Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 53
- 2 years ago
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Tommy and his group had made millions of square metres of hull plate to keep his wives on the moon and under the dome. He claimed that Simna had not like weightless conditions before being born. At five and a half months though she seemed to thrive in this environment. She developed her PK early and used it to propel her everywhere she wanted to go. Domma, Amanda, Elizabeth and Lauren were always close. The little Gossna boy felt right at home with the girls. His parents though thought he was learning bad manners and habits but in turn were too polite to let us see this openly.
Tom's family had been building more ribs. Sometimes we had to help because of their great size and complexity. These seemed to stay in the dome too until the children were born. The increase in population also meant that somebody had to stay and watch the children. Herminia came to me with her idea for a partial solution.
"Captain, my grandmother is very good with children. We talk every other day and she has subtly told me that she is disillusioned with her current life. I thank you very much for what you have done for her but now she finds that there is nobody that she can relate to. The young men of sixty take her money thinking she is senile. It is hard to find boys of fifty that will give her what she needs. She found that her sex life had blossomed even more than it did when she was thirty but the men cannot stay up with her."
I explained, "I wanted your grandmother safe. This way she would be happy and much more healthy. A Human of her age has a very short life expectancy."
"It is her eightieth birthday is in a week. Tom and Margaret feel that Damita would not want to join us. I think she will and she will do it gladly. She loves her life in Spain but she will stay with us if given the chance. Let's have a short break and go to her birthday party and see what the rest of us can find."
"What does Tom think of this?"
"He's not against it. He does feel that if he goes then Damita will want to follow even if she eventually wants to return to Spain. This is not just a family decision where a vote would be held but it is a decision effecting the crew. We are leaving the decision up to you."
"Well I think we should go. Your former husband has not made a fuss about Alita. His phone calls have come further apart. I can't see him trying to contest the agreement even if he has not been able to see his daughter."
Herminia said, "He looks like he is going to marry Maria Hernandez and doesn't need any complications."
In the next six days we took most of what we had made and placed it in orbit. Some units were put in place and now the computer guided machines would have to do our work even if they took much longer to do it. Odava and Ichom would carry on in our absence.
We landed outside Madrid to allow us to arrive at our destination without turning too many heads. To do this we boarded a train for the short ride to Toledo. Arrangements had been made at the local hotel and we were to occupy a complete floor but one old couple refused to move. We had the money and I liked the added security we would have. One couple would not be too dangerous to us.
Diapers had to be fabricated to allow the children to blend in with the others. It was a forgone conclusion that the children had to be compared and fussed over. With fourteen children and all of the women pregnant with others it would look like an invasion. Tom was the only one that stayed away but eventually he would meet Damita if she was found acceptable.
Damita was phoned and she was ready to meet us. We pulled up in a long line of taxis. Herminia went to meet her grandmother carrying a child she had talked about in her arms and another one in her womb. Alita was now fourteen but was the same way and very proud of it. The dates had to be fudged for the conception so that the child's birth could correspond to normal Human gestation figures. Tom was listed as the father of Herminia while the father of Alita was not mentioned. It was now understood that it was Alita's business and no others.
Damita sat in her usual chair and she talked to everyone present. She was startled with the apparent youth of the group. Herminia looked at least ten years younger than when she left and her body was very lean and fit. Alita looked to have matured and actually looked older. Her stare and self-assurance was usually seen in only those that knew very much about life.
The social structure of our group was not understood with just two males and fourteen women. Damita had talked to everyone present on the phone at one time or another but had never seen us. The offer of a computer with a camera didn't work well or the old woman would have been able to talk and see at the same time.
Along with Damita were three of her relatives. They didn't understand much of what was going on but could see that Damita was happy. We all made our assumptions of Damita's long term goals but it was still not clear enough to risk the exposure.
Alita and Marina convinced the three aged women to show them the facilities so they could change their children. This got the women out of the room long enough for Herminia to ask her some pertinent questions.
"Grandmother, we have heard of a job in Portugal. The pay is average but they are providing room and board. I believe two children are involved. You are acting much younger than you were. Would you like to work away from here?"
The woman now thought of the implications of moving away and it was much easier now to assess all the values she used to make her feel 'at home'. This looked promising but it still was not clear.
Tom was the one most concerned and he asked us from a park not far from the house, "Dig deeper Herminia."
Damita said, "I like it around here but it's nice to see someplace new for a change. Up until about a year ago I wanted things to be the same. This way I would not have to bother to change for anybody. Now I find that I have changed and I don't fit in."
Herminia said, "I was asking because our children need somebody to look after them. This one here is a perfect baby. She doesn't cry but she can get into trouble. This happens mostly when she and Alita's child are together."
Damita liked this idea much more. Herminia continued, "There is even a man we know that thinks you are a special kind of lady. You may even have a man friend if that is what you want."
Tom interrupted from the park, "Captain, six people are trying to get into our rooms. I am going to investigate."
"If it were common thieves there would not be so many. There's a good chance we have been spotted."
I said to our group, "Our visit may be cut short. I want all the children and mothers except Herminia and Alita to get ready to leave. I am calling the boats to prepare for a quick evacuation."
On our private band I said, "Sandra and Megan. Look for signs of surveillance."
"Yes Captain."
To Pat'uch I said, "Monitor all radio communications from this area. We may have been spotted."
"Yes Captain."
Damita was unaware of our heightened attitude and said, "I'm an old woman dear. What would I need a man for? They have caused me enough grief in my life. I have no wish to get involved at my age. Men are nothing but trouble."
We did find that Damita was much more interested in male companionship than she let on. Her voice said though, "I like the idea of looking after my family. Your children are the most beautiful I have seen and the most manageable."
Alita came back with Marina with freshly changed children but now didn't seem to be quite as relaxed. The boats were all above the house now. They could leave the house invisibly and enter a boat with very little difficulty.
Odava had been monitoring us and asked, "Is there anything you want us to do Captain?"
I knew that Ichom avoided trouble but this may be looked on as something to break some of the monotony even if the Gossna liked life to remain stable. "Patrol over the city and look for a military operation against us."
"Yes Captain."
Herminia said to me, "She wants to come Sir. Things have changed for her especially because of her improved health. The things that tied her here before are not as restrictive. She would stay with us with very little need to meet with other members of our family. The telephone is still available to her along with the internet."
I did my own assessment and had to agree with Herminia. Tom I know would welcome her into his family. I also thought it better to allow him to present the offer.
To Tom I spoke, "It looks like Damita has changed her attitude about leaving. Our original premise has changed too. She would still be with family. If you and your wives want to invite Damita into your group you have my permission."
"Thank you Captain. I came up through the hotel staff entrance and ran up the steps. There has been a very quiet bulletin put out about your wives. They were spotted and followed. Helicopters brought this group directly from Madrid. They are just at the stage where they are going to gather information clandestinely."
I said, "I don't want them taking our property. The items are too good for Earth manufacture. If you confront them they will fight. I don't want them to find out your abilities."
"I will get the hotel staff to run them off."
Tom interfaced with Borin and made a telephone call to the desk and used the name he was currently using. "Hello, I need to reserve seven tables in the restaurant. I am sorry but we will be arriving in ten minutes. The situation just came up."
"Have no fear. Your tables will be waiting."
Tom then opened a door to an empty room and called the desk. Using the voice of an old man that was a current guest, "There are some thieves on the fifth floor breaking into rooms. I think there are six of them. Don't you people screen strangers coming into the hotel? My wife and I are concerned."
"We will do everything necessary sir. They are probably lost or drunk. We will take the appropriate actions."
The manager rode the elevator with all the able bodied workers he could find. The pass key was used after a knock. Eventually two men were found. Credentials were offered but now the agents knew that a guest had seen them. The staff were threatened with prosecution if they mentioned anything about this incident.
"The people renting these rooms," the manager said, "just reserved tables in the dining room. They will be here any minute."
The man in charge did some quick thinking and said to his men, "Put everything back the way we found it. We'll get a chance later."
The rooms were quickly evacuated with the agents trying to hide their activities.
When the floor was vacant Tom entered the first room. Odava was asked to help and he brought Borin close to the building. An open window was used to throw the suitcases into the ship with an assist by the tractors. Each of the rooms were similarly vacated. The only things left were some small transmitters that would record all words spoken. One of the pieces of luggage had a similar unit now but was safely in the ship and behind a shield.
Tom told me, "The rooms are clean. The agents didn't know where we went but will find out when they question the taxi drivers."
"You should make an appearance over here and ask Damita if she wants to join us."
"I'll be right there."
Odava took Tom aboard and they moved the short distance to Damita's home. A tractor had to lower his invisible body to the ground. He met and kissed Margaret in the kitchen. She said, "It looks like we are wanted people now."
"Yes it is but I want you more." He bent over and kissed his first wife passionately knowing what it was doing to her. Leaving her in the kitchen Tom walked into the front room and stood beside Herminia.
Herminia smiled up at her husband then turned to her grandmother. "This is my husband Tom. Tom this energetic woman is my grandmother. Her name means 'Little Princess'."
Tom moved close. Damita didn't know what to do. When Tom got very close she knew why Herminia had this man. When Tom took her hands in his she was very sorry that she was not sixty years younger.
Tom said, "Herminia speaks very highly of you. Would you consider coming to live with us? You could look after the children and we will look after you. Many more young people will be around to talk to. They sometimes need a bit of guidance. We really need your help?"
Damita had not even got a chance to say hello. He was now asking her to leave all that she loved and had built over a very long lifetime. Even at eighty years of age the woman felt very drawn to this man. She thought it would be best to say no for she knew that she would cause complications in this marriage.
She looked up to the young man and tried to read the thoughts behind the words but she could not see any deceit or even subterfuge. She would love to stay with this man for the remainder of her life but the old feeling for solidarity and family held her back. He was giving her permission to move in with a large portion of her family. Herminia, Alita and their children perhaps needed her more but her great grandchildren needed her too though they did seem to be getting along well enough.
Tom offered his two hands and Damita looked at them and finally made up her mind. She took them. Instead of releasing them the man pulled her to her feet and then embraced her as she had never been hugged before. She felt the need in the man and an even deeper need within herself to be with this family.
Herminia could feel the need to belong in her grandmother and the feeling of family was strong in the direction Damita now wanted to go. She put her child down on the large chair and hugged both her husband and her grandmother.
She said, "You will not regret this Grandmother. This will be the first day of a very exciting and rewarding life."
Damita looked at the three old women and saw that they were not disapproving but they were not urging her to do this either. They too liked to have everything stable.
When the three parted, Damita and Herminia had shining eyes. Herminia said, "We were going to stay at the hotel for a few days but there has been some complications."
Damita was now worried for she saw the family leaving. "You can sleep here. We can find room somewhere."
"Grandmother, you have to come with us. Now that we have you we don't want you to go. I am afraid some government people will be soon watching this house and then question each of the family. They will be polite at first but they will be very insistent. If you truly want to come with us then you will have to leave today."
The three women and Damita were shocked at hearing this. All sorts of ideas went through their minds. Damita said, "But my clothes, my plants, my garden, all my pictures. What about them?" She was now thinking less about the legal repercussions as she was about the actual moving.
"We will give you a garden that you will simply love. Tom is very rich and there is only a need for the clothes that you wear. The pictures and all the mementoes that you have collected will go with us."
"Why is the government after you? Did you commit a crime?" This aspect was finally being examined.
Herminia got Damita to sit then said, "No Grandmother, it was for doing something good." When Damita didn't understand Herminia continued, "There has been no mention of it in the public news but some terrorists tried to take over a Russian reactor to make it send radioactive poisons over the Earth. Our extended family stopped this. Some were seen on surveillance cameras."
"Russia sent the pictures to other security agencies for help. They will try to pick up Sandra and Megan for questioning. If they were captured and after many months they would get turned over to the Russians for similar questioning. We do not want our freedom curtailed or any of us subjected to this harassment. Since they were seen with us then we will all be watched now. Somebody had found us at the Madrid train station. We will never be left alone again."
Damita looked at Sandra and Megan to see what these beautiful young girls could have done to thwart terrorists. They were so polite she doubted that they would do anything or could do anything to stop some desperate men.
She asked, "How could those young girls do anything to anger some terrorists?" In the back of her mind the possibility of overhearing a plan and then telling the police came as a possibility.
Sandra said, "We have a computer that monitors radio traffic. All the major countries have similar units. Most listen to telephone calls and listen for special words like assassinate, smuggle, murder, heroin, cocaine, Prime Minister or President. If those words are detected then the call is sent to people to assess. Actions can then be taken to prevent a crime. We found talk about the terrorist act but were able to get there before the army arrived."
"What did you do?"
Herminia said for Sandra, "We only watched. Sandra, Megan and Leif went into the reactor buildings and subdued the terrorists. They then went to the Administration building. There they were forced to kill some of the attackers. Marina here can tell you more for she was there when her father was killed by the terrorists."
"What?" She was upset with death but being killed was another thing.
Marina got up and handed her child to Megan. She walked up to Damita and held her hands. "The Chechens came in and killed many of the workers to make the rest do as they were told. I was visiting my father. He was an important person in the running of the plant. When the gunshots were heard he hid me in a closet. The Chechens came into the room and demanded to be allowed to have the important password into the computer."
"They hurt a great many people before they finally killed my father." Marina started to break down and Damita pulled her into her lap. It took a while but Marina started again, "Leif came into the room and started to stun the Chechens in the back of the room first. One of the enemy saw some strange things happen and started to shoot because there was some talk about invisible people. Leif threw an ashtray and killed him before bullets could hit the area I was hiding in."
"Sandra and Megan had let themselves be captured and when they saw that things were going wrong they began to fight with a type of karate. In less than a minute they had knocked unconscious or killed everybody around them. They all saved me from the Chechens. If you heard anything about the Chechens it is true except they are even more viscous than reported. They wanted to kill all of Moscow and all the cities south of it."
"They fought armed men and won?" The old woman said.
"They did more than that. They went out and fought the Chechens that had rocket launchers, missile batteries and machine guns so the Russians would be safer. Russian troops had already been killed in an ambush and many more were killed later as they tried to free the nuclear facility."
Damita and the three old women just sat with their mouths open. They seemed to believe what was said but could not picture this happening in their minds.
Damita said, "They did a wonderful thing. Why are they being chased?"
"They used a special weapon that stunned the enemy without killing them. They also had a good computer to monitor communications. The governments want to find out exactly what we know. To do this they will spy on us then demand answers. When none come, we will be kidnapped and forced to talk under drugs or torture."
"They can't do that. You can call the police."
"The people doing this will be the Spanish security service. Only when they are done will they turn us over to the Russians. They have much power and the police will even help if they are asked to do so."
"You have to hide. You have to go now."
"They will not knock on the door for a day or so but they will come."
"Call your nephew. He can drive you to a safe place."
"We have a very safe place that they cannot find. We actually came here to celebrate your birthday and to ask you if you want to join us."
Damita looked at Herminia then at Alita to see the truth of the matter. The two just nodded their heads to confirm the statement. Marina got up and wiped a tear away and asked, "Are you still going to join us? We need you but I think Tom and Herminia need you the most."
After a short pause to think she said, "I will go with you."
After that Damita went through her belongings and the old women along with both Herminia and Alita packaged up what she should take. Some twenty year old shoes and even older dresses had to be left behind.
Pat'uch and Borin had been keeping us appraised of all the important communications. Herminia, Damita, Alita, and two children left for a farm in a taxi. Before they left Herminia insisted that Damita have a small glass of water with a sedative in it.
The personal belonging went with Tom. He was just two minutes ahead of the security perimeter being set up. The rest of us took to the boats. The old women were hugged and told that we had left or at least all but Margaret. She ran from the house by the back door and into the boat waiting for her.
Tom just carried Damita's property and got the taxi stop in a quiet rural area and unloaded the suitcases and bags. The driver was perplexed but accepted his pay with a tip. In seconds the cargo would be loaded into a boat.
Herminia did the same thing when her turn came. The driver didn't like to leave the women and babies at the side of the road but did as he was asked. The old woman was getting very sleepy but didn't seem to worry. She was hearing voices telling her how safe she was for the last five minutes.
When she finally fell asleep, a boat barely ten metres long became visible right beside them. Damita was carried inside and in a few more minutes she was in her new bed in her new home.
Damita in the coming weeks was treated with the med units and even went into the tank. She came out much younger but still a Human. She could think much clearer now and decided to join Tom's family. She turned out to be a very responsive woman and in one more week was undergoing the first step into joining us.
Phone calls came to us all the time. Some were for Damita. Her voice was altered but she gave truthful answers to the many questions. Very little was learned by the security people even though they listen to every sound coming from the receiver.
The relatives were all questioned then questioned again but it was obvious that they knew little or nothing. Sometimes the Russians were even in the room when the questioning was going on. Probes were always close by and we knew that some of the information went right back to Vladimir Bogdanov.
One cycle after joining us, Damita was now not only one of us but she was now a young looking woman with a young woman's appetite. The information that she was now pregnant did nothing to lessen the way she needed to have sex with her husband and even her wives.
The babysitter problem never went away but only got worse. Most times the women close to term stayed in a gravitational field while the others helped us assemble the ship. As time went on the groups rotated.
As a half way measure a large gym was constructed with its own variable gravitational field. This kept the family closer together. Portable gravitational units were made and stationed at the various joints so that everybody could work at assembling for this was our present bottleneck. A good five percent of the hull was on the moon's surface ready to be attached.
This work felt satisfying to all of us but to me and my family it was even better somehow. This had to do with a sense of community and a love that was shared by all. Our population though didn't allow us to work as fast as we should and two years after Damita had come to us we returned to Earth once more
Instead of families we went as individuals. The Gossna and four of the most expectant mothers stayed to watch the eighty six children. We all looked older now and had different features. It was a foregone conclusion that we were still searched for.
The other families had six wives apiece and all of them jokingly wanted me to do my share. They vowed to look especially for me. My own studies were to nominally end in four years but I could see it lasting much longer with more obligations. The time taken could be much shorter if I could study more. I spent a great deal of my time with all the children. I felt very proud to be their father for they were so inquisitive. They would be the first real generation of our people and I had to make sure they grew up in the right way. This meant a lot of love and especially with the discipline to learn.
Some of the children already wanted to help me in my research and as a large unit they did assist. They saw things differently than I did and this made me rethink many of the things I had learned by rote. I thought them very intelligent for three year-olds. It was now six years since coming to this system and it didn't seem to feel boring in the least for I now had my own family to keep me very occupied.
Not all this time was spent building for we had gone to all the local planets to access the scattered portions found of the destroyed ship. Some were found on Pluto and Mercury but the largest planets hid their secrets even when we made a hardened probe to deal with their different environments. We were very lucky to find a damaged engine buried deep in Saturn. We analysed this unit after a difficult time of extracting it. We found it similar to our own but had some interesting differences too.
I did some reverse engineering and deduced that our engines were at least as efficient though they worked on some slightly different principles. These different principles encouraged me to do more research because there may be a way of blending the engines to make them even more efficient.
Mars gave us a wrecked accumulator and a fair number of hull fragments. Nothing was worth keeping but we took the pieces anyway to keep future generations of Humans from getting any foolish ideas.
Surrounding systems were searched too as was the Oort cloud and any asteroid field we came across. We had to assume that the vast majority had been intercepted by stellar bodies up to hundreds of light years away. we were actually in the centre of this cluster. We plotted the probable point of where the ship exploded but found nothing. I counted myself very lucky to find Zolanda even if she did leave us later. She had her own programming as we all did and we had to be true to it.
This time we concentrated on South America for our search for new family members. I had to chuckle though that Tommy now had two additional wives after only a month of searching. Both came from Colombia. He had to go back to the moon with Consti to get the two new recruits settled in. One was a woman of forty eight and the other was only thirty one. The rest of his family continued the search.
The first new wife's name was Ginessa. She was a widow of thirty one and was very happy to find interested in her. She had a limp caused by a poorly healed left leg. The break had happened twelve years previously and made her look odd and caused her to reject humanity for the way they treated her.
The next wife Bella was even older at forty eight but she came readily after feeling Tommy's aura. She was separated from her husband and her children had grown up.
Tom found another wife too in Oaxaca Mexico. She was only twelve and he avoided going close. Margaret managed to follow the child in a crowd and get a tiny crystal implanted so her location could be found later.
Tommy went back to Colombia to continue his own search while I did Brazil. When he got to Bogotá different groups tried to rob him five times. Usually they saw him as an easy target. The youngsters he treated better than the older ones. A large felon leading a gang had thoughts of raping Tommy and killing him later. This one died quickly in front of his two friends. Tommy laterally pulled his body apart. The other two accomplices became his devoted guides but not by choice. People would actually come to see him knowing what he had done. The police were not part of this group.
Sandra and Megan had problems as did all the other women from very forward men. South America seemed to encourage dominant men. Most of them looked elsewhere after talking to any of the women. The ones that didn't were physically encouraged to. Margaret had to show one group bent on raping her, the error of their ways. The leader was brutal and killed quite often for the pleasure of it. Margaret had jumped in the air and kicked the man under the chin so hard that the head had disappeared in a haze of red mist and small fragments.
She had her own protectors now just as her son had. They were told to do this or face the same fate as their former leader. This did help and she taught them the benefits of following a strong but kind woman. It kept the nastier folk at bay. She did find another wife for Tom and she was only twenty four. She had been forced into prostitution at a young age. Margaret had bought her from the pimp for a hundred dollars and his life. He liked the deal immensely after her protectors talked of their former leader.
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Hey readers, I am JP a normal guy from Mangalore and it is my first story in ISS. Pardon me for any mistakes in the story. The incidents narrated in my stories can be real or fake. It is up to the readers to decide. Let’s begin. I was working in Bangalore when this happened. I had to visit my native on an urgent basis. It was summer and it was vacation time. I couldn’t book the bus ticket in advance as it was unplanned. Around 9 at night, I was at the bus stop with a backpack checking on each...
Chapter 4: Andrew’s Story We had spent an evening of love and sex, Dee Dee and I. It was time for me to be off. We both have work in the morning. Oh, boy. Wonder what that’s going to be like? She was lying partially under the cover, one arm thrown carelessly above her head, her eyes closed and a sensual, lazy smile on her face. I could see her semi-nude form looking so warm and inviting and could feel myself stirring once again. I finished dressing and walked over to her bed, kneeled at...
The night in question was spontaneous, I was at an old friend’s house who I hadn’t seen for about a year, with my best friend, Loz. We sat around, drinking and having a laugh whilst Loz played the guitar and sang with her cooling voice. We ended up there purely by coincidence but I loved it. I soaked up the contented atmosphere in which I felt comfortable, even though I’d only met half the people about an hour before. I was chatting away when I heard somebody come through the door, and I...
Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. This is my real sex story. Let me introduce me first. I’m a guy who always feminizes on ladies clothes mostly bra and panties. I always peek into girls panties and bra when they bend down. Even I peek into my sisters, friends, cousins and also my wife. Any ladies who show their cleavage and underwear unexpectedly. It makes me hard. But I won’t let my wife wear sexy and exposed in public. I’m very possessive when some other guys see my wife in that way....
IncestLet me first tell you about the legendary Bacchantes of ancient Greek mythology. They were nymphs or even mortal women thought to be possessed. As they gathered in moonlit groves, they indulged in drinking and having sex, turning wild and murdering men, tearing the flesh off their limbs and eating it. Ah, well... Beloved daughter. A story of blood and madness. Liz. Elizabeth Carlson was almost fifteen when the first change came. It wasn’t a physical thing, like her first menstruation or...
After our first amazing magical encounter in Mr Watson's storeroom after school the ine day, we carried on pretending on a daily basis that we just have a normal pupil teacher relationship in front of my fellow pupils and around his fellow teachers. But however over text messages we exchanged a number of flirtatious texts as we as sending each other naughty nude pictures as and when we could. It got me super horny, and I definitely was lust over him, wanting him to be deep inside me. A minor...
It has been a very busy summer, with my group of guys in the park, my new job, and my new freedom to flash and screw whoever I want. Unfortunately summer has ended and my group of guys have all gone off to college, leaving a hole in my sexual outlet. I have e-mailed the group of boys I met last week , but they seem to be a bit to young to get anything going with, plus I don’t know if they would be able to keep a secrete. Even the nerdy little peeping tom that lives next door went back to...
The attack on the Lucky Swinger did not draw the attention of the newspapers, but the Steeles were not surprised, since, officially, the speakeasy didn't exist. However, there was no doubt that some gang leader noticed, since they had picked up over $24,000 from the office. That's too much lost money to ignore! Eagle and Hawk might even cause more mischief once Karl had a chance to go over the books they had picked up during their raid. Karl and Helen were enjoying a leisurely breakfast...
Hi ISS readers! I am submitting my first story on this site which had been my favourite masturbating site for last 8 years. The story is based on real life experience, however for privacy purposes names of character have been changed. Agr kahani pasand aaye to mujhe mail zaroor karma doston. We are a typical Punjabi family settled in Panipat. I Raj Mehra, am a 26 year old guy, unmarried, well athletic built, clean shaved 5 feet 8 inches height and a 8 inch tool which is ever ready to service...
Incest"Ho, Ho, NO!" She finally waved him away. "Don't YOU even think of psychoanalyzing ME buster!" "Is the scientist afraid of what she might find?" Katsuhito asked mildly. "As a priest however I believe I'm equipped to tell you, confession is good for the soul!" "Brrrr!" Washu remarked, wrapping arms around her-self again. "Suddenly seems a little chilly up here!" She nodded emphasizing the stunning Yukatta she presently wore. "Maybe I should go get a coat?" "All have...
so i had a best friend when i was fifteen and we used to drink and smoke pot in his basement and watch porn when his family was out. we would usually drink till we got horny enough and jerk off together. this one night we were in the basement drinking and watching some porn and my friend past out on the couch before he came. so about ten minutes later i went upstairs to use the bathrom and when i came out i saw one of his sisters white bras on her bedroom floor across the hall. my cock got so...
After the broadcast, Paula asked everyone to head to Marsh's for a celebration. "It's taken seven years for Steve to pop the question and we're going to make sure he knows how pleased we all are!" Ted took the floor of the private room once family and friends were all gathered. "Steve asked me a few days back for permission to ask Gwen to marry him. I told him at the time that Paula and I couldn't be happier. I'm not fooling myself about who the head of this family is. I appreciate...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai reders here is the long story climax and end part. I fell asleep right away, and awoke in the morning, alone. When I got up and began to get dressed, I felt something on my backside—a bit of an itch. When I scratched, it felt a little crusty, and tasting my fingers, it felt like cum. So apparently Hogan had come home horny, and masturbated against my backside. I could deal with that sort of affection from my husband. When I went downstairs, the...
IncestAhmad Abdullah lived in Canada, in a house which he had acquired from the Canadian benefit system. It was a one storey house but he did have a large flat screened TV in the living room. He was an Iranian-American, tanned dark, with cruel black eyes. He complained a lot about Canada, the very country that was giving him asylum because of Iran's human rights violations. While he was watching a porno movie on television, his non-Muslim Blonde Danish American slave was on her knees, giving him a...
Yeh baat tab ki hai jab mai 12 class mein thha . mai english ke subject mein thoda weak tah thha. Hamari english mam ka naam Sneha thha. Vo ek south indian thi. Unki age kareeban 40 saal thi. Vo kuch moti thhi khaaskar unke hips kafi moteh thhe. Unke breast bhi kafi bade aur bhari thhe. Vo ek typical indian women lagti thi. 11 class mein mere english mein bahut kum marks thhe isiliye maine sochha ke 12 mein aate hi english par zyada dhyaan diya jaaey. 12 class ki summer vacations se ek din...
Hello ISS readers how r u? I’m Monty here narrating one of my stories of my super sexy wife Mona, my previous few stories got great response from the readers and here are few more of her adventures. For the new readers my wife Mona is 5’4” and has voluptuous body i.e fat at the very right places, people usually stare at her cleavages which she usually shows off she loves teasing everyone her stats are 34 26 36. Well coming to the story this is the story where my wife was having an affair...
My wife recently fucked a friend from work and I got to watch them. She was so hot and seductive, it was as if she was someone else when she fucked him. His name was David and he really knew how to please her. From the looks on their faces when he pushed his cock in her pussy, I knew she enjoyed him. I decided I would come up with a plan to be able to watch her perform with him again. David works with my wife, so it was easy to track him down. I called him at work and asked him if he could come...
Wife LoversA collection of notes about first milestones in sexual matters. We always remember our first occasions for everything , these notes are not always in chronological order.First ejaculation. This is where ones sexual life begins. That exciting ecstatic moment when for the first time your cock spurts forth your semen. I have already written about this but for the sake of completeness here are the details,In my bed looking at my favorite girl pics and rubbing hard and nearly there- But not quite....
Lance Jenkins arrived at about twenty minutes after two. Tara opened the door and looked him up and down. He was dressed nicely in a good pair of jeans and a button up shirt. “You must be Lance,” said Tara. “Come in. Bec is expecting you.” Tara led him into the living room where I was sitting with Angie. I stood up and went to Lance. “Hi!” I said and went up on my toes so that I could kiss his cheek. “Come and sit down.” I gestured at the couch where I’d been sitting. While Lance was...
Hi friends, this is Abhijeet am from Mumbai and am 37 yrs .few months back I had taken an extra office to use as a pleasure den in an new colony which was made for poor slum dwellers. The reason was that there were lots of women from the lower class living there and I wud not have to search for a hot fuck too much. Few months back I had locked up my office around noon and was going down using the steps when I saw the office below me had its door open and a woman was cleaning the floor, I paused...
NOT MY STORYChapter One -- The Morning After My wife had caught me jerking off and ended up dominating me the night before. After a wild time we had finally gone to bed rather awkwardly and in near complete silence. Now it was the next morning. I had gotten up early and exercised, as was my usual routine. After my breakfast and shower, I dressed and went into the computer room, booted up the machine and began to prepare for my day. I tried not to let the glorious events of the previous night...
My best friend and I. CBA "Hi my name is Ike, what is your name?" The blond girl I'm trying to chat up is looking me over, and the just says, "Not interested." Ouch, that's the way most of my attempted conquests go, but it always still hurts. My best friend Steven on the other hand is already cuddled up to a girl he just met tonight. He swears that he just says what I do, but I can't help but think maybe he's holding back a trick of some kind. Cause he just about always gets...
Hi everyone!!! This is my first story. In fact, it happened in real. My name is Manisha and I am 26 years old. I am on the chubbier side. I stand 5’6 tall and I have 36C boobs and 43 inches ass. It would be 36C -32 -43 when said properly. I have always been interested in sex right from my teenage. I grew curious about it. I learned to masturbate at the age of 18. The first time I masturbated, I read an instruction from the internet. It said to rub your clit continuously. I went to my room and I...
Sue was lonely. Thirty five and divorced she felt her life was a wreck. John said he still loved her but she’d had a skin full of his alcoholism and having to bail him out of his money problems. She discovered to her lament that was the worst thing ever she could have done to help his problem. He just kept drinking and there was no hope. Finally she through in the towel although she still loved him but without the warmth of love she began to lose all hope for the future and her hopes to have...
Driving to the theater, Jen saw that my gas light came on. Dude, I had forgotten to stop before picking her up. Max had distracted me so much. But thank god he did, cause fuck me that waiter had a fucking huge cock. Max’s cum had really lubed up my hole so that I could take that long fat cock. But now we needed to stop for gas. Jen ran inside to get some snacks as I pumped gas. She always liked to get candy before anyway as the prices were too high. We would still get popcorn and drinks, but...
I postponed my noon walk till after Jess, the builder, finished my conversion. I checked it over and was very happy with the job. I had no idea what Janet would say and didn’t really care. She was spending most of her time at the at the community center anyway. None of the kids were a real workout for her, but she liked spending time with them. Before they got there after school, she spared with some grownup thug types. They knew nothing, but they wanted to beat her down. She liked the...
Loraine by Bashful Jack walked into the office of his new boss for the first time. He had just started at the insurance office. His boss, Mr. Johnson, was in a meeting so Jack had to wait in the outer office. Jack didn't mind the wait, he got to meet Mr. Johnson's pretty young secretary. Her name plate on the desk read Loraine Walker. She was a true beauty, long blond hair the color of honey, sky blue eyes and flawless skin. She had perfect C cup breasts and the dress she...
Ursula was perhaps a little overweight for the fashion of the time. She was more in the line of Marilyn Monroe (famously ‘jello on springs’) than several of the others. It would be true to say that Woody loved the soft seductive feel of her flesh under him. After the other two had said how he was diffident and shy and slow, she expected a quiet night; but they had to wait three weeks before the coast was clear for him to visit her and he was hornier than a dog surrounded by bitches on heat....
"How is it going, shrimp?" yelled Jerry. Alex waved at him halfheartedly while rushing to his next class. Since Alex learned to sit still most of the time, his old nickname of "Spaz" had thankfully fallen into disuse. His new nickname was not entirely to Alex's liking. It was mostly used in good humor, and Alex learned to accept it without animosity. Alas, it was justified. Alex was short and thin. He was, in fact, the second shortest boy in eighth grade, and to add insult to injury,...
I had been looking for a place to live for several months but the residential lettings market had hit rock bottom and there wasn’t much around. Having given up with the agencies I resorted to local ads and word of mouth, which led me to a first floor flat in a very large converted house. It seemed nice enough located in a quiet leafy side road not far from the centre of London, a conservative area with Edwardian houses seemingly very proper and ordinary. The main door led through to a...
I see him walk in and can’t help but smile. He is more handsome in person than I ever thought when we talked on Skype. As he walks over to the bar, my heart skips a beat. I know it sounds corny but I swear it did. He turns around and our eyes meet. It is like there is no one left in the world as he walks over to me and pulls me in his arms for the first time. I put my arms around him tightly and feel the tears in my eyes. He pulls back and kisses me. His lips feel exactly the way I dreamed they...
I wanna watch is all we heard before we turned around. We stopped making out and looked behind us. The first things out of our mouths were “Please don't report us to the boss, we will do anything.”. Our bulges were still rubbing as we plead our case to Lisa. She demands “ Go ahead continue kissing.” We had no option. We will be fired if not. We looked at each other reluctantly at first, but our cocks felt so good still grinding with our pants on “You want to see us takeout ma'am? “Yes...
Kyle started to gather his school Books. He called after Jacob. “Hurry up I haven't have all day”. Just nearly two hours ago the two realized there love for each other and had passionate sex between each other and now they decided that they would be Boyfriends. Jacob came running out of his room combing his hair. He asked Kyle I'm staying at your place right or at mine. He said it doesn't really matter really. If you want to stay at mine we can. Jacob thought and said “I would love to...
The Anglo Saxon Chronicles Part III I am an old man now, with an old man’s failings. It is nine years since my liege and, dare I venture, my friend Ælfred, King of Wessex and Rex Anglorum, passed to greater glory. I fear I shall not be long behind him for winter chills my bones and I sleep more and more by the brazier in the Scriptorium. My hands have grown too stiff for fine work these many years but I may still wield my pen to good effect. Presently, I dwell on secular matters. I trust...
I’m dead. The worms crawl in. The worms crawl out. The worms play pinochle on my snout. Well, I assume they do. I’m dead, I wouldn’t really know; you know? Actually, I’m a ghost. I thought about peeking in on my body, but decided it was just a bit too morbid and creepy. Pretty strange, coming from a ghost, don’t you think? How did I die? You might ask. Then again, you might not. It doesn’t really matter, because I’m going to tell you anyway. I was a geek when I was alive. I graduated high...
SupernaturalAnnie and I were at a party one night last summer. It was pretty warm, the music loud, the dance floor crowded and the beer flowing. Annie had not eaten before the show and it had not taken many drinks to get her past the ‘well-behaved lady’ stage and on to the ‘party girl’ she became when charged up. I’d seen her slut-side emerge before and it was obviously about to take over again any minute. I loved my wife dearly … and I also loves the slut in her.We’d been there about three hours and I’d...
"Sir," Angel ventured softly, "may I call you Master when we're being intimate?" Her eyes were filled with so much love and hope that he couldn't say no. He acquiesced with a nod, and drew her back into his embrace. Across the room on the sofa, PeeJay had watched the proceedings with more than casual interest, but she had been bound for some time now. She was thirsty, and had begun to lose feeling in some of her extremities. More irritating that that, however, was the fact that she was...
I was on the prowl once again. The holidays were over, my newest girl friend was out of town visiting her relatives, and I had the place all to myself. I logged on to the M4M local chat room, not expecting much to happen. After all, I was used to logging on and be on line for hours in the room with only one or two hits that turned out to be nothing.Tonight, I told myself that if someone read my profile and told me to come on over, I would do it. No cold feet, no excuses. I had been skimming the...
Family Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...
Incest Porn SitesSequel 3 to "Best Served Cold" I suppose I should have been more anxious about Linda's party, but by then I had been inoculated against much worse horrors than her admitted attraction to Michael. I did find her relationship with him laced with eroticism, and their long friendship and Linda's evidence of his honorable character were a calming influence on the stories I wove about them in my head.I made a pizza, drank some beer, and watched TV to pass the time. I wasn't tempted to 'jerk off',...
Wife Lovers(episode 23) This follows The First Annual “Pool” Party. Earlier that school year during Fall Semester I had applied for a UGA summer trip to Europe. It was a partnered program by the university and private businesses created to enlighten the cultural, business, and historical perspective of Europe for students studying for business degrees. Later during spring semester I received the great news that I had been accepted for the program. I would get credits toward graduation and also get to see...
We finally got to Ellen’s around 9:30…Ellen was in her terry cloth gown with a towel wrapped around her wet hair. When I walked in she gave me a smile that lit up the room and walked over to me….pulling me down to her, and gave me a very long tender, loving kiss….not terribly sexual….but most definitely loving and affectionate. “Good morning Mr. Bear, did you go into hibernation?” “I was beginning to think you had forgotten how to get here.” “Nope, I was just hard to wake up…and then...
Alexa Vega is all dressed up for her one year anniversary with her husband. Johnny stops by her house to visit her son but he’s away at college. Good thing Johnny speaks fluent Spanish since all she speaks in Spanish. Come to find out, her husband is stuck at work and will be late for their 8pm plans. Alexa really starts freaking out so Johnny is doing all her can to calm her down. She wants vengeance and she demands he helps her. Mrs. Vega goes for his dick, she stops him but not for...
xmoviesforyouHe fussed with the string. What kind of idiot would design something like this! "Trouble?" Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees, but thankfully the buttons didn't go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment. "This stupid thing," he said, hand groping. "My female...
TabooIn the chalet, Lieutenant Richardson walked through the house, carefully inspecting each room. The house now appeared as if no one had been there. The only difference was some of the food that the diplomat had ordered was gone, and several towels and two sets of sheets would be missing when they left, but there were more towels and sheets in the closet. The beds were remade and the bathrooms were put in perfect order. It was doubtful that anyone would notice the absence of a few linens in a...
Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl covered in a bright red cloak, whom everyone who saw her loved her. She was walking through the woods when a Huntsman came up to her. "Good day to you, young lady." "Thank you, Mister." "Where are you going to?" "To grandmother's." "And what are you carrying under your cloak?" "Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should give her strength." "Little...