RoomersChapter 9 free porn video

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My bay window was dam' near uninhabitable. In fact my whole apartment smelt of paint and floor varnish, so I'd moved upstairs while Jose finished up. The weather was fuckin' ace and I'd slung a hammock between two trees, was swaying gently, beer in one hand, small joint in the other, book on my chest in case I got bored doing nothing, the whole afternoon ahead of me. Slacker's heaven.

The joint was a memory and the beer was way too warm when I heard footsteps. A slim dark hand appeared with a cold bottle dangling from its fingers. I twisted my head and squinted up at her.

'Shit, girl, you do that one more time, I'll have to marry you.' I grasped the bottle and put half of it where it belonged while she smiled down at me.

'No need to get emotional, ' she said. 'My ancestors were house slaves. But I never seen a man enjoy food and drink like you do. How come you don't weigh three hundred pounds and grunt when you walk?' I shrugged.

'I do some gym time, cut down on the beer a little when the mirror gets too small. How come you're the way you are? I seen you put away food like you wanted to start a famine and there ain't an extra ounce on you, except where it's meant to be.' She looked at me sideways, then pulled my old lounger round and sank onto it.

'Been checking, have you?' Her voice was smooth and slightly husky, like good liquor over ice.

'Candice, I check you every fuckin' time I see you and it just gets better. How come you ain't studyin'? You goofin' off?' She smiled cheerfully.

'Five days a week is enough and the weekend's here. Thought I'd catch a little sun if I'm not disturbing you.'

'Shit, that's for sure gildin' the fuckin' lily. You get any more sun you're gonna be dam' near invisible at night.' She stared and then started giggling.

'You telling me to lighten up?' That got me laughing too and I dam' near fell out of the hammock. She wiped her eyes and tried to sound serious. 'There are some very correct people in this town who'd arrest you for saying what you just did.' I finished my beer.

'Fuck 'em. Friends can say what they like. You work on your tan, Candice. I'm just thinkin', readin' some, wonderin' when the hell Jose's gonna finish.' She closed her eyes, her fingers fiddling with the gold chain she always wore.

'I've talked to him. Asked him why he was doing two jobs and he told me what you did for him and his sister and her kids.'

'Well, shit. Now I gotta deal with ethnic fuckin' gossip. You gonna sunbathe or what?' She nodded absently.

'I had a bet with myself you wouldn't talk about it. Is this yard overlooked at all?'

'Trees are old and tall. One reason I bought the house.' She stood up gracefully and began to unbutton the white shirtwaister that was her usual summer outfit. She had a dozen, all different, and I'd kinda been having fun guessing which one she was gonna wear next. She was being real careful not to look at me and her fingers were having a little trouble with the buttons, but she persevered and slipped out of the dress sorta nervously. She lay down on the lounger, naked except for her panties. I was having a real problem not leaping out of the hammock and barking. Controlled myself though. She'd been pussyfooting about the past three weeks. No point in pushing her now she was getting serious. Never push the smart ones or they get real skittish.

'Better not be tellin' me you need sun cream, ' I said, 'and I don't see any tan lines either. Kinda suspicious.' I was having fun. No stress, no clicks, no nothing: just taking it easy with a beautiful girl I was gonna go to bed with one day soon. Pure heaven. I rolled over and looked down at her. Hell, she was the one that had undressed. Her body was lean and toned, small pointy breasts sitting high on her chest, capped with jet black nipples, fat and puffy; long legs flaring from narrow hips, the fork of her body outlined by the thin material of her panties, pussy lips making a tidy little cameltoe under the sheer fabric. She watched me looking at her and I gave her a thumbs-up.

'Excellent package, Candice. You want another beer?' I swung outa the hammock and went to fetch them. When I came back she looked to have relaxed some and reached out and pulled at my wrist as I put the beer down

'Are you alright with this, Doug? I'm not teasing deliberately. I mean, you're being pretty calm about it... ' Women always dick about some, but the wait is generally worth it.

'Shit, Candice, I'm calm. I mean I ain't exactly restin' comfortable, but that's my problem. I might lose a little weight, sleep badly, get the shakes mebbe, while you make your mind up, but I'll kinda leave that to your conscience. Three things: one, you know I'm a volunteer regiment; Ellen told you that. Two, you're the one at the wheel and one driver's plenty. And three, try to think of me as a lesbian trapped in a man's body. That might relax you some. I'm gonna take a siesta. Three beers sorta provoke a nap, this weather.' I turned to get back into the hammock but she jumped up and grabbed me, hugged me hard, her breasts pressing against my chest. She was struggling not to laugh.

'Trapped in a man's body? You are absolutely outrageous. You really don't mind what I am, do you?' I put my arms round her, kissed her good, and her mouth opened, her tongue sliding hesitantly out to find mine, her arms tightening round my neck. After a minute I pulled back; hardest fuckin' thing I've done for a long time.

'I gotta tendency to focus on who, not what. Shit, Candice, forget the goddam labels and plan on bein' taken out to eat tonight. My kitchen stinks and yours is unworkable. Jose's got all the furniture from Nick's room piled in it.' Didn't say I'd suggested he do that. 'You feel right about it we'll try some more of that after.' Doug, dominant but kind, not pushin' any. I'm a fuckin' saint sometimes. She was breathing kinda fast and her eyes were sparkling.

'Whatever you say, boss. Will I need to dress up?'

'Nudity ain't acceptable in this town. No leather though, OK?' She rolled her eyes.

'No leather. Right.' She lay down again and I tried to get into the hammock without catching the end of my cock in the mesh. If she didn't put out tonight I was gonna go fuckin' crazy. When I glanced over at her she was lying quiet, eyes closed, legs parted a little, one hand on her plump little mound, her fingers stroking it real slow. Way to go, Candice. I hoped she was thinking of me and not Ellen.

When I got settled I finished the beer and dropped the bottle on the grass and closed my eyes. The smell of paint and the fainter scent of Candice's perfume tickled my nose, and the sun was warm on my body. Like the first summer I bought the house.

Shit, looking back I can see that McCarthy's death and Kelly splitting shook me up some. Only time in my life I been paranoid. I kept kinda thinking that someone would find out about why McCarthy had crashed, or that Kelly would come back and start carrying on again, or the fuckin' IRS would come asking where I got the money from. I guess if it hadn't been for Annie I might have cut and run.

'You gonna tell me what's buggin' you?' she asked me one day. We were at my apartment, her stoned on her ass and me not far behind. She was stretched out with her head on my belly, nuzzling my cock occasionally and trying not to be impatient. I thought about what she'd said.

'You really wanna know?' She bit me gently.

'You ain't gonna shock me Doug. We're more alike than you think. Probably why I'm crazy about you. Tell me the bones so I stop worrying.'

'Shit, Annie, you put it like that. I kinda got Kelly's confidence so I could make a bunch of money for myself, and she found out and was real angry and told McCarthy, and McCarthy was on his way into town to ream my ass when he crashed. And she's split, like gone. So it was dumb fuckin' luck one way, result of what I did the other, and I'm caught between pleased and wonderin' if there's any shit waitin' to land on me.' She thought about that.

'You won't let any fuckin' thing stand in your way, will you? To hell with her feelings, same as with that poor Judy. I swear I don't know how you can do it. Hell, Doug, six months and no shit hittin' you, I guess you're home clean. How much fuckin' money?' Straight to the heart of the matter.

'McCarthy already gave me the bonus for the legitimate stuff I was doin', so it totaled out a little over a million. I ain't ever gonna work again, Annie. Only reason I did it, tell the truth.' When I said "million" she whipped round and stared.

'You shittin' me?'


'Jesus, Doug, you're a fuckin' millionaire? You mean I been screwin' megabucks and never fuckin' realized? Whaddya gonna do?'

'I been sittin' on it while I thought.' She snorted and grasped my cock.

'You can spend some on me or I'll pull this out by the fuckin' roots. I wanna go to Florida again, get away from winter.' I groaned, then realized that telling her had lightened the load some. A trouble shared is a trouble halved, my Mom used to say when she wanted me to 'fess up about something.

'How come I get the only hippy in the country who don't despise money? You want to go to Florida you're gonna have to work for it. High season down there right now.' She scooted round again and cupped my balls.

'Hippies only despise money because they fuckin' don't have any, and the work is gonna be a labor of like. For two weeks in Florida I'll blow you twice a day and some more at night.' Her head dipped and her lips began their teasing dance over the head of my cock. I was kinda touched. It was her turn by rights, and she knew I'd have done my party trick if she'd asked.

She was so excited and revved up I let her have her way. Hell, I guess I owed her some anyway. She sent her dad off to some commune in New Mexico, packed her best hippy dresses, and closed the shop. I booked first class, just to show her I could, and we had fun upsetting the rich snowbirds. Same fuckin' problem as before though: she wouldn't go on a public beach, so we had to go looking for seclusion.

I thought to rent a boat so we were able to find secluded. A week into the holiday I was laying on white sand while she balanced on my cock, her dark eyes huge and bloodshot. Damned if I know how she managed, but first thing she'd done when we arrived was score some Jamaican grass and we were both kinda relaxed. One part of me was tense though and she didn't mind that. She was getting a pretty good tan and it was sorta strange to see her body pinky-brown instead of white. She exhaled happily and handed me the joint.

'Sun and sea and good grass and a fat cock to sit on. Everythin' a girl could wish for. You been thinkin' some Doug, I can tell. Whaddya gonna do with all that money? You for sure ain't gonna just spend it.' Girl was a goddam mindreader.

'You're a goddam mindreader, Annie. I guess I oughta have visible means of support, so I'm gonna buy a property near campus, big one, rent rooms out to college kids. That'll cost, time I've converted the place and all, but it'll earn pretty good, pay its own way and then some. And I'll leave the rest with Uncle Sam, collect the interest. Read, sleep, stay in shape a little so you don't start bitchin' at me, take you away once in a while. That's as far as I got.' Her pussy tightened over my shaft and she went a little bit pinker.

'I was hopin' you'd say somethin' like that. You decided to leave town, I'da been kinda pissed. You mind me bein' pleased?' Fool woman. Who minds anyone being pleased?

'Gonna make you help me, Annie. Choose the curtains, stuff like that. No fuckin' flower power stuff though. I wanna go for mature but cool.' She leaned forward and kissed me hard, grinding her fat clit against my pubic bone.

'Bet I can make you come before I do, Mr. Mature but fuckin' Cool.' Wrong again.

So I spent the next few months looking at properties, thinking about how they'd convert. Annie came with me a coupla times, but mostly she left me to it. Said she didn't want me blaming her if I bought the wrong one. Funny thing though, once I started thinking again I re-upped my gym membership, worked out for an hour, two or three times a week. Still boring as hell, but it seemed like my body wanted it.

The one I found was almost right. Outside was in good shape, needed some work inside, bathrooms and kitchen upgrading. Yard was good, pretty secluded, and a coupla plantings would make that completely. Half a mile from campus, quiet street. Price was a little high, house was a little bigger than I'd planned, but it was the only one I'd seen that said hello to me, so I bought it quick, before I started wanting it too bad. I moved in that June and spent the summer doing nothing, just getting the feel of the place. Next year was plenty soon enough for renters, and quick conversions cost way too much. Annie and I christened every dam' room in the place, and the yard too. We had a pretty nice time.

Something cold landed on my chest and I opened my eyes in a hurry. Candice was standing over me laughing, another beer in her hand. She'd put her dress back on but it was still unbuttoned and her body peeped through. Her eyes flicked down to my crotch. Thinking of Annie had got me kinda hard.

'You look cute when you're asleep, ' she said, 'and you got something in your shorts.' She looked a little startled at her own daring and I gave her a silent cheer.

'I wasn't asleep and if I was I was dreamin' of you. That beer for me or you just goin' to go on teasin'?' Subtle line. She grinned, white teeth bright against her dark face, looking like a woman who's finally made her mind up.

'All for you, and no more teasing, I promise.' Like I said, smart woman. She smiled again. 'If the privileges are as good as the friendship part I'd be a fool to turn them down. What time do you wanna eat?' What about a snack right now? I didn't say that.

'When you're hungry, Candice. You mind if we go upscale, make an occasion of it?' I drank beer. 'What's the time?' I stopped wearing a watch when I bought the house. She looked at her wrist.

'Four. If we eat about six-thirty, that suit you?' I nodded. I was wondering whether to shave again or not. I mean, some like it smooth and some think twelve hours growth is kinda nice. Shave, I decided: less she's been with any bearded ladies recently she's not used to stubble.

'I'll call Casa Italiana, ask Tony for a booth: that good?' I like to do that sorta thing before the first time. Nothing wrong with anticipation, and it'd make Tony kinda jealous too. She nodded, shy but determined.

'If we're going that far upscale I'm going to start getting ready now.'

'Don't go overboard. Tony's pretty susceptible.' She giggled and leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips, her breasts just brushing my chest.

'Me too. You make me feel safe though. Nervous, but safe, and kinda excited as well. Nice combo.' She straightened and went across the lawn to the house and I watched the dress floating behind her and thought dirty thoughts.

When Maria had knocked I was having dirty thoughts too. Fact is, Annie had started having them, I'd kinda joined in, the dirty thoughts had led to dirty bodies, and the dirty bodies had segued into more dirty thoughts in the shower. I was planning rounds three and four as I opened the door, sure wasn't prepared for a little Mexican lady with a strained expression. Turned out she was a widow, wanted cleaning work, had a brother wanted yard work, any kinda work, usual stuff. Outside the house was a cruddy looking Valiant with a guy in the drivers' seat and two little kids in back, surrounded by bundles. I guess it was the Valiant that made me ask the question.

'Where you livin' ma'am? I might have some cleanin' work soon.' She didn't answer, and her eyes darted round helplessly. Annie had joined me and was looking at the Valiant too.

'Shit, Doug, she's livin' in the fuckin' car with two kids. That's right, lady, ain't it?'

Once that was established I let Annie talk to her while I thought; then I went to fetch a calculator, did some figuring. No doubt about it. I could put up with the kids, I'd save a fuckin' bundle. The woman was looking at me, wondering what the hell I was doing, would it be bad for her. Annie was looking at me too, sardonic smile on her face, like she could read my mind. Well, fuck her: two birds with one stone.

'I'm Doug Taylor, ma'am. What's your name?' Maria, it turned out.

'OK, Maria, I'll make you an offer. You all come live here. You and your brother work on the house, paintin' and stuff, sort out the yard. Get the kids in school so they're outa the way. I'll cover food and bills, give you five hundred a month.' Beans and rice were cheap, I reckoned. 'Job's gonna last till Spring. You save some, you'll be able to get an apartment, move outa the fuckin' car.'

Well shit, she was suspicious, and so was her brother; don't blame them for that, but it was a better deal than anyone else was offering and the car smelt real bad, so Annie showed them the house, admired the kids, domestic shit, and they finally said they'd do it for a month, see what happened. Annie made me pay them half the month up front so they could get basics.

Worked out pretty good: I gave them the third floor, let them settle down for a couple of days, then cracked the whip. Jose couldn't do the complex stuff, I still had to get fuckin' electricians and plumbers and stuff for that, but he was hell on wheels with plaster and paint, floors too, and after the first week Maria was gonna do anything she was told. They loved goddam plants too, yard started to look real nice. It's in the genes, I guess. Kids were pretty well-behaved, almost cute. Annie was in and out like a fuckin' yo-yo, looking at paint colors and fabric samples, tried to keep showing me fuckin' furniture catalogs. I kicked back until my new front room was done, then I went kinda mad, had one entire wall covered with fitted bookshelves, set about filling them. Amazon dam' near gave me a loyalty card.

That time was about as domestic as I've ever been, and parts of it were real fun. Meals round the big table, kids playing in the yard at weekends, knowing I was saving money and being a boy scout at the same time. Tired me some though, and I was getting sick of the smell of Mexican food, so I was kinda glad when Jose found a proper job around Christmas. Even stuck my neck out, gave him a written reference, dam' good one too. They moved out soon after that, but Maria had decided I was God's younger son, so poor ol' Jose kept coming round evenings to finish up the jobs and Maria kept coming round to keep an eye on him and clean. Annie shamed me into paying them by the hour, but that was still cheap as shit and I wasn't in a hurry.

'You wanna practice this kinda stuff a bit more, ' she said one evening. 'You manage to combine bein' real selfish with bein' a real human person too, the results are fuckin' ace.' We were walking round the house admiring it. It sure looked good. Everything clean, rooms furnished cheap but tasteful, new bathrooms shining. Inspectors had passed it fit for renters and I was feeling pretty proud. My apartment on the first floor was exactly the way I wanted. Even the height of the mirrors in the bathroom was right. Come in under budget too. Working with McCarthy taught me how to cost stuff.

'Shit, Annie, don't you go mushy on me. You know it don't suit ya.'

'Mushy my ass, Doug Taylor. No shame in tellin' the truth.' She whipped her dress up round her waist and turned round, bent over the stair rail. No underwear, just her skinny little asscheeks framing her pussy. She spread her legs a little wider. 'Put your goddam cock where it belongs and stop fuckin' criticizin'.' I did that, just to shut her up. Nearly fell down the fuckin' stairs before I'd finished though.

All my stuff was downstairs, and I was sleeping upstairs, so getting ready was a dam' chore. I showered and shaved, climbed into the clothes, then needed a dump. That meant undressing some to wash my ass afterwards. Wasn't sure what Candice might get up to, and dingleberries ain't so good on a first date. I was wandering round my apartment, sniffing the paint smell and wondering when I could move back down when Candice appeared at the door.

'This OK?' I turned and checked. Jeez, she was an old man's wet dream. Simple cocktail dress, white, like everything she owned as far as I could tell, hair out of its rows and framing her face, gold winking at her neck and wrist, matching pale grey shoes and shawl. I was real glad I'd dressed carefully.

'Shit, girl, good enough to eat. You mind me sayin' that?' I thought I saw a trace of a blush on her cheeks, then she smiled shyly.

'I guess I'm glad you think so.' I looked at her more closely.

'You wearing makeup too?' She nodded.

'Holidays and special occasions. Are we going to walk or drive?' I looked outa the window.

'Weather's still excellent, and it's only eight blocks. Those shoes good for that far?' She cracked a proper grin.

'Women are born with the ability to walk in dumb-looking shoes. You can take my arm if we have to cross any potholes.'

'I'm gonna take your arm anyway, Candice. Bein' seen with you is gonna be so good for my rep, you wouldn't believe. Guys from the gym see me, they're gonna be shittin' blood.' She rolled her eyes to heaven.

'You are one foulmouthed, sweet-talking, weird, nice guy. Being seen with you is going to change my rep some, and I don't give a damn. Let's go.'

Nothing, I mean, fuckin' nothing at all, is better than strolling down the sidewalk on a warm evening, looking forward to an elegant dinner and then your first time with the most stunning girl in the state, who's currently on your arm. Candice glanced sideways at me as we waited for a light to change.

'You're really enjoying this, aren't you? I mean, taking it slow, trying to make everything right for me.'

'There's two people involved here, plus I gotta rep for bein' selfish but sophisticated, ya know? Gotta live up to it.' That went down real well, and she nearly fell off her shoes laughing, then squeezed my arm and said something foolish about sensitivity and self-deprecation. I was busy seeing if anybody was looking at me kinda jealous so I missed that, but I smiled appreciatively. Modest Doug. Amiable Doug. Safe Doug. Hornier than a fuckin' rhino Doug.

Tony fell over backwards when he saw her: ushered us into the booth, was all over her like a rash, making sure she was comfortable, finally gave us the menus and left looking regretful and envious. I smiled at Candice.

'See how you affect people? Guy could hardly control hisself.' She smiled a little sardonically and picked up the menu.

'Guys who control themselves are few and far between. Tell me what's good here.' I bit my tongue and sighed inwardly as I walked her through the menu, helped her choose, discovered she liked white wine, all the gentlemanly stuff. It's easy enough to do. Halfway into the bottle, with most of the starter gone, she was happier again.

'Ellen told me a little about you, Doug. She said you were at college here, and you somehow made enough money and started doing what you do, and that you're kind and lazy and don't seem to want very much, and you don't talk about yourself hardly at all.' Fuckin' girl talk. Sometimes I think it's a conspiracy.

'More or less right, Candice. What you see is what you get. The past is another fuckin' country.' Annie woulda been proud of me. She was polite enough to back off, and the wine carried on going down, and the evening carried on improving.

'Brandy a step too far?' I asked her finally. She'd had four glasses of wine, relaxed some, looked real comfortable with the situation. I half-expected her to start fuckin' purring. I didn't want brandy. What I needed was a heavy tranquilizer. Eight blocks home doubled over my own goddam crotch was gonna ruin my rep for sure.

'I'm just right. Except for your friend drooling it's been perfect.'

'You saw Tony's wife you'd be more understandin'. I told him I'd settle up tomorrow, so can I walk y'all home now, Ms Lincoln?' And into bed and about fuckin' time too. She gathered her shawl round her shoulders and stood up.

'You're the only guy I've ever met who would dare use phony Southern charm on a black girl called Lincoln. It's like being in another world. Lead on, Rhett.' She looked pretty happy though, and when we were back on the sidewalk she slipped her hand into mine. I promised myself we'd stay strolling, not galloping: no point in falling at the last fence.

I don't think Annie ever took my hand except once, and that was after her dad died, right before she left town. Turned out he'd been kinda sick for a while, was getting worse, some kinda blood problem, and when I found that out I was real pissed, her not saying anything to me about it. Hell, we'd settled into a real nice relationship, spent a coupla evenings a week together when ol' Ray was off traveling, laughed some, screwed a lot, felt kinda comfortable with each other; like an old-fashioned couple I guess, except no shouting matches, nor arguing over whose turn it was to the dishes. When Ray was around I went scouting for fresh, but when he was gone it was just Annie. Shit, I respected her plenty, so when she didn't say anything about her dad I was kinda sore. Made her accept the car for her own use so's she could take him up the hospital for his treatment twice a week and that pleased her some. Car had no trade-in value and I was planning on buying the truck, so it wasn't no great sacrifice.

He died in the end, of course, and she was kinda down after that. Ol' Ray was around more than usual so I didn't see so much of her, and when I did it was like something had changed, almost like she was waiting for me to say something, but she never said what it was, so I let it slide. I guess I thought she'd cheer up some in a coupla months, get back to normal.

Last time I saw her was a night in October, four months after the funeral. I was doing not very much, reading and sipping beer, when she arrived. Something different about her as she came in. I noticed that straight away. She was looking real tense, didn't want to be hugged.

'Shit, Annie, I was just thinkin' about you. You wanna beer?' She shook her head.

'Came to tell you somethin', Doug, see what you think.' I didn't have a clue what was happening in her head, but it was for sure important to her.

'Siddown and tell me, Annie.' So she did that, and started going on about how she'd been thinking since her dad died, and how she was thirty-four and not getting any younger, stuff like that. Minute she said her age I knew what was happening. When a woman over thirty tells you how old she is, it's because she can hear that clock ticking, wants you to hear it too. Only clock I heard was a fuckin' alarm clock. She carried on for a bit, then looked at me real careful and did a weird thing: took my hands and closed them round hers. Tiny little hands she had, and mine kinda hid hers completely.

'Reason I'm tellin' ya, Doug, I been talkin' to Ray some, and he said he wants for us to get married, move up to Idaho, some land he's got up there, raise a family maybe. So I told him I'd need to think 'bout that, and I been thinkin' some, and I thought I'd ask you, see what you thought.' Shit, I didn't want her to go to fuckin' Idaho with some dumb-ass hippy. Didn't want to say that straight out though: danger of being misunderstood.

'Jeez, Annie, what can I say? You gotta follow your heart, I guess. You love him?' Her hands twisted in mine.

'I guess I could. He loves me, has done for years, and I ain't made it easy for him, given him plenty of reasons to walk away, but he ain't done that. I guess I'd be followin' his heart mostly, and trustin' it. He's a good man, real patient. Not as smart as you, but not dumb either. He makes me feel kinda safe.' Didn't know what to say to that either, so I settled for a big sigh, like life was too complex for me. She sat quiet for a while, her hands still in mine, then pulled slightly. When I let her go her face changed a little, and she sighed too.

'Just checkin', Doug, and it's like I thought. I guess I'll follow Ray's heart and miss the hell outa you in private. I been crazy in like with ya a long time now, but I'm sure glad I didn't fall in love. You pissed at me?'

'Hell, Annie, I'm not pissed. I was kinda happy the way things were though.' She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, like she was my sister or something.

'Remember you sayin' that when I was explainin' stuff about Judy to you, but you never really understood.' She stood up, looking sorta miserable, disappointed mebbe. 'I told Ray I'd give him an answer tonight, so I guess I better do that.' Everything was happening so fuckin' fast.

'You gotta leave right now?' She was putting her coat on.

'If I don't leave now, then I never fuckin' will. That what you want?' When I didn't reply she nodded to herself, then managed a smile. 'Always said we were alike. We had a great time for a long time, Doug. I wouldn'ta missed it for anythin'.' She reached up and gave me one quick hug, face turned away so I couldn't kiss her, and was gone. I thought she might have been crying as she went out the door but I never been sure. Next time I went past the shop, a few days later I guess, the shutters were down and there was a realtor's sign in the window. I can still remember how her hands felt when I let her pull them out of my grasp.

Same as Roomers
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There’s a reason why God made two of them! Kesha Ortega and Sheila Ortega are two of the hottest twins on the planet. The two beautiful Latinas have many things in common, one of which is an insatiable craving for cock! Well, DDF Network is here today to provide you with another absolutely brilliant Busty episode to show you how these two hot sisters get laid by studs Joan Lucho and Emilio Ardana. Check out Kesha Ortega’s enormous 36D / 80E titties and watch them jump up and down...

3 years ago
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Eternal Awakening Chapter Three

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the third chapter of Eternal Awakening. Don't forget to rate and comment and be aware that this chapter is part of a double post so once you are done with this one you will also find chapter four posted as well. Chapter Three: Chaos Week Richard's first week as a personal attendant to Lythia had crawled by at an excruciating pace. He...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 5 A Faerie

The problems aboard Allan’s ship had started two days after they had left the previous continent. Things started going missing, particularly food. The berries disappeared first, and then any food left out that didn’t contain meat. It would disappear, or it was found rearranged. Taps were found dripping. The onboard cameras started to develop glitches. No one was happy when they found objects in places no one remembered putting them. Then they would find things pulled apart or lying busted...

4 years ago
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Our First Time

Nick was a virgin, as was I, but on that night we spent together you would have thought he'd had years of experience.I was a pretty young sophomore in high school, at the tender and sexually-peaking age of sixteen. He was a junior and seventeen. We'd been dating for several months and had spoken about sex a few times, agreeing we'd wait until we both felt ready for it.It was a Saturday night. We were sitting on his bed holding hands and watching a movie, and his parents were out for the...

First Time
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Horny Little Women Pt9

And there were more far-reaching dilemmas for the young man. As the days passed, he found himself torn between making a go of it in Manila where he had roots, property and security and returning home to England where he had four lovely sisters and a loving mother but little else of tangible value. And he could be fairly certain his four sisters wouldn't be around forever. They had their own lives to live. He could uproot back to England only to find they had boyfriends – or in Jo's case a...

2 years ago
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My Sisters 18th Birthday

This story was written by beachbirdguy. He deleted his account and also this story, but he has given permission to republish. I want to thank him for that, and Friedman for arranging it. My sister, Susie, and I had always been very close. I was just a couple of years older than she was. I remember her 18th birthday very well. She didn’t want to have a big party. She just wanted to have a couple of her close friends over and of course she wanted me to be there too. I was happy to learn that she...

4 years ago
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Stuck Cock Ring

Stuck Cock Ring.I’m Jack and I bought a cock ring to have some playtime with my wife. I fitted it between my body and balls. The erection tonight was like steel. My wife had a see-through baby-doll outfit on. By the time I’d hogtied her and ripped the nighty off I was rampant; just as she likes me. I took her with no further foreplay and as she screamed for the second time I shot my load deep in her thirty-something pussy. Lying beside her she soon notices my erection didn’t deflate. An hour...

2 years ago
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Tims LifeChapter 7

Wendy closed the door behind her, leaving Tim and two of her students alone. As commanded she yearned to complete anything Tim suggested, this as one of those things. At his suggestion she had sent each of her students out to an empty class, one at a time. There Tim simply asked each a few questions then he sent them back. After all her students had gone, he had simply come to the door and told her to ask Samuel and Jean to stay after class. Then, he told her to leave them alone. She smiled...

4 years ago
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The Skeleton From the Cupboard Sarah and FrankChapter 6 The confrontation with the past

Frank: I went home, arriving earlier than Susan. It was good, because Jenny was at her boyfriend's. They were above eighteen years old, so it was not my business. I was sitting in the living room, when Susan arrived. I was calm, because I decided my future four months earlier. The divorce documents were with me, so I wanted only a last honest confrontation, but no more. When she entered the living room, she knew something was wrong. She looked at me and asked, "Frank what's the matter?...

3 years ago
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Just a Blowjob

Actually, Jeff was great friends with his fat cock. Whatever his cock needed, mouth, pussy, ass, whatever, Jeff would do anything to keep him pleased and satisfied. Jeff was very proud of himself, and he though every little thing about him was perfect. He was pleased to have those big fake muscles, mixed with fat, and covered with hairy thick skin, more than anything. He even loved his own nasty smell, and always loved taking sniffs of his funky armpits, especially when they were sweaty -...

2 years ago
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The last girls night out

Friday again and my sexy wife had gone on another of her nights out with the girls. This time Stella’s husband was at home; so her place had been taken by another good slut, the sensual Amelia.The girls had gone on Amelia’s van; which was large enough to fit a couch in the back. Amelia was a happy divorced slut and she loved to get fucked in the back of her van…I was unlucky; that fine slut had never invited me for a ride…This time I stayed at home, sipping a good glass of scotch. I watched...

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Hawaii Gangbang tattoo

Angel wanted a touchup to 1 of her tattoos, actually she wanted an excuse to be gangbanged.--------------------------------------------------------We took a vacation for a week to Hawaii. I had promised Angel for years I would take her there& finally kept my promise to her.Our hotel was about 1/2 mile from the Hawaiian Hilton & maybe 1 1/2 miles rom Waikiki just off of the main road. Even though Angel had allowed the bellman to take part of his tip as a blowjob & a couple of days...

3 years ago
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Caught Red Handed 1

My day had started pretty normally, morning wank, something to eat and a couple of jobs round the house for mum. My plans for the day were to go for a bike ride to the mountain bike park in the next suburb, most weekends were spent there. It was a good 45 minutes away; I was young and full of energy so it was a great warm-up. ‘Closed for maintenance’, my day ruined and with no other plans I slowly rode to the local shops. I noticed a bookstore and decided to head in and see if there were any...

3 years ago
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Spanish Carmen Third Part

Spanish Carmen (Third Part) When the Spanish Milf stared at my monster cock, her jaw dropped, her emotional shock almost caused her a loss of consciousness. I said: “Do you feel ok, Mrs. Carmen?” She replied looking nervous, hesitating: “Well, huh, I can’t tell, but… how deep this will go into my vagina? I fear consequences and cost, besides, I’m risking something here, my reputation.” I said: “Well, Mrs. Carmen, you’re the boss here, I swear I won’t trick you. This is my real penis.” ...

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Emily and I

Emily Smith raps on my back sliding glass door. Emily is a freshman in college. She is modestly dressed in a green long sleeve sweater, a white blouse, skinny fit straight leg pants and sneakers. She is five feet tall and maybe ninety-five pounds soaking wet. She has a great hourglass figure with a perfect hip to waist ratio. Her bright red hair is tied back in a ponytail. She has brilliant, piercing green eyes and a light smattering of small freckles across her nose and cheekbones. She has a...

First Time
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Anjaan Ladki Ka Sex Slave Bana

Main, Mayank, Gujarat mein raheta hu 22 sal ka hu. Ek IT company mein kaam karata hu. Mujhe females ka slave banana pasand hai. Main har ladki ko mistress hi samajhta hu. Yeh story ke 1 saal pahele ki hai. Maine ek web site par ad dali aur mera mail id diya tha contact ke liye. Bohut din wait karne ke baad ek ladki ka mail aya. Usme likha tha, “Kya tum mere slave banoge?” Main mail dekh ke kushi se pagal ho gaya aur maine ha reply kiya. Unka mail aaya, “Mujhe 1-week ke liye chahiye and koi...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 76

"Did I tell you?" Rita asked as Anne and Camille took in the landscaping around the house. For Camille, it was like a dream. The thought of living in a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood had been something she'd put away long before. "It certainly beats a home built 170 years ago," Anne said. "Wait until you see the inside," Rita said enthusiastically. "It's beautiful. It has a perfect room for Evan to set up an office and it has a finished apartment over the garage that would...

2 years ago
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RV Sex

© 1994 - 2002 LaffWithMe Press It had been a long day of driving. We had gone nearly three hundred miles that day, mostly because nobody except the driver wanted to stop. Of course the driver is yours truly. At thirty-four feet plus a car tagging behind, the 'rig' (RV'er talk) was about twice as long as my wife or oldest son was willing to handle. Not that I'm complaining. Hauling around a small apartment on wheels is not all that difficult. And with three kids and a wife, all that...

1 year ago
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An Amazing Vacation 2

Alan Bryant woke up the next morning alone. Had the previous day been all just a wonderful dream? Did he actually enjoy the best sex of his life with a gorgeous, young blond woman half his age? Although it felt like a dream, the evidence of strewn bedding and clothing suggested that it was no dream. It was definitely real. He shouldn’t have expected to see Casey by him when he woke up. Surely, the young woman had come to her senses and realized that she could do much better than a forty...

4 years ago
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ForeChapter 2

Back at work Ted had some thoughts about Joni. He googled her and learned some interesting things about her education and the law firm she worked at. In addition to that he also surfed the net and read the paper about what was happening entertainment wise in the area before he phoned Joni at her office. After refreshing her memory as to who he was he asked her if she would want to go out to dinner and catch the Broadway show South Pacific this Friday that was being put on at a dinner theater...

2 years ago
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Daphnes Lesson Ch 4

Mallory couldn’t believe her ears. She paced in a tight circle like a caged tigress, her mind spinning. Their conversation, Holly’s request for a date with Daphne grew quiet. Mallory inched closer to hear precious tidbits of sound. No such luck. Holly turned to leave with such speed at which she came. Mallory holstered her tremblings hands to her sides as she posted herself back at the same vending machine. “So what was that about?” She asked under her breath. “She - ” Daphne paused. “Holly...

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 42 Moving on

Tom and Sigrid came down for breakfast late. Sigrid's happiness radiated like a torch. They sat eating the last of the muffins, licking the drips of butter off each other. "Anne, I wish I'd started when you did." "I had a whole different way of life, remember. Probably wouldn't have worked for you." They went upstairs again, did not re-appear until the others had left for the stables and the gym. With Alex, they drove to the lumber yard, loaded the van with supplies. That afternoon,...

2 years ago
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D irectly after the 30 paddle swats I receive while locked in Mistress'sbedroom stock every morning, i'm ordered to the dungeon. This was odd. I usuallyhave many chores to do. Once in the dungeon, Mistress had me kneel uprighton a stool that is similar a piano bench but has no padding. I dare not askHer what was on Her mind but couldn't help but wonder. She told me to raisemy ass up off my ankles as she unlocked my butt plug harness to remove my regulartraining plug. Then She inserted a much,...

3 years ago
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2 Virgin Fucked At The Same Time 8211 Part III

Hey readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai and I will be narrating the third and final part of sex with 2 virgin sisters. I am sure you all must have read my earlier two parts and liked it as well. So without wasting much time, I will start my story after a hectic but a fruitful day and I came back to my dealer’s office around 6:30 pm. We were tired but obviously happy that it was a successful day for us and I then asked my dealer as how to go to bungalow, since he was staying exactly...

3 years ago
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The Morris family Chapter 4

It was four weeks, since my big brother's wedding planning started. He and my twin brother found the perfect tuxedo. They actively looked for the apartment my lover/twin brother and I will share. They have found some, but I rejected each and every one we saw. I want the perfect love nest for Rob and me to start our life out of our parent's house. Free to show our love at least in the limits of our house. While Rob and Tom looked for more options for me to reject, I was here with my favorite...

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A Mother8217s Seduction

My son had been dating this hot little 18 year old Greyfork Honeybees cheerleader for several months now, and every time they were together, they were all over each other, kissing, hugging, sucking, and fucking. They were never quiet nor discrete about it and many times I masturbated myself to sleep listening to Nikki’s loud unintelligible grunts and Alex’ moans as he came in her. Their nasty talk really got me off, and hard. One night I heard them in the living room, just starting,...

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Looking Through the LensChapter 24 Thank You

I was too excited to sleep. It was still dark out when my eyes popped open, but regardless of the time, I knew I was awake for the day. A check of my watch showed that I still had over an hour before I really needed to be up. Then again, sleep was just time away from Heather at this point. She would be coming to pick me up after dropping her parents off at work, since they had allowed her the use of the car for the day. I figured I could pack up my stuff now, so that I wouldn’t have to take...

1 year ago
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Stop to Conquer

Note : This story is completely fictional! Having a married and happy sex life is not the end for everybody. There is always an itch to explore the unknown and have variety as spice of life, so to say. I probably belong to this category very strongly. I am married and have a great wife as partner. We have very satisfactory sex life and love each other dearly. Inspite of this, I find a strong urge to fantasize about other ladies with whom I come in contact. Just fantasy is all right, but as my...

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It had been about 20 years since I'd seen Ben. We'd hung out a lot at university, but after graduation went our separate ways. Ben had moved back to Manchester and I'd been roaming the North West and South East. When the e-mail popped up out of the blue I couldn't wait to meet up once again.In university Ben had always been a bit of a lady's man. His tall, athletic body, handsome face and the promise of a huge, black cock always lured the girls in. I can't say I'd minded, as with all the...

1 year ago
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SovereigntyChapter 8

Alan stood there for a few moments, though the lizard guy wasn't really a challenge to him, it still amazed Alan the arrogance lizard guy had. Hopix was holding her anger in check she could feel the guy was nowhere as strong as Alan, but still he was making threats. Looking at Alan she saw he was deciding what to do, go after the stronger of the 2 or the lizard guy. "I'm not sure Hopix I'm smelling an ambush in all this, I've never trusted any of the beings I've met and I'm not about...

3 years ago
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The Lusty Neightbor

Adam felt Marie’s hard slap across his face. Marie stared at him and screamed, “What do you think I am? Some kind of cheap whore?” “Marie we’ve been dating for six months. What’s your problem?” Marie grabbed her handbag and slammed the door behind her as she left. “Bitch!” he yelled after her. Frustrated, Adam went and showered. He was too angry to fall asleep so he went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. Adam was still horny and had hoped to get some tonight. He walked out onto the patio...

Straight Sex
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Wet Dreams Bitchy Behavior Lust Love

P.S. With this story, I begin my 5th year posting tales on XNXX … Wet Dreams; Bitchy Behavior; Lust & Love … (Part one) Wet Dreams Sometimes I just get so aggravated at being a girl. Damnit, guys don’t have to have periods and fool with all the messy feminine hygiene stuff! They don’t have to have babies either. They can pee just about anywhere they please and do it without even having to squat down. Then there are all those insensitive sayings like; “men don’t make...

2 years ago
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Broken Heart Surgery

I have had a bad day at work.  A child died because of me. I couldn’t save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Avi Love 22427

It was Avi Love’s birthday the other night, and it sucked ass! She’s pissed because her boyfriend just got drunk off his ass and she had to babysit him the whole time. His buddy and roommate Lucas consoles her and cheers her up with a gift — a couple sets of bra and panties! A little awkward, but Lucas claims it’s a couples gift. Nonetheless, Avi loves it…so much so that she tries the lingerie on for him! He’s weirded out that his friend’s girlfriend is posing in her underwear for him while...

2 years ago
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Indian Girl with Auto Rickshaw Driver ndash Part 2

“If you need anything else be sure to call up”, my father said. “We will go for quite a long time now, maybe about a month and a half. I know you can take care of yourself as you have done before but just in case don’t ever be shy about asking for help.” He said as he was at the door leaving with my mother for another business trip.He kept talking a bit longer about being responsible and keeping good care of the house but I wasn’t listening properly.The moment he had mentioned leaving the only...

4 years ago
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Got Interested With Mommy

Hi, like most of you guys I never looked at my Mom with sex but many things led me to think of her sexually. Mom always called me for help of all sorts. If there was a centipede in the bathroom I would be the one Mom always called despite my other brother being around. She would sometimes call me saying she had forgotten her bra, petticoat and other things before she went into the bathroom. I would be the one to get them for her; everytime she left them to my choices or would say, ‘pick up...

2 years ago
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NEURASTHENIA by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: Every once in a while, it may happen that the forces governing human destiny choose an ineffectual, harmless, pathetic...

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Virgin For HorsesChapter 6

It had taken longer for Marylou to fuck the doggy than for Rachel to frig herself off. And so it was that the blonde farmer's daughter was just coming out of the woodshed as the dark- haired city girl strolled into the yard from the field. Seeing Rachel coming, Marylou got a speculative look in her eyes and smiled faintly. The dog was still in the woodshed, standing behind her and sniffing at her ass, and now the girl went out and closed the door, leaving Kingfisher inside where she'd know...

3 years ago
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Now i have been interested in girls since i was 8 years old due to some incidents back then. I have always wanted to have sex and i fell in love with one of my best friends who became my first but not my last.I first met jessi when i was 11 years old and neither of us paid attention to each other and on the date of her 17th birthday i was at a dance and danced with her. She told me she would be spending the day alone and i gave her my number if she wanted to do something. We hung out and...

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trying black pt2

I pulled her to me as i turned to let her drop on the bed. i got ontop of her as my shaft rubbed against her i could see she was aching for it. I kissed her all the way down as i slid her panties to the side diving down to suck her big exposed clit. Her pussy was soft pink inside. I could taste her lust in her pre cum. Her hands pressing my face firmly into her pussy as i slide one finger in she softly burst with a relieving moan. as i felt her getting even wtter than she was. her hands was...

1 year ago
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The Journey0

As the train shuddered and chugged away from the station, the unexpected movement made all of us jerk slightly and I felt her leg rub against my thigh, just for a second. At the next station, several people left the carriage but even more climbed on, pushing us all closer together. I found myself in the corner of the carriage with her in front of me and again, as the train moved off she swayed, her back pressing up against my chest for barely longer than a moment. At the next stop, no...

2 years ago
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En Veettu Velaikariyum Naanum

En peyar dheena. Naan mumbaiyil velai oru periya companiyil velai seidhu varugiren. Idhu 1 madhathukku mun nadandha nigazhchi. Innum enakku kalyanam aaga villai. Naan velai paarkum idathil neraya pengal irukiraaargal. Irundhum enakku adhil 2 perai mattumey pidikkum. Eppazhudhum keliyum kindalumai poi vidum. Andru varai i never thought enadhu veetil oru sex bomb velai sigiral endru. Enakku 1 BHK flat company koduthadhu. En veetil velai seyyum pen peyar Priya. Marathi maami. Nalla kozhuthu...

4 years ago
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Mom8217s drunk again

I’ve always thought my mom was sexy. I’m a 35 year old male and I still get a raging hard-on when I think of my mother and the many times I’ve fucked her. She’s only 16 years older than I am, so even at 51, she’s got a body that still causes her own son to look twice and sigh when I think about the times I’ve been between those legs. The best and most erotic part is that she doesn’t know it’s ever happened! My mom was raised a very...

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The Mistress Ch 01

1987 He was 19 and I was 18. 2nd Year University was about to wrap up in Apr that year. Our eyes first met when he was passing by our classroom. I was standing by the door. His name was Emman. We smiled at each other and my eyes followed him until he was gone. A voice in me was saying, ‘Someday you’ll be his mistress.’ Oh, my, how can that be possible? He does not even know my name. I’ve known Emman since two years ago because he’s so popular. He was a Corps Commander in high school of the...

1 year ago
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It Takes Two

Perked tits mushed against his face as she held him against her. He kissed his way up to her mouth and slipped in his restless tongue. Micheal's wife of 10 years, Jade, moaned as she kissed him back passionately. Micheal could feel the sweat beginning to form on Jade's body. As he pushed her on to the bed he slipped a black lace bra off of her body. He gazed into her pools of deep blue lovingly. "I love you, you know that?" Jade smiled back at him and closing her eyes pulled him onto her dome...

4 years ago
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Roped and teased

She was laying in bed alone late at night when she realized he was in the room. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her up taking her wrist and tying it to the metal head board at the foot of the bed. She could feel the thick soft rope tight as he tied the other wrist. She was on her knees with both hands secured to the end of the bed. She only had panties on so her breasts were moving freely as she moved. Scared to make a sound make a so she turned her head to watch him. He was naked with a...

3 years ago
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The Widows Pink Panties part 3

We now have to deal with family and friends… and their reactions to our ‘out of the blue’ love affair, after the death of her husband, my best friend, Joe. *********** “I’ve called all over town looking for you, mom. Where in the hell were you?” “Excuse me??? Since when do I have to report my every move to you?” “Well, I was worried about you. Since dad died, I’m the one who has to look after you.” Linda dropped her bags to the floor and wheeled to face her son, “J.J! I’m...

2 years ago
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Our next threesome Part One

After our experience with Adam we hit a dry spell. He was busy with school and I had a back injury that resulted in surgery. We called him a couple of times when the three of us had a chance to talk. Jean and I were always in bed and fooling around when the urge would hit and fortunately, he answered. We had amazing phone sex. Because we had been with him physically, we held nothing back. Jan and I were both normally very verbal. Talking during sex always heightened the experience for...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriends LessonChapter 7

Roy Henderson slammed the doctor's office door behind him and hissed a list of obscenities. Shit! VD! Now who in hell would have given him that? Samantha, probably... or was it Susan? Hell, how could he keep them straight. VD and he hadn't even got off on sex with those bitches. Just a couple of sleazy bisexuals who were looking for a quick lay. But what did that make him? Damn, he wasn't any better, was he? He pressed the elevator button and waited for the red light to flash. Life was...

1 year ago
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No body knows it but me

This is the mixed story real after all but disguised for some reasons, about a Mature and very sexy mother, she seems pretty normal, hard working wife, husband, two sons about 20 Y.O., everything seems to be pretty normal with her.As in many marriages they pretended to be a happy family, like 6 months ago she asked another friend to go out and have some coffee because she needed to talk, of course just the to of them call it girls night out.She stated that she was pretty unhappy with her hubby,...

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The Passion Of Art Version CharlieChapter 1C

Valerie Hudson sighed as she looked at her latest landscape. She loved working in oils because it gave her so much time to make little adjustments before the paint dried. But she was tired of landscapes. She'd painted in college and loved it. But being a mother and wife was too time consuming, so her easel and paints sat in the attic for years. Now that Robby was seventeen and Megan fifteen the time she had to spend parenting was much shorter. He was a good kid, with good friends and good...

1 year ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 2

The sound of footsteps on the promenade approaching the shelter somehow accelerated the atmosphere within. I turned the page of my textbook and the man quickly turned his head towards the sea.A couple on their late summer's break at the fading resort slowly sauntered past. I took the opportunity to take a break from my reading, I swung round and placed my feet on the ground. I stood up and stretched my body with my arms up in a arc whilst looking out to sea. I tidied my long bob of light...

3 years ago
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My Dark Secret Desire

I am just your average middle age man who had been married to the same woman for almost fifteen years. Our marriage had been rock solid until about six months ago. It was then I did something that would change our lives for years to come. Over the past year or two I had fantasized about being involved in a bisexual experience. It mainly involved the idea of sucking on another man’s cock. I really wasn’t too much into the other aspects, but that idea of sucking another man’s cock had been a...


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