Galactic RangersChapter 10 free porn video

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No question about it, being trapped in the city hall while it was being reduced to rubble by shellfire had not been part of the original plan, at least, not my plan! I had a quick decision to make: we could fight or we could run; that is, transport out of the building. I figured to make a stab at fighting. If that didn't work, we could always run.

I ordered everybody to look for a stairway going down. I wanted some protection from falling ceilings, etc. Very quickly I got the report I expected. One of the squad leaders reported that the stairs going down had been found, so we all dashed for those stairs. I couldn't imagine why the military was so intent on destroying the city hall building; maybe, there was a political fight going on within this side of the waring factions, and the city hall represented the wrong side as far as the military was concerned.

For whatever the reason might be, the military was sure as hell doing a good job of smashing up the building. If we were going to have to fight from this location, I was all in favor of them demolishing all that they could, right up short of the point of pulverizing the place to powder. A smashed building makes a hell of a good defensive position; just ask the Russians and the Germans at Stalingrad in WW2 on Earth.

The bombardment continued for several hours. From the sound of things, the building had long since been demolished and the bombardment was continuing for the fun of it. Whatever the reason, that much ammunition had to be expensive unless they had replicators, and I knew that they didn't. We let things simmer down for a couple of more hours before we took a look up the stairs.

I was not the least surprised to see that some falling debris had acted like a roof over the stairs, and there was nothing to keep us from using the stairs to reach the ground level. At ground level, we found tunnels running in every direction through the rubble. I sent out two squads to form a defensive perimeter while we tried to figure out what was going on. The third squad was kept in reserve, though I honestly doubted that we would need it.

The squad that was held in reserve was sent to delve through the lower levels of the cellars to see if there was something interesting there that we should know about. About half an hour after I had sent out the scouts, I got an excited report over the radio that there was something on the third level down and to the extreme west that I should see.

I made my way to the site and was as surprised as the person who had called in the report. I was confronted by some jail cells that contained 15 prisoners. The scout said, "These people claim to be the legitimate city council, and they have been held here under arrest by a military junta."

Son ... of ... a ... Bitch!!! Maybe we have found a gold mine and the reason why the building was so thoroughly pounded by artillery! If these are the legitimate rulers of the city, the junta may have been trying to kill them off and make it look like an accident. The junta could claim that these people had run to a shelter during the fighting and had been killed when the overhead collapsed on them. None but the friends of the junta needed to see what had really happened or where the people had been "hiding."

This was a serious and unexpected change in the situation. I radioed back to base for instructions. They were as disconcerted as I was, so I was told to hold in place until a decision could be reached. Now that was a sensible command! The decision came down in less than 30 minutes: we were going to rescue the prisoners, and all of us were to be transported back to base.

I called in the two squads on the perimeter and told them and the prisoners what was about to happen. Everybody was happy to get back to base. We went through a short debriefing session and were sent to our quarters. Anfon and I were pissed about the way we had been set up by the junta, but we were able to vent our unhappiness with enough sex to knock us out for the rest of the night.

Two days later, I was called into headquarters and informed that my platoon was to return to Ocgur to capture the top brass of the junta that had taken over the city. Now that was an order that I was glad to get. Intelligence had pinpointed the probable location of the junta headquarters, and it was our job to go in and verify the site. We and the bad guys would be transported out as soon as they knew that we had found the right place. My confidence in Intelligence had not changed any, but we had nothing else to go on, so I was willing to go along with their pick, not that I had much choice.

This time, we were not going to have to walk down the city streets. The junta headquarters was in a large building with a flat roof just right to act as a transporter stage. We "beamed" on to the roof at 1300 hours. We wanted to catch the crew inside on their way back from lunch. There was bound to be some confusion with a lot of people walking around, so we should be able to get in without too much trouble.

What the hell!?! They were waiting for us! Intelligence had failed to warn us about the surveillance system on the roof, so the security detail had spotted us as we came in. First squad was hit with small arms fire as Anfon led them down the steps. Fortunately, our body armor was adequate protection against the weapons they were using, so nobody was killed, but there were a few nicks and scratches as a result of so many bullets flying around.

I heard the shooting and made an immediate change in plans. I led Second squad down the north face of the building and sent Third squad down the east face. We broke in through the outside windows and laid down supporting fire for the trapped First squad on the stairs. We only used our modified Uzis, but they were enough to wipe out the opposition that had hastily assembled to stop us.

We didn't know what our quarry looked like, so our plan was to grab anybody in a uniform ranking at colonel and higher. We did know what the insignia looked like, so that was no problem.

This was a three storey building, so there were few elevators. Most traffic was confined to the stairs, but there were plenty of those. Therefore, we had to act quickly before the people we wanted had time to run away. I sent a man back to the roof to put an RPG HE round into the elevator house on the roof. That forced anybody who wanted to escape to use the stairs, and we soon had all eight stairwells blocked with at least three of our troopers.

An occasional shot with an RPG fragmentation warhead down the stairs discouraged any attack from below, so we had a free hand on our level, at least for a few minutes. An occasional shot was directed our way, but we couldn't find the shooters, so Anfon ordered that all of the natives on our floor strip to the skin so that we could be sure that none were carrying guns. I don't know why, but this amused the female troopers even more than it did the males. In any case, all of the natives were naked in a few minutes. We found 12 guns that had been concealed. Those people were sent running naked down the stairs on pain of being shot if they were still visible after 15 seconds. There was a strong local fear of being nude in public, so we had some fun with that as a punishment for shooting at us.

We found 13 colonels and higher rank, so they were assembled and we all transported back to base before an effective counterattack could be organized against us. We went through the usual debriefing and were sent to quarters. Anfon and I celebrated a successful mission in our usual way with plenty of sex.

I don't know what finally happened in Ocgur, but we never were called upon to return there, so I guess that the problem was resolved. As usual, people at our level were treated like the proverbial mushrooms—kept in the dark and covered with shit! Oh, well, Anfon and I were having fun, so we did not care too much.

I doubt that it did any good, but my written report had a scathing denouncement about Intelligence's failure to warn us of the roof surveillance. Oh, well, the rant did make me feel better!

Rumors were flying around the base about an entirely new conflict that none of us had ever been involved in before. The main part of the rumor was that our galaxy was being invaded by beings from the Andromeda galaxy. The basic question was "Why?" Andromeda was plenty big enough that there could hardly be a good reason for them to want to conquer us. Speculation had it that there was some sort of religious motive behind the attack, but that's all it was, just speculation.

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Suneeta Holkar had been thinking back to that day forty-three years ago when she, as a seventeen-year-old, had been summoned to the headmistress's study. The headmistress was named Anthea Armitage and the school was a very expensive girls-only private school in England.As Suneeta approached the study door all those years previously she knew that she was in big trouble but did not think for a moment that what was about to happen would happen.Miss Armitage gave her a lengthy lecture about her...

2 years ago
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All About You 2

All about You 2   God damn you know how to eat pussy.  I get a chuckle from you when I say that.  I can’t help but gasp as you pull your fingers from my still trembling pussy.  God damn, you really know how to eat pussy.  Mmm, small shocks of pleasure are still riding through my body as you kiss your way up to me. You stop at my breasts, sucking a hard nipple into your mouth, pulling on it with you lips, just as you did with my clit.  I don’t let you suck it for long, and take you head in...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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katey goes mexican part 1

Richard had just finished highschool and was attending san gabriel community college.standing at 5 foot 11,3rd generation mexican.richard was confidentin his skin.when he wasnt at college he was at the local boxing gym,building up his already cut physique.his friend pete was caucasian about an inchtaller than richard.pete had transferred from pasadena to take a computer class that was already booked up.pete did a smart alec wit to him that seemedseemed to compliment richards street...

1 year ago
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11 inches of heaven

I was 18 got long legs 34 D breasts, small figure and had only slept with 2 people up to then (the biggest I had was 7"). I also had a boyfriend at the time. I knew something was different about this night, I was wearing my little black dress, the usual thing I wear when I go out, my little black French knickers and had my killer heels on. It wasn't to revealing which came as a shock to my friends. The drinks were flowing when there was a knock at the door, I went to answer it and...

3 years ago
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Find and Fuck

I look in the mirror and reapply my lipstick. I have to look perfect if I want to win. I've never won before but I will today, I can feel it. I stand up and walk over to my full-length mirror. I'm pleased by what I see looking back at me. My name is Amber and I'm 18 years old. I'm entering my senior year in high school with all my friends. I'm about 5'7 but I wear high heels to add a couple inches. I have 34 D tits and since I have them, I flaunt them. I have long dark hair that I always...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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XXXPawn Victoria Banxxx SexTrade for a Laptop

Sometimes I take a day off, so I let my other coworkers run the XXX PAWN SHOP when I’m not around. Of course, this means that they have to make sure that people that come in shouldn’t think that they can pull a fast one on them because I’m not around to catch it. So when of course, this hot brunette walked into the XXX PAWN SHOP carrying a box full of phone cases (they were out of date from 2 years back), Victoria tried swindle us and asked to get them at a top dollar return or trade it in for...

2 years ago
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The Governors Meeting Chapter 5 Mrs Vero

I knocked on the door that was clearly marked: “Mrs Sheila Vero, Senior School Governor”.‘Enter!’I opened the door and stepped into her office. It was very much like the Headmistress’s study, with a desk, sofa and two armchairs, as well as a series of wooden cabinets.‘Ah, Mrs Lonsdale. I’ve been waiting for you! Come in, come in! Sit!’Mrs Vero pointed to an upright chair in front of her desk. I sat, with my hands in my lap, unsure what to expect.She looked at me over the top of her glasses. She...

4 years ago
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Bye Bye Miss American Pie

It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox. Call me Joe by the way. At last count I’m 25 going on 40. Looks wise I’m tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in the shadows. In the shadows is what I do best these...

2 years ago
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Trying to Control the Urge to Suck Cock

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Atlanta area for many years, ever since moving here after graduation from college. We are now forty-five years old, and live in a nice suburb, and both of our kids are in college.Joan and I met when we were both freshmen in college, and we have had a great sex life, at least up until the last six months. Joan was almost insatiable, and usually wanted sex every day. I of course had no complaints and was all too happy getting all the pussy...

2 years ago
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She Just Might

She Just Might   “Hey Mike”, Steve yelled across the jobsite, “What’s going on this weekend”? , “Probably the usual card game at Bill’s”, he replied., “That’s getting boring, Everyone yelled”, Bill heard this , and his face reddened, saying “I’ll have to spice it up then so you Hicks wont get bored, See Ya at 7:00 Boy’s. Bill on his way home wondered ways to keep the guy’s interested, it sure was nice picking up a couple extra bucks every week. I got it, Bill thought, Amanda his girlfriend...

3 years ago
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Ashleighrsquos Chocolate Craving

Ashleigh,is a 19 year-old student at Washington State University. I’m 5’8” 120 lbs with brunette hair and blue eyes. I’ve been told I’m very attractive and have a great body. I have the classic hourglass figure; big firm tits and nice curved hips plus I get lots of compliments on my round tight ass. Guys constantly hit on me, which I like but I never hook-up with any of them. I’m dating this great guy name David and I’ve never cheated on him. Unfortunately we are now in different states and our...

1 year ago
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Randi Mosi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 5 Monisha Ke Saath 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers this is me Arvind again.Hope u would have read my earlier stories.If not,then plz read them.I am sure after reading those stories, all the boys would start to stroke their lunds and all the girls would start fingering their pussies.This story will be continued by my mosi.That is,this story is from the view point of my mosi.She has written the story in Hindi and it will be more fun than the previous one’s.Over to my mosi now. Hi dosto main Arvind ki mosi hu.Mera naam Sarita...

2 years ago
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Friend To Bitch Yamika

Hi this is CHIRUTA i am new here. I submit my life’s first story and it is my first story in ISS. I hope you enjoy this story and excuse my mistake’s please. now i come to story in hindi. A baat tab ki hai jab my 12th me yaani p.u.c2nd year me tha. My college me middle bench student tha. Our my and my friends enjoy the student life. Mere friends circle me girls b the. Lekin unmese ek my best friend thi. uska naam tha yamika. O mere saat hi nahi mere sab friendse close thi. Hum yuhin toor and...

2 years ago
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Randy Aunt

Hi Main hu Rahul, Mai abhi 21saal ka hu, ye story 5saal pehle ki hai, jab mai 16saal kaa tha tab mai 10th ka exam ki tayari kar raha tha, Mera school shahar se dur ek Industrial Development zone main tha Aur ye zone ghar se 40km tha. To roz aana jana possible nahi tha , to wahi meri aunty ek company me job ko thi. Mujhe unke pas rehne ke liye bheja gaya. Wo bahut sexy thi , bilkul Madhuri Dixit ke jaisi . Bade ball, Tight gaand. madmast figure. Aur mujhe Madhuri bahut pasand thi. Mai roz din...

4 years ago
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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 13

Their third city was Berlin, where the group visited attractions ranging from the East Side Gallery to the Berlin Philharmonic. They were to stay four days and the accommodations had four quad rooms with two each connecting; this housed eight boys and eight girls. Two double rooms housed the remaining boy pair and girl pair, and Tom and Lynette shared a double. The large quad rooms of the rooming arrangement allowed the whole troop to congregate in one of them in the evenings where they hung...

2 years ago
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The Quarry Gate

Before I even knew what was going on I started running. All I knew is that we were having a great time and now chaos just erupted into the night. I ran as fast as my ankle boots would take me, fast away from the red and blue flashing lights which made the night wear an ugly, purple bruise. Sand and rock crunched underfoot and I wondered if they caught Jed. After all, he was the one who had the d**gs on him. I feverishly continued my grueling pace to the quarry. I was not lost and definitely...

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