get myself under him instead.
When I got close to the building I saw some people sitting on concrete benches playing a tile game. The child would fall on one of the tables. I could not simply get beneath the child. I shifted my trajectory slightly and stopped three metres to one side. Immediately my PK went upward and pushed very hard at the distance. The child slowed and the task became more complicated because I should not push with this amount of force. The child would be hurt by this. The child too had to be pulled so that he fell towards me instead of where gravity would bring him. I had to pull to one side then push to lose speed. To further complicate the problem the child was now spinning. Even if the child came to me he could die with just a bad fall.
At four metres the child came more to me and I tried frantically to adjust his spin. Variations of this had been done in space many times and this helped now. At two metres his back was to the ground and he was stable. At one metre I braced myself and formed my arms to cushion the fall the best I could. The body came into my arms and I shifted to one side and caught him and rolled. This was like what Humans did when landing when parachuting.
We rolled over and I pushed my arms out so that my weight didn't compress the child. We came to a stop under a concrete table where two old men were playing a game. My mind snapped back to where it usually was. I tried to check the child for damage but my head pounded with a pain I had never felt before. My skull felt crushed from the inside. I started my body to begin repair but I blanked out not knowing if I had succeeded.
I was being prodded and picked up but I didn't want to awaken. The pain was still there and it was just too difficult to bear. I awoke again and knew that I was being carried. I felt through the pain a familiar presence then another.
I felt pain again. I directed my body to repair and to lessen the effect of my receptors. I could make out that the cloud was thinning. More effort was used to deaden the pain. This required a considerable effort before I was able to even check my environment. Sandra was in front of me. I felt love there but it was not getting through to me because of the effort I was making to repair myself. Megan was beside her sister. I risked more pain and opened my eyes. I could see the girls smile now.
Sandra said, "How are you feeling Leif? We were so worried when you disappeared."
I looked behind the girls and saw Li Mei. She too was very worried. The background looked to be her father's business.
Megan said, "People are coming to find out about the accident?"
I managed to send, "They can't find us. Hide!"
Sandra talked to someone and I closed my eyes. I tried to assess the damage to my body. I couldn't seem to get information from the probes that should be around us. The crushing pain was the worse but my body felt bruised all over as if I had been the one to fall.
My fears grew. My eyes flashed open. "How is the boy?"
Megan spoke. "He's just fine. He cried a lot but it was in fright. There was a lot of talk about the rescue. The locals said that you magically appeared to save the child. The boy even flew sideways into your arms. Everybody wants to talk about it and find out what happened. We can talk later when you feel better."
"We have to leave. The boat. Hide."
"We are working on that now. We are going to move you upstairs now and tell everybody else that you walked away with us."
All I said was, "Good," and went to sleep.
I woke up later and it was dark. I was also moving over an uneven terrain. The pain had decreased somewhat and from the minds around me I knew we were travelling in a large wooden cart pulled by a thin horse.
Another cart was close and the girls were in it but hidden.
"Where are we going?"
I felt relief and Megan said, "To a barn. We have all our stuff with us. Sandy and I figured we could hide there and it would be a good place to leave from. We didn't want to leave the things we brought because there would be more questions about why we did this."
It was an hour until we got to the barn. From the inside I was carried out and placed on some clean straw. The rest of the girls' property was stacked in a clean area. The girls gave their thanks and the men left. Li Mei was the last one to leave and was very concerned about me and the girls. Megan and Sandy kissed her like they did their brother and sent her off.
I had to fight the pain but I called the boat to us then deadened the reception again. I said through closed eyes, "The boat is coming. Ask for the med unit and Borin will turn it on. She will control it. Load the boat if you want the things you bought. I will try to get into the boat as soon as I can. We are in danger here."
I heard two voices saying, "Ok."
A med unit was soon around me. I could tell because the pain was getting easier to take. I opened my eyes to see the visible boat being loaded by the girls. They now had to carry everything themselves.
When the pain was more manageable I asked Borin, "What happened?"
"Captain, You finally overcame your shifting problem. You appear to have done everything right. You did expend too much effort working your muscles. That is why they are sore. A portion of your brain is now more active. This is the area that you could not utilise fully before. There has been some damage and your body is working on the repair along with the med unit. It should be completely repaired in nineteen hours. You will be functional in one and a half."
That made me feel good. For years I had been depressed that I had not overcome this continuing obstacle. Now that it was passed it felt as if a great weight had been removed from me. I could now advance and my people would look at me as more of an adult. Perhaps the mastering of this task was not mentioned that clearly because it would give this much pain. Everybody else that had passed this barrier claimed a bit of discomfort but not as much as I experienced. Possibly it was because they were close to medical facilities when it happened. Even a simple med unit, available at the time would have helped me much more.
I felt somebody approaching our position. It was a police officer riding a bicycle.
"Hurry, we have company."
The girls started loading the rest of the small articles very quickly. Megan went into the boat and moved the articles out of the way. I read the approaching mind. He was not looking for us exactly but had heard the reports. He was simply doing his rounds. Nobody had told him of our whereabouts but he was just checking for thieves. In the back of his mind he was hoping to find us and then try to find out why we needed to hide in the first place.
The man opened the door and entered the dark building. His long flashlight came out and pierced the darkness. It went to the boat and luckily it was now invisible. The light stopped a second on a pair of new shoes in a bright red colour. He looked in the stalls and even kicked the piles of straw. He saw nothing else on the floor and climbed the ladder and searched the loft at one end.
When nothing was discovered he went down to search the other side. His flashlight went across the floor where the shoes were and he found them missing. Now the search got more intensive. He probably would have heard someone climbing the ladder so he searched the floor again.
A long bamboo pole was used to spear the straw but he found nobody The search continued until the light he carried got dim. He left with a very perplexed feeling. He was sure that there were some fancy shoes on the floor when he came in.
The girls were in the boat and high in the barn. I was invisible and clinging to a horizontal beam under the first deck the policeman searched. I let my feet go and after my swinging stopped I released my hands. The jar shook my head and caused me pain but it was manageable after a few seconds.
When the policeman a kilometre away I said, "Is there anything we forgot?"
"We got it all, Leif."
"I will open the barn and you can go out."
The ship moved by me because I could sense the girls in it. Once it passed I closed and secured the door. When I entered the boat I sat in the chair and rested before going anywhere. I found from the girls that Li Mei had helped them a great deal even if she had received a great many gifts.
It was after midnight local time but I still had a debt to discharge. We went back to the district of Guangzhou we had been in and to the back alley behind the home of the person that ran the farm implement store. I got out with a few things and knocked at the door. Nobody heard and I didn't want to make more of a scene for the neighbours to report
"Li Mei, please wake up and tell your father I am at your back door. I have a debt to honour."
I had to repeat myself four times before she awoke. When she did is said, "Please tell your father to go to the door."
She understood but didn't understand this method of communication. Three minutes later a light went on over the door and a small window was looked through. The door opened quickly and the man urged me in.
We greeted each other very properly because he had heard even more talk of what I had done.
He apologised for not being able to protect me more.
I said, "Thank you for what you and your daughter have done. I have come to pay the debts that I owe to the children and to you."
"That's fine. You do not have to pay anything. I will take care of the children. I heard that you have saved a boy by using magic. It must be good magic because it was used for good."
I smiled and said, "It is not really magic but I will thank you for your way of rewarding me. I do insist on paying what is due."
The man handed me a sack with the remainder of the money. "Here is what belongs to you," he said.
"Thank you. Now for the payment. Take this money and pay the men that helped twice what would be their usual pay. Take the remainder of the money and split it three ways for all the children except Li Mei." There was three hundred dollars worth of Chinese money. The man was considerably confused. The money I gave was a very great sum to give to children.
I took out two, one thousand dollar bills again and gave these to the man. He was very excited now. "This money is for Li Mei's education. I am placing this money in your care and trust that you will use it for only your daughter. She is your only child and is very intelligent, compassionate and organized She will be a government leader or run a large factory some day. Encourage her to do so. Her people need her."
The man could not talk, he was so confused by what I had done. I spoke again, "Is the debt now considered paid?"
"It has been more than paid."
"Then I must leave." I bowed then left the building. In a second I was invisible and then brought into the boat. The man stuck his head out the door and saw no trace of me though the alley was long.
Sandra was very sleepy and said, "That was nice of you Leif. Maybe we should thank you too but I am tired. I don't even know why."
"Eight time zones ahead of your home Sweetie."
We went into orbit and I got into bed between the two girls. We were all asleep in less than a minute.
When I woke up the next morning I found the girls clutched to me. It felt good to be wanted. Before I got up though Borin said, "Captain, two of your offers on property you wanted to purchase have arrived. One accepts and the other contained a counter offer."
"Is there a good chance that the latter offer will be accepted if we refuse to pay more."
"A very good chance. The property has had three offers but none in the last eleven Earth months."
"Write the offer back at the old price and offer to close immediately."
"Yes sir. We have found more wreckage. There seems to be no pattern yet. It may be debris that the planet's gravitation field captured. I have sent probes to the other planets to continue the search."
"Good idea Borin. Did I get any other email?"
"The two gentlemen have not sent any information yet."
"Thanks Borin."
The girls needed more sleep. Their minds had not fully adjusted yet to the new reality and some of the effects would take a long time before they would be fully utilised. Just like me. I had only done this last stage almost thirteen years after I was born. The girls had been raised differently and may never reach the things our children could possibly do.
Borin told which of the properties would now be ours. The other one that we wrote back the offer on was only twenty kilometres away from the first. We travelled over the Rockies for the inspection. The area we were now purchasing was searched. We found only a fishing camp nearby that had four men in it eating their noon meal. The building was not on what would soon be our property and they were a good distance away. There was a three kilometre frontage on the lake and this represented fifty eight percent of the total boundary. The rest was bordered on two properties.
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ThreesomesI'm out in the woods and a I see a couple near some water having fun. I stop and watch for a little while. I start to get really horny and find a nice bush to hide me from their sight. I make a comfortable little spot and pull my pants down and start to rub myself as I watch. I can't believe how free they are and soon they look around and start to take some clothes off and are soon naked and skinny dipping. By now I am pounding my cock with my hand. I am going to town on my cock just thinking...
Julie and Tessa had actually become a thing just like their moms although no one ever busted each other for being couples. Everyone knew about everyone but still everyone's mouth remained closed, when they weren't spying anyway. They usually had their sleepovers on the weekends but as Julie and Tessa joined the lesbian pool they convinced their parents to let them sleep over on weeknights too. As you can imagine, there wasn't a whole lot of actual sleeping going on. Neither couple spilled the...
NovelsJason and I walked over and sat on the ground with our teammates. One of the sophomores looked over at me. I realized that it was Derek Goodman, one of the starting defensive tackles. He looked over at Maurice. "You brought a couple of freshmen over." "Why not?" Maurice replied. "They put more effort into practice than most of the sophomores. I expect them to make a difference on the field." "Not if Lucas and Terrence have their way," the other sophomore said. I realized it was...
Sumter slid his finger through his sister's hot wet crease as she stood there with her legs slightly open beside the bed. He loved how she closed her eyes and sighed heavily as his finger glided slowly through her hot partition. Mandy's core slathered his finger slowly as Sumter moved it through her tender smooth slice of pink heaven. Mandy tilted her head back as she felt her brother's finger inside her sexual fold. She felt the flow of her stimulated state coat his finger and make a slurping...
IncestThe moon was bright, brighter than it had been for as long as I could remember it. My breath came fast and hoarse. I tried to concentrate on the gravel road illuminated by the moon and my headlights, but found the task too difficult. I glanced down into my lap and saw Brandy's glossy hair shift with her head's pulling and pushing motions. Inside her mouth, my dick was rigid and swollen, just bursting to flood her throat with cum. But not yet. She was an expert at giving me head...
The Prison Planet ... Jasmine snatched on her coat and weapons to hurry out behind Morales, who, like the others, stopped in the deep shadow just beyond the entrance to stare above them. The General, who had been farther away, grabbed his crossbow and followed everyone out. “What in the hell is that?” Morales whispered as he too stared upward. “Colonel?” both troopers called out as soon as they saw Jeff. “At ease,” Jeff absently returned even as Ship’s message touched his mind. “I grew...
Lacey Channing may have finally met the perfect guy. They spent the whole night together and related to each other emotionally on a level that neither of them knew existed. After their long night was over they moved things to the bedroom where things started to get interesting. Her boy was super cute and attempted to use a condom, but Lacey is all about the raw life. No need for a rubber if you’re her lover! She sucked his cock raw then let him jam it inside her tight pulsating twat. Her pussy...
xmoviesforyouCopyright © 2002, 2003 Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." Of course, that meant I needed to go to the store. I occasionally joke about having married into royalty. She tosses that "imperial we" around quite a bit. She was sitting in front of the computer when she made her pronouncement, so I wandered over to see what inspired my latest Saturday shopping trip. I fully expected to see, or or any of a dozen chocolate-related sites....
‘Oh my god,’ Alexis thought as she awake with a start. ‘What have I done?’ She managed to refrain from leaning over and pressing “play” on the small tape recorder she’d taken with her the previous night. When she’d gotten home, she’d been so turned on that she’d been unable to resist the temptation of turning the tape on, listening to the sound of her own submission, and getting herself off at the memories... Her attempt to confront Joe had gone as badly as a confrontation could possibly...
Introduction: Decided to type up an experience I had years ago. Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you like it. Fucking the Married Chick from Up the Street We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off...
My name is Judy, and now at forty-three years old, I’ve been reminiscing about how so willingly my husband, Don, who is now forty-five, and I seduced ourselves into a cuckold relationship with my boss and others, beginning three years ago in our hometown of Houston, and continuing to this day.I’ve been an administrative assistant to business executives since graduating with my associate degree in business at the age of twenty, and Don is an electrician, who went to two years of technical...
CuckoldI was wondering when the fuck you were going to show up..."''There have been guardian angels watching over your family, particularly the women for a long, long time. Otherwise, you would never be here. I guess I don't know for sure, but I've been on it myself for the last thirty or forty generations. I have to pull your grandmothers, on both sides out of one jam after another. Your life is going to really change pretty soon, I'm not allowed to tell you what's going to happen, but it's going to...
It had been a few weeks since I first fucked my sister, Ashley let her public hair grow slightly just like I liked it, It was neat stubble as I said to her. She grew it like that for me and I loved her for it. Dont ask my why I like girls that way I just do. We had fucked in all of the rooms in the house, even in our parents bed, we wanted to have memories in every room. Ashley wanted to go visit one of her friends, so I said I would go with her. She wore a short yellow summer skirt that had...
Me and Tim at camp. This is a true story. My junior year of high school, I volunteered to be a camp counselor for sixth grade boys in my school district. For many years, all the sixth graders were sent off to camp for educational purposes. They had juniors and seniors in our districts only high school attend as camp counselors. Basically, our job was to be with the students when there was no instruction and to sleep with them at night and to make sure that no one caused any trouble. This...
Chapter 4 – Together Mike awoke to the harsh sunlight streaming in through the window and he still felt groggy from lack of sleep. It had been around 3 AM when they finished making love and although he didn’t have a chance to get much sleep, he wasn’t complaining. Mike had lots of wild sexual adventures, but last night what he confirmed was that he was in love with this woman lying next to him. He looked over at her beautiful innocent face softened in repose as she slept, and couldn’t imagine...
The last week of November Thanksgiving had come on the 22nd that year, leaving another week in November and making the gap between Thanksgiving a Christmas a week longer than normal, or so it seemed. Monday morning brought my kids and I back to school. Teachers generally take one of two approaches to this period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Either they work hard to stuff some knowledge into their kids before they become consumed with anticipation of Christmas and a two-week break, or...
Helo frnds.Main Anurag Mohanty odisha se.Main ye site ka bahut purana reader hun lagbhag 7 saal ho gaye ye site se story padhke. Main philhal ek company main electrical eng hun aur iss pe ye meri paheli kahani hai.Umeed hai sab ko pasand ayega.Ye tab ki kahani hai jab main eng. ki padhai kar raha tha us time pe mere life main bahut sari ghatna ghati jo ki main ap sabko batane wala hun ek kahani ek part main.To ladko ready ho jao apna lund leke hilane ke liye aur ladkiyan,aunty,bhabi sab apne...
It is at the end of the second week that the family has another counseling session with Dr. Hill only it’s a lot different than I expected since we’re doing two sessions both involving me and another member of the family. We’re supposed to talk to each other about how we’re feeling and this first one is Beth and I. We’re both sitting on the same couch but at opposite ends as Dr. Hill decide to start in with the questions. “So Guy, what were your first thoughts of Bethany,” Dr. Hill asks...
The letter was already wrinkled and smeared when Yana unfolded it for the hundredth time. The sweat of her hands had made it all yellow and the thread with the key had come off a while ago. Dear Yana, I hope my last will and inheritance didn‘t made you leap out of your skin. I know you‘re not used to gifts, and I remember how you constantly protested to accept help from your old, caring neighbor. But this time I have to insist. My lovely Yana, please accept my property, my house and everything...
Chapter 6 Charlie had spent the last few weeks distracted, every time his mind was idle he would start thinking about Danny, the the guy from IT. As the weeks had gone by, more and more often he was picturing Danny in nothing but a little black thong with his hair spilling over his shoulders. He had never even considered being interested in a guy before, but Danny was something different, someone special. Thinking about him got him surprisingly hard, surprisingly quickly, and after two weeks...
Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...
Penny. Penny was just sixteen years old when a horrible car accident caused her to lose both legs just above the knee. She had been a gymnast in school, had tried out and been accepted as a cheer-leader for the following year, with dreams and aspirations to perhaps further her gymnastics abilities in the very near future while attending college. All that came to a horrible and tragic end with the accident, along with Penny's self esteem and hopes for the future. Though she had always been...
Humiliated Sissy Husband "Come on Max, I don't have all day." Tanya was running the water in the kitchen sink making sure it was hot enough to shampoo Max's hair. Max stood just out of reach shaking his head. He was wearing a girdle, padded bra and a slip. He had a towel around his neck. He was wearing 6" red high heels because, that's what Tanya said sissies wore around the house. His feet turned shyly inward so his toes almost touched, and his heels were far apart. He had nude...
The night had been a little different. It was Halloween and the party had been long. You were rather drunk, and dressed like a vampire. Your girlfriend, Morgan, was dressed to the nines in a sexy school-girl outfit. The top barely covered her small, but perky and sexy tits. Her nipples poked out on occasion. The small pleated plaid skirt barely covered her tight little ass. She wore five inch wedge shoes, with black straps that made her several inches taller than her small 5'7" frame. Her short...
The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 3 Sisyphus When I came in for dinner that night, Sherry wasn’t there. Mary had a farm-raised roast chicken which was served with baked potatoes and a salad made from the first of the spring’s lettuce and spinach. Except for coffee, practically all of the food we ate came from the farm. Mary baked bread every day and always sliced it and placed it in a basket with a napkin. I loved her crusty bread especially with the fresh sweet butter. I wondered where Sherry...
"I think I'll look out front and see what Timmy's doing." She said aloud, as she picked up her remote and flipped the TV off. She started down the hall and noticed the door to her Mom's bedroom was ajar. "I bet Timmy has been in there prowling around, he knows we're not allowed in there when Mom and Dad are gone." She pushed the door open and peered in nothing was out of place. She started to close the door when a thought hit her. No one will ever know, this could really be...
For quite some time.I have wanted to see my wife by another guy. Maybe it´s because I am the only guy she has ever been with and my cock is definitly on the smaller side. Or perhaps I would just like to see someone use her and fuck the shit out of her in was I have never been able to. With a four inch cock, there were many positions not possible. I known she has a submissive side but have neverreally been able to exploit it other than some of the milder stuff-this didn´t involve romance. I had...
It had been 3 years since I’d been home and a lot had changed. My Mum had re-married and this was the first time I was going to meet her new husband (Dan), technically my step-Dad, although that seemed an unnatural term considering I was 24. My Mum had moved in with him, so I was going to stay somewhere unfamiliar. My Mum had called and let me know that she had to visit her sister in the country for the first 2 nights, so would be a nice opportunity for Dan and me to get to know each other.Dan...
I tried to frame a picture of her right there in the bathroom, but everything I tried looked stupid. "You can look all you want," she said, thinking I was trying to extend the time I could see her like this. "That's not it," I said, understanding her perfectly. "It just looks common." She pushed me out of the bathroom, into her bedroom. "In here?" I walked around. She had a west-facing window, and the sun was going down. I stood her by the window so the sun hit her body and told...
vacations you dread when you're a teenager. As a family, mom, dad, and I always went to New Hampshire camping for a week in July. The last couple of year's dad relented and we ended up in a commercial campground giving me the opportunity to have a better time, at least there was a pool, a game room and a chance to meet someone my age to make friends for the week. This time I really didn't want to go, there wouldn't be many other kids my age, and I was still too young to stay home...
We got lucky with Nathan being in town but after that, we had to figure out what the next step was. She agreed with me that strangers were dangerous (although I agreed to let her have one every blue moon or so) and we needed to do some research when it came to websites and swingers clubs. We looked at everything, discussed our options, and then decided to pick one website and one club. It took us a few weeks to decide on a website and months to decide on a club as there are many here in Los...
This story is a fantasy written to be as realistic as possible. All characters are fictional. Any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental. New residents and new challenges make life interesting for David and Hosi in Part 4—Eternal Love. © 2013 by Senorlongo. Please feel free to comment and vote. ***** CHAPTER 1 I woke too early the following morning, but I really didn’t have a choice. Hosi was still spooned in front of me and my hand was still on her smooth firm breast....
In the morning Susan awoke to her alarm. She slapped at it and stretched. Smiling to herself. She felt a curious feeling of sensuality. With a start she realized that she was naked in her bed. She rolled around a bit and savored the feeling of the sheets, sensual against her skin. She decided then and there that she would sleep this way from then on. She sat up and caught her reflection in the mirror. She looked sexy, she thought. A feeling inside her drove her to pull on the discarded...
Nick and Mike had been best of friends since their high school days when they played football together. They ended up becoming roommates in college and were nearly inseparable. When they graduated from college they still stayed true to their friendship, but that all changed one night. Mike and Nick were out celebrating Mike’s 25 th birthday at their favorite hangout with a few other buddies, when Mike met Megan. Megan was a twenty-one year old beauty who went from guy to guy looking for...
ReluctanceAngela's Party By Sylvia Who? 1. A Visit to Uncle Arthur "My Brother is someone Dad would rather not talk about!" Mother's raised voice from the kitchen made Dad look up from his Sunday paper as I carried on clearing away the breakfast things. "What's that love?" Mum appeared in the doorway. "Your Son suggested taking his girlfriend to see Arthur this afternoon - what do you make of that?" Dad scowled at me, "Most respectable people steer clear of him, Terry, best...
It happens to everyone. That moment you glance across the crowded room, and suddenly your pupils lock with a sinful pair of azure eyes. The stranger's razor cheekbones highlight the devilish grin sliding into place. He holds a whisky glass or did before the rich golden brown color vanishes down his throat. He strides in your direction, stepping to the music. Unconsciously, of course. He can't help himself. Man's got a sense of rhythm that infuses his being. And now he's so close you can almost...
Supernatural(May Of Year Four to August of Year Four) I got together a group of seven scouts and myself and set off immediately. I had with me QuietlySneaky from the old cave as my right hand hominid. It took us two days of full-out hiking to make it to the outpost. We'd left in the early morning of the first day, and we arrived just after dusk on the second day. We approached the outpost very quietly, but all that caution was unnecessary. When we got there, what we found that had so disturbed the men...
Word soon spread to everyone about what was going to be taking place here very soon. It had been announced, on the open Balcony of the Estate grounds, the one rare time when people and the media were allowed into the Estate grounds. That the Wedding for Lord Dimitrious and his lovely new Queen would be on August 17th. The Crowd had gone wild and the media was now beginning to speculate and pass their own rumors over what Lady Dimitrious would be wearing for her wedding day. Would it be Prada?...
SupernaturalTommy had walked her to her door, and she had thanked him once more for the pleasant evening and had given him a warm hug with a lingering kiss. As he had turned and walked away to leave, Jackie had closed her eyes and said a prayer for a peaceful night of sleep without interruption. She had really needed some rest and felt as if she could sleep for days on end. She had decided not to take a bath, but rather go straight to bed. She had put on her pajamas and, leaving the bed stand light on,...
SupernaturalIntroduction: Part 1 left off with Malika spending the night at Enzos guest bedroom after having sex for the first time in months with a stranger. I would strongly recommend you read part 1 to fully appreciate part 2 and understand the back story but you certainly dont need to do so to enjoy this. The morning hangover was surprisingly manageable. Despite my romp with a relative stranger, I woke up feeling quite satisfied and guilt-free. Last night felt good and was needed. I turned on my side...
NOTE: The protagonists of this story are foster siblings, not biological siblings. For me that is a neat way to side-step the more distasteful, biological aspects of incest stories, yet it still has a bit of that forbidden, titillating, taboo-appeal in terms of the emotional side of a brother-sister relationship – which I’ve tried to expound upon in this first chapter. Technically this story doesn’t have to go in the ‘incest/taboo’ section, but it might cause offence if I post it elsewhere, so...
Stevie felt all warm and comfy as he hovered in that place between sleep and wakefulness. His head ached but the softness his head rested on made it feel much better. As Stevie slowly opened his eyes his vision was a bit blurred but it almost seemed like he was in a pink room. He blinked a couple of times to clear his vision and when it was fully restored he was astounded to find he was indeed in a pink room. The comfy softness his head rested on was a plump naked breast! He was almost afraid...
I'm sitting at the lake all by myself. You come and sit next to me and put your arm around me. We make small talk and then you stare at me. "What's up?" I ask. "I want to kiss you so bad," you reply. "Go for it." You lean in and kiss me softly then you get more passionate with it. Your tongue dances in my mouth and you pull me closer to you. You gently push me back laying on top of me. I run my fingers through your hair pulling you even closer. My hands roam your body, finding their way up...
Straight Sex"Why can't you stop them? This is complete insanity! They could kill each other! Mary you have to prevent this!" Lucie was pleading with Mary. "Under mandates, rules and orders that the emperor gave me I cannot interfere unless death becomes an issue. I am sorry Miss Lucie but there is nothing I can do." An upset but immobile Mary was saying. "Well I can damn sure..." Lucie started. An arm restrained Lucie as she was starting to move forward. "What!? Let me go! I have to...
ugly nor hot. People could say that I'm tall and that I'm smart, but as far as I knew people didn't notice me enough to say such things. I have two older brothers that are 4 and 5 years older than me. They always hung out together, and I ended up either being the third wheel or being left out. I've learn to be okay with this as I don't have much in common with them anyway. Both brothers are the “Coors!” and “Motorcycles!” types, while I played D&D and read books. And...
I rolled from the bed, silently opened the hall door and rushed toward the rooms at the other end. Which room was Jerome's? Nora's? It didn't matter. I opened the first door I came to and hurried silently inside. Ah, Nora's trying on Jerome's long one for size. No, not Nora. Marsha! "Don't make a sound, Marsha," I said quietly. She stopped moving - bouncing - on the prone man under her and spun her head and pretty shoulders toward me. Nice tits, I thought. Weird thought,...
The area of southern California Patrick Burgstone called home lay thirty rough and desolate miles back into the high desert canyon country, halfway between Tehachapi and Mojave, about one hundred and fifty miles from Los Angeles. The desert was a harsh place to live. Patrick didn't know any different though. His pa and he had traipsed across the Mojave desert all his life. By caring for a small herd of goats, they managed a living, of sorts, but the water and forage the goats needed kept...